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Oct 22 – 27, 2018
Mahatma Mandir Conference Centre
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Guidelines for Submission of Summary Slide

Information on Summary Slides

Rather than being a sheer summary of everything that has been presented during the conference, summary presentations at the forthcoming FEC 2018 are expected to capture the essence of the progress made within the defined topics. Moreover they should assess the relative value of this progress with respect to the challenges on the way to fusion demonstration and qualification as a competitive source of energy.

In a nutshell, these presentations are to provide answers to the following three questions:

  1. What has the fusion community achieved over the past two years?
  2. Where does fusion R&D stand right now?
  3. Which critical issues, next steps and/or major challenges definitely need focused attention in the immediate future or medium term in order to ensure avoiding gaps or unnecessary delays/surprises on the way towards the final goal?

In order to best accomplish their task, summary speakers would need input from all contributors (orals and posters) at the conference.

As an author/presenter at the FEC 2018 you are, therefore, requested to provide a single slide summarizing the key achievements in your contribution. 

  • Submission start:  31 July 2018.
  • Submission end: 27 September 2018.

This slide should be uploaded on your account on the IAEA-INDICO platform by 27 September 2018 in order for them to be immediately made available to summary speakers.

How to upload your summary slide:

  1. Log into your indico account.
  2. Select “My contributions”.
  3. Select your contribution.
  4. Click the pencil on the right of “Presentation Material”.
  5. Choose "Upload files".
  6. Upload your summary slide (format: powerpoint or PDF).
  7. Click "Upload".