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Nov 5 – 8, 2018
Vienna International Centre
CET timezone

The purpose of the symposium is to engage with the safeguards community and key experts on specific strategic issues likely to impact safeguards implementation in the coming decade. In particular, the 2018 symposium seeks to

1) innovate: by generating new ideas on methods and technologies to substantially improve the IAEA’s technical capabilities and achieve efficiencies in the way it works;

2) partner: by mobilizing partnerships to further explore new ideas, bring innovation into the Department’s work and support safeguards long term research and development needs; and

3) improve: by engaging safeguards practitioners in sharing experiences, building capabilities, and finding ways to streamline, simplify and improve the implementation of safeguards in the field and at headquarters.

To achieve these objectives, the symposium will focus on four thematic tracks. Abstracts are invited to respond to Topics within these four Themes. Key Questions have been provided to further elaborate on the particular issues of interest within each Theme. Click on Scientific Programme to learn more

The Symposium website can be found here:

Vienna International Centre
M Building

Scientific Secretaries of the Symposium:

Ms Carrie Mathews, Scientific Secretary

Mr Gabriel Terigi, Deputy Scientific Secretary

Administration and organization:

Ms Martina Neuhold, Conference Administrator
