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Oct 22 – 27, 2018
Mahatma Mandir Conference Centre
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Conversion of electrostatic Bernstein waves in the SCR-1 Stellarator using a full wave code

Oct 26, 2018, 8:30 AM
Mahatma Mandir Conference Centre

Mahatma Mandir Conference Centre

Gandhinagar (nearest Airport: Ahmedabad), India
Poster P7 Posters


Dr Ivan Vargas-Blanco (Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica)


The small modular SCR-1 Stellarator (R = 247.7 mm, R/a = 6.2, ιa = 0.264) has an ECRH system of 2.45 GHz (5 kW) with an average magnetic field of 41.99 mT [1]. Few studies on conversion of electrostatic Bernstein waves under these conditions have been performed in Stellarators [2,3]. This work presents the results of converting electrostatic Bernstein waves in the SCR-1 Stellarator using the full wave code IPF-FDMC [3], taking the 3D magnetic field obtained by VMEC code as input and the experimental electron density profile obtained using a Langmuir probe. New microwave heating scenarios that take the SCR-1's vacuum vessel into account in order to improve the O-X conversion due to reflection of the incoming radiation from the ECRH system are presented. The percentage of single pass O-X mode conversion is around 3%. The design of an antenna with its characteristics and locations according to the SCR-1 viewports is explained. Other important aspects of this work are focused on the BS-SOLCTRA (Biot-Savart Solver for Compute and Trace Magnetic Fields) code, developed by our research group, and its way to convert it into a parallel and high-performance computing platform. This code allows calculations of the 3D vacuum magnetic field and the visualization of the magnetic flux surfaces at SCR-1. Similarly, the results of the comparison of the flux surfaces measured with an electron beam and different kinds of fluorescent rods with computed flux surfaces by means of the BS-SOLCTRA code are shown. Finally, magnetic and energy diagnostics have been developed with special requirements based on the SCR-1 geometry so the design, data analysis tools and measurement technique are introduced. References [1] V I Vargas et al 2015 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 591 012016. [2] R. Ikeda et al, Physics of Plasmas, 15, 7, (2008). [3] A. Köhn et al, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 55, 1 (2013).
Country or International Organization Costa Rica
Paper Number EX/P7-18

Primary author

Dr Ivan Vargas-Blanco (Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica)


Dr Alf Köhn (IGVP, University of Stuttgart, Germany) Mr Asenjo Jose (Costa Rica Institute of Technology) Mr Coto-Vílchez Federico (Costa Rica Institute of Technology) Ms Garro-Vargas Andreina (Advanced Computing Laboratory, Costa Rica National High Technology Center, CENAT, San José, Costa Rica) Mr Jiménez Diego (Advanced Computing Laboratory, Costa Rica National High Technology Center, CENAT, San José, Costa Rica) Prof. López-Rodríguez Daniel (Costa Rica Institute of Technology) Dr Meneses Esteban (Advanced Computing Laboratory, Costa Rica National High Technology Center, CENAT, San José, Costa Rica) Prof. Mora Jaime (Costa Rica Institute of Technology) Prof. Rojas-Quesada Miguel (Costa Rica Institute of Technology) Prof. Solano-Piedra Ricardo (Costa Rica Institute of Technology) Mr Sánchez Castro Jorge (Costa Rica Institute of Technology)

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