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Oct 22 – 27, 2018
Mahatma Mandir Conference Centre
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline
The first step in the submission process is the creation of an account into the INDICO system, using the 'Login' tab in the top right corner of the page and log yourself as a user into the INDICO system.

NOTE: This is a separate and distinct login from the Conference Registration system!

Forgot password? Please follow the link provided under the 'Login' tab to receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password.

Authors wishing to present a paper during the conference must submit a:

One-page abstract (typed in using the "Submit Synopsis & Abstract" function);

Two-page synopsis (uploaded as a pdf document only, using the "Attach a file" function also provided under "Submit Synopsis & Abstract").

Abstract content is limited to 2400 characters (spaces included).

Mathematical characters and expressions, Greek or other symbols, and superscripts or subscripts may not be used in the submitted abstract text; use, for example, “beta” instead of “β”, “n_e” instead of “ne”, “n^e” instead of “ne”, etc. . The assembled book of abstracts will correct this math into the correct form.

Optional: Please indicate your preferred contribution type (oral or poster) when submitting the abstract.

DEADLINE: The deadline for submitting the Synopsis & Abstract is 12 March 2018, Midnight, Central European Time (CET).


The country field must contain the same country affiliation (or recognized International Organization (at end of list)) as the presenting author's IAEA designation during registration. If the country is not present in the list, please email the organisers ( and it will be added.

IMPORTANT: Authors and Co-Authors

The corresponding/submitting author must be listed in the Indico field as `Primary author'.

All co-authors of a paper must be added by the submitter in the appropriate field and should match the content of the synopsis.

Finally, the presenting author must be indicated, and must be an existing author from the above list.


Affiliations are traditionally a very time consuming part of entering author data into Indico, and extracting the data to make the conference Book of Abstracts. Based on past FEC conferences, a list of affiliation with name codes has been created. For example, for the IRFU of the CEA in Saclay, France, please enter “FrCEAIRFU” as affiliation name in Indico.

The full list of existing institutes is found here, follow the rules and use these codes wherever possible.

If your affiliation is not in the list, please enter the full affiliation as would be expected by the post office trying to deliver a package to you. If an affiliation presents only a small change to an existing affiliation (additional department clarification of an existing university, etc.), please simply add the department followed by the existing name code: e.g., for “Department of Physics, Gunma University, Maebashi, Gunma, Japan” please use “Department of Physics, JpUGunma”.

Modify a submitted Synopsis & Abstract : Use the button "View My Submissions" on the front page, select the abstract ID and click modify to proceed with the changes.

REMINDER: Authors shall submit the Participation Form (Form A) and the Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) to their appropriate governmental authority (see announcement on the FEC Website) for transmission to the IAEA. These forms must be received by the IAEA no later than 29 March 2018.


If you experience any problems with your submission – please try the following in order to upload the contribution successfully:

• Fill the abstract space with only a few lines.

• Include a title.

• Choose the country or international organization.

• Add your name as primary author.

• Choose track classification.

• Then submit.

Modify submission after – by clicking on View my Submissions – and following the procedure:

• Select your submission.

• Click on the pencil icon to edit your submission.

• Fill the abstract space with the rest of your contents.

• Use the ‘Attached files’ function to upload a two-page synopsis in PDF version of the file.

The call for abstracts is closed.