8:30 AM
Effect of sorbent selection and geometrical arrangement of cryopanels on pumping speed of cryopump
Ranjana Gangradey
(Institute for Plasma Research)
8:30 AM
Study of locking mechanism of locked-mode-like instability in helical plasmas
Yuki Takemura
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
8:30 AM
Particle balance investigation with the combination of rate equations of hydrogen state and hydrogen barrier model in long duration discharges on all-metal PFW QUEST
Kazuaki Hanada
(Advanced Fusion Research Center, Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University)
8:30 AM
Studies on high temperature vacuum brazing of Tungsten to Tungsten alloy materials for DEMO divertor application
Premjit Singh Kongkham
(Institute for Plasma Research)
8:30 AM
Recent progresses on the RMP researches towards active control of tearing mode in the J-TEXT tokamak
Yonghua Ding
(International Joint Research Laboratory of Magnetic Confinement Fusion and Plasma Physics (IFPP), AEET, SEEE, CnHUST)
8:30 AM
The Potential For Retention of Spin Polarization To Raise Fusion Reactivity
Sterling Smith
(General Atomics)
8:30 AM
The Advanced Tokamak Path to a Compact Net Electric Pilot Plant
Jin Myung Park
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
8:30 AM
Extent of Tritium Contamination of Helium Circuit in a Fusion Reactor- probable scenarios
Vinit Shukla
(ITER-India, IPR)
8:30 AM
Neutron flux distributions in the LHD torus hall evaluated by an imaging plate technique in the first campaign of deuterium plasma experiment
Makoto Kobayashi
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
8:30 AM
Isotope effects on confinement and turbulence in ECRH plasma of LHD
Kenji Tanaka
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
8:30 AM
Core transport improvement in stable detachment with RMP application to the edge stochastic layer of LHD
Masahiro Kobayashi
8:30 AM
Surface Characterization of Li coatings and their interaction with plasmas for fusion applications via Ion Beam Analysis Techniques
Felipe Bedoya
(MIT-Plasma Science & Fusion Center)
8:30 AM
RGA Analysis and Surface Analysis of SST-1 Graphite Tiles in High Temperature Vacuum Baking
ArunPrakash Arumugam
(Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar, India)
8:30 AM
Development of HINEG and its experimental campaigns
Jieqiong Jiang
(Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, Anhui, 230031, China)
8:30 AM
Neutronics Experiment for Design Validation of Indian TBM Shield Module
(Institute for Plasma Research)
8:30 AM
Scaling Study of Reconnection/ Merging Heating of Spherical Tokamak Plasmas for Direct Access to Burning Plasma
Yasushi Ono
(University of Tokyo)
8:30 AM
Dependence of RMP penetration threshold on plasma parameters and ion species in helical plasmas
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
8:30 AM
Characterization of Isotope Effect on Confinement of Dimensionally Similar NBI-Heated Plasmas in LHD
Hiroshi Yamada
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
8:30 AM
Study on production and extraction of negative ion impurity ions in a Cesiated negative ion source
Bharathi Magesh
(Institute for plasma research)
8:30 AM
Energy differential and displacement damage cross section of DT neutron induced reactions on fusion reactor materials (Fe, Cr & W)
Mayank Rajput
(Institute for Plasma Research)
8:30 AM
Application of ANSYS FLUENT MHD Code for Liquid Metal MHD Studies
Anita Patel
(Institute For Plasma Research)
8:30 AM
A Multi-Parameter Optimization technique considering temporal and spatial variation in nuclear response of materials in Fusion devices
Priti Kanth
(Institute for Plasma Research, HBNI)
8:30 AM
Advanced capabilities of multi-functional calculation program SuperMC3.2 for complex nuclear system
Lijuan Hao
(Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, Anhui, 230031, China)
8:30 AM
Experimental analysis of self-organized structure and transport on magnetospheric plasma device RT-1
Masaki Nishiura
(The University of Tokyo)
8:30 AM
Real-Time Feedback Control System for Plasma Position Stabilisation in ADITYA-U Tokamak
(Institute For Plasma Research)
8:30 AM
Radiation Properties of the Metal Structural Materials during Low-Temperature Damaging Irradiation
Viacheslav Chernov
(A.A.Bochvar High-technology Research Institute of Inorganic Materials (SC "VNIINM"))
8:30 AM
Novel Method for Determination of Tritium Depth Profiles in Metallic Samples
Elina Pajuste
(University of Latvia)
8:30 AM
Fully Non-inductive 2nd Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Current Ramp-up with Focused Polarized Beams in the QUEST Spherical Tokamak
Hiroshi Idei
(Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University)
8:30 AM
The Configuration Dependence of Isotope Effects on Turbulence System in Heliotron J
Shinsuke OHSHIMA
(Kyoto University)
8:30 AM
Evaluation of Beam Properties of a Negative Hydrogen Source by Doppler Shift Spectroscopy
Arnab Jyoti Deka
(Institute for Plasma Research)
8:30 AM
Thermal Performance Analysis of Al2O3 - Water Nanofluid as a Coolant in Nuclear Applications
Sayantan Mukherjee
(Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology,Bhubaneswar,Odhisa(India))
8:30 AM
Electron Bernstein Wave Heating and Current Drive with Multi-Electron Cyclotron Resonances During Non-inductive Start-up on LATE
Hitoshi Tanaka
(Kyoto University)
8:30 AM
Neutronic analysis of IFMIF-DONES Test Cell cooling system
Gediminas Stankunas
(Lithuanian Energy Institute)
8:30 AM
Rapid Radial Propagation of Momentum Change and Flow Oscillation Associated with a Pellet Injection
Tokihiko Tokuzawa
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
8:30 AM
Synergistic Effect of Impurity and Hydrogen Gas Puffs on Plasma Detachment in the GAMMA 10/PDX Tandem Mirror
Naomichi Ezumi
(University of Tsukuba)
8:30 AM
Effect of Simulated Post Weld Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of IN-RAFM Steel
Chandra Sekhar Sasmal
(Institute for Plasma Research)
8:30 AM
Thermo-hydraulic Analysis of Forced Flow Helium Cooled Cryopanels of Cryopump Using Venecia Code
Samiran Shanti Mukherjee
(Institute for Plasma Research)
8:30 AM
Development of Technology for Fabrication of Prototype Ion Extraction Grid for Fusion Research
Mukti Ranjan Jana
(Institute for Plasma Research)
8:30 AM
Development of RF based capacitively-coupled plasma system for deposition of tungsten nano layers on graphite
Sachin S. Chauhan
(Department of Physics, Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology and Science, Indore, India)
8:30 AM
Neutron Irradiation Impact on ITER Grade Insulating Material
Sejal Shah
(ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar, India)
8:30 AM
Conceptual design of Neutron Activation System for IN-LLCB TBM
Shailja Tiwari
(Institute for Plasma Research)
8:30 AM
Experimental Studies of Plasmoid Reconnection for Closed Flux Current Generated by Coaxial Helicity Injection on HIST
Masayoshi Nagata
(University of Hyogo)
8:30 AM
Design Progress of Advanced Fusion Neutron Source for JA/DEMO Fusion Reactor
Kentaro Ochiai
8:30 AM
Artificial Neural Network for Yield Strength Prediction of Irradiated RAFM Steels
Agraj Abhishek
(Institute for Plasma Research)
8:30 AM
Modification in LHCD DAC System to Incorporate Measurement of RF Power
Rameshkumar Joshi
(Institute for Plasma Research, India)
8:30 AM
Overview of the Methods developed for Fission Plants Safety relevant to the Safety of Fusion Facilities
Dobromir Panayotov
8:30 AM
Tritium Handling and Recovery System for Accelerator Based 14-MeV Neutron Generator
Deepti dubey
(ITER-India, IPR, Bhat, Gandhinagar, 382428, Gujarat, India)
8:30 AM
Plasma current generation and ramp-up by the lower hybrid wave using outboard-launch and top-launch antennas on the TST-2 spherical tokamak
Akira Ejiri
(Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
8:30 AM
Multiple turbulent plasma states in the H-mode transition on JT-60U
Kensaku Kamiya
(QST, Naka)
8:30 AM
Effect of deuterium plasmas on carbon impurity transport in the edge stochastic magnetic field layer of Large Helical Device
Tetsutarou Oishi
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
8:30 AM
Overview of the NSTX-U Recovery Project Physics and Engineering Design
Stefan Gerhardt
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
8:30 AM
Novel Approach of Pulsed-Glow Discharge Wall Conditioning in ADITYA Upgrade Tokamak
Kumarpalsinh Jadeja
(Institute for plasma Research)
8:30 AM
Ion Irradiation Induced Modifications in Tungsten Foils
Asha Attri
(ITER-India, IPR)
8:30 AM
Effect of magnetic field on the corrosion behavior of Indian RAFMS in liquid Pb-Li
Poulami Chakraborty
(Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India)
8:30 AM
Er2O3 Coating by Multilayer Metallic Sputtering and Intermediate Oxidation Approach
Pratipalsinh A. Rayjada
(Institute for Plasma Research)
8:30 AM
3MW Dual Output High Voltage Power Supply Operation: Results for Accuracy, Stability and Protection Test
8:30 AM
Global supply of tritium for fusion R&D
Matti Coleman
8:30 AM
Investigation of fine structure formation of guide field reconnection during merging plasma startup of spherical tokamak in TS-3U
Hiroshi Tanabe
(University of Tokyo)
8:30 AM
Development and Qualification of Passive Active Multijunction (PAM) Launcher for LHCD System of ADITYA -Upgrade Tokamak
Yogesh Jain
(Institute for Plasma Research, HBNI)
8:30 AM
Multiphysics approach to plasma neutron source modelling at the tokamak JET
Žiga Štancar
(Jožef Stefan Institute)
8:30 AM
Pellet fuelling prospects and injector system for Aditya-U tokomak
Jyoti Shankar Mishra
(Institue for plasma research)
8:30 AM
Dispersion Strengthened Copper Alloys Produced by Mechanical Alloying and Hot Isostatic Pressing for Divertor Application
Hiroyuki Noto
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
8:30 AM
Effect of magnetic field structure on electron internal transport barrier
and its role for the barrier formation in Heliotron J
Takashi Minami
(Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University)
8:30 AM
Investigation of magnetic topology on spontaneous transition phenomena for high beta plasma of Large Helical Device
Yasuhiro Suzuki
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
8:30 AM
New approach to the control of particle recycling using divertor pumping in LHD
Gen Motojima
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
8:30 AM
Status of Studies of Pulsed Heat Load Influence on Tungsten at BETA Facility and Station of SR Scattering "Plasma" in BINP
Arakcheev Aleksey
(Budker INP)
8:30 AM
2D and 3D modelling of JT-60SA for disruptions and plasma start-up
Gianmaria De Tommasi
(Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
8:30 AM
The DEMO fuel cycle – novel technologies for tritium inventory reduction
Christian Day
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
8:30 AM
Design and Simulation Studies of Calorimetric Dummy Load for Gyrotron System
Axat Patel
(Assistant Professor)
Maulik Shah
(Assistant Professor)
8:30 AM
Performance of 14-MeV Neutron Generator at IPR
8:30 AM
Contribution of fusion energy to low-carbon development under the Paris Agreement and accompanying uncertainties
Keii Gi
(Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth)
8:30 AM
Safety factor profile control with reduced CS flux consumption during plasma current ramp-up phase using reinforcement learning technique
Takuma Wakatsuki
(National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
8:30 AM
Fluctuation suppression by the potential formation in GAMMA 10/PDX plasma
Masayuki Yoshikawa
(University of Tsukuba)
8:30 AM
Energetic-ion Confinement Studies by using Comprehensive Neutron Diagnostics in the Large Helical Device
Kunihiro Ogawa
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
8:30 AM
Tungsten Fuzz Formation on the Nitrided Tungsten Surface
Timur Tulenbergenov
(Institute of Atomic Energy of National Nuclear Center)
8:30 AM
New Fusion Facilities at UKAEA – FTF and H3AT
Colin Walters
8:30 AM
A Concept of Self-Cooled Breeding Blanket with Advanced Molten Salt Flinak for High-Efficiency and Long-Life Operation
Juro Yagi
(Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University)
8:30 AM
Structural analysis for strength and fatigue life of half coupling weldment for large cooling water pipes
Kunal Bhatt
(ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research)
8:30 AM
Performance of Transmission Line System at 42±0.2GHz for an Indigenous Gyrotron System
Pujita Bhatt
(Senior Research Fellow)
8:30 AM
Structural and Vibrational Properties of Lead-Lithium Alloys: A First Principles Study
Shyamkumar Khambholja
(B & B Institute of Technology, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India)
8:30 AM
Deuteron Beam Commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Source and LEBT
Masayoshi Sugimoto