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May 10 – 15, 2021
Virtual Event
Europe/Vienna timezone
The Conference will be held virtually from 10-15 May 2021

Call for Synopses

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Anyone wishing to present a contribution during the conference must submit a synopsis of not more than 1250 words including body, references and figures text.

Contributions on the conference topics will be considered for presentation at the FEC 2020 if they are clearly relevant to the development of fusion energy.

The use of 2-3 figures in the synopsis can be very helpful in clearly communicating principal results.

All synopses must be submitted through this system between 11 February and 16 March 2020 (Central European Time).

No other form of submission will be accepted.

IMPORTANT: The synopses will be considered by the Programme Committee only if governmental approval (designation) has been received by 27 March 2020.


  • The synopsis is the only material used by the Programme Committee (PC) for selection and should not exceed 1250 words including references.
  • The evaluation criteria are Impact, Novelty and Quality.
  • A meaningful title that communicates the main achievements is helpful.
  • The synopsis should clearly emphasize how the work described meets the criteria. It is recommended that there is a clear focus on results obtained, conclusions and impact in the field.
  • Results obtained should be described and clearly stated at the beginning to assist the evaluation. Note that the PC work is conducted under strict confidentiality agreement.
  • Methodology and motivational statements are important but should not dominate the content of the synopsis.
  • The use of 2-3 figures in the synopsis can be very helpful in clearly communicating principal results.
  • The synopsis for overview contributions should provide a coherent analysis of a specific subject area, clearly showing main cross references in the same FEC.
  • Plans to undertake future productive analysis are welcome but cannot substitute for evidence of completed work.


  • Figures can be inserted in the content editor box by clicking on 'image' or 'Ctrl+G' and then pasting the figure URL.
  • Kindly upload your figure on a webpage which is accessible from an external network and make sure your figure URL has the following format:
  • The figure will show up on the content editor during submission if uploaded correctly. If not, please check that the figure URL has the right format (ending with .jpg – meaning it’s the URL of the file itself) and it’s accessible from an external network.
The call for abstracts is closed.