648 / 648
- Agraj Abhishek
- Tyler Abrams
- Deepak Aggarwal
- Snehlata Aggarwal
- Olivier Agullo (Aix-Marseille Université)
- Suman Aich
- Satyaprasad AKKIREDDY
- Arakcheev Aleksey
- Pavel Aleynikov
- Khaled Al-Shboul
- Alexey Altukhov
- Himank Anand
- Rohit Anand
- Sergey Ananyev
- Vanni Antoni
- Yasunobu Arikawa
- ArunPrakash Arumugam
- Tomohiko Asai
Enrique Ascasibar
- Speaker at Overview of TJ-II stellarator results
- Speaker at Overview of TJ-II stellarator results
- Asha Attri
- Max Austin
- Lalit Mohan Awasthi
- Ahmet Y. Aydemir
- Seung Gyou Baek
- Renu Bahl
- Radha Bahukutumbi
- Nitin Bairagi
Nikolai Bakharev
- Speaker at Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Speaker at Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Vinodh Kumar Bandaru
- Indranil Bandyopadhyay
- Santanu Banerjee
pietro barabaschi
- Speaker at Progress of JT-60SA Project
- Speaker at Progress of JT-60SA Project
- Matteo Barbarino
- Jayson Barr
- Thomas R. Barrett
- Eric M. Bass
- Dimitri Batani
- Larry R. Baylor
- Felipe Bedoya
- Elena Belova
- Nicola Bertelli
- P Bharathi
- Kunal Bhatt
- Pujita Bhatt
- Kedar Bhope
- Montu Bhuva
- Alessandro Biancalani
Bernard Bigot
- Speaker at Progress toward ITER’s First Plasma
- Speaker at Progress toward ITER’s First Plasma
- shikha Binwal
- Nirmal Kumar Bisai
- João P. S. Bizarro
- Inessa Bolshakova (Lviv Polytechnic National University)
- Michael Bongard
- Dmitriy Borodin
- Craig Bowie
- Sergey Bozhenkov
- Rudolf Brakel
- Sebastijan Brezinsek
- Riscob Bright
- David Brower
- Thomas Brown
- Jerome Bucalossi (CEA)
- Janmejay Umeshbhai Buch
- Ramesh Kumar B Buddu
- Stefan Buller
- A.V. Burdakov
- Richard J. Buttery
- Laizhong Cai
- Giuseppe Calabro
David Campbell
- Speaker at Summary EX/C, EX/S & PPC
- John Canik
- Leopoldo Carbajal Gomez
- Troy Carter
- Francis Casson
- Roberto Cavazzana
- Arun Kumar Chakraborty
- Poulami Chakraborty
- Debasis Chandra
- Choong-Seock Chang
- Boonyarit Chatthong
- Paritosh Chaudhuri
- Sachin S. Chauhan
- Baurzhan Chektybayev
- Hongli Chen
- Wei Chen
- Jiming Chen
- Dehong Chen
- Jun Cheng
- Viacheslav Chernov
- Minjun J. Choi
- Malay Bikas Chowdhuri
- Jugal Chowdhury
- Dikens Christian
- Colin Chrystal
- Randy Churchill
- Susana Clement Lorenzo
- Stefano Coda
- Rui Coelho
- Michael Cole
Matti Coleman
- Speaker at Global supply of tritium for fusion R&D
- Oliver Crofts
- Satadal Das
- Christian Day
- John deGrassie
- Arnab Jyoti Deka
- Elena de la Luna
- Diego del-Castillo-Negrete
- Luis F. Delgado-Aparicio
- Gianmaria De Tommasi
- Ritu Dey
- Ahmed Diallo
Rui Ding
- Speaker at Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
- Speaker at Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
- Yonghua Ding
- Andreas Dinklage
- Alexey Dnestrovskiy
- Guanqi Dong
- Mikhail Dorf
- Bharat Doshi
Michael Drevlak
- Speaker at New results in stellarator optimisation
- Deepti dubey
- Mike Dunne
- Pramit Dutta
Someswar Dutta
- Speaker at Error field experiment and analysis in SST-1
- Basil Duval
- Florian Effenberg
- Nicholas Eidietis
- Akira Ejiri
- Annika Ekedahl
- Gamal Elaragi
- Darin Ernst
- Teresa Estrada
- Naomichi Ezumi
Ambrogio Fasoli
- Speaker at TCV heating and divertor upgrades
- Gianfranco Federici
- Max Fenstermacher
- Nathaniel Ferraro
- Ondrej Ficker
- Joao Figueiredo
- Ulrich Fischer
- Cary Forest
- Lorenzo Frassinetti
- Domenico Frigione
- Golo Fuchert
- Shinsuke Fujioka
- Ivo Furno
- Elena Gaio
- Joaquin Galdon Quiroga
Ricardo Galvao
(University of Sao Paulo)
- Speaker at Summary Magnetic Confinement Theory
- Ranjana Gangradey
- Gerd Gantenbein
- Jeronimo Garcia
- Pablo Garcia-Martinez
- Atul Garg
- Igor Garkusha
Luca Garzotti
- Speaker at Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Speaker at Scenario development for DT operation at JET
Sergei Gerasimov
- Speaker at Overview of disruptions with JET-ILW
- Stefan Gerhardt
- Mahesh Ghate
- Keii Gi
- Mark Gilbert (CCFE Fusion Association)
- Mark Gilbert
- Dmitry Gin
- Carine Giroud
- Robert Goldston
- Xianzu Gong
- Tobias Görler
- Hiroshi Gota
- Krishan Kumar Gotewal
- Takuya Goto
- Robert Granetz
- Jonathan Graves
- B.A. Grierson
- Christian Grisolia
- Ravi B. Grover (India)
- Olaf Grulke
- Sibylle Günter
- Houyang Guo
- Chandra Kishor Gupta
- Evgenii Gusakov
- Robert Hager
- Ammar Hakim
- Klaus Hallatschek
- Kazuaki Hanada
- G.Z. Hao
- Lijuan Hao
- Tim Happel
- James Harrison
- R.W. (Bob) Harvey
- Hiroki Hasegawa
Richard Hawryluk
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
- Speaker at The Nuclear Fusion Prize
- Nobuhiko Hayashi
- Hongda He
- Jeffrey Herfindal
- Carlos Hidalgo
- Jon Hillesheim
- Jon Hillesheim
- Edward Hinson
- Matthew John Hole
- Suk-Ho Hong
- Heinrich Hora
Host Country Representative
- Speaker at Conference Closing
- Yawei Hou
- Michael Houry (CEA)
- Juan Huang
- Valentina Huber
IAEA Representative
- Speaker at Closing Address
- Angel Ibarra
- Katsumi Ida
- Hiroshi Idei
Daniel Iglesias
- Speaker at Advances in predictive thermo-mechanical modelling for the JET divertor experimental interpretation, improved protection, and reliable operation
- Speaker at Advances in predictive thermo-mechanical modelling for the JET divertor experimental interpretation, improved protection, and reliable operation
- Valentin Igochine
- Katsunori Ikeda
- Ryota Imazawa
- Yongkyoon In
- Michiaki Inomoto
Takashi Inoue
(JAEA Naka)
- Speaker at Summary FIP, FNS, MPT & SEE
- Shizuo inoue
- Akifumi Iwamoto
- Natsumi Iwata
- Stefan Jachmich
- K.A. Jadeja
- Aaro Jaervinen
- Yogesh Jain
- Marcin Jakubowski
- Mukti Ranjan Jana
- Juhyeok Jang Jang
- YoungMu Jeon
- Akhil Jha
- Xiaoquan JI
- Jieqiong Jiang
- Min Jiang
- Jungmin Jo
- Emmanuel Joffrin
- Emmanuel Joffrin
- Jay Joshi
Jaydeepkumar Joshi
- Speaker at Demonstration of 1 MV vacuum insulation for the vacuum insulated beam source in the ITER NB system
- Speaker at Progress in the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility
- Speaker at Technologies for realization of Large size RF sources for –ve neutral beam systems for ITER -Challenges, experience and path ahead
- Speaker at Technologies for realization of Large size RF sources for –ve neutral beam systems for ITER -Challenges, experience and path ahead & Progress in the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility & Demonstration of 1 MV vacuum insulation for the vacuum insulated beam source in the ITER NB system
- Rameshkumar Joshi
- Mishra Jyoti Shankar
- Ken Kajiwara
- Mayur Kakati
- Kensaku Kamiya
- Abha Kanik
- Priti Kanth
- Athina Kappatou
- Tsuyoshi Kariya
- Atsushi Kasugai
- Naohiro Kasuya
- Yevgen Kazakov
- Shyamkumar Khambholja
- Raju Khanal
- Leonid Khimchenko
- Mitsuru Kikuchi
- Carsten Killer
- Juhyung Kim
- Jaewook Kim
- Doohyun Kim
- Sun-Ho Kim
- Jayhyun Kim
- Hyun-Tae Kim
- Kaname Kizu
- Ralf Kleiber
- C Christopher Klepper
- John Kline
- Thomas Klinger
- Masahiro Kobayashi
- Takayuki Kobayashi
- Makoto Kobayashi
- Ivan Kodeli
- Florian Koechl
- Atsushi Kojima
- Michael Komm
- Defeng Kong
- Mengdi Kong
- Premjit Singh Kongkham
satoshi konishi
- Speaker at Future Possibility of Carbon Sequestration by Biomass-Fusion Hybrid Systems
- Speaker at Future Possibility of Carbon Sequestration by Biomass-Fusion Hybrid Systems & Economic Performance of Fusion Power Plant on Future Deregulated Electricity Market & Techno-economic analysis of biodiesel and hydrogen production via Fusion-Biomass Hybrid Model
- Speaker at Economic Performance of Fusion Power Plant on Future Deregulated Electricity Market
- Speaker at Techno-economic analysis of biodiesel and hydrogen production via Fusion-Biomass Hybrid Model
- Mike Kotschenreuther
- Arkadi Kreter
- Seung-Hoe Ku
- Animesh Kuley
- Ajay Kumar
- Jagabandhu Kumar
- Umesh Kumar
- Rajnish Kumar
Manoj Kumar
- Speaker at Imaging of SST-1 plasma with LHCD power
- Jitendra Kumar
- Igor Kupriyanov
- Taina Kurki-Suonio
- Gleb Kurskiev
- Boris Kuteev
- JaeMin Kwon
- Lavkesh Lachvani
- Florian Laggner
- Philipp Lauber
- Jaehyun Lee
- Sang Gon Lee
- HyunYeong Lee
- Ray Leeper
- Michael Lehnen
Sophia Le Masurier
- Speaker at The Nuclear Fusion Prize
- Anthony W. Leonard
- pengyuan li
- Guoqiang Li
- Yang Li
- Zhihong Lin
- Andrey Litnovsky
- Chang Liu
- Wandong Liu
- Yi Liu
- Yueqiang Liu
- Shaocheng Liu
- Alberto Loarte
- Daniel López-Bruna
- Jeremy Lore
- Tim Luce
- Timothy C. Luce
- Robert Lunsford
- Hanni Lux
- Brendan Lyons
- Tanmay Macwan
- Abha Maheshwari
- Gaurang Mahesuriya
Rajesh Maingi
- Speaker at Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Speaker at Amelioration of plasma-material interactions and improvement of plasma performance with a flowing liquid Li limiter and Li conditioning on EAST
- Speaker at Amelioration of plasma-material interactions and improvement of plasma performance with a flowing liquid Li limiter and Li conditioning on EAST & Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Richard Majeski
- Chinmoy Mallick
- Ranjana Manchanda
- Debraj Mandal
- ManoahStephen Manuelraj ManoahStephen Manuelraj
- Himabindu Manthena
- Wenzhe Mao
- Earl Marmar
- Lionello Marrelli
- Piero MARTIN (Consorzio RFX)
- Julio Martinell
- Jose Ramon Martin-Solis
- Akinobu Matsuyama
- Udaya Maurya
- Matej Mayer
Giuseppe Mazzitelli
- Speaker at Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Joseph McClenaghan
- Adam McLean
- Alexander Melnikov
Jonathan Menard
- Speaker at Overview of new MAST physics in anticipation of first results from MAST Upgrade
- Speaker at Fusion Energy Development Applications Utilizing the Spherical Tokamak and Associated Research Needs and Tools
- Speaker at Electromagnetic Particle Injector (EPI) as a Fast Time Response Disruption Mitigation Concept
- Speaker at NSTX-U Theory and Modeling Results
- Speaker at Overview of recent progress in understanding NSTX and NSTX-U plasmas & Overview of new MAST physics in anticipation of first results from MAST Upgrade
- Jervis Mendonca
- Orso Meneghini
Hendrik Meyer
- Speaker at Overview of Physics Studies on ASDEX Upgrade
- Speaker at Overview of Physics Studies on ASDEX Upgrade
- Fulvio Militello
- Vladimir Minaev
- Takashi Minami
- Pavel Minashin
- Kishore Mishra
- sapna Mishra
- Kartik Mohan
- Jaime Mora-Meléndez
Saskia Mordijck
- Speaker at Particle Transport from the Bottom Up
- Didier Moreau
- Yoshitaka Mori
- Tomohiro Morisaki
- Toseo Moritaka
- Gen Motojima
- Sayantan Mukherjee
- Samiran Shanti Mukherjee
- Rupak Mukherjee
- Eugene Mukhin
- Kenichi Nagaoka
- Takuya Nagasaka
- Masayoshi Nagata
- Hideo Nagatomo
- U C Nagora
- Masataka Nakahira
- Hoseok Nam
- Eric Nardon
- Emi Narita
- Anders Henry Nielsen
- Masaki Nishiura
- Jean-Marie Noterdaeme
- Hiroyuki Noto
- Silvana Nowak
- Masanori Nunami
- Maxim Nurgaliev
- Kentaro Ochiai
Yasuhisa Oda
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Speaker at Outcome of R&D program for ITER ICRF Power Source System
- Speaker at Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER
- Speaker at Completion of 1st ITER gyrotron manufacturing and 1 MW test result
- Speaker at Completion of 1st ITER gyrotron manufacturing and 1 MW test result & Outcome of R&D program for ITER ICRF Power Source System & Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER
- Kunihiro Ogawa
- Satoshi Ohdachi
- Shinsuke OHSHIMA
- Tetsutarou Oishi
- Michio Okabayashi
Raymond O'Neill
- Speaker at High Power Helicon Antenna Design for DIII-D
- Jozef ONGENA
- Yasushi Ono
- Novimir Pablant
- Shrishail Padasalagi
- Elina Pajuste
Stanislas Pamela
- Speaker at ELM and ELM-control Simulations
- Speaker at ELM and ELM-control Simulations
- Dobromir Panayotov
- Rohit Panchal
- Payal Pandit
- Shwetang Pandya
- Hyeon K. Park
- Gunyoung Park
- Jae-Sun Park
- Young-Seok Park
- Jin Myung Park
- Anita Patel
- Rakeshkumar Patel
- Amit Patel
- Jayant Patel
- Manoj Patel
- Sharvil Patel
- Kiran PATEL
K M Patel
- Speaker at Baking System of Aditya Upgrade Tokamak
- Axat Patel
- Hitesh Patel
- Narendra Patel
- Surya Pathak
- Y Patil
- Carlos Paz-Soldan
- Thomas Sunn Pedersen
- Jose Manuel Perlado
- Thomas W. Petrie
- Petty Petty
- Yves Peysson
- Leonardo Pigatto
- Simon Pinches
- Chiara Piron
- Maya P N
Mario Podesta
- Speaker at Reduced energetic particle transport models enable comprehensive time-dependent tokamak simulations
- Speaker at Reduced energetic particle transport models enable comprehensive time-dependent tokamak simulations
- Speaker at Global Alfvén eigenmode stability dependence on fast-ion distribution function
- Gergo Pokol
- Francesca Poli
- Piyush Prajapati
- Upendra Prasad
- Vadim Prikhodko
- Nawal Prinja (AMEC Foster Wheeler)
- Jiraporn Promping
Gianluca Pucella
- Speaker at Overview of the FTU results
- Thomas Pütterich
- Lei Qi
- Zhiyong Qiu
- Riccardo Ragona
- Harshita Raj
- Rachana Rajpal
- Mayank Rajput
- Abhay Ram
- Juergen Rapp
- Naveen Rastogi
- Jayesh Raval
- Pratipalsinh A. Rayjada
- Alexey Razdobarin
- Allan Reiman
- Holger Reimerdes
- David Rittich
- Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez
- Sergey Rogozhkin
- Swati Roy
- Francois Ryter
- Dmitriy Ryzhakov
- Steven Sabbagh
- Bibhu Prasad Sahoo
- Yoshiteru Sakamoto
- Edilberto Sanchez
- Siriyaporn Sangaroon
- Amulya Kumar Sanyasi
- Chandra Sekhar Sasmal
- Shinsuke Satake
- Masahiko Sato
- laura savoldi
- Friedrich Schluck
- L. Schmitz
- Mireille Schneider
- Eugenio Schuster
- Thomas Schwarz-Selinger
- David Schwörer
- Ryosuke Seki
- Morgan Shafer
- Maulik Shah
- Sejal Shah
- Sergei Sharapov
- Meenakshee Sharma
- Devendra Sharma
- Prashant Sharma
- Manika Sharma
- Rajiv Sharma
- Deepak Sharma
Deepti Sharma
- Speaker at Aditya up-gradation equilibrium study
- Wei Shen
- P W Shi
- Yuri Shpanskiy
- Aroh Shrivastava
- Neelam Shukla
Brajkishore Shukla
- Speaker at Technology developments for ECRH system
- Gaurav Shukla
- Vinit Shukla
- Mattia Siccinio
- Carlos Silva
- Stefan Simrock
- Amit Kumar Singh
- Narendrapal Singh
- Raghvendra Singh
- Mahendrajit Singh
- Abhishek Sinha
- Sterling Smith
- John Smith
- Antti Snicker
- Philip B. Snyder
Xianming Song
- Speaker at First Plasma Scenario Development for HL-2M
- Inwoo Song
- Leopoldo Soto
- Carlo Sozzi
- Donald Spong
- Prabhakar Srivastav
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastava
- Žiga Štancar
- Gediminas Stankunas
- Edward Strait
- Par Strand
- Henry Strauss
- P. V. Subhash
Masayoshi Sugimoto
- Speaker at Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Speaker at Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility (
- Speaker at Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Linda Sugiyama
- Youwen Sun
- Pengjun Sun
- Wolfgang Suttrop
- Yasuhiro Suzuki
- Kumudni Tahiliani
- Yuichi Takase
- Shutaro Takeda
- Yuki Takemura
- Tuomas Tala
- Hiroshi Tanabe
- Kenji Tanaka
- Masahiro Tanaka
- Hitoshi Tanaka
- Hiroyasu Tanigawa
- Hiroyasu Tanigawa (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Rakesh Tanna
- Vipul Tanna
- Giuseppe Telesca
- Paul Terry
- Christian Theiler
- Kathreen Thome
- S. Tiwari
- Hiroyuki Tobari
- Speaker at EU R&D Energy policy and the role of fusion research
- Speaker at India’s Quest for Fusion Energy & Road to ITER
- Speaker at Opening Address
- Speaker at Opening Remarks
- Speaker at Welcome Address
Yasushi Todo
- Speaker at Critical fast ion distribution in phase space for the synchronized sudden growth of multiple Alfvén eigenmodes and the global transport of fast ions
- Speaker at Critical fast ion distribution in phase space for the synchronized sudden growth of multiple Alfvén eigenmodes and the global transport of fast ions
- Satoshi Togo
- Vanni Toigo
- Tokihiko Tokuzawa
- Elisabeth Tolman
- Arvind Tomar
- Rajeshkumar Gajanan Trivedi
- Timur Tulenbergenov
- Francesca Turco
- Anil tyagi
- Himanshu Tyagi
Maxim Umansky
- Speaker at Extending the boundary heat flux width database to 1.3 Tesla poloidal magnetic field in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak
- Speaker at Study of passively stable, fully detached divertor plasma regimes attained in innovative long-legged divertor configurations
- Speaker at Study of passively stable, fully detached divertor plasma regimes attained in innovative long-legged divertor configurations
- Bernhard Unterberg
- Ezekial Unterberg
- Shunsuke Usami
- Gayathri V.
- Gautam Vadolia
- Bart Van Compernolle
- Ivan Vargas-Blanco
- sanjeev Varshney
- Geert Verdoolaege
- Aditya Kumar Verma
- Vladimir Vershkov
- Alexey Vertkov
- Nicola Vianello
- Eleonora Viezzer
- Gregorio Vlad
- Gheesa Lal Vyas
- Takuma Wakatsuki
Gregory Wallace
- Speaker at Novel Radio Frequency Current Drive Systems for Fusion Plasma Sustainment on DIII-D
- Speaker at Novel Radio Frequency Current Drive Systems for Fusion Plasma Sustainment on DIII-D
- Speaker at Experimental Evidence of Lower Hybrid Wave Scattering in Alcator C-Mod due to Scrape Off Layer Density Fluctuations
- Speaker at Experimental Evidence of Lower Hybrid Wave Scattering in Alcator C-Mod due to Scrape Off Layer Density Fluctuations
- Colin Walters
- Baonian Wan
- Speaker at Current Design and R&D Progress of CN HCCB TBS
- Speaker at Current Design and R&D Progress of CN HCCB TBS
- Weixing Wang Wang
- Lu Wang
- Zhanhui Wang
- Hao WANG
- Liang Wang
Zhehui Wang
- Speaker at Hollow pellets for magnetic fusion
- Nengchao Wang
- Kiyomasa WATANABE
- Takeshi Watari
- Markus Weiland
- Henri Weisen
- Michael Wigram
- Theresa Wilks
- Matthias Willensdorfer
- Marco Wischmeier
- Apiwat Wisitsorasak
- Tianyang XIa
- Guoliang Xiao
- Chijin Xiao
Min Xu
- Speaker at Overview of HL-2A Recent Experiments
Min Xu
- Speaker at Overview of HL-2A Recent Experiments
- Yuhong Xu
Liqing Xu
- Speaker at Kink Mode Study in EAST High β_{P} Plasma
- Guosheng Xu
- Xueqiao Xu
- Nandini Yadav
- Brijesh Yadav
- Juro Yagi
- Yurii V. Yakovenko
- Hiroshi Yamada
- Hiroyuki Yamaguchi
- Satoshi Yamamoto
- Satoshi Yamamoto
- Longwen Yan
- Jeong-hun Yang
- Minyou Ye
- Siwoo Yoon
- Masayuki Yoshikawa
- paolo zanca
- Louis ZANI
- roberto zanino
- David Zarzoso
- Ling Zhang
- Yipo Zhang
- Linjin Zheng
- Wulyu Zhong