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Oct 22 – 27, 2018
Mahatma Mandir Conference Centre
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Stability and Confinement Studies in the Gas Dynamic Trap

Oct 25, 2018, 8:30 AM
Mahatma Mandir Conference Centre

Mahatma Mandir Conference Centre

Gandhinagar (nearest Airport: Ahmedabad), India
Poster P5 Posters


Dr Vadim Prikhodko (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS)


Interest to magnetic mirrors went missing in the 1980's because of three key problems: magnets' complexity, micro-instabilities, and low temperature of plasma. However, researches on the Gas Dynamic Trap (GDT) device at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics demonstrates the possibility to overcome these difficulties. Confinement of plasma with high energy density have been performed on GDT device with simple circular coils. “Vortex confinement” have been implemented to suppress the radial losses induced by flute-like MHD instability inherent to axially symmetric devices. This technique allowed reaching local plasma beta close to 0.6. The auxiliary microwave heating on electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) frequencies raised the electron temperature up to 0.9 keV near the device axis. Alfven ion-cyclotron (AIC) instability have been observed, but not affected to the plasma power balance. The proposed report is dedicated to next three topics. The first is optimization of the “vortex confinement” in presence of ECR heating. Introducing the additional “vortex” layer inside the existing one allows extending high-temperature phase behind the atomic beams turn off time. The second is definition of critical parameters for the diverter. It was shown, that the critical wall position corresponds to expansion ratio of magnetic field $K_{crit} \sim 40$. This value is in a reasonable agreement with a simple theoretical model and remains constant in the range of electron temperature 25 - 700 eV. The neutral gas in the diverter does not affected the discharge until its density exceeded an order of magnitude the plasma density. The third is study of unstable modes. In addition to AIC, the new type of oscillations are observed at the range of tens of ion-cyclotron frequencies. It was preliminary identified as Drift-Cyclotron Loss-Cone instability.
Country or International Organization Russian Federation
Paper Number EX/P5-25

Primary author

Dr Vadim Prikhodko (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS)


Dr Alexander Shalashov (Institute of Applied Physics, RAS) Dr Alexander Solomakhin (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS) Dr Andrey Lizunov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS) Dr Dmitriy Yakovlev (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS) Dr Egor Gospodchikov (Institute of Applied Physics, RAS) Mr Egor Pinzhenin (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS) Dr Elena Soldatkina (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS) Ms Olga Korobeynikova (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS) Dr Peter Bagryansky (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) Dr Sergey Murakhtin (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS) Dr Valeriy Savkin (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS) Dr Vladimir Maximov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS) Dr Yuriy Kovalenko (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS) Mr Zakhar Konshin (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS)

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