4357 / 4357
- 3D Physics Task Force in KSTAR
- Jaya Kumar A (Indian Institute of Science Bangalore)
- Lana Abadie (ITER Organization)
- Joseph Abbatte (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
- Grigory Abdrashitov (BINP SB RAS)
- Gulnara Abdullina (Ioffe Institute)
Yuki Abe
(ILE, Osaka University)
- Author in Efficient fast isochoric heating process visualized with spatial-temporal-resolved x-ray imaging
- Author in Hot electron and ion spectra on the blow-off plasma free target in the GXII-LFEX direct fast ignition experiment
- Author in Progresses of inertial fusion energy program at GPI Hamamatsu toward mini-reactor CANDY
- Co-author in Demonstration of direct fast heating of counter-imploded core plasma by LFEX laser
- Shota Abe (Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University)
Tyler Abrams
(General Atomics)
- Author in Advances in Understanding High-Z Sourcing, Migration, and Transport on DIII-D from L-mode to High-Performance Regimes
- Author in Improved fusion plasma performance in fusion devices enabled by a new impurity powder injection system
- Author in Multi-Machine Determination of SOL-to-Core Multi-Z Impurity Transport in Advanced Confinement Regimes
- Co-author in A Sustainable High Power Density (SHPD) Tokamak to Enable a Compact Fusion Pilot Plant
- Armando Acosta (Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon)
- Jiri Adamek (Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS)
- Yolbarsop Adil (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Savita Aditya Nandan (Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Computational Analysis Division)
- Panith Adulsiriswad (Kyoto University)
- Piero Agostinetti (Consorzio RFX, Italy)
- Matteo Agostini (Consorzio RFX)
- Olivier Agullo (Aix-Marseille Université)
- Sana Agzaf
- Zahoor Ahmad (National Tokamak Fusion Program)
- Kamran Ahmad (National Tokamak Fusion Program)
- Md Shakil Ahmed (ICS, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh)
Jae-Heon Ahn
(Columbia Univerisity)
- Author in Tokamak Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting Research and Expansion to Real-Time Application
- Co-author in Kinetic Equilibrium Reconstruction and Stability Analysis of KSTAR Plasmas Supporting Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting
- Co-author in Stability of neoclassical tearing modes and their active stabilization in KSTAR
Leena Aho-Mantila
(VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)
- Author in Role of drifts, impurities and neutrals for credible predictions of radiation and power flux asymmetries in the DEMO scrape-off layer
- Co-author in An Assessment of Alternative Divertors for the European DEMO
- Co-author in Understanding the effects of super-X divertor configuration on optimizing operation space in DEMO
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Author in Development of a Novel Integrated Model GOTRESS+ for Predictions and Assessment of JT-60SA Operation Scenarios Including the Pedestal
- Author in Development of JT-60SA equilibrium controller with an improved ISO-FLUX method and vertical displacement events predictor
- Author in Stabilization of kink/peeling modes by coupled rotation and ion diamagnetic drift effects in QH-mode plasmas in DIII-D and JT-60U
Suman Aich
(Institute for Plasma Research)
- Author in Initial results of plasma potential and its fluctuation measurements in SOL region of Aditya-U tokamak by Laser Heated Emissive Probe
- Author in Investigation of Self-Absorbed Lithium Spectral Line Emissions during Li_2TiO_3 Injection in ADITYA-U tokamak
- Author in Investigation of Toroidal Rotation Reversal in Impurities Seeding ADITYA-U Tokamak Plasmas
- Author in Lithium Wall Conditioning Techniques in ADITYA-U Tokamak for Impurity and Fuel Control
- Author in Novel Approach to Estimate Plasma Current Density Profile with Magnetic Probes in ADITYA-U
- Author in Studies on Impurity Seeding in a Tokamak Plasma: Simulation and Comparison with Aditya-U Experiments
- Co-author in [OV POSTER TWIN] Overview of Recent Experimental results from the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Novel Concept for Disruption Mitigation in the ADITYA - U tokamak by Fast Time Response Electromagnetic Driven Pellet Impurity Injector
- Co-author in Observation Of Electrostatic Confinement Of Runaway Electrons Using A Biased Electrode In ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Experimental results from the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- G. Aiello (EUROfusion, PPPT)
- Giacomo Aiello (CEA Saclay)
- Taki Aissou (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, PIIM UMR 7345)
- Tomoya Akagi (QST)
- Tomoya Akagi (QST, Rokkasho)
- Simppa Äkäslompolo (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Teilinstitut Greifswald)
Simppa Äkäslompolo
(Aalto University)
- Co-author in First neutral beam experiments on Wendelstein 7-X
- Moe Akimitsu
- Hatayama Akiyoshi (Keio University)
- Satyaprasad Akkireddy (Institute for Plasma Research)
- N. Aksenov (National Science Center „Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology‟)
- Md Mahbub Alam (Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission)
- Fernando A. F. Albuquerque (Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo FATEC-SP)
Jorge Alcusón
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik Teilinstitut Greifswald, )
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport
- Author in Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport
- Author in Turbulent transport of impurities in 3D devices
- Daniel Alegre (CIEMAT)
Spyridon Aleiferis
(National Centre for Scientific Research ‘Demokritos’, Athens, Greece)
- Author in Impurity behavior in JET-ILW plasmas fuelled with gas and/or with pellets: a comparative study with the transport code COREDIV
- Author in SOL profile and fluctuations in different divertor recycling conditions in H-Mode plasmas
- Co-author in High performance ITER-baseline discharges in deuterium with nitrogen and neon-seeding in the JET-ILW
- Co-author in Termination of discharges in high performance scenarios in JET
- Spyros Aleiferis (Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
- Irina Aleksandrova (P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation)
- P. Alekseev
- Edoardo Alessi (ISTP-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Milano, Italia. )
- Dudkovskaia Alexandra (University of York)
Pavel Aleynikov
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] A novel path to runaway electron mitigation via deuterium injection and current-driven kink instability
- Author in A novel path to runaway electron mitigation via deuterium injection and current-driven kink instability
- Author in Energy balance during pellet assimilation
- Author in Pellet Ablation Physics Studies for Disruption Mitigation
- Pavel Aleynikov (Max-Planck-Institut fur Plasmaphysik, Greifswald, Germany)
- Ksenia Aleynikova (Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Greifswald, Germany)
Adnan Ali
(Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Co-author in First neutral beam experiments on Wendelstein 7-X
- Steven Allen (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Salvatore Almaviva (FSN-TECFIS-DIM)
Arturo Alonso
(Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión - CIEMAT)
- Author in Theory-based models for the control of W7-X divertor plasmas
- Co-author in Confinement and Equilibrium with Internal Islands in a Configuration Scan with respect to Iota in W7-X
- Co-author in Radial electric field and density fluctuations measured by Doppler reflectometry during the post-pellet enhanced confinement phase in W7-X
- Juan Arturo Alonso de Pablo (Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, CIEMAT)
- Alexey Altukhov (Ioffe Institute)
- Giuseppe Ambrosino (Università di Napoli Federico II)
- roberto ambrosino (university of Naples Federico II)
- K. K. Ambulkar
- P. Amendt (LLNL)
- V. Amoskov (Joint Stock Company “NIIEFA” Saint Petersburg, Russia)
- D. J. Ampleford (Sandia National Laboratories)
- Young Hwa An (National Fusion Research Institute)
- H. Anand (General Atomics)
- Sergey Ananyev (NRC "Kurchatov Institute")
- Igor Anashkin (NRC “Kurchatov Institute”)
- Hervé Ancher (CEA, IRFM, F-13108 Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, France)
- David Anderson (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Jay Anderson (University of Wisconsin)
- D. T. Anderson (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Masami Ando
(National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Status and the challenge of Japanese materials property handbook to facilitate structural design criteria for DEMO in-vessel components
- Co-author in Status and the challenge of Japanese materials property handbook to facilitate structural design criteria for DEMO in-vessel components
- Yasuto Ando (University of Tsukuba)
- Tamara Andreeva (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Teilinstitut Greifswald, Germany)
- Tamara Andreeva (Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Yiannis Andreopoulos (University College London)
- and The JT-60SA team
- M. Angelone (Fusion and ENEA, Nuclear Safety Department, Frascati (Rome), Italy)
Clemente Angioni
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Plasmaphysik, EURATOM Association, D-85748 Garching, Germany)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport
- Author in Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport
- Author in Integrated plasma state reconstruction, off-normal event handling and control, with application to TCV and ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Experimental investigation and gyrokinetic simulations of multi-scale electron heat transport in JET, AUG and TCV
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Turbulence suppression due to energetic particles: From first principles to gyrokinetic simulations and experimental observations
- Co-author in Experimental investigation and gyrokinetic simulations of multi-scale electron heat transport in JET, AUG and TCV
- Co-author in The dependence of confinement on the isotope mass in the core and the edge of AUG and JET H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Towards fully-predictive transport modelling in ASDEX Upgrade H-modes
- Co-author in Tungsten transport in tokamaks: towards real-time kinetic-theory-based plasma performance optimisation
- Co-author in Turbulence suppression due to energetic particles: From first principles to gyrokinetic simulations and experimental observations
- Thierry Angot (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, PIIM UMR 7345)
- Bertrand Anseaume (Air Liquide Advanced Technologies)
- Vanni Antoni (Consorzio RFX)
- Loris Antoniazzi (INFN-LNL)
- Steffen Antusch (KIT)
- Yuki Aoi (The University of Tokyo)
- G. Apruzzese (ENEA, Fusion and Nuclear Safety Department, Frascati (Rome), Italy)
Gerarda Apruzzese
(ENEA, Fusion and Nuclear Safety Depatment, C. R. Frascati, via E. Fermi 45 00044, Frascati, Roma (Italy))
- Co-author in Behavior of Heavy Metal Ions in FTU Plasmas
Gerarda Apruzzese
(ENEA, Fusion and Nuclear Safety Department)
- Co-author in Helium doped plasmas on FTU
- Donato AQUARO
Massimo Aquilini
(ENEA, Fusion and Nuclear Safety Department, Frascati (Roma), Italy)
- Co-author in Behavior of Heavy Metal Ions in FTU Plasmas
- Bharat Arambhadiya (Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar-382 428, India.)
- Luis Araya (TEC-CR)
- L.A. Araya-Solano (Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica)
- Ignacio Arbina (Barcelona Supercomouting Centre)
- S. Arias (Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica)
Yasunobu Arikawa
(Insituteof Laser Engineering Osaka University)
- Author in Efficient fast isochoric heating process visualized with spatial-temporal-resolved x-ray imaging
- Author in Hot electron and ion spectra on the blow-off plasma free target in the GXII-LFEX direct fast ignition experiment
- Author in Progresses of inertial fusion energy program at GPI Hamamatsu toward mini-reactor CANDY
- Yasunobu Arikawa (ILE, Osaka University)
- Alistair Arnold (1) Max-Planck-Institut fur Plasmaphysik, Greifswald, Germany)
Jean-Francois Artaud
- Author in Collisional transport and poloidal asymmetry distribution of impurities in tokamak plasmas, with application to WEST
- Author in Impact of aspect ratio on tokamak confinement: nonlinear gyrokinetic evidence, WEST results and implications for DEMO
- Author in Model-Predictive Kinetic Control Experiments on EAST
- Co-author in Formation of the radial electric field profile in WEST tokamak
- Co-author in Tungsten transport in tokamaks: towards real-time kinetic-theory-based plasma performance optimisation
Jean-Francois Artaud
- Author in Integrated analysis of high-performance scenarios for the favorable vertical stability plasma of HL-2M
- Author in Simulation of Heating and Current Drive Sources for various Scenarios of the ITER Research Plan using the IMAS H&CD Workflow
- Co-author in Developing high performance RF heating scenarios on the WEST tokamak
F. J. Artola
(ITER Organization, Route de Vinnon sur Verdon, 13067 St. Paul Lez Durance, Cedex, France)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Simulations of Edge Localized Mode (ELM) Cycles and ELM Control
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Theory and Modelling activities in support of the ITER Disruption Mitigation System
- Author in Simulations of Edge Localized Mode (ELM) Cycles and ELM Control
- Author in Theory and Modelling activities in support of the ITER Disruption Mitigation System
- Co-author in Vessel Forces from a Vertical Displacement Event in ITER
Tomohiko Asai
(Nihon University)
- Author in Super-Sonic/Alfvénic Collision and Merging of Field-Reversed Configuration Plasmas
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Overview of C-2W: High Temperature, Steady-State Beam-Driven Field-Reversed Configuration Plasmas
- Co-author in Overview of C-2W: High Temperature, Steady-State Beam-Driven Field-Reversed Configuration Plasmas
Nobuyuki Asakura
(National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST))
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Plasma Exhaust and Divertor Designs in Japan and Europe Broader Approach, DEMO Design Activity
- Author in Design study of large superconducting coil system for JA DEMO
- Author in Development of Plant Concept Options of Energy Production in JA DEMO and its Adaptability for Ancillary Service in Future Grid
- Author in Plasma Exhaust and Divertor Designs in Japan and Europe Broader Approach, DEMO Design Activity
- Author in Tritium retention in dust particles and divertor tiles of JET operated with the ITER-Like Wall
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Progress in design and engineering issues on JA DEMO
- Co-author in Progress in design and engineering issues on JA DEMO
- Enrique Ascasibar (CIEMAT)
- ASDEX Upgrade Team
ASDEX Upgrade Team
- Author in ITER baseline scenario investigations on TCV and comparison with AUG
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Developments towards an ELM-free DEMO pedestal radiative cooling scenario in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Building a Turbulence-Transport workflow incorporating uncertainty quantification for predicting core profiles in a tokamak plasma.
- Co-author in Developments towards an ELM-free DEMO pedestal radiative cooling scenario in ASDEX Upgrade
ASDEX Upgrade team
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Control of the X-point radiator in fully-detached ASDEX Upgrade H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Turbulence suppression due to energetic particles: From first principles to gyrokinetic simulations and experimental observations
- Co-author in Control of the X-point radiator in fully-detached ASDEX Upgrade H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Modeling of ASDEX Upgrade detached divertor with radiating X-point by SOLPS-ITER
- Co-author in Turbulence suppression due to energetic particles: From first principles to gyrokinetic simulations and experimental observations
- ASDEX Upgrade Team (Max-Planck-Institute für Plasmaphysik, Boltzmannstr 2, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany)
- ASDEX Upgrade Team
ASDEX Upgrade Team
(See author list at H. Meyer et al., Nucl. Fusion 59, 112014 (2019))
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Simulations of turbulence, its suppression and profile evolution across the edge and scrape-off layer of the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Simulations of turbulence, its suppression and profile evolution across the edge and scrape-off layer of the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Study of filament dynamics using synthetic and experimental BES diagnostics in the scrape-off layer
- ASDEX Upgrade Team (IPP Garching)
- ASDEX Upgrade team@
- Ryuichi Ashida (Kyushu University)
- Ryo Ashida (Kyoto University)
- Naoko Ashikawa (National Institute for Fusion Science)
- Naoko Ashikawa (National Institute for Fusion Science)
- Arash Ashourvan (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
- Leonid Askinazi (Ioffe Institute)
- Valentin Aslanyan (University of Dundee)
- K. Asudani
- Örs Asztalos (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
P.K. Atrey
(Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar-382 428, India.)
- Author in Lithium Wall Conditioning Techniques in ADITYA-U Tokamak for Impurity and Fuel Control
- Co-author in [OV POSTER TWIN] Overview of Recent Experimental results from the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Observation Of Electrostatic Confinement Of Runaway Electrons Using A Biased Electrode In ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Experimental results from the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- AUG team
- Marie-Hélène Aumeunier (CEA, IRFM)
Fulvio Auriemma
(Consorzio RFX)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Exploring the physics of a high-performance H-mode with small ELMs and zero gas puffing in JET-ILW
- Author in Dynamics and Confinement of Ultralow-q Plasmas in the RFX-mod Device
- Author in Exploring the physics of a high-performance H-mode with small ELMs and zero gas puffing in JET-ILW
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Isotope identity experiments in JET with ITER-like wall
- Co-author in Isotope identity experiments in JET with ITER-like wall
- Co-author in The dependence of confinement on the isotope mass in the core and the edge of AUG and JET H-mode plasmas
Max Austin
(Univ. of Texas)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Doubling the Efficiency of Off-axis Current Drive Using Reactor-relevant ‘Top Launch ECCD’ on the DIII-D Tokamak
- Author in Doubling the Efficiency of Off-axis Current Drive Using Reactor-relevant ‘Top Launch ECCD’ on the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Diverted negative triangularity plasmas on DIII-D: the benefit of High confinement without the liability of an edge pedestal
- Co-author in Diverted negative triangularity plasmas on DIII-D: the benefit of High confinement without the liability of an edge pedestal
- Co-author in High-energy fast ions drive BAEs unstable but not BAAEs
- Gonzalo Avaria (Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear)
- Gonzalo Avaria (Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission)
- Konstantinos Avramidis (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- T. J. Awe (Sandia National Laboratories)
- Ahmet Aydemir (National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea)
- Hiroshi AZECHI (Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University)
- HIrozumi Azuma (Aichi SRC)
- Takashi Baba (National Institutes for Quantum and RAdiological Science and Technology)
- Ben Bachmann (LLNL)
Christian Bachmann
- Co-author in Current status of DEMO activated waste studies
- Alfonso Baciero (CIemat)
- A. Bader (University of WIsconsin-Madison)
- Amro BADER (Fircroft Engineering Services ltd. )
- Aaron Bader (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Seung Gyou Baek (MIT PSFC)
- Martine Baelmans (KU Leuven)
- P. Bagnato (SPC-EPFL)
Peter Bagryansky
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
- Author in [OV POSTER TWIN] Overview of Globus-M2 spherical tokamak results at the enhanced values of magnetic field and plasma current.
- Author in Overview of Globus-M2 spherical tokamak results at the enhanced values of magnetic field and plasma current.
- Author in The Gas-Dynamic Multimirror Trap Project
- Xingyu Bai (Southwestern Institute of Physics)
- QUAN BAI (Southwestern Institute of Physics)
- Xingyu Bai (CnSWIP)
- Greg Bailey (CCFE)
- Benedetta Baiocchi (Istituto per la Scienza e la Tecnologia dei Plasmi)
- Nitin Bairagi (Institute for Plasma Research)
- Fotis Bairaktaris (National Technical University of Athens)
Jun Gyo Bak
(National Fusion Research Institute)
- Author in Tokamak Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting Research and Expansion to Real-Time Application
- Co-author in A physics model of the rotating halo current during VDE disruption
- Co-author in Experiment and modelling of divertor detachment with deuterium injection in KSTAR H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Machine learning approach to understand the causality between solitary perturbation and edge confinement collapse in the KSTAR tokamak.
- Co-author in Stability of neoclassical tearing modes and their active stabilization in KSTAR
- Kevin Baker (LLNL)
Nikolai Bakharev
(Ioffe Institute)
- Author in [OV POSTER TWIN] Overview of Globus-M2 spherical tokamak results at the enhanced values of magnetic field and plasma current.
- Author in Energy Confinement in a Spherical Tokamak Globus-M2 with a Toroidal Magnetic Field Approaching 0.8 T
- Author in Overview of Globus-M2 spherical tokamak results at the enhanced values of magnetic field and plasma current.
- Victor Baklanov (Institute of Atomic Energy NNC RK)
- Yuliya Baklanova
- Ivan Balachenkov (Ioffe Insitute)
- S Balaji (Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India)
- V. Balakrishnan
V Balakrishnan
(Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar-382 428, India.)
- Author in Investigation of Toroidal Rotation Reversal in Impurities Seeding ADITYA-U Tokamak Plasmas
- Author in Lithium Wall Conditioning Techniques in ADITYA-U Tokamak for Impurity and Fuel Control
- Author in Physics Studies of ADITYA & ADITYA-U Tokamaks Plasmas using Spectroscopic Diagnostics
- Co-author in [OV POSTER TWIN] Overview of Recent Experimental results from the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Novel Concept for Disruption Mitigation in the ADITYA - U tokamak by Fast Time Response Electromagnetic Driven Pellet Impurity Injector
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Experimental results from the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Julio Balbin (CEA, IRFM)
- Itziar Balboa (CCFE, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3DB, UK)
Martin Balden
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Accelerated lifetime tests of ITER-like tungsten monoblocks in Magnum-PSI
- Author in Accelerated lifetime tests of ITER-like tungsten monoblocks in Magnum-PSI
- Author in Gross and net erosion balance of plasma-facing components in full-W tokamaks
- Co-author in Plasma-Surface Interaction in the Stellarator W7-X: Conclusion Drawn from Operation with Graphite Plasma-Facing Components
Matthew Baldwin
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] The U.S. approach to address plasma-material interactions and fusion nuclear science with linear plasma devices
- Co-author in Latest results of EUROfusion plasma-facing components research in the areas of power loading, material erosion and fuel retention
- Co-author in The U.S. approach to address plasma-material interactions and fusion nuclear science with linear plasma devices
Jurgen Baldzuhn
(Max-planck Institut fuer Plasmaphysik)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport
- Author in Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport
- Co-author in High-performance ECRH at W7-X: Experience and Perspectives
- Co-author in Plasma radiation behavior approaching high-radiation scenarios in W7-X
- Colette Balorin (CEA, IRFM)
- Carlo Baltador (INFN-LNL)
- Ted Baltz (Google)
- Vinodh Kumar Bandaru (Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching)
- Takahiro Bando (SOKENDAI)
- Indranil Bandyopadhyay (ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research)
- MAINAK BANDYOPADHYAY (Institute for Plasma Research,)
- Indranil Bandyopadhyay (ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research)
Santanu Banerjee
(College of William and Mary)
- Author in Effect of pedestal fluctuations on inter-ELM pedestal recovery and ELM characteristics in ECH dominated discharges in DIII-D
- Author in Experimental Validation of Universal Plasma Blob Formation Mechanism
- Author in Physics Studies of ADITYA & ADITYA-U Tokamaks Plasmas using Spectroscopic Diagnostics
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] New understanding of multi-scale/multi-field pedestal turbulence, transport, and gradient behavior during type-I ELMs on the DIII-D tokamak
- Co-author in Main-ion Thermal Transport in High Performance DIII-D Edge Transport Barriers
- Co-author in New understanding of multi-scale/multi-field pedestal turbulence, transport, and gradient behavior during type-I ELMs on the DIII-D tokamak
- DEBABRATA BANERJEE (University of Science and Technology of China)
Alejandro Bañón Navarro
(Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Germany.)
- Author in Gyrokinetic simulations in stellarators using different computational domains
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Turbulence suppression due to energetic particles: From first principles to gyrokinetic simulations and experimental observations
- Co-author in Turbulence suppression due to energetic particles: From first principles to gyrokinetic simulations and experimental observations
- Liman Bao (ITER Organization)
- Jian Bao (University of California, Irvine)
- Jian Bao (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Jian Bao (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- J. Bao (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100190, China)
Marcelo Baquero-Ruiz
(Swiss Plasma Center)
- Author in Progress in understanding suprathermal ion transport in a toroidal plasma through theoretical modeling and experiments in TORPEX
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Advances in understanding power exhaust physics with the new, baffled TCV divertor
- Co-author in Advances in understanding power exhaust physics with the new, baffled TCV divertor
- pietro barabaschi (f4e)
Kshitish Kumar Barada
(University of California-Los Angeles)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] New understanding of multi-scale/multi-field pedestal turbulence, transport, and gradient behavior during type-I ELMs on the DIII-D tokamak
- Author in New understanding of multi-scale/multi-field pedestal turbulence, transport, and gradient behavior during type-I ELMs on the DIII-D tokamak
Kshitish Kumar Barada
(UCLA, Los Angeles, USA)
- Co-author in Effect of pedestal fluctuations on inter-ELM pedestal recovery and ELM characteristics in ECH dominated discharges in DIII-D
- Co-author in Main-ion Thermal Transport in High Performance DIII-D Edge Transport Barriers
- Co-author in Novel internal measurements and analysis of ion cyclotron frequency range fast-ion driven modes advance predictive capability for fast-ion transport in burning plasmas
Yuriy Baranov
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Global JINTRAC Simulations for ITER PFPO Scenario Development
- Author in Global JINTRAC Simulations for ITER PFPO Scenario Development
- Co-author in Experimental validation of an integrated modelling approach to neutron emission studies at JET
- Co-author in Facets of alpha particle physics anticipated in D-3He plasmas in preparation for deuterium-tritium at the Joint European Torus
- Co-author in Recent applications of 3-ion ICRF schemes on ASDEX Upgrade and JET in support of ITER
- Yuri Baranov
- Marco Barbisan (Consorzio RFX, Corso Stati Uniti 4, I-35127 Padova, Italy; INFN-LNL, Viale dell’Università 2, I-35020 Legnaro, Italy)
- Tullio Barbui (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
- Muguel Barcala
Laszlo Bardoczi
(General Atomics)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] A novel path to runaway electron mitigation via deuterium injection and current-driven kink instability
- Author in A novel path to runaway electron mitigation via deuterium injection and current-driven kink instability
- Author in Disruption Avoidance via RF Current Condensation in Magnetic Islands
- D. H. Barnak (Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester)
- Michael Barnes (Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
- Daniel C. Barnes (TAE Technologies, Inc)
- Rhea Barnett (U Newcastle)
- Robin Barnsley (ITER Organization, Route De Vinon-sur-Verdon, CS 90 046, 13067, St. Paul-lez-Durance, France)
Jayson Barr
(General Atomics)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Development and experimental qualification of novel disruption prevention techniques on DIII-D
- Author in Development and experimental qualification of novel disruption prevention techniques on DIII-D
- Author in Disruption Prevention via Interpretable Data-Driven Algorithms on DIII-D and EAST
- Author in Divertor detachment and radiated power control developments on DIII-D and EAST
- Author in Exploration of RMP ELM control on ITER similar shape (ISS) in KSTAR
- Jayson Barr (General Atomics)
Jayson Barr
(General Atomics)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Deep Learning Disruption Predictor into a Plasma Control System
- Author in Implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Deep Learning Disruption Predictor into a Plasma Control System
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Achievements of Actively Controlled Divertor Detachment Compatible with Sustained High Confinement Core in DIII-D and EAST
- Co-author in Achievements of Actively Controlled Divertor Detachment Compatible with Sustained High Confinement Core in DIII-D and EAST
- Thomas Barrett (Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE))
- Marie-FRance Barthe (CEMHTI/CNRS, Université d’Orléans, 3A rue de la Férollerie, 45071 Orléeans CEDEX 2, France)
- Ujjwal Baruah (ITER India)
Matteo Baruzzo
(ENEA, Fusion and Nuclear Safety Depatment, C. R. Frascati, via E. Fermi 45 00044, Frascati, Roma (Italy))
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Scenario preparation for the observation of alpha-driven instabilities and transport of alpha particles in JET DT plasmas
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Shattered Pellet Injection experiments at JET in support of the ITER Disruption Mitigation System design
- Co-author in Behavior of Heavy Metal Ions in FTU Plasmas
- Co-author in Latest results on quiescent and post-disruption runaway electrons mitigation experiments at Frascati Tokamak Upgrade
- Co-author in Recent applications of 3-ion ICRF schemes on ASDEX Upgrade and JET in support of ITER
- Co-author in Scenario preparation for the observation of alpha-driven instabilities and transport of alpha particles in JET DT plasmas
- Co-author in Shattered Pellet Injection experiments at JET in support of the ITER Disruption Mitigation System design
- Serafina Baschetti (M2P2 - CNRS)
- Eric M. Bass (University of California San Diego)
- B. Basu
- Tristan Batal (CEA, IRFM)
- Paola Batistoni (ENEA)
- Vladimir Batkin (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics )
- Erlan Batyrbekov (National Nuclear Center RK)
Larry R. Baylor
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Author in [RAPPORTEURED TWIN] Design and Performance of Shattered Pellet Injection Systems for JET and KSTAR Disruption Mitigation Research in Support of ITER
- Author in [RAPPORTEURED TWIN] Design and Performance of Shattered Pellet Injection Systems for JET and KSTAR Disruption Mitigation Research in Support of ITER
- Author in [RAPPORTEURED TWIN] Design and Performance of Shattered Pellet Injection Systems for JET and KSTAR Disruption Mitigation Research in Support of ITER
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] A novel path to runaway electron mitigation via deuterium injection and current-driven kink instability
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Design and Performance of Shattered Pellet Injection Systems for JET and KSTAR Disruption Mitigation Research in Support of ITER
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Disruption mitigation by symmetric dual injection of shattered pellets in KSTAR
- Author in A novel path to runaway electron mitigation via deuterium injection and current-driven kink instability
- Author in Design and Performance of Shattered Pellet Injection Systems for JET and KSTAR Disruption Mitigation Research in Support of ITER
- Author in Disruption mitigation by symmetric dual injection of shattered pellets in KSTAR
- Author in Recent Progress in Shattered Pellet Injection Technology in Support of the ITER Disruption Mitigation System
- Author in Reduction of peak ELM energy fluence with pellet triggering in low collisionality DIII-D plasmas
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] DIII-D and International Research Towards Extrapolating Shattered Pellet Injection Performance to ITER
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Shattered Pellet Injection experiments at JET in support of the ITER Disruption Mitigation System design
- Co-author in DIII-D and International Research Towards Extrapolating Shattered Pellet Injection Performance to ITER
- Co-author in Shattered Pellet Injection experiments at JET in support of the ITER Disruption Mitigation System design
- Co-author in Spatially Dependent Simulations and Model Validation of Runaway Electron Dissipation Via Impurity Injection in DIII-D and JET Using KORC
- Stéphane Béchu (2Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LPSC-INP23, 38000 Grenoble, France)
Marina Becoulet
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Simulations of Edge Localized Mode (ELM) Cycles and ELM Control
- Author in Non-linear MHD modelling of Edge Localized Modes suppression by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ITER.
- Author in Nonlinear MHD modeling of divertor striations in DIII-D RMP ELM suppressed discharges
- Author in Simulations of Edge Localized Mode (ELM) Cycles and ELM Control
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] On Effect of n=2 RMP to Edge Pedestal in KSTAR with Nonlinear MHD Simulation
- Co-author in On Effect of n=2 RMP to Edge Pedestal in KSTAR with Nonlinear MHD Simulation
- Charlotte Becquart (Univ. Lille, CNRS, INRAE, Centrale Lille, UMR 8207 - UMET - Unité Matériaux et Transformations, F-59000 Lille, France)
- Clyde Beers (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
- Feng Beibin (southwestern institute of physics)
Craig Beidler
(Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics, Greifswald, Germany)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport
- Author in Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport
- Co-author in Confinement and Equilibrium with Internal Islands in a Configuration Scan with respect to Iota in W7-X
- Co-author in First attempt to quantify the recycling neutrals in W7-X by means of experiment-model comparison
- Co-author in Plasma radiation behavior approaching high-radiation scenarios in W7-X
Matthew Beidler
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Theory and Modelling activities in support of the ITER Disruption Mitigation System
- Author in Generation and mitigation of runaway electrons: spatio-temporal effects in dynamic scenarios
- Author in Spatially Dependent Simulations and Model Validation of Runaway Electron Dissipation Via Impurity Injection in DIII-D and JET Using KORC
- Author in Theory and Modelling activities in support of the ITER Disruption Mitigation System
- Craig Beidler (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Alexei Beklemishev (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
- Yuri Belchenko (BINP SB RAS)
- R. E. Bell (PPPL)
- Luca Bellan (INFN-LNL)
- Luca Bellan (INFN-LNL)
E. A. Belli
(General Atomics)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Strong reversal of simple isotope scaling laws in tokamak edge turbulence
- Author in Strong reversal of simple isotope scaling laws in tokamak edge turbulence
- Co-author in Main-ion Thermal Transport in High Performance DIII-D Edge Transport Barriers
- Co-author in Validation of Pellet Ablation Models and Investigation of Density Fueling Needs on ITER and CFETR
- Nagaraju Belli (Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Computational Analysis Division)
- Valdemar Bellintani Jr. (Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo FATEC-SP)
- Alexander Belokurov (Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)
- Alexander Belov (National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute")
Elena Belova
- Author in Simulation of Equilibrium, Stability, and Transport in Advanced FRCs
- Author in Validation of GAE simulation and theory for NSTX(-U) and DIII-D
- Co-author in Novel internal measurements and analysis of ion cyclotron frequency range fast-ion driven modes advance predictive capability for fast-ion transport in burning plasmas
- Sofiane Benannoune (fLSPM, CNRS, Paris 13, UPR 3407, 99 avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément, F-93430 Villetaneuse, France)
- Sadruddin BENKADDA (Aix Marseille University- CNRS)
- D. Bennet (LLNL)
- Hideo Benoki (Nippon Tungsten Co., Ltd.)
- Herbert Berk (University of Texas at Austin)
John Berkery
(Columbia University)
- Author in Tokamak Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting Research and Expansion to Real-Time Application
- Co-author in Kinetic Equilibrium Reconstruction and Stability Analysis of KSTAR Plasmas Supporting Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting
- Co-author in Stability of neoclassical tearing modes and their active stabilization in KSTAR
- Co-author in Towards a disruption-free plasma: challenges in designing a robust plasma termination phase for ITER
- John Berkery (Columbia University)
- Alexander Berlov (SC "Red Star")
Jean-Michel Bernard
(CEA, IRFM, F-13108 St-Paul-Lez-Durance, France )
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Status of the WEST Travelling Wave Array antenna design and results from the high power mock-up
- Author in Status of the WEST Travelling Wave Array antenna design and results from the high power mock-up
- Author in The geometry of ICRF – induced wave-SOL interaction: a multi-machine experimental review in view of ITER operation.
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] WEST Actively Cooled Load Resilient Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating Results
- Co-author in WEST Actively Cooled Load Resilient Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating Results
Elodie Bernard
- Author in Gross and net erosion balance of plasma-facing components in full-W tokamaks
- Author in Investigation of plasma wall interactions between tungsten plasma facing components and helium plasmas in the WEST tokamak
- Author in Measuring and modeling helium accumulation in single crystal tungsten specimens exposed to He plasma discharges in the WEST reciprocating collector probe
- Author in Modelling of hydrogen trapping, diffusion and permeation in tokamak
- Jean-Michel Bernard (CEA, IRFM)
- Joao Bernardo (Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Matthias Bernert
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Control of the X-point radiator in fully-detached ASDEX Upgrade H-mode plasmas
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Experimental impurity concentrations required to reach detachment in AUG and JET
- Author in Control of the X-point radiator in fully-detached ASDEX Upgrade H-mode plasmas
- Author in Experimental impurity concentrations required to reach detachment in AUG and JET
- Author in Power exhaust by core radiation at the COMPASS tokamak
- Author in Role of drifts, impurities and neutrals for credible predictions of radiation and power flux asymmetries in the DEMO scrape-off layer
- Author in SOL profile and fluctuations in different divertor recycling conditions in H-Mode plasmas
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Advances in understanding power exhaust physics with the new, baffled TCV divertor
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Developments towards an ELM-free DEMO pedestal radiative cooling scenario in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Advances in understanding power exhaust physics with the new, baffled TCV divertor
- Co-author in Developments towards an ELM-free DEMO pedestal radiative cooling scenario in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in High density, high confinement, power exhaust compatible H-mode regime in TCV and ASDEX Upgrade
- Jean-Marc Bernhardt (Air Liquide Advanced Technologies)
- David E Bernholdt (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Tom Berry
- Co-author in Current status of DEMO activated waste studies
Nicola Bertelli
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
- Author in 3D full wave fast wave modeling with realistic HHFW antenna geometry and SOL plasma in NSTX-U
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Mission and Configuration Studies for a U.S. Sustained High-Power Density Tokamak Facility*
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Towards integrated RF actuator modeling: whole device scale RF fullwave simulation including hot core and 3D SOL/antenna regions
- Author in Disruption Avoidance via RF Current Condensation in Magnetic Islands
- Author in Investigation of fast ion transport induced by ICRF heating and MHD instabilities in JET plasma discharges
- Author in Mission and Configuration Studies for a U.S. Sustained High-Power Density Tokamak Facility*
- Author in Towards integrated RF actuator modeling: whole device scale RF fullwave simulation including hot core and 3D SOL/antenna regions
- Co-author in Plasma current ramp-up with 28 GHz second harmonic electron cyclotron wave in the QUEST spherical tokamak
- Laura Berzak Hopkins (LLNL)
- R. Betti (Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester)
- Riccardo Betti (University of Rochester)
- Riccardo Betti (University of Rochester/Laboratory for Laser Energetics)
Marc Beurskens
(Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Author in Energy confinement in W7-X, more than just a scaling law
- Author in Impurity Transport in Ion- and Electron-Root Plasmas of Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Confinement and Equilibrium with Internal Islands in a Configuration Scan with respect to Iota in W7-X
- Co-author in First neutral beam experiments on Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Plasma radiation behavior approaching high-radiation scenarios in W7-X
- Marcus Nicolaas Arnoldus Beurskens
- Peter Beyer (CNRS, Aix-Marseille Univ., PIIM UMR7345, Marseille, France)
Amitava Bhattacharjee
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
- Author in [OV POSTER TWIN] Accelerating Magnetically Confined Fusion through Advancements in Edge Turbulence Modeling and its Integration in a Whole Device Model
- Author in Accelerating Magnetically Confined Fusion through Advancements in Edge Turbulence Modeling and its Integration in a Whole Device Model
- A. Bhattacharjee (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
- A. Bhattacharya (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Author in Density incrustation at Au-CH interface
- Rajendraprasad Bhattacharyay (Institute for Plasma Research)
- K. S Bhope (Institute for Plasma Research)
- James Bialek (Columbia University)
- Alessandro Biancalani (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Jakub Bielecki (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN))
Andreas Bierwage
(National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Co-author in Energetic Particle dynamics induced by off-axis neutral beam injection on ASDEX Upgrade, JT-60SA and ITER
- Co-author in Facets of alpha particle physics anticipated in D-3He plasmas in preparation for deuterium-tritium at the Joint European Torus
- Co-author in High-energy fast ions drive BAEs unstable but not BAAEs
- Co-author in Recent applications of 3-ion ICRF schemes on ASDEX Upgrade and JET in support of ITER
Theodore Biewer
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Author in Confinement studies with low recycling walls in LTX-$\beta$
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] The U.S. approach to address plasma-material interactions and fusion nuclear science with linear plasma devices
- Co-author in The U.S. approach to address plasma-material interactions and fusion nuclear science with linear plasma devices
- Timothy Bigelow (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Bernard Bigot (ITER Organization)
- Muhammad Bilal (National Tokamak Fusion Program)
Roberto Bilato
(Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Author in Assessment of Neutron Production during Pre-Fusion Operation of ITER
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Turbulence suppression due to energetic particles: From first principles to gyrokinetic simulations and experimental observations
- Co-author in Recent applications of 3-ion ICRF schemes on ASDEX Upgrade and JET in support of ITER
- Co-author in Recent key contributions of ICRF heating in support of plasma scenario development and fast ion studies on JET and ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Turbulence suppression due to energetic particles: From first principles to gyrokinetic simulations and experimental observations
- Petra Bilkova (Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS)
- William Bin (Istituto per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Plasmi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Milano, Italy)
Michl Binderbauer
(TAE Technologies, Inc.)
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Overview of C-2W: High Temperature, Steady-State Beam-Driven Field-Reversed Configuration Plasmas
- Co-author in Overview of C-2W: High Temperature, Steady-State Beam-Driven Field-Reversed Configuration Plasmas
- Co-author in Super-Sonic/Alfvénic Collision and Merging of Field-Reversed Configuration Plasmas
- Richard Bionta
Gregor Birkenmeier
(Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] L-H transition studies at JET: H, D,He and T
- Author in Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport
- Author in L-H transition studies at JET: H, D,He and T
- Co-author in Study of filament dynamics using synthetic and experimental BES diagnostics in the scrape-off layer
Nirmal Kumar Bisai
(Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar-382428, India)
- Author in Experimental Validation of Universal Plasma Blob Formation Mechanism
- Author in Investigation of Toroidal Rotation Reversal in Impurities Seeding ADITYA-U Tokamak Plasmas
- Author in Studies on Impurity Seeding in a Tokamak Plasma: Simulation and Comparison with Aditya-U Experiments
- Co-author in [OV POSTER TWIN] Overview of Recent Experimental results from the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Experimental results from the ADITYA-U Tokamak
Régis Bisson
(Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, PIIM UMR 7345)
- Author in Ammonia production, isotopic exchange and sticking on materials relevant to fusion reactors: tungsten and 316L stainless steel
- Author in Investigation of plasma wall interactions between tungsten plasma facing components and helium plasmas in the WEST tokamak
- Author in Modelling of hydrogen trapping, diffusion and permeation in tokamak
- Co-author in Long discharges in steady state with D2 and N2 on the actively cooled tungsten upper divertor in WEST
- Prabal Biswas (Institute for Plasma Research)
- B. Biswas
- V. Blandinsky
- Thomas Blanken (Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Maxim Blekhshtein (Ioffe Institute, SPBSTU)
- Anatoliy Blokhin (Nuclear Safety Institute RAS)
- Maarten Blommaert (KU Leuven)
- Sophie Blondel (University of Tennessee)
- Sophie Blondel (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Volodymyr Bobkov
(Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics)
- Author in ITER baseline scenario investigations on TCV and comparison with AUG
- Author in The geometry of ICRF – induced wave-SOL interaction: a multi-machine experimental review in view of ITER operation.
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Turbulence suppression due to energetic particles: From first principles to gyrokinetic simulations and experimental observations
- Co-author in Developing high performance RF heating scenarios on the WEST tokamak
- Co-author in Recent applications of 3-ion ICRF schemes on ASDEX Upgrade and JET in support of ITER
- Co-author in Recent key contributions of ICRF heating in support of plasma scenario development and fast ion studies on JET and ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Turbulence suppression due to energetic particles: From first principles to gyrokinetic simulations and experimental observations
- Alexandru Boboc
- Lorenzo Virgilio Boccaccini (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Alexander Bock (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
Thomas Body
(IPP Garching)
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Simulations of turbulence, its suppression and profile evolution across the edge and scrape-off layer of the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in An Assessment of Alternative Divertors for the European DEMO
- Co-author in Simulations of turbulence, its suppression and profile evolution across the edge and scrape-off layer of the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
J.A. Boedo
(Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of California)
- Author in SOL profile and fluctuations in different divertor recycling conditions in H-Mode plasmas
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] The Route to High Performance, DEMO relevant, Negative Triangularity Tokamak Operation on TCV
- Co-author in The Route to High Performance, DEMO relevant, Negative Triangularity Tokamak Operation on TCV
- Klara Bogar (Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic)
- Alexander Bogdanov (Ioffe Institute)
- Petr Bohm (Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS)
- Deirdre Boilson (ITER Organization)
- Arka Bokshi (Institute for Plasma Research,)
- simon bolanos (CNRS, LULI)
- Marco Boldring (Consorzio RFX)
- Daniel Bolich (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Advanced Materials)
- Francesca Bombarda (1ENEA, Fusion and Nuclear Safety Depatment, C. R. Frascati, via E. Fermi 45 00044, Frascati, Roma (Italy))
- Francesca Bombarda (ENEA, Fusion and Nuclear Safety Department)
Nicola Bonanomi
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Experimental investigation and gyrokinetic simulations of multi-scale electron heat transport in JET, AUG and TCV
- Author in Experimental investigation and gyrokinetic simulations of multi-scale electron heat transport in JET, AUG and TCV
- Co-author in The dependence of confinement on the isotope mass in the core and the edge of AUG and JET H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Towards fully-predictive transport modelling in ASDEX Upgrade H-modes
- Nicola Bonanoni
- Luca Boncagni (ENEA, Fusion and Nuclear Safety Department)
Eduard Bondarchuk
- Author in [OV POSTER TWIN] Overview of Globus-M2 spherical tokamak results at the enhanced values of magnetic field and plasma current.
- Author in Overview of Globus-M2 spherical tokamak results at the enhanced values of magnetic field and plasma current.
- Author in Tokamak T-15MD – preparing for physical start-up
- Eduard Bondarchuk (Joint Stock Company “D.V.Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus”, St Petersburg, Russia)
Daniele Bonfiglio
(Consorzio RFX, Padova, Italy)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Theory and Modelling activities in support of the ITER Disruption Mitigation System
- Author in Dynamics and Confinement of Ultralow-q Plasmas in the RFX-mod Device
- Author in Modeling of Basic Physics Issues in Toroidal Pinches and Tools for Performance Control
- Author in Theory and Modelling activities in support of the ITER Disruption Mitigation System
- Tullio Bonicelli (Fusion for Energy)
- Simon Bonk (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Advanced Materials)
- Francois Bonne (Univ. Grenoble Alpes)
Xavier Bonnin
(ITER Organization)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Multi-machine SOLPS-ITER comparison of impurity seeded H-mode radiative divertor regimes with metal walls
- Author in Integrated Modelling & Analysis Suite: Developments to Address ITER Needs
- Author in Multi-machine SOLPS-ITER comparison of impurity seeded H-mode radiative divertor regimes with metal walls
- Author in Role of drifts, impurities and neutrals for credible predictions of radiation and power flux asymmetries in the DEMO scrape-off layer
- Phillip Bonofiglo (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
Paul Bonoli
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Author in Disruption Avoidance via RF Current Condensation in Magnetic Islands
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Towards integrated RF actuator modeling: whole device scale RF fullwave simulation including hot core and 3D SOL/antenna regions
- Co-author in High Field Side Launch Lower Hybrid Current Drive for CFETR
- Co-author in Towards integrated RF actuator modeling: whole device scale RF fullwave simulation including hot core and 3D SOL/antenna regions
- P. T. Bonoli
- Federica Bonomo (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Allen Boozer (Columbia University)
- Biswajit Bora (Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear)
- Biswajit Bora (Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission)
- Duarte Borba (EUROfusion Programme Management Unit, Culham Science Center, Abingdon, UK)
- Petra Börner (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Dmitriy Borodin (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institut für Energie- und Klimaforschung IEK-4: Plasmaphysik)
- Alexander Borschegovskiy (NRC "Kurchatov Institute")
- Aleksandr Borshchegovskii (National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, 123182, Kurchatov Sq., 1, Moscow, Russia)
Alessandro Bortolon
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ, 08543 USA)
- Author in Enhanced divertor power exhaust through injection of low-Z powders in DIII-D
- Author in Multi-Machine Determination of SOL-to-Core Multi-Z Impurity Transport in Advanced Confinement Regimes
- Author in Reduction of peak ELM energy fluence with pellet triggering in low collisionality DIII-D plasmas
- Author in The impact of low-z powder injection on intrinsic impurities in DIII-D
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] First Observation of ELM Suppression without Confinement Degradation due to Geodesic Acoustic Mode (GAM)-like mode Triggered by Boron Powder Injection
- Co-author in First Observation of ELM Suppression without Confinement Degradation due to Geodesic Acoustic Mode (GAM)-like mode Triggered by Boron Powder Injection
- Alessandro Bortolon (PPPL)
- Thomas Bosman (Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Jose Botija (CIEMAT)
Alberto Bottino
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Co-author in A benchmark between HYMAGYC, MEGA and ORB5 codes using the NLED-AUG testcase to study Alfvenic modes driven by energetic particles
- Co-author in Global gyrokinetic investigation of Alfven instabilities and turbulence in tokamaks
- Co-author in Global gyrokinetic simulations of TAEs in ITER and ASDEX Upgrade
- Oussama Boultif (LRPRIM laboratory, faculty of matter sciences, department of physics, university of Batna 1)
clarisse bourdelle
(CEA, IRFM, F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France.)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] L-H transition studies at JET: H, D,He and T
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Predict First: flux-driven multi-channel integrated modelling over multiple confinement times with the gyrokinetic turbulent transport model QuaLiKiz
- Author in Collisional transport and poloidal asymmetry distribution of impurities in tokamak plasmas, with application to WEST
- Author in Fast modelling of turbulent transport in fusion plasmas using neural networks
- Author in Flux driven pedestal formation in tokamaks: Turbulence simulations validated against the isotope effect
- Author in L-H transition studies at JET: H, D,He and T
- Author in Predict First: flux-driven multi-channel integrated modelling over multiple confinement times with the gyrokinetic turbulent transport model QuaLiKiz
- Author in The geometry of ICRF – induced wave-SOL interaction: a multi-machine experimental review in view of ITER operation.
- Co-author in Developing high performance RF heating scenarios on the WEST tokamak
- Co-author in Divertor power loads and scrape off layer width in the large aspect ratio full tungsten tokamak WEST
- Co-author in First-Principle-Based integrated modelling of multiple isotope pellet cycles at JET
- Co-author in Formation of the radial electric field profile in WEST tokamak
- Co-author in Interpretative modeling of impurity transport and tungsten sources in WEST boundary plasma
- Co-author in Investigation of Turbulent Transport in the Inner core of JET H-mode Plasmas and Applications to ITER
- Co-author in Long discharges in steady state with D2 and N2 on the actively cooled tungsten upper divertor in WEST
- Co-author in Tungsten transport in tokamaks: towards real-time kinetic-theory-based plasma performance optimisation
- David Bowden (UKAEA)
Mark Boyer
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Development and experimental qualification of novel disruption prevention techniques on DIII-D
- Author in Development and experimental qualification of novel disruption prevention techniques on DIII-D
- Author in Machine learning accelerated models for scenario optimization on NSTX-U
- Author in Tokamak Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting Research and Expansion to Real-Time Application
- Mark Boyer (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
- D. P. Boyle (PPPL)
Sergey Bozhenkov
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Greifswald, Germany)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport
- Author in Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport
- Author in Energy confinement in W7-X, more than just a scaling law
- Co-author in Confinement and Equilibrium with Internal Islands in a Configuration Scan with respect to Iota in W7-X
- Co-author in High-performance ECRH at W7-X: Experience and Perspectives
- Co-author in Magnetic configuration effects on turbulence driven transport from LHD and W7X identical experiments
- Co-author in Plasma radiation behavior approaching high-radiation scenarios in W7-X
- Sergey Bozhenkov (Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Steven Bradnam (UKAEA)
- Rudolf Brakel (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Boel Brandström (Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology)
- Christian Brandt (Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik)
M. Brank
(LECAD Laboratory, Mech. Eng., University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Energy Deposition and Melt Deformation on the ITER First Wall due to Disruptions and Vertical Displacement Events
- Co-author in Energy Deposition and Melt Deformation on the ITER First Wall due to Disruptions and Vertical Displacement Events
- Co-author in Strategies for first wall power flux management during plasma current ramp-up on ITER
- Tom Braun (LLNL)
- Harald Braune (Max-Planck-Institut for Plasma Physics)
Boris Breizman
(The University of Texas at Austin)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Theory and Modelling activities in support of the ITER Disruption Mitigation System
- Author in Energy balance during pellet assimilation
- Author in Pellet Ablation Physics Studies for Disruption Mitigation
- Author in Theory and Modelling activities in support of the ITER Disruption Mitigation System
- Sylvain Brémond (CEA/DSM/IRFM)
- Dylan Brennan (Princeton University)
Sebastijan Brezinsek
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Accelerated lifetime tests of ITER-like tungsten monoblocks in Magnum-PSI
- Author in Accelerated lifetime tests of ITER-like tungsten monoblocks in Magnum-PSI
- Author in ERO2.0, a code for three-dimensional modelling of global material erosion, transport and deposition in fusion devices
- Author in Fluid, kinetic and hybrid approaches for edge transport modelling in fusion devices
- Author in Gross and net erosion balance of plasma-facing components in full-W tokamaks
- Author in Impurity behavior in JET-ILW plasmas fuelled with gas and/or with pellets: a comparative study with the transport code COREDIV
- Author in Investigation of plasma wall interactions between tungsten plasma facing components and helium plasmas in the WEST tokamak
- Author in LIBS for monitoring of tritium and impurities in the first wall of fusion devices
- Author in Plasma-Surface Interaction in the Stellarator W7-X: Conclusion Drawn from Operation with Graphite Plasma-Facing Components
- Author in Plasma-wall interactions during the helium plasma operation in EAST with a tungsten divertor
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Overview of the results from the divertor experiments at Wendelstein 7-X and their implications for steady state operation
- Co-author in Divertor power loads and scrape off layer width in the large aspect ratio full tungsten tokamak WEST
- Co-author in Experimental indications of high-recycling and the role of pressure and power dissipation for detachment at W7-X
- Co-author in High performance ITER-baseline discharges in deuterium with nitrogen and neon-seeding in the JET-ILW
- Co-author in In situ Study of Fuel Retention by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy on the First Wall under Long-Pulse Operation of Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak
- Co-author in Interpretative modeling of impurity transport and tungsten sources in WEST boundary plasma
- Co-author in Latest results of EUROfusion plasma-facing components research in the areas of power loading, material erosion and fuel retention
- Co-author in Long discharges in steady state with D2 and N2 on the actively cooled tungsten upper divertor in WEST
- Co-author in Overview of the results from the divertor experiments at Wendelstein 7-X and their implications for steady state operation
Dominik Brida
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Experimental impurity concentrations required to reach detachment in AUG and JET
- Author in Experimental impurity concentrations required to reach detachment in AUG and JET
- Author in SOL profile and fluctuations in different divertor recycling conditions in H-Mode plasmas
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Advances in understanding power exhaust physics with the new, baffled TCV divertor
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Control of the X-point radiator in fully-detached ASDEX Upgrade H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Advances in understanding power exhaust physics with the new, baffled TCV divertor
- Co-author in Control of the X-point radiator in fully-detached ASDEX Upgrade H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in High density, high confinement, power exhaust compatible H-mode regime in TCV and ASDEX Upgrade
- Sergio Briguglio (ENEA C. R. Frascati)
- Mathias Brix (UKAEA)
- Michael Brookman (General Atomics)
- David Brower Brower (University of California Los Angeles)
- Thomas Brown (Princeton University, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
- Daniele Brunetti (UKAEA-CCFE)
S. Brunner
(Swiss Plasma Center (SPC), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL))
- Author in A phase-contrast-imaging core fluctuation diagnostic and first-principles turbulence modeling for JT-60SA
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] The Route to High Performance, DEMO relevant, Negative Triangularity Tokamak Operation on TCV
- Co-author in The Route to High Performance, DEMO relevant, Negative Triangularity Tokamak Operation on TCV
Kai Jakob Brunner
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik Teilinstitut Greifswald)
- Author in Energy confinement in W7-X, more than just a scaling law
- Co-author in Confinement and Equilibrium with Internal Islands in a Configuration Scan with respect to Iota in W7-X
- Co-author in High-performance ECRH at W7-X: Experience and Perspectives
- Co-author in Plasma radiation behavior approaching high-radiation scenarios in W7-X
- Co-author in Sawtooth crash dynamics during ECCD operations at W7-X
- D. Brunner (Commonwealth Fusion Systems)
- Kai Jakob Brunner (Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Vincent BRUNO (CEA)
- Yingnan Bu (Southwestern Institute of Physics)
Jerome Bucalossi
- Author in [OV POSTER TWIN] Operating a full tungsten actively cooled tokamak: overview of WEST first phase of operation
- Author in Operating a full tungsten actively cooled tokamak: overview of WEST first phase of operation
- Co-author in Developing high performance RF heating scenarios on the WEST tokamak
- Co-author in Divertor power loads and scrape off layer width in the large aspect ratio full tungsten tokamak WEST
- Co-author in Interpretative modeling of impurity transport and tungsten sources in WEST boundary plasma
- Co-author in Long discharges in steady state with D2 and N2 on the actively cooled tungsten upper divertor in WEST
- Co-author in Progress in edge plasma turbulence modelling – hierarchy of models from 2D transport applications to 3D fluid simulations in realistic tokamak geometry.
- James Buchanan (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority)
- James Buchanan
- Viacheslav Budaev (National Research University "MPEI")
Hugo Bufferand
- Author in Fluid, kinetic and hybrid approaches for edge transport modelling in fusion devices
- Author in Progress in edge plasma turbulence modelling – hierarchy of models from 2D transport applications to 3D fluid simulations in realistic tokamak geometry.
- Co-author in An Assessment of Alternative Divertors for the European DEMO
- Co-author in Interaction between magnetic geometry and turbulence in 3D global fluid simulations
- Co-author in Interpretative modeling of impurity transport and tungsten sources in WEST boundary plasma
- Leo Bühler (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Alexey Bukin (D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia)
Viktor Bulanin
(St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University)
- Author in [OV POSTER TWIN] Overview of Globus-M2 spherical tokamak results at the enhanced values of magnetic field and plasma current.
- Author in Energy Confinement in a Spherical Tokamak Globus-M2 with a Toroidal Magnetic Field Approaching 0.8 T
- Author in First observations of the transition to the H-mode on the Globus-M2 tokamak using Doppler backscattering
- Author in Overview of Globus-M2 spherical tokamak results at the enhanced values of magnetic field and plasma current.
- K. Bunkers (University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison WI 53706-1609, USA)
- Paolo Buratti (ENEA, Fusion and Nuclear Safety Depatment, C. R. Frascati, via E. Fermi 45 00044, Frascati, Roma (Italy))
- Paolo Buratti (ENEA)
- Andreas Burckhart (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
- Aleksandr Burdakov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
- Aleksandr Burdakov (RuBudker)
Rainer Burhenn
(Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport
- Author in Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport
- Author in Impurity Transport in Ion- and Electron-Root Plasmas of Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Overview of the results from the divertor experiments at Wendelstein 7-X and their implications for steady state operation
- Co-author in Confinement and Equilibrium with Internal Islands in a Configuration Scan with respect to Iota in W7-X
- Co-author in Overview of the results from the divertor experiments at Wendelstein 7-X and their implications for steady state operation
- Co-author in Plasma radiation behavior approaching high-radiation scenarios in W7-X
- Vladimir Burmasov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
- Keith H. Burrell (General Atomics)
- Guillermo Bustos Ramirez (EPFL)
- Jelena Butikova (Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, Laboratory of Spectroscopy)
- Birger Buttenschoen (Max-Planck Institut fuer Plasmaphysik)
- Birger Butterschoen (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
Richard J. Buttery
(General Atomics)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Mission and Configuration Studies for a U.S. Sustained High-Power Density Tokamak Facility*
- Author in Introduction
- Author in Mission and Configuration Studies for a U.S. Sustained High-Power Density Tokamak Facility*
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Achievements of Actively Controlled Divertor Detachment Compatible with Sustained High Confinement Core in DIII-D and EAST
- Co-author in A Sustainable High Power Density (SHPD) Tokamak to Enable a Compact Fusion Pilot Plant
- Co-author in Achievements of Actively Controlled Divertor Detachment Compatible with Sustained High Confinement Core in DIII-D and EAST
- Peter Buxton
- Victor Bykov (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik Teilinstitut Greifswald)
Igor Bykov
(University of California San Diego)
- Author in Enhanced divertor power exhaust through injection of low-Z powders in DIII-D
- Author in Nonlinear MHD modeling of divertor striations in DIII-D RMP ELM suppressed discharges
- Author in Progress toward predictive modeling and in-situ monitoring of tungsten net erosion in tokamak divertor
- Author in Reduction of peak ELM energy fluence with pellet triggering in low collisionality DIII-D plasmas
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] DIII-D and International Research Towards Extrapolating Shattered Pellet Injection Performance to ITER
- Co-author in DIII-D and International Research Towards Extrapolating Shattered Pellet Injection Performance to ITER
- Co-author in Testing the DIII-D Co/Counter Off-axis Neutral Beam Injected Power and Ability to Balance Injected Torque
- O. Byrka (National Science Center „Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology‟)
- Cheolsik Byun (Seoul National University)
- Huishan Cai (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Dang Cai
- Yunhan Cai
- Giuseppe Calabro (University of Tuscia)
- luca calacci (University of Rome Tor vergata)
- Debbie Callahan (LLNL)
- James D Callen (University of Wisconsin)
Ivan Calvo
(Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion, CIEMAT)
- Author in Experimental validation of neutral beam current drive simulations in TJ-II plasmas
- Author in Global calculation of neoclassical impurity transport including the variation of electrostatic potential
- Author in Gyrokinetic simulations in stellarators using different computational domains
- Author in Turbulent transport of impurities in 3D devices
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] KNOSOS, a fast neoclassical code for three-dimensional magnetic configurations
- Co-author in KNOSOS, a fast neoclassical code for three-dimensional magnetic configurations
- Co-author in Net parallel carbon rotation in the core of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator: a deviation from neoclassical predictions?
Yann Camenen
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Predict First: flux-driven multi-channel integrated modelling over multiple confinement times with the gyrokinetic turbulent transport model QuaLiKiz
- Author in Fast modelling of turbulent transport in fusion plasmas using neural networks
- Author in ITER baseline scenario investigations on TCV and comparison with AUG
- Author in Predict First: flux-driven multi-channel integrated modelling over multiple confinement times with the gyrokinetic turbulent transport model QuaLiKiz
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] How the narrow Edge—Scrape-Off Layer Interface Self-Organises Turbulence Globally
- Co-author in First-Principle-Based integrated modelling of multiple isotope pellet cycles at JET
- Co-author in How the narrow Edge—Scrape-Off Layer Interface Self-Organises Turbulence Globally
- Co-author in Investigation of Turbulent Transport in the Inner core of JET H-mode Plasmas and Applications to ITER
- Co-author in Numerical Study of the Impact of Fast Ions on TEM-driven Turbulence
- E. M. Campbell (Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester)
- L. Campos-Duarte (Advanced Computing Laboratory, Costa Rica National High Technology Center, CeNAT,)
- Gustavo Canal (Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo)
Jeff Candy
(General Atomics)
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Strong reversal of simple isotope scaling laws in tokamak edge turbulence
- Co-author in Main-ion Thermal Transport in High Performance DIII-D Edge Transport Barriers
- Co-author in Strong reversal of simple isotope scaling laws in tokamak edge turbulence
- Co-author in Validation of Pellet Ablation Models and Investigation of Density Fueling Needs on ITER and CFETR
- Juan Caneses (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
John Canik
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] A Validated Multi-Physics Modeling Approach to Predicting Erosion, Re-deposition and Gas Retention in Fusion Tokamak Divertors
- Author in A Validated Multi-Physics Modeling Approach to Predicting Erosion, Re-deposition and Gas Retention in Fusion Tokamak Divertors
- Author in Measuring and modeling helium accumulation in single crystal tungsten specimens exposed to He plasma discharges in the WEST reciprocating collector probe
- Co-author in A Sustainable High Power Density (SHPD) Tokamak to Enable a Compact Fusion Pilot Plant
- Barbara Cannas (Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department,University of Cagliari, Italy.)
Qixiang Cao
(Southwestern Institute of Physics)
- Author in Progress on the Neutronic and Shielding Analyses of CFETR
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Design Optimization and Safety Assessment of CN HCCB TBS
- Co-author in Design Optimization and Safety Assessment of CN HCCB TBS
- Co-author in Neutronics Effect Study of Homogeneous Model on Solid Breeder Blanket
- Qinghong Cao (University of Tokyo)
- Jianyong Cao (Southwestern Institute of Physics)
- Qinghong Cao (Graduate school of frontier sciences, university of Tokyo)
- Jintao Cao (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Duc Cao (Laboratory for Laser Energetics)
- Bin Cao (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Austin Cao
- W. Capecchi (U. Wisconsin)
Álvaro Cappa
(Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión CIEMAT)
- Author in 2D distributions of potential and density mean-values and oscillations in the ECRH and NBI plasmas at the TJ-II stellarator
- Author in Effect of Magnetic Configuration on Energy Confinement and Energetic-Particle-Driven MHD Modes in Heliotron J
- Author in Experimental validation of neutral beam current drive simulations in TJ-II plasmas
- Author in Isotope effect, operational limits and Zonal Flows in the TJ-II stellarator
- Author in NBI-driven shear Alfvén waves in the presence of ECR heating and EC driven current in the TJ-II stellarator
- Co-author in Physics Studies of Cryogenic Pellet and Tracer-loaded Pellet (TESPEL) Injections in the Stellarator TJ-II
- Mauro Cappelli (ENEA, Fusion and Nuclear Safety Depatment, C. R. Frascati, via E. Fermi 45 00044, Frascati, Roma (Italy))
- Susanna cappello (Consorzio RFX)
- Susanna Cappello (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Consorzio RFX)
- Philippe CARA (F4E)
- Philippe Cara (IFMIF/EVEDA Project Team)
- Philippe Cara (IFMIF/EVEDA Project Team)
- C. Carati (Eni)
- Antonino Cardella (Fusion for Energy)
- Alessandro Cardinali (ENEA Frascati Italy)
- A. Cardinali
- Yann Carin (Fusion For Energy)
- Yann Carin (Fusion for Energy)
- Nakia Carlevaro (ENEA)
- Stefano Carli (KU Leuven)
- Daniele Carnevale (Departement of Industrial Engineering, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" )
- daniele carnevale (Universita' Roma Tor Vergata, Dipartimento di Ing. Civile ed Ing. Informatica)
- daniele carnevale (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
- Darbos Caroline (ITER Organization)
- Francesco Carpanese (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Swiss Plasma Center (SPC))
- Francesco Carpanese (EPFL-SPC)
- S. Carpentier-Chouchana (ITER Organization, Route de Vinon, CS 90 046, 13067 Saint Paul Lez Durance, France)
Daniel Carralero
- Author in SOL profile and fluctuations in different divertor recycling conditions in H-Mode plasmas
- Co-author in Net parallel carbon rotation in the core of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator: a deviation from neoclassical predictions?
- Co-author in Radial electric field and density fluctuations measured by Doppler reflectometry during the post-pellet enhanced confinement phase in W7-X
- Lorella Carraro (Consorzio RFX)
- Lorella Carraro (Consorzio RFX, Padova, Italy)
- Benjamin CARRERAS (BACV Solutions Inc.)
- Mario Carta (ENEA)
- Troy Carter (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Pedro Carvalho (IST/IPFN, Lisbon, Portugal)
Ivo Carvalho
(Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] L-H transition studies at JET: H, D,He and T
- Author in L-H transition studies at JET: H, D,He and T
- Author in SOL profile and fluctuations in different divertor recycling conditions in H-Mode plasmas
- Co-author in High performance ITER-baseline discharges in deuterium with nitrogen and neon-seeding in the JET-ILW
- Co-author in Termination of discharges in high performance scenarios in JET
- Ivo Carvalho
- Livia Casali (General Atomics, San Diego, CA 92186, USA)
- Elisabetta Caschera (CEA/IRFM)
- Dan Casey (LLNL)
- Irene Casiraghi (University of Milano Bicocca)
Francis Casson
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Exploring the physics of a high-performance H-mode with small ELMs and zero gas puffing in JET-ILW
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Predict First: flux-driven multi-channel integrated modelling over multiple confinement times with the gyrokinetic turbulent transport model QuaLiKiz
- Author in Exploring the physics of a high-performance H-mode with small ELMs and zero gas puffing in JET-ILW
- Author in Fast modelling of turbulent transport in fusion plasmas using neural networks
- Author in Integrated Modelling & Analysis Suite: Developments to Address ITER Needs
- Author in Predict First: flux-driven multi-channel integrated modelling over multiple confinement times with the gyrokinetic turbulent transport model QuaLiKiz
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Experimental investigation and gyrokinetic simulations of multi-scale electron heat transport in JET, AUG and TCV
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Integrated scenario development at JET for DT operation and ITER risk mitigation
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Isotope identity experiments in JET with ITER-like wall
- Co-author in Experimental investigation and gyrokinetic simulations of multi-scale electron heat transport in JET, AUG and TCV
- Co-author in First-Principle-Based integrated modelling of multiple isotope pellet cycles at JET
- Co-author in Integrated scenario development at JET for DT operation and ITER risk mitigation
- Co-author in Intrinsic rotation reversals of JET and DIII-D plasmas in Deuterium and Hydrogen
- Co-author in Isotope identity experiments in JET with ITER-like wall
- Carmine Castaldo (ENEA)
- J.P. Catalán (TECF3IR, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)
- Andres Cathey-Cevallos (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
John Caughman
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Author in [RAPPORTEURED TWIN] Design and Performance of Shattered Pellet Injection Systems for JET and KSTAR Disruption Mitigation Research in Support of ITER
- Author in [RAPPORTEURED TWIN] Design and Performance of Shattered Pellet Injection Systems for JET and KSTAR Disruption Mitigation Research in Support of ITER
- Author in [RAPPORTEURED TWIN] Design and Performance of Shattered Pellet Injection Systems for JET and KSTAR Disruption Mitigation Research in Support of ITER
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Design and Performance of Shattered Pellet Injection Systems for JET and KSTAR Disruption Mitigation Research in Support of ITER
- Author in Design and Performance of Shattered Pellet Injection Systems for JET and KSTAR Disruption Mitigation Research in Support of ITER
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] The U.S. approach to address plasma-material interactions and fusion nuclear science with linear plasma devices
- Co-author in The U.S. approach to address plasma-material interactions and fusion nuclear science with linear plasma devices
- Jordan Cavalier (Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS)
- Roberto Cavazzana (Consorzio RFX)
Marco Cavedon
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Experimental impurity concentrations required to reach detachment in AUG and JET
- Author in Experimental impurity concentrations required to reach detachment in AUG and JET
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Control of the X-point radiator in fully-detached ASDEX Upgrade H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Control of the X-point radiator in fully-detached ASDEX Upgrade H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in The dependence of confinement on the isotope mass in the core and the edge of AUG and JET H-mode plasmas
- Marco Cavenago
- Francesco Ceccherini (TAE Technologies, Inc)
- Marco Cecconello (Uppsala University)
- Silvio Ceccuzzi (ENEA)
- Silvio Ceccuzzi (ENEA, Fusion and Nuclear Safety Depatment, C. R. Frascati, via E. Fermi 45 00044, Frascati, Roma (Italy))
- Francesca Cella (Dipartimento di Energia, Politecnico di Milano)
- Mirela Cengher (General Atomics)
- C. Centioli (ENEA, Fusion and Nuclear Safety Department, Frascati (Rome), Italy)
- F. Cerdas (Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica)
- S. Cesaroni (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata,” Rome, Italy)
Silvia Cesaroni
(Departement of Industrial Engineering, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", )
- Co-author in Helium doped plasmas on FTU
- C Giroud, R McKean, E Lerche, E De La Luna, V Kiptily, F Köchl, M Marin, M Maslov, S Menmuir, C von Thun, G Tvalashvili, H Weisen
- Luis Chacòn (Los Alamos National Laboratory )
Arun Kumar Chakraborty
(ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research)
- Author in Fusion technology development to ensure ITER deliverables – Indian experience
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Reliability of electrodeposited components for fusion application: A process evaluation of the first kind
- Co-author in Reliability of electrodeposited components for fusion application: A process evaluation of the first kind
- Poulami Chakraborty (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India)
- Clive Challis (CCFE, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OX14 3DB, UK)
Clive Challis
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
- Author in Influence of the impurities in the hybrid discharges with high power in JET ILW
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Integrated scenario development at JET for DT operation and ITER risk mitigation
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Scenario preparation for the observation of alpha-driven instabilities and transport of alpha particles in JET DT plasmas
- Co-author in Integrated scenario development at JET for DT operation and ITER risk mitigation
- Co-author in Scenario preparation for the observation of alpha-driven instabilities and transport of alpha particles in JET DT plasmas
- Co-author in Termination of discharges in high performance scenarios in JET
- Vincent S. Chan (General Atomics)
- Vincent S. Chan (General Atomics)
- G. A. Chandler (Sandia National Laboratories)
- Debasis Chandra (Institute for Plasma Research)
- nicolas chanet (CEA, IRFM, F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France.)
Choong-Seock Chang
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and KAIST)
- Author in Electromagnetic schemes in the global gyrokinetic PIC code XGC for higher-fidelity simulation of long-wavelength modes in the edge
- Author in Isotope effects in ion temperature gradient modes with radial electric field in Large Helical Device
- Author in New predictive scaling formula for ITER’s divertor heat-load width informed by gyrokinetic simulation, physics discovery, and machine learning
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Gyrokinetic simulation in realistic divertor geometry reproduces density pump-out and enhanced electron heat confinement in tokamak edge plasma under resonant magnetic perturbations
- Co-author in An Improved Equation-Free Method for Gyrokinetic Profile Evolution of Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Coupling plasma and neutral kinetic models: Considerations and solutions
- Co-author in Global gyrokinetic simulation of turbulence in optimized stellarators
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic simulation in realistic divertor geometry reproduces density pump-out and enhanced electron heat confinement in tokamak edge plasma under resonant magnetic perturbations
- Hansoo CHANG (National Fusion Research Institute)
- Ching-Chieh Chang (Kyoto University)
- Alex Chankin (IPP-Garching)
- Emilio Chapa (Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon)
Ian Chapman
(CCFE Fusion Association)
- Author in Announcement FEC 2023
- Ben Chapman (CCFE)
- Yann Charles (fLSPM, CNRS, Paris 13, UPR 3407, 99 avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément, F-93430 Villetaneuse, France)
P.K. Chattopadhyay
(Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar-382428, India.)
- Author in Lithium Wall Conditioning Techniques in ADITYA-U Tokamak for Impurity and Fuel Control
- Author in Numerical simulation of RE deconfinement experiment using local magnetic field perturbation in ADITYA tokamak
- Co-author in [OV POSTER TWIN] Overview of Recent Experimental results from the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Novel Approach to Estimate Plasma Current Density Profile with Magnetic Probes in ADITYA-U
- Co-author in Novel Concept for Disruption Mitigation in the ADITYA - U tokamak by Fast Time Response Electromagnetic Driven Pellet Impurity Injector
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Experimental results from the ADITYA-U Tokamak
Shashank Chaturvedi
(Institute for Plasma Research)
- Co-author in [OV POSTER TWIN] Overview of Recent Experimental results from the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Novel Concept for Disruption Mitigation in the ADITYA - U tokamak by Fast Time Response Electromagnetic Driven Pellet Impurity Injector
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Experimental results from the ADITYA-U Tokamak
Neha Chaudhary
(Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Co-author in First neutral beam experiments on Wendelstein 7-X
Paritosh Chaudhuri
(Institute for Plasma Research)
- Author in Investigation of Self-Absorbed Lithium Spectral Line Emissions during Li_2TiO_3 Injection in ADITYA-U tokamak
- Author in Status of the design optimization, analysis and R&D activities of Indian HCSB blanket program
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Role of Core Radiation Losses From Plasma and Its Impact on ST Reactor Design Parameter Choices
- Co-author in Analysis of Heat Transport and Pipe-routing Considerations for Blanket to Steam Generator for A Fusion Reactor
- Co-author in Failure Rate Assessment of IN-RAFM and SS-304 Under Conditions Relevant for Fusion Power Reactors
- Co-author in Novel Concept for Disruption Mitigation in the ADITYA - U tokamak by Fast Time Response Electromagnetic Driven Pellet Impurity Injector
- Co-author in Role of Core Radiation Losses From Plasma and Its Impact on ST Reactor Design Parameter Choices
- Ilija Chavdarovski (National Fusion Research Institute)
- Ilija Chavdarovski (National Fusion Research Institute)
- Rene Chavez (Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon)
- V Chebotarev (National Science Center „Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology‟)
- Baurzhan Chektybayev (Institute of Atomic Energy of National Nuclear Center of Republic Kazakhstan)
- Stephane Chel (CEA)
- Ioannis Chelis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Department of Physics)
- Dalong Chen (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- zhong Chen (HUST)
- Renkun Chen (UCSD)
Xi Chen
(General Atomics)
- Author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Doubling the Efficiency of Off-axis Current Drive Using Reactor-relevant ‘Top Launch ECCD’ on the DIII-D Tokamak
- Author in Doubling the Efficiency of Off-axis Current Drive Using Reactor-relevant ‘Top Launch ECCD’ on the DIII-D Tokamak
- Author in Integrating tokamak-edge MHD-fluctuation modeling with transport
- Author in MARS-Q Modeling of kink-peeling instabilities in QH-mode plasma
- Author in Stabilization of kink/peeling modes by coupled rotation and ion diamagnetic drift effects in QH-mode plasmas in DIII-D and JT-60U
- Shaoyong Chen (Sichuan University)
- Wei Chen
- Ran Chen (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Jiale Chen
- Author in Scenario Development and Exploration of Operating Space for CFETR Plasma
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] EAST Steady-state Long Pulse H-mode with Core-edge Integration for CFETR
- Co-author in Development of Quiescent H-mode Scenario with ITER-like Tungsten Divertor in EAST
- Co-author in EAST Steady-state Long Pulse H-mode with Core-edge Integration for CFETR
- Co-author in High Field Side Launch Lower Hybrid Current Drive for CFETR
- Junling Chen (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Wei Chen
(Southwestern Institute of Physics, P.O. Box 432 Chengdu 610041, China)
- Author in High-$\beta_N$ Experiments and Corresponding MHD Activities in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Author in Local gyro-Landau fluid simulations of toroidal drift wave modes and drift-resistive-inertial ballooning modes in tokamak plasmas
- Author in Theory of beta-induced Alfvén eigenmode excited by energetic electrons in tokamak plasmas
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Influence of large magnetic island structures on turbulence and quasi-coherent modes in tokamak plasmas
- Co-author in Effects of LHCD and LBO on Runaway Electron Dynamics during Disruptions in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in Experimental Evidence of Nonlinear Avalanche Dynamics of Energetic Particle Modes
- Co-author in Influence of large magnetic island structures on turbulence and quasi-coherent modes in tokamak plasmas
Jie Chen
(University of California Los Angeles)
- Author in Internal measurement of magnetic turbulence in the pedestal of ELMy H-mode DIII-D plasmas
- Co-author in Effect of pedestal fluctuations on inter-ELM pedestal recovery and ELM characteristics in ECH dominated discharges in DIII-D
- Co-author in Main-ion Thermal Transport in High Performance DIII-D Edge Transport Barriers
- Zhong Chen (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Jiming Chen (Southwestern Institute of Physics)
- HT. Chen (Southwestern Institute of Physics)
- Xiahua Chen (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Liu Chen (Zhejiang University)
Kunyu Chen
(Tsinghua University)
- Co-author in Theory of Quasi-mode Parametric Decay in Plasmas
- X. Chen (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- meiwen chen (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yingjie Chen
- Q. Chen (Southwestern Institute of Physics, PO Box 432, Chengdu 610041, China)
- Jiming Chen (Southwestern Institute of Physics)
- Junling Chen (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Chen Chen
Chen Chen
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] First Observation of ELM Suppression without Confinement Degradation due to Geodesic Acoustic Mode (GAM)-like mode Triggered by Boron Powder Injection
- Co-author in First Observation of ELM Suppression without Confinement Degradation due to Geodesic Acoustic Mode (GAM)-like mode Triggered by Boron Powder Injection
- Zhongyong Chen (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China)
- Chengyuan Chen (Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu 610041, People’s Republic of China)
Zhi Chen
- Author in Realization of divertor configuration discharge in J-TEXT tokamak
- Co-author in [REGULAR POSTER TWIN] Influence of large magnetic island structures on turbulence and quasi-coherent modes in tokamak plasmas
- Co-author in Influence of large magnetic island structures on turbulence and quasi-coherent modes in tokamak plasmas
- Zhipeng Chen (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China)
- Chengyuan Chen (Southwestern institute of physics)
- ZHE CHEN (Southwestern Institute of Physics)
- Jin Chen (PPPL)
- Yi Hang Chen
- Xixuan Chen (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China)
- Jun Cheng (Institute of Fusion Science, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University)
- F Cheng (UCSD)
- Chio-Zong Cheng (Graduate school of frontier sciences, university of Tokyo)
- Hao Cheng (Southwestern Institute of Physics)
- Zhifeng Cheng
- Zhifeng Cheng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China)
- Junyi Cheng (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Zhifeng Cheng (International Joint Research Laboratory of Magnetic Confinement Fusion and Plasma Physics, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, China, and ITER Organization )
Ivan Chernoshtanov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
- Author in The Gas-Dynamic Multimirror Trap Project
- Viacheslav Chernov (A.A.Bochvar High-technology Research Institute of Inorganic Materials (SC "VNIINM"))
Fedor Chernyshev
(Ioffe Institute)
- Author in [OV POSTER TWIN] Overview of Globus-M2 spherical tokamak results at the enhanced values of magnetic field and plasma current.
- Author in Energy Confinement in a Spherical Tokamak Globus-M2 with a Toroidal Magnetic Field Approaching 0.8 T
- Author in Ion Cyclotron Emission from the ohmically heated plasma in the TUMAN-3M tokamak
- Author in Overview of Globus-M2 spherical tokamak results at the enhanced values of magnetic field and plasma current.
- Maryna Chernyshova (IPPLM)
- Alexander Chmyga
Wonho Choe
(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
- Co-author in Active mitigation system for protecting solid and/or liquid divertor PFCs from transient high heat flux events in fusion reactors*
- Co-author in Experiment and modelling of divertor detachment with deuterium injection in KSTAR H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Local density profiles of impurities in KSTAR and WEST plasmas by spectroscopic diagnostics and forward modelling
- Gyungjin choi (University of California, Irvine)
Minjun J. Choi
(National Fusion Research Institute)
- Author in [OV POSTER TWIN] Overview of KSTAR
- Author in