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Oct 22 – 27, 2018
Mahatma Mandir Conference Centre
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Scenario development for DT operation at JET

Oct 24, 2018, 3:40 PM
Mahatma Mandir Conference Centre

Mahatma Mandir Conference Centre

Gandhinagar (nearest Airport: Ahmedabad), India
Oral EXC - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Confinement EX/3 Plasma Performance & Control


Dr Luca Garzotti (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Agency - Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)


The JET exploitation plan foresees D-T operations in 2019-20. With respect to the first D-T campaign in 1998, when JET was equipped with a C wall, the experiments will be conducted in presence of a Be-W ITER-like wall and will benefit from an extended and improved set of diagnostics and higher available additional power. Among the challenges presented by operations with the new wall there are a general deterioration of the pedestal confinement, the risk of heavy impurity accumulation in the core, and the requirement to protect the W divertor from excessive heat loads. Therefore, an intense activity of scenario development has been undertaken at JET during the last three years to overcome these difficulties and to achieve a stationary scenario of the duration of 5 seconds featuring H$_{98}$>0.9, W$_{th}$≈10-12 MJ towards the lowest values of ρ* and ν* achievable on JET. Two complementary scenarios are being developed to approach the problem of developing a scenario suitable for high-performance D-T operation. The baseline scenario (β$_N$~1.8 and H$_{98}$~1.0) concentrates mainly on pushing the operation towards the high current and field limits with a relaxed current profile, whereas the hybrid scenario (β$_N$~2-3 and H$_{98}$>1.0) exploits the advantages of operating at high normalised beta with a shaped current profile above unity. Encouraging results were achieved for the baseline scenario at 3MA/2.8T and for the hybrid scenario at reduced plasma current (2.2-2.5MA/2.8-2.9T). High-performance plasmas with H$_{98}$~0.9 producing ~3 10$^{16}$ neutrons/s were obtained for >5 energy confinement times (~1.5s). A third scenario, has also been developed for alpha particle studies. This scenario aims at maintaining high plasma performance for 1-2s to generate a significant population of $\alpha$-particle for the $\alpha$-particle studies and deliberately omits ICRH heating to avoid creating RF driven fast particles, which could mask the effect of the fusion-generated $\alpha$-particles. In these pulses ICRH induced TAEs were observed after the NBI switch-off compatibly with the beam fast ion slowing-down time. The results of all scenarios have been the object of an extensive activity of code validation and modelling and extrapolated to the target D-T scenarios.
Country or International Organization United Kingdom
Paper Number EX/3-6

Primary author

Dr Luca Garzotti (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Agency - Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)


Dr Adrianus Sips (EFDA-JET) Dr Agata Czarnecka (IFPILM) Dr Carine Giroud (CCFE) Dr Christopher Lowry (European Commission) Dr Clive Challis (Culham Centre for Fusion Energy) Dr Daniel Valcarcel (UKAEA) Dr Domenico Frigione (ENEA) Dr Emmanuel Joffrin (CEA) Dr Ernesto Augusto Lerche (LPP-ERM/KMS) Dr Estera Stefanikova (KTH) Dr Fernanda Rimini (UKAEA) Dr Francis Casson (UKAEA) Dr Hyun-Tae Kim (EUROfusion Consortium JET) Dr Isabel Maria Ferreira Nunes (IPFN/IST) Dr Jeronimo Garcia (CEA IRFM) Dr Joelle Mailloux (UKAEA) Dr Jonathan Graves (EPFL) Dr Lorenzo Frassinetti (KTH, Royal Institute of Technology) Dr Luis Meneses (IST) Dr Maximos Tsalas (DIFFER) Dr Mervi Mantsinen (BSC) Dr Michele Romanelli (CCFE) Mr Morten Lennholm (European Commission) Dr Natalia Krawczyk (IFPILM) Dr Peter Lomas (UKAEA) Dr Remi Dumont (CEA) Dr Robert Felton (UKAEA) Dr Scott Silburn (UKAEA) Dr Sergei Sharapov (CCFE)

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