3689 / 3689
- Philippe Abbon
- Ganji Abe
- Yuki Abe
M. Abhangi
- Co-author in Deuterium Depth Profile Measurement in Pre and Post Irradiated Tungsten
- Co-author in Evaluation of Tungsten as Divertor Plasma-Facing Material: Results from Ion Irradiation Experiments and Computer Simulations
- Co-author in Neutron Irradiation Impact on ITER Grade Insulating Material
- Co-author in Neutronics Experiment for Design Validation of Indian TBM Shield Module
- Co-author in Performance of 14-MeV Neutron Generator at IPR
- Agraj Abhishek
Tyler Abrams
- Author in Inter vs. Intra-ELM Tungsten Erosion and Transport from the Divertor in DIII-D High-Performance H-mode Discharges
- Co-author in Dynamic ELM and divertor control using mixed toroidal harmonic resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-D and EAST
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust during suppression of edge localized modes by resonant magnetic perturbation fields at DIII-D
- Co-author in Measurements of high-Z divertor impurity sourcing and divertor leakage using isotopic tungsten tracer sources in DIII-D
- Co-author in Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
Paulo Abreu
- Co-author in Overview of disruptions with JET-ILW
- First Name : Kaushik Acharya
Jiri Adamek
- Co-author in Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- J. Adegun
- Bhesha Raj Adhikari
- Yolbarsop Adil
Jyoti Agarwal
- Co-author in Effect of sorbent selection and geometrical arrangement of cryopanels on pumping speed of cryopump
- Co-author in Pellet fuelling prospects and injector system for Aditya-U tokomak
- Co-author in Thermo-hydraulic Analysis of Forced Flow Helium Cooled Cryopanels of Cryopump Using Venecia Code
- Rohit Agarwal
- Snehlata Aggarwal
- Deepak Aggarwal
- Piero Agostinetti
Matteo Agostini
- Co-author in Extension of the Operating Space of High-“β_N” Fully Non-inductive Scenarios on TCV Using Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in Helical plasma-wall interaction in the RFX-mod: effects of high-n mode locking
- Co-author in SOL transport and filamentary dynamics in high density tokamak regimes
- Hemang S. Agravat
- Diogo Aguiam
- Diogo Aguiam
- Olivier Agullo (Aix-Marseille Université)
Joon-Wook Ahn
- Co-author in Experimental observations of the plasma shape effect on the RMP-ELM coupling for optimization of the KSTAR ELM-crash control
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Test of the ITER-like RMP configurations for ELM-crash-suppression on KSTAR
- Jae Heon Ahn
Suman Aich
- Author in Plasma Column Position Measurements using Magnetic Diagnostics in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Baking System of Aditya Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Edge Current Density Profile Measurement Using an Array of Miniature Magnetic Probes in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Novel Approach of Pulsed-Glow Discharge Wall Conditioning in ADITYA Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Real-Time Feedback Control System for Plasma Position Stabilisation in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Gaetano Aiello
- Antonio Aiello
Tomoya Akagi
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Robert Akers
- Sergei Akhtyrskiy
- Moe Akimitsu
- Keigo Akimoto
- Naoki Akiyama
Satyaprasad AKKIREDDY
- Author in Application of TEM to study the changes in sub-surface defects in Tungsten samples as a function of annealing temperature
- Co-author in A Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigation of Defects Induced in Tungsten Foils by Gold (Au) and Boron (B) Ion Irradiation
- Co-author in Evaluation of Tungsten as Divertor Plasma-Facing Material: Results from Ion Irradiation Experiments and Computer Simulations
- Co-author in Neutron Irradiation Impact on ITER Grade Insulating Material
- Jarir Aktaa
- Aleksander Akunets
- Ferran Albajar
- Raffaele Albanese
Stefano Alberti
- Co-author in Assessment and optimization of the cavity thermal performance for the European Continuous Wave gyrotrons
- Co-author in Basic studies of the interaction of blobs with suprathermal ions and millimetre-wave beams in the TORPEX device
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Gyrotron R&D towards DEMO within EUROfusion Work Package Heating and Current Drive
- Co-author in Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER
- Irina Aleksandrova
- Arakcheev Aleksey
- Edoardo Alessi
- Morace Alessio
- Zvonkov Alexander
- Pavel Aleynikov
- Adnan Ali
- Franco Alladio
- Scott Allan
- Nicole Allen
Steve Allen
- Co-author in High Performance Double-null Plasmas Under Radiating Divertor and Mantle Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Parallel Energy Transport in Detached DIII-D Divertor Plasmas
- Co-author in Progress in DIII-D Towards Validating Divertor Power Exhaust Predictions
- Co-author in Quantification of Radiating Species in the DIII-D Divertor in the Transition to Detachment Using Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
- Arturo Alonso
- Khaled Al-Shboul
Alexey Altukhov
- Author in Benchmarking of Full-f Global Gyrokinetic Modeling Results Against the FT-2 Tokamak Doppler Reflectometry Data Using Synthetic Diagnostics
- Author in Benchmarking of Full-f Global Gyrokinetic Modeling Results Against the FT-2 Tokamak Doppler Reflectometry Data Using Synthetic Diagnostics
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Roberto Ambrosino
- Roberto Ambrosino
Kiran Ambulkar
- Co-author in Design and testing of X-mode reflectometry system for coupling studies of lower hybrid waves in ADITYA-U tokamak
- Co-author in Development and Qualification of Passive Active Multijunction (PAM) Launcher for LHCD System of ADITYA -Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Modification in LHCD DAC System to Incorporate Measurement of RF Power
- Young Hwa An
- Rohit Anand
- Himank Anand
- Sergey Ananyev
- Giorgos Anastassiou
- Jay Anderson
- Toshinari Ando
- Hauessler Andre
- Garro-Vargas Andreina
- Philip Andrew
- daniel andruczyk
Clemente Angioni
- Co-author in ELM-induced energy and momentum transport in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in First Analysis of the Updated ITPA Global H-Mode Confinement Database
- Co-author in Heat transport driven by the ITG and TEM instabilities in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Vanni Antoni
- Loris Antoniazzi
- Steffen Antusch
- Ngangom Aomoa
Maria Laura Apicella
- Co-author in Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Lynton Appel
Gerarda Apruzzese
- Co-author in Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Matyas Aradi
BharatKumar Arambhadiya
- Co-author in Baking System of Aditya Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Integrated System Electronics and Instrumentation ; Operation and Diagnostic for Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Novel Approach of Pulsed-Glow Discharge Wall Conditioning in ADITYA Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Alonso Araya-Solano
- Frederik Arbeiter
- Jose Arias-Brenes
- Yasunobu Arikawa
- Giovanni Artaserse
Jean-François Artaud
- Co-author in Model-Predictive Kinetic Control for Steady State Plasma Operation Scenarios on EAST
- Co-author in Modeling runaway electrons dynamics in tokamak plasmas: progresses and challenges
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the ITER Scenario Database
- W Arter
- Javier Artola
- ArunPrakash Arumugam
- Gleb Asadulin
- Yuuichi Asahi
- Tomohiko Asai
Enrique Ascasibar
- Author in Overview of TJ-II stellarator results
- Author in Overview of TJ-II stellarator results
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Turbulence and radial electric field asymmetries measured at TJ-II plasmas
- Team ASDEX UPgrade
- Gayatri Ashok
Leonid Askinazi
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Valentin Aslanyan
- Örs Asztalos
- Neway Atnafu
P K Atrey
- Co-author in Chord Average Density Measurement using Microwave Interferometry in LVPD
- Co-author in Impurity Screening in High Density Aditya Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Radiation power loss study during gas puff induced disruptions in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Studies of the gas puff effect on edge plasma of Aditya tokamak using coupled DEGAS2-UEDGE code
Asha Attri
- Author in Ion Irradiation Induced Modifications in Tungsten Foils
- Co-author in A Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigation of Defects Induced in Tungsten Foils by Gold (Au) and Boron (B) Ion Irradiation
- Co-author in Deuterium Depth Profile Measurement in Pre and Post Irradiated Tungsten
- Co-author in Evaluation of Tungsten as Divertor Plasma-Facing Material: Results from Ion Irradiation Experiments and Computer Simulations
- Fulvio Auriemma
- Max Austin
Max Austin
- Author in High confinement in negative triangularity discharges in DIII-D
- Co-author in Dynamic Neutral Beam Injection as a Mechanism for Plasma Control and an Actuator for Instability Drive
- Co-author in High-Frequency Energetic Particle Driven Instabilities and their Implications for Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in Negative Triangularity Effects on Tokamak MHD Stability
- Co-author in Viability of Wide Pedestal QH-Mode for Burning Plasma Operation
- Gonzalo Avaria
- Konstantinos Avramidis
- Konstantinos Avramidis (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), IHM)
- Mounir Awad
Lalit Mohan Awasthi
- Author in Excitation of Electron Temperature Gradient (ETG) Turbulence and Effect on Plasma Transport in LVPD
- Co-author in Chord Average Density Measurement using Microwave Interferometry in LVPD
- Co-author in Investigations on Growth of Quasi – Longitudinal (QL) Whistlers with Energy Scaling of Energetic Electrons in LVPD
- Co-author in Investigations on Temperature Fluctuations and Energy Transport in ETG Dominated Large Laboratory Plasma
- Co-author in Machine Control System for Large Volume Plasma Device: Current Status and Future Directions
- Co-author in Timing and Synchronization for Integrated Operation of Large Volume Plasma Device
- Ahmet Y. Aydemir
- Hiroshi Azechi
- Mainak B
- Nikita Babinov
N Babinov
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Nikita Babinov
- Tom Bache
- Christian Bachmann
- Seung Gyou Baek
- Peter Bagryansky
- Renu Bahl
- Radha Bahukutumbi
- Xingyu Bai
- Wei Bai
- Mathieu Bailly-Grandvaux
Nitin Bairagi
- Author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Mechanical Engineering Aspects for Overhauling of Helium Compressor and heavy duty Electrical Motors of 1.3 kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier system
- Co-author in Operational Results and Troubleshooting in Current Feeder System for SST-1
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
- Co-author in SST-1 Cryogenics Requirements and the Way Forward
- Fotis Bairaktaris
- Co-author in A Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigation of Defects Induced in Tungsten Foils by Gold (Au) and Boron (B) Ion Irradiation
- Co-author in Deuterium Depth Profile Measurement in Pre and Post Irradiated Tungsten
- Co-author in Evaluation of Tungsten as Divertor Plasma-Facing Material: Results from Ion Irradiation Experiments and Computer Simulations
Jun Gyo Bak
- Co-author in Characteristics of Asymmetric (low-field-side and high-field side) Divertor Detachment in KSTAR L-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in Evolution of locked mode under the existence of non-axisymmetric fields in KSTAR
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
Nikolai Bakharev
- Author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Co-author in Fusion Energy Development Applications Utilizing the Spherical Tokamak and Associated Research Needs and Tools
- Co-author in The Influence of Toroidal Magnetic Field Growth on Plasma Performance in the Spherical Tokamak Globus-M/-M2
- Co-author in Thermal energy confinement at the Globus-M spherical tokamak.
- K Balasubramanian
Itziar Balboa
- Co-author in Advances in predictive thermo-mechanical modelling for the JET divertor experimental interpretation, improved protection, and reliable operation
- Co-author in JET Upgraded Diagnostic Capabilities and Scientific Exploitation in Support of Deuterium-Tritium Operation
- Co-author in The Software and Hardware Architecture of the Real-Time Protection of In-Vessel Components in JET-ILW
- Matt Baldwin
- Juergen Baldzuhn
- Vinodh Kumar Bandaru
- Takahiro Bando
- Indranil Bandyopadhyay
- Indranil Bandyopadhyay
- Pintu Bandyopadhyay
Santanu Banerjee
- Author in Runaway Electron (RE) Mitigation Using Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection in the Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Analysis of Electron Cyclotron Wave Assisted Plasma Start-up in SST-1
- Co-author in Design of a NIR Spectrometer for Aditya-U Tokamak and Initial Results.
- Co-author in Dynamics of Neon Ions after Neon Gas Seeding and Puffing into Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in Effect of multiple periodic gas puff on neutral temperature in Aditya – U tokamak
- Co-author in Impurity Screening in High Density Aditya Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Mass Dependent Impurity Transport Study in ADITYA Tokamak
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Studies of the gas puff effect on edge plasma of Aditya tokamak using coupled DEGAS2-UEDGE code
- Debabrata Banerjee
- Alejandro Bañón Navarro
- Jian Bao
- Jian Bao
- Marcelo Baquero
pietro barabaschi
- Author in Progress of JT-60SA Project
- Author in Progress of JT-60SA Project
Kshitish Kumar Barada
- Co-author in ELMs onset triggered by mode coupling near rational surfaces in the pedestal
- Co-author in The universality of inter-ELM pedestal fluctuations in AUG and DIII-D - Impacting the edge profile structure by clamping of the gradients
- Co-author in Viability of Wide Pedestal QH-Mode for Burning Plasma Operation
Yuriy Baranov
- Co-author in First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful Fusion power predictions for JET and ITER
- Co-author in Particle Transport from the Bottom Up
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Tullio Barbui
- Laszlo Bardoczi
- Ashley Barnes
- Michael Barnes
- Robin Barnsley
- robin Barnsley
- Alexandra Baron-Wiechec
- Alexandra Baron-Wiechec
- Jayson Barr
- Thomas R. Barrett
- Joesph Barton
- Ujjwal Baruah
- Ujjwal Baruah
- Matteo Baruzzo
- Matteo Baruzzo
- Alan Basile
- Eric M. Bass
- Bamandas Basu
- Dimitri Batani
- Steven Batha
- V.I. Batkin
- Erlan Batyrbekov
- Johannes Bauer
- Larry R. Baylor
- Alexander Bazhenov
- Nicolas Bazin
- Bertrand BEAUMONT
Pierre-Yves Beauvais
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Felipe Bedoya
- Clyde Joshua Beers
- Craig Beidler
- A.D. Beklemishev
- Igor Belbas
- R. E. Bell
Luca Bellan
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
E. A. Belli
- Co-author in Neural-network accelerated coupled core-pedestal simulations with self-consistent transport of impurities
- Co-author in Predict-First Analysis and Experimental Validation of MHD Equilibrium, Stability, and Plasma Response to 3D Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Francesco Belli
Alexander Belokurov
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Ewa Belonohy
- Eva Belonohy
- Elena Belova
- R. L. Benedetti
- Sadruddin BENKADDA
- D. Bennett
- Evgeny Berik
John Berkery
- Co-author in Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Experiments in Disruption Avoidance for ITER Using Passive and Active Control
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- Jean-Michel Bernard
- Davide Bernardi
- Joao Bernardo
- Philippe Bernascolle
- Philippe Bernascolle
Matthias Bernert
- Co-author in Early identification of disruption paths for prevention and avoidance
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in Plasma shape and fueling dependence on the small ELM regime in TCV and AUG
- Co-author in Role of the pressure position on the pedestal stability in AUG, JET-ILW and TCV in deuterium and hydrogen plasmas and implications for ITER
- Co-author in SOL transport and filamentary dynamics in high density tokamak regimes
- Michel Berte
- Nicola Bertelli
- Andrea Bertinetti
- L Berzak-Hopkines
- S. Bhandarkar
- P Bharathi
- Anil Bhardwaj
S Bhat
- Co-author in Baking System of Aditya Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Fast Wave induced ICRF plasma Expansion in ADITYA torus
- Co-author in Gas Fuelling Control System of Aditya Tokamak
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Novel Approach of Pulsed-Glow Discharge Wall Conditioning in ADITYA Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Kunal Bhatt
- Pujita Bhatt
- Amitava Bhattacharjee
- Himangshu Bhattacharjee
- RajendraPrasad Bhattacharyay
Kedar Bhope
- Co-author in Activity of Indian High Heat Flux Test Facility
- Co-author in Studies of Ultrasonic and Phased array inspection NDT techniques on high thick SS316L welded joint mock-ups of fusion reactor components fabrication applications
- Co-author in Studies on high temperature vacuum brazing of Tungsten to Tungsten alloy materials for DEMO divertor application
- Montu Bhuva
- Manas Bhuyan
- Manas Bhuyan
- J. Bialek
- Alessandro Biancalani
- Christoph Biedermann
- Wolfgang Biel
- Jakub Bielecki
- M. M. Biener
- J. Biener
- Theordore Biewer
- Timothy S. Bigelow
Bernard Bigot
- Author in Progress toward ITER’s First Plasma
- Author in Progress toward ITER’s First Plasma
Roberto Bilato
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Co-author in Real-time simulation of the NBI fast-ion distribution
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Roberto Bilato
Petra Bilkova
- Co-author in Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- William Bin
- Michl Binderbauer
- Michl Binderbauer
- shikha Binwal
- R. Bionta
- Nirmal Kumar Bisai
- João P. S. Bizarro
- D, Boyd Blackwell
- William Blanchard
- Patrick Blanchard
- Thomas Blanken
- Sophie Blondel
Volodymyr Bobkov
- Co-author in Experimental conditions for suppressing Edge Localised Modes by magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power: Progress in Operation and Understanding for Experiments with Metallic Walls
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Co-author in The ITER baseline scenario investigated at ASDEX Upgrade
- V.B. Bobylev
- Lorenzo Boccaccini
- Alexander Bock
- Grant Bodner
Jose Boedo
- Co-author in Parallel Energy Transport in Detached DIII-D Divertor Plasmas
- Co-author in Quantification of Radiating Species in the DIII-D Divertor in the Transition to Detachment Using Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
- Co-author in SOL transport and detachment in alternative divertor configurations in TCV L- and H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in SOL transport and filamentary dynamics in high density tokamak regimes
Ondrej Bogar
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
Petr Bohm
- Co-author in Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Deirdre BOILSON
- Inessa Bolshakova (Lviv Polytechnic National University)
Benoit Bolzon
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- E. Bond
- Edward Bondarchuk
- Michael Bongard
- Gaetano Bongiovi
Tullio Bonicelli
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility
- François BONNE
- X. Bonnin
Paul Bonoli
- Co-author in Experimental Evidence of Lower Hybrid Wave Scattering in Alcator C-Mod due to Scrape Off Layer Density Fluctuations
- Co-author in Novel Radio Frequency Current Drive Systems for Fusion Plasma Sustainment on DIII-D
- Co-author in Observation of efficient lower hybrid current drive at high density on Alcator C-Mod
- Biswajit Bora
- Anup Borade
- Dipshikha Borah
- Matthias Borchardt
- Dmitriy Borodin
- Irina Borodkina
- Irinia Borodkina
- Alexander Borschegovskiy
- Vadim Borsuk
- Damiano Bortolato
- Damiano Bortolato
- Alessandro Bortolon
- Jean Boscary
- Alberto Bottino
- clarisse bourdelle
- Craig Bowie
- Christopher Bowman
Mark Boyer
- Author in Dynamic Neutral Beam Injection as a Mechanism for Plasma Control and an Actuator for Instability Drive
- Co-author in Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
D. P. Boyle
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- Sergey Bozhenkov
- Sergey Bozhenkov
- P. A. Bradley
- D. Bradley
- Rudolf Brakel
- Christian Brandt
- Matic Brank
- T. Braun
- Dylan Brennan
D. Brennan
- Co-author in New Fusion Facilities at UKAEA – FTF and H3AT
- Atiba Brereton
- Joshua Breslau
- Sarah Breton
Sebastijan Brezinsek
- Author in Erosion, Screening, and Migration of Tungsten in JET Equipped with Tungsten Divertor
- Author in Erosion, Screening, and Migration of Tungsten in JET Equipped with Tungsten Divertor
- Co-author in 3D heat and particle fluxes in Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Demonstration of Power Exhaust Control by Impurity Seeding in the Island Divertor at Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Erosion and deposition in the JET divertor during the ITER-like wall campaigns
- Co-author in Extrapolation of Be Erosion Modelling from JET and PISCES-B to ITER
- Co-author in Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
- Co-author in Numerical simulation of high neutron rate JET-ILW DD pulses in view of extension to DT experiments
- Co-author in Optimisation of JET-DT and ITER operation by developing an understanding of the role of low-Z impurity on the H-mode pedestal
- Co-author in Strategy and optimisation of wall conditioning at the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
- Co-author in The Software and Hardware Architecture of the Real-Time Protection of In-Vessel Components in JET-ILW
Victor Brian
- Co-author in Dynamic Neutral Beam Injection as a Mechanism for Plasma Control and an Actuator for Instability Drive
- Co-author in High Performance Double-null Plasmas Under Radiating Divertor and Mantle Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Measurements of high-Z divertor impurity sourcing and divertor leakage using isotopic tungsten tracer sources in DIII-D
- Dominik Brida
Alexis Briesemeister
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust during suppression of edge localized modes by resonant magnetic perturbation fields at DIII-D
- Co-author in Inter vs. Intra-ELM Tungsten Erosion and Transport from the Divertor in DIII-D High-Performance H-mode Discharges
- Co-author in Measurements of high-Z divertor impurity sourcing and divertor leakage using isotopic tungsten tracer sources in DIII-D
- Co-author in Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
- Co-author in Quantification of Radiating Species in the DIII-D Divertor in the Transition to Detachment Using Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
- Riscob Bright
- Sergio Briguglio
- Alain Brizard
- Christoph Broeckmann
- Mike Brookman
- M.W. Brookman
- Arthur Brooks
- David Brower
- Thomas Brown
- Philipp Bruecker
- Daniele Brunetti
Daniel Brunner
- Author in Extending the boundary heat flux width database to 1.3 Tesla poloidal magnetic field in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak
- Co-author in Conceptual Design Study for Heat Exhaust Management in the ARC Fusion Pilot Plant
- Co-author in Observation of efficient lower hybrid current drive at high density on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Performance assessment of tightly-baffled long-leg divertor geometries in the ARC reactor concept
- Co-author in Study of passively stable, fully detached divertor plasma regimes attained in innovative long-legged divertor configurations
- Kaj Jakob Brunner
- Alexander Brushi
- H. Bsharat
- Jerome Bucalossi (CEA)
- Janmejay Umeshbhai Buch
- James Buchanan
- Vjacheslav Budaev
- Adam Budai
- Ramesh Kumar B Buddu
- Hugo Bufferand
- Valentin Bukhovets
Ivan Bukreev
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Ivan Bukreev
- Viktor Bulanin
- Maxim Buldakov
- Stefan Buller
- Kyle Bunkers
- Patrick Bunting
- Paolo Buratti
- Aleksandr Burdakov
- A.V. Burdakov
- Rainer Burhenn
- Richard Burke
- Marcus Burke
- V.S. Burmasov
- Keith H. Burrell
- Barry Butler
- Birger Buttenschön
- Richard J. Buttery
L. Buzi
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
Igor Bykov
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust during suppression of edge localized modes by resonant magnetic perturbation fields at DIII-D
- Co-author in Favorable Impact of RMP ELM Suppression On Divertor Heat Fluxes at ITER-like Conditions
- Co-author in Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
- Arun k C
- D. Cagadas
- J. Caggiano
- Dang Cai
- Laizhong Cai
- Feng Cai
- Jianqing Cai
- Giuseppe Calabro
- Giuseppe Calabro
- D. A. Callahan
- Iván Calvo
David Campbell
- Author in Summary EX/C, EX/S & PPC
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in R&D for reliable disruption mitigation in ITER
- Gustavo Canal
- Jeff Candy
- Juan Caneses
John Canik
- Author in Multi-physics modeling of the long-term evolution of plasma-exposed surfaces
- Co-author in Amelioration of plasma-material interactions and improvement of plasma performance with a flowing liquid Li limiter and Li conditioning on EAST & Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Co-author in Parallel Energy Transport in Detached DIII-D Divertor Plasmas
- Co-author in Progress in DIII-D Towards Validating Divertor Power Exhaust Predictions
- Co-author in The Advanced Tokamak Path to a Compact Net Electric Pilot Plant
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- Barbara Cannas
- Pilar Cano-Megias
Qixiang CAO
- Co-author in Current Design and R&D Progress of CN HCCB TBS
- Qinghong Cao
- Norman M Cao
- Qinghong Cao
Álvaro Cappa
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Turbulence and radial electric field asymmetries measured at TJ-II plasmas
- Mauro Cappelli
Philippe CARA
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
Leopoldo Carbajal Gomez
- Author in Pitch Angle Dynamics and Synchrotron Emission of Runaway Electrons in Quiescent and Disrupted DIII-D Plasmas
- Author in Pitch Angle Dynamics and Synchrotron Emission of Runaway Electrons in Quiescent and Disrupted DIII-D Plasmas
- Co-author in Advances in Runaway Electron Control and Model Validation for ITER
- Co-author in Integrated simulation of runaway electrons: a backward Monte-Carlo approach for a fluid-kinetic self-consistent coupling
- Co-author in Interactions of runaway electrons with Alfvén and whistler waves
- Sara Carcangiu
- Sara Carcangiu
- T. Cardenas
- Alessandro Cardinali
- Thomas Carlstrom
Nührenberg Carolin
- Co-author in New results in stellarator optimisation
- Francesco Carpanese
- Daniel Carralero
- Daniel Carralero
- Troy Carter
- Ivo Carvalho
- Ivo Carvalho
- Pedro Carvalho
- Livia Casali
- Elisabetta Caschera
Andrea Casolari
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
Francis Casson
- Author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Co-author in First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful Fusion power predictions for JET and ITER
- Co-author in Isotope Dependence of Confinement in JET Deuterium and Hydrogen Plasmas
- Co-author in Optimising the ITER 15MA DT Baseline Scenario by Exploiting a Self-Consistent Free-Boundary Core-edge-SOL Workflow in IMAS
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the ITER Scenario Database
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Co-author in Towards a predictive modelling capacity for DT plasmas: European Transport Simulator (ETS) verification and validation
- Carmine Castaldo
- Antonio Castaldo
- David Castaño-Bardawil
Francisco Castejón
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Nonlinearly Saturated Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibrium States with Periodicity-Breaking in Stellarators
- C Castro
- Francesca Cau
John Caughman
- Co-author in Fast wave experiments in LAPD in support of fusion
- Co-author in Performance of the plasma source and heating concept for the Prototype-Material Plasma Exposure eXperiment (Proto-MPEX)
- Co-author in Shattered Pellet Injection Technology Design and Characterization for Disruption Mitigation Experiments
Jordan Cavalier
- Co-author in Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Roberto Cavazzana
- Kim Cave-Ayland
Marco Cavedon
- Co-author in Development of a plasma scenario for the EU-DEMO: current activities and perspectives
- Co-author in Experimental conditions for suppressing Edge Localised Modes by magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in The ITER baseline scenario investigated at ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in The universality of inter-ELM pedestal fluctuations in AUG and DIII-D - Impacting the edge profile structure by clamping of the gradients
- Marco Cavedon
- Marco Cavenago
- C. Cerjjan
Jaroslav Cerovsky
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- physics team CFETR
- Nikhil Chakrabarty
Arun Kumar Chakraborty
- Author in Progress of ITER-India activities for ITER deliverables: Challenges & Mitigation Measures
- Author in Progress of ITER-India activities for ITER deliverables: Challenges & Mitigation Measures
- Co-author in Application of Finite Element Techniques in Simulation of Mechanical Design and Performance Assessment of Different Components of a Neutral Beam Systems
- Co-author in Design and Development of Safety control system of Indian Test Facility (IN-TF) for ITER DNB
- Co-author in Development of Various diagnostics for NNBI program in IPR
- Co-author in Evaluation of Beam Properties of a Negative Hydrogen Source by Doppler Shift Spectroscopy
- Co-author in Manufacturing Technologies for UHV Compatible 10 MW/m2 High Heat Flux Components for Application in Fusion Devices
- Co-author in Neutron Irradiation Impact on ITER Grade Insulating Material
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility
- Co-author in R&D status of Indian Test Facility for ITER DNB characterization
- Co-author in Technologies for realization of Large size RF sources for –ve neutral beam systems for ITER -Challenges, experience and path ahead & Progress in the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility & Demonstration of 1 MV vacuum insulation for the vacuum insulated beam source in the ITER NB system
- Poulami Chakraborty
- Ch Chakrapani
- Aritra Chakroborty
Clive Challis
- Co-author in Advances in predictive thermo-mechanical modelling for the JET divertor experimental interpretation, improved protection, and reliable operation
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful Fusion power predictions for JET and ITER
- Co-author in High fusion performance at high Ti/Te in JET-ILW baseline plasmas with high NBI heating power and low gas puffing
- Co-author in Impact of Neon Injection on Electron Density Peaking in JET Hybrid Plasmas
- Co-author in Optimisation of JET-DT and ITER operation by developing an understanding of the role of low-Z impurity on the H-mode pedestal
- Co-author in Plasma and diagnostics preparation for alpha-particle studies in JET DT
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Vincent S. Chan
Debasis Chandra
- Author in A nonlinear 2-fluid study of the effect of pellet injection on ELM dynamics
- Author in nonlinear 2-fluid study of the effect of pellet injection on ELM dynamics
- Author in Simulation of the internal kink mode in visco-resistive regimes
- Co-author in Runaway Electron (RE) Mitigation Using Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection in the Aditya-U Tokamak
Choong-Seock Chang
- Author in Wide divertor heat-flux width in ITER from self-organization between the neoclassical and turbulent transports across the separatrix surface
- Co-author in A gyrokinetic discovery of fast L-H bifurcation physics in a realistic, diverted, tokamak edge geometry
- Co-author in Comparative simulations of the plasma response to RMPs during ELM-crash mitigated and suppressed phases in KSTAR
- Co-author in Confinement in stellarators with the global gyrokinetic code XGC
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Modeling with an Extended Magnetic Equilibrium including the Edge Region of Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic XGC1 Simulation Study of Magnetic Island Effects on Neoclassical and Turbulence Physics in a KSTAR Plasma
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic-MHD coupled simulation of RMP plasma interaction reproduces density pump-out seen in the tokamak edge
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Pressure balance in a low collisionality tokamak scrape-off layer
- Co-author in Total-f gyrokinetic turbulent-neoclassical simulation of global impurity transport and its effect on the main-plasma confinement
- Jiafeng Chang
- Choong-Seock Chang
- Alexander Chankin
- Alex Chankin
Ian Chapman
- Co-author in New Fusion Facilities at UKAEA – FTF and H3AT
- Julien Chareyre
Boonyarit Chatthong
- Author in Ion and Electron Temperature Predictions based on Thailand Tokamak Plasmas using CRONOS Code
- Co-author in Parametric study of the impurity profile in the Thailand tokamak
- Co-author in Predictive Simulations of Core-Edge Plasma for Tokamak Plasma using BALDUR Code
- Co-author in Simulation Study of Heat Transport with On-Off Axis ICRH in Thailand Tokamak Using BALDUR Code
- Asim Chattopadhyay
Prabal Chattopadhyaya
- Co-author in Aditya up-gradation equilibrium study
- Co-author in Characterization of Argon Plasma in a Multi line Cusp Magnetic Field: Towards a Favorable Source for NBI System
- Co-author in Effect of externally applied radial electric field (biased-electrode) on Geodesic Acoustic Modes in SINP tokamak
- Co-author in Leak Width in a Multi-cusp Field Configuration: A Revisit with a Versatile Experimental device
- Co-author in Mode Converted Electrostatic Nonlinear Ion-Ion Hybrid Mode In Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Novel Approach of Pulsed-Glow Discharge Wall Conditioning in ADITYA Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Origin of Harmonics of Drift Tearing Mode in ADITYA tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Studies of the gas puff effect on edge plasma of Aditya tokamak using coupled DEGAS2-UEDGE code
- Vilas Chaudhari
- V. Chaudhari
Paritosh Chaudhuri
- Author in Progress on Lithium Ceramic breeder materials development, Characterization and R&D activities in IPR
- Co-author in Design and Simulation Studies of Calorimetric Dummy Load for Gyrotron System
- Co-author in Design optimization of Helium cooling systems for Indian LLCB TBM
- Co-author in Effect of Simulated Post Weld Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of IN-RAFM Steel
- Co-author in Neutronics Experiment for Design Validation of Indian TBM Shield Module
- Co-author in Thermal Diffusivity Measurement of Functional & Structural Materials for Fusion Blanket Application
- Co-author in Thermal Performance Analysis of Al2O3 - Water Nanofluid as a Coolant in Nuclear Applications
- Co-author in Thermal-hydraulics and Structural analyses of LLCB TBM set
- Co-author in Thermo-Mechanical Experiments On Lithium Titanate Pebble Bed
Jignesh chauhan
- Co-author in Development of a Prototype Collaborative Robot for Fusion Remote Handling Applications
- Co-author in Effect of Simulated Post Weld Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of IN-RAFM Steel
- Co-author in In-Vessel Inspection System: Design progress of high vacuum and temperature compatible remote handling for fusion purposes
- Co-author in Visual Servo of Tokamak Relevant Remote Handling Systems using Neural Network Architecture
- Sachin S. Chauhan
Nicolas Chauvin
- Author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Volodymyr Chebotarev
- Baurzhan Chektybayev
Stephane Chel
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Ioannis Chelis
- Oulfa Chellaï
Wei Chen
- Author in Suppression and destabilization of ion fishbone activities on HL-2A
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Energetic-ion Driven Toroidal and Global Alfvén Eigenmodes on HL-2A
- Co-author in Localized modulation of turbulence by magnetic islands on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Nonlinear decay and plasma heating by toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes
- Dehong Chen
- Junling Chen
- Ran Chen
- Bin Chen
- Wenjun Chen
- Jianguo Chen
- Chengyuan Chen
- Jiming Chen
- Jiale Chen
Yanjing CHEN
- Co-author in Current Design and R&D Progress of CN HCCB TBS
- zhong Chen
- Jin Chen
- Junling Chen
- DaLong Chen
- Jie Chen
- Xi Chen
- Hongli Chen
- Yanyu Chen
- Zhipeng Chen
- Jun Cheng
- Jin Cheng
- Zhifeng Cheng
- C. Z. Cheng
- MunSeong Cheon
Al Chernakov
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Alexander Chernakov
- Paul Chernakov
- Anton Chernakov
- Viacheslav Chernov
Fedor Chernyshev
- Co-author in Thermal energy confinement at the Globus-M spherical tokamak.
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Fedor Chernyshev
Chhaya Chhaya
- Co-author in Gas Fuelling Control System of Aditya Tokamak
- Giuseppe Chitarin
- Piotr Chmielewski
Wonho Choe
- Co-author in Characteristics of Asymmetric (low-field-side and high-field side) Divertor Detachment in KSTAR L-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in ELM Suppression and Internal Transport Barrier Formation by Krypton Seeding in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in Experimental observation and modelling of high-Z impurity transport by tungsten powder injection in KSTAR plasmas
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
Minjun J. Choi
- Author in Effect of multiscale interaction between an m/n=2/1 mode and micro instabilities on transport of KSTAR plasmas*
- Author in Effect of multiscale interaction between an m/n=2/1 mode and micro instabilities on transport of KSTAR plasmas*
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Perpendicular Rotation and Field Penetration at the Transition to RMP-induced ELM-crash Suppression
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic XGC1 Simulation Study of Magnetic Island Effects on Neoclassical and Turbulence Physics in a KSTAR Plasma
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- Heekyung Choi
- Wilkie Choi
- Wilkie Choi
- Minjun Choi
Jae Hyuk Choi
- Co-author in Completion of the first TF Coil Structure of ITER
- kamal Choudhary
Malay Bikas Chowdhuri
- Author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Application of the Semi–Implicit Numerical Method on the Radial Impurity Transport Equation and Determination of O4+ Emissivity with Two Separate PEC Databases
- Co-author in Controlling Plasma Rotation using Periodic Gas-puff in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Design of a NIR Spectrometer for Aditya-U Tokamak and Initial Results.
- Co-author in Dynamics of Neon Ions after Neon Gas Seeding and Puffing into Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in Effect of multiple periodic gas puff on neutral temperature in Aditya – U tokamak
- Co-author in Impurity Screening in High Density Aditya Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Mass Dependent Impurity Transport Study in ADITYA Tokamak
- Co-author in Novel Approach of Pulsed-Glow Discharge Wall Conditioning in ADITYA Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Observations of Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation using X-Ray Crystal Spectrometer in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Radiation power loss study during gas puff induced disruptions in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway Electron (RE) Mitigation Using Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection in the Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Studies of the gas puff effect on edge plasma of Aditya tokamak using coupled DEGAS2-UEDGE code
- Co-author in Study of Iron Impurity Behavior using VUV Spectroscopy in Aditya and Aditya-U Tokamak
- Jugal Chowdhury
Dikens Christian
- Author in Maintenance experience of 315kW Electrical Motor of Helium screw compressor in 1.3kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier Plant
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Installation and Commissioning of 80K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System
- Co-author in Mechanical Engineering Aspects for Overhauling of Helium Compressor and heavy duty Electrical Motors of 1.3 kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier system
- Co-author in Operational Results and Troubleshooting in Current Feeder System for SST-1
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
- Perez Von Thun Christian
- Guillemaut Christophe
- Colin Chrystal
- Yong Chu
Hitesh H. Chudasma
- Co-author in Error field experiment and analysis in SST-1
- Igor Chugunov
- B Chuilon
- Jinil Chung
- Kyoung-Jae Chung
Randy Churchill
- Author in Pressure balance in a low collisionality tokamak scrape-off layer
- Co-author in A gyrokinetic discovery of fast L-H bifurcation physics in a realistic, diverted, tokamak edge geometry
- Co-author in Wide divertor heat-flux width in ITER from self-organization between the neoclassical and turbulent transports across the separatrix surface
- Mark Cianciosa
- Cesidio Cianfarani
- Marek Ciechanowski
- Guido Ciraolo
- Fabio Cismondi
Jonathan Citrin
- Co-author in Core Density Peaking Experiments in JET, DIII-D and C-Mod in Various Operational Scenarios - Driven by Fuelling or Transport
- Co-author in En Route to High-Performance Discharges: Insights and Guidance from High-Realism Gyrokinetics
- Co-author in First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful Fusion power predictions for JET and ITER
- Co-author in Neural-network accelerated coupled core-pedestal simulations with self-consistent transport of impurities
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Carmella Ciummo
- Frederic Clairet
- D. Clark
- Cesar Clauser
- Mitchell Clement
- Susana Clement Lorenzo
- Paul Coad
Stefano Coda
- Author in Physics research on the TCV tokamak facility: from conventional to alternative scenarios and beyond
- Author in Physics research on the TCV tokamak facility: from conventional to alternative scenarios and beyond
- Co-author in Implementation of 3-D effects of the ITER plasma-facing components in a 2-D real-time model-based approach for wall heat flux control on ITER
- Co-author in Role of the pressure position on the pedestal stability in AUG, JET-ILW and TCV in deuterium and hydrogen plasmas and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Singlet Breakdown Optimisation to a Doublet Plasma Configuration on the TCV Tokamak
Rui Coelho
- Author in Plasma equilibrium reconstruction of JET discharges using the IMAS modelling infrastructure
- Co-author in Analysis and modelling of NTMs dynamics in JET discharges using the European Transport Simulator (ETS) and integrated modelling tools
- Co-author in Synthetic edge and SOL diagnostics - a bridge between experiments and theory
- Co-author in Towards a predictive modelling capacity for DT plasmas: European Transport Simulator (ETS) verification and validation
- Jan Willem Coenen
- Ivor Coffey
- Laurent COLAS
- Michael Cole
Matti Coleman
- Author in Global supply of tritium for fusion R&D
Cami Collins
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust during suppression of edge localized modes by resonant magnetic perturbation fields at DIII-D
- Co-author in High-Frequency Energetic Particle Driven Instabilities and their Implications for Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in Interactions of runaway electrons with Alfvén and whistler waves
- Co-author in Reduced energetic particle transport models enable comprehensive time-dependent tokamak simulations
Michele Comunian
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Sean Conroy
- Garrard Conway
- Wilfred Cooper
- Christopher Cooper
- Bruno Coppi
- yann corre
Gerard Corrigan
- Co-author in Optimising the ITER 15MA DT Baseline Scenario by Exploiting a Self-Consistent Free-Boundary Core-edge-SOL Workflow in IMAS
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the ITER Scenario Database
- Jörg Cosfeld
- Stefan Costea
David Coster
- Co-author in Assessment of Alternative Divertor Configurations as an Exhaust Solution for DEMO
- Co-author in Runaway electron modelling in the ETS self-consistent core transport simulator
- Co-author in Towards a predictive modelling capacity for DT plasmas: European Transport Simulator (ETS) verification and validation
- Tyler Cote
- Brent Covele
- Kerry Cozad
- Teddy Craciunescu
- Teddy Craciunescu
Alexander J Creely
- Co-author in Conceptual Design Study for Heat Exhaust Management in the ARC Fusion Pilot Plant
- Co-author in En Route to High-Performance Discharges: Insights and Guidance from High-Realism Gyrokinetics
- Co-author in Explaining Cold-Pulse Dynamics in Tokamak Plasmas using Local Turbulent Transport Models
- Neal Crocker
- Oliver Crofts
Kristel Crombe
- Co-author in Fast wave experiments in LAPD in support of fusion
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power: Progress in Operation and Understanding for Experiments with Metallic Walls
- Co-author in Preparing the ICRH system for the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Mark Cropper
- Brendan Crowley
- Diego José Cruz-Zabala
- Gabor Cseh
- Zhengying Cui
- Davide Curreli
Agata Czarnecka
- Co-author in Analysis and modelling of NTMs dynamics in JET discharges using the European Transport Simulator (ETS) and integrated modelling tools
- Co-author in Core Density Peaking Experiments in JET, DIII-D and C-Mod in Various Operational Scenarios - Driven by Fuelling or Transport
- Co-author in Numerical simulation of high neutron rate JET-ILW DD pulses in view of extension to DT experiments
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Agata Czarnecka
- Istvan Cziegler
- Istvan Cziegler
- Arnab D
- Michael D'Agostino
- Masayuki Dairaku
- Hrushikesh Dalicha
- Hannes Damm
- Suman Danani
- Chandan Danani
- Suman Danani
- Chandan Danani
- Sunil Dani
Raju Daniel
- Co-author in Effect of the Controlled Density Gradient on Equilibrium and Confinement in a Simple Toroidal Device with two plasma sources
- Co-author in Error field experiment and analysis in SST-1
- Co-author in Evolution and Implementation of Loss-Less Data Acquisition for Steady State Tokamak
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Origin of Harmonics of Drift Tearing Mode in ADITYA tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
- Co-author in Plasma Column Position Measurements using Magnetic Diagnostics in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Preliminary Results of Wall Conditioning Experiments using High Power ICRH System on SST-1 at Different Toroidal Magnetic Fields
- Co-author in SST-1 Cryogenics Requirements and the Way Forward
- Co-author in Thermal-hydraulic Characteristics Study of Superconducting Magnets of SST-1
- Co-author in Thermo-structural and heat load analysis of SST-1 Superconducting coils
- López-Rodríguez Daniel
- Caroline Darbos
Subhadip Das
- Co-author in Effect of sorbent selection and geometrical arrangement of cryopanels on pumping speed of cryopump
- Co-author in Pellet fuelling prospects and injector system for Aditya-U tokomak
- Co-author in Thermo-hydraulic Analysis of Forced Flow Helium Cooled Cryopanels of Cryopump Using Venecia Code
- Satadal Das
- Tapasi Das
- W. S. Daughton
- Purvi Dave
- C. David
- C David
- Sergio Davis
- Christian Day
- Nathanial Dean
- Maarten De Bock
- Joan Decker
- Patrick DECOOL
John deGrassie
- Author in DIII-D Shaping Demonstrates Correlation of Intrinsic Momentum with Energy
- Co-author in High confinement in negative triangularity discharges in DIII-D
- Co-author in Novel Radio Frequency Current Drive Systems for Fusion Plasma Sustainment on DIII-D
- Co-author in Predicting the Toroidal Rotation Profile for ITER
- Renaud Dejarnac
- Arnab Jyoti Deka
- Ephrem Delabie
- Ephrem Delabie
- Ephrem Delabie
Elena de la Luna
- Author in Impact of ELM control in JET experiments on H-mode terminations with/without current ramp-down and implications for ITER
- Author in Impact of ELM control in JET experiments on H-mode terminations with/without current ramp-down and implications for ITER
- Co-author in ELM and ELM-control Simulations
- Co-author in Implications of JET-ILW L-H Transition Studies for ITER
- Co-author in Role of the pressure position on the pedestal stability in AUG, JET-ILW and TCV in deuterium and hydrogen plasmas and implications for ITER
- Cuzzani de la Moreno
- Carlos del Castillo
Diego del-Castillo-Negrete
- Author in Integrated simulation of runaway electrons: a backward Monte-Carlo approach for a fluid-kinetic self-consistent coupling
- Co-author in Advances in Runaway Electron Control and Model Validation for ITER
- Co-author in Interactions of runaway electrons with Alfvén and whistler waves
- Co-author in Pitch Angle Dynamics and Synchrotron Emission of Runaway Electrons in Quiescent and Disrupted DIII-D Plasmas
- Co-author in Transport induced by energetic geodesic acoustic modes
- Co-author in Weak turbulence transport with background flows using mapping techniques including finite Larmor radius effects
- Luis F. Delgado-Aparicio
- John Dellas
- Rita Delogu
- Antonio De Lorenzi
- Lena Delpech
- Guozhong Deng
- Bihe Deng
- Tijian Deng
- Severin Denk
- Cody Dennett
- Hugo De Oliveira
Shishir deshpande
- Co-author in ACTYS Code System: Towards Next Generation Nuclear Activation Codes for Fusion Reactors
- Co-author in Ion Irradiation Induced Modifications in Tungsten Foils
- Co-author in Progress of ITER-India activities for ITER deliverables: Challenges & Mitigation Measures
- Co-author in Tritium Handling and Recovery System for Accelerator Based 14-MeV Neutron Generator
- Pascal Despontin
- Gianmaria De Tommasi
- Sean Dettrick
- Alexadre Deur
- Devrani Devi
- Alexis Devitre
Peter de Vries
- Co-author in Impact of ELM control in JET experiments on H-mode terminations with/without current ramp-down and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Implementation of 3-D effects of the ITER plasma-facing components in a 2-D real-time model-based approach for wall heat flux control on ITER
- Co-author in the ITER plasma current termination phase: physics constraints on control
- E. Dewald
- Robert L. Dewar
Ritu Dey
- Author in Studies of the gas puff effect on edge plasma of Aditya tokamak using coupled DEGAS2-UEDGE code
- Co-author in Design of a NIR Spectrometer for Aditya-U Tokamak and Initial Results.
- Co-author in Dynamics of Neon Ions after Neon Gas Seeding and Puffing into Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in Effect of multiple periodic gas puff on neutral temperature in Aditya – U tokamak
Kalpesh R Dhanani
- Co-author in Error field experiment and analysis in SST-1
Hitesh Dhola
- Co-author in 3MW Dual Output High Voltage Power Supply Operation: Results for Accuracy, Stability and Protection Test
- Co-author in Installation And Initial Run Of 96kV 7.2MW Acceleration Grid Power Supplies
- Co-author in Outcome of R&D program for ITER ICRF Power Source System
- Co-author in RT Amplitude Control loop: Testing of R&D ICRF source at High Power
Jasraj Dhongde
- Co-author in Error field experiment and analysis in SST-1
Ahmed Diallo
- Author in ELMs onset triggered by mode coupling near rational surfaces in the pedestal
- Co-author in Amelioration of plasma-material interactions and improvement of plasma performance with a flowing liquid Li limiter and Li conditioning on EAST & Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Analysis and Simulations of Pedestals
- Co-author in Rotation-induced electrostatic-potentials and density asymmetries in NSTX
- Co-author in The universality of inter-ELM pedestal fluctuations in AUG and DIII-D - Impacting the edge profile structure by clamping of the gradients
- Patrick H. Diamond
- Patrick Diamond
- Eberhard Diegele
- Jiménez Diego
- Guilhem Dif-Pradalier
Miglena Dimitrova
- Co-author in Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Andris Dimits
Siye Ding
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Co-author in Model-Predictive Kinetic Control for Steady State Plasma Operation Scenarios on EAST
- Co-author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Co-author in Transport Barriers in DIII-D High βp plasmas and Development of Candidate Steady State Scenarios for ITER
- Co-author in Transport simulation of EAST long pulse discharge and high betaN discharge with integrated modelling
Xuantong Ding
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in ELM Control Physics with Impurity Seeding and LHCD in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in Localized modulation of turbulence by magnetic islands on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Pedestal dynamics in inter-ELM phase on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma confinement and pedestal dynamics responses to impurity seeding in HL-2A H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Suppression and destabilization of ion fishbone activities on HL-2A
Rui Ding
- Author in Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
- Author in Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
- Co-author in Advances in Plasma-Wall Interaction Control for H-mode Operation over 100s with ITER-like Tungsten Divertor on EAST
- Weixing Ding
- Yonghua Ding
Fang Ding
- Co-author in Advances in Plasma-Wall Interaction Control for H-mode Operation over 100s with ITER-like Tungsten Divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
- Co-author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Co-author in Tungsten control in NBI-dominant H-mode discharges in EAST tokamak
- Bojiang Ding
Andreas Dinklage
- Author in Plasma termination by excess fuel and impurities in TJ-II, LHD and W7-X
- Co-author in Increasing the Density in W7-X: Benefits and Limitations
- Co-author in Preparing the ICRH system for the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
- Co-author in Strategy and optimisation of wall conditioning at the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
- Alessandro Di Siena
- Claudio Di Troia
- Timo Dittmar
- L. Divol
- Harish Dixit
Artem Dmitriev
- Co-author in Diagnostic mirrors for ITER: research in a frame of International Tokamak Physics Activity
- Co-author in Dielectric windows as front-end diagnostic elements in ITER
- Co-author in Integration of Thomson scattering and laser-induced fluorescence in ITER divertor: engineering and performance analysis
- Alexey Dnestrovskiy
- E. S. Dodd
Chirag Dodiya
- Co-author in Error field experiment and analysis in SST-1
- Hauke Doerk
- Russell Doerner
- Dmitri Doinikov
- Julien Dominski
Jiaqi Dong
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in ELM Control Physics with Impurity Seeding and LHCD in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in Pedestal dynamics in inter-ELM phase on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Physics of fast component of deuterium gas jet injection in magnetized plasmas
- Co-author in Plasma confinement and pedestal dynamics responses to impurity seeding in HL-2A H-mode plasmas
- G Dong
- Chunfeng Dong
- Guanqi Dong
- Peter Donnel
David Donovan
- Co-author in Inter vs. Intra-ELM Tungsten Erosion and Transport from the Divertor in DIII-D High-Performance H-mode Discharges
- Co-author in Measurements of high-Z divertor impurity sourcing and divertor leakage using isotopic tungsten tracer sources in DIII-D
- Co-author in Performance of the plasma source and heating concept for the Prototype-Material Plasma Exposure eXperiment (Proto-MPEX)
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- J. Doody
- T. Doppner
- Mikhail Dorf
- Milo Dorr
Bharat Doshi
- Author in Design of the TF/PF Bus Bar lay out and its connections with Current Feeder System of SST1 Tokamak
- Co-author in Baking System of Aditya Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in SST-1 Cryogenics Requirements and the Way Forward
- Co-author in Survey on Hot Isostatic Pressing Technique for development of Tokamak components
- Co-author in Thermo-structural and heat load analysis of SST-1 Superconducting coils
- David DOUAI
- Doug Downing
- Mikhail Drabinskii
- Aleksander Drenik
Michael Drevlak
- Author in New results in stellarator optimisation
Peter Drewelow
- Co-author in 3D heat and particle fluxes in Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Demonstration of Power Exhaust Control by Impurity Seeding in the Island Divertor at Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Measurement and modelling of magnetic configurations to mimic overload scenarios in the W7-X stellarator
- Co-author in Minimising power load asymmetries during disruption mitigation at JET
- Co-author in Plasma termination by excess fuel and impurities in TJ-II, LHD and W7-X
- Philipp Drews
- Jon Drobny
- xiaodi du
- Xiaodi Du
- Hong Fei Du
Xuru Duan
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in ELM Control Physics with Impurity Seeding and LHCD in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in Energetic-ion Driven Toroidal and Global Alfvén Eigenmodes on HL-2A
- Co-author in Pedestal dynamics in inter-ELM phase on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma confinement and pedestal dynamics responses to impurity seeding in HL-2A H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Progress in Developing ITER and DEMO First Wall Technologies at SWIP
- Co-author in Real-time control system of neoclassical tearing modes in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Suppression and destabilization of ion fishbone activities on HL-2A
- Yanmin Duan
- Vinicius Duarte
- Deepti dubey
- Lawrence Dudek
- Benjamin Dudson
Remi Dumont
- Co-author in First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful Fusion power predictions for JET and ITER
- Co-author in Plasma and diagnostics preparation for alpha-particle studies in JET DT
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
Mike Dunne
- Author in Impact of impurity seeding on pedestal structure in ASDEX Upgrade and Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Advances in the understanding of the I-mode confinement regime: access, stationarity, edge/SOL transport and divertor impact
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in Experimental conditions for suppressing Edge Localised Modes by magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Heat transport driven by the ITG and TEM instabilities in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Impact of an edge resonant transport layer on fast-ion confinement in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Impact of the 3D geometry from non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbations on the local edge stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Nonlinear MHD simulations of Quiescent H-mode in ASDEX-Upgrade and ITER
- Co-author in Plasma shape and fueling dependence on the small ELM regime in TCV and AUG
- Co-author in Role of the pressure position on the pedestal stability in AUG, JET-ILW and TCV in deuterium and hydrogen plasmas and implications for ITER
- Co-author in The ITER baseline scenario investigated at ASDEX Upgrade
- Frederic Durodie
Pramit Dutta
- Author in Visual Servo of Tokamak Relevant Remote Handling Systems using Neural Network Architecture
- Co-author in Design and development of the Articulated Robotic Inspection Arm (ARIA) for fusion machine
- Co-author in Development of a Prototype Collaborative Robot for Fusion Remote Handling Applications
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Analysis of APPEL Linear Device Magnets
- Co-author in In-Vessel Inspection System: Design progress of high vacuum and temperature compatible remote handling for fusion purposes
- Co-author in Thermo-structural and heat load analysis of SST-1 Superconducting coils
- Someswar Dutta
- Basil Duval
Ralph Dux
- Co-author in Active conditioning of ASDEX-Upgrade tunsgten PFCs through boron particulate injection
- Co-author in ELM-induced energy and momentum transport in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in Real-time simulation of the NBI fast-ion distribution
- R. Dylla-Spears
Hervé Dzitko
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Rajendra Kumar E.
- Tim Eade
- Takashi Ebisawa
- M. Eckart
- D. Edgell
- Eric Edlund
- Neto Eduardo
- M. J. Edwards
Florian Effenberg
- Author in Demonstration of Power Exhaust Control by Impurity Seeding in the Island Divertor at Wendelstein 7-X
- Author in Demonstration of Power Exhaust Control by Impurity Seeding in the Island Divertor at Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in 3D heat and particle fluxes in Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Measurement and modelling of magnetic configurations to mimic overload scenarios in the W7-X stellarator
- Jan Egedal
- Taku Eguchi
Thomas Eich
- Co-author in Advances in the understanding of the I-mode confinement regime: access, stationarity, edge/SOL transport and divertor impact
- Co-author in Plasma shape and fueling dependence on the small ELM regime in TCV and AUG
- Co-author in Synthetic edge and SOL diagnostics - a bridge between experiments and theory
Nicholas Eidietis
- Author in First demonstration of novel technique for disruption mitigation by core impurity deposition using shell pellets on DIII-D
- Author in Implementing a finite-state off-normal and fault response system for robust disruption avoidance in tokamaks
- Co-author in Advances in Runaway Electron Control and Model Validation for ITER
- Co-author in Experiments in Disruption Avoidance for ITER Using Passive and Active Control
- Co-author in Fast ITER-relevant low-disruptivity rampdowns in DIII-D and EAST
- Co-author in Injection of Multiple Shattered Pellets for Disruption Mitigation in DIII-D
- Co-author in Machine learning for disruption warning on Alcator C-Mod, DIII-D, and EAST Tokamaks
- Co-author in Nonlinear 3D simulations of Vertical Displacement Events in tokamaks
Akira Ejiri
- Author in Plasma current generation and ramp-up by the lower hybrid wave using outboard-launch and top-launch antennas on the TST-2 spherical tokamak
- Co-author in Development of Capacitively-Coupled Combline Antennas for Current Drive in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Fully Non-inductive 2nd Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Current Ramp-up with Focused Polarized Beams in the QUEST Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Rapid Radial Propagation of Momentum Change and Flow Oscillation Associated with a Pellet Injection
Annika Ekedahl
- Author in First results of LH coupling and current drive in WEST full metallic environment and commissioning of the new ELM resilient ICRF antenna
- Author in Progress towards Development of Long Pulse ITER Operation through RF Heated H-mode Experiments on EAST and HL-2A
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in ELM Control Physics with Impurity Seeding and LHCD in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Alina Eksaeva
- Gamal Elaragi
- David Elder
- David Elder
- David Eldon
- Denis Elets
- S. Elgriw
- Leonid Eliseev
- Leonid Eliseev
- Rajendrakumar Ellappan
D. B. Elliott
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- Robert Ellis
- Sarah Elmore
- Wael Elwasif
- Ola Embreus
- Ola Embreus
- Eric Emdee
- Masahiko Emoto
- Michael Endler
- Yoichi Endo
- Boglarka Erdos
- Boglarka Erdos
- Keith Erickson
- Keith Erickson
- Jacob Eriksson
- Darin Ernst
- dominique escande
- Lev Esipov
- Sergio Esquembri
- Meneses Esteban
- Teresa Estrada
- Teams EUROFusion MTS1
MST1 Eurofusion team
- Co-author in Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Praveenlal E. V
- Scott Evan
Todd E. Evans
- Co-author in Dynamic ELM and divertor control using mixed toroidal harmonic resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-D and EAST
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust during suppression of edge localized modes by resonant magnetic perturbation fields at DIII-D
- Co-author in Favorable Impact of RMP ELM Suppression On Divertor Heat Fluxes at ITER-like Conditions
- Co-author in High Fusion Performance in Super H-Mode Experiments on Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D
- Co-author in Observation of Multiple Helicity Mode-Resonant Locking Leading to a Disruption on DIII-D
- Co-author in Predict-First Analysis and Experimental Validation of MHD Equilibrium, Stability, and Plasma Response to 3D Magnetic Perturbations
Naomichi Ezumi
- Author in Synergistic Effect of Impurity and Hydrogen Gas Puffs on Plasma Detachment in the GAMMA 10/PDX Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in Fluctuation suppression by the potential formation in GAMMA 10/PDX plasma
- Co-author in SOL/Divertor Plasma Simulation of Diverging Magnetic Field Configurations for Advanced Divertors
- Benjamin Faber
- Emiliano Fable
Enrico Fagotti
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Michael Faitsch
- Gloria Falchetto
- feidi fan
- Alessandra Fanni
- Alessandra Fanni
- Ionut-Gabriel Farcas
- Ricardo Farengo
- Daniela FARINA
- Thomas Farley
Michal Farnik
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- M. Farrell
- Ambrogio Fasoli
- Helmut Faugel
- Blaise Faugeras
- Ian Faust
Jonathan Faustin
- Co-author in Advanced energetic ion and impurity ion physics in 2D and 3D magnetically confined plasmas
- Co-author in Nonlinearly Saturated Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibrium States with Periodicity-Breaking in Stellarators
- Co-author in Preparing the ICRH system for the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Paolo Favuzza
- Russell Feder
- Gianfranco Federici
- Coto-Vílchez Federico
- Petr Fedin
- Nicolas Fedorczak
- Federico Felici
- Federico Felici
- Joris Fellinger
- Robert Felton
Kaiming Feng
- Co-author in Current Design and R&D Progress of CN HCCB TBS
Yuhe Feng
- Co-author in Demonstration of Power Exhaust Control by Impurity Seeding in the Island Divertor at Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Plasma transport in toroidally discontinuous limiter generated 3D SOL configurations of Aditya tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma--surface related three-dimensional modeling results for Wendelstein 7-X and EAST
- Co-author in The Scrape-off Layer plasma transport physics simulation activity for Indian tokamaks Aditya and SST-1
Yongjin Feng
- Co-author in Current Design and R&D Progress of CN HCCB TBS
- Beibin Feng
- Wei Feng
- Yühe Feng
Max Fenstermacher
- Author in The Effect of RMP ELM Control for ITER on Pedestal Pressure Compared to EPED No-RMP Predictions
- Co-author in Favorable Impact of RMP ELM Suppression On Divertor Heat Fluxes at ITER-like Conditions
- Co-author in High Performance Double-null Plasmas Under Radiating Divertor and Mantle Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Progress in DIII-D Towards Validating Divertor Power Exhaust Predictions
- Co-author in Quantification of Radiating Species in the DIII-D Divertor in the Transition to Detachment Using Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
- Hugo Ferrari
Nathaniel Ferraro
- Author in Error Field Impact on Mode Locking and Divertor Heat Flux in NSTX-U
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic-MHD coupled simulation of RMP plasma interaction reproduces density pump-out seen in the tokamak edge
- Co-author in Nonlinear 3D simulations of Vertical Displacement Events in tokamaks
- Co-author in Overview of the NSTX-U Recovery Project Physics and Engineering Design
- Co-author in Predict-First Analysis and Experimental Validation of MHD Equilibrium, Stability, and Plasma Response to 3D Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Roles of RMP-induced Changes of Radial Electric Fields in ELM Suppression
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- Jorge Ferreira
Jorge Ferreira
- Co-author in Plasma and diagnostics preparation for alpha-particle studies in JET DT
- Co-author in Runaway electron modelling in the ETS self-consistent core transport simulator
- Co-author in Towards a predictive modelling capacity for DT plasmas: European Transport Simulator (ETS) verification and validation
- Diogo Ferreira
- Isabel Maria Ferreira Nunes
- Alberto Ferro
- Nicolo' Alvise Ferron
John Ferron
- Co-author in Dynamic Neutral Beam Injection as a Mechanism for Plasma Control and an Actuator for Instability Drive
- Co-author in Exploring an Alternate Approach to Q=10 in ITER
- Co-author in High Performance Double-null Plasmas Under Radiating Divertor and Mantle Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Integrated Modeling of Core, Edge Pedestal and Scrape-Off-Layer for High Beta_N Steady-State Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Novel Radio Frequency Current Drive Systems for Fusion Plasma Sustainment on DIII-D
- Co-author in Physics-model-based Real-time Optimization for the Development of Steady-state Scenarios at DIII-D
- Co-author in The Advanced Tokamak Path to a Compact Net Electric Pilot Plant
- John Fessey
- Olivier Février
Ondrej Ficker
- Author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Modeling runaway electrons dynamics in tokamak plasmas: progresses and challenges
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Anthony Field
- J. Field
- F. Fierro
- Lorenzo FIGINI
- Antonio Figueiredo
- Joao Figueiredo
- Alexandre Fil
- Marie-Christine Firpo
- Rainer Fischer
Ulrich Fischer
- Author in Nuclear design issues of a stellarator fusion power plant with breeder blanket in comparison to tokamaks
- Co-author in Neutronic analysis of IFMIF-DONES Test Cell cooling system
- Co-author in The European approach to the fusion-like neutron source: The IFMIF-DONES Project
- Co-author in Waste implications from minor impurities in European DEMO materials
- Rainer Fischer
- B. Fishler
- D. N. Fittinghoff
- Michael Fitzgerald
- Giuliana Fogaccia
- Raymond Fonck
- Matteo Fontana
- Josep María Fontdecaba
- C.B. Forest
- Cary Forest
- Elzbieta Fortuna-Zalesna
- Sénée Franck
- David Francois
- Thomas Franke
Lorenzo Frassinetti
- Author in Role of the pressure position on the pedestal stability in AUG, JET-ILW and TCV in deuterium and hydrogen plasmas and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in Impact of impurity seeding on pedestal structure in ASDEX Upgrade and Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Impact of Neon Injection on Electron Density Peaking in JET Hybrid Plasmas
- Co-author in Plasma shape and fueling dependence on the small ELM regime in TCV and AUG
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
Eric Fredrickson
- Author in Global Alfvén eigenmode stability dependence on fast-ion distribution function
- Co-author in Centrifugal force driven low frequency modes in spherical tokamak
- Co-author in Numerical simulations of GAE stabilization in NSTX-U
- Co-author in Reduced energetic particle transport models enable comprehensive time-dependent tokamak simulations
- Christopher Freeman
- Simon Freethy
- Michaele Freisinger
- Heinke Frerichs
- Heinke Frerichs
- Domenico Frigione
- Peng Fu
- Jingyuan Fu
- Guoyong Fu
Golo Fuchert
- Author in Increasing the Density in W7-X: Benefits and Limitations
- Author in Increasing the Density in W7-X: Benefits and Limitations
- Co-author in High density and high performance operation with pellet injection in W7-X
- Co-author in Plasma termination by excess fuel and impurities in TJ-II, LHD and W7-X
- Helmut Fuenfgelder
Shinsuke Fujioka
- Author in Production of keV-Temperature Plasma Core with Magnetized Fast Isochoric Heating
- Author in Production of keV-Temperature Plasma Core with Magnetized Fast Isochoric Heating
- Co-author in Demonstrations of foam shell and infrared heating methods for FIREX targets
- Co-author in Two-colors mixed petawatt laser designed for fast ignition experiment
Eikou Fujiwara
- Co-author in Completion of the first TF Coil Structure of ITER
- Yutaka Fujiwara
- C Fukuda
- Kazuma Fukui
- Ken-ichi FUKUMOTO
- Atsushi Fukuyama
- Masaharu Fukuyama
- Tünde Fülöp
- Trevor Fulton
- Daniel Fulton
- Auriemma Fulvio
- Ivo Furno
- Valeria Fusco
- Shimpei Futatani
- Ermile Gaganidze
- Elena Gaio
- Sandip Gajjar
Joaquin Galdon Quiroga
- Author in Impact of an edge resonant transport layer on fast-ion confinement in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Co-author in SOL transport and filamentary dynamics in high density tokamak regimes
- Daniel Gallart
- Alberto Gallo
- Co-author in Activity of Indian High Heat Flux Test Facility
Cristian Galperti
- Co-author in Control of NTMs and integrated multi-actuator control on TCV
- Co-author in Early identification of disruption paths for prevention and avoidance
- Co-author in Implementation of 3-D effects of the ITER plasma-facing components in a 2-D real-time model-based approach for wall heat flux control on ITER
Ricardo Galvao
(University of Sao Paulo)
- Author in Summary Magnetic Confinement Theory
- Quan Gan
- kaifu gan
- Ankit Gandhi
Rajaraman Ganesh
- Co-author in Characterization of Argon Plasma in a Multi line Cusp Magnetic Field: Towards a Favorable Source for NBI System
- Co-author in Effect of the Controlled Density Gradient on Equilibrium and Confinement in a Simple Toroidal Device with two plasma sources
- Co-author in Numerical Relaxation of a 3D MHD Taylor-Woltjer State Subject to Abrupt Expansion
- Rajaraman Ganesh
- Ranjana Gangradey
- Dmitry Ganovichev
Gerd Gantenbein
- Author in Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER
- Author in Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER
- Co-author in Assessment and optimization of the cavity thermal performance for the European Continuous Wave gyrotrons
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Gyrotron R&D towards DEMO within EUROfusion Work Package Heating and Current Drive
- jinming Gao
- Andy Gao
- Zhe Gao
- Yu Gao
Xiang Gao
- Co-author in E_rxB shear effect on cross phase mitigates ELM at high collisionality
- Co-author in Particle balance investigation with the combination of rate equations of hydrogen state and hydrogen barrier model in long duration discharges on all-metal PFW QUEST
- Co-author in Transport simulation of EAST long pulse discharge and high betaN discharge with integrated modelling
- Saul Garavaglia
- Xavier Garbet
Jeronimo Garcia
- Author in First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful Fusion power predictions for JET and ITER
- Author in First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful Fusion power predictions for JET and ITER
- Co-author in ELM and ELM-control Simulations
- Co-author in Extension of the Operating Space of High-“β_N” Fully Non-inductive Scenarios on TCV Using Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Predictive integrated modelling of plasmas and their operation scenarios towards exploitation of JT-60SA experiment
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Angela Garcia
- Pablo Garcia-Martinez
- Manuel Garcia-Munoz
- Manuel Garcia-Munoz
- Jose Manuel Garcia-Regaña
Atul Garg
- Author in Operational Results and Troubleshooting in Current Feeder System for SST-1
- Co-author in Design of the TF/PF Bus Bar lay out and its connections with Current Feeder System of SST1 Tokamak
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Mechanical Engineering Aspects for Overhauling of Helium Compressor and heavy duty Electrical Motors of 1.3 kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier system
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
- Igor Garkusha
A. M. Garofalo
- Co-author in Access Requirements for Stationary ELM-suppressed Pedestals in DIII-D and C-Mod Plasmas
- Co-author in Dynamic ELM and divertor control using mixed toroidal harmonic resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-D and EAST
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Co-author in The Advanced Tokamak Path to a Compact Net Electric Pilot Plant
- Co-author in Transport Barriers in DIII-D High βp plasmas and Development of Candidate Steady State Scenarios for ITER
- David Garoz
Luca Garzotti
- Author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Co-author in First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful Fusion power predictions for JET and ITER
- Co-author in High fusion performance at high Ti/Te in JET-ILW baseline plasmas with high NBI heating power and low gas puffing
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Ferdinando Gasparini
- Yury Gasparyan
- Renato Gatto
- Ramesh Gattu
- M Gatu-Johnson
- Pramila Gautam
- Trey Gebhart
- Joachim Geiger
- Joachim Geiger
Benedikt Geiger
- Co-author in Quantification of Neutral Beam Driven Current and the effect of radial fast ion transport in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Real-time simulation of the NBI fast-ion distribution
- Co-author in Strongly non-linear energetic particle dynamics in ASDEX Upgrade scenarios with core impurity accumulation
- Walter Gekelman
- Michela Gelfusa
- Jeremy Genoud
François Gensdarmes
- Co-author in Tritiated Dust: their impact on tokamak operation
- K. W. Gentle
- Marc George
- Siju George
- Frédéric Gérardin
- Sergei Gerasimov
Stefan Gerhardt
- Author in Overview of the NSTX-U Recovery Project Physics and Engineering Design
- Co-author in Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Error Field Impact on Mode Locking and Divertor Heat Flux in NSTX-U
- Co-author in Rotation-induced electrostatic-potentials and density asymmetries in NSTX
- Dominique Gex
- Agrajit Ghalaut
- Mahesh Ghate
- Philippe Ghendrih
- Y.-c. Ghim
Joydeep Ghosh
- Co-author in Aditya up-gradation equilibrium study
- Co-author in Application of the Semi–Implicit Numerical Method on the Radial Impurity Transport Equation and Determination of O4+ Emissivity with Two Separate PEC Databases
- Co-author in Baking System of Aditya Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Controlling Plasma Rotation using Periodic Gas-puff in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Design of a NIR Spectrometer for Aditya-U Tokamak and Initial Results.
- Co-author in Design, development and recent experiments at the CIMPLE-PSI device
- Co-author in Development of RF based capacitively-coupled plasma system for deposition of tungsten nano layers on graphite
- Co-author in Dynamics of Neon Ions after Neon Gas Seeding and Puffing into Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in Edge Current Density Profile Measurement Using an Array of Miniature Magnetic Probes in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Effect of externally applied radial electric field (biased-electrode) on Geodesic Acoustic Modes in SINP tokamak
- Co-author in Effect of multiple periodic gas puff on neutral temperature in Aditya – U tokamak
- Co-author in Fast Wave induced ICRF plasma Expansion in ADITYA torus
- Co-author in Gas Fuelling Control System of Aditya Tokamak
- Co-author in Impurity Screening in High Density Aditya Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Integrated System Electronics and Instrumentation ; Operation and Diagnostic for Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Novel Approach of Pulsed-Glow Discharge Wall Conditioning in ADITYA Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Observations of Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation using X-Ray Crystal Spectrometer in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Origin of Harmonics of Drift Tearing Mode in ADITYA tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma Column Position Measurements using Magnetic Diagnostics in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma Potential Measurements in the edge region of ADITYA – U Tokamak using Reciprocating Laser Heated Emissive Probes
- Co-author in Radiation power loss study during gas puff induced disruptions in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Real-Time Feedback Control System for Plasma Position Stabilisation in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway Electron (RE) Mitigation Using Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection in the Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Studies of the gas puff effect on edge plasma of Aditya tokamak using coupled DEGAS2-UEDGE code
- Co-author in Study of Iron Impurity Behavior using VUV Spectroscopy in Aditya and Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in The Operation, Control, Data Acquisition System of ASDEX Pressure Gauge for Neutral Pressure
- Co-author in The Scrape-off Layer plasma transport physics simulation activity for Indian tokamaks Aditya and SST-1
- Joydeep Ghosh
- S.K. Ghosh
- Soumen Ghosh
- Debojyoti Ghosh
- Keii Gi
- Luca Giacomelli
- Thomas Giegerich
- Hanns Gietl
- Luís Gil
- Mark Gilbert
- Mark Gilbert (CCFE Fusion Association)
- Camille Gillot
- erik gilson
Dmitry Gin
- Author in Recent progress in developing Gamma Spectrometer in ITER
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
Edmondo Giovannozzi
- Co-author in Analysis and modelling of NTMs dynamics in JET discharges using the European Transport Simulator (ETS) and integrated modelling tools
- Co-author in Comparison of energetic particle radial transport between single-n and multiple-n simulations of Alfvénic modes
- Co-author in Plasma equilibrium reconstruction of JET discharges using the IMAS modelling infrastructure
Carine Giroud
- Author in Optimisation of JET-DT and ITER operation by developing an understanding of the role of low-Z impurity on the H-mode pedestal
- Author in Optimisation of JET-DT and ITER operation by developing an understanding of the role of low-Z impurity on the H-mode pedestal
- Co-author in Core Density Peaking Experiments in JET, DIII-D and C-Mod in Various Operational Scenarios - Driven by Fuelling or Transport
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in Implications of JET-ILW L-H Transition Studies for ITER
- Co-author in Isotope Dependence of Confinement in JET Deuterium and Hydrogen Plasmas
- Co-author in Numerical simulation of high neutron rate JET-ILW DD pulses in view of extension to DT experiments
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Gerardo Giruzzi
- Alan Glasser
Srikanth GLN
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Installation and Commissioning of 80K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System
- Co-author in Maintenance experience of 315kW Electrical Motor of Helium screw compressor in 1.3kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier Plant
- Co-author in Mechanical Engineering Aspects for Overhauling of Helium Compressor and heavy duty Electrical Motors of 1.3 kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier system
- Co-author in Operational Results and Troubleshooting in Current Feeder System for SST-1
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
- Co-author in Pump Characterization of 80 K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System for SST-1
- Marco Gobbin
Rapahel Gobin
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Punit Gohil
- Robert Goldston
Theodore Golfinopoulos
- Co-author in High Fusion Performance in Super H-Mode Experiments on Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D
- Co-author in Performance assessment of tightly-baffled long-leg divertor geometries in the ARC reactor concept
- Co-author in Study of passively stable, fully detached divertor plasma regimes attained in innovative long-legged divertor configurations
- Brad Gom
Xianzu Gong
- Author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Co-author in Advances in Plasma-Wall Interaction Control for H-mode Operation over 100s with ITER-like Tungsten Divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Amelioration of plasma-material interactions and improvement of plasma performance with a flowing liquid Li limiter and Li conditioning on EAST & Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Co-author in Dynamic ELM and divertor control using mixed toroidal harmonic resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-D and EAST
- Co-author in Progress towards Development of Long Pulse ITER Operation through RF Heated H-mode Experiments on EAST and HL-2A
- Co-author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Co-author in Transport Barriers in DIII-D High βp plasmas and Development of Candidate Steady State Scenarios for ITER
- Co-author in Transport simulation of EAST long pulse discharge and high betaN discharge with integrated modelling
- Co-author in Tungsten control in NBI-dominant H-mode discharges in EAST tokamak
Baoping GONG
- Co-author in Current Design and R&D Progress of CN HCCB TBS
Marc Goniche
- Co-author in ELM Control Physics with Impurity Seeding and LHCD in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Co-author in Subdivertor fuel isotopic content detection limit for JET and impact on the control of ICRH for JET-ILW and JET-DT operation
- Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal
- Javier Gonzalez-Martin
- Timothy Goodman
- M V Gopalakrishna
Alexey Gorbunov
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Alexey Gorbunov
- Nikolai Gorelenkov
- Marina Gorelenkova
- Andrey Goriaev
Tobias Görler
- Author in En Route to High-Performance Discharges: Insights and Guidance from High-Realism Gyrokinetics
- Co-author in Development of a plasma scenario for the EU-DEMO: current activities and perspectives
- Co-author in First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful Fusion power predictions for JET and ITER
- Co-author in Self-consistent gyrokinetic description of the interaction between Alfven modes and turbulence
- Mike Gorley
- Aleksander Gorodetsky
- Alexey Gorshkov
Mateusz Gospodarczyk
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- Egor Gospodchikov
- Niranjanpuri Goswami
- Niranjanpuri Goswami
- Hiroshi Gota
- Hiroshi Gota
Krishan Kumar Gotewal
- Author in Design and development of the Articulated Robotic Inspection Arm (ARIA) for fusion machine
- Co-author in Development of a Prototype Collaborative Robot for Fusion Remote Handling Applications
- Co-author in In-Vessel Inspection System: Design progress of high vacuum and temperature compatible remote handling for fusion purposes
- Co-author in Visual Servo of Tokamak Relevant Remote Handling Systems using Neural Network Architecture
- Takuya Goto
- Motoshi Goto
- Richard Goulding
- Richard Gowland
- Virginie Grandgirard
- Robert Granetz
- Gustavo Granucci
- Sergey Grashin
Jonathan Graves
- Author in Advanced energetic ion and impurity ion physics in 2D and 3D magnetically confined plasmas
- Co-author in Analysis and modelling of NTMs dynamics in JET discharges using the European Transport Simulator (ETS) and integrated modelling tools
- Co-author in Nonlinearly Saturated Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibrium States with Periodicity-Breaking in Stellarators
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Jonathan Graves
- Travis Gray
David Green
- Co-author in Experimental Evidence of Lower Hybrid Wave Scattering in Alcator C-Mod due to Scrape Off Layer Density Fluctuations
- Co-author in Integrated Modeling of Core, Edge Pedestal and Scrape-Off-Layer for High Beta_N Steady-State Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Multi-physics modeling of the long-term evolution of plasma-exposed surfaces
- Nevell Greenough
- Martin J Greenwald
- Simic Gregor
- Dmytro Grekov
- Gustavo Grenfell
- Francesco Grespan
Yury Gribov
- Co-author in Implementation of 3-D effects of the ITER plasma-facing components in a 2-D real-time model-based approach for wall heat flux control on ITER
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Optimising the ITER 15MA DT Baseline Scenario by Exploiting a Self-Consistent Free-Boundary Core-edge-SOL Workflow in IMAS
- Co-author in the ITER plasma current termination phase: physics constraints on control
- Michael Griener
B.A. Grierson
- Author in Rotation Profile Hollowing in DIII-D Low-Torque Electron-Heated H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in Dynamic Neutral Beam Injection as a Mechanism for Plasma Control and an Actuator for Instability Drive
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust during suppression of edge localized modes by resonant magnetic perturbation fields at DIII-D
- Co-author in Explaining Cold-Pulse Dynamics in Tokamak Plasmas using Local Turbulent Transport Models
- Co-author in Integration of the high- N hybrid scenario to a high performance pedestal, stable zero torque operation and a divertor solution
- Co-author in Neural-network accelerated coupled core-pedestal simulations with self-consistent transport of impurities
- Co-author in Predicting the Toroidal Rotation Profile for ITER
- Co-author in The universality of inter-ELM pedestal fluctuations in AUG and DIII-D - Impacting the edge profile structure by clamping of the gradients
- Co-author in Viability of Wide Pedestal QH-Mode for Burning Plasma Operation
- G. Grim
- Christian Grisolia
R.J. Groebner
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Analysis and Simulations of Pedestals
- Co-author in High Fusion Performance in Super H-Mode Experiments on Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D
- Co-author in Particle Transport from the Bottom Up
- Co-author in The Effect of RMP ELM Control for ITER on Pedestal Pressure Compared to EPED No-RMP Predictions
- Co-author in The universality of inter-ELM pedestal fluctuations in AUG and DIII-D - Impacting the edge profile structure by clamping of the gradients
- Gilles GROS
- Giovanni Grossetti
- Heinz Grote
Mathias Groth
- Co-author in Characteristics of Asymmetric (low-field-side and high-field side) Divertor Detachment in KSTAR L-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in Progress in DIII-D Towards Validating Divertor Power Exhaust Predictions
- Co-author in Quantification of Radiating Species in the DIII-D Divertor in the Transition to Detachment Using Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
- Mathias Groth
Ondrej Grover
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Piyush Grover
- Olaf Grulke
- Mikhail Gryaznevich
- Shuai Gu
- Anja Gude
- Bin Gui
- Luís Guimarais
- Luis Guimarais
- Luis Guimarais
- Remy Guirlet
- Sudhakar Gunganti
- Sibylle Günter
- Sibylle Günter
Houyang Guo
- Author in Development and First Experimental Tests of a Small Angle Slot Divertor on DIII-D
- Co-author in A promising grassy ELM regime for high-performance steady-state operations with metal wall in EAST and CFETR
- Co-author in High Performance Double-null Plasmas Under Radiating Divertor and Mantle Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Measurements of high-Z divertor impurity sourcing and divertor leakage using isotopic tungsten tracer sources in DIII-D
- Co-author in Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
wenfeng guo
- Co-author in Dynamic ELM and divertor control using mixed toroidal harmonic resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-D and EAST
- Co-author in Predict-First Analysis and Experimental Validation of MHD Equilibrium, Stability, and Plasma Response to 3D Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Simulations of energetic particle driven instabilities and fast particle redistribution in EAST tokamak
- Houyang Guo
- Girish Gupta
- Deepak Gupta
Chet Narayan Gupta
- Co-author in Baking System of Aditya Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Novel Approach of Pulsed-Glow Discharge Wall Conditioning in ADITYA Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma Column Position Measurements using Magnetic Diagnostics in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Real-Time Feedback Control System for Plasma Position Stabilisation in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- M.K. Gupta
- Suraj Gupta
- Lalit Gupta
- Shivam Gupta
- Vishal Gupta
- Chandra Kishor Gupta
- Vishal Gupta
- Manoj Kumar Gupta
- Ozgur Gurcan
- Alexey Gurchenko
Evgenii Gusakov
- Author in Anomalous Absorption and Emission in ECRH Experiments Due to Parametric Excitation of Localized UH Waves
- Co-author in Benchmarking of Full-f Global Gyrokinetic Modeling Results Against the FT-2 Tokamak Doppler Reflectometry Data Using Synthetic Diagnostics
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
Vasily Gusev
- Co-author in Fusion Energy Development Applications Utilizing the Spherical Tokamak and Associated Research Needs and Tools
- Co-author in The Influence of Toroidal Magnetic Field Growth on Plasma Performance in the Spherical Tokamak Globus-M/-M2
- Co-author in Thermal energy confinement at the Globus-M spherical tokamak.
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Jerome Guterl
- Jessica Guttenfelder
- Walter Guttenfelder
- Samuel Ha
- S. Haan
Pavel Hacek
- Co-author in Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Adam Hadar
Robert Hager
- Author in Gyrokinetic-MHD coupled simulation of RMP plasma interaction reproduces density pump-out seen in the tokamak edge
- Co-author in A gyrokinetic discovery of fast L-H bifurcation physics in a realistic, diverted, tokamak edge geometry
- Co-author in Confinement in stellarators with the global gyrokinetic code XGC
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Modeling with an Extended Magnetic Equilibrium including the Edge Region of Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Neoclassical Study of the effect of the X-point height on ExB Flow Structure in an H-mode edge plasma
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic XGC1 Simulation Study of Magnetic Island Effects on Neoclassical and Turbulence Physics in a KSTAR Plasma
- Co-author in Pressure balance in a low collisionality tokamak scrape-off layer
- Co-author in Total-f gyrokinetic turbulent-neoclassical simulation of global impurity transport and its effect on the main-plasma confinement
- Co-author in Wide divertor heat-flux width in ITER from self-organization between the neoclassical and turbulent transports across the separatrix surface
- Taik Soo Hahm
Sang-hee Hahn
- Co-author in Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Implementing a finite-state off-normal and fault response system for robust disruption avoidance in tokamaks
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- B M Haines
- Ammar Hakim
- Antti Hakola
- Klaus Hallatschek
- Christopher Ham
- C. E. Hamilton
- A. V. Hamza
Hyunsun HAN
- Co-author in Evolution of locked mode under the existence of non-axisymmetric fields in KSTAR
- Co-author in Experimental observations of the plasma shape effect on the RMP-ELM coupling for optimization of the KSTAR ELM-crash control
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- Xiang Han
- Mingkun Han
Kazuaki Hanada
- Author in Particle balance investigation with the combination of rate equations of hydrogen state and hydrogen barrier model in long duration discharges on all-metal PFW QUEST
- Co-author in Development of High Power Gyrotrons for Advanced Fusion Devices and DEMO
- Co-author in Fully Non-inductive 2nd Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Current Ramp-up with Focused Polarized Beams in the QUEST Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Fusion Energy Development Applications Utilizing the Spherical Tokamak and Associated Research Needs and Tools
- Ryohei Hanayama
- C.J Hansalia
C. Hansen
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- Jeremy Hanson
- G.Z. Hao
- Guangzhou Hao
- Lijuan Hao
Tim Happel
- Author in Advances in the understanding of the I-mode confinement regime: access, stationarity, edge/SOL transport and divertor impact
- Author in Advances in the understanding of the I-mode confinement regime: access, stationarity, edge/SOL transport and divertor impact
- Co-author in En Route to High-Performance Discharges: Insights and Guidance from High-Realism Gyrokinetics
Daisuke Hara
- Co-author in Completion of the first TF Coil Structure of ITER
- Francis Harrault
Georg Harrer
- Co-author in ELM-induced energy and momentum transport in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Plasma shape and fueling dependence on the small ELM regime in TCV and AUG
- Co-author in The universality of inter-ELM pedestal fluctuations in AUG and DIII-D - Impacting the edge profile structure by clamping of the gradients
- Jeffrey Harris
James Harrison
- Author in Overview of new MAST physics in anticipation of first results from MAST Upgrade
- Co-author in Fusion Energy Development Applications Utilizing the Spherical Tokamak and Associated Research Needs and Tools
- Co-author in Optimisation of JET-DT and ITER operation by developing an understanding of the role of low-Z impurity on the H-mode pedestal
- Co-author in Predicting Scrape-Off Layer profiles and filamentary transport for reactor relevant devices
- Co-author in SOL transport and detachment in alternative divertor configurations in TCV L- and H-mode plasmas
- James Harrison
- Derek Harting
- Thomas Härtl
- Dirk Hartmann
- E. P. Hartouni
R.W. (Bob) Harvey
- Author in Time-Dependent Runaway Simulations: Ampere-Faraday Equations Implemented in CQL3D
- Co-author in Modelling of electron cyclotron resonance heating and current drive in the T-15-MD tokamak with GENRAY and CQL3D codes
- Co-author in The impact of the hydrogen species on the HHFW performance with possible new NSTX-U scenarios
- Robert W. Harvey
- Hiroki Hasegawa
Makoto Hasegawa
- Co-author in Fully Non-inductive 2nd Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Current Ramp-up with Focused Polarized Beams in the QUEST Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Particle balance investigation with the combination of rate equations of hydrogen state and hydrogen barrier model in long duration discharges on all-metal PFW QUEST
- Shaun Haskey
- masayasu hata
- Takaki Hatae
- Yuma Hatano
- Hironori Hatano
- R. Hatarik
- Akiyoshi Hatayama
- David Hatch
- Roman Hatzky
Josef Havlicek
- Co-author in Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
Ales Havranek
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- Nick Hawkes
Richard Hawryluk
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
- Author in The Nuclear Fusion Prize
Nobuhiko Hayashi
- Author in Predictive integrated modelling of plasmas and their operation scenarios towards exploitation of JT-60SA experiment
- Author in Predictive integrated modelling of plasmas and their operation scenarios towards exploitation of JT-60SA experiment
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Modeling of Turbulent Particle Fluxes towards Efficient Predictions of Density Profiles
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Safety factor profile control with reduced CS flux consumption during plasma current ramp-up phase using reinforcement learning technique
- Takumi Hayashi
- Thomas Hayward-Schneider
- Hongda He
- Wen He
- Peng He
- R He
- Jake Hecla
- Chris Hegna
William W. Heidbrink
- Co-author in Centrifugal force driven low frequency modes in spherical tokamak
- Co-author in Dynamic Neutral Beam Injection as a Mechanism for Plasma Control and an Actuator for Instability Drive
- Co-author in High-Frequency Energetic Particle Driven Instabilities and their Implications for Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in Interactions of runaway electrons with Alfvén and whistler waves
- Co-author in Real-time simulation of the NBI fast-ion distribution
- Co-author in Reduced energetic particle transport models enable comprehensive time-dependent tokamak simulations
Roland Heidinger
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Co-author in The European approach to the fusion-like neutron source: The IFMIF-DONES Project
- Kalle Heinola
- Per Helander
- Manfred Von Hellermann
- Carl Hellesen
- Walid Helou
Tim Hender
- Co-author in Overview of disruptions with JET-ILW
Mark Henderson
- Co-author in Completion of 1st ITER gyrotron manufacturing and 1 MW test result & Outcome of R&D program for ITER ICRF Power Source System & Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER
- Co-author in Improvement of ITER equatorial EC launcher design for poloidal steering compatibility
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Marion Henkel
Sophia Henneberg
- Co-author in New results in stellarator optimisation
Pascale Hennequin
- Co-author in Advances in the understanding of the I-mode confinement regime: access, stationarity, edge/SOL transport and divertor impact
- Co-author in En Route to High-Performance Discharges: Insights and Guidance from High-Realism Gyrokinetics
- Co-author in Plasma shape and fueling dependence on the small ELM regime in TCV and AUG
- Co-author in Poloidal Flows, Asymmetries and Multiscale Organisation in Interplaying Core–edge–SOL Turbulent Plasmas
Rafael Henriques
- Co-author in Overview of disruptions with JET-ILW
- Rafael B. Henriques
- Stanislav Herashchenko
- Jeffrey Herfindal
- Jeffrey Herfindal
- Virgile Herman
- K. hernderson
- Albrecht Herrmann
- H. Herrmann
- Patrick HERTOUT
- Linea Hesslow
- Stephane Heuraux
- Houman Hezabeh
- Carlos Hidalgo
- Kishimoto Hidetaka
Aki Higashijima
- Co-author in Fully Non-inductive 2nd Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Current Ramp-up with Focused Polarized Beams in the QUEST Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Particle balance investigation with the combination of rate equations of hydrogen state and hydrogen barrier model in long duration discharges on all-metal PFW QUEST
- David Hill
- Julien Hillairet
Jon Hillesheim
- Author in Implications of JET-ILW L-H Transition Studies for ITER
- Co-author in Core Density Peaking Experiments in JET, DIII-D and C-Mod in Various Operational Scenarios - Driven by Fuelling or Transport
- Co-author in Optimisation of JET-DT and ITER operation by developing an understanding of the role of low-Z impurity on the H-mode pedestal
- Co-author in Role of the pressure position on the pedestal stability in AUG, JET-ILW and TCV in deuterium and hydrogen plasmas and implications for ITER
- Jon Hillesheim
- Jun Hinata
- D. Hinkel
- Edward Hinson
- Tatsumi Hioki
- Shinichi Hiranai
- Takahiro Hirata
- Yosuke Hirata
- Takanori Hirose
- Matthias Hirsch
- Eero Hirvijoki
- Yoshimitsu Hishinuma
- Jeffrey Hittinger
- Ryoji Hiwatari
- D. D. Ho
- Aaron Ho
- Christine HOA
- Tuong Hoang
- Joerg Hobirk
- Joerg Hobirk
- Udo Hoefel
- Hauke Hoelbe
Matthias Hoelzl
- Co-author in ELM and ELM-control Simulations
- Co-author in Impact of an edge resonant transport layer on fast-ion confinement in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Non-linear interaction of runaway electrons with resistive MHD modes in an ITER VDE
- Co-author in Nonlinear MHD simulations of Quiescent H-mode in ASDEX-Upgrade and ITER
Mark Hoffbauer
- Co-author in Hollow pellets for magnetic fusion
- Hannah Hoffmann
- Frank Hoffmann
Jean-Philippe Hogge
- Co-author in Assessment and optimization of the cavity thermal performance for the European Continuous Wave gyrotrons
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Gyrotron R&D towards DEMO within EUROfusion Work Package Heating and Current Drive
- Co-author in Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER
- M. hohenburger
Christopher T. Holcomb
- Co-author in Dynamic Neutral Beam Injection as a Mechanism for Plasma Control and an Actuator for Instability Drive
- Co-author in Experiments in Disruption Avoidance for ITER Using Passive and Active Control
- Co-author in Integrated Modeling of Core, Edge Pedestal and Scrape-Off-Layer for High Beta_N Steady-State Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Novel Radio Frequency Current Drive Systems for Fusion Plasma Sustainment on DIII-D
- Co-author in Physics-model-based Real-time Optimization for the Development of Steady-state Scenarios at DIII-D
- Co-author in The Advanced Tokamak Path to a Compact Net Electric Pilot Plant
- Co-author in Transport Barriers in DIII-D High βp plasmas and Development of Candidate Steady State Scenarios for ITER
- Matthew John Hole
- Leo Holland
- Klaus-Peter Hollfeld
Eric M. Hollmann
- Co-author in Advances in Runaway Electron Control and Model Validation for ITER
- Co-author in Injection of Multiple Shattered Pellets for Disruption Mitigation in DIII-D
- Co-author in Pitch Angle Dynamics and Synchrotron Emission of Runaway Electrons in Quiescent and Disrupted DIII-D Plasmas
- Co-author in Progress in DIII-D Towards Validating Divertor Power Exhaust Predictions
- Co-author in Runaway electron mitigation in ITER disruptions by injection of high-Z impurities
Eric Hollmann
- Co-author in Hollow pellets for magnetic fusion
- Jonathan Hollocombe
Mitsuru Honda
- Co-author in Effect of magnetic shear and the finite banana-orbit width on the neoclassical toroidal viscosity in perturbed tokamaks
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Modeling of Turbulent Particle Fluxes towards Efficient Predictions of Density Profiles
- Co-author in Multiple turbulent plasma states in the H-mode transition on JT-60U
- Atsushi Honda
- S.C. Hong
Suk-Ho Hong
- Author in Observation of Heat Load on the Castellated Tungsten Block by Back-Scattered Particles from Intentionally Misaligned Protruding Edge
- Co-author in Characteristics of Asymmetric (low-field-side and high-field side) Divertor Detachment in KSTAR L-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in ELM Suppression and Internal Transport Barrier Formation by Krypton Seeding in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in Experimental observation and modelling of high-Z impurity transport by tungsten powder injection in KSTAR plasmas
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
Yunseok Hong
- Co-author in Completion of the first TF Coil Structure of ITER
- Joohwan Hong
- D. Hoover
- Christian Hopf
- Mathias Hoppe
- M. L. Hoppe
- Heinrich Hora
Jan Horacek
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Rotoku Horiuchi
- Yannick Hörstensmeyer
- Laszlo Horvath
- J. C. Hosea
- Masanari Hosokawa
- Akiyoshi Hosozawa
Host Country Representative
- Author in Conference Closing
- Yawei Hou
- binling hou
- Michael Houry (CEA)
- John Howard
- Nathan T Howard
Martin Hron
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- W. W. Hsing
- Wenhui Hu
- Shilin Hu
Liqun HU
- Co-author in Kink Mode Study in EAST High β_{P} Plasma
- Liqun Hu
- Zhanggui Hu
- Qiming Hu
- Chundong HU
- Xiwei Hu
- Qiming Hu
- Liqin Hu
Jiansheng Hu
- Co-author in Advances in Plasma-Wall Interaction Control for H-mode Operation over 100s with ITER-like Tungsten Divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Amelioration of plasma-material interactions and improvement of plasma performance with a flowing liquid Li limiter and Li conditioning on EAST & Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Co-author in Hollow pellets for magnetic fusion
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Jintong Hu
- Guanghai Hu
- Youjun Hu
Di Hu
- Co-author in R&D for reliable disruption mitigation in ITER
- Zhihui Huang
Juan Huang
- Author in Fast-ion studies in high performance fully non-inductive discharges on EAST
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Co-author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Co-author in Simulations of energetic particle driven instabilities and fast particle redistribution in EAST tokamak
- Co-author in Transport Barriers in DIII-D High βp plasmas and Development of Candidate Steady State Scenarios for ITER
- Co-author in Tungsten control in NBI-dominant H-mode discharges in EAST tokamak
- Jie Huang
- ming huang
- Wangli Huang
- Y.Q. Huang
- H. Huang
- Pan Huang
- Zhuo Huang
- Chanbin Huang
- Mingxiang Huang
- Duwei Huang
- Bo Huang
- Mei Huang
- Qunying Huang
Amanda E Hubbard
- Co-author in Access Requirements for Stationary ELM-suppressed Pedestals in DIII-D and C-Mod Plasmas
- Co-author in Core Density Peaking Experiments in JET, DIII-D and C-Mod in Various Operational Scenarios - Driven by Fuelling or Transport
- Co-author in Explaining Cold-Pulse Dynamics in Tokamak Plasmas using Local Turbulent Transport Models
- Co-author in Extending the boundary heat flux width database to 1.3 Tesla poloidal magnetic field in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak
- Co-author in High Fusion Performance in Super H-Mode Experiments on Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D
- Co-author in Implications of JET-ILW L-H Transition Studies for ITER
- Co-author in Observation of efficient lower hybrid current drive at high density on Alcator C-Mod
Alexander Huber
- Co-author in Erosion, Screening, and Migration of Tungsten in JET Equipped with Tungsten Divertor
- Co-author in Implications of JET-ILW L-H Transition Studies for ITER
- Co-author in Numerical simulation of high neutron rate JET-ILW DD pulses in view of extension to DT experiments
- Co-author in Optimisation of JET-DT and ITER operation by developing an understanding of the role of low-Z impurity on the H-mode pedestal
- Co-author in The Software and Hardware Architecture of the Real-Time Protection of In-Vessel Components in JET-ILW
- Valentina Huber
Jerry W Hughes
- Co-author in A gyrokinetic discovery of fast L-H bifurcation physics in a realistic, diverted, tokamak edge geometry
- Co-author in Access Requirements for Stationary ELM-suppressed Pedestals in DIII-D and C-Mod Plasmas
- Co-author in Core Density Peaking Experiments in JET, DIII-D and C-Mod in Various Operational Scenarios - Driven by Fuelling or Transport
- Co-author in Explaining Cold-Pulse Dynamics in Tokamak Plasmas using Local Turbulent Transport Models
- Co-author in Extending the boundary heat flux width database to 1.3 Tesla poloidal magnetic field in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Analysis and Simulations of Pedestals
- Co-author in High Fusion Performance in Super H-Mode Experiments on Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D
- Co-author in Impact of impurity seeding on pedestal structure in ASDEX Upgrade and Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Observation of efficient lower hybrid current drive at high density on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Particle Transport from the Bottom Up
- Co-author in Simulations of Tokamak Boundary Plasma Turbulent Transport
P. E. Hughes
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- Guido Huijsmans
- Guido Huijsmans
David Humphreys
- Co-author in Dynamic Neutral Beam Injection as a Mechanism for Plasma Control and an Actuator for Instability Drive
- Co-author in Experiments in Disruption Avoidance for ITER Using Passive and Active Control
- Co-author in Fast ITER-relevant low-disruptivity rampdowns in DIII-D and EAST
- Co-author in Implementing a finite-state off-normal and fault response system for robust disruption avoidance in tokamaks
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Physics-model-based Real-time Optimization for the Development of Steady-state Scenarios at DIII-D
- O. A. Hurricane
- Philippe Huynh
Yong-Seok Hwang
- Co-author in Fusion Energy Development Applications Utilizing the Spherical Tokamak and Associated Research Needs and Tools
- Co-author in Internal Structure of MHD Fluctuations for Various Current Density Profiles during Current Rise Phase of Ohmic Discharge in VEST
- Co-author in Power Coupling of Lower Hybrid Fast Wave in VEST
- Co-author in Solenoid-free start-up utilizing outer PF coils with the help of EBW pre-ionization and change of external inductance in VEST
- Co-author in Time Resolved Triton Burnup Measurements Using the Scintillating Fiber Detector on KSTAR
Se Sub Hwang
- Co-author in Completion of the first TF Coil Structure of ITER
- Al Hyatt
IAEA Representative
- Author in Closing Address
Matteo Iafrati
- Co-author in Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Matteo Iafratti
- Kenzo Ibano
- Angel Ibarra
- Hisashi Ichige
- Masahiro Ichikawa
Ryo Ichimiya
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Makoto Ichimura
Katsumi Ida
- Author in Isotope effect on impurity and bulk ion particle transport in the Large Helical Device
- Author in Isotope effect on impurity and bulk ion particle transport in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Rapid Radial Propagation of Momentum Change and Flow Oscillation Associated with a Pellet Injection
- Co-author in Study of locking mechanism of locked-mode-like instability in helical plasmas
- Co-author in Transport characteristics of deuterium and hydrogen plasmas with ion internal transport barrier in LHD
- Shunsuke Ide
- Shunsuke Ide
Hiroshi Idei
- Author in Fully Non-inductive 2nd Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Current Ramp-up with Focused Polarized Beams in the QUEST Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Development of High Power Gyrotrons for Advanced Fusion Devices and DEMO
- Co-author in Particle balance investigation with the combination of rate equations of hydrogen state and hydrogen barrier model in long duration discharges on all-metal PFW QUEST
- Ionut Iepu
- Hiroe Igami
- Ieva Igaune
Daniel Iglesias
- Author in Advances in predictive thermo-mechanical modelling for the JET divertor experimental interpretation, improved protection, and reliable operation
- Author in Advances in predictive thermo-mechanical modelling for the JET divertor experimental interpretation, improved protection, and reliable operation
Valentin Igochine
- Author in Seeding of tearing modes by internal crash events in ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D tokamaks
- Co-author in NTM Excitation by Sawtooth Crashes and the Suppression of their Onset by Resonant Magnetic Perturbation
- Co-author in Strongly non-linear energetic particle dynamics in ASDEX Upgrade scenarios with core impurity accumulation
Masahide Iguchi
- Co-author in Completion of the first TF Coil Structure of ITER
- Akira Ihara
- Yusuke Iida
Ryosuke Ikeda
- Co-author in Completion of 1st ITER gyrotron manufacturing and 1 MW test result & Outcome of R&D program for ITER ICRF Power Source System & Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER
- Co-author in Development of High Power Gyrotrons for Advanced Fusion Devices and DEMO
- Co-author in Improvement of ITER equatorial EC launcher design for poloidal steering compatibility
- Co-author in Progress in Development and Fabrication of the JT-60SA ECH/CD System
- Katsunori Ikeda
- Ryuya Ikezoe
- Margarita Iliasova
- Stefan Illy
- Joseph Ilon
- Kenji Imadera
Tsuyoshi Imai
- Co-author in Development of High Power Gyrotrons for Advanced Fusion Devices and DEMO
- Co-author in Fluctuation suppression by the potential formation in GAMMA 10/PDX plasma
- Co-author in Fully Non-inductive 2nd Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Current Ramp-up with Focused Polarized Beams in the QUEST Spherical Tokamak
- Ryota Imazawa
- Martin Imrisek
Martin Imrisek
- Co-author in Analysis and modelling of NTMs dynamics in JET discharges using the European Transport Simulator (ETS) and integrated modelling tools
- Co-author in Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- Martin Imrisek
Yongkyoon In
- Author in Test of the ITER-like RMP configurations for ELM-crash-suppression on KSTAR
- Author in Test of the ITER-like RMP configurations for ELM-crash-suppression on KSTAR
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Perpendicular Rotation and Field Penetration at the Transition to RMP-induced ELM-crash Suppression
- Co-author in Experimental observations of the plasma shape effect on the RMP-ELM coupling for optimization of the KSTAR ELM-crash control
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
Yongkyoon In
- Co-author in Comparative simulations of the plasma response to RMPs during ELM-crash mitigated and suppressed phases in KSTAR
- Co-author in Effect of multiscale interaction between an m/n=2/1 mode and micro instabilities on transport of KSTAR plasmas*
- Co-author in Effect of poloidal density asymmetries on shear flows and radial electric field at the plasma edge
- Co-author in Evolution of locked mode under the existence of non-axisymmetric fields in KSTAR
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- Yongkyoon In
- Shigeru Inagaki
Takashi Inagaki
- Co-author in Completion of the first TF Coil Structure of ITER
Masanobu Ino
- Co-author in Completion of the first TF Coil Structure of ITER
Michiaki Inomoto
- Author in Effects of Reconnection Downstream Conditions on Electron Parallel Acceleration during Merging Start-up of Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Collisional Merging of a Field-Reversed Configuration in the FAT-CM Device
- Co-author in Investigation of fine structure formation of guide field reconnection during merging plasma startup of spherical tokamak in TS-3U
- Co-author in Particle Simulation Studies on Ion Effective Heating through Merging Plasmas
- Shizuo inoue
Takashi Inoue
(JAEA Naka)
- Author in Summary FIP, FNS, MPT & SEE
- A.A. Inzhevatkina
Zisis Ioannidis
- Co-author in Assessment and optimization of the cavity thermal performance for the European Continuous Wave gyrotrons
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Gyrotron R&D towards DEMO within EUROfusion Work Package Heating and Current Drive
- Co-author in Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER
- Co-author in Theoretical and Computational Studies on the Scattering of Radio Frequency Waves by Fluctuations
- Codrina Ionita
- Andrea Iovenitti
- James H Irby
- Mikhail Irzak
- Akihiko Isayama
- Akihiko Isayama
- Seiji Ishiguro
- Katsuhiro Ishii
- Junpei Ishiwata
Akihiro Ishizawa
- Co-author in Effect of magnetic field structure on electron internal transport barrier and its role for the barrier formation in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Heinz Isliker
Mitsutaka Isobe
- Co-author in Comprehensive magnetohydrodynamic hybrid simulations of fast ion losses due to the fast ion driven instabilities in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Energetic-ion Confinement Studies by using Comprehensive Neutron Diagnostics in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Neutron flux distributions in the LHD torus hall evaluated by an imaging plate technique in the first campaign of deuterium plasma experiment
- Co-author in Time Resolved Triton Burnup Measurements Using the Scintillating Fiber Detector on KSTAR
- Mitsutaka Isobe
- Takaaki Isono
- Masami Isozaki
- Kiyoshi Itami
- Satoshi Ito
- Kimitaka Itoh
- Kimitaka Itoh
- Sanae Itoh
- Andrei Ivanov
- I.A. Ivanov
- Alexander Ivanov
- Philip Ivanov
Irena Ivanova-Stanik
- Co-author in Analysis and modelling of NTMs dynamics in JET discharges using the European Transport Simulator (ETS) and integrated modelling tools
- Co-author in Early identification of disruption paths for prevention and avoidance
- Co-author in Numerical simulation of high neutron rate JET-ILW DD pulses in view of extension to DT experiments
- Co-author in Towards a predictive modelling capacity for DT plasmas: European Transport Simulator (ETS) verification and validation
- Maxim Ivantsiviskiy
- Akifumi Iwamoto
- Keisuke Iwano
- Kotaro Iwasaki
- Natsumi Iwata
- Hari Tejas Iyer
- N. Izumi
Stefan Jachmich
- Author in Minimising power load asymmetries during disruption mitigation at JET
- Co-author in Advances in predictive thermo-mechanical modelling for the JET divertor experimental interpretation, improved protection, and reliable operation
- Co-author in Asymmetric wall force reduction in ITER and JET disruptions
- Co-author in Erosion, Screening, and Migration of Tungsten in JET Equipped with Tungsten Divertor
- Co-author in First Mirror Test in JET for ITER: Complete overview after three campaigns in JET with ITER-like wall
- Asger Jacobsen
- Philippe Jacquet
- Hiralal M. Jadav
K.A. Jadeja
- Author in Novel Approach of Pulsed-Glow Discharge Wall Conditioning in ADITYA Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Baking System of Aditya Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Controlling Plasma Rotation using Periodic Gas-puff in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Dynamics of Neon Ions after Neon Gas Seeding and Puffing into Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in Edge Current Density Profile Measurement Using an Array of Miniature Magnetic Probes in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Effect of multiple periodic gas puff on neutral temperature in Aditya – U tokamak
- Co-author in Fast Wave induced ICRF plasma Expansion in ADITYA torus
- Co-author in Gas Fuelling Control System of Aditya Tokamak
- Co-author in Impurity Screening in High Density Aditya Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Mass Dependent Impurity Transport Study in ADITYA Tokamak
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Observations of Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation using X-Ray Crystal Spectrometer in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Origin of Harmonics of Drift Tearing Mode in ADITYA tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma Column Position Measurements using Magnetic Diagnostics in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Radiation power loss study during gas puff induced disruptions in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Studies of the gas puff effect on edge plasma of Aditya tokamak using coupled DEGAS2-UEDGE code
- Co-author in The Operation, Control, Data Acquisition System of ASDEX Pressure Gauge for Neutral Pressure
- H Jadhav
- Mahesh Jadhav
- Erwin F. Jaeger
Aaro Jaervinen
- Author in Progress in DIII-D Towards Validating Divertor Power Exhaust Predictions
- Author in Progress in DIII-D Towards Validating Divertor Power Exhaust Predictions (
- Co-author in Quantification of Radiating Species in the DIII-D Divertor in the Transition to Detachment Using Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
- Yogesh Jain
- Jalaj Jain
Marcin Jakubowski
- Author in 3D heat and particle fluxes in Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Demonstration of Power Exhaust Control by Impurity Seeding in the Island Divertor at Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in High density and high performance operation with pellet injection in W7-X
- Co-author in Measurement and modelling of magnetic configurations to mimic overload scenarios in the W7-X stellarator
- Mukti Ranjan Jana
- Juhyeok Jang Jang
- Seowon Jang
- Filip Janky
- T. Jarboe
- Stephen C. Jardin
- Varje Jari
- Ankita Jariwala
- Michael Jaworski
- Michael Jaworski
- Harikrishna Jayanthi
- Snehal Jayswal
- John Jelonnek
- Frank Jenko
YoungMu Jeon
- Author in Experimental observations of the plasma shape effect on the RMP-ELM coupling for optimization of the KSTAR ELM-crash control
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Perpendicular Rotation and Field Penetration at the Transition to RMP-induced ELM-crash Suppression
- Co-author in Comparative simulations of the plasma response to RMPs during ELM-crash mitigated and suppressed phases in KSTAR
- Co-author in Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- Co-author in Test of the ITER-like RMP configurations for ELM-crash-suppression on KSTAR
- Co-author in The effect of electron cyclotron heating on thermal and fast-ions transport in high beta-poloidal discharges at KSTAR
- Taemin Jeon
Seung-Ho Jeong
- Co-author in Power Coupling of Lower Hybrid Fast Wave in VEST
- Ionut Jepu
- - JET Contributors
Akhil Jha
- Author in Development of wideband amplifier in ITER ICRF range
- Co-author in Development of Solid State Power Amplifier for ICH & CD RF Source
- Co-author in Outcome of R&D program for ITER ICRF Power Source System
- Co-author in RT Amplitude Control loop: Testing of R&D ICRF source at High Power
- Co-author in Seismic Analysis Of High Power Amplifier in ITER ICRF Range
- Sameer kumar Jha
- R. Jha
Hogun Jhang
- Co-author in Correlation analysis based magnetic Kubo number estimation during pedestal collapse in BOUT++ simulation
- Co-author in Effects of magnetic perturbations on magnetic field stochastication during edge pedestal collapse
- Co-author in Multi-Scale Interaction between Ballooning Mode and Electron-Scale Turbulence and the Mesoscale Structure Formation in the Edge Pedestal
Xiaoquan JI
- Author in Nonlinear evolution of multi-helicity neoclassical tearing modes in HL-2A low rotation plasmas
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Localized modulation of turbulence by magnetic islands on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Pedestal dynamics in inter-ELM phase on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Real-time control system of neoclassical tearing modes in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Suppression and destabilization of ion fishbone activities on HL-2A
- Manni Jia
- Xiang Jian
- Yanzheng Jiang
Min Jiang
- Author in Localized modulation of turbulence by magnetic islands on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of the Recent Experimental Research on the J-TEXT Tokamak
- Co-author in Pedestal dynamics in inter-ELM phase on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma confinement and pedestal dynamics responses to impurity seeding in HL-2A H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Real-time control system of neoclassical tearing modes in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Suppression and destabilization of ion fishbone activities on HL-2A
- Zhonghe Jiang
Jieqiong Jiang
- Co-author in Development of HINEG and its experimental campaigns
- Xu Jianqiang
David Jimenez-Rey
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Co-author in The European approach to the fusion-like neutron source: The IFMIF-DONES Project
- Fanya Jin
- Jianbo Jin
- H Jin
- Takahisa Jitsuno
- Jong-Gab Jo
- Jungmin Jo
- Emmanuel Joffrin
- Emanuel Joffrin
- Emmanuel Joffrin
- Thomas Johnson
- Robert Johnson
Thomas Johnson
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Plasma and diagnostics preparation for alpha-particle studies in JET DT
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Co-author in Runaway electron modelling in the ETS self-consistent core transport simulator
- Co-author in Towards a predictive modelling capacity for DT plasmas: European Transport Simulator (ETS) verification and validation
- S. Johnson
- Alex Johnston
- Tomoyuki Johzaki
Shankara Joisa
- Co-author in Development of Multipurpose Soft X-Ray Tomography System for ADITYA-U.
- Co-author in Impurity Screening in High Density Aditya Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- S Joisa
- Antti Jokinen
- Antti Jokinen
- Julie Joly
- Frank Jones
- O. S. Jones
- Sánchez Castro Jorge
- Asenjo Jose
- Jay Joshi
Jaydeepkumar Joshi
- Author in Technologies for realization of Large size RF sources for –ve neutral beam systems for ITER -Challenges, experience and path ahead
- Author in Technologies for realization of Large size RF sources for –ve neutral beam systems for ITER -Challenges, experience and path ahead & Progress in the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility & Demonstration of 1 MV vacuum insulation for the vacuum insulated beam source in the ITER NB system
- Co-author in Application of Finite Element Techniques in Simulation of Mechanical Design and Performance Assessment of Different Components of a Neutral Beam Systems
- Co-author in Design and Development of Safety control system of Indian Test Facility (IN-TF) for ITER DNB
- Co-author in R&D status of Indian Test Facility for ITER DNB characterization
- Rameshkumar Joshi
- Kaushal Joshi
- hiren joshi
- Gilles Jouniaux
- Guirao Julio
Bong-Ki Jung
- Co-author in Power Coupling of Lower Hybrid Fast Wave in VEST
- Angus Justin
- Mishra Jyoti Shankar
- Saravanan K
Sathyanarayana K.
- Co-author in Design and Simulation Studies of Calorimetric Dummy Load for Gyrotron System
- Co-author in Effect of the Controlled Density Gradient on Equilibrium and Confinement in a Simple Toroidal Device with two plasma sources
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Performance of Transmission Line System at 42±0.2GHz for an Indigenous Gyrotron System
- Co-author in Real-Time Feedback Control System for Plasma Position Stabilisation in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Helen Kaang
- Yuki Kabeya
- Bhavesh Kadia
Shinichiro KADO
- Co-author in Effect of magnetic field structure on electron internal transport barrier and its role for the barrier formation in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in The Configuration Dependence of Isotope Effects on Turbulence System in Heliotron J
- Nischal Kafle
- Vivekanand Kain
R. Kaita
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- Ken Kajiwara
- Ken Kajiwara
- Mayur Kakati
- Alexei Kakurin
- Madanlal Kalal
- Parth Kalaria
- Michael Kalish
- Arne Kallenbach
- Peter Kallmeyer
- Denis Kalupin
- Denis Kalupin
- Yutaka Kamada
Yutaka Kamada
- Co-author in Progress of JT-60SA Project
- Shohei Kambayashi
- Shuji Kamio
- Kouji Kamiya
- Kensaku Kamiya
- Deven Kanabar
- Igor Kandaurov
- Jisung Kang
- Abha Kanik
- S. kannan
- Nitin Kanoongo
- Priti Kanth
Athina Kappatou
- Author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in ELM-induced energy and momentum transport in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Co-author in The ITER baseline scenario investigated at ASDEX Upgrade
- Athina Kappatou
- Tsuyoshi Kariya
Shantanu Kumar Karkari
- Co-author in Effect of Cathode Geometry on Magnetically Coupled Hollow Cathode Plasma Source
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Analysis of APPEL Linear Device Magnets
- Co-author in Experimental investigation of Power Coupling by RF Antenna into Plasmas in Presence of Magnetized Ions
- Co-author in Non-Invasive Plasma Density Measurement in a 13.56 MHz Magnetized Capacitive Coupled RF discharge
- Co-author in Radial Characteristics of a Magnetized Plasma Column
- V Karki
- Aleksey Karpov
- Alexander Karpushov
- Hiroshi Kasahara
- Yoshitoshi Kashiwa
- Mieko Kashiwagi
- Walter Kasparek
Atsushi Kasugai
- Author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Naohiro Kasuya
- Julian Kates-Harbeck
- Akemi Kato
- Yoshinori Kato
- Hiromi Kato
- Yutai Katoh
- Shotaro Katsura
- Andrey KAVIN
- Andrey Kavin
- Darko Kavšek
- Predhiman Kaw
- Hiroyuki Kawakami
- Yoshio Kawakami
- Yuya Kawamata
- Gakushi Kawamura
- Junji Kawanaka
- Katsumi Kawano
- Shoji Kawasaki
- Hiroki Kawase
Stanley Kaye
- Author in NSTX-U Theory and Modeling Results
- Author in Overview of recent progress in understanding NSTX and NSTX-U plasmas & Overview of new MAST physics in anticipation of first results from MAST Upgrade
- Co-author in Effects of Microtearing Modes on the Evolution of Electron Temperature Profiles in High Collisionality NSTX discharges
- Co-author in First Analysis of the Updated ITPA Global H-Mode Confinement Database
- Co-author in High fusion performance at high Ti/Te in JET-ILW baseline plasmas with high NBI heating power and low gas puffing
Yevgen Kazakov
- Author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Co-author in High density and high performance operation with pellet injection in W7-X
- Co-author in Increasing the Density in W7-X: Benefits and Limitations
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power: Progress in Operation and Understanding for Experiments with Metallic Walls
- Co-author in Preparing the ICRH system for the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
- Rui Ke
- Gregory Keech
- Vara Prasad Kella
- Arnie Kellman
- Richard Kembleton
- Mark Kempenaars
- Naoki Kenmochi
- Naoki Kenmochi
- Hammond Kenneth
- Filippe Khabanov
- Shyamkumar Khambholja
- S. Khan
- Ziauddin Khan
- K B Khan
- Raju Khanal
rustam khayrutdinov
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Optimising the ITER 15MA DT Baseline Scenario by Exploiting a Self-Consistent Free-Boundary Core-edge-SOL Workflow in IMAS
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the ITER Scenario Database
- Co-author in the ITER plasma current termination phase: physics constraints on control
- Evgeniy Khilkevitch
- Leonid Khimchenko
Samir Khirwadkar
- Co-author in Activity of Indian High Heat Flux Test Facility
- Co-author in Evaluation of Tungsten as Divertor Plasma-Facing Material: Results from Ion Irradiation Experiments and Computer Simulations
- Co-author in Studies of Ultrasonic and Phased array inspection NDT techniques on high thick SS316L welded joint mock-ups of fusion reactor components fabrication applications
- Co-author in Studies on high temperature vacuum brazing of Tungsten to Tungsten alloy materials for DEMO divertor application
- Andrei Khodak
- Igor Khodunov
- Artem Khomich
- Nikolay Khromov
- Co-author in Activity of Indian High Heat Flux Test Facility
- Mitsuru Kikuchi
- J. Kilkenny
Carsten Killer
- Author in Characterization of the W7-X Scrape-Off Layer using the Multi-Purpose Manipulator
- Co-author in 3D heat and particle fluxes in Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Demonstration of Power Exhaust Control by Impurity Seeding in the Island Divertor at Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in The effects of magnetic topology on the SOL island structure and turbulence transport in the first divertor plasma operation of W7-X
- Kyuho Kim
Kimin Kim
- Co-author in ELM Suppression and Internal Transport Barrier Formation by Krypton Seeding in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in Experimental observations of the plasma shape effect on the RMP-ELM coupling for optimization of the KSTAR ELM-crash control
- Co-author in Test of the ITER-like RMP configurations for ELM-crash-suppression on KSTAR
Jayhyun Kim
- Author in Evolution of locked mode under the existence of non-axisymmetric fields in KSTAR
- Co-author in Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Effect of multiscale interaction between an m/n=2/1 mode and micro instabilities on transport of KSTAR plasmas*
- Co-author in ELM Suppression and Internal Transport Barrier Formation by Krypton Seeding in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in Experimental observations of the plasma shape effect on the RMP-ELM coupling for optimization of the KSTAR ELM-crash control
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- Kyungmin Kim
- Minwoo Kim
- Hyun-Seok Kim
- Jaewook Kim
- Sung Sik Kim
- Hongtack Kim
- Hyung Chan Kim
- Kyungjin Kim
- Charlson. C. Kim
Sun Hee KIM
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Optimising the ITER 15MA DT Baseline Scenario by Exploiting a Self-Consistent Free-Boundary Core-edge-SOL Workflow in IMAS
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the ITER Scenario Database
- Co-author in the ITER plasma current termination phase: physics constraints on control
- E.-H. Kim
- Junghee Kim
Hyun-Tae Kim
- Author in High fusion performance at high Ti/Te in JET-ILW baseline plasmas with high NBI heating power and low gas puffing
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in Implications of JET-ILW L-H Transition Studies for ITER
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Doohyun Kim
Sang Yong Kim
- Co-author in Completion of the first TF Coil Structure of ITER
- Sun-Ho Kim
- Hyun-Seok Kim
- Juhyung Kim
- Seongcheol Kim
- Y.G. Kim
- Hiroto Kimura
- Damian King
- David Kingham
- David Kinna
Vasili Kiptily
- Co-author in JET Upgraded Diagnostic Capabilities and Scientific Exploitation in Support of Deuterium-Tritium Operation
- Co-author in Plasma and diagnostics preparation for alpha-particle studies in JET DT
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Co-author in Simulations of the Sawtooth-Induced Redistribution of Fast Ions in JET and ITER
- Hizanidis Kiriakos
- Demid Kirilenko
Andrew Kirk
- Co-author in Experimental conditions for suppressing Edge Localised Modes by magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Impact of the 3D geometry from non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbations on the local edge stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Predicting Scrape-Off Layer profiles and filamentary transport for reactor relevant devices
- Co-author in Role of NTV particle flux in density pumpout during ELM control by RMP
- Krassimir Kirov
- Igor Kirpitchev
- Igor Kirpitchev
Andreas Kirschner
- Co-author in Erosion, Screening, and Migration of Tungsten in JET Equipped with Tungsten Divertor
- Co-author in Extrapolation of Be Erosion Modelling from JET and PISCES-B to ITER
- Co-author in Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
- Eugene Kiselev
- Yasuaki Kishimoto
- Alexander Kislov
- Yoneyoshi Kitagawa
- Toshihiko Kitano
- Akichika Kitayama
- Timo Kiviniemi
- Gunta Kizane
- Kaname Kizu
- Jonathan Klabacha
- Ponkris Klaywittaphat
- Ralf Kleiber
- Felix Klein
- Andreas Kleiner
- C Christopher Klepper
- John Kline
- Thomas Klinger
- Leonid Klyuchnikov
- Prakash K Mokaria
juan knaster
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Jens Knauer
- Alexander Knieps
Peter Knight
- Co-author in Optimising the ITER 15MA DT Baseline Scenario by Exploiting a Self-Consistent Free-Boundary Core-edge-SOL Workflow in IMAS
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the ITER Scenario Database
- Matthias Knolker
Jinseok Ko
- Co-author in Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
Won-Ha Ko
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Perpendicular Rotation and Field Penetration at the Transition to RMP-induced ELM-crash Suppression
- Co-author in Comparative simulations of the plasma response to RMPs during ELM-crash mitigated and suppressed phases in KSTAR
- Co-author in Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Evolution of locked mode under the existence of non-axisymmetric fields in KSTAR
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- Sehoon Ko
- Takayuki Kobayashi
- Masahiro Kobayashi
Masahiro Kobayashi
- Co-author in 3D heat and particle fluxes in Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Effect of deuterium plasmas on carbon impurity transport in the edge stochastic magnetic field layer of Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Investigation of magnetic topology on spontaneous transition phenomena for high beta plasma of Large Helical Device
- Co-author in New approach to the control of particle recycling using divertor pumping in LHD
- Sakuji Kobayashi
- Makoto Kobayashi
- Takayuki Kobayashi
- Noriyuki Kobayashi
Shinji Kobayashi
- Co-author in Effect of magnetic field structure on electron internal transport barrier and its role for the barrier formation in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in The Configuration Dependence of Isotope Effects on Turbulence System in Heliotron J
- Tatsuya Kobayashi
- Daichi Kobayashi
- Martin Kočan
- Mikhail Kochergin
- Gabor Kocsis
- Ryousuke Kodama
- Ryosuke Kodama
- Ryosuke Kodama
- Ivan Kodeli
Florian Koechl
- Co-author in Early identification of disruption paths for prevention and avoidance
- Co-author in Impact of ELM control in JET experiments on H-mode terminations with/without current ramp-down and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
Florian Koechl
- Author in Optimising the ITER 15MA DT Baseline Scenario by Exploiting a Self-Consistent Free-Boundary Core-edge-SOL Workflow in IMAS
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Analysis and Simulations of Pedestals
- Co-author in Impact of Neon Injection on Electron Density Peaking in JET Hybrid Plasmas
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the ITER Scenario Database
- Co-author in the ITER plasma current termination phase: physics constraints on control
- Co-author in Wide divertor heat-flux width in ITER from self-organization between the neoclassical and turbulent transports across the separatrix surface
B. E. Koel
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- Ralf Koenig
- Junko Kohagura
- Alf Köhn
Norikiyo Koizumi
- Co-author in Completion of the first TF Coil Structure of ITER
- Shinichiro Kojima
- sadaoki kojima
Atsushi Kojima
- Author in Demonstration of 1 MV vacuum insulation for the vacuum insulated beam source in the ITER NB system
- Author in Demonstration of 1 MV vacuum insulation for the vacuum insulated beam source in the ITER NB system
- Co-author in Completion of DC 1 MV power supply system for ITER neutral beam test facility
- Egemen Kolemen
- Egemen Kolemen
- Yaroslav I. Kolesnichenko
- Masao Komata
- Manabu Komatsuzaki
- Osamu Komeda
- Yannis Kominis
- Michael Komm
Keitaro Kondo
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Mengdi Kong
- Defeng Kong
- C Kong
- Premjit Singh Kongkham
- Axel Könies
- Ralf König
satoshi konishi
- Author in Future Possibility of Carbon Sequestration by Biomass-Fusion Hybrid Systems
- Author in Future Possibility of Carbon Sequestration by Biomass-Fusion Hybrid Systems & Economic Performance of Fusion Power Plant on Future Deregulated Electricity Market & Techno-economic analysis of biodiesel and hydrogen production via Fusion-Biomass Hybrid Model
- Co-author in Economic Performance of Fusion Power Plant on Future Deregulated Electricity Market
- Co-author in Techno-economic analysis of biodiesel and hydrogen production via Fusion-Biomass Hybrid Model
- Shigeru Konoshima
- Sergey Konovalov
- Zakhar Konshin
- Sergey Korepanov
- Elena Koresheva
- Kleijwegt Kornee
Vladimir Kornev
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Olga Korobeynikova
- Leon Kos
- Evgeniy Koshelev
- Ana Kostic
- Vladislav Kotov
- Mike Kotschenreuther
- Jernej Kovacic
- Alexander Koval
A Koval
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Yuriy Kovalenko
Michael Kovari
- Co-author in Global supply of tritium for fusion R&D
- Co-author in Technologies for Plasma-Facing Wall Protection in EU DEMO
Karel Kovarik
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Yerbolat Koyanbayev
- B. J. Kozioziemski
T. Kozub
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- Gerrit J. Kramer
- Andreas Krämer-Flecken
- Stepan Krat
Natalia Krawczyk
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Natalia Krawczyk
Jaroslav Krbec
- Co-author in Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Isabel Krebs
- Arkadi Kreter
- Karl Krieger
- Matt Kriete
Sergey Krikunov
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Andreas Krimmer
Lukas Kripner
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Arnold Kritz
- Alena Krivska
- J. Kroll
Uron Kruezi
- Co-author in Minimising power load asymmetries during disruption mitigation at JET
- Co-author in Overview of disruptions with JET-ILW
- Co-author in R&D for reliable disruption mitigation in ITER
- Co-author in Subdivertor fuel isotopic content detection limit for JET and impact on the control of ICRH for JET-ILW and JET-DT operation
- Robert Krug
- Vadim Krupin
- Oleg Krutkin
- Maciej Krychowiak
- Nikolay Kryukov
Seung-Hoe Ku
- Author in A gyrokinetic discovery of fast L-H bifurcation physics in a realistic, diverted, tokamak edge geometry
- Author in A gyrokinetic discovery of fast L-H bifurcation physics in a realistic, diverted, tokamak edge geometry
- Co-author in Confinement in stellarators with the global gyrokinetic code XGC
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Modeling with an Extended Magnetic Equilibrium including the Edge Region of Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Neoclassical Study of the effect of the X-point height on ExB Flow Structure in an H-mode edge plasma
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic XGC1 Simulation Study of Magnetic Island Effects on Neoclassical and Turbulence Physics in a KSTAR Plasma
- Co-author in Pressure balance in a low collisionality tokamak scrape-off layer
- Co-author in Total-f gyrokinetic turbulent-neoclassical simulation of global impurity transport and its effect on the main-plasma confinement
- Co-author in Wide divertor heat-flux width in ITER from self-organization between the neoclassical and turbulent transports across the separatrix surface
- Adam Kuang
- Adam Kuang
- Shin Kubo
- Shin Kubo
S. Kubota
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- Tadeusz Kuc
- Ondrej Kudlacek
- K.N. Kuklin
- Andrei S. Kukushkin
- Alexander B. Kukushkin
- Andrei Kukushkin
- Timur Kulevoy
- Animesh Kuley
Petr Kulhanek
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- Nikolay Kulik
Sanjay Kulkarni
- Co-author in Fast Wave induced ICRF plasma Expansion in ADITYA torus
- Co-author in Performance of Transmission Line System at 42±0.2GHz for an Indigenous Gyrotron System
- Co-author in Preliminary Results of Wall Conditioning Experiments using High Power ICRH System on SST-1 at Different Toroidal Magnetic Fields
Pawan Kumar KULRIYA
- Co-author in A Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigation of Defects Induced in Tungsten Foils by Gold (Au) and Boron (B) Ion Irradiation
- Co-author in Deuterium Depth Profile Measurement in Pre and Post Irradiated Tungsten
- Co-author in Evaluation of Tungsten as Divertor Plasma-Facing Material: Results from Ion Irradiation Experiments and Computer Simulations
- Timur Kulsartov
Vinay Kumar
- Co-author in Alignment and Calibration Schemes for ITER CXRS-Pedestal Diagnostic
- Co-author in Design Validation of ITER XRCS Survey Spectrometer with Nuclear Code RCC-MR
- Co-author in Development of a High Temperature Black Body Source for ITER ECE Diagnostic
- Co-author in Preliminary Design of IN-DA Diagnostic Plant Instrumentation & Control
- Co-author in Preliminary results of prototype Martin-Puplett Interferometer and transmission line developed for ITER ECE Diagnostic
- Co-author in Progress of ITER-India activities for ITER deliverables: Challenges & Mitigation Measures
Rajnish Kumar
- Author in RT Amplitude Control loop: Testing of R&D ICRF source at High Power
- Co-author in 3MW Dual Output High Voltage Power Supply Operation: Results for Accuracy, Stability and Protection Test
- Co-author in Development of Solid State Power Amplifier for ICH & CD RF Source
- Co-author in Outcome of R&D program for ITER ICRF Power Source System
- Ajai Kumar
- Rajesh Kumar
- Umesh Kumar
- Jagabandhu Kumar
Ajay Kumar
- Author in ADITYA Experimental Results of Core Ion Temperature Measurements on ADITYA Tokamak Using Four Channel Neutral Particle Analyser
- Co-author in Design and development of Passive Charge Exchange Neutral Particle Analyzer for ADIYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
Sunil Kumar
- Co-author in Effect of Cathode Geometry on Magnetically Coupled Hollow Cathode Plasma Source
- Co-author in Experimental investigation of Power Coupling by RF Antenna into Plasmas in Presence of Magnetized Ions
- Co-author in Fast Wave induced ICRF plasma Expansion in ADITYA torus
- Co-author in Preliminary Results of Wall Conditioning Experiments using High Power ICRH System on SST-1 at Different Toroidal Magnetic Fields
- Author in Real-Time Feedback Control System for Plasma Position Stabilisation in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Baking System of Aditya Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Deuterium Depth Profile Measurement in Pre and Post Irradiated Tungsten
- Co-author in Edge Current Density Profile Measurement Using an Array of Miniature Magnetic Probes in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Novel Approach of Pulsed-Glow Discharge Wall Conditioning in ADITYA Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma Column Position Measurements using Magnetic Diagnostics in ADITYA-U Tokamak
Manoj Kumar
- Author in Imaging of SST-1 plasma with LHCD power
- R Kumar
- Nitish Kumar
- Ajith Kumar
- Vinay Kumar
- Siddharth Kumar
- Manish Kumar
- Sunil Kumar
- Jitendra Kumar
- Abhijeet Kumar
- Saurabh Kumar
- Arvind kumar
- Praveena Kumari
- Devilal Kumavat
Devilal Kumawat
- Co-author in Baking System of Aditya Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Edge Current Density Profile Measurement Using an Array of Miniature Magnetic Probes in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma Column Position Measurements using Magnetic Diagnostics in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Real-Time Feedback Control System for Plasma Position Stabilisation in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Igor Kupriyanov
- L. Kurbatova
- Takashi Kurita
Taina Kurki-Suonio
- Author in Beam Ion Performance and Power Loads in the ITER Pre-Fusion Power Operating Scenarios (PFPO) with Reduced Field and Current
- Co-author in Modeling runaway electrons dynamics in tokamak plasmas: progresses and challenges
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Victor Kurkuchekov
- Kengoh Kuroda
Gleb Kurskiev
- Author in Thermal energy confinement at the Globus-M spherical tokamak.
- Co-author in Dielectric windows as front-end diagnostic elements in ITER
- Co-author in Integration of Thomson scattering and laser-induced fluorescence in ITER divertor: engineering and performance analysis
- Co-author in The Influence of Toroidal Magnetic Field Growth on Plasma Performance in the Spherical Tokamak Globus-M/-M2
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Richard Kurtz
- Bernd Kurzan
- Boris Kuteev
- Boris Kuteev
- Alexey KUYANOV
- Arseniy Kuzmin
- Jonggu KWAK
- Jsemin Kwon
JaeMin Kwon
- Author in Gyrokinetic XGC1 Simulation Study of Magnetic Island Effects on Neoclassical and Turbulence Physics in a KSTAR Plasma
- Author in Gyrokinetic XGC1 Simulation Study of Magnetic Island Effects on Neoclassical and Turbulence Physics in a KSTAR Plasma
- Co-author in Effect of multiscale interaction between an m/n=2/1 mode and micro instabilities on transport of KSTAR plasmas*
- Co-author in Nonlinear gyrokinetic analysis of linear Ohmic confinement to saturated Ohmic confinement transition
- Duck-Hee KWON
- G. Kyrala
- Author in Plasma shape and fueling dependence on the small ELM regime in TCV and AUG
- Author in Plasma shape and fueling dependence on the small ELM regime in TCV and AUG
- Co-author in Role of the pressure position on the pedestal stability in AUG, JET-ILW and TCV in deuterium and hydrogen plasmas and implications for ITER
- Co-author in SOL transport and detachment in alternative divertor configurations in TCV L- and H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in SOL transport and filamentary dynamics in high density tokamak regimes
Brian LaBombard
- Co-author in Conceptual Design Study for Heat Exhaust Management in the ARC Fusion Pilot Plant
- Co-author in Extending the boundary heat flux width database to 1.3 Tesla poloidal magnetic field in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak
- Co-author in High Fusion Performance in Super H-Mode Experiments on Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D
- Co-author in Observation of efficient lower hybrid current drive at high density on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Performance assessment of tightly-baffled long-leg divertor geometries in the ARC reactor concept
- Co-author in Simulations of Tokamak Boundary Plasma Turbulent Transport
- Co-author in Study of passively stable, fully detached divertor plasma regimes attained in innovative long-legged divertor configurations
- Lavkesh Lachvani
- Karl Lackner
- Karl Lackner
- Benoit LACROIX
- Maryna Ladygina
- Florian Laggner
- Florian Laggner
- Robert La Haye
- Archna Lakhani
- V J Lakhera
- Valérie LAMAISON
- Philippe LAMALLE
- Tao Lan
- Matthew Lanctot
- O. L. Landen
- Peter Lang
- Andreas Langenberg
- Samuel Lanthaler
- Emmanuel Lanti
L.L. Lao
- Co-author in Development and First Experimental Tests of a Small Angle Slot Divertor on DIII-D
- Co-author in Nonlinear 3D simulations of Vertical Displacement Events in tokamaks
- Co-author in Predict-First Analysis and Experimental Validation of MHD Equilibrium, Stability, and Plasma Response to 3D Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Time-Dependent Runaway Simulations: Ampere-Faraday Equations Implemented in CQL3D
- Co-author in Transport Barriers in DIII-D High βp plasmas and Development of Candidate Steady State Scenarios for ITER
Heinrich Laqua
- Co-author in High density and high performance operation with pellet injection in W7-X
- Co-author in Increasing the Density in W7-X: Benefits and Limitations
- Co-author in Preparing the ICRH system for the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
- Co-author in Strategy and optimisation of wall conditioning at the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
- Grisham Larry
- Ane Lasa
- Sergei Lashkul
Charles Lasnier
- Co-author in Favorable Impact of RMP ELM Suppression On Divertor Heat Fluxes at ITER-like Conditions
- Co-author in High Performance Double-null Plasmas Under Radiating Divertor and Mantle Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Injection of Multiple Shattered Pellets for Disruption Mitigation in DIII-D
- Co-author in Inter vs. Intra-ELM Tungsten Erosion and Transport from the Divertor in DIII-D High-Performance H-mode Discharges
- Co-author in Pitch Angle Dynamics and Synchrotron Emission of Runaway Electrons in Quiescent and Disrupted DIII-D Plasmas
- Co-author in Progress in DIII-D Towards Validating Divertor Power Exhaust Predictions
- Co-author in Quantification of Radiating Species in the DIII-D Divertor in the Transition to Detachment Using Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
- Pratik Lathiya
- George Latsas
- Guillaume Latu
- Cornwall Lau
- Calvin Lau
Philipp Lauber
- Author in Strongly non-linear energetic particle dynamics in ASDEX Upgrade scenarios with core impurity accumulation
- Author in Strongly non-linear energetic particle dynamics in ASDEX Upgrade scenarios with core impurity accumulation
- Co-author in Modeling runaway electrons dynamics in tokamak plasmas: progresses and challenges
- Christopher Laughman
- King Fai Farley Law
- King Fai Farley Law
- Wei-Siang Lay
Samuel Lazerson
- Co-author in 3D heat and particle fluxes in Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Confinement in stellarators with the global gyrokinetic code XGC
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Modeling with an Extended Magnetic Equilibrium including the Edge Region of Large Helical Device
- Co-author in High density and high performance operation with pellet injection in W7-X
- Co-author in Increasing the Density in W7-X: Benefits and Limitations
- Co-author in Measurement and modelling of magnetic configurations to mimic overload scenarios in the W7-X stellarator
- Enzo Lazzaro
Sergei Lebedev
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- B. LeBlanc
- Alexander Lebschy
- R. Leccacorvi
- Carsten Lechte
- Quentin LE COZ
Jaehyun Lee
- Author in Bifurcation of Perpendicular Rotation and Field Penetration at the Transition to RMP-induced ELM-crash Suppression
- Co-author in Comparative simulations of the plasma response to RMPs during ELM-crash mitigated and suppressed phases in KSTAR
- Co-author in Test of the ITER-like RMP configurations for ELM-crash-suppression on KSTAR
Hyungho LEE
- Co-author in Effect of poloidal density asymmetries on shear flows and radial electric field at the plasma edge
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic XGC1 Simulation Study of Magnetic Island Effects on Neoclassical and Turbulence Physics in a KSTAR Plasma
- Co-author in Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation for Ohmic L-mode Plasmas in KSTAR
- Co-author in Observation of Heat Load on the Castellated Tungsten Block by Back-Scattered Particles from Intentionally Misaligned Protruding Edge
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- Co-author in Test of the ITER-like RMP configurations for ELM-crash-suppression on KSTAR
- Woochang Lee
Jongha Lee
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Perpendicular Rotation and Field Penetration at the Transition to RMP-induced ELM-crash Suppression
- Co-author in Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- K.D. Lee
- Wonjun Lee
- Seungho Lee
- Janet Lee
- Jeongwon Lee
Hyun-Woo Lee
- Co-author in Power Coupling of Lower Hybrid Fast Wave in VEST
- Sang Gon Lee
Byung-Je Lee
- Co-author in Power Coupling of Lower Hybrid Fast Wave in VEST
- Jaehyun Lee
- HyunYeong Lee
- K.C. Lee
- Ray Leeper
- R. J. Leeper
- Susan Leerink
- Huw Leggate
- Alberto Leggieri
- Francois Legrand
Michael Lehnen
- Author in R&D for reliable disruption mitigation in ITER
- Co-author in Minimising power load asymmetries during disruption mitigation at JET
- Co-author in Modeling runaway electrons dynamics in tokamak plasmas: progresses and challenges
- Co-author in Runaway electron mitigation in ITER disruptions by injection of high-Z impurities
Sophia Le Masurier
- Author in The Nuclear Fusion Prize
- Morten Lennholm
Anthony W. Leonard
- Author in Parallel Energy Transport in Detached DIII-D Divertor Plasmas
- Co-author in Development and First Experimental Tests of a Small Angle Slot Divertor on DIII-D
- Co-author in Favorable Impact of RMP ELM Suppression On Divertor Heat Fluxes at ITER-like Conditions
- Co-author in High Performance Double-null Plasmas Under Radiating Divertor and Mantle Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Progress in DIII-D Towards Validating Divertor Power Exhaust Predictions
- Co-author in Quantification of Radiating Species in the DIII-D Divertor in the Transition to Detachment Using Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
- Vladimir Leonov
- S. Le Pape
- Bogdan S. Lepiavko
Ernesto Augusto Lerche
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in High fusion performance at high Ti/Te in JET-ILW baseline plasmas with high NBI heating power and low gas puffing
- Co-author in Implications of JET-ILW L-H Transition Studies for ITER
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Numerical simulation of high neutron rate JET-ILW DD pulses in view of extension to DT experiments
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Co-author in Subdivertor fuel isotopic content detection limit for JET and impact on the control of ICRH for JET-ILW and JET-DT operation
- Co-author in Towards a predictive modelling capacity for DT plasmas: European Transport Simulator (ETS) verification and validation
- Ernesto Lerche
- M. LeSher
Jim Leuer
- Co-author in First Plasma Scenario Development for HL-2M
- Co-author in The Advanced Tokamak Path to a Compact Net Electric Pilot Plant
- Marya Levashova
- Alex LeViness
- Yue Li
- Zeyu Li
- Yingying Li
Jiangang Li
- Co-author in Advances in Plasma-Wall Interaction Control for H-mode Operation over 100s with ITER-like Tungsten Divertor on EAST
- Co-author in E_rxB shear effect on cross phase mitigates ELM at high collisionality
- Co-author in Experimental Study of Multi-scale Interaction between (Intermediate, Small)-scale Microturbulence and MHD modes in EAST Plasmas
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Co-author in Progress of the CFETR Design
- Kai Li
- Miaohui LI
Guoqiang Li
- Author in Transport simulation of EAST long pulse discharge and high betaN discharge with integrated modelling
- Co-author in Predict-First Analysis and Experimental Validation of MHD Equilibrium, Stability, and Plasma Response to 3D Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Co-author in Simulations of energetic particle driven instabilities and fast particle redistribution in EAST tokamak
- Y G Li
- Xu Li
- Qun Li
- Nami Li
- Yadong Li
- Hong Li
- Zichao Li
- Da Li
- Qian Li
- Bin Li
- Jiaxian Li
- Jiquan Li
Taosheng Li
- Co-author in Development of HINEG and its experimental campaigns
- Erzhong LI
- Yang Li
- Mao Li
- Ping-Yu Li
- Li Li
- pengyuan li
- Hui Lian
Yunfeng Liang
- Co-author in Advances in Plasma-Wall Interaction Control for H-mode Operation over 100s with ITER-like Tungsten Divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Co-author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Co-author in Recent progresses on the RMP researches towards active control of tearing mode in the J-TEXT tokamak
- Co-author in The effects of magnetic topology on the SOL island structure and turbulence transport in the first divertor plasma operation of W7-X
- Co-author in Tungsten control in NBI-dominant H-mode discharges in EAST tokamak
- Shaoyong Liang
- Anshu Liang
- Yunfeng Liang
- Co-author in Current Design and R&D Progress of CN HCCB TBS
- Agustin Lifschitz
- Jari Likonen
- Shiyao LIN
Zhihong Lin
- Author in Verification and Validation of Integrated Simulation of Energetic Particles in Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in First Simulations of Turbulent Transport in the Field-Reversed Configuration
- Co-author in Formation of Hot, Stable, Long-Lived Field-Reversed Configuration Plasmas on the C-2W Device
- Co-author in Global PIC simulation of RF waves in toroidal geometry
- Co-author in Roles of RMP-induced Changes of Radial Electric Fields in ELM Suppression
- Zhifang Lin
- Bryan Linehan
- Fei Ling
- Macarena Liniers
- Brian Linn
- Christian Linsmeier
Bruce Lipshultz
- Co-author in Fusion Energy Development Applications Utilizing the Spherical Tokamak and Associated Research Needs and Tools
- Co-author in Impact of impurity seeding on pedestal structure in ASDEX Upgrade and Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Predicting Scrape-Off Layer profiles and filamentary transport for reactor relevant devices
- Co-author in SOL transport and detachment in alternative divertor configurations in TCV L- and H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in SOL transport and filamentary dynamics in high density tokamak regimes
- Steve W. Lisgo
- Valery Lisitsa
Andrey Litnovsky
- Author in Diagnostic mirrors for ITER: research in a frame of International Tokamak Physics Activity
- Author in Diagnostic mirrors for ITER: research in a frame of International Tokamak Physics Activity
- Co-author in Characterization of advanced concepts for first wall materials by plasma exposure in the linear plasma device PSI-2
- Andrey Litvinov
- Yong Liu
Haiqing Liu
- Co-author in Experimental Study of Multi-scale Interaction between (Intermediate, Small)-scale Microturbulence and MHD modes in EAST Plasmas
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Co-author in Particle balance investigation with the combination of rate equations of hydrogen state and hydrogen barrier model in long duration discharges on all-metal PFW QUEST
- Co-author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Co-author in Transport simulation of EAST long pulse discharge and high betaN discharge with integrated modelling
- Co-author in Tungsten control in NBI-dominant H-mode discharges in EAST tokamak
Yueqiang Liu
- Author in Non-linear interplay between edge localized infernal mode and plasma flow
- Author in Role of NTV particle flux in density pumpout during ELM control by RMP
- Co-author in Advances in modelling of plasma pedestal behaviour and ELM control in ITER reference plasma scenarios
- Co-author in Centrifugal force driven low frequency modes in spherical tokamak
- Co-author in Comparative modeling of plasma boundary corrugation due to the application of 3-D fields with ELM control coils in various ITER scenarios
- Co-author in Development of a plasma scenario for the EU-DEMO: current activities and perspectives
- Co-author in Dynamic ELM and divertor control using mixed toroidal harmonic resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-D and EAST
- Co-author in Experiments in Disruption Avoidance for ITER Using Passive and Active Control
- Co-author in Resistive Wall Mode physics and control challenges in JT-60SA high βN scenarios
- Adi Liu
- Xiang Liu
- Wandong Liu
- Deyong Liu
- Chang Liu
- Yong Liu
- Hai Liu
- Xing Liu
Xing Liu
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Analysis and Simulations of Pedestals
Yi Liu
- Author in Development of the q=1 Advanced tokamak Scenarios in HL-2A
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Localized modulation of turbulence by magnetic islands on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Nonlinear evolution of multi-helicity neoclassical tearing modes in HL-2A low rotation plasmas
- Co-author in Pedestal dynamics in inter-ELM phase on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma confinement and pedestal dynamics responses to impurity seeding in HL-2A H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Real-time control system of neoclassical tearing modes in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Suppression and destabilization of ion fishbone activities on HL-2A
- Jianbin Liu
- Shaocheng Liu
- Bing Liu
- L Liu
- Z Liu
- Hai Liu
- Yang Liu
Chao Liu
- Co-author in Development of HINEG and its experimental campaigns
- Jie Liu
- Fukun LIU
- Chengyue Liu
- Haifeng Liu
- Yong Liu
- Andrey Lizunov
- Brian Lloyd
- Thierry Loarer
Alberto Loarte
- Author in Advances in modelling of plasma pedestal behaviour and ELM control in ITER reference plasma scenarios
- Co-author in Comparative modeling of plasma boundary corrugation due to the application of 3-D fields with ELM control coils in various ITER scenarios
- Co-author in Favorable Impact of RMP ELM Suppression On Divertor Heat Fluxes at ITER-like Conditions
- Co-author in Impact of ELM control in JET experiments on H-mode terminations with/without current ramp-down and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Nonlinear MHD simulations of Quiescent H-mode in ASDEX-Upgrade and ITER
- Co-author in Optimising the ITER 15MA DT Baseline Scenario by Exploiting a Self-Consistent Free-Boundary Core-edge-SOL Workflow in IMAS
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the ITER Scenario Database
- Co-author in Role of NTV particle flux in density pumpout during ELM control by RMP
- Co-author in Runaway electron mitigation in ITER disruptions by injection of high-Z impurities
- Co-author in Test of the ITER-like RMP configurations for ELM-crash-suppression on KSTAR
- Co-author in Wide divertor heat-flux width in ITER from self-organization between the neoclassical and turbulent transports across the separatrix surface
- Doug Loesser
- Nikolas Logan
- Roland Lohner
- Bartosz Lomanowski
Peter Lomas
- Co-author in Early identification of disruption paths for prevention and avoidance
- Co-author in Impact of ELM control in JET experiments on H-mode terminations with/without current ramp-down and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Overview of disruptions with JET-ILW
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Co-author in The Software and Hardware Architecture of the Real-Time Protection of In-Vessel Components in JET-ILW
- Pengcheng Long
- Hao Long
- Savino Longo
- E Loomis
- Daniel López-Bruna
- Antonio López-Fraguas
Jeremy Lore
- Author in Measurement and modelling of magnetic configurations to mimic overload scenarios in the W7-X stellarator
- Co-author in Demonstration of Power Exhaust Control by Impurity Seeding in the Island Divertor at Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Integrated Modeling of Core, Edge Pedestal and Scrape-Off-Layer for High Beta_N Steady-State Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Integrated simulation of runaway electrons: a backward Monte-Carlo approach for a fluid-kinetic self-consistent coupling
- Co-author in Parallel Energy Transport in Detached DIII-D Divertor Plasmas
- Co-author in Progress in DIII-D Towards Validating Divertor Power Exhaust Predictions
- Rita Lorenzini
- Ulises Losada
- Vincenzo Loschiavo
- Fabrice Louche
- Antony Loving
Christopher Lowry
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Michael Lowry
- Zhixin Lu
- Bo Lu
Timothy C. Luce
- Author in Exploring an Alternate Approach to Q=10 in ITER
- Co-author in Experiments in Disruption Avoidance for ITER Using Passive and Active Control
- Co-author in Fast ITER-relevant low-disruptivity rampdowns in DIII-D and EAST
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Tim Luce
Victor Lukash
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Optimising the ITER 15MA DT Baseline Scenario by Exploiting a Self-Consistent Free-Boundary Core-edge-SOL Workflow in IMAS
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the ITER Scenario Database
- Co-author in the ITER plasma current termination phase: physics constraints on control
- Anton Lukyanchuk
- Arnold Lumsdaine
- Michele Lungaroni
Robert Lunsford
- Author in Active conditioning of ASDEX-Upgrade tunsgten PFCs through boron particulate injection
- Author in Active conditioning of ASDEX-Upgrade tunsgten PFCs through boron particulate injection
- Co-author in Amelioration of plasma-material interactions and improvement of plasma performance with a flowing liquid Li limiter and Li conditioning on EAST & Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Particle Injector (EPI) as a Fast Time Response Disruption Mitigation Concept
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- Tilmann Lunt
Zhengping Luo
- Co-author in Advances in Plasma-Wall Interaction Control for H-mode Operation over 100s with ITER-like Tungsten Divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Model-Predictive Kinetic Control for Steady State Plasma Operation Scenarios on EAST
- Co-author in Overview of diagnostics upgrade and experiment progress on KTX
- Co-author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Co-author in Simulation Study of the Impurity Radiation in the Quasi-Snowfalke Divertor with Ne Seeding for CFETR
- Bing Luo
Cesar Luongo
- Co-author in Completion of the first TF Coil Structure of ITER
- Vadym V. Lutsenko
- Hanni Lux
- Bo Lv
- Andrey Lvovskiy
- Brendan Lyons
- Anatoli Lyssoivan
Bo Lyu
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Co-author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Co-author in Transport simulation of EAST long pulse discharge and high betaN discharge with integrated modelling
- Igor Lyublinski
- Rui Ma
- T Ma
A. Maan
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- Harsha Machchhar
- A. J. MacKinnon
- S. MacLaren
- A. G. MacPhee
Eva Macusova
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
Tanmay Macwan
- Author in Edge Current Density Profile Measurement Using an Array of Miniature Magnetic Probes in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Baking System of Aditya Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Effect of externally applied radial electric field (biased-electrode) on Geodesic Acoustic Modes in SINP tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma Column Position Measurements using Magnetic Diagnostics in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Real-Time Feedback Control System for Plasma Position Stabilisation in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Sunao Maebara
- Tetsuya Maejima
- Shogo Maeta
- Richard Magee
Costanza Maggi
- Co-author in Core Density Peaking Experiments in JET, DIII-D and C-Mod in Various Operational Scenarios - Driven by Fuelling or Transport
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Analysis and Simulations of Pedestals
- Co-author in Implications of JET-ILW L-H Transition Studies for ITER
- Co-author in Isotope Dependence of Confinement in JET Deuterium and Hydrogen Plasmas
- Co-author in Role of the pressure position on the pedestal stability in AUG, JET-ILW and TCV in deuterium and hydrogen plasmas and implications for ITER
- Riccardo Maggiora
S. M. Mahajan
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Analysis and Simulations of Pedestals
- Keyur Mahant
- Abha Maheshwari
Gaurang Mahesuriya
- Author in Pump Characterization of 80 K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System for SST-1
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Installation and Commissioning of 80K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System
- Co-author in Maintenance experience of 315kW Electrical Motor of Helium screw compressor in 1.3kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier Plant
- Co-author in Mechanical Engineering Aspects for Overhauling of Helium Compressor and heavy duty Electrical Motors of 1.3 kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier system
- Co-author in Operational Results and Troubleshooting in Current Feeder System for SST-1
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
- Co-author in SST-1 Cryogenics Requirements and the Way Forward
Joelle Mailloux
- Co-author in Analysis and modelling of NTMs dynamics in JET discharges using the European Transport Simulator (ETS) and integrated modelling tools
- Co-author in First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful Fusion power predictions for JET and ITER
- Co-author in Plasma and diagnostics preparation for alpha-particle studies in JET DT
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Author in Development of Various diagnostics for NNBI program in IPR
- Co-author in Application of Finite Element Techniques in Simulation of Mechanical Design and Performance Assessment of Different Components of a Neutral Beam Systems
- Co-author in Design and Development of Safety control system of Indian Test Facility (IN-TF) for ITER DNB
- Co-author in Evaluation of Beam Properties of a Negative Hydrogen Source by Doppler Shift Spectroscopy
- Co-author in Neutron Irradiation Impact on ITER Grade Insulating Material
- Co-author in Observations of Plasma Stimulated Electrostatic Sideband Emission and Harmonic Distortion: Evidences of Over-dense Plasma Generation inside a Microwave Discharge Ion Source
- Co-author in Performance of 14-MeV Neutron Generator at IPR
- Co-author in R&D status of Indian Test Facility for ITER DNB characterization
- Co-author in Technologies for realization of Large size RF sources for –ve neutral beam systems for ITER -Challenges, experience and path ahead & Progress in the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility & Demonstration of 1 MV vacuum insulation for the vacuum insulated beam source in the ITER NB system
Rajesh Maingi
- Author in Amelioration of plasma-material interactions and improvement of plasma performance with a flowing liquid Li limiter and Li conditioning on EAST
- Author in Amelioration of plasma-material interactions and improvement of plasma performance with a flowing liquid Li limiter and Li conditioning on EAST & Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Co-author in A promising grassy ELM regime for high-performance steady-state operations with metal wall in EAST and CFETR
- Co-author in Active conditioning of ASDEX-Upgrade tunsgten PFCs through boron particulate injection
- Co-author in Hollow pellets for magnetic fusion
- Co-author in Pressure balance in a low collisionality tokamak scrape-off layer
- Co-author in Wide divertor heat-flux width in ITER from self-organization between the neoclassical and turbulent transports across the separatrix surface
- Alberto Maistrello
Richard Majeski
- Author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- Co-author in A toroidal confinement facility study and eventual experimental device to investigate a range of liquid metal divertor and first-wall concepts
- Co-author in Fusion Energy Development Applications Utilizing the Spherical Tokamak and Associated Research Needs and Tools
- Maximillian Major
- Vadym Makhlai
- Thanaphan Makmool
- M. A. Makowski
- Moti Makwana
- M.N. Makwana
- Mayank Makwana
Azadsinh R Makwana
- Co-author in Error field experiment and analysis in SST-1
- Kedar Mal
- Artur Malaquias
- Sanjay Malhotra
- Bert Maljaars
- Chinmoy Mallick
- Sergei Malzev
- Pierre Manas
Ranjana Manchanda
- Author in Impurity Screening in High Density Aditya Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Alignment and Calibration Schemes for ITER CXRS-Pedestal Diagnostic
- Co-author in Controlling Plasma Rotation using Periodic Gas-puff in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Design of a NIR Spectrometer for Aditya-U Tokamak and Initial Results.
- Co-author in Dynamics of Neon Ions after Neon Gas Seeding and Puffing into Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in Effect of multiple periodic gas puff on neutral temperature in Aditya – U tokamak
- Co-author in Fast Wave induced ICRF plasma Expansion in ADITYA torus
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Novel Approach of Pulsed-Glow Discharge Wall Conditioning in ADITYA Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Observations of Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation using X-Ray Crystal Spectrometer in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Preliminary Results of Wall Conditioning Experiments using High Power ICRH System on SST-1 at Different Toroidal Magnetic Fields
- Co-author in Runaway Electron (RE) Mitigation Using Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection in the Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Study of Iron Impurity Behavior using VUV Spectroscopy in Aditya and Aditya-U Tokamak
- Ranjana Manchanda
- Debraj Mandal
- Armin Manhard
- Fabian Manke
ManoahStephen Manuelraj ManoahStephen Manuelraj
- Author in In-Vessel Inspection System: Design progress of high vacuum and temperature compatible remote handling for fusion purposes
- Co-author in Design and development of the Articulated Robotic Inspection Arm (ARIA) for fusion machine
- Co-author in Development of a Prototype Collaborative Robot for Fusion Remote Handling Applications
- Co-author in Visual Servo of Tokamak Relevant Remote Handling Systems using Neural Network Architecture
Dennis Mansfield
- Co-author in Active conditioning of ASDEX-Upgrade tunsgten PFCs through boron particulate injection
- Co-author in Amelioration of plasma-material interactions and improvement of plasma performance with a flowing liquid Li limiter and Li conditioning on EAST & Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Imran Mansuri
- Himabindu Manthena
- Paola Mantica
Mervi Mantsinen
- Co-author in First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful Fusion power predictions for JET and ITER
- Co-author in Impact of Neon Injection on Electron Density Peaking in JET Hybrid Plasmas
- Co-author in Implications of JET-ILW L-H Transition Studies for ITER
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Co-author in The ITER baseline scenario investigated at ASDEX Upgrade
- Mervi Mantsinen
- Peter Manz
- Yiran Mao
- Shifeng MAO
- Wenzhe Mao
- Marc Maraschek
- Anna Marchenko
- Chiara Marchetto
- Giuseppe Marchiori
- Michael Mardenfeld
- Alexander Marek
- Alessandro Marinoni
- Sabina Markelj
- Andrey Markin
Tomas Markovic
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
Tomas Markovic
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- Earl Marmar
- Daniele Marocco
- Laurent Marot
Alvaro Marqueta
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Lionello Marrelli
- Jacques Marroncle
Elijah Martin
- Author in Experimental Evidence of Lower Hybrid Wave Scattering in Alcator C-Mod due to Scrape Off Layer Density Fluctuations
- Author in Experimental Evidence of Lower Hybrid Wave Scattering in Alcator C-Mod due to Scrape Off Layer Density Fluctuations
- Co-author in Fast wave experiments in LAPD in support of fusion
- Piero MARTIN (Consorzio RFX)
Michael Martin
- Co-author in Fast wave experiments in LAPD in support of fusion
- Julio Martinell
- Francisco Martin-Fuertes
- Jose Ramon Martin-Solis
- Yuri Martynenko
- Yulia Martynova
Nikolai Marushchenko
- Co-author in ECRH and mode conversion in overdense W7-X plasmas
So Maruyama
- Co-author in R&D for reliable disruption mitigation in ITER
- Kei Masaki
- Mikhail Maslov
- L. Masse
- Stefano Mastrostefano
- Stefano Mastrostefano
- Suguru Masuzaki
- Suguru Masuzaki
- Sergey Masyukevich
- Koji Matsukado
- Naoki Matsumoto
- Go Matsunaga
- Go Matsunaga
- Seikichi Matsuoka
- Akinobu Matsuyama
- Massimiliano Mattei
Guy Matthews
- Co-author in Advances in predictive thermo-mechanical modelling for the JET divertor experimental interpretation, improved protection, and reliable operation
- Co-author in Erosion, Screening, and Migration of Tungsten in JET Equipped with Tungsten Divertor
- Co-author in The Software and Hardware Architecture of the Real-Time Protection of In-Vessel Components in JET-ILW
- shiban mattoo
- Anja Mauel
- Roberto Maurizio
- Udaya Maurya
- Francesco Maviglia
- Vladimir Maximov
- P N Maya
- Matej Mayer
- KBK Mayya
- Didier Mazon
Giuseppe Mazzitelli
- Author in Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Author in Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Co-author in Self-consistent modelling of a liquid metal pool-type divertor
- Co-author in The concept of lithium based plasma facing elements for steady state fusion tokamak-reactor and its experimental validation
- Cristina Mazzotta
- Kieran Joseph McCarthy
- Patrick McCarthy
- Ken McClements
Joseph McClenaghan
- Author in Transport Barriers in DIII-D High bp plasmas and Development of Candidate Steady State Scenarios for ITER
- Author in Transport Barriers in DIII-D High βp plasmas and Development of Candidate Steady State Scenarios for ITER
- Co-author in The Advanced Tokamak Path to a Compact Net Electric Pilot Plant
- Paul McCullen
Rachael McDermott
- Co-author in Active conditioning of ASDEX-Upgrade tunsgten PFCs through boron particulate injection
- Co-author in ELM-induced energy and momentum transport in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in Experimental conditions for suppressing Edge Localised Modes by magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Heat transport driven by the ITG and TEM instabilities in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in The ITER baseline scenario investigated at ASDEX Upgrade
- George McKee
George McKee
- Co-author in High confinement in negative triangularity discharges in DIII-D
- Co-author in L-H Transition Trigger Physics in ITER-Similar Plasmas with and without Applied n=3 Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Rotation Profile Hollowing in DIII-D Low-Torque Electron-Heated H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in Viability of Wide Pedestal QH-Mode for Burning Plasma Operation
- Ken Mc Klements
Adam McLean
- Author in Quantification of Radiating Species in the DIII-D Divertor in the Transition to Detachment Using Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
- Co-author in High Performance Double-null Plasmas Under Radiating Divertor and Mantle Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Inter vs. Intra-ELM Tungsten Erosion and Transport from the Divertor in DIII-D High-Performance H-mode Discharges
- Co-author in Parallel Energy Transport in Detached DIII-D Divertor Plasmas
- Co-author in Progress in DIII-D Towards Validating Divertor Power Exhaust Predictions
- J. McNaney
Sergei Medvedev
- Co-author in Advances in modelling of plasma pedestal behaviour and ELM control in ITER reference plasma scenarios
- Co-author in Impact of High Field & High Confinement on L-mode-Edge Negative Triangularity Tokamak (NTT) Reactor
- Co-author in Optimising the ITER 15MA DT Baseline Scenario by Exploiting a Self-Consistent Free-Boundary Core-edge-SOL Workflow in IMAS
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the ITER Scenario Database
- Anna Medvedeva
- N. B. Meezan
- Kush Mehta
- V. Mehta
- Mayur Mehta
- andy Meigs
- Steven Meitner
- K.I. Mekler
- Andrew Melnik
Alexander Melnikov
- Author in Electric potential and turbulence in OH and ECRH low-density plasmas
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Alexandr Melnikov
Jonathan Menard
- Author in Fusion Energy Development Applications Utilizing the Spherical Tokamak and Associated Research Needs and Tools
- Co-author in A toroidal confinement facility study and eventual experimental device to investigate a range of liquid metal divertor and first-wall concepts
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Particle Injector (EPI) as a Fast Time Response Disruption Mitigation Concept
- Co-author in Error Field Impact on Mode Locking and Divertor Heat Flux in NSTX-U
- Co-author in Hollow pellets for magnetic fusion
- Co-author in NSTX-U Theory and Modeling Results
- Co-author in Overview of recent progress in understanding NSTX and NSTX-U plasmas & Overview of new MAST physics in anticipation of first results from MAST Upgrade
- Co-author in Overview of the NSTX-U Recovery Project Physics and Engineering Design
- Co-author in Wide divertor heat-flux width in ITER from self-organization between the neoclassical and turbulent transports across the separatrix surface
- Purificacion Mendez
- Jervis Mendonca
Orso Meneghini
- Author in Neural-network accelerated coupled core-pedestal simulations with self-consistent transport of impurities
- Co-author in High Fusion Performance in Super H-Mode Experiments on Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D
- Co-author in Integrated Modeling of Core, Edge Pedestal and Scrape-Off-Layer for High Beta_N Steady-State Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Machine learning for disruption warning on Alcator C-Mod, DIII-D, and EAST Tokamaks
- Co-author in Predict-First Analysis and Experimental Validation of MHD Equilibrium, Stability, and Plasma Response to 3D Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in The Effect of RMP ELM Control for ITER on Pedestal Pressure Compared to EPED No-RMP Predictions
- Luis Meneses
- xiancai meng
- Zi Meng
Sheena Menmuir
- Co-author in Core Density Peaking Experiments in JET, DIII-D and C-Mod in Various Operational Scenarios - Driven by Fuelling or Transport
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in Implications of JET-ILW L-H Transition Studies for ITER
- Co-author in Isotope Dependence of Confinement in JET Deuterium and Hydrogen Plasmas
- Co-author in Optimisation of JET-DT and ITER operation by developing an understanding of the role of low-Z impurity on the H-mode pedestal
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
E. Merino
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
Antoine Merle
- Co-author in Advances in the understanding of the I-mode confinement regime: access, stationarity, edge/SOL transport and divertor impact
- Co-author in Analysis and modelling of NTMs dynamics in JET discharges using the European Transport Simulator (ETS) and integrated modelling tools
- Co-author in Control of NTMs and integrated multi-actuator control on TCV
- Co-author in Extension of the Operating Space of High-“β_N” Fully Non-inductive Scenarios on TCV Using Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in Plasma shape and fueling dependence on the small ELM regime in TCV and AUG
- Co-author in Role of the pressure position on the pedestal stability in AUG, JET-ILW and TCV in deuterium and hydrogen plasmas and implications for ITER
- Gabriele Merlo
- J. F. merrill
- Samuel Merriman
- E. C. Merritt
- Philippe MERTENS
André Messiaen
- Co-author in A Travelling Wave Array System as Solution for the ICRF Heating of DEMO
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power: Progress in Operation and Understanding for Experiments with Metallic Walls
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Preparing the ICRH system for the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
Hendrik Meyer
- Author in Overview of Physics Studies on ASDEX Upgrade
- Author in Overview of Physics Studies on ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Experimental conditions for suppressing Edge Localised Modes by magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Implications of JET-ILW L-H Transition Studies for ITER
- Co-author in Plasma shape and fueling dependence on the small ELM regime in TCV and AUG
- Co-author in Role of the pressure position on the pedestal stability in AUG, JET-ILW and TCV in deuterium and hydrogen plasmas and implications for ITER
- Gioacchino Micciche
- Clive A. Michael
- Clive Michael
- Rojas-Quesada Miguel
- Daniele Milanese
Fulvio Militello
- Author in Predicting Scrape-Off Layer profiles and filamentary transport for reactor relevant devices
- Author in Predicting Scrape-Off Layer profiles and filamentary transport for reactor relevant devices
- Co-author in Influence of neutral-plasma interactions on 3D scrape-off layer filaments
- Co-author in Optimisation of JET-DT and ITER operation by developing an understanding of the role of low-Z impurity on the H-mode pedestal
- Co-author in SOL transport and filamentary dynamics in high density tokamak regimes
- Wilson Miller
- J. L. Milovich
- Kunioki Mima
- Vladimir Minaev
- Ryutaro MINAMI
Takashi Minami
- Author in Effect of magnetic field structure on electron internal transport barrier and its role for the barrier formation in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in The Configuration Dependence of Isotope Effects on Turbulence System in Heliotron J
- Pavel Minashin
Anatoly Mineev
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Anatoly Mineev
- Joseph Minervini
- Arman Miniyazov
- Felician Mink
Minsha Minsha
- Co-author in Integrated System Electronics and Instrumentation ; Operation and Diagnostic for Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Novel Approach of Pulsed-Glow Discharge Wall Conditioning in ADITYA Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma Column Position Measurements using Magnetic Diagnostics in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Real-Time Feedback Control System for Plasma Position Stabilisation in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Simone Minucci
- Vladimir Mirnov
- Sergey Mirnov
- Gabriel Miron
- Igor Miroshnikov
- Nicolas MISARIA
- Oleksiy Mishchenko
Kishore Mishra
- Author in Fast Wave induced ICRF plasma Expansion in ADITYA torus
- Co-author in Fully Non-inductive 2nd Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Current Ramp-up with Focused Polarized Beams in the QUEST Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Preliminary Results of Wall Conditioning Experiments using High Power ICRH System on SST-1 at Different Toroidal Magnetic Fields
- sapna Mishra
- Purna chandra Mishra
- Sudhir Mishra
- A.N. Mistry
H. Mistry
- Co-author in Operation and Control of 42 GHz Gyrotron system in ECRH
- Co-author in Technology developments for ECRH system
- Osamu Mitarai
Klara Mitosinkova
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Yoshika Mitsunaka
- Eisuke Miura
- Mitsutaka Miyamoto
- Noriaki Miyanaga
- Junichi Miyazawa
- Yoshio Mizuta
- Co-author in Effect of magnetic field structure on electron internal transport barrier and its role for the barrier formation in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in The Configuration Dependence of Isotope Effects on Turbulence System in Heliotron J
Jan Mlynar
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Modeling runaway electrons dynamics in tokamak plasmas: progresses and challenges
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- Charles Moeller
- C. Moeller
- Kartik Mohan
- Yung Mok
- Co-author in Activity of Indian High Heat Flux Test Facility
- Pedro Molina
- Joaquin Molla
- Sören Möller
- Barbara Momo
- Igor Monakhov
- Ignacio Monge
- Kevin Montes
- Pablo Montes
- D. S. Montgomery
- Maurizio Montis
- Augusto Montisci
- J. Moody
- Sunwoo Moon
- Sara Moradi
- Jorges Morales
- George Morales
- Jaime Mora-Meléndez
- Saskia Mordijck
- Saskia Mordijck
- Vipul More
- Didier Moreau
- Pierre Morel
- Cristina De La Morena
- José Moreno
- Jean-Marc Moret
- Max Morgan
- Yoshitaka Mori
Tomohiro Morisaki
- Author in Overview of the First Deuterium Experiment in LHD
- Author in Overview of the First Deuterium Experiment in LHD
- Co-author in 3D heat and particle fluxes in Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Investigation of magnetic topology on spontaneous transition phenomena for high beta plasma of Large Helical Device
- Co-author in New approach to the control of particle recycling using divertor pumping in LHD
- Co-author in Transport characteristics of deuterium and hydrogen plasmas with ion internal transport barrier in LHD
- Shigeru Morita
- Hiroki Morita
- Toseo Moritaka
Shinichi Moriyama
- Co-author in Completion of 1st ITER gyrotron manufacturing and 1 MW test result & Outcome of R&D program for ITER ICRF Power Source System & Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER
- Co-author in Development of High Power Gyrotrons for Advanced Fusion Devices and DEMO
- Co-author in Improvement of ITER equatorial EC launcher design for poloidal steering compatibility
- Co-author in Progress in Development and Fabrication of the JT-60SA ECH/CD System
- William Morris
- Auna Moser
- Lucas Moser
- Anton Möslang
- A. Mossman
- Tomoyoshi Motohiro
Gen Motojima
- Author in New approach to the control of particle recycling using divertor pumping in LHD
- Co-author in Neutron flux distributions in the LHD torus hall evaluated by an imaging plate technique in the first campaign of deuterium plasma experiment
- Co-author in Plasma termination by excess fuel and impurities in TJ-II, LHD and W7-X
- Co-author in Rapid Radial Propagation of Momentum Change and Flow Oscillation Associated with a Pellet Injection
- Maolin Mou
- David Moulton
- Ivan Moya
Richard Moyer
- Co-author in Advances in Runaway Electron Control and Model Validation for ITER
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust during suppression of edge localized modes by resonant magnetic perturbation fields at DIII-D
- Co-author in Favorable Impact of RMP ELM Suppression On Divertor Heat Fluxes at ITER-like Conditions
- Co-author in Injection of Multiple Shattered Pellets for Disruption Mitigation in DIII-D
- Co-author in Interactions of runaway electrons with Alfvén and whistler waves
- Co-author in Pitch Angle Dynamics and Synchrotron Emission of Runaway Electrons in Quiescent and Disrupted DIII-D Plasmas
- Dennis Mueller
- David Muir
- Kiyofumi Mukai
Aparajita Mukherjee
- Co-author in Design and Development of Control Grid Power Supply for RF Amplifier
- Co-author in Development of Solid State Power Amplifier for ICH & CD RF Source
- Co-author in Development of wideband amplifier in ITER ICRF range
- Co-author in Outcome of R&D program for ITER ICRF Power Source System
- Co-author in Progress of ITER-India activities for ITER deliverables: Challenges & Mitigation Measures
- Co-author in RT Amplitude Control loop: Testing of R&D ICRF source at High Power
- Co-author in Seismic Analysis Of High Power Amplifier in ITER ICRF Range
- Subrato Mukherjee
- Rupak Mukherjee
- S Mukherjee
- Sayantan Mukherjee
- Samiran Shanti Mukherjee
Eugene Mukhin
- Author in Integration of Thomson scattering and laser-induced fluorescence in ITER divertor: engineering and performance analysis
- Author in Integration of Thomson scattering and laser-induced fluorescence in ITER divertor: engineering and performance analysis
- Co-author in Dielectric windows as front-end diagnostic elements in ITER
- Co-author in Thermal energy confinement at the Globus-M spherical tokamak.
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Debrup Mukhopadhyay
- Robert Mumgaard
- Bob Mumgaard
- Stefano Munaretto
- Prabhat Munshi
Sadayoshi Murakami
- Co-author in Energetic-ion Confinement Studies by using Comprehensive Neutron Diagnostics in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Fully Non-inductive 2nd Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Current Ramp-up with Focused Polarized Beams in the QUEST Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Particle balance investigation with the combination of rate equations of hydrogen state and hydrogen barrier model in long duration discharges on all-metal PFW QUEST
- Co-author in Simulation study of electrostatic potential generated by NBI and its effect on the neoclassical transport of carbon impurity ions in LHD
- Co-author in Transport characteristics of deuterium and hydrogen plasmas with ion internal transport barrier in LHD
- Haruyuki Murakami
- Sergey Murakhtin
- Yuki Muramatsu
- Andrea Murari
- Andrea Murari
- Takanori Murase
- Isao Murata
- Takeo Muroga
- Takeo Muroga
- C. Murphy
- Chris Murphy
- Takashi Mutoh
- A Mutzke
- A. Muzichenko
- Tatyana Myalton
Clayton Myers
- Co-author in Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Error Field Impact on Mode Locking and Divertor Heat Flux in NSTX-U
- Co-author in Experiments in Disruption Avoidance for ITER Using Passive and Active Control
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- Tatyana Mylton
Rajanbabu N.
- Co-author in Operation and Control of 42 GHz Gyrotron system in ECRH
- Co-author in Technology developments for ECRH system
- Yong-Su Na
- Fernando Nabais
Kenichi Nagaoka
- Author in Transport characteristics of deuterium and hydrogen plasmas with ion internal transport barrier in LHD
- Author in Transport characteristics of deuterium and hydrogen plasmas with ion internal transport barrier in LHD
- Co-author in Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- M V Nagaraju
Takuya Nagasaka
- Author in High-temperature creep properties of NIFS-HEAT-2 high-purity low-activation vanadium alloy
- Author in High-temperature creep properties of NIFS-HEAT-2 high-purity low-activation vanadium alloy
- Co-author in A Concept of Self-Cooled Breeding Blanket with Advanced Molten Salt Flinak for High-Efficiency and Long-Life Operation
Kazunobu Nagasaki
- Co-author in Development of High Power Gyrotrons for Advanced Fusion Devices and DEMO
- Co-author in Effect of magnetic field structure on electron internal transport barrier and its role for the barrier formation in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in The Configuration Dependence of Isotope Effects on Turbulence System in Heliotron J
Yoshihiko Nagashima
- Co-author in Fully Non-inductive 2nd Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Current Ramp-up with Focused Polarized Beams in the QUEST Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Particle balance investigation with the combination of rate equations of hydrogen state and hydrogen barrier model in long duration discharges on all-metal PFW QUEST
Kazuya Nagata
- Co-author in Fully Non-inductive 2nd Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Current Ramp-up with Focused Polarized Beams in the QUEST Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Particle balance investigation with the combination of rate equations of hydrogen state and hydrogen barrier model in long duration discharges on all-metal PFW QUEST
- Masayoshi Nagata
- Hideo Nagatomo
U C Nagora
- Author in Design and Development of 140 GHz D-Band Phase Locked Heterodyne Interferometer System for Real Time Density Measurement
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Radiation power loss study during gas puff induced disruptions in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Studies of the gas puff effect on edge plasma of Aditya tokamak using coupled DEGAS2-UEDGE code
- Umesh Nagora
- Alex Nagy
- A. Nagy
- Viktor Naidenov
- Supriya Nair
- Lekha Nair
- Masataka Nakahira
- Mitsuo Nakai
- Taku Nakai
Kazuo Nakamura
- Co-author in Fully Non-inductive 2nd Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Current Ramp-up with Focused Polarized Beams in the QUEST Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Particle balance investigation with the combination of rate equations of hydrogen state and hydrogen barrier model in long duration discharges on all-metal PFW QUEST
- Kaori Nakamura
Yuji Nakamura
- Co-author in Effect of magnetic field structure on electron internal transport barrier and its role for the barrier formation in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Haruhisa Nakano
- Yousuke Nakashima
- Hidetoshi Nakashima
Motoki Nakata
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Modeling of Turbulent Particle Fluxes towards Efficient Predictions of Density Profiles
- Co-author in Isotope effects on confinement and turbulence in ECRH plasma of LHD
- Co-author in Kinetic Simulation Studies on Multi-ion-species Plasma Transport in Helical Systems
- Co-author in Transport characteristics of deuterium and hydrogen plasmas with ion internal transport barrier in LHD
- Giuseppe Francesco Nallo
Hoseok Nam
- Author in Techno-economic analysis of biodiesel and hydrogen production via Fusion-Biomass Hybrid Model
- Author in Techno-economic analysis of biodiesel and hydrogen production via Fusion-Biomass Hybrid Model
- Co-author in Future Possibility of Carbon Sequestration by Biomass-Fusion Hybrid Systems & Economic Performance of Fusion Power Plant on Future Deregulated Electricity Market & Techno-economic analysis of biodiesel and hydrogen production via Fusion-Biomass Hybrid Model
- yongun Nam
- P Nandi
- Eric Nardon
- Emi Narita
- Co-author in Core transport improvement in stable detachment with RMP application to the edge stochastic layer of LHD
- Co-author in Dependence of RMP penetration threshold on plasma parameters and ion species in helical plasmas
- Co-author in Study of locking mechanism of locked-mode-like instability in helical plasmas
- Kyohei Natsume
- Volker Naulin
- Volker Naulin
- Nikolay Naumenko
- Maria Filomena Nave
- Gerald Navratil
Pratik Nayak
- Co-author in Effect of sorbent selection and geometrical arrangement of cryopanels on pumping speed of cryopump
- Co-author in Pellet fuelling prospects and injector system for Aditya-U tokomak
- Co-author in Thermo-hydraulic Analysis of Forced Flow Helium Cooled Cryopanels of Cryopump Using Venecia Code
Diana Naydenkova
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- David Naylor
Raffi Nazikian
- Co-author in Dynamic ELM and divertor control using mixed toroidal harmonic resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-D and EAST
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Particle Injector (EPI) as a Fast Time Response Disruption Mitigation Concept
- Co-author in Experimental conditions for suppressing Edge Localised Modes by magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic-MHD coupled simulation of RMP plasma interaction reproduces density pump-out seen in the tokamak edge
- Co-author in Role of NTV particle flux in density pumpout during ELM control by RMP
- Co-author in Roles of RMP-induced Changes of Radial Electric Fields in ELM Suppression
- Tobias Neckel
A. Nelson
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- Anton Nemets
- Rudolf Neu
- Rudolf Neu
- Olaf Neubauer
- Charles Neumeyer
- Sarah Newton
- Thomas Nicholas
- Dirk Nicolai
- Lin Nie
- Anders Henry Nielsen
- Holger Niemann
- Andrei Nikitenko
- Aleksandr Nikitin
- G. Nikolaev
- A. Nikroo
- Dirk Nille
- Emelie Nilsson
Hiren Nimavat
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Installation and Commissioning of 80K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System
- Co-author in Maintenance experience of 315kW Electrical Motor of Helium screw compressor in 1.3kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier Plant
- Co-author in Mechanical Engineering Aspects for Overhauling of Helium Compressor and heavy duty Electrical Motors of 1.3 kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier system
- Co-author in Operational Results and Troubleshooting in Current Feeder System for SST-1
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
- Yan Ning
- Daisuke Nishijim
- Daisuke Nishijima
- Yasuhiko NISHIMURA
- Hiroaki Nishimura
Masao Nishino
- Co-author in Completion of the first TF Coil Structure of ITER
- Kenji Nishioka
Takeo NIshitani
- Co-author in Energetic-ion Confinement Studies by using Comprehensive Neutron Diagnostics in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Neutron flux distributions in the LHD torus hall evaluated by an imaging plate technique in the first campaign of deuterium plasma experiment
- Co-author in Time Resolved Triton Burnup Measurements Using the Scintillating Fiber Detector on KSTAR
- Masaki Nishiura
- Koichi Nishiyama
- Paavo Niskala
- Francesco Nitti
Massimo Nocente
- Co-author in First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful Fusion power predictions for JET and ITER
- Co-author in Impact of an edge resonant transport layer on fast-ion confinement in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma and diagnostics preparation for alpha-particle studies in JET DT
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Kunpei Nojiri
- Nikolai Norausky
- Hans Nordman
- Takayoshi Norimatsu
Jean-Marie Noterdaeme
- Author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power: Progress in Operation and Understanding for Experiments with Metallic Walls
- Co-author in A Travelling Wave Array System as Solution for the ICRF Heating of DEMO
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Hiroyuki Noto
- Luca Novello
- Ivan Novikau
- Alexandr Novokhatsky
- Silvana Nowak
- Takashi Nozawa
- Hideo Nuga
- Tomoharu Numakura
Masanori Nunami
- Author in Kinetic Simulation Studies on Multi-ion-species Plasma Transport in Helical Systems
- Co-author in Conceptual Design of a Compact Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-c1 for the Early Demonstration of a Year-long Electric Power Generation
- Co-author in Numerical Diagnostic to Investigate Poloidal Asymmetry in Three-Dimensional Magnetic Configurations
- Co-author in Transport characteristics of deuterium and hydrogen plasmas with ion internal transport barrier in LHD
- François NUNIO
- Maxim Nurgaliev
- Michel Oberparleiter
- Maria Antonia Ochando
- Kentaro Ochiai
- Roman Ochoukov
Yasuhisa Oda
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Author in Completion of 1st ITER gyrotron manufacturing and 1 MW test result
- Author in Completion of 1st ITER gyrotron manufacturing and 1 MW test result & Outcome of R&D program for ITER ICRF Power Source System & Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER
- Co-author in Improvement of ITER equatorial EC launcher design for poloidal steering compatibility
- Yuki Oda
- J. Oertel
- Guido Offermanns
Kunihiro Ogawa
- Author in Energetic-ion Confinement Studies by using Comprehensive Neutron Diagnostics in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Neutron flux distributions in the LHD torus hall evaluated by an imaging plate technique in the first campaign of deuterium plasma experiment
- Co-author in Time Resolved Triton Burnup Measurements Using the Scintillating Fiber Detector on KSTAR
Kunihiro Ogawa
- Co-author in Comprehensive magnetohydrodynamic hybrid simulations of fast ion losses due to the fast ion driven instabilities in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Yuichi Ogawa
- Kazuki Oguri
Yongkuk Oh
- Co-author in Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Evolution of locked mode under the existence of non-axisymmetric fields in KSTAR
- Co-author in Experimental observations of the plasma shape effect on the RMP-ELM coupling for optimization of the KSTAR ELM-crash control
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- Co-author in The effect of electron cyclotron heating on thermal and fast-ions transport in high beta-poloidal discharges at KSTAR
- Soo-Ghee Oh
- Noé Ohana
Satoshi Ohdachi
- Author in Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Author in Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Dependence of RMP penetration threshold on plasma parameters and ion species in helical plasmas
- Co-author in Investigation of magnetic topology on spontaneous transition phenomena for high beta plasma of Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Observation of Multiple Helicity Mode-Resonant Locking Leading to a Disruption on DIII-D
- Co-author in Transport characteristics of deuterium and hydrogen plasmas with ion internal transport barrier in LHD
- Naofumi Ohnishi
Shinsuke OHSHIMA
- Author in The Configuration Dependence of Isotope Effects on Turbulence System in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Effect of magnetic field structure on electron internal transport barrier and its role for the barrier formation in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Hiroaki Ohtani
- Yoshiaki Ohtani
- Tetsutarou Oishi
- Michio Okabayashi
- Shigefumi Okada
Hiroyuki Okada
- Co-author in Effect of magnetic field structure on electron internal transport barrier and its role for the barrier formation in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in The Configuration Dependence of Isotope Effects on Turbulence System in Heliotron J
- Maki Okada
- Kosuke Okamoto
- Shoichi Okamura
- Shinichiro Okihara
- Yoshikazu Okumura
- Eric Olofsson
- Jeppe Miki Busk Olsen
- Rick Olson
- Toshimichi Omori
- John Omotani
- Martin O'Mullane
- Takumi Onchi
- Takumi Onchi
- Raymond O'Neill
- Jozef ONGENA
- thawatchai Onjun
- thawatchai Onjun
Masayuki Ono
- Co-author in Development of High Power Gyrotrons for Advanced Fusion Devices and DEMO
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Particle Injector (EPI) as a Fast Time Response Disruption Mitigation Concept
- Co-author in Fully Non-inductive 2nd Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Current Ramp-up with Focused Polarized Beams in the QUEST Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Fusion Energy Development Applications Utilizing the Spherical Tokamak and Associated Research Needs and Tools
- Co-author in Particle balance investigation with the combination of rate equations of hydrogen state and hydrogen barrier model in long duration discharges on all-metal PFW QUEST
- Naoto Ono
Yasushi Ono
- Author in Scaling Study of Reconnection/ Merging Heating of Spherical Tokamak Plasmas for Direct Access to Burning Plasma
- Co-author in Fusion Energy Development Applications Utilizing the Spherical Tokamak and Associated Research Needs and Tools
- Co-author in Investigation of fine structure formation of guide field reconnection during merging plasma startup of spherical tokamak in TS-3U
- Co-author in Particle Simulation Studies on Ion Effective Heating through Merging Plasmas
- Takehiro Ono
- Shinya Oohara
- Francois Orain
- Dmitri Orlov
Masaki Osakabe
- Co-author in Comprehensive magnetohydrodynamic hybrid simulations of fast ion losses due to the fast ion driven instabilities in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Energetic-ion Confinement Studies by using Comprehensive Neutron Diagnostics in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas & Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Neutron flux distributions in the LHD torus hall evaluated by an imaging plate technique in the first campaign of deuterium plasma experiment
- Co-author in Simulations of two types of energetic particle driven geodesic acoustic modes and the energy channeling in the Large Helical Device plasmas
- Co-author in Transport characteristics of deuterium and hydrogen plasmas with ion internal transport barrier in LHD
- Konstantin Oshuev
- Rubén Otín
- Matthias Otte
- Anastasiya Ovchinnikova
- Larry Owen
- Makoto Oya
- Yasuhisa Oya
- Naoyuki Oyama
- Tetsuo Ozaki
Hidemasa Ozeki
- Co-author in Completion of the first TF Coil Structure of ITER
- Ajesh P
- Novimir Pablant
- Roberto Paccagnella
David Pace
- Co-author in Dynamic Neutral Beam Injection as a Mechanism for Plasma Control and an Actuator for Instability Drive
- Co-author in High-Frequency Energetic Particle Driven Instabilities and their Implications for Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in The Potential For Retention of Spin Polarization To Raise Fusion Reactivity
- Jessica Pachicano
- Shrishail Padasalagi
- Shrishail Padasalagi
- Maya Padivattathumana
Ioannis Pagonakis
- Co-author in Assessment and optimization of the cavity thermal performance for the European Continuous Wave gyrotrons
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Gyrotron R&D towards DEMO within EUROfusion Work Package Heating and Current Drive
- Co-author in Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER
- Andres Pajares
- Elina Pajuste
- A. Pak
- R. Pal
- S. Palaniyappan
- Francesco Palermo
- Antonio Palmieri
Stanislas Pamela
- Author in ELM and ELM-control Simulations
- Author in ELM and ELM-control Simulations
- Co-author in Nonlinear MHD simulations of Quiescent H-mode in ASDEX-Upgrade and ITER
- Co-author in Optimisation of JET-DT and ITER operation by developing an understanding of the role of low-Z impurity on the H-mode pedestal
- Co-author in Role of the pressure position on the pedestal stability in AUG, JET-ILW and TCV in deuterium and hydrogen plasmas and implications for ITER
- Chengkang Pan
- Yuan Pan
- Nerea Panadero Alvarez
- Dobromir Panayotov
- Vipul Panchal
Pradip Panchal
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Installation and Commissioning of 80K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System
- Co-author in Maintenance experience of 315kW Electrical Motor of Helium screw compressor in 1.3kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier Plant
- Co-author in Mechanical Engineering Aspects for Overhauling of Helium Compressor and heavy duty Electrical Motors of 1.3 kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier system
- Co-author in Operational Results and Troubleshooting in Current Feeder System for SST-1
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
- Co-author in SST-1 Cryogenics Requirements and the Way Forward
Rohit Panchal
- Author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Installation and Commissioning of 80K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System
- Co-author in Maintenance experience of 315kW Electrical Motor of Helium screw compressor in 1.3kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier Plant
- Co-author in Mechanical Engineering Aspects for Overhauling of Helium Compressor and heavy duty Electrical Motors of 1.3 kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier system
- Co-author in Operational Results and Troubleshooting in Current Feeder System for SST-1
- Co-author in SST-1 Cryogenics Requirements and the Way Forward
Paresh Panchal
- Co-author in Effect of sorbent selection and geometrical arrangement of cryopanels on pumping speed of cryopump
- Co-author in Pellet fuelling prospects and injector system for Aditya-U tokomak
- Co-author in Thermo-hydraulic Analysis of Forced Flow Helium Cooled Cryopanels of Cryopump Using Venecia Code
- Maulik Panchal
- Vipul Panchal
- Nirmal Panda
Payal Pandit
- Author in Design of a NIR Spectrometer for Aditya-U Tokamak and Initial Results.
- Co-author in Impurity Screening in High Density Aditya Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma Potential Measurements in the edge region of ADITYA – U Tokamak using Reciprocating Laser Heated Emissive Probes
- Hitesh Pandya
Shwetang Pandya
- Co-author in A Diagnostic Approach for the Detection of Spatially Distributed Low Energy Confined Runaway Electrons in the ADITYA-U Tokamak by means of Synchrotron Emission Imaging in the Sub-millimetre Wavelength Band
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Radiation power loss study during gas puff induced disruptions in Aditya-U Tokamak
Kaushal Pandya
- Co-author in Development of Various diagnostics for NNBI program in IPR
- Co-author in Evaluation of Beam Properties of a Negative Hydrogen Source by Doppler Shift Spectroscopy
- Co-author in R&D status of Indian Test Facility for ITER DNB characterization
- Co-author in Study on production and extraction of negative ion impurity ions in a Cesiated negative ion source
- Santosh Pandya
- Radomir Panek
- Miguel Panizo
- Alexei Pankin
- Innocente Paolo
- Aristeides Papadopoulos
Gergely Papp
- Co-author in Modeling runaway electrons dynamics in tokamak plasmas: progresses and challenges
- Co-author in Non-linear interaction of runaway electrons with resistive MHD modes in an ITER VDE
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- Co-author in Runaway electron modelling in the ETS self-consistent core transport simulator
- Co-author in Strongly non-linear energetic particle dynamics in ASDEX Upgrade scenarios with core impurity accumulation
- Richard Paprok
- Vassili Parail
- Yuvakiran Paravastu
- Bhadresh Parghi
- M Parihar
- Jason Parisi
Gunyoung Park
- Author in Comparative simulations of the plasma response to RMPs during ELM-crash mitigated and suppressed phases in KSTAR
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Perpendicular Rotation and Field Penetration at the Transition to RMP-induced ELM-crash Suppression
- Co-author in Experimental observations of the plasma shape effect on the RMP-ELM coupling for optimization of the KSTAR ELM-crash control
- Co-author in Predict-First Analysis and Experimental Validation of MHD Equilibrium, Stability, and Plasma Response to 3D Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Test of the ITER-like RMP configurations for ELM-crash-suppression on KSTAR
- Jae-Sun Park
- Seungil Park
ByoungHo Park
- Co-author in Effect of poloidal density asymmetries on shear flows and radial electric field at the plasma edge
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
Hyeon K. Park
- Author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Perpendicular Rotation and Field Penetration at the Transition to RMP-induced ELM-crash Suppression
- Co-author in Effect of multiscale interaction between an m/n=2/1 mode and micro instabilities on transport of KSTAR plasmas*
- Co-author in Experimental observations of the plasma shape effect on the RMP-ELM coupling for optimization of the KSTAR ELM-crash control
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- Co-author in Test of the ITER-like RMP configurations for ELM-crash-suppression on KSTAR
- Jin Myung Park
Jong-Kyu Park
- Co-author in Error Field Impact on Mode Locking and Divertor Heat Flux in NSTX-U
- Co-author in Evolution of locked mode under the existence of non-axisymmetric fields in KSTAR
- Co-author in Experimental observations of the plasma shape effect on the RMP-ELM coupling for optimization of the KSTAR ELM-crash control
- Co-author in Experiments in Disruption Avoidance for ITER Using Passive and Active Control
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Overview of the NSTX-U Recovery Project Physics and Engineering Design
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- Co-author in Test of the ITER-like RMP configurations for ELM-crash-suppression on KSTAR
- J. M. Park
- Young-Seok Park
- Yongseok park
- Ronald Parker
- P.B. Parks
- Pramod Parmar
- Kirit M. Parmar
- Deepak Parmar
- Felix Parra
- Ekkehard Pasch
- Ignacio Pastor
Hitesh Patel
- Author in Manufacturing Technologies for UHV Compatible 10 MW/m2 High Heat Flux Components for Application in Fusion Devices
- Co-author in Application of Finite Element Techniques in Simulation of Mechanical Design and Performance Assessment of Different Components of a Neutral Beam Systems
- Co-author in R&D status of Indian Test Facility for ITER DNB characterization
- Co-author in Technologies for realization of Large size RF sources for –ve neutral beam systems for ITER -Challenges, experience and path ahead & Progress in the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility & Demonstration of 1 MV vacuum insulation for the vacuum insulated beam source in the ITER NB system
- Kiran PATEL
K M Patel
- Author in Baking System of Aditya Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Controlling Plasma Rotation using Periodic Gas-puff in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Edge Current Density Profile Measurement Using an Array of Miniature Magnetic Probes in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Effect of multiple periodic gas puff on neutral temperature in Aditya – U tokamak
- Co-author in Gas Fuelling Control System of Aditya Tokamak
- Co-author in Mass Dependent Impurity Transport Study in ADITYA Tokamak
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Novel Approach of Pulsed-Glow Discharge Wall Conditioning in ADITYA Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Observations of Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation using X-Ray Crystal Spectrometer in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma Column Position Measurements using Magnetic Diagnostics in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Radiation power loss study during gas puff induced disruptions in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Studies of the gas puff effect on edge plasma of Aditya tokamak using coupled DEGAS2-UEDGE code
H. Patel
- Co-author in Operation and Control of 42 GHz Gyrotron system in ECRH
- Co-author in Technology developments for ECRH system
- Author in Operation and Control of 42 GHz Gyrotron system in ECRH
- Co-author in Technology developments for ECRH system
- Narendra Patel
- P. Patel
- Axat Patel
- Amit Patel
Hriday Patel
- Co-author in Development of wideband amplifier in ITER ICRF range
- Co-author in Outcome of R&D program for ITER ICRF Power Source System
- Manoj Patel
- Co-author in Activity of Indian High Heat Flux Test Facility
- Mahesh Patel
Rakeshkumar Patel
- Author in Installation and Commissioning of 80K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Maintenance experience of 315kW Electrical Motor of Helium screw compressor in 1.3kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier Plant
- Co-author in Mechanical Engineering Aspects for Overhauling of Helium Compressor and heavy duty Electrical Motors of 1.3 kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier system
- Co-author in Operational Results and Troubleshooting in Current Feeder System for SST-1
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
- Co-author in Pump Characterization of 80 K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System for SST-1
- Co-author in SST-1 Cryogenics Requirements and the Way Forward
Jayant Patel
- Author in Mechanical Engineering Aspects for Overhauling of Helium Compressor and heavy duty Electrical Motors of 1.3 kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier system
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Installation and Commissioning of 80K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System
- Co-author in Maintenance experience of 315kW Electrical Motor of Helium screw compressor in 1.3kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier Plant
- Co-author in Operational Results and Troubleshooting in Current Feeder System for SST-1
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
Ketan Patel
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Installation and Commissioning of 80K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System
- Co-author in Maintenance experience of 315kW Electrical Motor of Helium screw compressor in 1.3kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier Plant
- Co-author in Mechanical Engineering Aspects for Overhauling of Helium Compressor and heavy duty Electrical Motors of 1.3 kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier system
- Co-author in Operational Results and Troubleshooting in Current Feeder System for SST-1
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
- Co-author in Pump Characterization of 80 K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System for SST-1
Amit Patel
- Author in Characterization of Argon Plasma in a Multi line Cusp Magnetic Field: Towards a Favorable Source for NBI System
- Co-author in A versatile multi-cusp plasma device for confining contact ionized alkali ions: source for the experimental studies
- Co-author in Leak Width in a Multi-cusp Field Configuration: A Revisit with a Versatile Experimental device
- Alpesh Patel
- Co-author in Activity of Indian High Heat Flux Test Facility
- Milind Patel
- Anita Patel
- Amit Patel
- Sharvil Patel
- SP Patel
- kartik Patel
- Edoardo Patelli
- Haresh A Pathak
Surya Pathak
- Co-author in Broadband Characterization of High Temperature Black Body Source with Fourier Transform Michelson Interferometer for ECE Measurements
- Co-author in Design and Development of 140 GHz D-Band Phase Locked Heterodyne Interferometer System for Real Time Density Measurement
- Co-author in Ka-Band Reflectometer System for measuring Radial Electron Density Profile at IPR.
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Radiation power loss study during gas puff induced disruptions in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Jignesh Pathak
- Prabhakant Patil
- Y Patil
- Pankaj Patra
- Michael Patrov
Hamish Patten
- Co-author in Advanced energetic ion and impurity ion physics in 2D and 3D magnetically confined plasmas
- Co-author in Nonlinearly Saturated Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibrium States with Periodicity-Breaking in Stellarators
- Co-author in Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control in JET
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- B. M. Patterson
- Alessandro Pau
- Christan Paul
- Gabriella Pautasso
- Cristian Pavez
Pavol Pavlo
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Yuriy Pavlov
- Ewa Pawelec
- Carl Pawley
Carlos Paz-Soldan
- Author in Advances in Runaway Electron Control and Model Validation for ITER
- Author in Advances in Runaway Electron Control and Model Validation for ITER
- Co-author in Dynamic ELM and divertor control using mixed toroidal harmonic resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-D and EAST
- Co-author in Energy loss and pitch angle scattering of runaway electrons due to kinetic instabilities
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust during suppression of edge localized modes by resonant magnetic perturbation fields at DIII-D
- Co-author in Experimental conditions for suppressing Edge Localised Modes by magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Experiments in Disruption Avoidance for ITER Using Passive and Active Control
- Co-author in High Fusion Performance in Super H-Mode Experiments on Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D
- Co-author in High-Frequency Energetic Particle Driven Instabilities and their Implications for Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in Interactions of runaway electrons with Alfvén and whistler waves
- Co-author in L-H Transition Trigger Physics in ITER-Similar Plasmas with and without Applied n=3 Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Pitch Angle Dynamics and Synchrotron Emission of Runaway Electrons in Quiescent and Disrupted DIII-D Plasmas
- Co-author in Predict-First Analysis and Experimental Validation of MHD Equilibrium, Stability, and Plasma Response to 3D Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Role of NTV particle flux in density pumpout during ELM control by RMP
- Co-author in Seeding of tearing modes by internal crash events in ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D tokamaks
- Co-author in Viability of Wide Pedestal QH-Mode for Burning Plasma Operation
- Co-author in A Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigation of Defects Induced in Tungsten Foils by Gold (Au) and Boron (B) Ion Irradiation
- Co-author in Application of TEM to study the changes in sub-surface defects in Tungsten samples as a function of annealing temperature
- Co-author in Deuterium Depth Profile Measurement in Pre and Post Irradiated Tungsten
- Co-author in Evaluation of Tungsten as Divertor Plasma-Facing Material: Results from Ion Irradiation Experiments and Computer Simulations
- Co-author in Key Considerations in the Power Extraction from Fusion Reactors
Thomas Sunn Pedersen
- Author in First divertor physics studies in Wendelstein 7-X
- Author in First divertor physics studies in Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in High density and high performance operation with pellet injection in W7-X
- Co-author in Increasing the Density in W7-X: Benefits and Limitations
- Co-author in Plasma termination by excess fuel and impurities in TJ-II, LHD and W7-X
Thomas Sunn Pedersen
- Co-author in 3D heat and particle fluxes in Wendelstein 7-X
- José Pedreros
- Youbin Pei
- Emmanuele Peluso
- Ovidio Peña
- Benjamin Penaflor
- Shuitao Peng
- Dimitrios Peponis
- Mario Perez
- Vincenzo Pericoli-Ridolfini
- Rory Perkins
- Jose Manuel Perlado
- T. Perry
- Justin Perry
- Federico Pesamosca
Matej Peterka
- Co-author in Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Ethan Peterson
- R. R. Peterson
- Byron Peterson
- Per Petersson
- Per Petersson
- Joseph Petrella
- Thomas W. Petrie
- Yu.V. Petrov
- Alexander Petrov
- Yurii Petrov
- Yuri Petrov
Petty Petty
- Author in DIII-D Research Towards Establishing the Scientific Basis for Future Fusion Reactors
- Author in DIII-D Research Towards Establishing the Scientific Basis for Future Fusion Reactors
- Co-author in Dynamic Neutral Beam Injection as a Mechanism for Plasma Control and an Actuator for Instability Drive
- Co-author in High confinement in negative triangularity discharges in DIII-D
- Co-author in High Performance Double-null Plasmas Under Radiating Divertor and Mantle Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Integration of the high- N hybrid scenario to a high performance pedestal, stable zero torque operation and a divertor solution
- Co-author in L-H Transition Trigger Physics in ITER-Similar Plasmas with and without Applied n=3 Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Particle Transport from the Bottom Up
- Co-author in Viability of Wide Pedestal QH-Mode for Burning Plasma Operation
Yves Peysson
- Author in Modeling runaway electrons dynamics in tokamak plasmas: progresses and challenges
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in ELM Control Physics with Impurity Seeding and LHCD in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- Co-author in Runaway electron modelling in the ETS self-consistent core transport simulator
- David Pfefferle
- Rene Philips
- Guy Phillips
- Guy Phillips
- E. Piceno
- Roppon Picha
- Nestor Piedra-Quesada
- Christopher Pierren
Leonardo Pigatto
- Author in Resistive Wall Mode physics and control challenges in JT-60SA high βN scenarios
- Co-author in Development of a plasma scenario for the EU-DEMO: current activities and perspectives
- Co-author in Extension of the Operating Space of High-“β_N” Fully Non-inductive Scenarios on TCV Using Neutral Beam Injection
- Suraj Pillai
Simon Pinches
- Author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the ITER Scenario Database
- Co-author in Advances in modelling of plasma pedestal behaviour and ELM control in ITER reference plasma scenarios
- Co-author in Comparative modeling of plasma boundary corrugation due to the application of 3-D fields with ELM control coils in various ITER scenarios
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Optimising the ITER 15MA DT Baseline Scenario by Exploiting a Self-Consistent Free-Boundary Core-edge-SOL Workflow in IMAS
- Tonnio Pinna
- Robert Pinsker
- Gerald Pintsuk
- Egor Pinzhenin
- Javier Pinzón
- Pawel Piotrowicz
- Roberto Piovan
- Paolo Piovesan
- Chiara Piron
- Fabio Pisano
Andrea Pisent
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
Richard Pitts
- Co-author in Advances in predictive thermo-mechanical modelling for the JET divertor experimental interpretation, improved protection, and reliable operation
- Co-author in Characteristics of Asymmetric (low-field-side and high-field side) Divertor Detachment in KSTAR L-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in Extrapolation of Be Erosion Modelling from JET and PISCES-B to ITER
- Co-author in Implementation of 3-D effects of the ITER plasma-facing components in a 2-D real-time model-based approach for wall heat flux control on ITER
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Wide divertor heat-flux width in ITER from self-organization between the neoclassical and turbulent transports across the separatrix surface
- Ulrike Plank
- Bernhard Ploeckl
- Vladislav V Plyusnin
- Maya P N
- Maya P N
- Ivan Podadera
Mario Podesta
- Author in Reduced energetic particle transport models enable comprehensive time-dependent tokamak simulations
- Author in Reduced energetic particle transport models enable comprehensive time-dependent tokamak simulations
- Co-author in Centrifugal force driven low frequency modes in spherical tokamak
- Co-author in Global Alfvén eigenmode stability dependence on fast-ion distribution function
- Co-author in Investigation of fast particle redistribution induced by sawtooth instability in NSTX-U
- Co-author in Rotation-induced electrostatic-potentials and density asymmetries in NSTX
- V. Podkovyrov
Ales Podolnik
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Wladyslaw Pohorecki
Gergo Pokol
- Author in Runaway electron modelling in the ETS self-consistent core transport simulator
- Co-author in Modeling runaway electrons dynamics in tokamak plasmas: progresses and challenges
- Co-author in Strongly non-linear energetic particle dynamics in ASDEX Upgrade scenarios with core impurity accumulation
- Co-author in Synthetic edge and SOL diagnostics - a bridge between experiments and theory
- Co-author in Advances in modelling of plasma pedestal behaviour and ELM control in ITER reference plasma scenarios
- Co-author in Comparative modeling of plasma boundary corrugation due to the application of 3-D fields with ELM control coils in various ITER scenarios
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Optimising the ITER 15MA DT Baseline Scenario by Exploiting a Self-Consistent Free-Boundary Core-edge-SOL Workflow in IMAS
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the ITER Scenario Database
- Co-author in the ITER plasma current termination phase: physics constraints on control
Francesca Poli
- Author in the ITER plasma current termination phase: physics constraints on control
- Co-author in Analysis and modelling of NTMs dynamics in JET discharges using the European Transport Simulator (ETS) and integrated modelling tools
- Co-author in Experiments in Disruption Avoidance for ITER Using Passive and Active Control
- Co-author in Investigation of fast particle redistribution induced by sawtooth instability in NSTX-U
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Reduced energetic particle transport models enable comprehensive time-dependent tokamak simulations
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- Emanuele Poli
- S.V. Polosatkin
- Peter Poloskei
- Igor Polunovskii
- Jean-Marc PONCET
- Alexei Popov
- Vladimir Popov
- Tsviatko Popov
- Gabor Por
- Michal Poradziński
- N. Porezanov
Miklos Porkolab
- Co-author in Observation of efficient lower hybrid current drive at high density on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Co-author in Simulations of Tokamak Boundary Plasma Turbulent Transport
- Gary Porter
- Michael Porton
- V.V. Postupaev
- Steffen Potzel
- Matthew Poulos
- Chetan Prajapati
- Piyush Prajapati
Upendra Prasad
- Author in Thermal-hydraulic Characteristics Study of Superconducting Magnets of SST-1
- Co-author in Error field experiment and analysis in SST-1
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Numerical investigations towards manufacturing of high current carrying superconducting CICC
- Co-author in Preventive measures to avoid electrical arcing incidences in SST-1 PF current leads
- Co-author in SST-1 Cryogenics Requirements and the Way Forward
- Co-author in Thermo-structural and heat load analysis of SST-1 Superconducting coils
- Praveenlal Praveenlal
- Italo Predebon
- Mikhail Presnyakov
- Patrick Pribyl
- Donna Priddie
- Vadim Prikhodko
- Dmitrii Prisiazhniuk
- Jiraporn Promping
- Jiraporn Promping
- Jiraporn Promping
Guiseppe Pruneri
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Neng Pu
- Gianluca Pucella
- M.J. Pueschel
- Paulo Puglia
- Aleix Puig Sities
Aleix Puig Sitjes
- Co-author in 3D heat and particle fluxes in Wendelstein 7-X
- PK Pujari
- Shishir Purohit
D. Purohit
- Co-author in Operation and Control of 42 GHz Gyrotron system in ECRH
- Co-author in Technology developments for ECRH system
Gaurav Purwar
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Installation and Commissioning of 80K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System
- Co-author in Maintenance experience of 315kW Electrical Motor of Helium screw compressor in 1.3kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier Plant
- Co-author in Mechanical Engineering Aspects for Overhauling of Helium Compressor and heavy duty Electrical Motors of 1.3 kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier system
- Co-author in Operational Results and Troubleshooting in Current Feeder System for SST-1
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
- Istvan Pusztai
- Thomas Pütterich
- Sergei Putvinski
- Lei Qi
Jinping Qian
- Co-author in Fast ITER-relevant low-disruptivity rampdowns in DIII-D and EAST
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Co-author in Model-Predictive Kinetic Control for Steady State Plasma Operation Scenarios on EAST
- Co-author in Particle balance investigation with the combination of rate equations of hydrogen state and hydrogen barrier model in long duration discharges on all-metal PFW QUEST
- Co-author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Co-author in Transport Barriers in DIII-D High βp plasmas and Development of Candidate Steady State Scenarios for ITER
- Co-author in Transport simulation of EAST long pulse discharge and high betaN discharge with integrated modelling
- Hong Qin
- Zhiyong Qiu
- Zhisong Qu
- Hongpeng Qu
- Weiguo Que
Marek Rabinski
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- Michael Rack
- Dhanush Radhakrishnan
- Vladimir Radulović
- Tariq Rafiq
- Steven Raftopoulos
- Madhusudan RAGHUNATHAN
- Madhusudan Raghunathan
- Riccardo Ragona
- Kian Rahbarnia
Harshita Raj
- Author in Origin of Harmonics of Drift Tearing Mode in ADITYA tokamak
- Author in Origin of Harmonics of Drift Tearing Mode in ADITYA tokamak
- Co-author in Controlling Plasma Rotation using Periodic Gas-puff in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Dynamics of Neon Ions after Neon Gas Seeding and Puffing into Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in Edge Current Density Profile Measurement Using an Array of Miniature Magnetic Probes in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Effect of multiple periodic gas puff on neutral temperature in Aditya – U tokamak
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Observations of Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation using X-Ray Crystal Spectrometer in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Radiation power loss study during gas puff induced disruptions in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway Electron (RE) Mitigation Using Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection in the Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Studies of the gas puff effect on edge plasma of Aditya tokamak using coupled DEGAS2-UEDGE code
- Rachana Rajpal
- Mayank Rajput
- J. E. Ralph
- Abhay Ram
- Nilam Ramaiya
- Roger Raman
- P Ram Sankar
- R. B. Randolph
- Vaibhav Ranjan
- S. Ranjithkumar
- Bo Rao
- Laxmikanth Rao
Prakash Raole
- Co-author in Application of TEM to study the changes in sub-surface defects in Tungsten samples as a function of annealing temperature
- Co-author in Deuterium Depth Profile Measurement in Pre and Post Irradiated Tungsten
- Co-author in Evaluation of Tungsten as Divertor Plasma-Facing Material: Results from Ion Irradiation Experiments and Computer Simulations
- Juergen Rapp
- Marcin Rasinski
- Jesper Rasmussen
- Jens Juul Rasmussen
Naveen Rastogi
- Author in Development of a Prototype Collaborative Robot for Fusion Remote Handling Applications
- Co-author in Design and development of the Articulated Robotic Inspection Arm (ARIA) for fusion machine
- Co-author in In-Vessel Inspection System: Design progress of high vacuum and temperature compatible remote handling for fusion purposes
- Co-author in Visual Servo of Tokamak Relevant Remote Handling Systems using Neural Network Architecture
- Giuseppe Rattà
- Joe Rauch
Jayesh Raval
- Author in Development of Multipurpose Soft X-Ray Tomography System for ADITYA-U.
- Co-author in Impurity Screening in High Density Aditya Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Radiation power loss study during gas puff induced disruptions in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway Electron (RE) Mitigation Using Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection in the Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Studies of the gas puff effect on edge plasma of Aditya tokamak using coupled DEGAS2-UEDGE code
Dilip Raval
- Co-author in Error field experiment and analysis in SST-1
- Co-author in Preliminary Results of Wall Conditioning Experiments using High Power ICRH System on SST-1 at Different Toroidal Magnetic Fields
- Co-author in RGA Analysis and Surface Analysis of SST-1 Graphite Tiles in High Temperature Vacuum Baking
- Tushar Raval
- Bhavin Raval
- Timo Ravensbergen
- Holly Ray
- Pratipalsinh A. Rayjada
- Pratipalsinh A. Rayjada
Alexey Razdobarin
- Author in Dielectric windows as front-end diagnostic elements in ITER
- Co-author in Diagnostic mirrors for ITER: research in a frame of International Tokamak Physics Activity
- Co-author in Integration of Thomson scattering and laser-induced fluorescence in ITER divertor: engineering and performance analysis
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Oleg Raznitsyn
Dmitriy Razumenko
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Cristina Rea
- Christina Rea
- Dániel Refy
- David Regidor
- Matthias Reich
- Roger Reichle
- Allan Reiman
Holger Reimerdes
- Author in Assessment of Alternative Divertor Configurations as an Exhaust Solution for DEMO
- Co-author in Singlet Breakdown Optimisation to a Doublet Plasma Configuration on the TCV Tokamak
- Co-author in SOL transport and detachment in alternative divertor configurations in TCV L- and H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in SOL transport and filamentary dynamics in high density tokamak regimes
- Felix Reimold
- Michael Reinhart
Matthew Reinke
- Co-author in Error Field Impact on Mode Locking and Divertor Heat Flux in NSTX-U
- Co-author in Extending the boundary heat flux width database to 1.3 Tesla poloidal magnetic field in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak
- Co-author in Impact of impurity seeding on pedestal structure in ASDEX Upgrade and Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Overview of the NSTX-U Recovery Project Physics and Engineering Design
- M. Reinke
- Dirk Reiser
- Detlev Reiter
- Yang Ren
- Qilong Ren
- Qilong Ren
- Bertrand Renard
- Marvin Rensink
- Marvin Rensink
- Joshua Reusch
Cedric Reux
- Co-author in Impact of ELM control in JET experiments on H-mode terminations with/without current ramp-down and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Minimising power load asymmetries during disruption mitigation at JET
- Co-author in Modeling runaway electrons dynamics in tokamak plasmas: progresses and challenges
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- Jose Miguel Reynolds
- J-M Reynolds Barredo
- team RFX-mod
- Tongnyeol Rhee
Terry Rhodes
- Co-author in High confinement in negative triangularity discharges in DIII-D
- Co-author in L-H Transition Trigger Physics in ITER-Similar Plasmas with and without Applied n=3 Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Particle Transport from the Bottom Up
- Co-author in Rotation Profile Hollowing in DIII-D Low-Torque Electron-Heated H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- Co-author in Viability of Wide Pedestal QH-Mode for Burning Plasma Operation
- Alexander Rhodes
- Terry Rhodes
- Solano-Piedra Ricardo
- Valeria Riccardo
- Paolo Ricci
- N. Rice
- John E Rice
- M L Richiusa
- Nathan Richner
- Joerg Riemann
- Jörg Riemann
- Hans Riesch
- Michael Rieth
Fernanda Rimini
- Co-author in Advances in predictive thermo-mechanical modelling for the JET divertor experimental interpretation, improved protection, and reliable operation
- Co-author in Early identification of disruption paths for prevention and avoidance
- Co-author in High fusion performance at high Ti/Te in JET-ILW baseline plasmas with high NBI heating power and low gas puffing
- Co-author in Impact of ELM control in JET experiments on H-mode terminations with/without current ramp-down and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Implications of JET-ILW L-H Transition Studies for ITER
- Co-author in Overview of disruptions with JET-ILW
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Co-author in The Software and Hardware Architecture of the Real-Time Protection of In-Vessel Components in JET-ILW
- Juan Riquezes
- David Rittich
- Fabio Riva
- Antonio Rivera
- Juan Francisco Rivero-Rodriguez
- Colin Roach
- H. F. Robey
- Thomas Roche
- Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez
- Cuauhtemoc Rodriguez Sanchez
- Tom Rognlien
- T D Rognlien
- Tom Rognlien
- Sergey Rogozhkin
- Volker Rohde
- A. Rohollahi
- Bebedikt Roidl
- Jose Rojas
- Ana Marcela Rojaz-Loaiza
Michele Romanelli
- Co-author in First Analysis of the Updated ITPA Global H-Mode Confinement Database
- Co-author in High fusion performance at high Ti/Te in JET-ILW baseline plasmas with high NBI heating power and low gas puffing
- Co-author in Impact of Neon Injection on Electron Density Peaking in JET Hybrid Plasmas
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Co-author in Towards a predictive modelling capacity for DT plasmas: European Transport Simulator (ETS) verification and validation
- Co-author in Wide divertor heat-flux width in ITER from self-organization between the neoclassical and turbulent transports across the separatrix surface
- Michele Romanelli
- Juri Romazanov
- Jesus Romero
- E Rosa Adame
- J. S. Ross
- Giovanni Rossi
- Chandramouli Rotti
- A.F. Rovenskikh
- W. L. Rowan
- Swati Roy
- Vladimir Rozhdestvensky
- Marek Rubel
- Guglielmo Rubinacci
- Giulio Rubino
Dmitry Rudakov
- Co-author in Inter vs. Intra-ELM Tungsten Erosion and Transport from the Divertor in DIII-D High-Performance H-mode Discharges
- Co-author in Measurements of high-Z divertor impurity sourcing and divertor leakage using isotopic tungsten tracer sources in DIII-D
- Co-author in Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
Lukas Rudischhauser
- Co-author in 3D heat and particle fluxes in Wendelstein 7-X
- Lukas Rudischhauser
- Sebastian Ruess
- Tobias Ruess
- Juan Ruiz Ruiz
- Cristian Ruset
- David Ruzic
- David Ryan
- David Ryan
- J. R. Rygg
- Francois Ryter
Francois Ryter
- Author in Heat transport driven by the ITG and TEM instabilities in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Advances in the understanding of the I-mode confinement regime: access, stationarity, edge/SOL transport and divertor impact
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in First Analysis of the Updated ITPA Global H-Mode Confinement Database
- Co-author in Quantification of Neutral Beam Driven Current and the effect of radial fast ion transport in ASDEX Upgrade
- Dmitriy Ryzhakov
Tomasz Rzesnicki
- Co-author in Assessment and optimization of the cavity thermal performance for the European Continuous Wave gyrotrons
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Gyrotron R&D towards DEMO within EUROfusion Work Package Heating and Current Drive
- Co-author in Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER
- amal S
Samuli Saarelma
- Co-author in Development of a plasma scenario for the EU-DEMO: current activities and perspectives
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful Fusion power predictions for JET and ITER
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Analysis and Simulations of Pedestals
- Co-author in Optimisation of JET-DT and ITER operation by developing an understanding of the role of low-Z impurity on the H-mode pedestal
- Co-author in Plasma shape and fueling dependence on the small ELM regime in TCV and AUG
- Co-author in Role of the pressure position on the pedestal stability in AUG, JET-ILW and TCV in deuterium and hydrogen plasmas and implications for ITER
Steven Sabbagh
- Author in Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Experiments in Disruption Avoidance for ITER Using Passive and Active Control
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- Jai Sachdev
- M. R. Sacks
Devraj Sadharakiya
- Co-author in Baking System of Aditya Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Anuar Sadykov
- V. Safronov
Akio Sagara
- Co-author in A Concept of Self-Cooled Breeding Blanket with Advanced Molten Salt Flinak for High-Efficiency and Long-Life Operation
- Co-author in Conceptual Design of a Compact Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-c1 for the Early Demonstration of a Year-long Electric Power Generation
- Co-author in High-temperature creep properties of NIFS-HEAT-2 high-purity low-activation vanadium alloy
- B. Sahoo
- Bibhu Prasad Sahoo
Anantakumar Sahu
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
- Co-author in SST-1 Cryogenics Requirements and the Way Forward
- Co-author in Thermal-hydraulic Characteristics Study of Superconducting Magnets of SST-1
- Jose Sainz
- Yasuyuki Saito
- Kenji Saito
- Hitoshi Sakagami
- Satoru Sakakibara
- Satoru Sakakibara
- Mizuki Sakamoto
Keishi Sakamoto
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Development of High Power Gyrotrons for Advanced Fusion Devices and DEMO
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
Ryuichi Sakamoto
- Co-author in Conceptual Design of a Compact Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-c1 for the Early Demonstration of a Year-long Electric Power Generation
- Co-author in Isotope effect on impurity and bulk ion particle transport in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in New approach to the control of particle recycling using divertor pumping in LHD
- Co-author in Plasma termination by excess fuel and impurities in TJ-II, LHD and W7-X
- Co-author in Rapid Radial Propagation of Momentum Change and Flow Oscillation Associated with a Pellet Injection
- Yoshiteru Sakamoto
- Keishi Sakamoto
- Shyo Sakamoto
- Hideo Sakasegawa
- Shohei Sakata
- Nikolay Sakharov
- Shigeki Sakurai
Takeru Sakurai
- Co-author in Completion of the first TF Coil Structure of ITER
- Mirko Salewski
Antti Salmi
- Co-author in Core Density Peaking Experiments in JET, DIII-D and C-Mod in Various Operational Scenarios - Driven by Fuelling or Transport
- Co-author in Particle Transport from the Bottom Up
- Co-author in Predicting the Toroidal Rotation Profile for ITER
- Co-author in Rotation Profile Hollowing in DIII-D Low-Torque Electron-Heated H-mode Plasmas
- J. Salmonson
- Shiju Sam
- Brian Sammuli
- Oleg Samoylov
- Dmitry Samsonov
- Cameron Samuell
- Paco Sanchez
- Edilberto Sanchez
- Raul Sanchez
- Raul Sanchez
- Lucia Sanchis-Sanchez
- K.T. Sandeep Sandeep
- Sarbjeet Singh Sandhu
- Andrew Sandorfi
- Chaofeng Sang
Siriyaporn Sangaroon
- Author in Parametric study of the impurity profile in the Thailand tokamak
- Co-author in Ion and Electron Temperature Predictions based on Thailand Tokamak Plasmas using CRONOS Code
- Co-author in Predictive Simulations of Core-Edge Plasma for Tokamak Plasma using BALDUR Code
- Co-author in Simulation Study of Heat Transport with On-Off Axis ICRH in Thailand Tokamak Using BALDUR Code
- Takayoshi Sano
- Fuminori Sano
- Joao Jorge Santos
Pandya Santosh
- Author in A Diagnostic Approach for the Detection of Spatially Distributed Low Energy Confined Runaway Electrons in the ADITYA-U Tokamak by means of Synchrotron Emission Imaging in the Sub-millimetre Wavelength Band
- Co-author in Design and development of Passive Charge Exchange Neutral Particle Analyzer for ADIYA-U Tokamak
- Prosenjit Santra
Amulya Kumar Sanyasi
- Author in Investigations on Growth of Quasi – Longitudinal (QL) Whistlers with Energy Scaling of Energetic Electrons in LVPD
- Co-author in Chord Average Density Measurement using Microwave Interferometry in LVPD
- Co-author in Development of RF based capacitively-coupled plasma system for deposition of tungsten nano layers on graphite
- Co-author in Excitation of Electron Temperature Gradient (ETG) Turbulence and Effect on Plasma Transport in LVPD
- Co-author in Investigations on Temperature Fluctuations and Energy Transport in ETG Dominated Large Laboratory Plasma
- Co-author in Machine Control System for Large Volume Plasma Device: Current Status and Future Directions
- Co-author in Timing and Synchronization for Integrated Operation of Large Volume Plasma Device
- K Saravanan
- Yanick SARAZIN
- John Sarff
- Bishwanath Sarkar
- Co-author in Beam Ion Performance and Power Loads in the ITER Pre-Fusion Power Operating Scenarios (PFPO) with Reduced Field and Current
- Co-author in Modeling runaway electrons dynamics in tokamak plasmas: progresses and challenges
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Arun Sarma
- Trinayan Sarmah
- Emanuele Sartori
- Dmitrii Sarychev
- Makoto Sasaki
- Shunichi Sasaki
- Chandra Sekhar Sasmal
Shinsuke Satake
- Author in Effect of magnetic shear and the finite banana-orbit width on the neoclassical toroidal viscosity in perturbed tokamaks
- Co-author in Conceptual Design of a Compact Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-c1 for the Early Demonstration of a Year-long Electric Power Generation
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Modeling with an Extended Magnetic Equilibrium including the Edge Region of Large Helical Device
- J. D. Sater
- Guruparan Satheeswaran
- Akito Sato
- Minoru Sato
- Masahiko Sato
- Masahiko Sato
- Fumiaki Sato
- fabio sattin
- J. Sauppe
Oliver Sauter
- Co-author in Analysis and modelling of NTMs dynamics in JET discharges using the European Transport Simulator (ETS) and integrated modelling tools
- Co-author in Control of NTMs and integrated multi-actuator control on TCV
- Co-author in Development of a plasma scenario for the EU-DEMO: current activities and perspectives
- Co-author in Early identification of disruption paths for prevention and avoidance
- Co-author in Extension of the Operating Space of High-“β_N” Fully Non-inductive Scenarios on TCV Using Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in Impact of High Field & High Confinement on L-mode-Edge Negative Triangularity Tokamak (NTT) Reactor
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the ITER Scenario Database
- Co-author in The ITER baseline scenario investigated at ASDEX Upgrade
- Patrick Sauvan
- Alexandr Saveliev
- Valeriy Savkin
- laura savoldi
Naoki Sawa
- Co-author in Completion of the first TF Coil Structure of ITER
- Asuka Sawada
- Hiroshi Sawada
- Masayuki Sawahata
- Yogesh C. Saxena
Y. C. Saxena
- Co-author in Baking System of Aditya Upgrade Tokamak
- D. Sayre
Francesco Scantamburlo
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Paolo Scarin
- Carolyn Schaefer
- Kurt Schaubel
- Mark Scheffer
- Theo Scherer
- Rainer Schick
William Schippers
- Co-author in Overview of disruptions with JET-ILW
- Christian Schlatter
- Friedrich Schluck
- Klaus Schmid
- Martin Schmid
- D. W. Schmidt
- John Schmitt
- John C. Schmitt
Oliver Schmitz
- Co-author in 3D heat and particle fluxes in Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Demonstration of Power Exhaust Control by Impurity Seeding in the Island Divertor at Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust during suppression of edge localized modes by resonant magnetic perturbation fields at DIII-D
- Co-author in New approach to the control of particle recycling using divertor pumping in LHD
L. Schmitz
- Author in L-H Transition Trigger Physics in ITER-Similar Plasmas with and without Applied n=3 Magnetic Perturbations
- Author in L-H Transition Trigger Physics in ITER-Similar Plasmas with and without Applied n=3 Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in First Simulations of Turbulent Transport in the Field-Reversed Configuration
- Co-author in Formation of Hot, Stable, Long-Lived Field-Reversed Configuration Plasmas on the C-2W Device
- Co-author in Particle Transport from the Bottom Up
- Janina Schmitz
- Stefan Schmuck
Mireille Schneider
- Author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Beam Ion Performance and Power Loads in the ITER Pre-Fusion Power Operating Scenarios (PFPO) with Reduced Field and Current
- Co-author in En Route to High-Performance Discharges: Insights and Guidance from High-Realism Gyrokinetics
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the ITER Scenario Database
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
Philip A. Schneider
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in Impact of an edge resonant transport layer on fast-ion confinement in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Implications of JET-ILW L-H Transition Studies for ITER
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Hans Schneider
- Bernd Sebastian Schneider
- M. Schneider
- Ralf Schneider
- M. Schoff
- Roman Schrittwieser
- Beatrix Schunke
Eugenio Schuster
- Author in Physics-model-based Real-time Optimization for the Development of Steady-state Scenarios at DIII-D
- Co-author in Effects of Microtearing Modes on the Evolution of Electron Temperature Profiles in High Collisionality NSTX discharges
- Co-author in Robust Burn Control in ITER Under Deuterium-Tritium Concentration Variations in the Fueling Lines
- Jacob Schwartz
- Thomas Schwarz-Selinger
- Bernd Schweer
- Josef Schweinzer
- David Schwörer
- Francesco Sciortino
Steve Scott
- Co-author in High Fusion Performance in Super H-Mode Experiments on Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D
- Co-author in Observation of efficient lower hybrid current drive at high density on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
F. Scotti
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- Tim Scoville
- Sudip Seal
Jakub Seidl
- Co-author in Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
Ryosuke Seki
- Author in Comprehensive magnetohydrodynamic hybrid simulations of fast ion losses due to the fast ion driven instabilities in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Conceptual Design of a Compact Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-c1 for the Early Demonstration of a Year-long Electric Power Generation
- Co-author in Energetic-ion Confinement Studies by using Comprehensive Neutron Diagnostics in the Large Helical Device
- Ryosuke Seki
- Tetsuo Seki
- Junichi Sekiguchi
- Takashi Sekine
Abhijit Sen
- Co-author in A nonlinear 2-fluid study of the effect of pellet injection on ELM dynamics
- Co-author in Global PIC simulation of RF waves in toroidal geometry
- Co-author in Origin of Harmonics of Drift Tearing Mode in ADITYA tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway Electron (RE) Mitigation Using Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection in the Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Simulation of the internal kink mode in visco-resistive regimes
Yasuhiko Sentoku
- Co-author in Development of shell injection system for the future IFE power plant
- Co-author in Electron acceleration in dense plasmas heated by picosecond relativistic laser
- Co-author in Production of keV-Temperature Plasma Core with Magnetized Fast Isochoric Heating
- Co-author in Two-colors mixed petawatt laser designed for fast ignition experiment
- JaeChun Seol
- Ellen Seegyoung Seol
- Changrae Seon
- S. Sepke
- Adolfo Sepulveda
- Vladimir Sergeev
- Dmitriy Sergeev
- Gennady Sergienko
- Marco Sertoli
- R. Seugling
- Morgan Shafer
- Morgan Shafer
- Kunal Shah
Sejal Shah
- Author in Neutron Irradiation Impact on ITER Grade Insulating Material
- Co-author in Application of Finite Element Techniques in Simulation of Mechanical Design and Performance Assessment of Different Components of a Neutral Beam Systems
- Co-author in R&D status of Indian Test Facility for ITER DNB characterization
Pankil Shah
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Installation and Commissioning of 80K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System
- Co-author in Maintenance experience of 315kW Electrical Motor of Helium screw compressor in 1.3kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier Plant
- Co-author in Mechanical Engineering Aspects for Overhauling of Helium Compressor and heavy duty Electrical Motors of 1.3 kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier system
- Co-author in Operational Results and Troubleshooting in Current Feeder System for SST-1
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
- Co-author in Pump Characterization of 80 K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System for SST-1
- Kunal Shah
- R. C. Shah
- Maulik Shah
- Kajal Shah
- Alexander Shalashov
- Linming SHAO
- Marat Sharafutdinov
Sergei Sharapov
- Author in Plasma and diagnostics preparation for alpha-particle studies in JET DT
- Co-author in Impact of an edge resonant transport layer on fast-ion confinement in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
Meenakshee Sharma
- Author in Leak Width in a Multi-cusp Field Configuration: A Revisit with a Versatile Experimental device
- Co-author in A versatile multi-cusp plasma device for confining contact ionized alkali ions: source for the experimental studies
- Co-author in Characterization of Argon Plasma in a Multi line Cusp Magnetic Field: Towards a Favorable Source for NBI System
Rajiv Sharma
- Author in Development of Indigenous Electrical Insulation Breaks for Superconducting Magnets of Fusion Devices
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Mechanical Engineering Aspects for Overhauling of Helium Compressor and heavy duty Electrical Motors of 1.3 kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier system
- Co-author in Operational Results and Troubleshooting in Current Feeder System for SST-1
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
Devendra Sharma
- Author in The Scrape-off Layer plasma transport physics simulation activity for Indian tokamaks Aditya and SST-1
- Co-author in Investigations on Growth of Quasi – Longitudinal (QL) Whistlers with Energy Scaling of Energetic Electrons in LVPD
- Co-author in Plasma transport in toroidally discontinuous limiter generated 3D SOL configurations of Aditya tokamak
- Co-author in Study of evolution of trapped particle undamped coherent structures: An important agent in intermittent plasma turbulence and anomalous transport
Prashant Sharma
- Author in A Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigation of Defects Induced in Tungsten Foils by Gold (Au) and Boron (B) Ion Irradiation
- Co-author in Application of TEM to study the changes in sub-surface defects in Tungsten samples as a function of annealing temperature
- Co-author in Deuterium Depth Profile Measurement in Pre and Post Irradiated Tungsten
- Co-author in Evaluation of Tungsten as Divertor Plasma-Facing Material: Results from Ion Irradiation Experiments and Computer Simulations
Pramod Sharma
- Co-author in Design and testing of X-mode reflectometry system for coupling studies of lower hybrid waves in ADITYA-U tokamak
- Co-author in Development and Qualification of Passive Active Multijunction (PAM) Launcher for LHCD System of ADITYA -Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Imaging of SST-1 plasma with LHCD power
- Co-author in Modification in LHCD DAC System to Incorporate Measurement of RF Power
- Dinesh Kumar Sharma
- Jayshree Sharma
- Deepak Sharma
- Dheeraj Sharma
- Atish.L Sharma
- Sanchit Sharma
- Sarveshwar Sharma
- Manika Sharma
- Dheeraj Sharma
- Deepti Sharma
- Prashant Sharma
- Petr Shchegolev
- Peter Shchegolev
Umar Sheikh
- Co-author in Early identification of disruption paths for prevention and avoidance
- Co-author in Plasma shape and fueling dependence on the small ELM regime in TCV and AUG
- Co-author in Role of the pressure position on the pedestal stability in AUG, JET-ILW and TCV in deuterium and hydrogen plasmas and implications for ITER
- Co-author in SOL transport and detachment in alternative divertor configurations in TCV L- and H-mode plasmas
- Lev Shekhtman
- Dmitry Shelukhin
Wei Shen
- Author in Simulations of energetic particle driven instabilities and fast particle redistribution in EAST tokamak
- Author in Simulations of energetic particle driven instabilities and fast particle redistribution in EAST tokamak
- Co-author in Transport simulation of EAST long pulse discharge and high betaN discharge with integrated modelling
Wei Shen
- Co-author in Kink Mode Study in EAST High β_{P} Plasma
- Biao SHEN
- Mark S. Shephard
- Ilya Shesterikov
Alexander Shevelev
- Co-author in A Diagnostic Approach for the Detection of Spatially Distributed Low Energy Confined Runaway Electrons in the ADITYA-U Tokamak by means of Synchrotron Emission Imaging in the Sub-millimetre Wavelength Band
- Co-author in Modeling runaway electrons dynamics in tokamak plasmas: progresses and challenges
- Co-author in Recent progress in developing Gamma Spectrometer in ITER
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Alexander Shevelev
Zhongbing Shi
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in ELM Control Physics with Impurity Seeding and LHCD in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in Energetic-ion Driven Toroidal and Global Alfvén Eigenmodes on HL-2A
- Co-author in Localized modulation of turbulence by magnetic islands on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Pedestal dynamics in inter-ELM phase on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma confinement and pedestal dynamics responses to impurity seeding in HL-2A H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Real-time control system of neoclassical tearing modes in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Suppression and destabilization of ion fishbone activities on HL-2A
P W Shi
- Author in Energetic-ion Driven Toroidal and Global Alfvén Eigenmodes on HL-2A
- Co-author in Localized modulation of turbulence by magnetic islands on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma confinement and pedestal dynamics responses to impurity seeding in HL-2A H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Suppression and destabilization of ion fishbone activities on HL-2A
- Yuejiang Shi
- Lei Shi
- Tonghui Shi
- Yongfu Shi
- Naoki Shibata
- Pavel Shigin
- Taiichi Shikama
- Shun Shimabukuro
- Akihiro Shimizu
- Takashi Shimozuma
Takahiro Shinya
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in Development of Capacitively-Coupled Combline Antennas for Current Drive in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Co-author in Plasma current generation and ramp-up by the lower hybrid wave using outboard-launch and top-launch antennas on the TST-2 spherical tokamak
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Hiroyuki Shiraga
- Kosuke Shirahata
Hiroshi SHIRAI
- Co-author in Progress of JT-60SA Project
- Junya Shiraishi
Syun'ichi SHIRAIWA
- Co-author in Experimental Evidence of Lower Hybrid Wave Scattering in Alcator C-Mod due to Scrape Off Layer Density Fluctuations
- Co-author in Novel Radio Frequency Current Drive Systems for Fusion Plasma Sustainment on DIII-D
- Co-author in Observation of efficient lower hybrid current drive at high density on Alcator C-Mod
- Daisuke Shiraki
- Takashi Shiroto
- Mamoru Shoji
- Melissa Showers
- Yuri Shpanskiy
- Aroh Shrivastava
Gaurav Shukla
- Author in Controlling Plasma Rotation using Periodic Gas-puff in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Impurity Screening in High Density Aditya Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Observations of Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation using X-Ray Crystal Spectrometer in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Vinit Shukla
- Brajkishore Shukla
- Neelam Shukla
- Anton Shutov
- Giuliana Sias
- Mark Sibilia
- Mattia Siccinio
- Mattia Siccinio
- E.N. Sidorov
- Bernhard Sieglin
- Scott Silburn
- Carlos Silva
- Antonio Silva
- Carlos Silva
- Davide Silvagni
- Thomas Simonen
- James Simpson
- Stefan Simrock
- Raghvendra Singh
Mahendrajit Singh
- Author in R&D status of Indian Test Facility for ITER DNB characterization
- Co-author in Application of Finite Element Techniques in Simulation of Mechanical Design and Performance Assessment of Different Components of a Neutral Beam Systems
- Co-author in Design and Development of Safety control system of Indian Test Facility (IN-TF) for ITER DNB
- Co-author in Development of Various diagnostics for NNBI program in IPR
- Dhananjay Singh
- Aditya Prakash Singh
- Narender Singh
- Rameswar Singh
Akhilesh Kumar Singh
- Co-author in Error field experiment and analysis in SST-1
- Manjeet Singh
- sushil kumar singh
Raghuraj Singh
- Co-author in 3MW Dual Output High Voltage Power Supply Operation: Results for Accuracy, Stability and Protection Test
- Co-author in Development of Solid State Power Amplifier for ICH & CD RF Source
- Co-author in Outcome of R&D program for ITER ICRF Power Source System
- Co-author in RT Amplitude Control loop: Testing of R&D ICRF source at High Power
- Narendrapal Singh
Mahendrajit SINGH
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Technologies for realization of Large size RF sources for –ve neutral beam systems for ITER -Challenges, experience and path ahead & Progress in the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility & Demonstration of 1 MV vacuum insulation for the vacuum insulated beam source in the ITER NB system
Amit Kumar Singh
- Author in Analysis of Electron Cyclotron Wave Assisted Plasma Start-up in SST-1
- Co-author in Mass Dependent Impurity Transport Study in ADITYA Tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway Electron (RE) Mitigation Using Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection in the Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Simulations of Plasma Disruptions in ITER due to Material Ingress
- Kulwant Singh
- Vishal Singh
- Gaurav Kumar Singh
- Manish Singh
- Raghvendra Singh
- Pranjal Singh
- Raj Singh
- Abhishek Sinha
- Joyeeta Sinha
Priyanjana Sinha
- Co-author in 3D heat and particle fluxes in Wendelstein 7-X
- Adrianus Sips
- Adrianus Sips
- Amit Sircar
- Paula Siren
- Antoine Sirinelli
- Alla Sitnikova
- Mazhyn Skakov
- V.F. Sklyarov
- Anders Skyman
- Christoph Slaby
- Alsu Sladkomedova
- Alsu Sladkomedova
Marcin Sleczka
- Co-author in 3D heat and particle fluxes in Wendelstein 7-X
- M. Smiley
Alexander Smirnov
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Artem Smirnov
Sterling Smith
- Author in The Potential For Retention of Spin Polarization To Raise Fusion Reactivity
- Co-author in High confinement in negative triangularity discharges in DIII-D
- Co-author in Integrated Modeling of Core, Edge Pedestal and Scrape-Off-Layer for High Beta_N Steady-State Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Neural-network accelerated coupled core-pedestal simulations with self-consistent transport of impurities
- Mark Smith
- John Smith
Siobhan Smith
- Co-author in ELM and ELM-control Simulations
- Håkan Smith
Antti Snicker
- Author in The combined effect of neoclassical tearing modes and ELM control coils on fast-ions: validation in AUG and extrapolation for ITER
- Co-author in Beam Ion Performance and Power Loads in the ITER Pre-Fusion Power Operating Scenarios (PFPO) with Reduced Field and Current
- Co-author in Impact of an edge resonant transport layer on fast-ion confinement in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Joseph Snipes
- Garud Snoep
- Luka Snoj
Philip B. Snyder
- Author in High Fusion Performance in Super H-Mode Experiments on Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D
- Author in High Fusion Performance in Super H-Mode Experiments on Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D
- Co-author in Integrated Modeling of Core, Edge Pedestal and Scrape-Off-Layer for High Beta_N Steady-State Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
- Co-author in Neural-network accelerated coupled core-pedestal simulations with self-consistent transport of impurities
- Co-author in Predict-First Analysis and Experimental Validation of MHD Equilibrium, Stability, and Plasma Response to 3D Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in The Advanced Tokamak Path to a Compact Net Electric Pilot Plant
- Co-author in The universality of inter-ELM pedestal fluctuations in AUG and DIII-D - Impacting the edge profile structure by clamping of the gradients
- Vladimir Sokolov
- Igor Sokolov
- Mikhail Sokolov
- Emilia R. Solano
- Elena Soldatkina
Vladimir Solokha
- Co-author in Dielectric windows as front-end diagnostic elements in ITER
- Co-author in Integration of Thomson scattering and laser-induced fluorescence in ITER divertor: engineering and performance analysis
- Co-author in The Influence of Toroidal Magnetic Field Growth on Plasma Performance in the Spherical Tokamak Globus-M/-M2
- Co-author in Thermal energy confinement at the Globus-M spherical tokamak.
Vladimir Solokha
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Alexander Solomakhin
- Wayne Solomon
Valery Solovei
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Valery Solovey
- Nikita Solvev
- Dmytro Solyakov
- Cristian Sommariva
- Cristian Sommariva
Dasharath Sonara
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Installation and Commissioning of 80K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System
- Co-author in Maintenance experience of 315kW Electrical Motor of Helium screw compressor in 1.3kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier Plant
- Co-author in Mechanical Engineering Aspects for Overhauling of Helium Compressor and heavy duty Electrical Motors of 1.3 kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier system
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
- Co-author in SST-1 Cryogenics Requirements and the Way Forward
- Dashrath Sonara
Piergiorgio Sonato
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility
Xianming Song
- Author in First Plasma Scenario Development for HL-2M
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in ELM Control Physics with Impurity Seeding and LHCD in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma confinement and pedestal dynamics responses to impurity seeding in HL-2A H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Real-time control system of neoclassical tearing modes in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in First Plasma Scenario Development for HL-2M
- Inwoo Song
- Yuntao Song
- Yuanxu Song
- Jing Song
- Shaodong Song
- Xianying Song
- Dipal Soni
- Eric Sonnendruecker
- Brandon Sorbom
- Fernando Sordo
- Leopoldo Soto
- Leopoldo Soto
- Vsevolod Soukhanovskii
- Carl Sovinec
- Carlo Sozzi
- Emanuele Spada
- Paolo Sparapani
- Alexander Spitsyn
- Gianluca Spizzo
- Monica Spolaore
Donald Spong
- Author in Interactions of runaway electrons with Alfvén and whistler waves
- Co-author in Advances in Runaway Electron Control and Model Validation for ITER
- Co-author in High-Frequency Energetic Particle Driven Instabilities and their Implications for Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in Integrated simulation of runaway electrons: a backward Monte-Carlo approach for a fluid-kinetic self-consistent coupling
- Y.S.S Srinivas
R. Srinivasan
- Co-author in ACTYS Code System: Towards Next Generation Nuclear Activation Codes for Fusion Reactors
- Co-author in Aditya up-gradation equilibrium study
- Co-author in Analysis of Electron Cyclotron Wave Assisted Plasma Start-up in SST-1
- Co-author in Burning Plasma Simulation with Alpha-Particle Heating
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Analysis of APPEL Linear Device Magnets
- Co-author in Energy differential and displacement damage cross section of DT neutron induced reactions on fusion reactor materials (Fe, Cr & W)
- Co-author in Error field experiment and analysis in SST-1
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Preventive measures to avoid electrical arcing incidences in SST-1 PF current leads
- Co-author in SST-1 Cryogenics Requirements and the Way Forward
- Co-author in Studies of the gas puff effect on edge plasma of Aditya tokamak using coupled DEGAS2-UEDGE code
- Co-author in The Scrape-off Layer plasma transport physics simulation activity for Indian tokamaks Aditya and SST-1
- Co-author in Thermal-hydraulic Characteristics Study of Superconducting Magnets of SST-1
- Co-author in Thermo-structural and heat load analysis of SST-1 Superconducting coils
Prabhakar Srivastav
- Author in Investigations on Temperature Fluctuations and Energy Transport in ETG Dominated Large Laboratory Plasma
- Co-author in Chord Average Density Measurement using Microwave Interferometry in LVPD
- Co-author in Excitation of Electron Temperature Gradient (ETG) Turbulence and Effect on Plasma Transport in LVPD
- Co-author in Investigations on Growth of Quasi – Longitudinal (QL) Whistlers with Energy Scaling of Energetic Electrons in LVPD
- Co-author in Machine Control System for Large Volume Plasma Device: Current Status and Future Directions
- Co-author in Timing and Synchronization for Integrated Operation of Large Volume Plasma Device
Pankaj Kumar Srivastava
- Author in Chord Average Density Measurement using Microwave Interferometry in LVPD
- Co-author in Excitation of Electron Temperature Gradient (ETG) Turbulence and Effect on Plasma Transport in LVPD
- Co-author in Investigations on Growth of Quasi – Longitudinal (QL) Whistlers with Energy Scaling of Energetic Electrons in LVPD
- Co-author in Investigations on Temperature Fluctuations and Energy Transport in ETG Dominated Large Laboratory Plasma
- Co-author in Machine Control System for Large Volume Plasma Device: Current Status and Future Directions
- Co-author in Timing and Synchronization for Integrated Operation of Large Volume Plasma Device
- Anand Kumar Srivastava
- Rajesh Srivastava
- M. Stadermann
Gary M. Staebler
- Co-author in Explaining Cold-Pulse Dynamics in Tokamak Plasmas using Local Turbulent Transport Models
- Co-author in Neural-network accelerated coupled core-pedestal simulations with self-consistent transport of impurities
- Co-author in Predicting the Toroidal Rotation Profile for ITER
- Co-author in Transport Barriers in DIII-D High βp plasmas and Development of Candidate Steady State Scenarios for ITER
- Adam Stahl
- Valeri Staltsov
- Mike Stamp
- Žiga Štancar
- Torsten Stange
- Peter Stangeby
- Peter Stangeby
- Gediminas Stankunas
- Christos Stavrou
- Estera Stefanikova
Estera Stefanikova
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- Loren Steinhauer
- Ivan Stepanov
- Alan Stephens
- Tim Stevenson
Jörg Stober
- Co-author in En Route to High-Performance Discharges: Insights and Guidance from High-Realism Gyrokinetics
- Co-author in Plasma shape and fueling dependence on the small ELM regime in TCV and AUG
- Co-author in Quantification of Neutral Beam Driven Current and the effect of radial fast ion transport in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in The ITER baseline scenario investigated at ASDEX Upgrade
Jan Stockel
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- W. Stoeffl
- Daren Stotler
Edward Strait
- Author in Experiments in Disruption Avoidance for ITER Using Passive and Active Control
- Author in Experiments in Disruption Avoidance for ITER Using Passive and Active Control
- Co-author in Nonlinear Dynamics of Tearing Mode Driven by Static and Rotating External 3D Fields
- Co-author in Seeding of tearing modes by internal crash events in ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D tokamaks
Par Strand
- Author in Towards a predictive modelling capacity for DT plasmas: European Transport Simulator (ETS) verification and validation
- Co-author in Analysis and modelling of NTMs dynamics in JET discharges using the European Transport Simulator (ETS) and integrated modelling tools
- Co-author in Runaway electron modelling in the ETS self-consistent core transport simulator
- Brent Stratton
- Dirk Strauss
- Henry Strauss
- Henry Strauss
- Ulrich Stroth
- D. J. Strozzi
- Erika Strumberger
- Guillermo Suarez Lopez
- Fabio Subba
- Georgy Subbotin
P. V. Subhash
- Author in ACTYS Code System: Towards Next Generation Nuclear Activation Codes for Fusion Reactors
- Co-author in A Multi-Parameter Optimization technique considering temporal and spatial variation in nuclear response of materials in Fusion devices
- Co-author in Analysis of Electron Cyclotron Wave Assisted Plasma Start-up in SST-1
- Co-author in Design Validation of ITER XRCS Survey Spectrometer with Nuclear Code RCC-MR
- Co-author in Energy differential and displacement damage cross section of DT neutron induced reactions on fusion reactor materials (Fe, Cr & W)
- Co-author in Evaluation of Tungsten as Divertor Plasma-Facing Material: Results from Ion Irradiation Experiments and Computer Simulations
- Co-author in Thermal Analysis of Protection Important Components of ITER XRCS-Survey Diagnostic System
Narayanan Subramanian
- Co-author in A versatile multi-cusp plasma device for confining contact ionized alkali ions: source for the experimental studies
- Co-author in Characterization of Argon Plasma in a Multi line Cusp Magnetic Field: Towards a Favorable Source for NBI System
- Co-author in Leak Width in a Multi-cusp Field Configuration: A Revisit with a Versatile Experimental device
- Egor Suchkov
- A.V. Sudnikov
- Hideo Sugama
- Author in Machine Control System for Large Volume Plasma Device: Current Status and Future Directions
- Author in Timing and Synchronization for Integrated Operation of Large Volume Plasma Device
- Co-author in Chord Average Density Measurement using Microwave Interferometry in LVPD
- Co-author in Excitation of Electron Temperature Gradient (ETG) Turbulence and Effect on Plasma Transport in LVPD
- Co-author in Investigations on Temperature Fluctuations and Energy Transport in ETG Dominated Large Laboratory Plasma
- Ritesh Sugandhi
- Tetsuya Sugata
Masayoshi Sugimoto
- Author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility
- Author in Overview of the Validation Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: LIPAc, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and LiFus6, the Lithium Corrosion Induced Facility (
- Co-author in Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
- Co-author in RFQ Commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
- Linda Sugiyama
- Pengjun Sun
Youwen Sun
- Author in Dynamic ELM and divertor control using mixed toroidal harmonic resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-D and EAST
- Author in Dynamic ELM and divertor control using mixed toroidal harmonic resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-D and EAST
- Co-author in Advances in Plasma-Wall Interaction Control for H-mode Operation over 100s with ITER-like Tungsten Divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Co-author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Co-author in Role of NTV particle flux in density pumpout during ELM control by RMP
- Co-author in Tungsten control in NBI-dominant H-mode discharges in EAST tokamak
- Aiping Sun
- Tengfei Sun
- Hong Juan Sun
- Ping Sun
- Pin Sun
- zhen sun
- Guangyao Sun
- Atsushi Sunahara
- Atsushi Sunahara
- Choongki Sung
- Gajendra Suthar
- Gajendra Suthar
- Tetsuya Suto
Wolfgang Suttrop
- Author in Experimental conditions for suppressing Edge Localised Modes by magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Author in Experimental conditions for suppressing Edge Localised Modes by magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Heat transport driven by the ITG and TEM instabilities in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Impact of an edge resonant transport layer on fast-ion confinement in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Impact of the 3D geometry from non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbations on the local edge stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Role of NTV particle flux in density pumpout during ELM control by RMP
- Co-author in The ITER baseline scenario investigated at ASDEX Upgrade
- Samir Suweis
Yasuhiro Suzuki
- Author in Investigation of magnetic topology on spontaneous transition phenomena for high beta plasma of Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Comprehensive magnetohydrodynamic hybrid simulations of fast ion losses due to the fast ion driven instabilities in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Demonstration of Power Exhaust Control by Impurity Seeding in the Island Divertor at Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Observation of Multiple Helicity Mode-Resonant Locking Leading to a Disruption on DIII-D
- Co-author in Simulations of two types of energetic particle driven geodesic acoustic modes and the energy channeling in the Large Helical Device plasmas
- Yasuhiro Suzuki
- Chihiro Suzuki
- Naoyuki Suzuki
- Takahiro Suzuki
- Yasuhiro Suzuki
- Chihiro Suzuki
Ryan Sweeney
- Co-author in R&D for reliable disruption mitigation in ITER
- Gabor Szepesi
- Tamas Szepesi
- Himanshu T
- Sai Chaitanya Tadepalli
- sai chaitanya TADEPALLI
- the TAE Team
- Sina Tafti
Kumudni Tahiliani
- Author in Radiation power loss study during gas puff induced disruptions in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Impurity Screening in High Density Aditya Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Hardik Tailor
- S Taimourzadeh
- Toshiki Tajima
- Toshiki Tajima
- Yoshiyuki Tajiri
- ikuji Takagi
- Tsutomu Takahashi
- Toshiki Takahashi
Koji Takahashi
- Co-author in Completion of 1st ITER gyrotron manufacturing and 1 MW test result & Outcome of R&D program for ITER ICRF Power Source System & Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER
- Co-author in Development of High Power Gyrotrons for Advanced Fusion Devices and DEMO
- Co-author in Improvement of ITER equatorial EC launcher design for poloidal steering compatibility
- Co-author in Progress in Development and Fabrication of the JT-60SA ECH/CD System
- Chihiro Takahashi
Hiromi Takahashi
- Co-author in Development of High Power Gyrotrons for Advanced Fusion Devices and DEMO
- Co-author in Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Isotope effects on confinement and turbulence in ECRH plasma of LHD
- Co-author in Transport characteristics of deuterium and hydrogen plasmas with ion internal transport barrier in LHD
Katsutoshi Takano
- Co-author in Completion of the first TF Coil Structure of ITER
Yuichi Takase
- Author in Development of Capacitively-Coupled Combline Antennas for Current Drive in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Fully Non-inductive 2nd Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Current Ramp-up with Focused Polarized Beams in the QUEST Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Fusion Energy Development Applications Utilizing the Spherical Tokamak and Associated Research Needs and Tools
- Co-author in Particle balance investigation with the combination of rate equations of hydrogen state and hydrogen barrier model in long duration discharges on all-metal PFW QUEST
- Co-author in Plasma current generation and ramp-up by the lower hybrid wave using outboard-launch and top-launch antennas on the TST-2 spherical tokamak
- Co-author in Rotation-induced electrostatic-potentials and density asymmetries in NSTX
- Manabu Takechi
Shutaro Takeda
- Author in Economic Performance of Fusion Power Plant on Future Deregulated Electricity Market
- Author in Economic Performance of Fusion Power Plant on Future Deregulated Electricity Market
- Co-author in Future Possibility of Carbon Sequestration by Biomass-Fusion Hybrid Systems & Economic Performance of Fusion Power Plant on Future Deregulated Electricity Market & Techno-economic analysis of biodiesel and hydrogen production via Fusion-Biomass Hybrid Model
- Yuki Takei
- Yasuhiko Takeiri
- Yuki Takemura
- Hidenobu Takenaga
- Yasuki Takeuchi
- Tomonori Takizuka
Balázs Tál
- Co-author in JET Upgraded Diagnostic Capabilities and Scientific Exploitation in Support of Deuterium-Tritium Operation
- Co-author in Optimisation of JET-DT and ITER operation by developing an understanding of the role of low-Z impurity on the H-mode pedestal
- Co-author in Synthetic edge and SOL diagnostics - a bridge between experiments and theory
Tuomas Tala
- Author in Core Density Peaking Experiments in JET, DIII-D and C-Mod in Various Operational Scenarios - Driven by Fuelling or Transport
- Author in Core Density Peaking Experiments in JET, DIII-D and C-Mod in Various Operational Scenarios - Driven by Fuelling or Transport
- Co-author in Particle Transport from the Bottom Up
- Co-author in Predicting the Toroidal Rotation Profile for ITER
- Co-author in Rotation Profile Hollowing in DIII-D Low-Torque Electron-Heated H-mode Plasmas
- Naoki Tamura
- Hitoshi Tamura
- MingSheng Tan
Hiroshi Tanabe
- Author in Investigation of fine structure formation of guide field reconnection during merging plasma startup of spherical tokamak in TS-3U
- Co-author in Particle Simulation Studies on Ion Effective Heating through Merging Plasmas
- Co-author in Scaling Study of Reconnection/ Merging Heating of Spherical Tokamak Plasmas for Direct Access to Burning Plasma
Kenji Tanaka
- Author in Isotope effects on confinement and turbulence in ECRH plasma of LHD
- Co-author in Core transport improvement in stable detachment with RMP application to the edge stochastic layer of LHD
- Co-author in Investigation of magnetic topology on spontaneous transition phenomena for high beta plasma of Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Numerical Diagnostic to Investigate Poloidal Asymmetry in Three-Dimensional Magnetic Configurations
- Co-author in Rapid Radial Propagation of Momentum Change and Flow Oscillation Associated with a Pellet Injection
- Co-author in Transport characteristics of deuterium and hydrogen plasmas with ion internal transport barrier in LHD
Teruya Tanaka
- Co-author in A Concept of Self-Cooled Breeding Blanket with Advanced Molten Salt Flinak for High-Efficiency and Long-Life Operation
- Co-author in Conceptual Design of a Compact Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-c1 for the Early Demonstration of a Year-long Electric Power Generation
- Co-author in High-temperature creep properties of NIFS-HEAT-2 high-purity low-activation vanadium alloy
- Fumiyuki Tanaka
- Masahiro Tanaka
- Hirohiko Tanaka
- Hitoshi Tanaka
- Shawn Tang
- Tengfei Tang
- Changjian Tang
- Hiroyasu Tanigawa
- Hiroyasu Tanigawa (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Vipul Tanna
- Author in SST-1 Cryogenics Requirements and the Way Forward
- Co-author in Design of the TF/PF Bus Bar lay out and its connections with Current Feeder System of SST1 Tokamak
- Co-author in Development of Indigenous Electrical Insulation Breaks for Superconducting Magnets of Fusion Devices
- Co-author in Experimental Measurements of Cryogenic Heat Loads on SST-1 Helium Cryogenic Plant
- Co-author in Installation and Commissioning of 80K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System
- Co-author in Maintenance experience of 315kW Electrical Motor of Helium screw compressor in 1.3kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier Plant
- Co-author in Mechanical Engineering Aspects for Overhauling of Helium Compressor and heavy duty Electrical Motors of 1.3 kW Helium Refrigerator/Liquefier system
- Co-author in Operational Results and Troubleshooting in Current Feeder System for SST-1
- Co-author in Performance Evaluation of 1.3 kW at 4.5 K Helium Refrigerator/ Liquefier (HRL) at IPR
- Co-author in Pump Characterization of 80 K Liquid Nitrogen Booster System for SST-1
- Co-author in Thermal-hydraulic Characteristics Study of Superconducting Magnets of SST-1
- Co-author in Thermo-structural and heat load analysis of SST-1 Superconducting coils
Rakesh Tanna
- Author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Baking System of Aditya Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Controlling Plasma Rotation using Periodic Gas-puff in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Dynamics of Neon Ions after Neon Gas Seeding and Puffing into Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in Edge Current Density Profile Measurement Using an Array of Miniature Magnetic Probes in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Effect of multiple periodic gas puff on neutral temperature in Aditya – U tokamak
- Co-author in Fast Wave induced ICRF plasma Expansion in ADITYA torus
- Co-author in Gas Fuelling Control System of Aditya Tokamak
- Co-author in Impurity Screening in High Density Aditya Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Observations of Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation using X-Ray Crystal Spectrometer in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Origin of Harmonics of Drift Tearing Mode in ADITYA tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma Column Position Measurements using Magnetic Diagnostics in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Radiation power loss study during gas puff induced disruptions in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Real-Time Feedback Control System for Plasma Position Stabilisation in ADITYA-U Tokamak
- Co-author in Studies of the gas puff effect on edge plasma of Aditya tokamak using coupled DEGAS2-UEDGE code
- Rakesh L Tanna
- Giovanni Tardini
- Marco Tardocchi
- Nicholas Taylor
- Gary Taylor
- Neill Taylor
- Tony Taylor
- Irina Tazhibayeva
- Gregory Tchilinguirian
- W7-X Team
- RFX-mod Team
- W7-X Team
- JT-60SA Team
- LHD-NBI team
TCV Team
- Co-author in TCV heating and divertor upgrades
- Daniel Tegnered
- Abraham Teklu
- Giuseppe Telesca
- Anna Telnova
- Anna Telnova
- Arsene Tema
- G. De Temmerman
- Anna Teplukhina
- Akihiro Terakado
- Masayuki Terakado
- Ivan Tereschenko
- Alexis Terra
- David Terranova
- Paul Terry
James Terry
- Co-author in Extending the boundary heat flux width database to 1.3 Tesla poloidal magnetic field in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak
- Co-author in Observation of efficient lower hybrid current drive at high density on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Performance assessment of tightly-baffled long-leg divertor geometries in the ARC reactor concept
- Co-author in Study of passively stable, fully detached divertor plasma regimes attained in innovative long-legged divertor configurations
- Laurent Terzolo
- Duccio Testa
- Raghvendra Tewari
- Aruna Thakar
- Urmil Thaker
- Shekar Thatipamula
- Shekar G. Thatipamula
- - the ASDEX Upgrade Team
- . the CFETR Physics Team
- - the EUROfusion MST1 Team
- Christian Theiler
- presented by E. Joffrin The JET contributors
- Emmi Tholerus
Osborne Thomas
- Co-author in Amelioration of plasma-material interactions and improvement of plasma performance with a flowing liquid Li limiter and Li conditioning on EAST & Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Co-author in Development and First Experimental Tests of a Small Angle Slot Divertor on DIII-D
- Co-author in DIII-D Shaping Demonstrates Correlation of Intrinsic Momentum with Energy
- Co-author in High Fusion Performance in Super H-Mode Experiments on Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D
- Co-author in High Performance Double-null Plasmas Under Radiating Divertor and Mantle Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Integration of the high- N hybrid scenario to a high performance pedestal, stable zero torque operation and a divertor solution
- Co-author in The universality of inter-ELM pedestal fluctuations in AUG and DIII-D - Impacting the edge profile structure by clamping of the gradients
- Co-author in Viability of Wide Pedestal QH-Mode for Burning Plasma Operation
Dan Thomas
- Co-author in Development and First Experimental Tests of a Small Angle Slot Divertor on DIII-D
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust during suppression of edge localized modes by resonant magnetic perturbation fields at DIII-D
- Co-author in Measurements of high-Z divertor impurity sourcing and divertor leakage using isotopic tungsten tracer sources in DIII-D
- Co-author in Quantification of Radiating Species in the DIII-D Divertor in the Transition to Detachment Using Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
- Jinto Thomas
- C. Thomas
Kathreen Thome
- Author in High-Frequency Energetic Particle Driven Instabilities and their Implications for Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in Advances in Runaway Electron Control and Model Validation for ITER
- Co-author in Dynamic Neutral Beam Injection as a Mechanism for Plasma Control and an Actuator for Instability Drive
- Co-author in High confinement in negative triangularity discharges in DIII-D
- Co-author in Interactions of runaway electrons with Alfvén and whistler waves
- Vaughan Thompson
- Matthew Thompson
- Henning Thomsen
- Knud Thomsen
- Andrew Thornton
- Alexander Thrysoee
- Manfred Thumm
- Anantanarayanan Thyagaraja
- Kuo Tian
- Andrius Tidikas
- Wouter Tierens
Ioannis Tigelis
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Gyrotron R&D towards DEMO within EUROfusion Work Package Heating and Current Drive
- Co-author in Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER
- Co-author in Theoretical and Computational Studies on the Scattering of Radio Frequency Waves by Fluctuations
- Wu Ting
- Roy Alexander Tinguely
- R. Tipton
- Peter Titus
- R Tivey
- S. Tiwari
Ravi Ranjan Kumar Tiwari
- Co-author in Design and development of the Articulated Robotic Inspection Arm (ARIA) for fusion machine
- Co-author in Development of a Prototype Collaborative Robot for Fusion Remote Handling Applications
- Co-author in Visual Servo of Tokamak Relevant Remote Handling Systems using Neural Network Architecture
- Ravi Ranjan Tiwari
- Hiroyuki Tobari
- Author in EU R&D Energy policy and the role of fusion research
- Author in India’s Quest for Fusion Energy & Road to ITER
- Author in Opening Address
- Author in Opening Remarks
- Author in Welcome Address
- Kenji Tobita
- Shinichiro Toda
Yasushi Todo
- Author in Critical fast ion distribution in phase space for the synchronized sudden growth of multiple Alfvén eigenmodes and the global transport of fast ions
- Author in Critical fast ion distribution in phase space for the synchronized sudden growth of multiple Alfvén eigenmodes and the global transport of fast ions
- Co-author in Comprehensive magnetohydrodynamic hybrid simulations of fast ion losses due to the fast ion driven instabilities in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Impact of an edge resonant transport layer on fast-ion confinement in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Ion kinetic effects on MHD instabilities in high beta LHD plasmas
- Co-author in Simulations of energetic particle driven instabilities and fast particle redistribution in EAST tokamak
- Co-author in Simulations of two types of energetic particle driven geodesic acoustic modes and the energy channeling in the Large Helical Device plasmas
- Satoshi Togo
- Kazuo Toi
- Vanni Toigo
- Valentin Tokarev
- koji tokimatsu
- Shigeki Tokita
- Masayuki TOKITANI
- kazutoshi Tokunaga
- Tokihiko Tokuzawa
- Elisabeth Tolman
- Boris Tolochko
- Sergey Tolstyakov
- Sergey Tolstyakov
- Arvind Tomar
Matej Tomes
- Co-author in Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- Kristina Tomova
- Tanaka Tomoyo
- J.F. Tooker
- Yuji Torikai
- Alexandre TORRE
- H. Torreblanca
- R. P. J. Town
Minh Quang Tran
- Co-author in A Travelling Wave Array System as Solution for the ICRF Heating of DEMO
- Co-author in Development of a plasma scenario for the EU-DEMO: current activities and perspectives
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Gyrotron R&D towards DEMO within EUROfusion Work Package Heating and Current Drive
- Co-author in Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER
- Erik Trask
- Victor Tribaldos
- Shreekrishna Tripathi
- Co-author in Activity of Indian High Heat Flux Test Facility
- Deepti Tripathi
- kevin tritz
Rajeshkumar Gajanan Trivedi
- Author in Outcome of R&D program for ITER ICRF Power Source System
- Author in Outcome of R&D program for ITER ICRF Power Source System
- Co-author in Design and Development of Control Grid Power Supply for RF Amplifier
- Co-author in Development of Solid State Power Amplifier for ICH & CD RF Source
- Co-author in Development of wideband amplifier in ITER ICRF range
- Co-author in RT Amplitude Control loop: Testing of R&D ICRF source at High Power
- Co-author in Seismic Analysis Of High Power Amplifier in ITER ICRF Range
- Tapan A. Trivedi
- Praveen Trivedi
- Vladimir Trukhin
- Vladimir Trukhin
- Yury Trunev
- Dinh Truong
Maximos Tsalas
- Co-author in Core Density Peaking Experiments in JET, DIII-D and C-Mod in Various Operational Scenarios - Driven by Fuelling or Transport
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in Overview of disruptions with JET-ILW
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- S.-W. Tsao
- Koji Tsubakimoto
- Yasuyuki Tsuchibushi
- Katsuhiko Tsuchiya
- Hayato Tsuchiya
- Cedric Kar-Wai Tsui
- Naoto Tsujii
Toru Tsujimura
- Co-author in Development of High Power Gyrotrons for Advanced Fusion Devices and DEMO
- Co-author in Fully Non-inductive 2nd Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Current Ramp-up with Focused Polarized Beams in the QUEST Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Isotope effects on confinement and turbulence in ECRH plasma of LHD
- Co-author in Rapid Radial Propagation of Momentum Change and Flow Oscillation Associated with a Pellet Injection
- Mikhail Tsventoukh
- Cui Tu
- Heng Tu
- Sergey Tugarinov
Alexander Tukachinsky
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Timur Tulenbergenov
Francesca Turco
- Author in Integration of the high- N hybrid scenario to a high performance pedestal, stable zero torque operation and a divertor solution
- Author in Integration of the high- N hybrid scenario to a high performance pedestal, stable zero torque operation and a divertor solution
- Co-author in Experiments in Disruption Avoidance for ITER Using Passive and Active Control
- Co-author in Exploring an Alternate Approach to Q=10 in ITER
- Co-author in High Performance Double-null Plasmas Under Radiating Divertor and Mantle Scenarios on DIII-D
Yurij Turkin
- Co-author in New results in stellarator optimisation
- Alan Turnbull
- Miles M Turner
- Michel Tuszewski
Anil tyagi
- Author in Deuterium Depth Profile Measurement in Pre and Post Irradiated Tungsten
- Co-author in A Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigation of Defects Induced in Tungsten Foils by Gold (Au) and Boron (B) Ion Irradiation
- Co-author in Evaluation of Tungsten as Divertor Plasma-Facing Material: Results from Ion Irradiation Experiments and Computer Simulations
- Co-author in The Scrape-off Layer plasma transport physics simulation activity for Indian tokamaks Aditya and SST-1
Himanshu Tyagi
- Author in Design and Development of Safety control system of Indian Test Facility (IN-TF) for ITER DNB
- Co-author in Development of Various diagnostics for NNBI program in IPR
- Co-author in Evaluation of Beam Properties of a Negative Hydrogen Source by Doppler Shift Spectroscopy
- Co-author in R&D status of Indian Test Facility for ITER DNB characterization
- Anil Kumar Tyagi
- George TYNAN
- Victor Udintsev
Maxim Umansky
- Author in Study of passively stable, fully detached divertor plasma regimes attained in innovative long-legged divertor configurations
- Author in Study of passively stable, fully detached divertor plasma regimes attained in innovative long-legged divertor configurations
- Co-author in Experimental Evidence of Lower Hybrid Wave Scattering in Alcator C-Mod due to Scrape Off Layer Density Fluctuations
- Co-author in Performance assessment of tightly-baffled long-leg divertor geometries in the ARC reactor concept
- Co-author in Simulation of cross-separatrix edge plasma transport with the continuum gyrokinetic code COGENT
- Naotaka Umeda
Ezekial Unterberg
- Author in Measurements of high-Z divertor impurity sourcing and divertor leakage using isotopic tungsten tracer sources in DIII-D
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust during suppression of edge localized modes by resonant magnetic perturbation fields at DIII-D
- Co-author in Inter vs. Intra-ELM Tungsten Erosion and Transport from the Divertor in DIII-D High-Performance H-mode Discharges
- Co-author in Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
- Bernhard Unterberg
- Dishang Upadhyay
- Dishang Upadhyay
Hajime Urano
- Co-author in ELM and ELM-control Simulations
Jakub Urban
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- Shunsuke Usami
- Marria Usoltceva
- Katsutomi Usui
- Joelle Uzan
- Balakrishnan V.
- Gayathri V.
- Gautam Vadolia
- Pratik Vaghashiya
- Naresh P. Vaghela
- Hitensinh Vaghela
- Author in Performance of 14-MeV Neutron Generator at IPR
- Co-author in Deuterium Depth Profile Measurement in Pre and Post Irradiated Tungsten
- Co-author in Energy differential and displacement damage cross section of DT neutron induced reactions on fusion reactor materials (Fe, Cr & W)
- Co-author in Evaluation of Tungsten as Divertor Plasma-Facing Material: Results from Ion Irradiation Experiments and Computer Simulations
- Co-author in Neutron Irradiation Impact on ITER Grade Insulating Material
- Co-author in Neutronics Experiment for Design Validation of Indian TBM Shield Module
- Co-author in Tritium Handling and Recovery System for Accelerator Based 14-MeV Neutron Generator
- Prashant Valanju
Daniel Valcarcel
- Co-author in Advances in predictive thermo-mechanical modelling for the JET divertor experimental interpretation, improved protection, and reliable operation
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Co-author in Scenario development for DT operation at JET
- E. J. Valeo
- Marco Valisa
- Matteo Vallar
- Pablo Vallejos
- Spyridon-Iason Valvis
- Bart Van Compernolle
- Alan Van Drie
Dirk Van Eester
- Co-author in A Travelling Wave Array System as Solution for the ICRF Heating of DEMO
- Co-author in Fast wave experiments in LAPD in support of fusion
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power: Progress in Operation and Understanding for Experiments with Metallic Walls
- Co-author in Modelling third field operation in the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Co-author in Subdivertor fuel isotopic content detection limit for JET and impact on the control of ICRH for JET-ILW and JET-DT operation
- Co-author in Towards a predictive modelling capacity for DT plasmas: European Transport Simulator (ETS) verification and validation
- Boudewijn van Milligen
- Michael Van Schoor
- Michael Van Schoor
- Daan van Vugt
Michael Van Zeeland
- Co-author in High-Frequency Energetic Particle Driven Instabilities and their Implications for Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in Impact of an edge resonant transport layer on fast-ion confinement in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Interactions of runaway electrons with Alfvén and whistler waves
- Co-author in Real-time simulation of the NBI fast-ion distribution
- Co-author in Reduced energetic particle transport models enable comprehensive time-dependent tokamak simulations
Mykyta Varavin
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Vladimir Varfolomeev
- Ivan Vargas-Blanco
Dinesh Varia
- Co-author in Baking System of Aditya Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of Operation and Experiments in the ADITYA-U Tokamak
Jozef Varju
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Pankaj Varmora
- Lidia Varshavchik
sanjeev Varshney
- Author in Thermal Analysis of Protection Important Components of ITER XRCS-Survey Diagnostic System
- Co-author in Design Validation of ITER XRCS Survey Spectrometer with Nuclear Code RCC-MR
- Co-author in Mass Dependent Impurity Transport Study in ADITYA Tokamak
- Co-author in Preliminary Design of IN-DA Diagnostic Plant Instrumentation & Control
- Stephane Vartanian
- Paresh Vasava
- V. Vasava
- kirit vasava
- Alexander Vasiliev
- Alexander Vasilyev
- N.G. Vasilyeva
- George Vayakis
- Jesus Vega
- José Luís Velasco
- Pierluigi Veltri
- Luís Venâncio
- Gregor Veniger
- Geert Verdoolaege
- Kevin Verhaegh
- Sriprakash Verma
- Sriprakash Verma
- Aditya Kumar Verma
- laure vermare
Vladimir Vershkov
- Author in 3D structure of density fluctuations in T-10 tokamak and new approach for current profile estimation
- Author in 3D structure of density fluctuations in T-10 tokamak and new approach for current profile estimation.
- Co-author in Electric potential and turbulence in OH and ECRH low-density plasmas
- Alexey Vertkov
- Michel Vervier
Nicola Vianello
- Author in SOL transport and filamentary dynamics in high density tokamak regimes
- Co-author in Developing steady state ELM-absent H-mode scenarios with advanced divertor configuration in EAST tokamak
- Co-author in SOL transport and detachment in alternative divertor configurations in TCV L- and H-mode plasmas
- Jose Vicente
- R. Vieira
Eleonora Viezzer
- Co-author in Advances in the understanding of the I-mode confinement regime: access, stationarity, edge/SOL transport and divertor impact
- Co-author in Energy Confinement and Performance of Pure Helium Plasmas and Helium Seeded Deuterium Plasmas
- Co-author in Experimental conditions for suppressing Edge Localised Modes by magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Heat transport driven by the ITG and TEM instabilities in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Nonlinear MHD simulations of Quiescent H-mode in ASDEX-Upgrade and ITER
Eleonora Viezzer
- Author in ELM-induced energy and momentum transport in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Development of a plasma scenario for the EU-DEMO: current activities and perspectives
- Co-author in Impact of an edge resonant transport layer on fast-ion confinement in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Isotope Dependence of Confinement in JET Deuterium and Hydrogen Plasmas
- Wouter Vijvers
- Rui Vilela Mendes
- Laurent Villard
- Fabio Villone
- Stephen Vincena
- Michael Viola
- Chetan Virani
- Vismay Vismay
- Livio Vitton-Mea
- Z Vizvary
- Gregorio Vlad
- Pavel Vladimirov
- Milos Vlainic
- Irina Voitsekhovitch
- Vladimir Voitsenya
- I. Voldiner
- P. Volegov
- Olaf Volzke
Petr Vondracek
- Co-author in Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
- Anitha V. P.
- Trang Vu
- Konstantin Y. Vukolov
- Leonid Vyacheslavov
- Gheesa Lal Vyas
- Kenji Wada
- Mickey R. Wade
- F. L. Waelbroeck
- Takuma Wakatsuki
- Roger Waleffe
- Nick Walkden
Michael Walker
- Co-author in High confinement in negative triangularity discharges in DIII-D
- Co-author in Implementing a finite-state off-normal and fault response system for robust disruption avoidance in tokamaks
- Co-author in Physics-model-based Real-time Optimization for the Development of Steady-state Scenarios at DIII-D
Gregory Wallace
- Author in Novel Radio Frequency Current Drive Systems for Fusion Plasma Sustainment on DIII-D
- Author in Novel Radio Frequency Current Drive Systems for Fusion Plasma Sustainment on DIII-D
- Co-author in Experimental Evidence of Lower Hybrid Wave Scattering in Alcator C-Mod due to Scrape Off Layer Density Fluctuations
- Co-author in Experimental Evidence of Lower Hybrid Wave Scattering in Alcator C-Mod due to Scrape Off Layer Density Fluctuations
- Co-author in Observation of efficient lower hybrid current drive at high density on Alcator C-Mod
- John Wallace
- Michael Walsh
Michael Walsh
- Co-author in Automated Testing of ITER Diagnostics Scientific Instrumentation
- Co-author in Design Validation of ITER XRCS Survey Spectrometer with Nuclear Code RCC-MR
- Co-author in Diagnostic mirrors for ITER: research in a frame of International Tokamak Physics Activity
- Co-author in Integration of Thomson scattering and laser-induced fluorescence in ITER divertor: engineering and performance analysis
- Co-author in Preliminary Design of IN-DA Diagnostic Plant Instrumentation & Control
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the ITER Scenario Database
- C. Walters
- C. Walters
- Ronald E. Waltz
- William Wampler
Yuanxi WAN
- Co-author in Progress of the CFETR Design
Baonian Wan
- Author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Co-author in A promising grassy ELM regime for high-performance steady-state operations with metal wall in EAST and CFETR
- Co-author in Advances in Plasma-Wall Interaction Control for H-mode Operation over 100s with ITER-like Tungsten Divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Shude Wan
- Yi Wan
- Feng Wang
- Yifeng Wang
- Shaojie Wang
- Weixing Wang Wang
- Zhirui Wang
Zhigang Wang
- Co-author in Development of HINEG and its experimental campaigns
Yongfeng Wang
- Co-author in Development of HINEG and its experimental campaigns
- Xin Wang
- Co-author in Current Design and R&D Progress of CN HCCB TBS
- Mao WANG
- Xiaojie WANG
- Lu Wang
- Pinghuai Wang
- Wenping Wang
- Xianqu Wang
Liang Wang
- Author in Advances in Plasma-Wall Interaction Control for H-mode Operation over 100s with ITER-like Tungsten Divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Co-author in Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
- Co-author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Zhengxiong Wang
Nengchao Wang
- Author in Overview of the Recent Experimental Research on the J-TEXT Tokamak
- Co-author in Impact of the 3D geometry from non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbations on the local edge stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Recent progresses on the RMP researches towards active control of tearing mode in the J-TEXT tokamak
- Huiqian Wang
- Hao WANG
- Zhehui Wang
- Yu-min Wang
Huiqian Wang
- Co-author in Development and First Experimental Tests of a Small Angle Slot Divertor on DIII-D
- Co-author in Favorable Impact of RMP ELM Suppression On Divertor Heat Fluxes at ITER-like Conditions
- Co-author in Inter vs. Intra-ELM Tungsten Erosion and Transport from the Divertor in DIII-D High-Performance H-mode Discharges
- Co-author in Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
- Co-author in Parallel Energy Transport in Detached DIII-D Divertor Plasmas
- Co-author in Progress in DIII-D Towards Validating Divertor Power Exhaust Predictions
- Huazhong Wang
- Liang Wang
- Lei Wang
Jong-In Wang
- Co-author in Power Coupling of Lower Hybrid Fast Wave in VEST
- Zhengxing Wang
- Jianbao Wang
- Hongyu Wang
- Hai Wang
- sunjong Wang
- M. Wang
- Zhanhui Wang
- Sen Wang
- Huihui Wang
Qijie WANG
- Co-author in Current Design and R&D Progress of CN HCCB TBS
- Felix Warmer
- Manoj Warrier
- Author in Dependence of RMP penetration threshold on plasma parameters and ion species in helical plasmas
- Co-author in Excitation mechanism of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and strategy to control the mode in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Investigation of magnetic topology on spontaneous transition phenomena for high beta plasma of Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Rapid Radial Propagation of Momentum Change and Flow Oscillation Associated with a Pellet Injection
- Co-author in Study of locking mechanism of locked-mode-like instability in helical plasmas
- Kazuhiro Watanabe
Osamu Watanabe
- Co-author in Fully Non-inductive 2nd Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Current Ramp-up with Focused Polarized Beams in the QUEST Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Particle balance investigation with the combination of rate equations of hydrogen state and hydrogen barrier model in long duration discharges on all-metal PFW QUEST
- Hideo Watanabe
- Takeshi Watari
Jonathan Watkins
- Co-author in Development and First Experimental Tests of a Small Angle Slot Divertor on DIII-D
- Co-author in Favorable Impact of RMP ELM Suppression On Divertor Heat Fluxes at ITER-like Conditions
- Co-author in High Performance Double-null Plasmas Under Radiating Divertor and Mantle Scenarios on DIII-D
- Co-author in Model validation on EAST and DIII-D experiments towards understanding of high-Z material erosion and migration in a mixed materials environment
- Co-author in Parallel Energy Transport in Detached DIII-D Divertor Plasmas
- Co-author in Progress in DIII-D Towards Validating Divertor Power Exhaust Predictions
- Co-author in Quantification of Radiating Species in the DIII-D Divertor in the Transition to Detachment Using Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
- Tom Wauters
- Moises Weber
- Justin Weberski
- Tobias Wegener
- Thomas Wegner
- William Wehner
- Zhengxing Wei
- Lai Wei
- Xiangdong Wei
- Jan Weiland
- Markus Weiland
Vladimir Weinzettl
- Co-author in Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
Vladimir Weinzettl
- Co-author in Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Gavin Weir
- Gavin Weir
David Weisberg
- Co-author in Predict-First Analysis and Experimental Validation of MHD Equilibrium, Stability, and Plasma Response to 3D Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in The Advanced Tokamak Path to a Compact Net Electric Pilot Plant
- Co-author in Transport Barriers in DIII-D High βp plasmas and Development of Candidate Steady State Scenarios for ITER
Henri Weisen
- Author in Isotope Dependence of Confinement in JET Deuterium and Hydrogen Plasmas
- Co-author in Core Density Peaking Experiments in JET, DIII-D and C-Mod in Various Operational Scenarios - Driven by Fuelling or Transport
- Co-author in Multiphysics approach to plasma neutron source modelling at the tokamak JET
- Co-author in Plasma and diagnostics preparation for alpha-particle studies in JET DT
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Anders Welander
- Jie Wen
- Xiaohui Wen
- Mirko Wensing
- Uwe Wenzel
- Toon Weyens
- Garth Whelan
- Anne E White
- Anne White
- Alan White
Dennis Whyte
- Co-author in Conceptual Design Study for Heat Exhaust Management in the ARC Fusion Pilot Plant
- Co-author in Development of a High-Flux Fusion Neutron Source Using Recent Advances in Technology
- Co-author in Performance assessment of tightly-baffled long-leg divertor geometries in the ARC reactor concept
- Co-author in Study of passively stable, fully detached divertor plasma regimes attained in innovative long-legged divertor configurations
- Co-author in Surface Characterization of Li coatings and their interaction with plasmas for fusion applications via Ion Beam Analysis Techniques
Anna Widdowson
- Co-author in Erosion and deposition in the JET divertor during the ITER-like wall campaigns
- Co-author in Erosion, Screening, and Migration of Tungsten in JET Equipped with Tungsten Divertor
- Co-author in First Mirror Test in JET for ITER: Complete overview after three campaigns in JET with ITER-like wall
- Sven Wiesen
- Michael Wigram
- Robert Wilcox
- C. Wilde
- George Wilkie
- Theresa Wilks
Matthias Willensdorfer
- Author in Impact of the 3D geometry from non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbations on the local edge stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Experimental conditions for suppressing Edge Localised Modes by magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Heat transport driven by the ITG and TEM instabilities in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Impact of an edge resonant transport layer on fast-ion confinement in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in The ITER baseline scenario investigated at ASDEX Upgrade
- John Williams
- Howard Wilson
- C. Wilson
- Andreas Wingen (Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL))
- Victoria Winters
- brian wirth
- Marius Wirtz
- Marco Wischmeier
Apiwat Wisitsorasak
- Author in Predictive Simulations of Core-Edge Plasma for Tokamak Plasma using BALDUR Code
- Co-author in Ion and Electron Temperature Predictions based on Thailand Tokamak Plasmas using CRONOS Code
- Co-author in Parametric study of the impurity profile in the Thailand tokamak
- Co-author in Simulation Study of Heat Transport with On-Off Axis ICRH in Thailand Tokamak Using BALDUR Code
- Emmanuel Witrant
- E. Woerner
- Krolas Wojtek
Robert Wolf
- Co-author in High density and high performance operation with pellet injection in W7-X
- Co-author in Increasing the Density in W7-X: Benefits and Limitations
- Co-author in Plasma termination by excess fuel and impurities in TJ-II, LHD and W7-X
- Co-author in Preparing the ICRH system for the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
- Steve Wolfe
Elisabeth Wolfrum
- Co-author in Active conditioning of ASDEX-Upgrade tunsgten PFCs through boron particulate injection
- Co-author in Impact of impurity seeding on pedestal structure in ASDEX Upgrade and Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Plasma shape and fueling dependence on the small ELM regime in TCV and AUG
- Co-author in Role of the pressure position on the pedestal stability in AUG, JET-ILW and TCV in deuterium and hydrogen plasmas and implications for ITER
- Co-author in SOL transport and filamentary dynamics in high density tokamak regimes
- Co-author in The universality of inter-ELM pedestal fluctuations in AUG and DIII-D - Impacting the edge profile structure by clamping of the gradients
- Elisabeth Wolfrum
Kevin Woller
- Co-author in Amelioration of plasma-material interactions and improvement of plasma performance with a flowing liquid Li limiter and Li conditioning on EAST & Experiments on FTU with a liquid tin limiter
- Co-author in Surface Characterization of Li coatings and their interaction with plasmas for fusion applications via Ion Beam Analysis Techniques
- Min Ho Woo
- John Wright
- Co-author in Current Design and R&D Progress of CN HCCB TBS
- Guojiang Wu
- Chengrui Wu
- Xingquan Wu
- Muquan Wu
- Yican Wu
- Zhenwei Wu
- Y.B. Wu
- Kai Wu
- Bin Wu
- Jiaren Wu
- Chuanren Wu
Stephen Wukitch
- Co-author in Novel Radio Frequency Current Drive Systems for Fusion Plasma Sustainment on DIII-D
- Co-author in Observation of efficient lower hybrid current drive at high density on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Recent advances in ICRF heating of mixture plasmas: survey of JET and AUG experiments and extrapolation to JET-DT and ITER
- Glen Wurden
- Alasdair Wynn
- Tianyang XIa
- Fan Xia
Nong Xiang
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Co-author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Co-author in Simulations of energetic particle driven instabilities and fast particle redistribution in EAST tokamak
- Chijin Xiao
- Xiaotao Xiao
Bingjia Xiao
- Co-author in Advances in Plasma-Wall Interaction Control for H-mode Operation over 100s with ITER-like Tungsten Divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Fast ITER-relevant low-disruptivity rampdowns in DIII-D and EAST
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Co-author in Machine learning for disruption warning on Alcator C-Mod, DIII-D, and EAST Tokamaks
- Co-author in Overview of diagnostics upgrade and experiment progress on KTX
Guoliang Xiao
- Author in ELM Control Physics with Impurity Seeding and LHCD in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Author in ELM Control Physics with Impurity Seeding and LHCD in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma confinement and pedestal dynamics responses to impurity seeding in HL-2A H-mode plasmas
- Zunqi Xiao
- Jinlin Xie
- Hai Xie
- Liqing Xu
Guosheng Xu
- Author in A promising grassy ELM regime for high-performance steady-state operations with metal wall in EAST and CFETR
- Co-author in Advances in Plasma-Wall Interaction Control for H-mode Operation over 100s with ITER-like Tungsten Divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Co-author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Co-author in The effects of magnetic topology on the SOL island structure and turbulence transport in the first divertor plasma operation of W7-X
Min Xu
- Author in Overview of HL-2A Recent Experiments
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in ELM Control Physics with Impurity Seeding and LHCD in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in Pedestal dynamics in inter-ELM phase on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Physics of fast component of deuterium gas jet injection in magnetized plasmas
- Co-author in Plasma confinement and pedestal dynamics responses to impurity seeding in HL-2A H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Progress in Developing ITER and DEMO First Wall Technologies at SWIP
- Co-author in Real-time control system of neoclassical tearing modes in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Suppression and destabilization of ion fishbone activities on HL-2A
- Handong XU
- Yuan Xu
- Yingfeng Xu
Xueqiao Xu
- Author in Simulations of Tokamak Boundary Plasma Turbulent Transport
- Co-author in A promising grassy ELM regime for high-performance steady-state operations with metal wall in EAST and CFETR
- Co-author in E_rxB shear effect on cross phase mitigates ELM at high collisionality
- Co-author in Hollow pellets for magnetic fusion
- Yuhong Xu
- Min Xu
- Shuai Xu
- Liqing Xu
- Jichan Xu
- Hangqi Xu
- Guoliang Xu
- wei xu
- Qingqing Xu
- Zong Xu
- Hao Xu
- Ratnakar Yadav
Nandini Yadav
- Author in Effect of multiple periodic gas puff on neutral temperature in Aditya – U tokamak
- Co-author in Development of RF based capacitively-coupled plasma system for deposition of tungsten nano layers on graphite
- Co-author in Impurity Screening in High Density Aditya Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Neon Gas Seeded Radiative Improved Mode in Aditya-U Tokamak
- Ashish Yadav
- Ratnakar Yadav
- Brijesh Yadav
- Dmitriy Yadikin
- Dimitriy Yadykin
- Masatoshi Yagi
- Juro Yagi
- Satoru Yajima
- Yurii V. Yakovenko
- Dmitriy Yakovlev
Hiroshi Yamada
- Author in Characterization of Isotope Effect on Confinement of Dimensionally Similar NBI-Heated Plasmas in LHD
- Co-author in New approach to the control of particle recycling using divertor pumping in LHD
- Co-author in Plasma termination by excess fuel and impurities in TJ-II, LHD and W7-X
- Co-author in Rapid Radial Propagation of Momentum Change and Flow Oscillation Associated with a Pellet Injection
- Ichihiro Yamada
- Ichihiro Yamada
Hiroyuki Yamaguchi
- Author in Simulation study of electrostatic potential generated by NBI and its effect on the neoclassical transport of carbon impurity ions in LHD
- Co-author in Energetic-ion Confinement Studies by using Comprehensive Neutron Diagnostics in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Kinetic Simulation Studies on Multi-ion-species Plasma Transport in Helical Systems
- Co-author in Transport characteristics of deuterium and hydrogen plasmas with ion internal transport barrier in LHD
- Satoshi Yamamoto
Satoshi Yamamoto
- Author in Impact of ECH/ECCD on Fast-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas
- Co-author in Effect of magnetic field structure on electron internal transport barrier and its role for the barrier formation in Heliotron J
- Co-author in The Configuration Dependence of Isotope Effects on Turbulence System in Heliotron J
- Haruhiko Yamanaka
- Yasushi Yamano
- Kohei Yamanoi
- Yasuo Yamashita
Hibiki Yamazaki
- Co-author in Development of Capacitively-Coupled Combline Antennas for Current Drive in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Plasma current generation and ramp-up by the lower hybrid wave using outboard-launch and top-launch antennas on the TST-2 spherical tokamak
- Co-author in Rotation-induced electrostatic-potentials and density asymmetries in NSTX
- Kotaro Yamazaki
Longwen Yan
- Author in Real-time control system of neoclassical tearing modes in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Nonlinear evolution of multi-helicity neoclassical tearing modes in HL-2A low rotation plasmas
- Co-author in Pedestal dynamics in inter-ELM phase on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma confinement and pedestal dynamics responses to impurity seeding in HL-2A H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Suppression and destabilization of ion fishbone activities on HL-2A
- Zheng Yan
- Rong Yan
- Nagato Yanagi
Qingwei Yang
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Localized modulation of turbulence by magnetic islands on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Nonlinear evolution of multi-helicity neoclassical tearing modes in HL-2A low rotation plasmas
- Co-author in Pedestal dynamics in inter-ELM phase on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Plasma confinement and pedestal dynamics responses to impurity seeding in HL-2A H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Real-time control system of neoclassical tearing modes in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Suppression and destabilization of ion fishbone activities on HL-2A
- Qingquan Yang
- Xiuda Yang
- Z C Yang
- Qingxi Yang
- Xiaokang Yang
- Zhoujun Yang
- S.X. Yang
- Y R Yang
- Jeong-hun Yang
- Lianghua Yao
- Akira Yao
Alexander Yashin
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Alexander Yashin
- Co-author in Current Design and R&D Progress of CN HCCB TBS
- Lei Ye
- Minyou Ye
- Jiruo Ye
- C. Yeamans
- Dmytro Yelisyeyev
- S. A. Yi
- Sumin Yi
- Dapeng Yin
- Alice Ying
- Akifumi Yogo
- Kenji Yokokura
- Co-author in Conceptual Design of a Compact Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-c1 for the Early Demonstration of a Year-long Electric Power Generation
- Co-author in Core transport improvement in stable detachment with RMP application to the edge stochastic layer of LHD
- Co-author in Investigation of magnetic topology on spontaneous transition phenomena for high beta plasma of Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Isotope effects on confinement and turbulence in ECRH plasma of LHD
- Co-author in Kinetic Simulation Studies on Multi-ion-species Plasma Transport in Helical Systems
- Co-author in Transport characteristics of deuterium and hydrogen plasmas with ion internal transport barrier in LHD
- Ryota Yoneda
- Jeongwon Yoo
Siwoo Yoon
- Author in The effect of electron cyclotron heating on thermal and fast-ions transport in high beta-poloidal discharges at KSTAR
- Co-author in Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting in Tokamaks
- Co-author in Experimental observations of the plasma shape effect on the RMP-ELM coupling for optimization of the KSTAR ELM-crash control
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- E.S. Yoon
- Maiko Yoshida
- Yusuke Yoshida
- Naoaki Yoshida
- Zensho Yoshida
- Sachiko Yoshihashi
- Masayuki Yoshikawa
- Nakata Yoshiki
- Masashi Yoshimura
- Ryo Yoshimura
- Yasuo Yoshimura
Mikirou Yoshinuma
- Co-author in Isotope effect on impurity and bulk ion particle transport in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Study of locking mechanism of locked-mode-like instability in helical plasmas
- Co-author in Transport characteristics of deuterium and hydrogen plasmas with ion internal transport barrier in LHD
- Wei You
- Tim Younkin
- B. Yoxall
- Liming Yu
Deliang Yu
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in ELM Control Physics with Impurity Seeding and LHCD in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in Localized modulation of turbulence by magnetic islands on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Pedestal dynamics in inter-ELM phase on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Physics of fast component of deuterium gas jet injection in magnetized plasmas
- Co-author in Plasma confinement and pedestal dynamics responses to impurity seeding in HL-2A H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Real-time control system of neoclassical tearing modes in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Suppression and destabilization of ion fishbone activities on HL-2A
- Kexun Yu
- Shengpeng Yu
- Yaowei Yu
- Qingquan Yu
- Xingqiu Yuan
Yi Yuan
- Co-author in Kink Mode Study in EAST High β_{P} Plasma
- B S Yuan
- Qiping Yuan
- Guoliang Yuan
Gunsu YUN
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Perpendicular Rotation and Field Penetration at the Transition to RMP-induced ELM-crash Suppression
- Co-author in Effect of multiscale interaction between an m/n=2/1 mode and micro instabilities on transport of KSTAR plasmas*
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR research progress and future plan toward ITER and K-DEMO
- Co-author in Stability, Transport, and Active MHD Mode Control Analysis of KSTAR High Performance Plasmas Supporting Disruption Avoidance
- Miyu Yunoki
- Peter Yushmanov
- Luca Zabeo
Frantisek Zacek
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Roman Zagorski
- Roman Zagórski
- Alexandr Zaharenkov
- Feodor Zaitsev
Jaromir Zajac
- Co-author in ITER-relevant research on the COMPASS tokamak
- Andrey Zakharov
Leonid Zakharov
- Co-author in Overview of disruptions with JET-ILW
L. Zakharov
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
- Arunsinh Zala
- Rinad Zalavutdinov
- paolo zanca
qing Zang
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Co-author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Co-author in Transport simulation of EAST long pulse discharge and high betaN discharge with integrated modelling
- Co-author in Tungsten control in NBI-dominant H-mode discharges in EAST tokamak
- Linge Zang
- Louis ZANI
- roberto zanino
- David Zarzoso
- Klaus-Dieter Zastrow
- Irving Zatz
- Andy Zein
- Ivan Zemtsov
Lei Zeng
- Co-author in ELMs onset triggered by mode coupling near rational surfaces in the pedestal
- Co-author in L-H Transition Trigger Physics in ITER-Similar Plasmas with and without Applied n=3 Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Particle Transport from the Bottom Up
- Co-author in Viability of Wide Pedestal QH-Mode for Burning Plasma Operation
- Long Zeng
- Panagiotis Zestanakis
- Yuhu Zhai
- Kan Zhai
- Chunbo Zhang
- Xiaodong ZHANG
X. Zhang
- Co-author in The LTX-beta Research Program and First Results
Ling Zhang
- Author in Tungsten control in NBI-dominant H-mode discharges in EAST tokamak
- Co-author in Advances in Plasma-Wall Interaction Control for H-mode Operation over 100s with ITER-like Tungsten Divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Integrated operation of steady-state long pulse H-mode in EAST
- Co-author in Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR
- Bin Zhang
- Ping Zhang
- Daihong Zhang
- Yipo Zhang
- Pengfei Zhang
- Co-author in Current Design and R&D Progress of CN HCCB TBS
- Xiaodong Zhang
- Jing Zhang
- Guannan Zhang
- Wei Zhang
- Jizong Zhang
- Yang Zhang
- Xinjun Zhang
- Daihong Zhang
- Kai Zhang
- Xin Zhang
Jinhua ZHANG
- Co-author in First Plasma Scenario Development for HL-2M
- Han Zhang
- Kaijun Zhao
- Yanping ZHAO
- Hailin Zhao
Fengchao ZHAO
- Co-author in Current Design and R&D Progress of CN HCCB TBS
- Yin Zhao
- Mikhail Zharkov
- Pengfei Zheng
- Jinxing Zheng
- Linjin Zheng
- Jian Zheng
- Xiaochao Zheng
- Eugene Zhilin
- A. Zhitlukhin
- Wladimir Zholobenko
Wulyu Zhong
- Author in Plasma confinement and pedestal dynamics responses to impurity seeding in HL-2A H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Effect of LBO-seeded Impurity on ELMs in the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in ELM Control Physics with Impurity Seeding and LHCD in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in Localized modulation of turbulence by magnetic islands on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Pedestal dynamics in inter-ELM phase on HL-2A tokamak
- Fangchuan Zhong
- Deng Zhou
- Y. Zhou
- yifu zhou
- Danna Zhou
- Haiyang Zhou
- Hao Zhou
- Yulin Zhou
- Co-author in Current Design and R&D Progress of CN HCCB TBS
- X L Zhu
- Yubao Zhu
- Xiang Zhu
- Zhiqiang Zhu
- Junfeng Zhu
- Xiaobo Zhu
- Siqiang Zhu
- Ping Zhu
- Ge Zhuang
Ge Zhuang
- Author in Progress of the CFETR Design
- Author in Progress of the CFETR Design
- Co-author in Overview of diagnostics upgrade and experiment progress on KTX
Nikolai Zhubr
- Co-author in Tokamak research in Ioffe Institute
- Gretchen Zimmer
- Steven Zinkle
- Anastasios Zisis
- Hartmut Zohm
- Hartmut Zohm
Fulvio Zonca
- Co-author in Comparison of energetic particle radial transport between single-n and multiple-n simulations of Alfvénic modes
- Co-author in Impact of an edge resonant transport layer on fast-ion confinement in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
- Co-author in Nonlinear decay and plasma heating by toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes
- Zhihui Zou
- Jun Zou
- Xiaolan Zou
- xiaolan zou
- guizhong zuo
- Wolfgang Zwingmann
- Izabella Zychor
- A. B. Zylstra
- Bailey Zywicki