Magnetic Fusion Experiments
EXKeywords (indicative only and not limiting): toroidal and helical configurations; confinement; stability; performance and control; wave-plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles; plasma material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off-layer
Magnetic Fusion Theory and Modelling
THKeywords (indicative only and not limiting): confinement; stability; performance and control; wave-plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles; plasma-material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off-layer
Fusion Energy Technology
TECHKeywords (indicative only and not limiting): materials; magnets; engineering; system integration; neutron sources; radiation; transport and activation; power plant design; safety; maintenance and remote handling; socio-economic and environmental aspects
Inertial Fusion Energy
IFEKeywords (indicative only and not limiting): materials, power plant design, targets, drivers
Innovative and Alternative Fusion Concepts
IACKeywords (indicative only and not limiting): linear configuration; non-magnetic configurations; hybrid concepts; fusors
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