3929 / 3929
- Abhijeet Aallekar
- Mohamed Abdou (University of California at Los Angeles)
- Katsunori ABE
- J. Abiteboul
- T. Abrams
- Joëlle Achard
- Carlos Ulises Acosta
- Jiri Adámek
Valery Afanasyev
- Co-author in ITR/P5-39: ITER High Resolution Gamma Spectrometry
- Gilbert Agarici
- Yefim Aglitsky
- Pietro Agostini
- Hemang Agravat
- olivier agullo
- Irfan Ahmed
Joon-Wook Ahn
- Author in EX/P5-33: Toroidal Asymmetry of Divertor Heat Deposition during the ELM and 3-D Field Application in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P5-27: The Effects of Increasing Lithium Deposition on the Power Exhaust Channel in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-40: Fast Wave Power Flow along SOL Field Lines in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P7-19: L to H-mode Power Threshold and Confinement Characteristics of H-modes in KSTAR
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- H.J. AHN
- Leena Aho-Mantila
Nobuyuki Aiba
- Co-author in EX/5-1: Dynamics of Energetic Particle Driven Modes and MHD Modes in Wall-stabilized High Beta Plasmas on JT-60U and DIII-D
- Co-author in FTP/P7-22: Optimization of JT-60SA Plasma Operational Scenario with Capabilities of Installed Actuators
- Co-author in TH/5-3: Reduction of ELM Energy Loss by Pellet Injection for ELM Pacing
- Co-author in TH/P3-09: Nonlinear Acceleration Mechanism of Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
- Co-author in TH/P3-19: Stabilization of Resistive Wall Modes by Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibrium Change Induced by Plasma Toroidal Rotation
- Co-author in TH/P6-17: Nonlinear Simulation of Energetic Particle Modes in JT-60U
Giacomo Aiello
- Author in FTP/4-4Ra & FTP/4-4Rb & FTP/4-4Rc: Status of LLCB TBM R&D Activities in India; Activities on the Helium Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket Module for ITER; Current Progress of Chinese Solid Breeder TBM
- Author in FTP/4-4Rb: Activities on the Helium Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket Module for ITER
- A. Airoldi
- Simppa Äkäslompolo
- Cihan Akcay
- Cihan Akcay
- Rob Akers
- Noboru Akino
- Tsuyoshi Akiyama
Tsuyoshi Akiyama
- Co-author in EX/4-4: Control of 3D Edge Radiation Structure with Resonant Magnetic Perturbation Fields Applied to Stochastic Layer and Stabilization of Radiative Divertor Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P4-13: Influence of the Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on Particle Transport in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P7-03: Characteristics of Microturbulence in H-mode Plasma of LHD
- Tsuyoshi Akiyama
- Nikolay Aksenov
- Rafaelle Albanese
- R. Albanese
- Raphaello Albanese
- Raffaele Albanese
- Mattia Albergante
- Ma. Aracelia Alcorta
- Andrei Alekseev
- Alexander Alekseev
- Edoardo Alessi
- Pigarov Alexander
- Pavel Alexeev
- Pavel Aleynikov
- Vladimir Alimov
- Jean Paul Allain
- Scott Allan
- S. Allen
A.F. Almagri
- Co-author in EX/P3-08: Magnetic Fluctuation-Driven Intrinsic Flow in a Toroidal Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P3-16: Classical Confinement of Impurity Ions and NBI-born Fast Ions in the Reversed Field Pinch
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- Co-author in TH/P2-10: Microtearing Mode Fluctuations in Reversed Field Pinch Plasmas
- Francisco Javier Almaguer
- salvatore almaviva
- Arturo Alonso
- Barry Alper
A.B. Altukhov
- Co-author in EX/P7-04: Turbulence Wave Number Spectra Reconstruction from Radial Correlation Reflectometry Data at Tore Supra and FT-2 Tokamaks
- Co-author in TH/6-3: Multi-Scale Drift Turbulence Dynamics in Ohmic Discharge as Measured at the FT-2 Tokamak and Modeled by Full-f Gyrokinetic ELMFIRE-code
- Jesús Alvarez
- Luis Alves
- Takanori Ambo
- Giuseppe Ambrosino
- Roberto Ambrosino
- David Amdahl
- Peter Amendt
- Luca Amicucci
- Victor Amoskov
- V.M. Amoskov
- Johan Anderson
- Kenneth Anderson
- D.T. Anderson
- F. S. B. Anderson
Jay K. Anderson
- Author in EX/P3-16: Classical Confinement of Impurity Ions and NBI-born Fast Ions in the Reversed Field Pinch
- Co-author in EX/P3-17: Measurement and Simulation of Electron Thermal Transport in the MST Reversed-Field Pinch
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- Johan Anderson
- Masami Ando
- R. Andre
- Tamara Andreeva
- Zoya Andreeva
Philip Andrew
- Co-author in ITR/P5-30: Status of Thomson Scattering in ITER Divertor
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- Co-author in ITR/P5-35: Progress on Design and R&D for ITER Diagnostic Systems in Japan Domestic Agency
- Co-author in ITR/P5-37: Evolution of the ITER Diagnostic Set Specifications
- Daniel Andruczyk
- Sarah Angelini
- Maurizio Angelone
- Clemente Angioni
- C Angioni
Clemente Angioni
- Author in TH/P2-21: Progress in the Theoretical Description and the Experimental Characterization of Impurity Transport at ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/2-1: Connections Between Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation, Density Peaking and Plasma Turbulence Regimes in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/P7-20: L-H Power Threshold, Pedestal Stability and Confinement in JET with a Metallic Wall
- Co-author in ITR/P1-19: Tokamak Experiments to Study the Parametric Dependences of Momentum Transport
- J. R. Angus
- Thierry Aniel
- Manojkumar Annigeri
- Masato Aoyama
Maria Laura Apicella
- Co-author in EX/P8-03: Density Limit Experiments on FTU
- Lynton Appel
Gerarda Apruzzese
- Co-author in EX/P8-03: Density Limit Experiments on FTU
- Fredrich ARBEITER
- Juan Arevalo
- arnaud Argouarch
- Yasunobu Arikawa
Wakasa Arimitsu
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/P3-14: Inter-Machine Validation Study of Neoclassical Transport Modelling in Medium- to High-Density Stellarator-Heliotron Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P6-13: Kinetic Integrated Modeling of Burning Plasmas in Tokamaks
- Hideki Arimoto
- Marco Ariola
- Anna Arneman
- Gilles Arnoux
Gilles Arnoux
- Author in EX/P5-37: Scrape-off Layer Properties of ITER-like Limiter Start-up Plasmas at JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-24: Power Handling of the Tungsten Divertor in JET
- Co-author in EX/P8-05: Latest Progress in Studies of Runaway Electrons in JET
- Co-author in FTP/2-1Rb: Be Tile Power Handling and Main Wall Protection
- Co-author in ITR/P1-39: Modelling of Material Damage and High Energy Impacts on Tokamak PFCs during Transient Loads
- Gilles Arnoux
- Victor Máximo Arredondo
- Shakeib Arshad
- Serdal Arslan
Giovanni Artaserse
- Co-author in EX/P8-03: Density Limit Experiments on FTU
J. F. Artaud
- Co-author in EX/P6-21: Investigations of LHW-plasma Coupling and Current Drive in H-mode Experiments in EAST
- Co-author in ITR/P1-09: On the Use of Lower Hybrid Waves at ITER Relevant Density
- Co-author in ITR/P1-10: Self-consistent Simulation of Plasma Scenarios for ITER Using a Combination of 1.5D Transport Codes and Free Boundary Equilibrium Codes
- Co-author in TH/P2-01: The European Transport Solver: an Integrated Approach for Transport Simulations in the Plasma Core
- Co-author in TH/P2-03: Model Validation and Integrated Modelling Simulations for the JT-60SA Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/P2-05: Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: from Present-day Experiments toward ITER
- R Arvin
- A.V. Arzhannikov
- T Asai
Nobuyuki Asakura
- Author in FTP/P7-32: Divertor Design and Physics Issues of Huge Power Handling for SlimCS Demo Reactor
- Co-author in FTP/P1-11: Plasma Characteristics of the End-cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror for the Divertor Simulation Experiment
- Co-author in FTP/P7-31: Critical Design Factors for Sector Transport Maintenance in DEMO
- Co-author in FTP/P7-33: A Feasible DEMO Blanket Concept Based on Water Cooled Solid Breeder
Enrique Ascasíbar
- Co-author in EX/10-2: Spatiotemporal Structure of the Turbulence-flow Interaction at the L-H Transition in TJ-II Plasma
- Co-author in EX/5-2: Studies of Energetic-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas with Low Magnetic Shear
- Co-author in EX/P3-14: Inter-Machine Validation Study of Neoclassical Transport Modelling in Medium- to High-Density Stellarator-Heliotron Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P4-18: MHD Events and Transport Barriers in TJ-II Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P5-36: Studies of Plasma-Lithium Interactions in TJ-II
- Co-author in OV/5-1: Dynamics of Flows and Confinement in the TJ-II Stellarator
- _ ASDEX Upgrade Team
- Richard Ashabranner
- Naoko Ashikawa
- Naoko Ashikawa
- Leonid Askinazi
Otto Asunta
- Co-author in EX/P6-03: Fast-ion Redistribution and Loss due to Edge Perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and KSTAR Tokamaks
- Co-author in ITR/P1-31: Assessing the Power Requirements for Sawtooth Control in ITER through Modelling and Joint Experiments
- Co-author in ITR/P1-33: Fast Ion Power Loads on ITER First Wall Structures in the Presence of ELM-mitigation Coils and MHD Modes
- Otto Asunta
- Sarada Sree Atchutuni
- Pravin Atrey
- Marie-Helene Aumeunier
- Thomas AUPHAN
- F Auriemma
- Max E. Austin
- Fabio Avino
- A. P. Avrorov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS)
- Ahmet Aydemir
Hiroshi Azechi
- Author in OV/4-2: Present Status of Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment (FIREX) and Inertial Fusion Energy Development
- Author in OV/4-2: Present Status of Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment and Inertial Fusion Energy Development
- Co-author in IFE/1-3: Fast Ignition Integrated Experiments with Gekko-XII and LFEX Lasers
- Co-author in IFE/P6-05: Computational Study of the Strong Magnetic Field Generation in Non-Spherical Cone-Guided Implosion
- Co-author in IFE/P6-11: Study on the Energy Transfer Efficiency in the Fast Ignition Experiment
- Co-author in IFE/P6-18: FIREX Foam Cryogenic Target Development: Attempt of Residual Voids Reduction with Solid Hydrogen Refractive Index Measurement
- Englen Azizov
Englen Azizov
- Author in FTP/4-6: Development of Magnetic Fusion Neutron Sources and Fusion-Fission Hybrid Systems in Russia
- Author in FTP/4-6: Development of Magnetic Fusion Neutron Sources and Fusion-Fission Hybrid Systems in Russia
- Co-author in FTP/P1-01: Investigation and Testing of KTM Divertor Model on Basis of Lithium CPS
- Hirozumi Azuma
- Hirozumi Azuma
- A. Bader
- Aaron Bader
Y.S. Bae
- Co-author in EX/11-3: Visualization of ELM Dynamics and its Response from External Perturbations via 2D Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/2-3: ECRH Effects on Toroidal Rotation: KSTAR Experiments and Gyrokinetic Simulations of Intrinsic Torque at ITG - TEM Transitions
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P6-24: Recent Progress on Lower Hybrid Current Drive and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in EX/P7-19: L to H-mode Power Threshold and Confinement Characteristics of H-modes in KSTAR
- Co-author in FTP/P1-21: Status and Plan of the Key Actuators for KSTAR Operation
- Co-author in FTP/P1-25: ECH-assisted Startup using ITER Prototype of 170 GHz Gyrotron in KSTAR
- S. G. Baek
- S. G. Baek
- Xian-Ming Bai
Jun Gyo Bak
- Author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/3-3: ELM Control in Application of Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P6-09: Analysis of Alfvén Wave Activity in KSTAR Plasmas
- J.S. BAK
- Valeri Balakirev
- K. Balasubramanian
- Matthew Baldwin
- Jürgen Baldzuhn
- Steven Ball
- Nadine Baluc
- Nadine Baluc
- Robert Bamber
- Kanae Ban
- Mainak Bandyopadhyay
- Indranil Bandyopadhyay
- Eun Nam Bang
- Joe Banks
- Alejandro Banon Navarro
Pietro Barabaschi
- Co-author in OV/4-1: Progress of the JT-60SA Project
- Yuriy Baranov
- Emilia Barbato
John Barnard
- Co-author in IFE/P6-01: Particle Simulation of Fusion Ignition
- John Barnard
- Michael Barnes
- Robin Barnsley
- Jayson Barr
- L Barrera
- Laura Barrera Orte
- Thomas Barrett
- Alexander Barsukov
T. Bartal Hughes
- Co-author in IFE/P6-08: Focusing Protons Beams for Fast Ignition
- Justin Barton
- Justin E. Barton
- Ujjwal Baruah
- Matteo Baruzzo
- Matteo Baruzzo
- E. Basaleev (JSC VNIINM)
- E. Basaleev
Vincent Basiuk
- Co-author in EX/P6-21: Investigations of LHW-plasma Coupling and Current Drive in H-mode Experiments in EAST
- Co-author in TH/P2-01: The European Transport Solver: an Integrated Approach for Transport Simulations in the Plasma Core
- Co-author in TH/P2-25: The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling Effort: Achievements and First Physics Results
- V. Basiuk
- Eric M. Bass
- D. B. Batchelor
- Manjusha Battabyal
- Devon J. Battaglia
- D. Battaglia
- Bruno Bauer
- O. Baulaigue
- Jessica Baumgaertel
- Nadine Baumgarten
- Pascal Bayetti
Larry R. Baylor
- Author in EX/6-2: Experimental Demonstration of High Frequency ELM Pacing by Pellet Injection on DIII-D and Extrapolation to ITER
- Author in EX/6-2: Experimental Demonstration of High Frequency ELM Pacing by Pellet Injection on DIII-D and Extrapolation to ITER
- Co-author in ICC/P5-01: Results from LTX with Lithium-Coated Walls
- Co-author in ITR/1-2: Progress on the Application of ELM Control Schemes to ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-22: Non-linear MHD Modelling of ELM Triggering by Pellet Injection in DIII-D and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-23: Development and Testing of Plasma Disruption Mitigation Systems Applicable for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-24: ITER Fuelling and Glow Discharge Cleaning System Overview
Boris Bazylev
- Author in ITR/P1-39: Modelling of Material Damage and High Energy Impacts on Tokamak PFCs during Transient Loads
- Co-author in EX/P8-05: Latest Progress in Studies of Runaway Electrons in JET
- Co-author in ITR/P1-26: Analysis of Tungsten Dust Generation under Powerful Plasma Impacts Simulating ITER ELMs and Disruprions
- Pierre-Yves Beauvais
- William Beck
Marina Becoulet
- Author in TH/2-1: Non-linear MHD Modelling of Rotating Plasma Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations
- Author in TH/2-1: Non-linear MHD Modelling of Rotating Plasma Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in ITR/1-2: Progress on the Application of ELM Control Schemes to ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-24: Three-dimensional Fluid Modeling of Plasma Edge Transport and Divertor Fluxes during RMP ELM Control at ITER
- Vijay Bedakihale
- Maja Bednarek
- Farhat N. Beg
- Roland Behn
- Craig Beidler
- Craig Beidler
- Holida Beisinbaeva (Institute of Applied Physics)
Ronald Bell
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/7-1: The Dependence of H-mode Energy Confinement and Transport on Collisionality in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/9-3: Disruptions in the High-beta Spherical Torus NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P3-02: Measurements of Core Lithium Concentration in Diverted H-Mode Plasmas of NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P3-34: Study of Carbon and Lithium Neoclassical Impurity Transport in ELM-Free H-Mode Discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P4-04: The Evolution of the Edge Pedestal Structure and Turbulence Spatial Scale during the ELM Cycle on NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P4-33: Observation of Edge Harmonic Oscillation in NSTX and Theoretical Study of its Active Control Using HHFW Antenna at Audio Frequencies
- Co-author in EX/P5-21: Snowflake Divertor as Plasma-Material Interface for Future High Power Density Fusion Devices
- Co-author in EX/P5-28: Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold on X-point Geometry
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P5-40: Fast Wave Power Flow along SOL Field Lines in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P6-02: Internal Amplitude, Structure and Identification of CAEs and GAEs in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P6-05: Fast-ion Energy Loss during TAE Avalanches in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
- Co-author in EX/P7-16: Edge Plasma Transport and Microstability Analysis with Lithium-coated Plasma-facing Components in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P7-18: Parametric Dependencies of Low-k Turbulence in NSTX H-mode Pedestals
- Co-author in EX/P7-21: Evolution of the Turbulence Radial Wavenumber Spectrum near the L-H Transition in NSTX Ohmic Discharges
- Co-author in EX/P8-07: Global Mode Control and Stabilization for Disruption Avoidance in High-Beta NSTX Plasmas
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Co-author in TH/6-1: Progress in Simulating Turbulent Electron Thermal Transport in NSTX
Michael Bell
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/9-3: Disruptions in the High-beta Spherical Torus NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P2-10:Non-inductive Plasma Start-up in NSTX Using Transient CHI
- Co-author in EX/P4-33: Observation of Edge Harmonic Oscillation in NSTX and Theoretical Study of its Active Control Using HHFW Antenna at Audio Frequencies
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Paul Bellan
C. Bellei
- Co-author in IFE/P6-08: Focusing Protons Beams for Fast Ignition
Emily Belli
- Author in TH/P4-06: Eulerian Simulations of Neoclassical Flows and Transport in the Tokamak Plasma Edge and Outer Core
- Co-author in TH/6-1: Progress in Simulating Turbulent Electron Thermal Transport in NSTX
- Co-author in TH/P4-07: Integrated Approach to the H-mode Pedestal Dynamics: Effects of Bootstrap Current and Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on ELMs
Francesco Belli
- Co-author in EX/P8-03: Density Limit Experiments on FTU
- Paula Belo
- Alexander Belov
- Elena Belova
- Valery Belyakov
- Sadruddin Benkadda
- Golibjon Berdierov
Alexey Berezutskiy
- Co-author in ITR/P5-30: Status of Thomson Scattering in ITER Divertor
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- Gilles Berger-By
- W Bergerson
- Vincent Berionni
- J.W. Berkery
- Jack Berkery
- jean-michel bernard
- Matthias Bernert
Matthias Bernert
- Co-author in EX/P4-03: L-H Transition, Pedestal Development and I-mode Studies in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P5-34: Symmetries and Asymmetries in the Divertor Detachment in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in ITR/P1-28: Multi-machine Comparisons of Divertor Heat Flux Mitigation by Radiative Cooling
- Luciano Bertalot
- Jason Bertram
- L. Berzak
- I. Bespamyatnov
- Karim Besseghir
Riccardo Betti
- Author in OV/5-3: Theory of Ignition, Burn and Hydro-equivalency for Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions
- Author in OV/5-3: Theory of Ignition, Burn and Hydro-equivalency for Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions
- Co-author in IFE/1-2: Progress toward Polar-Drive Ignition for the NIF
- Co-author in IFE/P6-10: Proton Imaging of Hohlraum Plasma Stagnation in Inertial Confinement Fusion Experiments
- Riccardo Betti
- Paolo Bettini
- Marc Beurskens
Marc N Beurskens
- Author in EX/P7-20: L-H Power Threshold, Pedestal Stability and Confinement in JET with a Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in EX/P4-02: Analysis of Temperature and Density Pedestal in a Multi-machine Database
- Co-author in EX/P4-23:Mitigation of Type-I ELMs with n =2 Fields on JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Co-author in TH/3-1: Impact of Carbon and Tungsten as Divertor Materials on the Scrape-off Layer Conditions in JET
- Co-author in TH/P2-17: Non-diffusive Momentum Transport in JET H-mode Regimes: Modeling and Experiment
- Co-author in TH/P3-10: Pedestal Modelling Based on Ideal MHD and Gyrokinetic Stability Analyses on JET And ITER Plasmas
- Marc Beurskens
- Marc Beurskens
- peter beyer
- S B Bhatt
J.M. Bialek
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P4-19: High Resolution Detection and 3D Magnetic Control of the Helical Boundary of a Wall-Stabilized Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P8-07: Global Mode Control and Stabilization for Disruption Avoidance in High-Beta NSTX Plasmas
- Andreas Bierwage
- T. Biewer
- William Bin
- Michl Binderbauer
- Henrik Bindslev
- Richard Bionta
- Tom Bird
- Saroj Bishnoi
P Biswas
- Co-author in FTP/3-2: SST-1 Tokamak Integration & Commissioning
- Manfred Bitter
- Manfred Bitter
- Joao Bizarro
- Boyd Blackwell
- Emilio Blanco
- Daniel Blazevski
- Isaac Blesener
- kate Blesener
- Anatoly Blokhin
- Daniil Blokhin
- Li Bo
Volodymyr Bobkov
- Author in EX/P5-19: ICRF Operation with Improved Antennas in a Full W-wall ASDEX Upgrade, Status and Developments
- Co-author in EX/1-4: Dominant ECR Heating of H-mode Plasmas on ASDEX Upgrade Using the Upgraded ECRH System and Comparison to Dominat NBI or ICR Heating
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-09: Overview of the International Research on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning
- Vladimir Bobkov
- Alexandru Boboc
- Kowsik BODI
Jose A. Boedo
- Co-author in EX/10-3: Zonal Flows as the Trigger Event for the L-H Transition
- Co-author in EX/9-2: Control and Dissipation of Runaway Electron Beams Created during Rapid Shutdown Experiments in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P7-05: Relating the L-H Power Threshold Scaling to Edge Turbulence Dynamics
- Co-author in TH/P4-06: Eulerian Simulations of Neoclassical Flows and Transport in the Tokamak Plasma Edge and Outer Core
- Thomas Boehly
- Tom Boehly
- Petra Boerner
- Ioan - Niculae Bogatu
- Anton Bogomolov
- D. Bohler
Deirdre Boilson
- Co-author in ITR/1-3: Design of the MITICA Neutral Beam Injector: From Physics Analysis to Engineering Design
- Co-author in ITR/P1-03: Status of the Negative Ion Based Diagnostic Neutral Beam for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-04: EU Development of the ITER Neutral Beam Injector and Test Facility
- Co-author in ITR/P5-43: Exploring the Engineering Performance Limits of DNB
- Rejean Boivin
- H Bolourian
- Tommaso Bolzonella
- F. Bombarda
- Luca Boncagni
- Essex Bond
- Edward Bondarchuk
Vladislav Bondarenko
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- Daniele Bonfiglio
- Mike Bongard
- Michael Bongard
- Tullio Bonicelli
Paul Bonoli
- Author in TH/P6-11: Integrated Plasma Simulation of Lower Hybrid Current Profile Control in Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P2-16: Progress toward Steady-state Regimes in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in ITR/P1-09: On the Use of Lower Hybrid Waves at ITER Relevant Density
- Co-author in ITR/P1-15: Development of ITER Scenarios for Pre-DT Operations
- Co-author in TH/1-1: Study of Toroidal Flow Generation by the ICRF Minority Heating in the Alcator C-Mod Plasma
- Co-author in TH/P6-08: Differences Between QL and Exact Ion Cyclotron Resonant Diffusion
- J. Boom
- Jurrian Boom
- A. Boozer
- Allen H. Boozer
- Dhiraj Bora
- Dhiraj Bora
- Michael Borchardt
- Matthias Borchardt
- Mikhail Borisov
- Beate Bornschein
- Valery Borovikov
- Aleksandr Borschegovskij
- A. Bortolon
- Jean Boscary
- Hans-Stephan Bosch
- Antonio Botrugno
- herve Bottollier-Curtet
- Radija Bouhamou
- C Bourdelle
- Clarisse Bourdelle
- Clarisse Bourdelle
- J. T. Bousquet
- Thierry Boutboul
- Alexandre Bovet
- Dan Boyer
- D. Boyle
- Sergey Bozhenkov
- Beatriz Branas
- Franz Braun
- Harald Braune
- Philippe Bredy (CEA)
- Ph. Brédy
Boris Breizman
- Author in TH/4-1: Energetic Particle Long Range Frequency Sweeping and Quasilinear Relaxation
- Author in TH/4-1: Energetic Particle Long Range Frequency Sweeping and Quasilinear Relaxation
- Co-author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P6-16: Numerical Simulations of NBI-driven GAE modes in L-mode and H-mode Discharges in NSTX
- Boris Breizman (University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 78712)
Sylvain Brémond
- Co-author in EX/P5-09: Overview of the International Research on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning
- Co-author in EX/P6-10: Physics and Technology in the Ion-cyclotron Range of Frequency on Tore Supra and TITAN Test Facility: Implication for ITER
- Co-author in EX/P8-06: Overview of Runaway Electrons Control and Mitigation Experiments on Tore Supra and Lessons Learned in View of ITER
- Joshua Breslau
- Uwe Breuer
Sebastijan Brezinsek
- Author in EX/4-1: Fuel Retention Studies with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/9-1: Impact and Mitigation of Disruptions with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-04: Longterm Evolution of the Impurity Composition and Transient Impurity Events with the ITER-like Wall at JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-05: Characterization of Tungsten Sputtering in the JET Divertor
- Co-author in EX/P5-09: Overview of the International Research on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning
- Co-author in EX/P5-24: Power Handling of the Tungsten Divertor in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Co-author in EX/P7-20: L-H Power Threshold, Pedestal Stability and Confinement in JET with a Metallic Wall
- Co-author in ITR/P1-39: Modelling of Material Damage and High Energy Impacts on Tokamak PFCs during Transient Loads
- Co-author in TH/3-1: Impact of Carbon and Tungsten as Divertor Materials on the Scrape-off Layer Conditions in JET
- Sebastijan Brezinsek
- A. R. Briesemeister
Sergio Briguglio
- Co-author in ITR/P1-34: Benchmark of Gyrokinetic, Kinetic MHD and Gyrofluid Codes for the Linear Calculation of Fast Particle Driven TAE Dynamics
- Co-author in TH/P6-03: Electron Fishbone Simulations in FTU-like Equilibria Using XHMGC
- Co-author in TH/P6-21: Simulation of EPM Dynamics in FAST Plasmas Heated by ICRH and NNBI
- Mathias Brix
- Mathias Brix
- Matteo Brombin
Neil H. Brooks
- Co-author in EX/6-2: Experimental Demonstration of High Frequency ELM Pacing by Pellet Injection on DIII-D and Extrapolation to ITER
- Co-author in EX/9-2: Control and Dissipation of Runaway Electron Beams Created during Rapid Shutdown Experiments in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P5-11: Measurements of Net versus Gross Erosion of Molybdenum Divertor Surface in DIII-D
- Co-author in ITR/P1-32: Observation of Localized Fast-Ion Induced Heat Loads in Test Blanket Module Simulation Experiments on DIII-D
- J. N. Brooks
- Christophe Brosset
- Jana Brotankova
David Brower
- Co-author in EX/P6-01: Direct Diagnosis and Parametric Dependence of 3D Helical Equilibrium in the MST RFP
- Co-author in ITR/P5-32: Electron Kinetic Effects on Interferometry, Polarimetry and Thomson Scattering in Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- D.L. Brower
- Tom Brown
Lipschultz Bruce
- Co-author in EX/1-3: Progress in Performance and Understanding of Steady ELM-free I-modes on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P4-15: Pedestal Stability and Transport on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Experiments in Support of Developing Predictive Capability
- Co-author in EX/P5-03: Assessment of Tungsten Nano-tendril Growth in the Alcator C-Mod Divertor
- Co-author in FTP/1-1: Evaluation of Optimized ICRF and LHRF Antennas in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in ITR/P1-28: Multi-machine Comparisons of Divertor Heat Flux Mitigation by Radiative Cooling
- Sacha BRUN
- Daniele Brunetti
- Stephan Brunner
- Daniel Brunner
- Per Brunsell
- Alessandro Bruschi
- Pierluigi Bruzzone
Jérôme Bucalossi
- Co-author in EX/1-1: Scenarios Development at JET with the New ITER-like Wall
- Co-author in EX/4-1: Fuel Retention Studies with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-07: In Vessel Fuel Inventory Build-up in Tokamaks: Lessons Learnt from Tore Supra
- Co-author in EX/P5-26: Tore Supra Contribution to Experimental Prediction of the Power Flux to the Limiter in the ITER Start-up Mode
- Co-author in EX/P8-06: Overview of Runaway Electrons Control and Mitigation Experiments on Tore Supra and Lessons Learned in View of ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-07: Developments Toward Fully Metallic Actively Cooled Plasma Facing Components for ITER divertor
- Co-author in TH/P4-26: Impact on Divertor Operation of the Pattern of Edge and SOL Flows Induced by Particle Sources and Sinks
- D. N. Buchenauer (Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA)
- Robert Budny
R.V. Budny
- Co-author in ITR/P1-32: Observation of Localized Fast-Ion Induced Heat Loads in Test Blanket Module Simulation Experiments on DIII-D
- Co-author in TH/P2-13: Physics Basis and Validation of MMM7.1 Anomalous Transport Module
- Co-author in TH/P2-19: Evolution of Ion Heat Diffusivity and Toroidal Momentum Diffusivity during Spontaneous ITB Development in HL-2A
Valentin Bukhovets
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- V.V. Bulanin
- Maxim Buldakov
Paolo Buratti
- Author in OV/P-01: Overview of FTU Results
- Co-author in EX/P4-20: Control of Sawteeth Periods by Pulsed ECH and ECCD in FTU Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-07: Electron Fishbones in LHCD Plasmas on FTU and Tore Supra
- Co-author in EX/P7-20: L-H Power Threshold, Pedestal Stability and Confinement in JET with a Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/P8-03: Density Limit Experiments on FTU
- Matthias Burckhart
- Aleksandr Burdakov
- M. Galen Burke
Keith Burrell
- Author in EX/P4-08: Reactor-relevant Quiescent H-mode Operation Using Torque from Non-axisymmetric, Non-resonant Magnetic Fields
- Co-author in EX/P3-18: Experimental Tests of Stiffness in the Electron and Ion Energy Transport in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-19: Measurement of Deuterium Ion Toroidal Rotation and Comparison to Neoclassical Theory in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-09: Validation Studies of Gyrofluid and Gyrokinetic Predictions of Transport and Turbulence Stiffness Using the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-17: The Role of Zonal Flows and Predator-Prey Oscillations in the Formation of Core and Edge Transport Barriers
- Co-author in ITR/P1-20: Integrated Magnetic and Kinetic Control of Advanced Tokamak Scenarios Based on Data-Driven Models
- Co-author in TH/P3-17: The EPED Pedestal Model: Extensions, Application to ELM-Suppressed Regimes, and ITER Predictions
- Charles E. Bush
Richard J. Buttery
- Author in EX/P4-31: Addressing New Challenges for Error Field Correction
- Co-author in EX/3-1: Advances in the Physics Understanding of ELM Suppression Using Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P2-01: Access and Sustained High Performance in Advanced Inductive Discharges with ITER-Relevant Low Torque
- Co-author in EX/P2-08: Long-pulse Stability Limits of ITER Baseline Scenario Plasmas in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P5-12: Effect of Changes in Separatrix Magnetic Geometry on Divertor Behavior in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P7-06: Turbulence and Transport Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ELM-Suppressed Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/7-1: Bifurcated Helical Core Equilibrium States in Tokamaks
- Co-author in TH/P4-21: Edge Plasma Response to Non-Axisymmetric Fields in Tokamaks
- Alexey Bykov
- Patrick Byrne
- JAC Cabral
- Joseph Caggiano
- Adam Cahill
Pavel Cahyna
- Author in TH/P4-27: Modelling of Plasma Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations and its Influence on Divertor Strike Points
- Co-author in EX/3-2: Understanding ELM Mitigation by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on MAST
- Co-author in ITR/1-2: Progress on the Application of ELM Control Schemes to ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-24: Three-dimensional Fluid Modeling of Plasma Edge Transport and Divertor Fluxes during RMP ELM Control at ITER
- Laizhong Cai
- Guiseppe Calabro
- Guiseppe Calabro
- Guiseppe Calabro
- Giuseppe Calabrò
Barbara Calcagno
- Co-author in ITR/2-6: The ITER Blanket System Design Challenge
- James D Callen
- Frank Camacho
Yann Camenen
- Co-author in TH/P2-17: Non-diffusive Momentum Transport in JET H-mode Regimes: Modeling and Experiment
- Co-author in TH/P2-18: New Technique for the Calculation of Transport Profiles in Modulation Experiments
- Co-author in TH/P2-21: Progress in the Theoretical Description and the Experimental Characterization of Impurity Transport at ASDEX Upgrade
D. J. Campbell
- Author in ITR/P1-18: Challenges in Burning Plasma Physics: the ITER Research Plan
- Co-author in ITR/P1-13: CORSICA Modelling of ITER Hybrid Mode Operation Scenarios
- Co-author in ITR/P1-14: Disruption Impacts and Their Mitigation Target Values
- Co-author in ITR/P1-15: Development of ITER Scenarios for Pre-DT Operations
- Co-author in ITR/P1-35: Effects of ELM Control Coil on Fast Ion Confinement in ITER H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in ITR/P1-37: A Model for the Power Required to Access the H-mode in Tokamaks and Projections for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-03: Simulation of Eddy Current and Electromagnetic Loads in ITER Conducting Structures
- Co-author in TH/P4-15: Theory of Rapid Formation of Pedestal and Pedestal width due to Anomalous Particle Pinch in the Edge of H-mode Discharges
- David Campbell
Gustavo Canal
- Co-author in EX/1-2: Real time ELM, NTM and Sawtooth Control on TCV
- Co-author in EX/P4-32: Triggerless Onset and Effect of “Natural” Rotation on Neoclassical Tearing Modes in the TCV Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P5-22: Reduction of Peak Wall Power Loads in L- and H-mode Tokamak Plasmas in TCV with the Snowflake Divertor
Jeff Candy
- Co-author in EX/P3-13: Turbulent Transport and Gyrokinetic Analysis in Alcator C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P3-23: Quantitative Comparison of Experimental and Gyrokinetic Simulated ICRH and I_p Dependent Impurity Transport
- Co-author in EX/P7-09: Validation Studies of Gyrofluid and Gyrokinetic Predictions of Transport and Turbulence Stiffness Using the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/6-1: Progress in Simulating Turbulent Electron Thermal Transport in NSTX
- Co-author in TH/P3-17: The EPED Pedestal Model: Extensions, Application to ELM-Suppressed Regimes, and ITER Predictions
- Co-author in TH/P4-06: Eulerian Simulations of Neoclassical Flows and Transport in the Tokamak Plasma Edge and Outer Core
- Luisa Caneve
J. M. Canik
- Author in EX/P7-16: Edge Plasma Transport and Microstability Analysis with Lithium-coated Plasma-facing Components in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-12: Effect of Changes in Separatrix Magnetic Geometry on Divertor Behavior in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P5-17: MAST Contributions to the Exhaust Challenge, Including Testing of Super-X
- Co-author in EX/P5-27: The Effects of Increasing Lithium Deposition on the Power Exhaust Channel in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-33: Toroidal Asymmetry of Divertor Heat Deposition during the ELM and 3-D Field Application in NSTX
- Co-author in FTP/3-4: Progress on Developing the Spherical Tokamak for Fusion Applications
- Co-author in FTP/P1-02: Heat Flux and Design Calculations for the W7-X Divertor Scraper Element
- Co-author in FTP/P1-33: An Advanced Plasma-material Test Station for R&D on Materials in a Fusion Environment
- Co-author in FTP/P7-35: A Fast-Track Path to DEMO Enabled by ITER and FNSF-AT
- John Canik
- Barbara Cannas
- Bruno Cantone
- Guoping Cao
- Qixiang Cao
- Zeng Cao
- Qinghong Cao
- Jianyong Cao
- Jian-Yong CAO
- Hubert Capes
- Susanna Cappello
- Philippe CARA
- Daniele Carati
- Antonio Cardella
- Alessandro Cardinali
- Alessandro Cardinali
- Wilde Carl
- Daniel Carmody
- Jose-Miguel Carmona
- Arthur Carpenter
- Sophie Carpentier-Chouchana
- Lorella Carraro
- Benjamin A. CARRERAS
- Troy Carter
- John Cary
- John R Cary
- Daniel Casey
- Jeffrey Casey
- Dan Casey
- Dan Casey
- Alexis Casner
- K. J. Caspary
Thomas Casper
- Author in ITR/P1-15: Development of ITER Scenarios for Pre-DT Operations
- Co-author in ITR/1-2: Progress on the Application of ELM Control Schemes to ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-13: CORSICA Modelling of ITER Hybrid Mode Operation Scenarios
- Co-author in ITR/P1-25: 3D Vacuum Magnetic Field Modeling of the ITER ELM Control Coils during Standard Operating Scenarios
- Co-author in ITR/P1-35: Effects of ELM Control Coil on Fast Ion Confinement in ITER H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in TH/P2-05: Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: from Present-day Experiments toward ITER
- Co-author in TH/P3-10: Pedestal Modelling Based on Ideal MHD and Gyrokinetic Stability Analyses on JET And ITER Plasmas
- M. Cassin
- F.J. Casson
- Carmine Castaldo
- Francisco Castejon
- John Caughman
- Mario Cavinato
- Marco Cecconello
- Silvio Ceccuzzi
- G. Cenacchi
- David Cereceda
- Charles Cerjan
- Roberto Cesario
- Seongwoo Cha
- Dominique Chabaud
- Luis Chacon
- Arun Kumar Chakraborty
- Poulami Chakraborty
- Saikat Chakraborty Thakur
- clive Challis
Clive Challis
- Co-author in EX/4-3: On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/P7-20: L-H Power Threshold, Pedestal Stability and Confinement in JET with a Metallic Wall
- Co-author in FTP/P1-26: The Influence on System Design of the Application of Neutral Beam Injection to a Demonstration Fusion Power Plant
- Co-author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
- Clive Challis
- Clive Challis
- Stephanie Champeaux
- Vincent S. Chan
- Lop-Yung Chan Chan
- Debasis Chandra
- C.S. Chang
C.S. Chang
- Author in TH/P4-12: New Bootstrap Current Formula Valid for Edge Pedestal, and Gyrokinetic Study of its Implication to Pedestal Stability
- Co-author in EX/P4-04: The Evolution of the Edge Pedestal Structure and Turbulence Spatial Scale during the ELM Cycle on NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-28: Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold on X-point Geometry
- Co-author in TH/P4-07: Integrated Approach to the H-mode Pedestal Dynamics: Effects of Bootstrap Current and Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on ELMs
- Co-author in TH/P4-28: Self-consistent Kinetic Simulation of RMP-driven Transport: Collisionality and Rotation Effects on RMP Penetration and Transport
- Co-author in TH/P7-13: Flux-driven Full-f Gyrokinetic Studies of the Influence of Edge Dynamics in Diverted Geometry on Tokamak Core Confinement
- Hansoo CHANG
- D.H. Chang
- Yong Bok Chang
Ian Chapman
- Author in ITR/P1-31: Assessing the Power Requirements for Sawtooth Control in ITER through Modelling and Joint Experiments
- Co-author in EX/3-2: Understanding ELM Mitigation by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on MAST
- Co-author in EX/P4-27: Probing Resistive Wall Mode Stability Using Off-axis NBI
- Co-author in TH/7-1: Bifurcated Helical Core Equilibrium States in Tokamaks
- Co-author in TH/P3-10: Pedestal Modelling Based on Ideal MHD and Gyrokinetic Stability Analyses on JET And ITER Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P4-27: Modelling of Plasma Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations and its Influence on Divertor Strike Points
B. E. Chapman
- Author in EX/P6-01: Direct Diagnosis and Parametric Dependence of 3D Helical Equilibrium in the MST RFP
- Co-author in EX/P3-16: Classical Confinement of Impurity Ions and NBI-born Fast Ions in the Reversed Field Pinch
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- Steven Chappell
Philippe Chappuis
- Co-author in ITR/2-6: The ITER Blanket System Design Challenge
- Julien Chareyre
- Vilas Chaudhari
- Paritosh Chaudhuri
A Chauhan
- Co-author in FTP/3-2: SST-1 Tokamak Integration & Commissioning
- René Mauricio Chávez
- Sugreev Chawla
- Volodymyr Chebotarev
- S. Chel
WEI chen
- Author in EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Author in EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-25: Triggering of Neoclassical Tearing Modes by Mode Coupling in HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P6-13: Nonlinear features of the Alfvénic wave-particle interaction in auxiliary heated HL-2A plasma
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-15: Coexistence of Alfvénic Modes Induced by Energetic Electrons with ECRH on HL-2A
- J. Chen
Chengyuan Chen
- Author in EX/6-3Ra & EX/6-3Rb: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory; ELM Mitigation with SMBI & CJI Fuelling in HL-2A H-mode Plasmas
- Author in EX/6-3Rb: ELM Mitigation with SMBI & CJI Fuelling in HL-2A H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P4-11: Study of the High-efficiency Fuelling Features of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-08: Investigation of L-I-H Transitions Facilitated by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection and Pellet Fuelling on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P8-15: Study of Runaway Electron Generation in Synergetic ECRH & SMBI Plasma and during Major Disruptions in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Cliff Chen
- Co-author in EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-15: Coexistence of Alfvénic Modes Induced by Energetic Electrons with ECRH on HL-2A
- Yanjing Chen
- liaoyuan chen
- Francis F. Chen (USA)
- Y. Chen
- Wei CHEN
- Zhongyong Chen
- Zhipeng Chen
- Jiale Chen
Ran Chen
- Co-author in EX/P4-06: New Edge Localized Modes at Marginal Input Power with Dominant RF-heating and Lithium-wall Conditioning in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P5-13: Characterization of Particle and Power Loads on Divertor Targets for Type-I, Type-III, and Mossy ELMy H-modes in EAST Superconducting Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-14: The Observation of Dual-peak Geodesic Acoustic Modes in the Edge Plasma on Tokamaks
- Yang Chen
- Lei Chen
- Jiming Chen
- Qian Chen
- Chenyuan Chen
- X. Chen
- Liu Chen
- Hui Chen
- Guangye Chen
- Liang Chen
- Author in EX/P7-24: Time-resolved Evolution of Low Frequency Electrostatic Fluctuations during Slow L-H Transition at the Boundary Plasma of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/6-3Rb: ELM Mitigation with SMBI & CJI Fuelling in HL-2A H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-21: Enhancement of Edge Impurity Transport with ECRH in HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-07: Generation of Large Scale Coherent Structures by Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-14: The Observation of Dual-peak Geodesic Acoustic Modes in the Edge Plasma on Tokamaks
- Co-author in TH/P4-24: Effects of Collisionality on the Nonlinear Characteristics of Boundary Turbulence and Blob/hole Transport in Tokamak Plasmas
- Zhifeng Cheng
- M. Cheon
- Sergey Cherkasov
Paul Chernakov
- Co-author in ITR/P5-30: Status of Thomson Scattering in ITER Divertor
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
Tatjana Chernoiziumskaya
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- Vyacheslav Chernov
Viacheslav Chernov
- Author in FTP/4-5Ra & FTP/4-5Rb: Optimisation of a Nanostructured ODS Ferritic Steel Fabrication towards Improvement of its Plasticity; Low Activation Vanadium Alloys for Fusion Power Reactors - the RF Results
- Author in FTP/4-5Rb: Low Activation Vanadium Alloys for Fusion Power Reactors - the RF Results
- Fedor Chernyshev
- Gao Chi
- Guillaume CHIAVASSA
- Yutaka Chida
- Vasiliy Chistiakov
- Moo Hyun Cho
- Soon-Gook Cho
- Wonho Choe
- Won-jae CHOI
- Jae Hoon Choi
- M. Choi
- Jim Chrzanowski
- M. S. Chu
Igor Chugunov
- Co-author in ITR/P5-39: ITER High Resolution Gamma Spectrometry
- Igor Chugunov
- Boris Chukbar
- Jinil Chung
- Kyu-Sun Chung
- R.M. Churchill
- R.M. Churchill
- Alexandr Chuvilo
- Valery Chuyanov
- Giovanni Ciaccio
- Cesidio Cianfarani
- Sergio Ciattaglia
- Sante Cirant
- Dragoslav Ciric
- Jonathan Citrin
- Jonathan Citrin
- Frederic Clairet
- Todd Clancy
- Ivo Classen
- Ivo Classen
Meike Clever
- Co-author in EX/4-1: Fuel Retention Studies with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-04: Longterm Evolution of the Impurity Composition and Transient Impurity Events with the ITER-like Wall at JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-24: Power Handling of the Tungsten Divertor in JET
- Co-author in TH/3-1: Impact of Carbon and Tungsten as Divertor Materials on the Scrape-off Layer Conditions in JET
- Meike Clever
- Meike Clever
- Rebecca Coats
- Vincenzo Coccorese
Valter Cocilovo
- Co-author in EX/P8-03: Density Limit Experiments on FTU
Stefano Coda
- Author in OV/4-4: Overview of Recent and Current Research on the TCV Tokamak
- Author in OV/4-4: Overview of Recent and Current Research on the TCV Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/1-2: Real time ELM, NTM and Sawtooth Control on TCV
- Co-author in EX/P3-05: Experimental Investigation of Plasma Confinement in Reactor Relevant Conditions in TCV Plasmas with Dominant Electron Heating
- Co-author in EX/P3-12: Real-time Model-based Reconstruction and Control of Tokamak Plasma Profiles
- Co-author in EX/P4-35: Current Profile Control Using the Ohmic Heating Coil in TCV
- Co-author in EX/P5-22: Reduction of Peak Wall Power Loads in L- and H-mode Tokamak Plasmas in TCV with the Snowflake Divertor
- Co-author in EX/P6-08: Development of Electron Cyclotron Wave Absorption Measurement for Real-Time Polarization Optimization and Studies of Quasilinear Effects
- Co-author in ITR/P1-31: Assessing the Power Requirements for Sawtooth Control in ITER through Modelling and Joint Experiments
- Co-author in TH/7-1: Bifurcated Helical Core Equilibrium States in Tokamaks
- Co-author in TH/P6-05: Effect of Density Fluctuations on LHCD and ECCD and Implications for ITER
- Rui Coelho
- Jan Coenen
Jan W Coenen
- Author in EX/P5-04: Longterm Evolution of the Impurity Composition and Transient Impurity Events with the ITER-like Wall at JET
- Co-author in EX/4-1: Fuel Retention Studies with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/4-3: On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-05: Characterization of Tungsten Sputtering in the JET Divertor
- Co-author in EX/P5-24: Power Handling of the Tungsten Divertor in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Co-author in ITR/P1-39: Modelling of Material Damage and High Energy Impacts on Tokamak PFCs during Transient Loads
- Co-author in TH/3-1: Impact of Carbon and Tungsten as Divertor Materials on the Scrape-off Layer Conditions in JET
- Jan Coenen
- Ivor Coffey
- Ivor Coffey
- Sean Coffey
- Ivor Coffey
Ron Cohen
- Co-author in IFE/P6-16: Summary of Progress in U.S. Heavy Ion Fusion Science Research
- Co-author in TH/P4-03: Numerical Modeling of Neoclassical Transport and Geodesic Acoustic Mode Relaxation in a Tokamak Edge
- Co-author in TH/P4-06: Eulerian Simulations of Neoclassical Flows and Transport in the Tokamak Plasma Edge and Outer Core
- R. Cohen
- B. Cohen
- F. Colao
laurent Colas
- Co-author in EX/4-3: On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/P5-26: Tore Supra Contribution to Experimental Prediction of the Power Flux to the Limiter in the ITER Start-up Mode
- Co-author in EX/P6-10: Physics and Technology in the Ion-cyclotron Range of Frequency on Tore Supra and TITAN Test Facility: Implication for ITER
- Andrew J Cole
- Andrew Cole
- P. Colella
- J Collier
- Tim Collins
Stephen K. Combs
- Author in ITR/P5-23: Development and Testing of Plasma Disruption Mitigation Systems Applicable for ITER
- Co-author in EX/6-2: Experimental Demonstration of High Frequency ELM Pacing by Pellet Injection on DIII-D and Extrapolation to ITER
- Co-author in EX/P8-09: Disruption Mitigation Experiments with Two Gas Jets on Alcator C-Mod
Nicolas Commaux
- Co-author in EX/6-2: Experimental Demonstration of High Frequency ELM Pacing by Pellet Injection on DIII-D and Extrapolation to ITER
- Co-author in EX/9-2: Control and Dissipation of Runaway Electron Beams Created during Rapid Shutdown Experiments in DIII-D
- Co-author in ITR/P1-22: Non-linear MHD Modelling of ELM Triggering by Pellet Injection in DIII-D and Implications for ITER
- Nicolas Commaux
- J. C. Compton
- Michele Comunian
- JET Contributors
- Garrard Conway
Garrard Conway
- Author in ITR/P5-33: ITPA Assessment of ITER Microwave Diagnostic Design Issues
- Co-author in EX/P6-03: Fast-ion Redistribution and Loss due to Edge Perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and KSTAR Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P7-23: Far-reaching Impact of Intermittent Transport across the Scrape-off Layer: Latest Results from ASDEX Upgrade
- Wilfred A. Cooper
- Bruno Coppi
- Elodie Corbel
- Gerard Corigan
- yann corre
- Gerard Corrigan
- E. Costa
- Antonella Lombardi Costa
David Coster
- Co-author in EX/P5-34: Symmetries and Asymmetries in the Divertor Detachment in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in TH/P2-01: The European Transport Solver: an Integrated Approach for Transport Simulations in the Plasma Core
- Co-author in TH/P2-25: The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling Effort: Achievements and First Physics Results
- Alan E. Costley
- Glenn Counsell
- Brent Covele
- D. Craig
- Steve Craxton
- Flavio Crisanti
- Flavio Crisanti
- N.A. Crocker
Neal Crocker
- Author in EX/P6-02: Internal Amplitude, Structure and Identification of CAEs and GAEs in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P4-33: Observation of Edge Harmonic Oscillation in NSTX and Theoretical Study of its Active Control Using HHFW Antenna at Audio Frequencies
- Co-author in EX/P7-21: Evolution of the Turbulence Radial Wavenumber Spectrum near the L-H Transition in NSTX Ohmic Discharges
zhengying cui
- Author in EX/P3-21: Enhancement of Edge Impurity Transport with ECRH in HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-29: Perturbation Features of Intrinsic and Pellet Induced ELMs on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P5-18: Low Concentration of Iron as First Wall Material in LHD Plasmas with Edge Ergodic Layer
- Chenghe Cui
- Geof cunningham
- Team CYCLE (all institutions involved above)
- A. Czarnecka
- Agata Czarnecka
- Agata Czernecka
- Istvan Cziegler
- Istvan Cziegler
- Istvan Cziegler
- Rémi Dachicourt
- Sylvie DaGraca
- Masayuki Dairaku
- Samuele Dal Bello
- Chandan Danani
- Alexandr Danilov
- Tilman Dannert
- Gabriele D'Antona
- Miguel Dapena
- Ocleto D'Arcangelo
- D Darrow
- Paula da Silva Aresta Belo
- Paula Da Silva Aresta Belo
- J. David
- Keeling David
- Ron Davidson
William M. Davis
- Co-author in TH/P4-23: Edge Sheared Flows and Blob Dynamics
- E. Davis
- V. I. Davydenko
- Christian Day
- Umur Daybelge
- Michael Dayton
- Marco De Baar
- Maarten De Bock
- Bryan DeBono
- James C. DeBoo
- Hans Decamp
- Hans Decamps
J. Decker
- Co-author in EX/P6-07: Electron Fishbones in LHCD Plasmas on FTU and Tore Supra
- Co-author in EX/P6-08: Development of Electron Cyclotron Wave Absorption Measurement for Real-Time Polarization Optimization and Studies of Quasilinear Effects
- Co-author in EX/P6-21: Investigations of LHW-plasma Coupling and Current Drive in H-mode Experiments in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P6-24: Recent Progress on Lower Hybrid Current Drive and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-09: On the Use of Lower Hybrid Waves at ITER Relevant Density
- Co-author in TH/P3-21: Interplay between MHD and Particle Transport during Sawteeth
- Co-author in TH/P6-05: Effect of Density Fluctuations on LHCD and ECCD and Implications for ITER
- P. Decool
- Guillaume De Dinechin
- James Degnan
- John S. deGrassie
- Phil de Grouchy
- Nikolay Degtyarev
- Kazuaki Deguchi
- P Deichuli
- Renaud Dejarnac
- Ephrem Delabie
Elena de la Luna
- Author in EX/6-1: The Effect of ELM Mitigation Methods on the Access to High H-mode Confinement (H_98~1) on JET
- Author in EX/6-1: The Effect of ELM Mitigation Methods on the Access to High H-mode Confinement (H_98~1) on JET
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in ITR/P1-36: Assessment of the H-mode Power Threshold Requirements for ITER
- Elena de la Luna
- Elena de la Luna
- Diego del-Castillo-Negrete
- Jacques Delettrez
- Luis Delgado-Aparacio
- Luis F. Delgado-Aparicio
- Rita Delogu
- Lena Delpech
- Emma del Río
- David Demange
- Pascal de Marné
- Diane Demers
- Wenjun Deng
Daniel Den Hartog
- Author in EX/P3-17: Measurement and Simulation of Electron Thermal Transport in the MST Reversed-Field Pinch
- Co-author in EX/P3-08: Magnetic Fluctuation-Driven Intrinsic Flow in a Toroidal Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P3-16: Classical Confinement of Impurity Ions and NBI-born Fast Ions in the Reversed Field Pinch
- Co-author in EX/P4-24: Direct Observation of Soft-X Ray Filament Structure and High Current Operation in Low-Aspect-Ratio RFP
- Co-author in EX/P6-01: Direct Diagnosis and Parametric Dependence of 3D Helical Equilibrium in the MST RFP
- Co-author in ITR/P5-32: Electron Kinetic Effects on Interferometry, Polarimetry and Thomson Scattering in Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- Gregory Denisov
- Andrey Denkevits
- Peter Denner
- Peter Denner
- Grosse Dennis
- Michel Desmons
- Greg De Temmerman
- P. Detragiache
- Stephane Devaux
- Stephane Devaux
- A. DeVellis
- Arnaud Devred
Peter De Vries
- Co-author in EX/9-1: Impact and Mitigation of Disruptions with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/P3-31: Scalings of Spontaneous Rotation in the JET Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P5-05: Characterization of Tungsten Sputtering in the JET Divertor
- Co-author in FTP/2-1Rb: Be Tile Power Handling and Main Wall Protection
- Co-author in TH/P2-17: Non-diffusive Momentum Transport in JET H-mode Regimes: Modeling and Experiment
Peter de Vries
- Author in EX/4-2: Comparison of Plasma Breakdown with a Carbon and ITER-like Wall
- Author in EX/4-2: Comparison of Plasma Breakdown with a Carbon and ITER-like Wall
- Co-author in EX/1-1: Scenarios Development at JET with the New ITER-like Wall
- Co-author in EX/P4-07: Characterization of Temperature Fluctuations during Type-I and Type-II Edge Localized Modes at ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Co-author in EX/P7-20: L-H Power Threshold, Pedestal Stability and Confinement in JET with a Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/P8-05: Latest Progress in Studies of Runaway Electrons in JET
- Pascal Devynck
- Robert Dewar
Ahmed Diallo
- Author in EX/P4-04: The Evolution of the Edge Pedestal Structure and Turbulence Spatial Scale during the ELM Cycle on NSTX
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P3-02: Measurements of Core Lithium Concentration in Diverted H-Mode Plasmas of NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-21: Snowflake Divertor as Plasma-Material Interface for Future High Power Density Fusion Devices
- Co-author in EX/P5-28: Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold on X-point Geometry
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P5-40: Fast Wave Power Flow along SOL Field Lines in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P6-05: Fast-ion Energy Loss during TAE Avalanches in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
- Co-author in EX/P7-18: Parametric Dependencies of Low-k Turbulence in NSTX H-mode Pedestals
- Co-author in EX/P7-21: Evolution of the Turbulence Radial Wavenumber Spectrum near the L-H Transition in NSTX Ohmic Discharges
- Co-author in EX/P8-07: Global Mode Control and Stabilization for Disruption Avoidance in High-Beta NSTX Plasmas
- Ahmed Diallo
Patrick H. Diamond
- Author in OV/P-03: On the Physics of Intrinsic Torque in Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/10-3: Zonal Flows as the Trigger Event for the L-H Transition
- Co-author in EX/2-2: A Unified Explanation of Rotation Reversals, Confinement Saturation and Non-Diffusive Heat Transport in C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/2-3: ECRH Effects on Toroidal Rotation: KSTAR Experiments and Gyrokinetic Simulations of Intrinsic Torque at ITG - TEM Transitions
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P3-09: Understanding the Dynamics of Cold Pulse Nonlocality Phenomena
- Co-author in EX/P7-07: Generation of Large Scale Coherent Structures by Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in OV/3-4: Towards an Emerging Understanding of Nonlocal Transport
- Co-author in TH/5-2Rb: Theory and Gyro-fluid Simulations of Edge-Localized-Modes
- Co-author in TH/6-2: Role of External Torque and Toroidal Momentum Transport in the Dynamics of Heat Transport in Internal Transport Barriers
- Co-author in TH/P6-14: Subcritical Growth of Coherent Phase-space Structures
- Co-author in TH/P7-06: Electrostatic Gyrokinetic Absolute Equilibria: Calculation, Simulation and Physics Relevant to Fusion Plasmas Turbulence
- Co-author in TH/P7-09: Towards Turbulence Control via EGAM Excitation & Vorticity Injection
- Co-author in TH/P7-12: ExB Shear Suppression of Turbulence in Diverted H-mode Plasmas; Role of Edge Magnetic Shear
- Co-author in TH/P7-13: Flux-driven Full-f Gyrokinetic Studies of the Influence of Edge Dynamics in Diverted Geometry on Tokamak Core Confinement
P. H. Diamond
- Author in TH/P4-02: Spatio-Temporal Evolution of the L-H and H-L Transitions
- Co-author in EX/11-1: Evidence of Zonal-Flow-Driven Limit-Cycle Oscillations during L-H Transition and at H-mode Pedestal of a New Small-ELM Regime in EAST
- Co-author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P7-05: Relating the L-H Power Threshold Scaling to Edge Turbulence Dynamics
- Co-author in TH/P2-09: New Results in the Theory of Non-Diffusive Heat Transport and Anomalous Electron-Ion Energy Coupling
- Co-author in TH/P2-12: Indications of Nonlocality of Plasma Turbulence
- Co-author in TH/P4-01: Impact of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on Zonal Modes, Drift-Wave Turbulence and the L-H Transition Threshold
- Co-author in TH/P7-02: Progress on Theoretical Issues in Modelling Turbulent Transport
- Patrick.H Diamond
- David Dickinson
- Eberhard Diegele
- Stephanie Diem
- Guilhem Dif-Pradalier
- Guilhem Dif-Pradalier
- G. Dif-Pradalier
Lucy Dimatteo
- Co-author in EX/P8-03: Density Limit Experiments on FTU
- A. Dimits
- Francesco Di Napoli
Xuantong Ding
- Author in EX/P6-15: Coexistence of Alfvénic Modes Induced by Energetic Electrons with ECRH on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P3-09: Understanding the Dynamics of Cold Pulse Nonlocality Phenomena
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-21: Enhancement of Edge Impurity Transport with ECRH in HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-29: Perturbation Features of Intrinsic and Pellet Induced ELMs on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-07: Generation of Large Scale Coherent Structures by Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-08: Investigation of L-I-H Transitions Facilitated by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection and Pellet Fuelling on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-13: Correlations of the Turbulent Structures during Nonlocal Effect Caused by SMBI on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-24: Time-resolved Evolution of Low Frequency Electrostatic Fluctuations during Slow L-H Transition at the Boundary Plasma of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P8-15: Study of Runaway Electron Generation in Synergetic ECRH & SMBI Plasma and during Major Disruptions in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in OV/3-3: Overview of HL-2A Recent Experiments
- Co-author in OV/3-4: Towards an Emerging Understanding of Nonlocal Transport
- Ning Ding
- Siye Ding
weixing ding
- Author in EX/P3-08: Magnetic Fluctuation-Driven Intrinsic Flow in a Toroidal Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P3-16: Classical Confinement of Impurity Ions and NBI-born Fast Ions in the Reversed Field Pinch
- Co-author in EX/P6-01: Direct Diagnosis and Parametric Dependence of 3D Helical Equilibrium in the MST RFP
- Co-author in ITR/P5-32: Electron Kinetic Effects on Interferometry, Polarimetry and Thomson Scattering in Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- Co-author in TH/P3-08: Coupling of Current and Flow Relaxation in Reversed-Field Pinches due to Two-Fluid Effects
- B. J. Ding
- Siye Ding
- Yue Ding
- Yonghua Ding
- Andreas Dinklage
- Andreas Dinklage
Daniel D'Ippolito
- Co-author in TH/P4-23: Edge Sheared Flows and Blob Dynamics
- Marie-France Direz
- Ivan Ditenberg
- Claudio Di Troia
- Timo Dittmar
- T. Dittmar
- Nadejda Djigailo
- Yuri Dnestronskii
- Alexey Dnestrovskij
- Hee Jin Do
- dirk dodt
- Hauke Doerk
- Hauke Doerk
R. P. Doerner
- Co-author in EX/P5-03: Assessment of Tungsten Nano-tendril Growth in the Alcator C-Mod Divertor
- Co-author in FTP/P7-14: Research on Tritium/Heat Transfer and Irradiation Synergism for First Wall and Blanket in the TITAN Project
- Co-author in TH/3-2: On Edge Plasma, First Wall, and Dust Issues in Fusion Devices
- Dmitry Doinikov
Calvin Domier
- Co-author in EX/11-3: Visualization of ELM Dynamics and its Response from External Perturbations via 2D Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P4-07: Characterization of Temperature Fluctuations during Type-I and Type-II Edge Localized Modes at ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/P7-02: Response of Electron-scale Turbulence and Thermal Transport to Continuous ExB Shear Ramping-up in NSTX
- Arturo Dominguez
- Matthew Domonkos
- Author in EX/P7-07: Generation of Large Scale Coherent Structures by Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/10-3: Zonal Flows as the Trigger Event for the L-H Transition
- Co-author in EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-11: Study of the High-efficiency Fuelling Features of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-29: Perturbation Features of Intrinsic and Pellet Induced ELMs on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-15: Coexistence of Alfvénic Modes Induced by Energetic Electrons with ECRH on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P7-08: Investigation of L-I-H Transitions Facilitated by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection and Pellet Fuelling on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-14: The Observation of Dual-peak Geodesic Acoustic Modes in the Edge Plasma on Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P7-24: Time-resolved Evolution of Low Frequency Electrostatic Fluctuations during Slow L-H Transition at the Boundary Plasma of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in OV/3-3: Overview of HL-2A Recent Experiments
- Co-author in OV/3-4: Towards an Emerging Understanding of Nonlocal Transport
- Co-author in TH/P4-24: Effects of Collisionality on the Nonlinear Characteristics of Boundary Turbulence and Blob/hole Transport in Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-25: Triggering of Neoclassical Tearing Modes by Mode Coupling in HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P6-12: Investigation of the Role of Energetic Particle in the Driving of Long-lived Saturated Internal Mode on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-13: Nonlinear features of the Alfvénic wave-particle interaction in auxiliary heated HL-2A plasma
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-13: Correlations of the Turbulent Structures during Nonlocal Effect Caused by SMBI on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Chunfeng Dong
- Jeff Doody
- Mikhail Dorf
- M. A. Dorf
- Sebastian Dormido-Canto
- Joachim Dorner
- M. Dorr
- M. R. Dorr
- James Dorris
- K Doshi
D. Douai
- Author in EX/P5-09: Overview of the International Research on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning
- Co-author in EX/4-1: Fuel Retention Studies with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Co-author in FTP/P1-05: Comparative Study of Chemical Methods for Fuel Removal
- Co-author in ITR/P5-24: ITER Fuelling and Glow Discharge Cleaning System Overview
Edward J. Doyle
- Co-author in EX/1-5: Fully Noninductive Scenario Development in DIII-D Using New Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in EX/P2-08: Long-pulse Stability Limits of ITER Baseline Scenario Plasmas in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P3-18: Experimental Tests of Stiffness in the Electron and Ion Energy Transport in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-09: Validation Studies of Gyrofluid and Gyrokinetic Predictions of Transport and Turbulence Stiffness Using the DIII-D Tokamak
- E. J. Doyle
- James Drake
- A. Drenik
- M. Dreval
- Michael Drevlak
- Peter Drewelow
- Valery Drobyshev
- Xiaodi Du
Xuru Duan
- Author in OV/3-3: Overview of HL-2A Recent Experiments
- Author in OV/3-3: Overview of HL-2A Recent Experiments
- Co-author in EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/6-3Rb: ELM Mitigation with SMBI & CJI Fuelling in HL-2A H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-21: Enhancement of Edge Impurity Transport with ECRH in HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-11: Study of the High-efficiency Fuelling Features of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-29: Perturbation Features of Intrinsic and Pellet Induced ELMs on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P6-12: Investigation of the Role of Energetic Particle in the Driving of Long-lived Saturated Internal Mode on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-13: Nonlinear features of the Alfvénic wave-particle interaction in auxiliary heated HL-2A plasma
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-15: Coexistence of Alfvénic Modes Induced by Energetic Electrons with ECRH on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P7-07: Generation of Large Scale Coherent Structures by Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-08: Investigation of L-I-H Transitions Facilitated by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection and Pellet Fuelling on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-13: Correlations of the Turbulent Structures during Nonlocal Effect Caused by SMBI on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-24: Time-resolved Evolution of Low Frequency Electrostatic Fluctuations during Slow L-H Transition at the Boundary Plasma of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P8-15: Study of Runaway Electron Generation in Synergetic ECRH & SMBI Plasma and during Major Disruptions in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in FTP/P1-06: Analysis of Establishment and MHD Stability of a Free Curve-Surface Flow for Liquid Metal PFCs
- Co-author in FTP/P1-12: Progress of High Heat Flux Component Manufacture and Heat Load Experiments in China
- Yanmin Duan
- Nicolas Dubuit
- Sergei Dudarev
- Larry Dudek
- Alexander Dudnikov
- B. Dudson
- James Duff
- remi dumont
pierre Dumortier
- Author in ITR/P1-07: Validation of the RF Properties and Control of the ITER ICRF Antenna
- Co-author in EX/P6-10: Physics and Technology in the Ion-cyclotron Range of Frequency on Tore Supra and TITAN Test Facility: Implication for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-08: RF Optimization of the Port Plug Layout and Performance Assessment of the ITER ICRF Antenna
- Daniel Dunai
- Daniel Dunai
- Mike Dunne
- Ivan Duran
- Frederic DURODIE
Basil P Duval
- Author in EX/1-2: Real time ELM, NTM and Sawtooth Control on TCV
- Author in EX/1-2: Real time ELM, NTM and Sawtooth Control on TCV
- Co-author in EX/P3-05: Experimental Investigation of Plasma Confinement in Reactor Relevant Conditions in TCV Plasmas with Dominant Electron Heating
- Co-author in EX/P3-12: Real-time Model-based Reconstruction and Control of Tokamak Plasma Profiles
- Co-author in EX/P4-32: Triggerless Onset and Effect of “Natural” Rotation on Neoclassical Tearing Modes in the TCV Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P5-22: Reduction of Peak Wall Power Loads in L- and H-mode Tokamak Plasmas in TCV with the Snowflake Divertor
- Co-author in TH/7-1: Bifurcated Helical Core Equilibrium States in Tokamaks
Ralph Dux
- Co-author in EX/2-1: Connections Between Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation, Density Peaking and Plasma Turbulence Regimes in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-04: Longterm Evolution of the Impurity Composition and Transient Impurity Events with the ITER-like Wall at JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-05: Characterization of Tungsten Sputtering in the JET Divertor
- Co-author in EX/P5-19: ICRF Operation with Improved Antennas in a Full W-wall ASDEX Upgrade, Status and Developments
- Co-author in TH/P2-21: Progress in the Theoretical Description and the Experimental Characterization of Impurity Transport at ASDEX Upgrade
- ralph Dux
- Valeriy Dyachenko
- Fatima Ebrahimi
- Mark Eckart
- Co-author in OV/P-01: Overview of FTU Results
- Ruden Edward
- John Edwards
- Ch Edwards
- Philip Efthimion
- Dana Egdell
Thomas Eich
- Author in ITR/1-1: Scaling of the Tokamak near Scrape-off Layer H-mode Power Width and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in EX/3-4: Mitigation of Edge Localised Modes with Small Non-axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/P7-23: Far-reaching Impact of Intermittent Transport across the Scrape-off Layer: Latest Results from ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in ITR/P1-28: Multi-machine Comparisons of Divertor Heat Flux Mitigation by Radiative Cooling
- Co-author in TH/3-1: Impact of Carbon and Tungsten as Divertor Materials on the Scrape-off Layer Conditions in JET
Thomas Eich
- Author in ITR/1-1: Scaling of the Tokamak near Scrape-off Layer H-mode Power Width and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in EX/P5-24: Power Handling of the Tungsten Divertor in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Thomas Eich
- Nicholas W. Eidietis
- S. Eilerman
- Akira Ejiri
Annika Ekedahl
- Co-author in EX/4-3: On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/P6-21: Investigations of LHW-plasma Coupling and Current Drive in H-mode Experiments in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P6-24: Recent Progress on Lower Hybrid Current Drive and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-09: On the Use of Lower Hybrid Waves at ITER Relevant Density
- Didier Elbeze
- J. D. Elder
- Sayf Elgriw
- Laila El-Guebaly
Rajendra Kumar Ellappan
- Author in FTP/4-4Ra & FTP/4-4Rb & FTP/4-4Rc: Status of LLCB TBM R&D Activities in India; Activities on the Helium Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket Module for ITER; Current Progress of Chinese Solid Breeder TBM
- Author in FTP/4-4Ra: Status of LLCB TBM R&D Activities in India
- Co-author in FTP/P1-08: Preliminary Safety Analysis of the Indian Lead Lithium Cooled Ceramic Breeder Test Blanket Module System in ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-14: Activation Analyses of Lead Lithium Cooled Ceramic Breeder Test Blanket Module in ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-15: Preliminary Corrosion Studies on Structrural Materials in Lead-Lithium for Indian LLCB TBM
Robert Ellis
- Co-author in FTP/P1-21: Status and Plan of the Key Actuators for KSTAR Operation
- Co-author in FTP/P1-25: ECH-assisted Startup using ITER Prototype of 170 GHz Gyrotron in KSTAR
- Co-author in ITR/P1-32: Observation of Localized Fast-Ion Induced Heat Loads in Test Blanket Module Simulation Experiments on DIII-D
- Sarah Elmore
- Rigal Emmanuel
- Shingo Emoto
- Anna Encheva
- Michael Endler
- Yasuei Endo
- Yoichi ENDO
- Alan England
- Paul Ennever
- Paul Ennever
- David Ennis
- Reuben Epstein
- Volker Erckmann
- Lars-Goran Eriksson
Darin Ernst
- Co-author in EX/2-2: A Unified Explanation of Rotation Reversals, Confinement Saturation and Non-Diffusive Heat Transport in C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P3-13: Turbulent Transport and Gyrokinetic Analysis in Alcator C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P3-23: Quantitative Comparison of Experimental and Gyrokinetic Simulated ICRH and I_p Dependent Impurity Transport
- D. R. Ernst
- Dominique Escande
- Dominique Escande
- Frederic Escourbiac
- L.A. Esipov
- Jonas Eskhult
- Basilio Esposito
- Basilio Esposito
- H.G. Esser
Teresa Estrada
- Author in EX/10-2: Spatiotemporal Structure of the Turbulence-flow Interaction at the L-H Transition in TJ-II Plasma
- Author in EX/10-2: Spatiotemporal Structure of the Turbulence-flow Interaction at the L-H Transition in TJ-II Plasma
- Co-author in EX/5-2: Studies of Energetic-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas with Low Magnetic Shear
- Co-author in EX/P8-10: Stabilization of Energetic-Ion-Driven MHD Mode by ECCD in Heliotron J
- Co-author in ITR/P5-33: ITPA Assessment of ITER Microwave Diagnostic Design Issues
- Co-author in OV/3-4: Towards an Emerging Understanding of Nonlocal Transport
- Stephane Ethier
- S. Ethier
Todd Evans
- Author in ITR/P1-25: 3D Vacuum Magnetic Field Modeling of the ITER ELM Control Coils during Standard Operating Scenarios
- Co-author in EX/3-1: Advances in the Physics Understanding of ELM Suppression Using Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/6-2: Experimental Demonstration of High Frequency ELM Pacing by Pellet Injection on DIII-D and Extrapolation to ITER
- Co-author in EX/9-2: Control and Dissipation of Runaway Electron Beams Created during Rapid Shutdown Experiments in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P3-26: Particle Transport Results from Collisionality Scans and Perturbative Experiments on DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P7-06: Turbulence and Transport Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ELM-Suppressed Plasmas
- Co-author in ITR/1-2: Progress on the Application of ELM Control Schemes to ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-24: Three-dimensional Fluid Modeling of Plasma Edge Transport and Divertor Fluxes during RMP ELM Control at ITER
- Co-author in TH/7-1: Bifurcated Helical Core Equilibrium States in Tokamaks
- Co-author in TH/P4-21: Edge Plasma Response to Non-Axisymmetric Fields in Tokamaks
- Matthew Evans
- Koichiro Ezato
Emiliano Fable
- Co-author in EX/2-1: Connections Between Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation, Density Peaking and Plasma Turbulence Regimes in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/P2-03: Overview of ASDEX Upgrade ‘Improved H-mode’ Scenario Developments
- Co-author in TH/P2-05: Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: from Present-day Experiments toward ITER
- E Fable
- Alberto Facco
- Alberto Facco
- G. Faelli
- matteo faganello
- Gloria Falchetto
- Adam Falkowski
- Alessandra Fanni
- Ursel Fantz
- Ursel Fantz
- Ricardo Farengo
Daniela Farina
- Co-author in EX/P6-04: First Operations of the Real-Time ECRH/ECCD System for Control of Magnetohydrodynamics Instabilities in the FTU Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/P2-01: The European Transport Solver: an Integrated Approach for Transport Simulations in the Plasma Core
- Co-author in TH/P2-03: Model Validation and Integrated Modelling Simulations for the JT-60SA Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/P2-25: The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling Effort: Achievements and First Physics Results
- Tom Farley
- Mike Farrell
Ambrogio FASOLI
- Author in EX/P6-28: Basic Investigations of Electrostatic Turbulence and its Interaction with Plasma and Suprathermal Ions in a Simple Magnetized Toroidal Plasma
- Co-author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P4-14: Progressive Steps towards Global Validated Simulation of Edge Plasma Turbulence
- Helmut Faugel
- Ian Faust
- Russel Feder
- Gianfranco Federici (European Fusion Development Agreement)
- Gianfranco Federici
- Gianfranco Federici
- Lucia Federspiel
- N. Fedorczak
- Nicolas Fedorczak
- Nicolas Fedorczak
- Robert Fedosejevs
- Andrey FEDOSOV
- Tamas Feher
- Tamas Feher
Federico Felici
- Author in EX/P3-12: Real-time Model-based Reconstruction and Control of Tokamak Plasma Profiles
- Co-author in EX/1-2: Real time ELM, NTM and Sawtooth Control on TCV
- Co-author in EX/P4-35: Current Profile Control Using the Ohmic Heating Coil in TCV
- Co-author in EX/P6-08: Development of Electron Cyclotron Wave Absorption Measurement for Real-Time Polarization Optimization and Studies of Quasilinear Effects
- Robert Felton
Yuehe Feng
- Co-author in EX/4-4: Control of 3D Edge Radiation Structure with Resonant Magnetic Perturbation Fields Applied to Stochastic Layer and Stabilization of Radiative Divertor Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P3-14: Inter-Machine Validation Study of Neoclassical Transport Modelling in Medium- to High-Density Stellarator-Heliotron Plasmas
- Co-author in ITR/P1-24: Three-dimensional Fluid Modeling of Plasma Edge Transport and Divertor Fluxes during RMP ELM Control at ITER
- Kaiming Feng
Beibin Feng
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/6-3Rb: ELM Mitigation with SMBI & CJI Fuelling in HL-2A H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P3-09: Understanding the Dynamics of Cold Pulse Nonlocality Phenomena
- Co-author in EX/P3-21: Enhancement of Edge Impurity Transport with ECRH in HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-11: Study of the High-efficiency Fuelling Features of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-25: Triggering of Neoclassical Tearing Modes by Mode Coupling in HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P6-12: Investigation of the Role of Energetic Particle in the Driving of Long-lived Saturated Internal Mode on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-15: Coexistence of Alfvénic Modes Induced by Energetic Electrons with ECRH on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P7-08: Investigation of L-I-H Transitions Facilitated by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection and Pellet Fuelling on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P8-15: Study of Runaway Electron Generation in Synergetic ECRH & SMBI Plasma and during Major Disruptions in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Yongjin Feng
- Chunhua Feng
- Zhen Feng
Max Fenstermacher
- Co-author in EX/6-2: Experimental Demonstration of High Frequency ELM Pacing by Pellet Injection on DIII-D and Extrapolation to ITER
- Co-author in EX/P4-08: Reactor-relevant Quiescent H-mode Operation Using Torque from Non-axisymmetric, Non-resonant Magnetic Fields
- Co-author in EX/P5-11: Measurements of Net versus Gross Erosion of Molybdenum Divertor Surface in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P5-12: Effect of Changes in Separatrix Magnetic Geometry on Divertor Behavior in DIII-D
- Co-author in ITR/P1-22: Non-linear MHD Modelling of ELM Triggering by Pellet Injection in DIII-D and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-36: Assessment of the H-mode Power Threshold Requirements for ITER
- Jean-Jacques Ferme
- A. Fernandes
- Javier Fernández
- Laurent FERRAND
- A. Ferrari
Hugo Ferrari
- Co-author in TH/P6-04: Alpha Particle Redistribution in Sawteeth
Nathaniel M. Ferraro
- Author in TH/P4-21: Edge Plasma Response to Non-Axisymmetric Fields in Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/3-1: Advances in the Physics Understanding of ELM Suppression Using Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P4-31: Addressing New Challenges for Error Field Correction
- Co-author in TH/P3-04: Simulation of Sawteeth and other Global Macroscopic Dynamics of Tokamak Plasmas on the Transport Timescale
- Jorge Ferreira
- Jose Antonio Ferreira
- Jorge Ferreira
- Roberto Ferrero
- Sandrine FERRI
John Ferron
- Co-author in EX/1-5: Fully Noninductive Scenario Development in DIII-D Using New Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in EX/5-1: Dynamics of Energetic Particle Driven Modes and MHD Modes in Wall-stabilized High Beta Plasmas on JT-60U and DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P2-01: Access and Sustained High Performance in Advanced Inductive Discharges with ITER-Relevant Low Torque
- Co-author in EX/P2-08: Long-pulse Stability Limits of ITER Baseline Scenario Plasmas in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P2-09: First-Principles Model-based Closed-loop Control of the Current Profile Dynamic Evolution on DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P2-13: Validation of Off-axis Neutral Beam Current Drive Physics in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P5-12: Effect of Changes in Separatrix Magnetic Geometry on Divertor Behavior in DIII-D
- Co-author in ITR/P1-20: Integrated Magnetic and Kinetic Control of Advanced Tokamak Scenarios Based on Data-Driven Models
- Co-author in TH/7-1: Bifurcated Helical Core Equilibrium States in Tokamaks
- Anthony Field
Lorenzo Figini
- Co-author in EX/P6-04: First Operations of the Real-Time ECRH/ECCD System for Control of Magnetohydrodynamics Instabilities in the FTU Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/P2-01: The European Transport Solver: an Integrated Approach for Transport Simulations in the Plasma Core
- Co-author in TH/P2-03: Model Validation and Integrated Modelling Simulations for the JT-60SA Tokamak
- Humberto Figueiredo
- Antonio Figueiredo
- Jan Fikar
- G. Fiksel
- Oleg Filatov
- Peter Fimognari
Catherine Fiore
- Author in EX/P3-28: Production of Internal Transport Barriers by Intrinsic Flow Drive in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P3-13: Turbulent Transport and Gyrokinetic Analysis in Alcator C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/1-1: Study of Toroidal Flow Generation by the ICRF Minority Heating in the Alcator C-Mod Plasma
- F. I. F. I. Parra
Mehdi Firdaouss
- Co-author in EX/P5-37: Scrape-off Layer Properties of ITER-like Limiter Start-up Plasmas at JET
- Co-author in EX/P6-10: Physics and Technology in the Ion-cyclotron Range of Frequency on Tore Supra and TITAN Test Facility: Implication for ITER
- Co-author in FTP/2-1Rb: Be Tile Power Handling and Main Wall Protection
- Co-author in ITR/P5-07: Developments Toward Fully Metallic Actively Cooled Plasma Facing Components for ITER divertor
Marie-Christine Firpo
- Co-author in TH/P6-04: Alpha Particle Redistribution in Sawteeth
- Rainer Fischer
- Rainer Fischer
- R Fischer
- Ulrich Fischer
- R. K. Fisher
- Amnon Fisher
- Geoff Fishpool
- Geoff Fishpool
- David Fittinghoff
- Michael Fitzgerald
- Richard Fitzpatrick
- Joanne Flanagan
- Joanne Flanagan
- Sean Flanagan
- Giuliana Fogaccia
- Istvan FÖLDES
Raymond Fonck
- Author in FTP/P1-19: Local Current Injector System for Nonsolenoidal Startup in a Low Aspect Ratio Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-36: Local Helicity Injection Startup and Edge Stability Studies in the Pegasus Toroidal Experiment
- Co-author in EX/P7-18: Parametric Dependencies of Low-k Turbulence in NSTX H-mode Pedestals
- Raymond J. Fonck
- M. E. Foord
C. B. Forest
- Co-author in EX/P3-16: Classical Confinement of Impurity Ions and NBI-born Fast Ions in the Reversed Field Pinch
- Co-author in EX/P3-17: Measurement and Simulation of Electron Thermal Transport in the MST Reversed-Field Pinch
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- Laurent Forest
- R.K. Fotedar
- Arnaud Foussat
- Charles Foust
- Alberto Fraile
D. Franz
- Co-author in EX/P6-01: Direct Diagnosis and Parametric Dependence of 3D Helical Equilibrium in the MST RFP
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- Co-author in TH/7-2: Non-Axisymmetric Equilibrium Reconstruction for Stellarators,Reversed Field Pinches and Tokamaks
Peter Franzen
- Author in ITR/P1-01: Commissioning and First Results of the ITER-Relevant Negative Ion Beam Test Facility ELISE
- Co-author in FTP/P1-17: Feasibility and R&D Needs of a Negative Ion Based Neutral Beam System for DEMO
- Co-author in ITR/1-3: Design of the MITICA Neutral Beam Injector: From Physics Analysis to Engineering Design
Lorenzo FrassinettI
- Author in EX/P4-21: Experimental Studies of the Plasma Response to Applied Nonaxisymmetric External Magnetic Perturbations in EXTRAP T2R
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Co-author in EX/P7-20: L-H Power Threshold, Pedestal Stability and Confinement in JET with a Metallic Wall
- Co-author in TH/P3-10: Pedestal Modelling Based on Ideal MHD and Gyrokinetic Stability Analyses on JET And ITER Plasmas
- Lorenzo Frassinetti
- lorenzo frassinetti
- A. Frattolillo
Eric Fredrickson
- Author in EX/P6-05: Fast-ion Energy Loss during TAE Avalanches in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
- Co-author in EX/P4-33: Observation of Edge Harmonic Oscillation in NSTX and Theoretical Study of its Active Control Using HHFW Antenna at Audio Frequencies
- Co-author in EX/P6-02: Internal Amplitude, Structure and Identification of CAEs and GAEs in NSTX
- E. D. Fredrickson
- Johan Frenje
Johann Frenje
- Author in IFE/1-1: Diagnosing Implosion Performance at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) by Means of Advanced Neutron-Spectrometry and Neutron-Imaging Techniques
- Author in IFE/1-1: Diagnosing Implosion Performance at the National Ignition Facility by Means of Advanced Neutron-Spectrometry and Neutron-Imaging Techniques
- Co-author in IFE/1-2: Progress toward Polar-Drive Ignition for the NIF
- Co-author in IFE/P6-10: Proton Imaging of Hohlraum Plasma Stagnation in Inertial Confinement Fusion Experiments
- Heinke Frerichs
- Michael Frese
- Sherry Frese
- Michaele Fresinger
- Kevin Freudenberg
- D. T. Frey
- Alex Friedman
- Brett Friedman
- Stephan Friedrich
- Domenico Frigione
- Domenico Frigione
Domenico Frigione
- Co-author in EX/P8-03: Density Limit Experiments on FTU
- Markus Froeschle
- Alexey Frolov
- P. Frosi
- Dustin Froula
- Dustin Froula
- Co-author in OV/P-01: Overview of FTU Results
- Guo Yong Fu
- Haiying Fu
- youkun fu
- Jia Fu
- J. Christoph Fuchs
- Christoph Fuchs
- Stephan Fuelling
- Guillaume Fuhr
- Keisuke Fujii
- Toshiyuki Fujii
- Yasushi Fujimoto
- Takeshi Fujimura
- Manabu Fujine
- Shinsuke FUJIOKA
Shinsuke Fujioka
- Co-author in IFE/1-3: Fast Ignition Integrated Experiments with Gekko-XII and LFEX Lasers
- Co-author in IFE/P6-05: Computational Study of the Strong Magnetic Field Generation in Non-Spherical Cone-Guided Implosion
- Co-author in IFE/P6-11: Study on the Energy Transfer Efficiency in the Fast Ignition Experiment
- Akihide Fujisawa
- Kazuhisa Fujita
Takaaki Fujita
- Co-author in EX/2-4: Dependence of Heat Transport and Confinement on Isotopic Composition in Conventional H-mode Plasmas in JT-60U
- Co-author in FTP/P7-22: Optimization of JT-60SA Plasma Operational Scenario with Capabilities of Installed Actuators
- Co-author in TH/P2-03: Model Validation and Integrated Modelling Simulations for the JT-60SA Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/P2-14: Predictive Transport Simulations Consistent with Rotation and Radial Electric Field Using TOPICS with OFMC
- Daisuke Fukahori
- Masakatsu Fukumoto
- Naoyuki Fukumoto
- Tadahiko Fukunaga
- Atsushi Fukuyama
- Tünde Fülöp
- Daniel Fulton
- Hisamichi Funaba
- Hisamichi Funaba
- Wojtek Fundamenski
- Helmut Fünfgelder
- Jacky Furlan
- Ivo Furno
- Hirokazu Furui
- Tomohiro Furukawa
- Masaru Furukawa
- Tetsuo Furuta
- Valeria Fusco
- Naoki Futagami
- Shimpei Futatani
Lori Gabellieri
- Co-author in EX/P8-03: Density Limit Experiments on FTU
- Franck Gabriel
- Kinga Gal
- Kinga Gal
- Donald Gale
- Sergei A. Galkin
- Alessandro Galli
- Cristian Galperti
- Kaifu Gan
- Chunyun Gan
- Rajaraman Ganesh
- Roopesh Gangadharan
- Gerd Gantenbein
- Boxin Gao
Zhe Gao
- Author in TH/P6-26: Nonlinear Ponderomotive Forces with the Consideration of the Spatial Variation of Wave Fields during the Resonant Interaction
- Co-author in EX/P6-26: Experimental Study of Low Frequency Wave Current Drive in the SUNIST Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/P6-27: Parameter Study of Parametric Instabilities during Lower Hybrid Waves Injection into Tokamaks
- Yadong Gao
Xiang Gao
- Author in EX/P3-25: Survey of Density Modulation Experiments on the HT-7 Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P5-13: Characterization of Particle and Power Loads on Divertor Targets for Type-I, Type-III, and Mossy ELMy H-modes in EAST Superconducting Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-21: Investigations of LHW-plasma Coupling and Current Drive in H-mode Experiments in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P7-11: Study of ELMy H-mode Plasmas and BOUT++ Simulation on EAST
- Qingdi Gao
- Chi Gao
- Wei Gao
- Li Gao
- Jin-Ming GAO
- Andrea Garafalo (General Atomics)
- Saul Garavaglia
Xavier Garbet
- Author in TH/P3-21: Interplay between MHD and Particle Transport during Sawteeth
- Co-author in EX/P6-07: Electron Fishbones in LHCD Plasmas on FTU and Tore Supra
- Co-author in TH/P2-12: Indications of Nonlocality of Plasma Turbulence
- Co-author in TH/P4-09: Penetration of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Turbulent Edge Plasmas with Transport Barrier
- Co-author in TH/P7-09: Towards Turbulence Control via EGAM Excitation & Vorticity Injection
- X Garbet
Jeronimo Garcia
- Co-author in ITR/P1-10: Self-consistent Simulation of Plasma Scenarios for ITER Using a Combination of 1.5D Transport Codes and Free Boundary Equilibrium Codes
- Co-author in TH/P2-03: Model Validation and Integrated Modelling Simulations for the JT-60SA Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/P2-05: Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: from Present-day Experiments toward ITER
- Luis García
Pablo Garcia-Martinez
- Co-author in TH/P6-04: Alpha Particle Redistribution in Sawteeth
Manuel Garcia-Munoz
- Author in EX/P6-03: Fast-ion Redistribution and Loss due to Edge Perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and KSTAR Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/4-3: On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall
- Co-author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P2-30: Tomography of 2D Velocity-space Distributions from Combined Synthetic Fast-ion Diagnostics at ASDEX Upgrade
- Igor Garkusha
Andrea M. Garofalo
- Author in FTP/P7-35: A Fast-Track Path to DEMO Enabled by ITER and FNSF-AT
- Co-author in EX/P2-01: Access and Sustained High Performance in Advanced Inductive Discharges with ITER-Relevant Low Torque
- Co-author in EX/P4-08: Reactor-relevant Quiescent H-mode Operation Using Torque from Non-axisymmetric, Non-resonant Magnetic Fields
- David Garoz
- Mike Garrett
- Izaskun Garrido
Luca Garzotti
- Co-author in ITR/P1-10: Self-consistent Simulation of Plasma Scenarios for ITER Using a Combination of 1.5D Transport Codes and Free Boundary Equilibrium Codes
- Co-author in TH/P2-01: The European Transport Solver: an Integrated Approach for Transport Simulations in the Plasma Core
- Co-author in TH/P2-05: Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: from Present-day Experiments toward ITER
- Pawel Gasior
- Thomas Gassner
- Philippe Gastinel
David Gates
- Author in TH/P3-30: On the Origin of Tokamak Density Limit Scalings
- Co-author in EX/P4-14: On the Formation and Stability of Impurity-generated ‘Snakes’ in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P4-28: Vertical Stability of NSTX and NSTX-U
- Co-author in EX/P8-07: Global Mode Control and Stabilization for Disruption Avoidance in High-Beta NSTX Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/7-2: Non-Axisymmetric Equilibrium Reconstruction for Stellarators,Reversed Field Pinches and Tokamaks
- Maria Gatu-Johnson
- Eric Gauthier
- Pierre GAVILA
- Joachim Geiger
- Benedikt Geiger
- Benedikt Geiger
- Joachim Geiger
Vladimir Gelbov
- Co-author in IFE/1-1: Diagnosing Implosion Performance at the National Ignition Facility by Means of Advanced Neutron-Spectrometry and Neutron-Imaging Techniques
- Co-author in IFE/1-2: Progress toward Polar-Drive Ignition for the NIF
- Co-author in OV/5-3: Theory of Ignition, Burn and Hydro-equivalency for Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions
- Francois Geli
- Paul Genesio
- L. Genini
- Felix Gennrich
- K.W. Gentle
- Tynan George
- Sergei Gerasimov
- S. P. Gerhardt
Stefan Gerhardt
- Author in EX/9-3: Disruptions in the High-beta Spherical Torus NSTX
- Author in EX/9-3: Disruptions in the High-beta Spherical Torus NSTX
- Co-author in EX/7-1: The Dependence of H-mode Energy Confinement and Transport on Collisionality in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P2-10:Non-inductive Plasma Start-up in NSTX Using Transient CHI
- Co-author in EX/P3-34: Study of Carbon and Lithium Neoclassical Impurity Transport in ELM-Free H-Mode Discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-28: Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold on X-point Geometry
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P5-40: Fast Wave Power Flow along SOL Field Lines in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P8-07: Global Mode Control and Stabilization for Disruption Avoidance in High-Beta NSTX Plasmas
- Co-author in FTP/3-4: Progress on Developing the Spherical Tokamak for Fusion Applications
Stefan Gerhardt
- Co-author in EX/P4-28: Vertical Stability of NSTX and NSTX-U
Stefan Gerhardt
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P6-05: Fast-ion Energy Loss during TAE Avalanches in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Dominique Gex
- Katy Ghantous
- Philippe Ghendrih
- Young-chul Ghim
- M Ghoranneviss
- Joydeep Ghosh
- Keii Gi
- F. Giammanco
- Louis Giannone
- Thomas Giegerich
- Niels Gierse
- Mark Gilbert
- Erik Gilson
- Dmitry Gin
- Edmondo Giovannozzi
- Edmondo Giovannozzi
- Christian Girard
Carine Giroud
- Author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Co-author in EX/4-3: On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/6-1: The Effect of ELM Mitigation Methods on the Access to High H-mode Confinement (H_98~1) on JET
- Co-author in EX/P3-31: Scalings of Spontaneous Rotation in the JET Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P5-05: Characterization of Tungsten Sputtering in the JET Divertor
- Co-author in EX/P7-20: L-H Power Threshold, Pedestal Stability and Confinement in JET with a Metallic Wall
- Co-author in ITR/P1-19: Tokamak Experiments to Study the Parametric Dependences of Momentum Transport
- Co-author in ITR/P1-28: Multi-machine Comparisons of Divertor Heat Flux Mitigation by Radiative Cooling
- Co-author in TH/3-1: Impact of Carbon and Tungsten as Divertor Materials on the Scrape-off Layer Conditions in JET
- Co-author in TH/P2-17: Non-diffusive Momentum Transport in JET H-mode Regimes: Modeling and Experiment
- carine giroud
Gerardo Giruzzi
- Author in TH/P2-03: Model Validation and Integrated Modelling Simulations for the JT-60SA Tokamak
- Co-author in FTP/P7-22: Optimization of JT-60SA Plasma Operational Scenario with Capabilities of Installed Actuators
- Co-author in ITR/P1-31: Assessing the Power Requirements for Sawtooth Control in ITER through Modelling and Joint Experiments
- Sias Giuliana
- Gennady Gladush
- Alan Glasser
- Siegfried Glenzer
- Raphael Gobin
- R. Gobin
- Laurence Godbert-Mouret
- Tobias Goerler
- John Goetz
- Punit Gohil
Robert Goldston
- Author in TH/P4-19: Drift-based Model for Power Scrape-off Width in Low-Gas-Puff H-mode Plasmas: Theory and Implications
- Co-author in EX/P4-33: Observation of Edge Harmonic Oscillation in NSTX and Theoretical Study of its Active Control Using HHFW Antenna at Audio Frequencies
- Co-author in ITR/1-1: Scaling of the Tokamak near Scrape-off Layer H-mode Power Width and Implications for ITER
- Robert Goldston
- Andrey Golikov
- Victor Goloborod’ko
- Bruno Gonçalves
- Pavel Goncharov
- Valeri Goncharov
- R. Gondé
Xianzhu Gong
- Co-author in EX/P5-02: Effect of Lithium Coating on Edge Particle Recycling in EAST H-mode Discharge
- Co-author in EX/P5-13: Characterization of Particle and Power Loads on Divertor Targets for Type-I, Type-III, and Mossy ELMy H-modes in EAST Superconducting Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-25: Recent Results from Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating Experiments in HT-7 and EAST Tokamak
- Co-author in OV/2-5: Progress of Long Pulse and H-mode Experiments on EAST
- X Z Gong
- Marc Goniche
- Marc Goniche
- Joel González
- Jorge Alberto González
- Raquel González-Arrabal
Timothy P Goodman
- Author in EX/P6-08: Development of Electron Cyclotron Wave Absorption Measurement for Real-Time Polarization Optimization and Studies of Quasilinear Effects
- Co-author in EX/1-2: Real time ELM, NTM and Sawtooth Control on TCV
- Co-author in EX/P3-05: Experimental Investigation of Plasma Confinement in Reactor Relevant Conditions in TCV Plasmas with Dominant Electron Heating
- Co-author in EX/P3-12: Real-time Model-based Reconstruction and Control of Tokamak Plasma Profiles
- Co-author in ITR/P1-31: Assessing the Power Requirements for Sawtooth Control in ITER through Modelling and Joint Experiments
- Eugenij Gorbunov
- Eugenij Gorbunov
- Nuria Gordillo
Nicolai Gorelenkov
- Co-author in EX/P6-02: Internal Amplitude, Structure and Identification of CAEs and GAEs in NSTX
- Co-author in ITR/P1-34: Benchmark of Gyrokinetic, Kinetic MHD and Gyrofluid Codes for the Linear Calculation of Fast Particle Driven TAE Dynamics
- Co-author in TH/4-1: Energetic Particle Long Range Frequency Sweeping and Quasilinear Relaxation
- Co-author in TH/P6-16: Numerical Simulations of NBI-driven GAE modes in L-mode and H-mode Discharges in NSTX
- N.N. Gorelenkov
- Yuri Gorelov
- Giuseppe Gorini
Alexander Gorodetsky
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- Alexei V. Gorshkov
Motoshi Goto
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/4-4: Control of 3D Edge Radiation Structure with Resonant Magnetic Perturbation Fields Applied to Stochastic Layer and Stabilization of Radiative Divertor Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P5-18: Low Concentration of Iron as First Wall Material in LHD Plasmas with Edge Ergodic Layer
- Co-author in EX/P5-23: Improvement of the Spectroscopic Investigation of Pellet Ablation Clouds
- Co-author in EX/P5-29: First Results of Closed Helical Divertor Experiment in LHD
- Motoshi Goto
Takuya Goto
- Co-author in FTP/P7-34: Multifarious Physics Analyses of the Core Plasma Properties in a Helical DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in FTP/P7-36: Neutronics Design of Helical Type DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in FTP/P7-37: Divertor Heat Flux Reduction by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in the LHD-Type Helical DEMO Reactor
- Yoshiya Goto
- philippe Gouard
- Richard Goulding
- Pierre-Alexandre Gourdain
- J-F. Gournay
- Christopher Grabowski
- Joseph Graceffa
- Margaret Graham
- Virginie Grandgirard
- R. Granetz
- Robert Granetz
- E. Granstedt
- Gustavo Granucci
- Sergey Grashin
- G. Grasso
- Jonathan P. Graves
Travis Gray
- Author in EX/P5-27: The Effects of Increasing Lithium Deposition on the Power Exhaust Channel in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P5-33: Toroidal Asymmetry of Divertor Heat Deposition during the ELM and 3-D Field Application in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-40: Fast Wave Power Flow along SOL Field Lines in NSTX
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Co-author in ICC/P5-01: Results from LTX with Lithium-Coated Walls
- Co-author in ITR/1-1: Scaling of the Tokamak near Scrape-off Layer H-mode Power Width and Implications for ITER
Frank Graziani
- Co-author in IFE/P6-01: Particle Simulation of Fusion Ignition
- David Green
- John Greenly
Martin Greenwald
- Author in OV/2-3: Overview of Experimental Results and Code Validation Activities at Alcator C-Mod
- Author in OV/2-3: Overview of Experimental Results and Code Validation Activities at Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/1-3: Progress in Performance and Understanding of Steady ELM-free I-modes on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/2-2: A Unified Explanation of Rotation Reversals, Confinement Saturation and Non-Diffusive Heat Transport in C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P3-13: Turbulent Transport and Gyrokinetic Analysis in Alcator C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P3-23: Quantitative Comparison of Experimental and Gyrokinetic Simulated ICRH and I_p Dependent Impurity Transport
- Co-author in EX/P4-14: On the Formation and Stability of Impurity-generated ‘Snakes’ in Alcator C-Mod
Yury Gribov
- Author in ITR/P5-29: Error Fields Expected in ITER and their Correction
- Co-author in EX/P4-31: Addressing New Challenges for Error Field Correction
- Co-author in ITR/1-2: Progress on the Application of ELM Control Schemes to ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-10: Self-consistent Simulation of Plasma Scenarios for ITER Using a Combination of 1.5D Transport Codes and Free Boundary Equilibrium Codes
- Co-author in ITR/P1-14: Disruption Impacts and Their Mitigation Target Values
- Co-author in ITR/P1-15: Development of ITER Scenarios for Pre-DT Operations
- Co-author in ITR/P1-16: ITER Plasma Position Control System and Scenario Optimization
- Co-author in ITR/P1-35: Effects of ELM Control Coil on Fast Ion Confinement in ITER H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in ITR/P5-03: Simulation of Eddy Current and Electromagnetic Loads in ITER Conducting Structures
- Brian A. Grierson
- Gary Grim
- Djamel GRINE
- Larry Grisham
Rich Groebner
- Author in EX/11-4: Improved Understanding of Physics Processes in Pedestal Structure, Leading to Improved Predictive Capability for ITER
- Author in EX/11-4: Improved Understanding of Physics Processes in Pedestal Structure, Leading to Improved Predictive Capability for ITER
- Co-author in EX/P4-02: Analysis of Temperature and Density Pedestal in a Multi-machine Database
- Co-author in EX/P4-15: Pedestal Stability and Transport on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Experiments in Support of Developing Predictive Capability
- Co-author in EX/P5-12: Effect of Changes in Separatrix Magnetic Geometry on Divertor Behavior in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P7-05: Relating the L-H Power Threshold Scaling to Edge Turbulence Dynamics
- Co-author in EX/P7-17: The Role of Zonal Flows and Predator-Prey Oscillations in the Formation of Core and Edge Transport Barriers
- Co-author in ITR/P1-20: Integrated Magnetic and Kinetic Control of Advanced Tokamak Scenarios Based on Data-Driven Models
- Co-author in TH/P3-17: The EPED Pedestal Model: Extensions, Application to ELM-Suppressed Regimes, and ITER Predictions
- Co-author in TH/P4-07: Integrated Approach to the H-mode Pedestal Dynamics: Effects of Bootstrap Current and Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on ELMs
- Co-author in TH/P4-10: Integrated Fusion Simulations of Core-Edge-Wall Thermal and Particle Transport Using the FACETS Code
- Friedrich Groeschel
- Andrea Grosso
- David Grote
Mathias Groth
- Author in TH/3-1: Impact of Carbon and Tungsten as Divertor Materials on the Scrape-off Layer Conditions in JET
- Author in TH/3-1: Impact of Carbon and Tungsten as Divertor Materials on the Scrape-off Layer Conditions in JET
- Co-author in EX/4-1: Fuel Retention Studies with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-05: Characterization of Tungsten Sputtering in the JET Divertor
- Co-author in EX/P5-24: Power Handling of the Tungsten Divertor in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-37: Scrape-off Layer Properties of ITER-like Limiter Start-up Plasmas at JET
- Co-author in EX/P7-20: L-H Power Threshold, Pedestal Stability and Confinement in JET with a Metallic Wall
- matthias groth
- Mathias Groth
- Sandra Grünhagen
- Mikhail Gryaznevich
- Mikhail Gryaznevich
- Carlo Guerrero
- B. Gui
- dominique Guilhem
- Christophe GUILLEMAUT
- Bernard Guillerminet
- Rémy Guirlet
- Nezvat Guler
J. Gunn
- Co-author in EX/P5-26: Tore Supra Contribution to Experimental Prediction of the Power Flux to the Limiter in the ITER Start-up Mode
- Co-author in EX/P5-37: Scrape-off Layer Properties of ITER-like Limiter Start-up Plasmas at JET
- Co-author in EX/P6-10: Physics and Technology in the Ion-cyclotron Range of Frequency on Tore Supra and TITAN Test Facility: Implication for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-09: On the Use of Lower Hybrid Waves at ITER Relevant Density
- S. Günter
Houyang Guo
- Author in EX/P5-15: Approaches towards Steady-State Advanced Divertor Operations on EAST by Active Control of Plasma-Wall Interactions
- Co-author in EX/11-1: Evidence of Zonal-Flow-Driven Limit-Cycle Oscillations during L-H Transition and at H-mode Pedestal of a New Small-ELM Regime in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P4-06: New Edge Localized Modes at Marginal Input Power with Dominant RF-heating and Lithium-wall Conditioning in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P5-02: Effect of Lithium Coating on Edge Particle Recycling in EAST H-mode Discharge
- Co-author in EX/P5-13: Characterization of Particle and Power Loads on Divertor Targets for Type-I, Type-III, and Mossy ELMy H-modes in EAST Superconducting Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-21: Investigations of LHW-plasma Coupling and Current Drive in H-mode Experiments in EAST
- Co-author in OV/2-5: Progress of Long Pulse and H-mode Experiments on EAST
- Zehua Guo
- ShiChong Guo
- Houyang Guo
- Manoj kumar Gupta
- C N Gupta
- pratibha gupta
M K Gupta
- Co-author in FTP/3-2: SST-1 Tokamak Integration & Commissioning
N C Gupta
- Co-author in FTP/3-2: SST-1 Tokamak Integration & Commissioning
Ö.D. Gürcan
- Author in TH/P2-12: Indications of Nonlocality of Plasma Turbulence
- Co-author in OV/P-03: On the Physics of Intrinsic Torque in Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P4-02: Spatio-Temporal Evolution of the L-H and H-L Transitions
- Co-author in TH/P7-02: Progress on Theoretical Issues in Modelling Turbulent Transport
A.D. Gurchenko
- Co-author in EX/P7-04: Turbulence Wave Number Spectra Reconstruction from Radial Correlation Reflectometry Data at Tore Supra and FT-2 Tokamaks
- Co-author in TH/6-3: Multi-Scale Drift Turbulence Dynamics in Ohmic Discharge as Measured at the FT-2 Tokamak and Modeled by Full-f Gyrokinetic ELMFIRE-code
- Mikhail Gurevich
Evgeniy Gusakov
- Author in TH/6-3: Multi-Scale Drift Turbulence Dynamics in Ohmic Discharge as Measured at the FT-2 Tokamak and Modeled by Full-f Gyrokinetic ELMFIRE-code
- Author in TH/6-3: Multi-Scale Drift Turbulence Dynamics in Ohmic Discharge as Measured at the FT-2 Tokamak and Modeled by Full-f Gyrokinetic ELMFIRE-code
- Co-author in EX/P7-04: Turbulence Wave Number Spectra Reconstruction from Radial Correlation Reflectometry Data at Tore Supra and FT-2 Tokamaks
Vasily Gusev
- Author in EX/8-3: From Globus-M Results Toward Compact Spherical Tokamak with Enhanced Parameters, Globus-M2
- Author in EX/8-3: From Globus-M Results Toward Compact Spherical Tokamak with Enhanced Parameters, Globus-M2
- Co-author in ICC/P1-01: Magnetic System for the Upgraded Spherical Tokamak Globus-M2
- Kyle Gustafson
- J. Guterl
Walter Guttenfelder
- Author in TH/6-1: Progress in Simulating Turbulent Electron Thermal Transport in NSTX
- Author in TH/6-1: Progress in Simulating Turbulent Electron Thermal Transport in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/7-1: The Dependence of H-mode Energy Confinement and Transport on Collisionality in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P3-34: Study of Carbon and Lithium Neoclassical Impurity Transport in ELM-Free H-Mode Discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P4-04: The Evolution of the Edge Pedestal Structure and Turbulence Spatial Scale during the ELM Cycle on NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P7-02: Response of Electron-scale Turbulence and Thermal Transport to Continuous ExB Shear Ramping-up in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P7-03: Characteristics of Microturbulence in H-mode Plasma of LHD
- Co-author in EX/P7-16: Edge Plasma Transport and Microstability Analysis with Lithium-coated Plasma-facing Components in NSTX
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Co-author in ITR/P1-30: ITER Implications of the Beta Scaling of Energy Confinement
- Steve Haan
- Hideaki Habara
- Sebastien HACQUIN
T.S. Hahm
- Author in TH/P7-12: ExB Shear Suppression of Turbulence in Diverted H-mode Plasmas; Role of Edge Magnetic Shear
- Co-author in ITR/P1-17: Integrated Modelling of ITER Hybrid Scenarios Including Momentum Transport, NTMs, and ELMs in Preparation for Active Control
- Co-author in OV/3-4: Towards an Emerging Understanding of Nonlocal Transport
- Co-author in OV/P-03: On the Physics of Intrinsic Torque in Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P4-02: Spatio-Temporal Evolution of the L-H and H-L Transitions
- Co-author in TH/P7-06: Electrostatic Gyrokinetic Absolute Equilibria: Calculation, Simulation and Physics Relevant to Fusion Plasmas Turbulence
- Co-author in TH/P7-14: Turbulence Generated Non-inductive Current and Flow Shear Driven Turbulent Transport in Tokamaks
S.H. Hahn
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P5-35: A Global Particle-balance Model for Wall Interaction Analysis Associated with Open- and Closed-loop Density Control Experiments in KSTAR
- Ammar Hakim
- Ammar Hakim
- Antti Hakola
- Klaus Hallatschek
- Federico Halpern
- Dai Hamaguchi
- Kiyotaka Hamamatsu
- David Hammer
- Gregory Hammett
- Won Soon Han
- H.S. HAN
- shilei han
- X F Han
- Xiaofeng Han
- Kazuaki Hanada
- Masaya Hanada
- T Hanao
- Co-author in EX/5-2: Studies of Energetic-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas with Low Magnetic Shear
- Co-author in EX/P3-07: Study of Fueling Control for Confinement Experiments in Heliotron J
- Co-author in EX/P4-17: Edge Plasma Response to Beam-driven MHD Instability in Heliotron J
- Co-author in EX/P8-10: Stabilization of Energetic-Ion-Driven MHD Mode by ECCD in Heliotron J
- Ryohei Hanayama
- David Hancock
- Chandresh Hansalia
- Chris Hansen
- Chris Hansen
- James D. Hanson
Jeremy M. Hanson
- Author in EX/P4-27: Probing Resistive Wall Mode Stability Using Off-axis NBI
- Co-author in EX/1-5: Fully Noninductive Scenario Development in DIII-D Using New Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in EX/P2-01: Access and Sustained High Performance in Advanced Inductive Discharges with ITER-Relevant Low Torque
- Co-author in EX/P4-09: Rotation Braking and Error Field Correction of the Test Blanket Module Induced Magnetic Field Error in ITER
- Gregory Hanson
Xiao-Yu HAN Xiao-Yu
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-11: Study of the High-efficiency Fuelling Features of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-12: Investigation of the Role of Energetic Particle in the Driving of Long-lived Saturated Internal Mode on HL-2A Tokamak
- Guangzhou Hao
- Yu Min Hao
- Tim Happel
- Masanori Hara
- Yannis Hardalupas
- David Harding
- J. Hare
- Takeaki Harima
- J.H. Harris
- James Harrison
- James Harrison
- Derek harting
- Derek Harting
- Derek Harting
- Derek Harting
- Tobias Hartmann
- Dirk Hartmann
- Robert W. Harvey
- R. W. Harvey
- Robert Harvey
- Akira Hasegawa
- Makoto Hasegawa
- Takahiro Hashimoto
- Shaun Haskey
- Masahiro Hasuo
- Takaki Hatae
- Masahiko Hatakeyama
Yuji Hatano
- Author in FTP/4-1: Hydrogen Isotope Trapping at Defects Created with Neutron- and Ion-Irradiation in Tungsten
- Author in FTP/4-1: Hydrogen Isotope Trapping at Defects Created with Neutron- and Ion-Irradiation in Tungsten
- Co-author in FTP/P7-14: Research on Tritium/Heat Transfer and Irradiation Synergism for First Wall and Blanket in the TITAN Project
- Robert Hatarik
- Akiyoshi Hatayama
- David Hatch
- Steve Hatchett
- Dag Hathiramani
- Roman Hatzky
- Eva Havlickova
- Nick Hawkes
Nobuhiko Hayashi
- Author in TH/5-3: Reduction of ELM Energy Loss by Pellet Injection for ELM Pacing
- Author in TH/5-3: Reduction of ELM Energy Loss by Pellet Injection for ELM Pacing
- Co-author in EX/2-4: Dependence of Heat Transport and Confinement on Isotopic Composition in Conventional H-mode Plasmas in JT-60U
- Co-author in FTP/P7-22: Optimization of JT-60SA Plasma Operational Scenario with Capabilities of Installed Actuators
- Co-author in TH/P2-03: Model Validation and Integrated Modelling Simulations for the JT-60SA Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/P2-14: Predictive Transport Simulations Consistent with Rotation and Radial Electric Field Using TOPICS with OFMC
- Ryota Hayashi
- Kazuo Hayashi
- Takao Hayashi
- Yoshinori Hayashi
- Toshimitsu Hayashi
- Richard Hazeltine
- Hongda He
- Xiantu HE
- Frank Hegeler
- Chris Hegna
- W. W. Heidbrink
W. W. Heidbrink
- Author in EX/P6-22: Fast Ion Physics Enabled by Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in EX/P2-13: Validation of Off-axis Neutral Beam Current Drive Physics in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-19: Measurement of Deuterium Ion Toroidal Rotation and Comparison to Neoclassical Theory in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-03: Fast-ion Redistribution and Loss due to Edge Perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and KSTAR Tokamaks
- Co-author in ITR/P1-32: Observation of Localized Fast-Ion Induced Heat Loads in Test Blanket Module Simulation Experiments on DIII-D
- Co-author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P2-30: Tomography of 2D Velocity-space Distributions from Combined Synthetic Fast-ion Diagnostics at ASDEX Upgrade
- Roland Heidinger
- J.A. Heikkinen
- Bryan Heim
Bernd Heinemann
- Co-author in FTP/P1-23: Preparation of Steady State Operation of the Wendelstein 7-X Stellarator
- Co-author in ITR/P1-01: Commissioning and First Results of the ITER-Relevant Negative Ion Beam Test Facility ELISE
- Co-author in ITR/P1-04: EU Development of the ITER Neutral Beam Injector and Test Facility
- Volker HEINZEL
- Eric Held
- Eric Held
- Tsutomu Hemmi
- Ronald Hemsworth
T.C. Hender
- Co-author in EX/9-1: Impact and Mitigation of Disruptions with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/P8-05: Latest Progress in Studies of Runaway Electrons in JET
- Co-author in ITR/P1-14: Disruption Impacts and Their Mitigation Target Values
- Co-author in ITR/P5-31: System-Level Optimization of ITER Magnetic Diagnostics: Preliminary Results
- Mark Henderson
- Enrique Henestroza
- Pascale Hennequin
Albrecht Herrmann
- Co-author in EX/P5-19: ICRF Operation with Improved Antennas in a Full W-wall ASDEX Upgrade, Status and Developments
- Co-author in EX/P7-23: Far-reaching Impact of Intermittent Transport across the Scrape-off Layer: Latest Results from ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in ITR/1-1: Scaling of the Tokamak near Scrape-off Layer H-mode Power Width and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-28: Multi-machine Comparisons of Divertor Heat Flux Mitigation by Radiative Cooling
- Co-author in ITR/P5-42: First studies of ITER diagnostic mirrors in a tokamak with all-metal interior: results of first mirror test in ASDEX Upgrade
- Albrecht Herrmann
- Stephane Heuraux
Carlos Hidalgo
- Author in EX/P3-22: Dynamical Coupling Between Gradients and Transport in Tokamaks and Stellarators
- Co-author in EX/10-2: Spatiotemporal Structure of the Turbulence-flow Interaction at the L-H Transition in TJ-II Plasma
- Co-author in ITR/P5-27: Challenges of Integrating a Typical Diagnostics Port Plug in ITER
- Co-author in OV/3-4: Towards an Emerging Understanding of Nonlocal Transport
T Higashi
- Author in ICC/1-1Ra & ICC/1-1Rb: Progress on HIT-SI and Imposed Dynamo Current Drive; Flow and Magnetic Field Profiles in the HIST Spherical Torus Plasmas Sustained by Double Pulsing Coaxial Helicity Injection
- Author in ICC/1-1Rb: Flow and Magnetic Field Profiles in the HIST Spherical Torus Plasmas Sustained by Double Pulsing Coaxial Helicity Injection
- Co-author in FTP/P1-10: Simulation Experiments of ELM-like Transient Heat and Particle Loads using a Magnetized Coaxial Plasma Gun
- T Higashi (University of Hyogo)
D. P. Higginson
- Co-author in IFE/P6-08: Focusing Protons Beams for Fast Ignition
- Peter Hill
Kenneth Hill
- Co-author in EX/2-3: ECRH Effects on Toroidal Rotation: KSTAR Experiments and Gyrokinetic Simulations of Intrinsic Torque at ITG - TEM Transitions
- Co-author in EX/P3-32: Toroidal Rotation Characteristics in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P4-14: On the Formation and Stability of Impurity-generated ‘Snakes’ in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P6-19: Plasma Rotation Behavior under Lower Hybrid Current Drive and Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Heating on EAST
David N. Hill
- Author in OV/1-1: DIII-D Overview - Research Toward Resolving Key Issues for ITER and Steady-State Tokamaks
- Author in OV/1-1: DIII-D Overview - Research Toward Resolving Key Issues for ITER and Steady-State Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P5-12: Effect of Changes in Separatrix Magnetic Geometry on Divertor Behavior in DIII-D
- J. Hillairet
- Jon C. Hillesheim
- Haruhiko Himura
- Haruhiko Himura
- Jun Hinata
- Tomoaki Hino
- Edward Hinson
- Tatsumi Hioki
- Tatsumi Hioki
- Takeshi Hirai
- Shinichi Hiranai
- Michiko HIRANO
Mafumi Hirata
- Co-author in EX/P3-03: Potential Fluctuation Study from the Core Plasma to End Region in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in EX/P6-20: Coupling of ICRF Waves and Axial Transport of High-Energy Ions Owing to Spontaneously Excited Waves in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in FTP/P1-11: Plasma Characteristics of the End-cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror for the Divertor Simulation Experiment
- Junichi Hiratsuka
- Yoshihiko Hirooka
- Takanori Hirose
- Akira Hirose
- Makoto Hirota
- Matthias Hirsch
- S.P. Hirshman
- Eero Hirvijoki
- J. Hittinger
- J. A. Hittinger
- Kyriakos Hizanidis
team HL-2A
(Southwestern Institute of Physics)
- Co-author in OV/3-3: Overview of HL-2A Recent Experiments
Tuong Hoang
- Author in EX/P6-10: Physics and Technology in the Ion-cyclotron Range of Frequency on Tore Supra and TITAN Test Facility: Implication for ITER
- Co-author in EX/P6-24: Recent Progress on Lower Hybrid Current Drive and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in FTP/P1-21: Status and Plan of the Key Actuators for KSTAR Operation
- G.T. Hoang
- joerg hobirk
- Jörg Hobirk
- Joerg Hobirk
- Joerg hobirk
- Hendrik Hoehnle
- G M D Hogeweij
- Mattias Hohenberger
Christopher T. Holcomb
- Author in EX/1-5: Fully Noninductive Scenario Development in DIII-D Using New Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Author in EX/1-5: Fully Noninductive Scenario Development in DIII-D Using New Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in EX/5-1: Dynamics of Energetic Particle Driven Modes and MHD Modes in Wall-stabilized High Beta Plasmas on JT-60U and DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P2-01: Access and Sustained High Performance in Advanced Inductive Discharges with ITER-Relevant Low Torque
- Co-author in EX/P2-13: Validation of Off-axis Neutral Beam Current Drive Physics in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P5-12: Effect of Changes in Separatrix Magnetic Geometry on Divertor Behavior in DIII-D
- Matthew John Hole
Christopher Holland
- Author in EX/P7-09: Validation Studies of Gyrofluid and Gyrokinetic Predictions of Transport and Turbulence Stiffness Using the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/10-3: Zonal Flows as the Trigger Event for the L-H Transition
- Co-author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P3-18: Experimental Tests of Stiffness in the Electron and Ion Energy Transport in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-06: Turbulence and Transport Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ELM-Suppressed Plasmas
- Co-author in ITR/P1-30: ITER Implications of the Beta Scaling of Energy Confinement
- Eric M. Hollmann
- Don Holly
- Ihor Holod
- Hirofumi Homma
- Gillis Hommen
- Mitsuru Honda
Suk-Ho Hong
- Author in FTP/P1-03: Temporal and Spatial Evolution of In-vessel Dust Characteristics in KSTAR and Dust Removal Experiments in TReD
- Co-author in EX/P5-09: Overview of the International Research on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning
- Co-author in EX/P5-35: A Global Particle-balance Model for Wall Interaction Analysis Associated with Open- and Closed-loop Density Control Experiments in KSTAR
Wenyu Hong
- Co-author in EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P7-07: Generation of Large Scale Coherent Structures by Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-14: The Observation of Dual-peak Geodesic Acoustic Modes in the Edge Plasma on Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P7-24: Time-resolved Evolution of Low Frequency Electrostatic Fluctuations during Slow L-H Transition at the Boundary Plasma of HL-2A Tokamak
- Seung Lock Hong
- Edwin Hooper
- Ch Hopf
- Christian Hopf
- Heinrich Hora
- Jan Horacek
- Hiroshi Horiike
- William Hornsby
- wendell horton
- Joel Hosea
- Kazuo Hoshino (Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA))
- Kazuo Hoshino
- Tsuyoshi Hoshino
- Katsumichi Hoshino
- Hirokazu Hosoda
- Katsuhiro Hosoi
- Aaron Hossack
- binling Hou
Nathan Howard
- Author in EX/P3-23: Quantitative Comparison of Experimental and Gyrokinetic Simulated ICRH and I_p Dependent Impurity Transport
- Co-author in EX/2-2: A Unified Explanation of Rotation Reversals, Confinement Saturation and Non-Diffusive Heat Transport in C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P3-28: Production of Internal Transport Barriers by Intrinsic Flow Drive in Alcator C-Mod
- John Howard
- Nathan Howard
- Cad Hoyt
- C. T. Hsu
- Liqun Hu
- L. Hu
- Suxing Hu
- Gang Hu
- Xiwei Hu
- H C Hu
- Jiansheng Hu
- Author in EX/P4-29: Perturbation Features of Intrinsic and Pellet Induced ELMs on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-08: Investigation of L-I-H Transitions Facilitated by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection and Pellet Fuelling on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-12: Investigation of the Role of Energetic Particle in the Driving of Long-lived Saturated Internal Mode on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-15: Coexistence of Alfvénic Modes Induced by Energetic Electrons with ECRH on HL-2A
Xianli Huang
- Co-author in EX/P3-09: Understanding the Dynamics of Cold Pulse Nonlocality Phenomena
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-21: Enhancement of Edge Impurity Transport with ECRH in HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-12: Investigation of the Role of Energetic Particle in the Driving of Long-lived Saturated Internal Mode on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-13: Correlations of the Turbulent Structures during Nonlocal Effect Caused by SMBI on the HL-2A Tokamak
Zhihui Huang
- Co-author in EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P7-07: Generation of Large Scale Coherent Structures by Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-24: Time-resolved Evolution of Low Frequency Electrostatic Fluctuations during Slow L-H Transition at the Boundary Plasma of HL-2A Tokamak
- yuan huang
- He Huang
- Yuan huang
- Zhouji Huang
Amanda E. Hubbard
- Author in EX/1-3: Progress in Performance and Understanding of Steady ELM-free I-modes on Alcator C-Mod
- Author in EX/1-3: Progress in Performance and Understanding of Steady ELM-free I-modes on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/2-2: A Unified Explanation of Rotation Reversals, Confinement Saturation and Non-Diffusive Heat Transport in C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P2-04: Study of H-mode Access in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Density, Toroidal Field and Divertor Geometry Dependence
- Co-author in EX/P2-16: Progress toward Steady-state Regimes in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P3-01: Poloidal Variation of High-Z Impurity Density due to Hydrogen Minority ICRH on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P3-13: Turbulent Transport and Gyrokinetic Analysis in Alcator C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P4-14: On the Formation and Stability of Impurity-generated ‘Snakes’ in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P4-15: Pedestal Stability and Transport on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Experiments in Support of Developing Predictive Capability
- Co-author in ITR/P1-09: On the Use of Lower Hybrid Waves at ITER Relevant Density
- Co-author in ITR/P1-11: Demonstrating the ITER Baseline Operation at q95=3
- Co-author in ITR/P5-41: Exploring Measurement Capabilities of ITER ECE System
- Co-author in TH/P6-11: Integrated Plasma Simulation of Lower Hybrid Current Profile Control in Tokamaks
- M. Hubeny
Alexander Huber
- Co-author in EX/4-1: Fuel Retention Studies with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/9-1: Impact and Mitigation of Disruptions with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-04: Longterm Evolution of the Impurity Composition and Transient Impurity Events with the ITER-like Wall at JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-10: Efficiency of Fuel Removal: Overview of Techniques Tested on Plasma-Facing Components from the TEXTOR Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P5-14: Development of Laser Based Techniques for In-situ Characterization of the First Wall in ITER and Future Fusion Devices
- Co-author in EX/P5-24: Power Handling of the Tungsten Divertor in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Co-author in EX/P8-05: Latest Progress in Studies of Runaway Electrons in JET
- Co-author in TH/3-1: Impact of Carbon and Tungsten as Divertor Materials on the Scrape-off Layer Conditions in JET
- Aleksandr Huber
Jerry Hughes
- Author in EX/P4-15: Pedestal Stability and Transport on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Experiments in Support of Developing Predictive Capability
- Co-author in EX/1-3: Progress in Performance and Understanding of Steady ELM-free I-modes on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/2-2: A Unified Explanation of Rotation Reversals, Confinement Saturation and Non-Diffusive Heat Transport in C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P2-02: ITER Demonstration Discharges on Alcator C-Mod in Support of ITER
- Co-author in EX/P2-04: Study of H-mode Access in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Density, Toroidal Field and Divertor Geometry Dependence
- Co-author in EX/P3-01: Poloidal Variation of High-Z Impurity Density due to Hydrogen Minority ICRH on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P3-28: Production of Internal Transport Barriers by Intrinsic Flow Drive in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in ITR/P1-28: Multi-machine Comparisons of Divertor Heat Flux Mitigation by Radiative Cooling
- Co-author in ITR/P1-36: Assessment of the H-mode Power Threshold Requirements for ITER
- Paul Hughes
- J. W. Hughes
Guido Huijsmans
- Author in ITR/P1-23: Non-linear MHD Simulation of ELM Energy Deposition
- Co-author in ITR/1-2: Progress on the Application of ELM Control Schemes to ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-22: Non-linear MHD Modelling of ELM Triggering by Pellet Injection in DIII-D and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in TH/2-1: Non-linear MHD Modelling of Rotating Plasma Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in TH/P3-10: Pedestal Modelling Based on Ideal MHD and Gyrokinetic Stability Analyses on JET And ITER Plasmas
- Eric Humbert
Dave Humphreys
- Co-author in EX/9-2: Control and Dissipation of Runaway Electron Beams Created during Rapid Shutdown Experiments in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P2-09: First-Principles Model-based Closed-loop Control of the Current Profile Dynamic Evolution on DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P4-28: Vertical Stability of NSTX and NSTX-U
- Co-author in FTP/P7-35: A Fast-Track Path to DEMO Enabled by ITER and FNSF-AT
- Co-author in ITR/P1-20: Integrated Magnetic and Kinetic Control of Advanced Tokamak Scenarios Based on Data-Driven Models
- Jared Hund
- Ian Hutchinson
- I. H. Hutchinson
- Philippe Huynh
- Yong-Seok Hwang
- Cherl Kew Hwang
Alan Hyatt
- Co-author in EX/1-5: Fully Noninductive Scenario Development in DIII-D Using New Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in EX/P2-08: Long-pulse Stability Limits of ITER Baseline Scenario Plasmas in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P5-12: Effect of Changes in Separatrix Magnetic Geometry on Divertor Behavior in DIII-D
- Co-author in ITR/P1-20: Integrated Magnetic and Kinetic Control of Advanced Tokamak Scenarios Based on Data-Driven Models
- Team HyperV Technologies Corp.
Lee Hyungho
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/P3-32: Toroidal Rotation Characteristics in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P8-11: Effects of RF-Heating Induced MHD Activities on the Toroidal Rotation in Tokamaks
- Day Ian
- Franco Iannone
- Angel Ibarra
- Yamada Ichihiro
Makoto Ichimura
- Author in EX/P6-20: Coupling of ICRF Waves and Axial Transport of High-Energy Ions Owing to Spontaneously Excited Waves in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in EX/P3-03: Potential Fluctuation Study from the Core Plasma to End Region in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in FTP/P1-11: Plasma Characteristics of the End-cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror for the Divertor Simulation Experiment
- Kazuya Ichimura
K. Ida
- Author in OV/3-4: Towards an Emerging Understanding of Nonlocal Transport
- Author in OV/3-4: Towards an Emerging Understanding of Nonlocal Transport
- Co-author in EX/10-1: Is Turbulence Determined by Local Temperature Gradient?
- Co-author in EX/2-3: ECRH Effects on Toroidal Rotation: KSTAR Experiments and Gyrokinetic Simulations of Intrinsic Torque at ITG - TEM Transitions
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/8-1: 3D Plasma Response to Magnetic Field Structure in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P3-14: Inter-Machine Validation Study of Neoclassical Transport Modelling in Medium- to High-Density Stellarator-Heliotron Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P8-11: Effects of RF-Heating Induced MHD Activities on the Toroidal Rotation in Tokamaks
- Co-author in OV/P-03: On the Physics of Intrinsic Torque in Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/7-2: Non-Axisymmetric Equilibrium Reconstruction for Stellarators,Reversed Field Pinches and Tokamaks
- Katsumi Ida
Katsumi Ida
- Co-author in EX/P4-10: Mitigation of Large Amplitude Edge-Localized-Modes by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P4-30: Response of MHD Stability to Resonant Magnetic Perturbation in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P7-03: Characteristics of Microturbulence in H-mode Plasma of LHD
- Mizuho Ida
- Shunsuke Ide
Hiroshi Idei
- Author in EX/P6-17: Electron Bernstein Wave Heating and Current Drive Effects in QUEST
- Co-author in EX/P2-12: Steady State Operation Using Improved ICH and ECH for High Performance Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P6-16: Electron Bernstein Wave Heating and Electron Cyclotron Current Drive by Use of Upgraded ECH System in LHD
- Co-author in FTP/P1-20: Development of MW Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices by University of Tsukuba
Takeshi Ido
- Author in PD/P8-16: Observation of a New Energy Channel from Energetic Particles to Bulk Ions through Geodesic Acoustic Mode
- Co-author in EX/10-1: Is Turbulence Determined by Local Temperature Gradient?
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/P3-27: Transition of Poloidal Viscosity by Electrode Biasing in the Large Helical Device
- yasuhiro Idomura
- Hiroe IGAMI
- Hiroe Igami
- Hiroe Igami
- Yu Igitkhanov
- V Igochine
- V. Igochine
- Masahide Iguchi
- Igor Igumenshchev
- Toru Ii
- Takuma Iimura
- Shota Iizuka
- Katsunori Ikeda
Ryuya Ikezoe
- Co-author in EX/P3-03: Potential Fluctuation Study from the Core Plasma to End Region in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in EX/P6-20: Coupling of ICRF Waves and Axial Transport of High-Energy Ions Owing to Spontaneously Excited Waves in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in FTP/P1-11: Plasma Characteristics of the End-cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror for the Divertor Simulation Experiment
- Dong Seok Im
- Kihak Im
Tsuyoshi Imai
- Co-author in EX/P3-03: Potential Fluctuation Study from the Core Plasma to End Region in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in EX/P6-20: Coupling of ICRF Waves and Axial Transport of High-Energy Ions Owing to Spontaneously Excited Waves in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in FTP/P1-11: Plasma Characteristics of the End-cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror for the Divertor Simulation Experiment
- Co-author in FTP/P1-20: Development of MW Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices by University of Tsukuba
- Ryota Imazawa
Frederic Imbeaux
- Co-author in EX/P6-21: Investigations of LHW-plasma Coupling and Current Drive in H-mode Experiments in EAST
- Co-author in ITR/P1-30: ITER Implications of the Beta Scaling of Energy Confinement
- Co-author in TH/P2-05: Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: from Present-day Experiments toward ITER
- Co-author in TH/P2-25: The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling Effort: Achievements and First Physics Results
- Frederic Imbeaux
- Frederic Imbeaux
- Sang Ryeol In
Yongkyoon In
- Co-author in EX/1-5: Fully Noninductive Scenario Development in DIII-D Using New Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in EX/5-1: Dynamics of Energetic Particle Driven Modes and MHD Modes in Wall-stabilized High Beta Plasmas on JT-60U and DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P2-01: Access and Sustained High Performance in Advanced Inductive Discharges with ITER-Relevant Low Torque
- Co-author in EX/P4-09: Rotation Braking and Error Field Correction of the Test Blanket Module Induced Magnetic Field Error in ITER
- Co-author in EX/P4-27: Probing Resistive Wall Mode Stability Using Off-axis NBI
Shigeru Inagaki
- Author in EX/10-1: Is Turbulence Determined by Local Temperature Gradient?
- Author in EX/10-1: Is Turbulence Determined by Local Temperature Gradient?
- Co-author in EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/8-1: 3D Plasma Response to Magnetic Field Structure in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P3-27: Transition of Poloidal Viscosity by Electrode Biasing in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P7-03: Characteristics of Microturbulence in H-mode Plasma of LHD
- Co-author in OV/3-4: Towards an Emerging Understanding of Nonlocal Transport
- Paolo Innocente
- P Innocente
- Michiaki Inomoto
takashi Inoue
- Author in FTP/1-2: Acceleration of 1 MeV H- Ion Beams at ITER NB-relevant High Current Density
- Author in FTP/1-2: Acceleration of 1 MeV H- Ion Beams at ITER NB-relevant High Current Density
- Co-author in FTP/P1-18: Progress in the Development of Long Pulse Neutral Beam Injectors for JT-60SA
- Co-author in ITR/1-3: Design of the MITICA Neutral Beam Injector: From Physics Analysis to Engineering Design
- Shizuo Inoue
- Thomas Intrator
- Kimihiro Ioki
- Codrina Ionita
- Mikhail Irzak
- Maxim Isaev
- Akihiko Isayama
- Markus Iseli
Shinichi Ishida
- Co-author in OV/4-1: Progress of the JT-60SA Project
- Masaki Ishiguro
- M Ishihara
- Yoshinori Ishii
- Katsuhiro Ishii
- Yasutomo Ishii
- Keiichi Ishii
- Masao Ishikawa
- Akihiro Ishizawa
- Mitsutaka ISOBE
- Mitsutaka Isobe
- Naho Itagaki
- Hirotomo Itagaki
- Satoshi ITO
- K Ito
Kimitaka Itoh
- Co-author in EX/10-1: Is Turbulence Determined by Local Temperature Gradient?
- Co-author in EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P7-07: Generation of Large Scale Coherent Structures by Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/1-1: Study of Toroidal Flow Generation by the ICRF Minority Heating in the Alcator C-Mod Plasma
- Co-author in TH/P2-22: Transport Analysis of Oscillatory State for Plasma Dynamics in Helical Plasmas
- Kimitaka Itoh
S-I Itoh
- Author in PD/P8-11: Immediate Influence of Heating Power on Turbulent Plasma Transport
- Co-author in EX/10-1: Is Turbulence Determined by Local Temperature Gradient?
- Co-author in EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
- Co-author in OV/3-4: Towards an Emerging Understanding of Nonlocal Transport
- Yuzuru ITOH
- Hiroshi Iuchi
- A.A. Ivanov
- Nikolay Ivanov
- Darya Ivanova
- Darya Ivanova
- Irena Ivanova-Stanik
- Toru Iwai
- Akifumi Iwamoto
- Akifumi Iwamoto
- Daiki Iwamoto
- Valerie Izzo
- Grzegorzk Jablonski
- Stefan Jachmich
- Stefan Jachmich
Stefan Jachmich
- Co-author in EX/4-1: Fuel Retention Studies with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/9-1: Impact and Mitigation of Disruptions with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/P4-23:Mitigation of Type-I ELMs with n =2 Fields on JET
- Co-author in EX/P8-05: Latest Progress in Studies of Runaway Electrons in JET
- Stefan Jachmich
- Stefan Jachmich
G. L. Jackson
- Author in EX/P2-08: Long-pulse Stability Limits of ITER Baseline Scenario Plasmas in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/5-1: Dynamics of Energetic Particle Driven Modes and MHD Modes in Wall-stabilized High Beta Plasmas on JT-60U and DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P2-01: Access and Sustained High Performance in Advanced Inductive Discharges with ITER-Relevant Low Torque
- Co-author in EX/P2-13: Validation of Off-axis Neutral Beam Current Drive Physics in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in ITR/P1-11: Demonstrating the ITER Baseline Operation at q95=3
- Eriksson Jacob
- Wolfgang Jacob
- C. M. Jacobson
- Sylvie Jacquemot
- Philippe Jacquet
- Patrice JACQUET
- jonathan jacquot
- H M Jadav
- Surendrasinh Jadeja
- E. F. Jaeger
- Marcin Jakubowski
- Alex N. James
- S.J. Janhunen
- Salomon Janhunen
- Javier Jaquez
Thomas Jarboe
- Author in ICC/1-1Ra & ICC/1-1Rb: Progress on HIT-SI and Imposed Dynamo Current Drive; Flow and Magnetic Field Profiles in the HIST Spherical Torus Plasmas Sustained by Double Pulsing Coaxial Helicity Injection
- Author in ICC/1-1Ra: Progress on HIT-SI and Imposed Dynamo Current Drive
- Co-author in EX/P2-10:Non-inductive Plasma Start-up in NSTX Using Transient CHI
- Co-author in TH/P2-02: Progress in the Plasma Science and Innovation Center
Stephen C. Jardin
- Author in TH/P3-04: Simulation of Sawteeth and other Global Macroscopic Dynamics of Tokamak Plasmas on the Transport Timescale
- Co-author in EX/P2-10:Non-inductive Plasma Start-up in NSTX Using Transient CHI
- Co-author in ITR/P1-12: Modelling of ITER Plasma Shutdown with Runaway Mitigation Using TSC
- Co-author in ITR/P1-29: PTRANSP Tests of TGLF and Predictions for ITER
- Co-author in TH/P3-01: Sideways Wall Force Produced during Disruptions
- Co-author in TH/P6-11: Integrated Plasma Simulation of Lower Hybrid Current Profile Control in Tokamaks
- L. Charlie Jarrott
L. C. Jarrott
- Co-author in IFE/P6-08: Focusing Protons Beams for Fast Ignition
- Eduardo Juvenal Jasso
Michael Jaworski
- Author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P4-33: Observation of Edge Harmonic Oscillation in NSTX and Theoretical Study of its Active Control Using HHFW Antenna at Audio Frequencies
- Co-author in EX/P5-27: The Effects of Increasing Lithium Deposition on the Power Exhaust Channel in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-40: Fast Wave Power Flow along SOL Field Lines in NSTX
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- M. Jaworski
- Pavegeau Jean
- Ian Jenkins
- Thomas Jenkins
- Frank Jenko
Y.M. Jeon
- Author in EX/3-3: ELM Control in Application of Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in KSTAR
- Author in EX/3-3: ELM Control in Application of Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/11-3: Visualization of ELM Dynamics and its Response from External Perturbations via 2D Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P7-19: L to H-mode Power Threshold and Confinement Characteristics of H-modes in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P8-13: Experiment for Stabilization of Tearing Mode in KSTAR
- Co-author in TH/P4-28: Self-consistent Kinetic Simulation of RMP-driven Transport: Collisionality and Rotation Effects on RMP Penetration and Transport
- Co-author in TH/P7-12: ExB Shear Suppression of Turbulence in Diverted H-mode Plasmas; Role of Edge Magnetic Shear
- Jin Hyun Jeong
- S.H. Jeong
- Tom Jernigan
- Tom C. Jernigan
- Contributors JET-EFDA
- JET-EFDA Contributors
- . JET-EFDA Contributors*
- Ratneshwar Jha
H. Jhang
- Author in TH/6-2: Role of External Torque and Toroidal Momentum Transport in the Dynamics of Heat Transport in Internal Transport Barriers
- Author in TH/6-2: Role of External Torque and Toroidal Momentum Transport in the Dynamics of Heat Transport in Internal Transport Barriers
- Co-author in OV/P-03: On the Physics of Intrinsic Torque in Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/5-2Rb: Theory and Gyro-fluid Simulations of Edge-Localized-Modes
- Co-author in TH/P7-12: ExB Shear Suppression of Turbulence in Diverted H-mode Plasmas; Role of Edge Magnetic Shear
- J. H. F. J. H. F. Severo
- Author in EX/P4-25: Triggering of Neoclassical Tearing Modes by Mode Coupling in HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-29: Perturbation Features of Intrinsic and Pellet Induced ELMs on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P6-12: Investigation of the Role of Energetic Particle in the Driving of Long-lived Saturated Internal Mode on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-13: Nonlinear features of the Alfvénic wave-particle interaction in auxiliary heated HL-2A plasma
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-15: Coexistence of Alfvénic Modes Induced by Energetic Electrons with ECRH on HL-2A
- Jeong-Young Ji
Min Jiang
- Co-author in EX/P4-05: Observation of Current Structures at Type-III ELM Onset on EAST
- Co-author in EX/P4-06: New Edge Localized Modes at Marginal Input Power with Dominant RF-heating and Lithium-wall Conditioning in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P5-02: Effect of Lithium Coating on Edge Particle Recycling in EAST H-mode Discharge
- Min Jiang
- Yinxian Jie
- Joung Tae Jin
- Jong Kook Jin
- Li Jiquan
- Takahisa Jitsuno
- Maryline Joanny
Emmanuel Joffrin
- Author in EX/1-1: Scenarios Development at JET with the New ITER-like Wall
- Author in EX/1-1: Scenarios Development at JET with the New ITER-like Wall
- Co-author in EX/4-2: Comparison of Plasma Breakdown with a Carbon and ITER-like Wall
- Co-author in EX/4-3: On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Co-author in EX/P7-20: L-H Power Threshold, Pedestal Stability and Confinement in JET with a Metallic Wall
- Co-author in FTP/P7-22: Optimization of JT-60SA Plasma Operational Scenario with Capabilities of Installed Actuators
- Co-author in ITR/P1-11: Demonstrating the ITER Baseline Operation at q95=3
- Emmanuel Joffrin
- Robert Johnson
David Johnson
- Author in ITR/2-1: ITER Diagnostics - Technology and Integration Challenges
- Author in ITR/2-1: ITER Diagnostics - Technology and Integration Challenges
- Co-author in ITR/P5-38: Analysis of Current Profile Measurement Capability on ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-41: Exploring Measurement Capabilities of ITER ECE System
- David Johnson
- Thomas Johnson
Tomoyuki Johzaki
- Co-author in IFE/1-3: Fast Ignition Integrated Experiments with Gekko-XII and LFEX Lasers
- Co-author in IFE/P6-05: Computational Study of the Strong Magnetic Field Generation in Non-Spherical Cone-Guided Implosion
- Co-author in IFE/P6-11: Study on the Energy Transfer Efficiency in the Fast Ignition Experiment
- Tomoyuki JOHZAKI
- Shankar Joisa
- Tommi Jokinen
- Sebastien Jolliet
- Odgen Jones
- Timothy Jones
Thomas Jonsson
- Co-author in EX/P3-31: Scalings of Spontaneous Rotation in the JET Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/P2-01: The European Transport Solver: an Integrated Approach for Transport Simulations in the Plasma Core
- Co-author in TH/P2-25: The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling Effort: Achievements and First Physics Results
- Didier Joonekindt
- I. Joseph
- Ramesh Joshi
- Nam Yong Joung
- Laurent Jourdheuil
- S.Q Ju
- Rafael Juárez
- June-Woo Juhn
- Hillairet Julien
- M. Jung
- B R Kadia
- Shinnichiro Kado
- Shinichiro KADO
- Mikhail B. Kadomtsev
- Kazutake Kadowaki
- Grigory Kagan
- Igor Kaganovish
- Tasuku Kagawa
R. Kaita
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P3-34: Study of Carbon and Lithium Neoclassical Impurity Transport in ELM-Free H-Mode Discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-21: Snowflake Divertor as Plasma-Material Interface for Future High Power Density Fusion Devices
- Co-author in EX/P5-27: The Effects of Increasing Lithium Deposition on the Power Exhaust Channel in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Co-author in ICC/P5-01: Results from LTX with Lithium-Coated Walls
- Shin Kajita
- Hideki Kajitani
Ken Kajiwara
- Author in FTP/1-3Rb: Progress on the Development of High Power Long Pulse Gyrotron and Related Technologies
- Author in ITR/1-4Ra & FTP/1-3Rb: Development in Russia of Megawatt Power Gyrotrons for Fusion; Progress on the Development of High Power Long Pulse Gyrotron and Related Technologies
- Co-author in FTP/P1-16: Progress in the Development of the ECRF System for JT-60SA
- Co-author in FTP/P1-25: ECH-assisted Startup using ITER Prototype of 170 GHz Gyrotron in KSTAR
- Co-author in ITR/P1-05: Development of ITER Equatorial EC Launcher
- MItsutaka Kakeno
- Hidetoshi Kakuda
- Alexey Kakurin
Milan Kalal
- Author in IFE/P6-15: Overview and Latest Proposals in SBS PCM Based IFE Technology Featuring Self-navigation of Lasers on Injected Direct Drive Pellets
- Co-author in IFE/P6-14: Highly Repetitive Laser Inertial fusion driver with Tiled Coherent Beam Combination Laser using Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Phase Conjugation Mirrors
- Evgeniya Kalinnikova
Arne Kallenbach
- Author in ITR/P1-28: Multi-machine Comparisons of Divertor Heat Flux Mitigation by Radiative Cooling
- Co-author in EX/P2-03: Overview of ASDEX Upgrade ‘Improved H-mode’ Scenario Developments
- Co-author in EX/P5-19: ICRF Operation with Improved Antennas in a Full W-wall ASDEX Upgrade, Status and Developments
- Co-author in EX/P7-23: Far-reaching Impact of Intermittent Transport across the Scrape-off Layer: Latest Results from ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in ITR/1-1: Scaling of the Tokamak near Scrape-off Layer H-mode Power Width and Implications for ITER
- Joshua Kallman
- Denis Kalupin
- Yutaka Kamada
- Kunihiro Kamataki
- Tanaji Kamble
- Richard Kamendje
- Yasuhiro Kamino
- Shuji Kamio
- Kensaku Kamiya
- Terry Kammash
- Hirofumi Kan
osamu kaneko
- Author in OV/2-1: Extension of Operation Regimes and Investigation of Three-dimensional Current-less Plasmas in the Large Helical Device
- Author in OV/2-1: Extension of Operation Regimes and Investigation of Three-dimensional Current-less Plasmas in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/P2-12: Steady State Operation Using Improved ICH and ECH for High Performance Plasma in LHD
- Yuta Kaneko
- Toshiyuki Kanemitsu
- Takuji Kanemura
- Dong-yup KANG
- daoan Kang
- Takashi Kanki
- Ryutaro Kanno
- Mamoru Kanno
- Atma Kanojia
- M.Yu. Kantor
- Max Karasik
- Boris Kardashev
- Otto J.W.F. Kardaun
- Otto Kardaun
Tsuyoshi Kariya
- Co-author in EX/P3-03: Potential Fluctuation Study from the Core Plasma to End Region in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in FTP/P1-11: Plasma Characteristics of the End-cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror for the Divertor Simulation Experiment
- Co-author in FTP/P1-20: Development of MW Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices by University of Tsukuba
- Alexander Karpushov
- Ryuta KASADA
- Hiroshi Kasahara
Hiroshi Kasahara
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/P2-11: Non-inductive Plasma Initiation and Plasma Current Ramp-up on the TST-2 Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-25: Recent Results from Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating Experiments in HT-7 and EAST Tokamak
- Norikazu Kasaoka
- Mieko Kashiwagi
- Walter Kasparek
- Atsushi Kasugai
- Naohiro Kasuya
Isao Katanuma
- Author in TH/P3-12: A Flute Instability in an Open System and the Line Tying Effect on it
- Co-author in EX/P3-03: Potential Fluctuation Study from the Core Plasma to End Region in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in FTP/P1-11: Plasma Characteristics of the End-cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror for the Divertor Simulation Experiment
- Daiji Kato
- Kunihiko Kato
- Yutai Katoh
- Yutai Katoh
- Jun Katsuma
- Oksana Katsuro-Hopkins
- Karla Kauffmann
- Andrew Kavin
- Andrey Kavin
Predhiman Kaw
- Author in TH/P4-15: Theory of Rapid Formation of Pedestal and Pedestal width due to Anomalous Particle Pinch in the Edge of H-mode Discharges
- Co-author in EX/P2-17: Resonant and Non-resonant type Pre-ionization and Current Ramp-up Experiments on Tokamak ADITYA in the Ion Cyclotron Frequency Range
- Co-author in ITR/P1-37: A Model for the Power Required to Access the H-mode in Tokamaks and Projections for ITER
- Co-author in TH/P7-04: High Frequency Geodesic Acoustic Modes in Electron Scale Turbulence
- P. K. Kaw (Institute for Plasma Research)
- P. K. Kaw
Kazuo Kawahata
- Co-author in EX/10-1: Is Turbulence Determined by Local Temperature Gradient?
- Co-author in EX/P4-10: Mitigation of Large Amplitude Edge-Localized-Modes by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P4-24: Direct Observation of Soft-X Ray Filament Structure and High Current Operation in Low-Aspect-Ratio RFP
- Co-author in EX/P7-03: Characteristics of Microturbulence in H-mode Plasma of LHD
- Eiichiro Kawamori
- Junji Kawanaka
Yasunori Kawano
- Author in ITR/P5-35: Progress on Design and R&D for ITER Diagnostic Systems in Japan Domestic Agency
- Co-author in ITR/P5-25: Scientific Computing for Real Time Data Processing and Archiving for ITER Operation
- Co-author in ITR/P5-38: Analysis of Current Profile Measurement Capability on ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-40: Overview of the ITPA R&D Activities for Optimizing ITER Diagnostic Performance
- Kiyotaka Kawasaki
- Hisato Kawashima
- Toshiyuki Kawashima
- Toshiyuki Kawashima
- Yohei Kawazura
Stan Kaye
- Author in EX/7-1: The Dependence of H-mode Energy Confinement and Transport on Collisionality in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P3-34: Study of Carbon and Lithium Neoclassical Impurity Transport in ELM-Free H-Mode Discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-21: Snowflake Divertor as Plasma-Material Interface for Future High Power Density Fusion Devices
- Co-author in EX/P5-28: Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold on X-point Geometry
- Co-author in EX/P7-02: Response of Electron-scale Turbulence and Thermal Transport to Continuous ExB Shear Ramping-up in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P7-18: Parametric Dependencies of Low-k Turbulence in NSTX H-mode Pedestals
- Co-author in EX/P7-21: Evolution of the Turbulence Radial Wavenumber Spectrum near the L-H Transition in NSTX Ohmic Discharges
- Co-author in ITR/P1-19: Tokamak Experiments to Study the Parametric Dependences of Momentum Transport
- Co-author in ITR/P1-36: Assessment of the H-mode Power Threshold Requirements for ITER
Stanley Kaye
- Author in EX/7-1: The Dependence of H-mode Energy Confinement and Transport on Collisionality in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P2-10:Non-inductive Plasma Start-up in NSTX Using Transient CHI
- Co-author in FTP/3-4: Progress on Developing the Spherical Tokamak for Fusion Applications
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Co-author in ITR/P1-30: ITER Implications of the Beta Scaling of Energy Confinement
- Co-author in TH/6-1: Progress in Simulating Turbulent Electron Thermal Transport in NSTX
- Minoru Kazawa
- Watanabe kazuyoshi
- David Kehn
- Delphine Keller
- G. Kemp
- Richard Kemp
- Mark Kempenaars
- Kuroda Kengoh
- Ergazy Kenzhin
Charles Kessel
- Author in EX/P2-02: ITER Demonstration Discharges on Alcator C-Mod in Support of ITER
- Co-author in EX/1-3: Progress in Performance and Understanding of Steady ELM-free I-modes on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P2-10:Non-inductive Plasma Start-up in NSTX Using Transient CHI
- Co-author in FTP/3-4: Progress on Developing the Spherical Tokamak for Fusion Applications
- Co-author in FTP/P7-28: Progress in Developing a High-Availability Advanced Tokamak Pilot Plant
- Co-author in ITR/P1-11: Demonstrating the ITER Baseline Operation at q95=3
- Co-author in ITR/P1-21: Stability and Performance of ITER Steady State Scenarios with ITBs
- Co-author in TH/P6-11: Integrated Plasma Simulation of Lower Hybrid Current Profile Control in Tokamaks
- Terry Kessler
- M. H. Key
- M.K. Key
Z Khan
- Co-author in FTP/3-2: SST-1 Tokamak Integration & Commissioning
- Waqas Khan
- Rajabbay Khaydarov
- Rustam Khayrutdinov
- E. Khilkevich
- Eugene Khilkevitch
- Samir Khirwadkar
- Sergey Khitrov
- Avaz Kholbaev
Sergey Khomiakov
- Co-author in ITR/2-6: The ITER Blanket System Design Challenge
- Pejman Khorshid
- Vladimir Khripunov
- Y Khristi
- Nikolay Khromov
- Andreas Kiirschner
- Yuske Kikuchi
- Takayuki KIKUCHI
- Joe Kilkenny
- Joeseph Kilkenny
- Junghee Kim
- Juhyung Kim
- Keeman Kim (National Fusion research Institute)
- Jin-Soo Kim
- H.K. Kim
- Charlson Kim
- T.H. Kim
- Y. S. Kim
- P.K. kim
S.S. Kim
- Co-author in OV/P-03: On the Physics of Intrinsic Torque in Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/5-2Rb: Theory and Gyro-fluid Simulations of Edge-Localized-Modes
- Co-author in TH/6-2: Role of External Torque and Toroidal Momentum Transport in the Dynamics of Heat Transport in Internal Transport Barriers
- Co-author in TH/P7-12: ExB Shear Suppression of Turbulence in Diverted H-mode Plasmas; Role of Edge Magnetic Shear
- Kimin Kim
Woong-Chae Kim
- Co-author in EX/3-3: ELM Control in Application of Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P3-09: Understanding the Dynamics of Cold Pulse Nonlocality Phenomena
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P7-19: L to H-mode Power Threshold and Confinement Characteristics of H-modes in KSTAR
- Co-author in FTP/P1-03: Temporal and Spatial Evolution of In-vessel Dust Characteristics in KSTAR and Dust Removal Experiments in TReD
J. Kim
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P6-09: Analysis of Alfvén Wave Activity in KSTAR Plasmas
- Hak Kun Kim
- Author in EX/P7-19: L to H-mode Power Threshold and Confinement Characteristics of H-modes in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P8-13: Experiment for Stabilization of Tearing Mode in KSTAR
- Co-author in ITR/P1-17: Integrated Modelling of ITER Hybrid Scenarios Including Momentum Transport, NTMs, and ELMs in Preparation for Active Control
- Co-author in TH/P7-12: ExB Shear Suppression of Turbulence in Diverted H-mode Plasmas; Role of Edge Magnetic Shear
- Chang-Bae Kim
- Keeman Kim
Sun-Ho Kim
- Author in EX/P6-27: Analysis of High Energy Neutral Particles Measured by CNPA and Comparison with Synthesized Fast Neutral Spectrum Based on TRANSP/FIDA for the NB Heated Plasmas in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P5-09: Overview of the International Research on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning
- Co-author in FTP/P1-21: Status and Plan of the Key Actuators for KSTAR Operation
- Sung Kyu Kim
- J. Y. Kim
- Byunjun KIM
- Chang Hwan Kim
- J. Y. Kim
- Jong Soo Kim
- Hyun-Tae Kim
- Kyung Min Kim
- Yaung Soo Kim
- J. Kim
- Young Jin Kim
- B.C. KIM
- Kyung-Rae Kim
- Hyun-Tae Kim
Duck-Hoi Kim
- Co-author in ITR/2-6: The ITER Blanket System Design Challenge
- Sang Tae Kim
- Kyungjin Kim
- H.S. Kim
- Sun Hee KIM
- Myung Hyun Kim
- Doohyun Kim
- H.J. KIM
- Y Kimura
- Akihiko Kimura
- Jacob King
- David King
- David Kingham
Jon E. Kinsey
- Co-author in EX/P3-18: Experimental Tests of Stiffness in the Electron and Ion Energy Transport in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-09: Validation Studies of Gyrofluid and Gyrokinetic Predictions of Transport and Turbulence Stiffness Using the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in FTP/P7-35: A Fast-Track Path to DEMO Enabled by ITER and FNSF-AT
- Co-author in ITR/P1-30: ITER Implications of the Beta Scaling of Energy Confinement
- Co-author in TH/8-2: A New Paradigm for ExB Velocity Shear Suppression of`Gyro-kinetic Turbulence and the Momentum Pinch
Vasili Kiptily
- Co-author in EX/4-3: On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/P8-05: Latest Progress in Studies of Runaway Electrons in JET
- Co-author in ITR/P5-36: Reconstruction of Distribution Functions of Fast Ions and Runaway Electrons in ITER Plasmas Using Gamma-Ray Spectrometry
- Co-author in ITR/P5-39: ITER High Resolution Gamma Spectrometry
- Co-author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
Daniil Kirilenko
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
Andrew Kirk
- Author in EX/3-2: Understanding ELM Mitigation by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on MAST
- Author in EX/3-2: Understanding ELM Mitigation by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on MAST
- Co-author in EX/P5-17: MAST Contributions to the Exhaust Challenge, Including Testing of Super-X
- Co-author in EX/P6-06: Measurement and Optimisation of the Fast Ion Distribution on MAST
- Co-author in EX/P7-22: Dynamics of the Plasma Edge during the L-H Transition and H-mode in MAST
- Co-author in ITR/1-1: Scaling of the Tokamak near Scrape-off Layer H-mode Power Width and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-36: Assessment of the H-mode Power Threshold Requirements for ITER
- Co-author in TH/5-1: Gyrokinetic Instabilities in an Evolving Tokamak H-mode Pedestal
- Co-author in TH/P3-10: Pedestal Modelling Based on Ideal MHD and Gyrokinetic Stability Analyses on JET And ITER Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P4-27: Modelling of Plasma Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations and its Influence on Divertor Strike Points
- Natalia Kirneva
- K. Kirov
- Krasimir Kirov
- Masashi Kisaki
- Garbor Kiss
- Yoshinobu Kitagawa
- Yoneyoshi Kitagawa
- Sumio Kitajima
- Gerald Kiuttu
- T.P. Kiviniemi
- Ralf Kleiber
- christopher Klepper
- Christopher Klepper
- Hans-Joachim Klingshirn
- Andrey Klischenko
- Wolf-Dieter Klotz
- Leonid Kluchnikov
- Leonid Kluchnikov
- Juan Knaster (IFMIF/EVEDA)
- Juan Ramon Knaster
Jim Knauer
- Co-author in IFE/1-1: Diagnosing Implosion Performance at the National Ignition Facility by Means of Advanced Neutron-Spectrometry and Neutron-Imaging Techniques
- Co-author in IFE/1-2: Progress toward Polar-Drive Ignition for the NIF
- Co-author in OV/5-3: Theory of Ignition, Burn and Hydro-equivalency for Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions
- Stuart Knipe
- S.F. Knowlton
W.H. Ko
- Author in PD/P8-22: Dynamics of Pedestal Rotation and Ion Temperature Profile Evolution in KSTAR H-mode Discharge with RMP
- Co-author in EX/2-3: ECRH Effects on Toroidal Rotation: KSTAR Experiments and Gyrokinetic Simulations of Intrinsic Torque at ITG - TEM Transitions
- Co-author in EX/3-3: ELM Control in Application of Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P3-32: Toroidal Rotation Characteristics in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P7-19: L to H-mode Power Threshold and Confinement Characteristics of H-modes in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P8-11: Effects of RF-Heating Induced MHD Activities on the Toroidal Rotation in Tokamaks
- Co-author in TH/P7-12: ExB Shear Suppression of Turbulence in Diverted H-mode Plasmas; Role of Edge Magnetic Shear
- Jinseok Ko
Masahiro Kobayashi
- Author in EX/4-4: Control of 3D Edge Radiation Structure with Resonant Magnetic Perturbation Fields Applied to Stochastic Layer and Stabilization of Radiative Divertor Plasma in LHD
- Author in EX/4-4: Control of 3D Edge Radiation Structure with Resonant Magnetic Perturbation Fields Applied to Stochastic Layer and Stabilization of Radiative Divertor Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P3-21: Enhancement of Edge Impurity Transport with ECRH in HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-13: Influence of the Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on Particle Transport in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P5-18: Low Concentration of Iron as First Wall Material in LHD Plasmas with Edge Ergodic Layer
- Co-author in EX/P5-29: First Results of Closed Helical Divertor Experiment in LHD
- Shinichi Kobayashi
- Makoto Kobayashi
- Co-author in EX/5-2: Studies of Energetic-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas with Low Magnetic Shear
- Co-author in EX/P3-07: Study of Fueling Control for Confinement Experiments in Heliotron J
- Co-author in EX/P4-17: Edge Plasma Response to Beam-driven MHD Instability in Heliotron J
- Co-author in EX/P8-10: Stabilization of Energetic-Ion-Driven MHD Mode by ECCD in Heliotron J
- Tatsuya Kobayashi
- Noriyuki Kobayashi
- Takayuki Kobayashi
Martin Kocan
- Author in EX/P7-23: Far-reaching Impact of Intermittent Transport across the Scrape-off Layer: Latest Results from ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/3-4: Mitigation of Edge Localised Modes with Small Non-axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/P5-19: ICRF Operation with Improved Antennas in a Full W-wall ASDEX Upgrade, Status and Developments
Mikhail Kochergin
- Co-author in ITR/P5-30: Status of Thomson Scattering in ITER Divertor
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- Gabor Kocsis
- Gabor Kocsis
- Ryosuke KODAMA
- F. Koechl
- Florian Koechl
- Florian koechl
Mayuko Koga
- Co-author in IFE/1-3: Fast Ignition Integrated Experiments with Gekko-XII and LFEX Lasers
- Co-author in IFE/P6-11: Study on the Energy Transfer Efficiency in the Fast Ignition Experiment
- Co-author in OV/4-2: Present Status of Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment and Inertial Fusion Energy Development
- Kazunori Koga
- Sehoon Koh
Junko Kohagura
- Co-author in EX/P3-03: Potential Fluctuation Study from the Core Plasma to End Region in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in EX/P6-20: Coupling of ICRF Waves and Axial Transport of High-Energy Ions Owing to Spontaneously Excited Waves in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in FTP/P1-11: Plasma Characteristics of the End-cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror for the Divertor Simulation Experiment
- Fumihiro Koike
- Norikiyo Koizumi
- Atsushi Kojima
- Boris Kolbasov
Egemen Kolemen
- Author in EX/P4-28: Vertical Stability of NSTX and NSTX-U
- Author in PD/1-1: State-of-the- art Neoclassical Tearing Mode Control in DIII-D Using Real-Time Steerable Electron Cyclotron Current Drive Launchers
- Author in PD/1-1: State-of-the- art Neoclassical Tearing Mode Control in DIII-D Using Real-Time Steerable Electron Cyclotron Current Drive Launchers
- Co-author in EX/9-3: Disruptions in the High-beta Spherical Torus NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-21: Snowflake Divertor as Plasma-Material Interface for Future High Power Density Fusion Devices
- Co-author in FTP/3-4: Progress on Developing the Spherical Tokamak for Fusion Applications
- Co-author in TH/P4-18: Theory and Simulations of ELM Control with a Snowflake Divertor
- J. J. Koliner
- Victor KOMAROV
- Masao Komata
- Osamu Komeda
- Yannis Kominis
- Michael Komm
- Akio Komori
- Takuya Kondo
- Hiroo Kondo
- Kiminori KONDO
- Keitaro KONDO
- Takashi Kondoh
- Petra Konejew
Hong Jin Kong
- Author in IFE/P6-14: Highly Repetitive Laser Inertial fusion driver with Tiled Coherent Beam Combination Laser using Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Phase Conjugation Mirrors
- Co-author in IFE/P6-15: Overview and Latest Proposals in SBS PCM Based IFE Technology Featuring Self-navigation of Lasers on Injected Direct Drive Pellets
- Jong Dae Kong
- De Feng Kong
- E H Kong
- Defeng Kong
Axel Könies
- Author in ITR/P1-34: Benchmark of Gyrokinetic, Kinetic MHD and Gyrofluid Codes for the Linear Calculation of Fast Particle Driven TAE Dynamics
- Co-author in EX/P6-23: MHD Activity in the Alfvén Range of Frequencies in the H-1NF Heliac
- Co-author in TH/P3-06: Application of Particle-In-Cell Methods for Stellarators
- Ralf König
- Chikara KONNO
- Shigeru Konoshima
Vladimir Konovalov
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- Sergey Konovalov
- Christian Konz
- Christian Konz
- Vladimir Kornev
- Kirill Korobov
- T. Korpilo
- Tuomas Korpilo
- Søren Bang Korsholm
- T. Koskela
- Tuomas Koskela
- Natalia Kosolapova
- Mark Kostora
- Y. Kosuga
- Vladislav Kotov
M. T. Kotschenreuther
- Author in FTP/P7-08: Deterministically Safe Highly Sub-Critical Fission-Fusion Hybrid Reactors
- Co-author in FTP/3-4: Progress on Developing the Spherical Tokamak for Fusion Applications
- Co-author in TH/P3-23: Behavior of Magnetohydrodynamics Modes of Infernal Type at H-mode Pedestal with Plasma Rotation
- Joseph Kotulski
- Mohammed KOUBITI
- Mohammed Koubiti
- Alexandr Koval
- Michael Kovari
- Karel Kovarik
- Tomasz Kozak
- T. Kozub
G. J. Kramer
- Author in ITR/P1-32: Observation of Localized Fast-Ion Induced Heat Loads in Test Blanket Module Simulation Experiments on DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P4-04: The Evolution of the Edge Pedestal Structure and Turbulence Spatial Scale during the ELM Cycle on NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-40: Fast Wave Power Flow along SOL Field Lines in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P6-05: Fast-ion Energy Loss during TAE Avalanches in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
- Co-author in TH/P2-27: Study of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity in Tokamaks with a delta-f Particle Code and Resonant Nature of Magnetic Braking
- Co-author in TH/P6-16: Numerical Simulations of NBI-driven GAE modes in L-mode and H-mode Discharges in NSTX
- Gerrit KRAMER
- Sergei Krasheninnikov
- Sergey Krasnov
- Werner Kraus
- Arkadi Kreter
- Karl Krieger
- Karl Krieger
- Sergei Krikunov
Arnold Kritz
- Author in TH/P2-08: Fusion Power Production in Baseline ITER H-Mode Discharges
- Co-author in TH/P2-13: Physics Basis and Validation of MMM7.1 Anomalous Transport Module
- Co-author in TH/P4-07: Integrated Approach to the H-mode Pedestal Dynamics: Effects of Bootstrap Current and Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on ELMs
- Yuri Krivchenkov
- Eyal Kroupp
- U. Kruezi
- Uron Kruezi
Scott Kruger
- Author in TH/P3-11: Coupled Simulations of RF Effects on Tearing Modes
- Co-author in TH/P4-07: Integrated Approach to the H-mode Pedestal Dynamics: Effects of Bootstrap Current and Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on ELMs
- Co-author in TH/P4-10: Integrated Fusion Simulations of Core-Edge-Wall Thermal and Particle Transport Using the FACETS Code
- Edward Kruglyakov (Russian Federation)
- Vadim Krupin
- Sergej Krylov
S. Ku
- Author in TH/P7-13: Flux-driven Full-f Gyrokinetic Studies of the Influence of Edge Dynamics in Diverted Geometry on Tokamak Core Confinement
- Co-author in EX/P5-28: Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold on X-point Geometry
- Co-author in OV/P-03: On the Physics of Intrinsic Torque in Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P4-12: New Bootstrap Current Formula Valid for Edge Pedestal, and Gyrokinetic Study of its Implication to Pedestal Stability
- Seung-Hoe Ku
- martin Kubic
- Monika Kubkowska
- Co-author in EX/10-1: Is Turbulence Determined by Local Temperature Gradient?
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in FTP/P1-20: Development of MW Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices by University of Tsukuba
- Shin Kubo
- Shin Kubo
Shigeyuki Kubota
- Co-author in EX/P4-33: Observation of Edge Harmonic Oscillation in NSTX and Theoretical Study of its Active Control Using HHFW Antenna at Audio Frequencies
- Co-author in EX/P6-02: Internal Amplitude, Structure and Identification of CAEs and GAEs in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P6-05: Fast-ion Energy Loss during TAE Avalanches in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
- Co-author in EX/P7-16: Edge Plasma Transport and Microstability Analysis with Lithium-coated Plasma-facing Components in NSTX
- Shigeyuki Kubota
Henry Kugel
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P7-16: Edge Plasma Transport and Microstability Analysis with Lithium-coated Plasma-facing Components in NSTX
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Vladimir Kukhtin
Andre Kukushkin
- Author in ITR/P1-27: Narrow Heat Flux Widths and Tungsten: SOLPS Studies of the Possible Impact on ITER Divertor Operation
- Co-author in ITR/1-1: Scaling of the Tokamak near Scrape-off Layer H-mode Power Width and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-24: Three-dimensional Fluid Modeling of Plasma Edge Transport and Divertor Fluxes during RMP ELM Control at ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-44: Theoretical Issues of High Resolution H-alpha Spectroscopy Measurements in ITER
- Alexander Kukushkin
- Eduard Kuleshin
- Sanjay Kulkarni
- Timur Kulsartov
S. T. A. Kumar
- Co-author in EX/P3-16: Classical Confinement of Impurity Ions and NBI-born Fast Ions in the Reversed Field Pinch
- Co-author in EX/P6-01: Direct Diagnosis and Parametric Dependence of 3D Helical Equilibrium in the MST RFP
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- Sunil Kumar
- Deepak Kumar
- Ryuhei Kumazawa
- Ryuhei Kumazawa
Ryuhei Kumazawa
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/P2-11: Non-inductive Plasma Initiation and Plasma Current Ramp-up on the TST-2 Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-25: Recent Results from Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating Experiments in HT-7 and EAST Tokamak
- Tomoaki Kunugi
- D.V. Kuprienko
- L. Kurbatova
- Hiroaki Kurishita
- Gennichi Kurita
- Takafumi Kurita
- Masaaki Kuriyama
- Taina Kurki-Suonio
- Taina Kurki-Suonio
Gleb Kurskiev
- Co-author in EX/8-3: From Globus-M Results Toward Compact Spherical Tokamak with Enhanced Parameters, Globus-M2
- Co-author in ICC/P1-01: Magnetic System for the Upgraded Spherical Tokamak Globus-M2
- Co-author in ITR/P5-30: Status of Thomson Scattering in ITER Divertor
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- Erol Kurt (Gazi University)
- Richard Kurtz
- Richard Kurtz (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
B. Kurzan
- Co-author in EX/1-4: Dominant ECR Heating of H-mode Plasmas on ASDEX Upgrade Using the Upgraded ECRH System and Comparison to Dominat NBI or ICR Heating
- Co-author in EX/P4-02: Analysis of Temperature and Density Pedestal in a Multi-machine Database
- Co-author in EX/P4-03: L-H Transition, Pedestal Development and I-mode Studies in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak
- Bernd Kurzan
- Yoshinori Kusama
- Bruce Kusse
- Boris Kuteev
- Boris Kuteev (National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute")
- Akihiro Kuwahata
- Sang Woo Kwag
J.G. Kwak
- Author in OV/2-4: Overview of KSTAR Results
- Author in OV/2-4: Overview of KSTAR Results
- Co-author in EX/3-3: ELM Control in Application of Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P3-09: Understanding the Dynamics of Cold Pulse Nonlocality Phenomena
- Co-author in EX/P3-32: Toroidal Rotation Characteristics in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P7-19: L to H-mode Power Threshold and Confinement Characteristics of H-modes in KSTAR
- Co-author in FTP/P1-21: Status and Plan of the Key Actuators for KSTAR Operation
- Co-author in FTP/P1-25: ECH-assisted Startup using ITER Prototype of 170 GHz Gyrotron in KSTAR
- Joe Kwan
J.M. Kwon
- Co-author in EX/2-3: ECRH Effects on Toroidal Rotation: KSTAR Experiments and Gyrokinetic Simulations of Intrinsic Torque at ITG - TEM Transitions
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P3-32: Toroidal Rotation Characteristics in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in OV/P-03: On the Physics of Intrinsic Torque in Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P7-09: Towards Turbulence Control via EGAM Excitation & Vorticity Injection
- Co-author in TH/P7-12: ExB Shear Suppression of Turbulence in Diverted H-mode Plasmas; Role of Edge Magnetic Shear
- Ohjin Kwon
- Volodymyr KYRYTSYA
- Matti Laan
- Carmelo Labate
- Houda Labidi
Benoit Labit
- Co-author in EX/P3-05: Experimental Investigation of Plasma Confinement in Reactor Relevant Conditions in TCV Plasmas with Dominant Electron Heating
- Co-author in EX/P5-22: Reduction of Peak Wall Power Loads in L- and H-mode Tokamak Plasmas in TCV with the Snowflake Divertor
- Co-author in TH/7-1: Bifurcated Helical Core Equilibrium States in Tokamaks
Brian LaBombard
- Co-author in EX/1-3: Progress in Performance and Understanding of Steady ELM-free I-modes on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P2-04: Study of H-mode Access in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Density, Toroidal Field and Divertor Geometry Dependence
- Co-author in EX/P5-03: Assessment of Tungsten Nano-tendril Growth in the Alcator C-Mod Divertor
- Co-author in ITR/1-1: Scaling of the Tokamak near Scrape-off Layer H-mode Power Width and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in TH/P4-23: Edge Sheared Flows and Blob Dynamics
- Alexei Labusov
- Karl Lackner
- Benoit LACROIX
- Ruth Laengner
- Marion Lafon
Rob La Haye
- Co-author in EX/1-5: Fully Noninductive Scenario Development in DIII-D Using New Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in EX/P2-01: Access and Sustained High Performance in Advanced Inductive Discharges with ITER-Relevant Low Torque
- Co-author in EX/P2-08: Long-pulse Stability Limits of ITER Baseline Scenario Plasmas in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P4-27: Probing Resistive Wall Mode Stability Using Off-axis NBI
- Co-author in EX/P4-31: Addressing New Challenges for Error Field Correction
- Co-author in EX/P8-08: Stabilization of Disruptive Locked Modes by Magnetic Perturbations and Electron Cyclotron Current Drive at DIII-D
- Co-author in ITR/P1-20: Integrated Magnetic and Kinetic Control of Advanced Tokamak Scenarios Based on Data-Driven Models
- Rob La Haye
- A Lahazi
- Richard Lake
- PARASKEVAS lalousis
- Evgeny Lamzin
- E. Lamzin (D.V. Efremov Institute)
- Evgeny Lamzin
- Tao Lan
- Tao Lan
Matthew J. Lanctot
- Co-author in EX/1-5: Fully Noninductive Scenario Development in DIII-D Using New Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in EX/P2-01: Access and Sustained High Performance in Advanced Inductive Discharges with ITER-Relevant Low Torque
- Co-author in EX/P4-27: Probing Resistive Wall Mode Stability Using Off-axis NBI
- Co-author in EX/P8-08: Stabilization of Disruptive Locked Modes by Magnetic Perturbations and Electron Cyclotron Current Drive at DIII-D
- Co-author in TH/P4-21: Edge Plasma Response to Non-Axisymmetric Fields in Tokamaks
- Otto Landen
- Igor Landman
- J. Lang
- Peter Thomas Lang
- Pascal languille
- Lang L. Lao
- L.L. Lao
- S.I. Lashkul
Charlie Lasnier
- Co-author in EX/6-2: Experimental Demonstration of High Frequency ELM Pacing by Pellet Injection on DIII-D and Extrapolation to ITER
- Co-author in EX/P5-11: Measurements of Net versus Gross Erosion of Molybdenum Divertor Surface in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P5-12: Effect of Changes in Separatrix Magnetic Geometry on Divertor Behavior in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P5-16: Scaling of the Divertor Heat Flux Width in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in ITR/P1-22: Non-linear MHD Modelling of ELM Triggering by Pellet Injection in DIII-D and Implications for ITER
- Deepak Lathi
- Guillaume Latu
- Cornwall Lau
- Cornwall Lau
- Philipp Lauber
- Heinrich Lauqa
- Cachon Laurent
- Laura Lauro Taroni
Kerry Lawson
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-04: Longterm Evolution of the Impurity Composition and Transient Impurity Events with the ITER-like Wall at JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- N. Lazanyi
- Vladimir Lazarev
Edward Lazarus
- Author in TH/P3-02: An Investigation of Coupling of the Internal Kink Mode to Error Field Correction Coils in Tokamaks
- Co-author in TH/7-1: Bifurcated Helical Core Equilibrium States in Tokamaks
- Co-author in TH/7-2: Non-Axisymmetric Equilibrium Reconstruction for Stellarators,Reversed Field Pinches and Tokamaks
- S.A. Lazerson
- Enzo Lazzaro
- Hoang Bao Le
- Sergei Lebedev
Benoit LeBlanc
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P4-04: The Evolution of the Edge Pedestal Structure and Turbulence Spatial Scale during the ELM Cycle on NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P4-33: Observation of Edge Harmonic Oscillation in NSTX and Theoretical Study of its Active Control Using HHFW Antenna at Audio Frequencies
- Co-author in EX/P5-40: Fast Wave Power Flow along SOL Field Lines in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P6-05: Fast-ion Energy Loss during TAE Avalanches in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
- Co-author in EX/P7-18: Parametric Dependencies of Low-k Turbulence in NSTX H-mode Pedestals
- Co-author in EX/P7-21: Evolution of the Turbulence Radial Wavenumber Spectrum near the L-H Transition in NSTX Ohmic Discharges
- Co-author in ICC/P5-01: Results from LTX with Lithium-Coated Walls
Benoit LeBlanc
- Co-author in EX/7-1: The Dependence of H-mode Energy Confinement and Transport on Collisionality in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/9-3: Disruptions in the High-beta Spherical Torus NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P3-02: Measurements of Core Lithium Concentration in Diverted H-Mode Plasmas of NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P3-34: Study of Carbon and Lithium Neoclassical Impurity Transport in ELM-Free H-Mode Discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-21: Snowflake Divertor as Plasma-Material Interface for Future High Power Density Fusion Devices
- Co-author in EX/P5-28: Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold on X-point Geometry
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P6-02: Internal Amplitude, Structure and Identification of CAEs and GAEs in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P7-16: Edge Plasma Transport and Microstability Analysis with Lithium-coated Plasma-facing Components in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P8-07: Global Mode Control and Stabilization for Disruption Avoidance in High-Beta NSTX Plasmas
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Co-author in TH/6-1: Progress in Simulating Turbulent Electron Thermal Transport in NSTX
- Rick Leccacorvi
- Carsten Lechte
- Michael Leconte
- Wei-li Lee
- Kun Su Lee
S.G. Lee
- Author in EX/P3-32: Toroidal Rotation Characteristics in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/2-3: ECRH Effects on Toroidal Rotation: KSTAR Experiments and Gyrokinetic Simulations of Intrinsic Torque at ITG - TEM Transitions
- Co-author in EX/3-3: ELM Control in Application of Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P3-09: Understanding the Dynamics of Cold Pulse Nonlocality Phenomena
- Co-author in EX/P6-19: Plasma Rotation Behavior under Lower Hybrid Current Drive and Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Heating on EAST
- Co-author in EX/P8-11: Effects of RF-Heating Induced MHD Activities on the Toroidal Rotation in Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P8-14: The Effect of Toroidal Plasma Rotation on Sawtooth Activity in KSTAR
- Young Seok Lee
- J. David Lee
K.D. Lee
- Co-author in EX/2-3: ECRH Effects on Toroidal Rotation: KSTAR Experiments and Gyrokinetic Simulations of Intrinsic Torque at ITG - TEM Transitions
- Co-author in EX/3-3: ELM Control in Application of Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P7-19: L to H-mode Power Threshold and Confinement Characteristics of H-modes in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P8-11: Effects of RF-Heating Induced MHD Activities on the Toroidal Rotation in Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P8-13: Experiment for Stabilization of Tearing Mode in KSTAR
- K.W. Lee
- J. Lee
- Hyunyong LEE
- Y.J. Lee
- Dong Keun Lee
- Hyun Jung Lee
- Wonjae Lee
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in ITR/P1-17: Integrated Modelling of ITER Hybrid Scenarios Including Momentum Transport, NTMs, and ELMs in Preparation for Active Control
- Co-author in TH/P7-12: ExB Shear Suppression of Turbulence in Diverted H-mode Plasmas; Role of Edge Magnetic Shear
- Jongha Lee
- J Lee
- G. E. Lee
- K.C. Lee
- J. LEE
- W. LEE
- Ramon Leeper
- S. Leerink
- B Le Garrec
- Frederic Le Guern
- Robert Lehmberg
Michael Lehnen
- Author in EX/9-1: Impact and Mitigation of Disruptions with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Author in EX/9-1: Impact and Mitigation of Disruptions with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-24: Power Handling of the Tungsten Divertor in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Co-author in EX/P8-05: Latest Progress in Studies of Runaway Electrons in JET
- Co-author in ITR/P1-39: Modelling of Material Damage and High Energy Impacts on Tokamak PFCs during Transient Loads
- Co-author in TH/3-1: Impact of Carbon and Tungsten as Divertor Materials on the Scrape-off Layer Conditions in JET
- Michael Lehnen
- guanjiu lei
- Dieter Leichtle
- Frank Leipold
- Morten Lennholm
Anthony W. Leonard
- Co-author in EX/P5-11: Measurements of Net versus Gross Erosion of Molybdenum Divertor Surface in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P5-12: Effect of Changes in Separatrix Magnetic Geometry on Divertor Behavior in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P5-16: Scaling of the Divertor Heat Flux Width in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in ITR/1-1: Scaling of the Tokamak near Scrape-off Layer H-mode Power Width and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in TH/P3-17: The EPED Pedestal Model: Extensions, Application to ELM-Suppressed Regimes, and ITER Predictions
- Vladimir Leonov
- Sebastien Le Pape
- Ernesto Lerche
- Richard Lerche
- Maxime Lesur
- F Leuterer
- Maria G. Levashova
- Jeffrey Levesque
- F.M. Levinton
- Fred Levinton
- Benjamin Lewicki
- Matthew Leyland
- Tae-Hyep Lho
Jiangang Li
- Co-author in EX/P5-15: Approaches towards Steady-State Advanced Divertor Operations on EAST by Active Control of Plasma-Wall Interactions
- Co-author in EX/P6-21: Investigations of LHW-plasma Coupling and Current Drive in H-mode Experiments in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P6-25: Recent Results from Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating Experiments in HT-7 and EAST Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-11: Study of ELMy H-mode Plasmas and BOUT++ Simulation on EAST
- Co-author in OV/2-5: Progress of Long Pulse and H-mode Experiments on EAST
- Co-author in TH/5-2Ra: Five-field Peeling-Ballooning Modes Simulation with BOUT++
- Xu Li
Yong-Gao LI
- Co-author in EX/P3-21: Enhancement of Edge Impurity Transport with ECRH in HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-12: Investigation of the Role of Energetic Particle in the Driving of Long-lived Saturated Internal Mode on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-24: Time-resolved Evolution of Low Frequency Electrostatic Fluctuations during Slow L-H Transition at the Boundary Plasma of HL-2A Tokamak
- jiaxian li
- Hong Li
- pengyuan li
- Chikang Li
- Qiang Li
- Zaixin Li
- Yingying Li
- Jiahong Li
- M H Li
- Chikang Li
- chikang Li
- Youyun Lian
Yunfeng Liang
- Author in EX/P4-23:Mitigation of Type-I ELMs with n =2 Fields on JET
- Author in PD/P8-09: Edge Magnetic Topology Change Induced by LHCD and its Profound Effects in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P5-15: Approaches towards Steady-State Advanced Divertor Operations on EAST by Active Control of Plasma-Wall Interactions
- Co-author in OV/2-5: Progress of Long Pulse and H-mode Experiments on EAST
- Co-author in TH/P3-24: Intrinsic Plasma Rotation Determined by Neoclassical Toroidal Plasma Viscosity in Tokamaks
- Yunfeng Liang
- Wei Liao
- Min Liao
- Steve Lidia
Agustin LIfschitz
- Co-author in TH/P6-04: Alpha Particle Redistribution in Sawteeth
- Karine Liger
- K. M. Likin
Mathew Lilley
- Co-author in FTP/P7-26: First Results from Tests of High Temperature Superconductor Magnets on Tokamak
- Co-author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/4-1: Energetic Particle Long Range Frequency Sweeping and Quasilinear Relaxation
- Co-author in TH/P3-34: Development of a Predictive Capability for Fast Ion Behaviour in MAST
L Lin
- Co-author in EX/P3-08: Magnetic Fluctuation-Driven Intrinsic Flow in a Toroidal Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P3-16: Classical Confinement of Impurity Ions and NBI-born Fast Ions in the Reversed Field Pinch
- Co-author in EX/P6-01: Direct Diagnosis and Parametric Dependence of 3D Helical Equilibrium in the MST RFP
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
Yijun Lin
- Author in EX/P4-22: Characterization of Neo-classical Tearing Modes in High-performance I-Mode Plasmas with ICRF Mode Conversion Flow Drive on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/1-3: Progress in Performance and Understanding of Steady ELM-free I-modes on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P2-02: ITER Demonstration Discharges on Alcator C-Mod in Support of ITER
- Co-author in EX/P3-01: Poloidal Variation of High-Z Impurity Density due to Hydrogen Minority ICRH on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P3-31: Scalings of Spontaneous Rotation in the JET Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P5-39: The Fine-scale Structure of the Radial Electric Field in the Scrape-Off-Layer during ICRF Heating in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P6-25: Recent Results from Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating Experiments in HT-7 and EAST Tokamak
- Co-author in FTP/1-1: Evaluation of Optimized ICRF and LHRF Antennas in Alcator C-Mod
- Zhihong Lin
- Iván Ulises Liñan
- John Lindl
- Florence Linez
- Anthony Link
- Antonella Li Puma
- Mietek LISAK
- Steve Lisgo
- Valeriy S. Lisitsa
- Jonathan Lister
Xavier Litaudon
- Author in TH/P2-05: Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: from Present-day Experiments toward ITER
- Co-author in EX/P6-10: Physics and Technology in the Ion-cyclotron Range of Frequency on Tore Supra and TITAN Test Facility: Implication for ITER
- Co-author in EX/P6-24: Recent Progress on Lower Hybrid Current Drive and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in FTP/P1-21: Status and Plan of the Key Actuators for KSTAR Operation
- Co-author in ITR/P1-10: Self-consistent Simulation of Plasma Scenarios for ITER Using a Combination of 1.5D Transport Codes and Free Boundary Equilibrium Codes
- Co-author in TH/P2-03: Model Validation and Integrated Modelling Simulations for the JT-60SA Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/P2-25: The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling Effort: Achievements and First Physics Results
- Andrey Litnovsky
- Alexander Litvak
- F K Liu
Yueqiang Liu
- Co-author in EX/3-2: Understanding ELM Mitigation by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on MAST
- Co-author in EX/5-1: Dynamics of Energetic Particle Driven Modes and MHD Modes in Wall-stabilized High Beta Plasmas on JT-60U and DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P4-27: Probing Resistive Wall Mode Stability Using Off-axis NBI
- Co-author in EX/P4-31: Addressing New Challenges for Error Field Correction
- Co-author in TH/P3-27: Influence of Off-axis Neutral Beam Injection on Resistive Wall Mode Stability
- Co-author in TH/P4-27: Modelling of Plasma Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations and its Influence on Divertor Strike Points
YI Liu
- Author in EX/P6-13: Nonlinear features of the Alfvénic wave-particle interaction in auxiliary heated HL-2A plasma
- Co-author in EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-11: Study of the High-efficiency Fuelling Features of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-25: Triggering of Neoclassical Tearing Modes by Mode Coupling in HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P4-29: Perturbation Features of Intrinsic and Pellet Induced ELMs on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P6-12: Investigation of the Role of Energetic Particle in the Driving of Long-lived Saturated Internal Mode on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-15: Coexistence of Alfvénic Modes Induced by Energetic Electrons with ECRH on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P7-08: Investigation of L-I-H Transitions Facilitated by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection and Pellet Fuelling on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-13: Correlations of the Turbulent Structures during Nonlocal Effect Caused by SMBI on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P8-15: Study of Runaway Electron Generation in Synergetic ECRH & SMBI Plasma and during Major Disruptions in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Feng Liu
Yong Liu
- Co-author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-11: Study of the High-efficiency Fuelling Features of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-29: Perturbation Features of Intrinsic and Pellet Induced ELMs on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P7-07: Generation of Large Scale Coherent Structures by Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-08: Investigation of L-I-H Transitions Facilitated by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection and Pellet Fuelling on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-24: Time-resolved Evolution of Low Frequency Electrostatic Fluctuations during Slow L-H Transition at the Boundary Plasma of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in FTP/P1-06: Analysis of Establishment and MHD Stability of a Free Curve-Surface Flow for Liquid Metal PFCs
- Co-author in OV/3-3: Overview of HL-2A Recent Experiments
- Haiqing Liu
- Zixi Liu
- L Liu
- A Di Liu
- Chunhua Liu
- Zixi Liu
Shaocheng Liu
- Co-author in EX/P4-05: Observation of Current Structures at Type-III ELM Onset on EAST
- Co-author in EX/P5-13: Characterization of Particle and Power Loads on Divertor Targets for Type-I, Type-III, and Mossy ELMy H-modes in EAST Superconducting Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/5-2Ra: Five-field Peeling-Ballooning Modes Simulation with BOUT++
Peng Liu
- Co-author in EX/P4-05: Observation of Current Structures at Type-III ELM Onset on EAST
- Co-author in EX/P4-06: New Edge Localized Modes at Marginal Input Power with Dominant RF-heating and Lithium-wall Conditioning in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P5-13: Characterization of Particle and Power Loads on Divertor Targets for Type-I, Type-III, and Mossy ELMy H-modes in EAST Superconducting Tokamak
- zetian liu
- Ahdi Liu
- Wandong Liu
- Yangqing Liu
- Xiang Liu
- Yelu Liu
- D. Liu
- Shaocheng Liu
- L. L. Khimchenko
thierry loarer
- Co-author in EX/4-1: Fuel Retention Studies with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-07: In Vessel Fuel Inventory Build-up in Tokamaks: Lessons Learnt from Tore Supra
- Co-author in ITR/2-2Ra: Imaging Challenges for the ITER Plasma Facing Components Protection
- Co-author in ITR/P5-07: Developments Toward Fully Metallic Actively Cooled Plasma Facing Components for ITER divertor
Alberto Loarte
- Author in ITR/1-2: Progress on the Application of ELM Control Schemes to ITER
- Author in ITR/1-2: Progress on the Application of ELM Control Schemes to ITER
- Co-author in EX/6-1: The Effect of ELM Mitigation Methods on the Access to High H-mode Confinement (H_98~1) on JET
- Co-author in EX/6-2: Experimental Demonstration of High Frequency ELM Pacing by Pellet Injection on DIII-D and Extrapolation to ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-10: Self-consistent Simulation of Plasma Scenarios for ITER Using a Combination of 1.5D Transport Codes and Free Boundary Equilibrium Codes
- Co-author in ITR/P1-22: Non-linear MHD Modelling of ELM Triggering by Pellet Injection in DIII-D and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-23: Non-linear MHD Simulation of ELM Energy Deposition
- Co-author in ITR/P1-24: Three-dimensional Fluid Modeling of Plasma Edge Transport and Divertor Fluxes during RMP ELM Control at ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-28: Multi-machine Comparisons of Divertor Heat Flux Mitigation by Radiative Cooling
- Co-author in ITR/P1-35: Effects of ELM Control Coil on Fast Ion Confinement in ITER H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in ITR/P1-37: A Model for the Power Required to Access the H-mode in Tokamaks and Projections for ITER
- Co-author in TH/P3-10: Pedestal Modelling Based on Ideal MHD and Gyrokinetic Stability Analyses on JET And ITER Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P4-15: Theory of Rapid Formation of Pedestal and Pedestal width due to Anomalous Particle Pinch in the Edge of H-mode Discharges
- Alberto Loarte
- Damian Lockley
- L. L. LoDestro
- Grant Logan
- Nikolay Loginov
- John Lohr
- Joaquim Loizu
Peter Lomas
- Co-author in EX/4-2: Comparison of Plasma Breakdown with a Carbon and ITER-like Wall
- Co-author in EX/6-1: The Effect of ELM Mitigation Methods on the Access to High H-mode Confinement (H_98~1) on JET
- Co-author in EX/P4-23:Mitigation of Type-I ELMs with n =2 Fields on JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-24: Power Handling of the Tungsten Divertor in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Co-author in EX/P5-37: Scrape-off Layer Properties of ITER-like Limiter Start-up Plasmas at JET
- Co-author in FTP/2-1Rb: Be Tile Power Handling and Main Wall Protection
- Co-author in ITR/P1-11: Demonstrating the ITER Baseline Operation at q95=3
- Peter Lomas
- peter lomas
- Gilles Lombard
- J. Lönnroth
- Erik Loomis
- Daniel López-Bruna
- Antonio López-Fraguas
- Antonio López-Fraguas
- Jeremy Lore
- Patrick Lorenzetto
- R Lorenzini
- Fabrice LOUCHE
- Steven Loucks
- Co-author in ITR/P1-02: Nuclear Analyses For ITER NB System
- Weston Lowrie
- Christopher Lowry
- Wei Lu
- Bo Lu
Timothy Luce
- Author in EX/P3-18: Experimental Tests of Stiffness in the Electron and Ion Energy Transport in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/1-5: Fully Noninductive Scenario Development in DIII-D Using New Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in EX/5-1: Dynamics of Energetic Particle Driven Modes and MHD Modes in Wall-stabilized High Beta Plasmas on JT-60U and DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P2-01: Access and Sustained High Performance in Advanced Inductive Discharges with ITER-Relevant Low Torque
- Co-author in EX/P2-08: Long-pulse Stability Limits of ITER Baseline Scenario Plasmas in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P2-09: First-Principles Model-based Closed-loop Control of the Current Profile Dynamic Evolution on DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P5-12: Effect of Changes in Separatrix Magnetic Geometry on Divertor Behavior in DIII-D
- Co-author in ITR/P1-11: Demonstrating the ITER Baseline Operation at q95=3
- Co-author in ITR/P1-20: Integrated Magnetic and Kinetic Control of Advanced Tokamak Scenarios Based on Data-Driven Models
- Adriano Luchetta
- M. Lucia
- Jean-François Luciani
- N.C. Luhmann
- Victor Lukash
- Vyacheslav Lukin
- Arnold Lumsdaine
- Steve Lund
- D. P. Lundberg
- Tilmann Lunt
- Tillman Lunt
- T. Lunt
- Guangnan Luo
- Tianyong Luo
- Hinrich Lutjens
- Buzi Luxherta
- Alan Lynn
- A. Lyssoivan
- Boris Lyublin
- Igor Lyublinski
Y. Ma
- Author in EX/P2-04: Study of H-mode Access in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Density, Toroidal Field and Divertor Geometry Dependence
- Co-author in EX/P2-02: ITER Demonstration Discharges on Alcator C-Mod in Support of ITER
- Co-author in EX/P3-28: Production of Internal Transport Barriers by Intrinsic Flow Drive in Alcator C-Mod
- Yunxing Ma
- Shuiliang Ma
- Henning Maassberg
- Henning Maaßberg
- Patrick MacGibbon
- Andy Mackinnon
- Andy Mackinnon
- Brian Macklin
- M-F. Maday
- Giorgio Maddaluno
- Geof Maddison
- geoff maddison
- Geoff Maddison
- Sunao Maebara
- Takashi Maekawa
- Shinya Maeyama
- Philippe MAGAUD
- Richard Magee
Patrick Maget
- Co-author in EX/P6-07: Electron Fishbones in LHCD Plasmas on FTU and Tore Supra
- Co-author in ITR/P1-10: Self-consistent Simulation of Plasma Scenarios for ITER Using a Combination of 1.5D Transport Codes and Free Boundary Equilibrium Codes
- Co-author in TH/2-1: Non-linear MHD Modelling of Rotating Plasma Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations
- costanza maggi
- Costanza F Maggi
- Costanza Maggi
- Riccardo Maggiora
- Roland Magne
- Jason Magoon
- Swadesh Mahajan
- M. Ali Mahdavi
- Hans Maier
- Joelle Mailloux
- joelle Mailloux
- Joelle Mailloux
Rajesh Maingi
- Co-author in EX/11-4: Improved Understanding of Physics Processes in Pedestal Structure, Leading to Improved Predictive Capability for ITER
- Co-author in EX/7-1: The Dependence of H-mode Energy Confinement and Transport on Collisionality in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P5-40: Fast Wave Power Flow along SOL Field Lines in NSTX
- Co-author in FTP/3-4: Progress on Developing the Spherical Tokamak for Fusion Applications
- Co-author in ICC/P5-01: Results from LTX with Lithium-Coated Walls
- Co-author in ITR/P1-36: Assessment of the H-mode Power Threshold Requirements for ITER
Rajesh Maingi
- Author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/9-3: Disruptions in the High-beta Spherical Torus NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P4-04: The Evolution of the Edge Pedestal Structure and Turbulence Spatial Scale during the ELM Cycle on NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P4-33: Observation of Edge Harmonic Oscillation in NSTX and Theoretical Study of its Active Control Using HHFW Antenna at Audio Frequencies
- Co-author in EX/P5-21: Snowflake Divertor as Plasma-Material Interface for Future High Power Density Fusion Devices
- Co-author in EX/P5-27: The Effects of Increasing Lithium Deposition on the Power Exhaust Channel in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-28: Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold on X-point Geometry
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P5-33: Toroidal Asymmetry of Divertor Heat Deposition during the ELM and 3-D Field Application in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P7-16: Edge Plasma Transport and Microstability Analysis with Lithium-coated Plasma-facing Components in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P7-18: Parametric Dependencies of Low-k Turbulence in NSTX H-mode Pedestals
- Co-author in EX/P7-21: Evolution of the Turbulence Radial Wavenumber Spectrum near the L-H Transition in NSTX Ohmic Discharges
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Co-author in ITR/1-1: Scaling of the Tokamak near Scrape-off Layer H-mode Power Width and Implications for ITER
- Mitja Majerle
- Richard Majeski
- Volodymyr Makhin
- Vadym Makhlai
- Petri Makijarvi
- Ryohei Makino
- M. A. Makowski
- Dariusz Makowski
- Kiritkumar Makwana
- Siegfried Malang
- Artur Malaquias
- Alexander Malkov
- Mikhail Malkov
- Alexander Malkov
- Sergej Maltsev
- Gabriele Manduchi
Janardhan Manickam
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/9-3: Disruptions in the High-beta Spherical Torus NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P8-07: Global Mode Control and Stabilization for Disruption Avoidance in High-Beta NSTX Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P7-15: Steady State Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Microturbulence in Tokamaks
- Klaus Mank
- Dennis Mansfield
- D. K. Mansfield
- Dennis Mansfield
- Paola Mantica
Paola Mantica
- Co-author in EX/P3-31: Scalings of Spontaneous Rotation in the JET Tokamak
- Co-author in FTP/P1-07: “Snow Flakes” Divertor and 10 MA Scenarios in FAST
- Co-author in ITR/P1-19: Tokamak Experiments to Study the Parametric Dependences of Momentum Transport
- Co-author in TH/6-4: Global Gyrokinetic Simulations of High-performance Discharges in View of ITER
- S. Mantovani
- Peter MANZ
- Y.Z Mao
- S. Mao
- Ricardo J. Maqueda
- Yannick Marandet
- Yannick MARANDET
- Marc Maraschek
- Maraschek Marc
- Victor Marchenko
- Chiara Marchetto
- Florence Marcotte
- alberto marcus
- E. D. Marenkov
- Alessandro Marinoni
Massimo Marinucci
- Co-author in EX/P8-03: Density Limit Experiments on FTU
- George Marklin
- Tomas Markovic
Earl Marmar
- Co-author in EX/2-2: A Unified Explanation of Rotation Reversals, Confinement Saturation and Non-Diffusive Heat Transport in C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P2-04: Study of H-mode Access in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Density, Toroidal Field and Divertor Geometry Dependence
- Co-author in EX/P3-13: Turbulent Transport and Gyrokinetic Analysis in Alcator C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P4-14: On the Formation and Stability of Impurity-generated ‘Snakes’ in Alcator C-Mod
- Daniele Marocco
- Daniele Marocco
- Yitzhak Maron
- Laurent Marot
- John Marozas
- John Marozas
- L. Marrelli
- J. Marroncle
Stefan Marsen
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-05: Characterization of Tungsten Sputtering in the JET Divertor
- Co-author in EX/P5-24: Power Handling of the Tungsten Divertor in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-37: Scrape-off Layer Properties of ITER-like Limiter Start-up Plasmas at JET
- Co-author in TH/3-1: Impact of Carbon and Tungsten as Divertor Materials on the Scrape-off Layer Conditions in JET
- Stefan Marsen
- Stefan Marsen
- Fred Marshall
- Fred Marshall
- Christian Martens
- D. Martin
- Piero Martin
- Gilles MARTIN
- Vincent Martin
Alex Martin
- Co-author in ITR/2-6: The ITER Blanket System Design Challenge
- Céline martin
- Yves Martin
Emilio Martines
- Co-author in EX/P6-01: Direct Diagnosis and Parametric Dependence of 3D Helical Equilibrium in the MST RFP
- Co-author in EX/P8-02: 3D Effects on RFX-mod Helical Boundary Region
- Co-author in EX/P8-03: Density Limit Experiments on FTU
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- Simón Martínez
- Julio Martínez
- A.B. Martin-Rojo
- Jose Ramon Martin-Solis
- Nicolai Martovetsky
- Nikolai Marushchenko
- So Maruyama
- Sadao Masamune
H Masand
- Co-author in FTP/3-2: SST-1 Tokamak Integration & Commissioning
- Yoshitada Masaoka
- Antonio Masiello
- Mikhail Maslov
- Vincent MASSAUT
- Kai Masuda
Suguru Masuzaki
- Co-author in EX/4-4: Control of 3D Edge Radiation Structure with Resonant Magnetic Perturbation Fields Applied to Stochastic Layer and Stabilization of Radiative Divertor Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P3-27: Transition of Poloidal Viscosity by Electrode Biasing in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P4-10: Mitigation of Large Amplitude Edge-Localized-Modes by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P4-13: Influence of the Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on Particle Transport in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P5-08: Impact of Arcing on Carbon and Tungsten: from the Observations in JT-60U, LHD, and NAGDIS-II
- Co-author in EX/P5-32: Control of Dust Flux in LHD and in a Divertor Simulator
- Co-author in FTP/P7-36: Neutronics Design of Helical Type DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in FTP/P7-37: Divertor Heat Flux Reduction by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in the LHD-Type Helical DEMO Reactor
Sergey Masyukevich
- Co-author in ITR/P5-30: Status of Thomson Scattering in ITER Divertor
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- Christian Maszl
- A Matasumoto
- Kunihiro Matsui
- Hiroshi Matsumoto
Go Matsunaga
- Author in EX/5-1: Dynamics of Energetic Particle Driven Modes and MHD Modes in Wall-stabilized High Beta Plasmas on JT-60U and DIII-D
- Author in EX/5-1: Dynamics of Energetic Particle Driven Modes and MHD Modes in Wall-stabilized High Beta Plasmas on JT-60U and DIII-D
- Co-author in FTP/P7-22: Optimization of JT-60SA Plasma Operational Scenario with Capabilities of Installed Actuators
- Co-author in TH/P6-17: Nonlinear Simulation of Energetic Particle Modes in JT-60U
- Seikichi Matsuoka
- Seikichi Matsuoka
- Izuru Matsushita
- Hiroto Matsuura
- Massimiliano Mattei
Guy Matthews
- Co-author in EX/4-1: Fuel Retention Studies with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/4-3: On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/9-1: Impact and Mitigation of Disruptions with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-05: Characterization of Tungsten Sputtering in the JET Divertor
- Co-author in EX/P5-24: Power Handling of the Tungsten Divertor in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-37: Scrape-off Layer Properties of ITER-like Limiter Start-up Plasmas at JET
- Co-author in EX/P7-20: L-H Power Threshold, Pedestal Stability and Confinement in JET with a Metallic Wall
- Co-author in FTP/2-1Rb: Be Tile Power Handling and Main Wall Protection
- guy Matthews
- K Matumoto
- Maria Matveeva
- Michael Mauel
Suguru Mauzaki
- Co-author in EX/P2-12: Steady State Operation Using Improved ICH and ECH for High Performance Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P5-18: Low Concentration of Iron as First Wall Material in LHD Plasmas with Edge Ergodic Layer
- Co-author in EX/P5-29: First Results of Closed Helical Divertor Experiment in LHD
- Co-author in FTP/P1-11: Plasma Characteristics of the End-cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror for the Divertor Simulation Experiment
- Francesco Mavigilia
- Nina Maximenkova
Marie-Line Mayoral
- Author in EX/4-3: On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall
- Author in EX/4-3: On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in EX/P3-31: Scalings of Spontaneous Rotation in the JET Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P5-09: Overview of the International Research on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning
- Co-author in EX/P7-20: L-H Power Threshold, Pedestal Stability and Confinement in JET with a Metallic Wall
- Mariline Mayoral
- Igor Mazul
- Giuseppe Mazzitelli
Giuseppe Mazzitelli
- Co-author in EX/P8-03: Density Limit Experiments on FTU
Cristina Mazzotta
- Co-author in EX/P8-03: Density Limit Experiments on FTU
- Ernesto Mazzucato
- Patrick Mc Carthy
- Karsten McCollam
- P. W. McCorquodale
- Robert L. McCrory
Rachael McDermott
- Author in EX/2-1: Connections Between Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation, Density Peaking and Plasma Turbulence Regimes in ASDEX Upgrade
- Author in EX/2-1: Connections Between Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation, Density Peaking and Plasma Turbulence Regimes in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/3-4: Mitigation of Edge Localised Modes with Small Non-axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/P2-03: Overview of ASDEX Upgrade ‘Improved H-mode’ Scenario Developments
- Co-author in EX/P4-01: Pellet Induced High Density Phases during ELM Suppression in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/P4-03: L-H Transition, Pedestal Development and I-mode Studies in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in ITR/P1-19: Tokamak Experiments to Study the Parametric Dependences of Momentum Transport
- Co-author in TH/P2-21: Progress in the Theoretical Description and the Experimental Characterization of Impurity Transport at ASDEX Upgrade
- R McDermott
- C.J. McDevitt
- Christopher McDevitt
Darren C. McDonald
- Co-author in EX/6-1: The Effect of ELM Mitigation Methods on the Access to High H-mode Confinement (H_98~1) on JET
- Co-author in ITR/P1-10: Self-consistent Simulation of Plasma Scenarios for ITER Using a Combination of 1.5D Transport Codes and Free Boundary Equilibrium Codes
- Co-author in ITR/P1-30: ITER Implications of the Beta Scaling of Energy Confinement
- Co-author in ITR/P1-36: Assessment of the H-mode Power Threshold Requirements for ITER
- Meghan McGarry
- William McGinnis
- Christopher McGuffey
George McKee
- Author in EX/P7-06: Turbulence and Transport Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ELM-Suppressed Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/3-1: Advances in the Physics Understanding of ELM Suppression Using Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P3-18: Experimental Tests of Stiffness in the Electron and Ion Energy Transport in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-26: Particle Transport Results from Collisionality Scans and Perturbative Experiments on DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P7-05: Relating the L-H Power Threshold Scaling to Edge Turbulence Dynamics
- Co-author in EX/P7-09: Validation Studies of Gyrofluid and Gyrokinetic Predictions of Transport and Turbulence Stiffness Using the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-18: Parametric Dependencies of Low-k Turbulence in NSTX H-mode Pedestals
- Co-author in ITR/P1-30: ITER Implications of the Beta Scaling of Energy Confinement
- Co-author in TH/P7-10: Theory of External Geodesic Acoustic Mode Excitation
- Pat McKenty
- Mark Mckernan
Adam McLean
- Co-author in EX/9-3: Disruptions in the High-beta Spherical Torus NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P5-33: Toroidal Asymmetry of Divertor Heat Deposition during the ELM and 3-D Field Application in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-40: Fast Wave Power Flow along SOL Field Lines in NSTX
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
A. G. McLean
- Co-author in EX/P5-11: Measurements of Net versus Gross Erosion of Molybdenum Divertor Surface in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P5-21: Snowflake Divertor as Plasma-Material Interface for Future High Power Density Fusion Devices
- Co-author in EX/P5-27: The Effects of Increasing Lithium Deposition on the Power Exhaust Channel in NSTX
- Co-author in ITR/P1-32: Observation of Localized Fast-Ion Induced Heat Loads in Test Blanket Module Simulation Experiments on DIII-D
- H.S. McLean
- Thomas McManamy
- Ben McMillan
- James McNaney
- Paul McNeely
- S. S. Medley
- Sergey Medvedev
- Franz Mehlmann
- E. Meier
- Eric Meier
Andrew Meigs
- Co-author in EX/4-1: Fuel Retention Studies with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in EX/P4-23:Mitigation of Type-I ELMs with n =2 Fields on JET
- Co-author in TH/3-1: Impact of Carbon and Tungsten as Divertor Materials on the Scrape-off Layer Conditions in JET
- Andy Meigs
- Andrew Meigs
Steven J. Meitner
- Co-author in EX/6-2: Experimental Demonstration of High Frequency ELM Pacing by Pellet Injection on DIII-D and Extrapolation to ITER
- Co-author in FTP/P1-33: An Advanced Plasma-material Test Station for R&D on Materials in a Fusion Environment
- Co-author in ITR/P5-23: Development and Testing of Plasma Disruption Mitigation Systems Applicable for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-24: ITER Fuelling and Glow Discharge Cleaning System Overview
- Abdesamad Mekkaoui
- Ziad Melhem
- Vittoria Mellera
- Nicolas Mellet
- Andrei Melnik
- Alexander Melnikov
Jonathan E. Menard
- Author in FTP/3-4: Progress on Developing the Spherical Tokamak for Fusion Applications
- Author in FTP/3-4: Progress on Developing the Spherical Tokamak for Fusion Applications
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/9-3: Disruptions in the High-beta Spherical Torus NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P2-10:Non-inductive Plasma Start-up in NSTX Using Transient CHI
- Co-author in EX/P4-28: Vertical Stability of NSTX and NSTX-U
- Co-author in EX/P4-31: Addressing New Challenges for Error Field Correction
- Co-author in EX/P4-33: Observation of Edge Harmonic Oscillation in NSTX and Theoretical Study of its Active Control Using HHFW Antenna at Audio Frequencies
- Co-author in EX/P5-21: Snowflake Divertor as Plasma-Material Interface for Future High Power Density Fusion Devices
- Co-author in EX/P5-28: Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold on X-point Geometry
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P6-02: Internal Amplitude, Structure and Identification of CAEs and GAEs in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P8-07: Global Mode Control and Stabilization for Disruption Avoidance in High-Beta NSTX Plasmas
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Co-author in FTP/P7-28: Progress in Developing a High-Availability Advanced Tokamak Pilot Plant
- Co-author in ITR/P5-29: Error Fields Expected in ITER and their Correction
- Co-author in TH/P2-27: Study of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity in Tokamaks with a delta-f Particle Code and Resonant Nature of Magnetic Braking
- Co-author in TH/P4-18: Theory and Simulations of ELM Control with a Snowflake Divertor
- Purificacion Mendez
- Orso Meneghini
- Orso Meneghini
- Sheena Menmuir
- Fernando Meo
- E. Merino
- Antoine Merle
Mario Merola
- Co-author in ITR/2-3: Technology R&D Activities for the ITER Full-tungsten Divertor
- Co-author in ITR/2-6: The ITER Blanket System Design Challenge
- Co-author in ITR/P1-14: Disruption Impacts and Their Mitigation Target Values
- Co-author in ITR/P5-03: Simulation of Eddy Current and Electromagnetic Loads in ITER Conducting Structures
- Co-author in ITR/P5-08: Effort on Design of a Full Tungsten Divertor for ITER
- Frank Merrill
- Brad Merrill
- Philippe MERTENS
- andre Messiaen
- Hendrik Meyer
- Hendrik Meyer
- W. H. Meyer
- olivier meyer
- David Meyerhofer
- Gioacchino Micciche
- Clive Michael
- O'Connor Michael
- Clive Michael
- F. Michel
- Georg Michel
- Tomline Michel
- Gelfusa Michela
- Poul Michelsen
- Paolo Micozzi
- Aleksander Mielczarek
- S. Migliori
- Hidenori Mikami
- Maslov Mikhail
- Kazuhiro Miki
Enoeda Mikio
- Co-author in FTP/P7-17: Research and Development Status of Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels Corresponding to DEMO Design Requirement
- Co-author in FTP/P7-33: A Feasible DEMO Blanket Concept Based on Water Cooled Solid Breeder
- Co-author in ITR/P5-06: Progress of Manufacturing and Quality Testing of the ITER Divertor Outer Vertical Target in Japan
- D. R. Mikkelsen
David Mikkelsen
- Co-author in EX/P3-23: Quantitative Comparison of Experimental and Gyrokinetic Simulated ICRH and I_p Dependent Impurity Transport
- Co-author in EX/P3-28: Production of Internal Transport Barriers by Intrinsic Flow Drive in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P7-03: Characteristics of Microturbulence in H-mode Plasma of LHD
- David Mikkelsen
- Daniele Milanesio
- daniele Milanesio
- George Miley
- George H. MILEY
- Fulvio Militello
- Joseph Milnes
- Stanley Milora
- Richard Milroy
Kunioki Mima
- Co-author in IFE/1-3: Fast Ignition Integrated Experiments with Gekko-XII and LFEX Lasers
- Co-author in IFE/P6-05: Computational Study of the Strong Magnetic Field Generation in Non-Spherical Cone-Guided Implosion
- Co-author in OV/4-2: Present Status of Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment and Inertial Fusion Energy Development
- Vladimir Minaev
Takashi MINAMI
- Co-author in EX/5-2: Studies of Energetic-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas with Low Magnetic Shear
- Co-author in EX/P3-07: Study of Fueling Control for Confinement Experiments in Heliotron J
- Co-author in EX/P4-17: Edge Plasma Response to Beam-driven MHD Instability in Heliotron J
- Co-author in EX/P8-10: Stabilization of Energetic-Ion-Driven MHD Mode by ECCD in Heliotron J
- Takayuki Minami
Ryutaro Minami
- Author in FTP/P1-20: Development of MW Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices by University of Tsukuba
- Co-author in EX/P3-03: Potential Fluctuation Study from the Core Plasma to End Region in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in FTP/P1-11: Plasma Characteristics of the End-cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror for the Divertor Simulation Experiment
- Pavel Minashin
- Tiberiu Minea
- Anatoliy Mineev
- Daniele Minelli
- F. C. Mirizzi
V. V. Mirnov
- Author in ITR/P5-32: Electron Kinetic Effects on Interferometry, Polarimetry and Thomson Scattering in Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P3-16: Classical Confinement of Impurity Ions and NBI-born Fast Ions in the Reversed Field Pinch
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- Co-author in TH/P3-08: Coupling of Current and Flow Relaxation in Reversed-Field Pinches due to Two-Fluid Effects
- Maxim Mironov
- Elena Mironova
- Igor Miroshnikov
- Alexey Mishchenko
- Alexey Mishchenko
- Rohini Mishra
- Kishore Mishra
- Neil Mitchell
- Raphael Mitteau
- Yuto Miyahara
- Seiji Miyamoto
- Takanori MIYAMOTO
- Noriaki Miyanaga
- Yoshiaki Miyata
- Naoaki Miyato
Junichi Miyazawa
- Author in FTP/P7-34: Multifarious Physics Analyses of the Core Plasma Properties in a Helical DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in EX/P5-29: First Results of Closed Helical Divertor Experiment in LHD
- Co-author in FTP/P7-36: Neutronics Design of Helical Type DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in FTP/P7-37: Divertor Heat Flux Reduction by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in the LHD-Type Helical DEMO Reactor
- Hikaru Mizogami
- Naoki Mizuguchi
- Masanori Mizuguchi
- Koji Mizuno
- Author in EX/P3-07: Study of Fueling Control for Confinement Experiments in Heliotron J
- Co-author in EX/5-2: Studies of Energetic-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas with Low Magnetic Shear
- Co-author in EX/P4-17: Edge Plasma Response to Beam-driven MHD Instability in Heliotron J
- Co-author in EX/P8-10: Stabilization of Energetic-Ion-Driven MHD Mode by ECCD in Heliotron J
- J. Mlynar
- Jan Mlynar
- Alexander Mlynek
- A Mlynek
- Charles Moeller
- Kazuhiko Mogaki
- S Mohammadi
- Kensuke Mohri
- Ralph Moir
- Anders Molander
- Pavel Molchanov
- Joaquin Molla
- patrick mollard
- Albert Mollén
- S. Möller
- Arthur Molvik
- B Momo
- F Monaco
- Igor Monakhov
- Victor Moncada
- Pascale Monier-Garbet
- arnaud monnier
- A. Morace
- Sara Moradi
- Nuria Moral
- Michael Moran
- Saskia Mordijck
- S. Mordijck
- Richard More
- Didier Moreau
- Philippe Moreau
- Pierre Morel
- Pierre Morel
- Jean-Marc Moret
- Yaroslav Morgal'
- George Morgan
- Yoshitaka Mori
- Junji Morikawa
- Alexandre Morin
- TomohiroT Morisaki
Tomohiro Morisaki
- Co-author in EX/P3-27: Transition of Poloidal Viscosity by Electrode Biasing in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P4-10: Mitigation of Large Amplitude Edge-Localized-Modes by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P4-13: Influence of the Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on Particle Transport in LHD
Shigeru Morita
- Author in EX/P5-18: Low Concentration of Iron as First Wall Material in LHD Plasmas with Edge Ergodic Layer
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/4-4: Control of 3D Edge Radiation Structure with Resonant Magnetic Perturbation Fields Applied to Stochastic Layer and Stabilization of Radiative Divertor Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P3-21: Enhancement of Edge Impurity Transport with ECRH in HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-10: Mitigation of Large Amplitude Edge-Localized-Modes by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P5-23: Improvement of the Spectroscopic Investigation of Pellet Ablation Clouds
- Yasuhiko Morita
- Shinichi Moriyama
- Alessandro Moro
- Fabio Moro
- José Rubén Morones
Hidetsugu MOROTA
- Co-author in ITR/P1-02: Nuclear Analyses For ITER NB System
- James Morris
- Philip Morrison
- Dmitry Moseev
- Auna Moser
- Edward Moses
- Annamaria Mosetto
- Anton Moskvitin
- Anton Möslang
- Alban Mosnier
- Tomoyoshi Motohiro
- Tomoyoshi Motohiro
- Gen Motojima
Osamu Motojima
- Author in OV/1-2: The Status of the ITER Project
- Author in OV/1-2: The Status of the ITER Project
- Gen Motojima
- Gen Motojima
Rick A. Moyer
- Co-author in EX/3-1: Advances in the Physics Understanding of ELM Suppression Using Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/6-2: Experimental Demonstration of High Frequency ELM Pacing by Pellet Injection on DIII-D and Extrapolation to ITER
- Co-author in EX/9-2: Control and Dissipation of Runaway Electron Beams Created during Rapid Shutdown Experiments in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P3-26: Particle Transport Results from Collisionality Scans and Perturbative Experiments on DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P5-11: Measurements of Net versus Gross Erosion of Molybdenum Divertor Surface in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P5-12: Effect of Changes in Separatrix Magnetic Geometry on Divertor Behavior in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P7-06: Turbulence and Transport Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ELM-Suppressed Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P4-21: Edge Plasma Response to Non-Axisymmetric Fields in Tokamaks
- Dennis Mueller
- Dennis Mueller
- S Mueller
- Stefan Mueller
- M Muenich
- Kiyofumi MUKAI
- Werner Müller
- Hans-Werner Müller
- Stefan Müller
- Omar Alejandro Muñoz
- Jorge M. Munoz-Burgos
- David Munro
- magali muraglia
- Izumi Murakami
Sadayohi Murakami
- Author in TH/1-1: Study of Toroidal Flow Generation by the ICRF Minority Heating in the Alcator C-Mod Plasma
- Author in TH/1-1: Study of Toroidal Flow Generation by the ICRF Minority Heating in the Alcator C-Mod Plasma
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/P3-14: Inter-Machine Validation Study of Neoclassical Transport Modelling in Medium- to High-Density Stellarator-Heliotron Plasmas
- Co-author in FTP/P7-34: Multifarious Physics Analyses of the Core Plasma Properties in a Helical DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in TH/P6-13: Kinetic Integrated Modeling of Burning Plasmas in Tokamaks
- Masakatsu Murakami
- M. Murakami
- Andrea Murari
Takeo Muroga
- Author in FTP/P7-14: Research on Tritium/Heat Transfer and Irradiation Synergism for First Wall and Blanket in the TITAN Project
- Co-author in FTP/P7-36: Neutronics Design of Helical Type DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in OV/5-4: Multimodal Options for Materials Research to Advance the Basis for Fusion Energy in the ITER Era
- Thomas Murphy
- Sadatsugu Muto
Takashi Mutoh
- Author in EX/P2-12: Steady State Operation Using Improved ICH and ECH for High Performance Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/P6-16: Electron Bernstein Wave Heating and Electron Cyclotron Current Drive by Use of Upgraded ECH System in LHD
- Takashi MUTOH
- Tatiana Myalton
- Tatiana Myalton
- Vadim Myasnikov
- Jason Myatt
- Matthew Myers
- Harry Mynick
- James Myra
- Author in ITR/P1-17: Integrated Modelling of ITER Hybrid Scenarios Including Momentum Transport, NTMs, and ELMs in Preparation for Active Control
- Co-author in EX/P3-32: Toroidal Rotation Characteristics in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P7-19: L to H-mode Power Threshold and Confinement Characteristics of H-modes in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P8-13: Experiment for Stabilization of Tearing Mode in KSTAR
- Co-author in TH/P7-12: ExB Shear Suppression of Turbulence in Diverted H-mode Plasmas; Role of Edge Magnetic Shear
- Donghyeon Na
- Y. Na
- Fernando NABAIS
- Yoko Nagae
- Takahiro Nagai
- Keiji NAGAI
Kenichi Nagaoka
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/5-2: Studies of Energetic-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas with Low Magnetic Shear
- Co-author in EX/8-1: 3D Plasma Response to Magnetic Field Structure in the Large Helical Device
Kazunobu Nagasaki
- Author in EX/P8-10: Stabilization of Energetic-Ion-Driven MHD Mode by ECCD in Heliotron J
- Co-author in EX/5-2: Studies of Energetic-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas with Low Magnetic Shear
- Co-author in EX/8-1: 3D Plasma Response to Magnetic Field Structure in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P3-07: Study of Fueling Control for Confinement Experiments in Heliotron J
- Co-author in EX/P4-17: Edge Plasma Response to Beam-driven MHD Instability in Heliotron J
- Y Nagashima
- Shinji Nagata
Hideo Nagatomo
- Author in IFE/P6-05: Computational Study of the Strong Magnetic Field Generation in Non-Spherical Cone-Guided Implosion
- Co-author in IFE/1-3: Fast Ignition Integrated Experiments with Gekko-XII and LFEX Lasers
- Co-author in OV/4-2: Present Status of Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment and Inertial Fusion Energy Development
- Yoshio Nagayama
- Yoshio Nagayama
- Daniel Nagy
Victor Naidenov
- Co-author in ITR/P5-39: ITER High Resolution Gamma Spectrometry
- Victor Naidenov
- Gangadharan Roopesh Nair
Mitsuo Nakai
- Co-author in IFE/1-3: Fast Ignition Integrated Experiments with Gekko-XII and LFEX Lasers
- Co-author in IFE/P6-11: Study on the Energy Transfer Efficiency in the Fast Ignition Experiment
- Co-author in IFE/P6-18: FIREX Foam Cryogenic Target Development: Attempt of Residual Voids Reduction with Solid Hydrogen Refractive Index Measurement
- Co-author in OV/4-2: Present Status of Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment and Inertial Fusion Energy Development
- Hideo Nakajima
- Noriyoshi Nakajima
- Seiya Nakaki
- Masaru Nakamichi
- Yukio Nakamura
- Hirotaka Nakamura
Makoto Nakamura
- Co-author in FTP/P7-29: Benchmarking Reactor Systems Studies by Comparison of EU and Japanese System Code Results for Different DEMO Concepts
- Co-author in FTP/P7-31: Critical Design Factors for Sector Transport Maintenance in DEMO
- Co-author in FTP/P7-32: Divertor Design and Physics Issues of Huge Power Handling for SlimCS Demo Reactor
- Co-author in FTP/P7-33: A Feasible DEMO Blanket Concept Based on Water Cooled Solid Breeder
- Shigetoshi Nakamura
- Yuichi Nakamura
- Tatsufumi NAKAMURA
- Naoki Nakamura
- Hideya Nakanishi
Tomohide Nakano
- Co-author in EX/2-4: Dependence of Heat Transport and Confinement on Isotopic Composition in Conventional H-mode Plasmas in JT-60U
- Co-author in EX/P5-08: Impact of Arcing on Carbon and Tungsten: from the Observations in JT-60U, LHD, and NAGDIS-II
- Co-author in FTP/P7-22: Optimization of JT-60SA Plasma Operational Scenario with Capabilities of Installed Actuators
- Haruhisa Nakano
- Yasuyuki NAKAO
Yousuke Nakashima
- Author in FTP/P1-11: Plasma Characteristics of the End-cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror for the Divertor Simulation Experiment
- Co-author in EX/P3-03: Potential Fluctuation Study from the Core Plasma to End Region in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in EX/P3-07: Study of Fueling Control for Confinement Experiments in Heliotron J
- Toshiya Nakata
- Yoshiki Nakata
- Motoki Nakata
- Tomoharu NAKAZATO
Yong-Un Nam
- Co-author in EX/2-3: ECRH Effects on Toroidal Rotation: KSTAR Experiments and Gyrokinetic Simulations of Intrinsic Torque at ITG - TEM Transitions
- Co-author in EX/3-3: ELM Control in Application of Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P5-35: A Global Particle-balance Model for Wall Interaction Analysis Associated with Open- and Closed-loop Density Control Experiments in KSTAR
- Co-author in FTP/P1-03: Temporal and Spatial Evolution of In-vessel Dust Characteristics in KSTAR and Dust Removal Experiments in TReD
- Won Namkung
- Andrzej Napieralski
Eric Nardon
- Co-author in EX/3-2: Understanding ELM Mitigation by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on MAST
- Co-author in ITR/P1-10: Self-consistent Simulation of Plasma Scenarios for ITER Using a Combination of 1.5D Transport Codes and Free Boundary Equilibrium Codes
- Co-author in TH/2-1: Non-linear MHD Modelling of Rotating Plasma Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in TH/P4-27: Modelling of Plasma Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations and its Influence on Divertor Strike Points
Kazuo Narihara
- Co-author in EX/P4-10: Mitigation of Large Amplitude Edge-Localized-Modes by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P4-30: Response of MHD Stability to Resonant Magnetic Perturbation in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P7-03: Characteristics of Microturbulence in H-mode Plasma of LHD
- Kazumichi Narihara
Yoshiro Narushima
- Co-author in EX/4-4: Control of 3D Edge Radiation Structure with Resonant Magnetic Perturbation Fields Applied to Stochastic Layer and Stabilization of Radiative Divertor Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in EX/8-1: 3D Plasma Response to Magnetic Field Structure in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P4-13: Influence of the Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on Particle Transport in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P4-30: Response of MHD Stability to Resonant Magnetic Perturbation in the Large Helical Device
- Yoshiro Narushima
Hesham NASIF
- Co-author in ITR/P1-02: Nuclear Analyses For ITER NB System
- Volker Naulin
- Volker Naulin
- Volker Naulin
- Fiomena Nave
- Gerald A. Navratil
Raffi Nazikian
- Co-author in EX/3-1: Advances in the Physics Understanding of ELM Suppression Using Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P7-06: Turbulence and Transport Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ELM-Suppressed Plasmas
- Co-author in ITR/P1-32: Observation of Localized Fast-Ion Induced Heat Loads in Test Blanket Module Simulation Experiments on DIII-D
- Co-author in TH/P3-17: The EPED Pedestal Model: Extensions, Application to ELM-Suppressed Regimes, and ITER Predictions
- George Neilson
- Brian Nelson
- Brian Nelson
- Syuji Nemoto
- Vladislav Nesterenko
Rudolf Neu
- Co-author in EX/4-3: On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-19: ICRF Operation with Improved Antennas in a Full W-wall ASDEX Upgrade, Status and Developments
- Co-author in EX/P5-24: Power Handling of the Tungsten Divertor in JET
- rudi neu
- Rudolph Neu
- Rudolf Neu
- Rudolf Neu
- Rudolf Neu
- Charles Neumeyer
- Vladislav S. Neverov
- William Nevins
- P. Nghiem
- Pavel Ni
- Albert Nicolai
- Timothée Nicolas
- Lin Nie
- Lin NIE
- Stefan Kragh Nielsen
- Anders Henry Nielsen
- Alejandro Nieto
- Mark Nightingale
- A Nikmohammadi
- G. Nikolaev
- Abbas Nikroo
- Philip Nilson
- Katsunobu NISHIHARA
K Nishimura
- Co-author in EX/P3-27: Transition of Poloidal Viscosity by Electrode Biasing in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P5-32: Control of Dust Flux in LHD and in a Divertor Simulator
- Co-author in FTP/P7-10: Performances of Helium, Neon and Argon Glow Discharges for Reduction of Fuel Hydrogen Retention in Tungsten, Stainless Steel and Graphite
Hiroaki Nishimura
- Co-author in IFE/1-3: Fast Ignition Integrated Experiments with Gekko-XII and LFEX Lasers
- Co-author in IFE/P6-11: Study on the Energy Transfer Efficiency in the Fast Ignition Experiment
- Co-author in OV/4-2: Present Status of Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment and Inertial Fusion Energy Development
- Yasuhiko Nishimura
- Nobuhiro Nishino
- Nobuhiro NISHINO
- Masaki Nishiura
- Masaki Nishiura
- Katsushi Nishiyama
- J. Noé
- Shuhei NOGAMI
- Yuto Noguchi
- Bernhard Nold
- Paul Nonn
- Ryan Nora
- Hans Nordman
- Hans Nordman
- H Nordman
Takayoshi Norimatsu
- Co-author in IFE/1-3: Fast Ignition Integrated Experiments with Gekko-XII and LFEX Lasers
- Co-author in IFE/P6-18: FIREX Foam Cryogenic Target Development: Attempt of Residual Voids Reduction with Solid Hydrogen Refractive Index Measurement
- Co-author in OV/4-2: Present Status of Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment and Inertial Fusion Energy Development
M. D. Nornberg
- Co-author in EX/P3-16: Classical Confinement of Impurity Ions and NBI-born Fast Ions in the Reversed Field Pinch
- Co-author in EX/P6-01: Direct Diagnosis and Parametric Dependence of 3D Helical Equilibrium in the MST RFP
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- Jean-Marie Noterdaeme
- Jean-Marie Noterdaeme
- Alexandr Novokhatsky
Silvana Nowak
- Author in EX/P4-20: Control of Sawteeth Periods by Pulsed ECH and ECCD in FTU Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-32: Triggerless Onset and Effect of “Natural” Rotation on Neoclassical Tearing Modes in the TCV Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-04: First Operations of the Real-Time ECRH/ECCD System for Control of Magnetohydrodynamics Instabilities in the FTU Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P8-03: Density Limit Experiments on FTU
- Co-author in TH/P2-01: The European Transport Solver: an Integrated Approach for Transport Simulations in the Plasma Core
- Co-author in TH/P2-03: Model Validation and Integrated Modelling Simulations for the JT-60SA Tokamak
- Takashi Nozawa
- NSTX NSTX Research Team (Columbia University)
- Hideo Nuga
- Carolin Nührenberg
Tomoharu Numakura
- Co-author in EX/P3-03: Potential Fluctuation Study from the Core Plasma to End Region in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in FTP/P1-11: Plasma Characteristics of the End-cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror for the Divertor Simulation Experiment
- Co-author in FTP/P1-20: Development of MW Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices by University of Tsukuba
Masanori Nunami
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in FTP/P7-34: Multifarious Physics Analyses of the Core Plasma Properties in a Helical DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in TH/8-1: Turbulence Spectra, Transport, and ExB Flows in Helical Plasmas
Isabel Nunes
- Author in FTP/2-1Rb: Be Tile Power Handling and Main Wall Protection
- Author in ITR/2-2Ra & FTP/2-1Rb: Imaging Challenges for the ITER Plasma Facing Components Protection; Be Tile Power Handling and Main Wall Protection
- Co-author in EX/1-1: Scenarios Development at JET with the New ITER-like Wall
- Co-author in EX/4-1: Fuel Retention Studies with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/4-2: Comparison of Plasma Breakdown with a Carbon and ITER-like Wall
- Co-author in EX/P4-23:Mitigation of Type-I ELMs with n =2 Fields on JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Co-author in ITR/P1-11: Demonstrating the ITER Baseline Operation at q95=3
- Yoshihiko Nunoya
Richard Nygren
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Co-author in FTP/P7-14: Research on Tritium/Heat Transfer and Irradiation Synergism for First Wall and Blanket in the TITAN Project
- Robert Nyqvist
- Kazumi Oasa
- Stephen Obenschain
- Martin Oberkofler
- John O'Bryan
- Maria Antonia Ochando
- María Antonia Ochando
- Kentaro OCHIAI
- Roman Ochoukov
Yasuhisa Oda
- Co-author in FTP/1-3Rb: Progress on the Development of High Power Long Pulse Gyrotron and Related Technologies
- Co-author in FTP/P1-16: Progress in the Development of the ECRF System for JT-60SA
- Co-author in FTP/P1-25: ECH-assisted Startup using ITER Prototype of 170 GHz Gyrotron in KSTAR
- Co-author in ITR/P1-05: Development of ITER Equatorial EC Launcher
- Takuji Oda
- Michal Odstrcil
- Shinya Ogasawara
- Hiroaki Ogawa
- Kunihiro Ogawa
- Kunihiro Ogawa
Y.K. Oh
- Co-author in EX/3-3: ELM Control in Application of Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P8-11: Effects of RF-Heating Induced MHD Activities on the Toroidal Rotation in Tokamaks
- Y. K. Oh
- B.H. Oh
- Jaechul Oh
- Satoshi Ohdachi
- Co-author in EX/8-1: 3D Plasma Response to Magnetic Field Structure in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P5-29: First Results of Closed Helical Divertor Experiment in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P6-12: Investigation of the Role of Energetic Particle in the Driving of Long-lived Saturated Internal Mode on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/P3-14: Multi-Scale MHD Analysis of Heliotron Plasma in Change of Background Field
- Satoshi Ohdachi
Noriyasu Ohno
- Co-author in EX/4-4: Control of 3D Edge Radiation Structure with Resonant Magnetic Perturbation Fields Applied to Stochastic Layer and Stabilization of Radiative Divertor Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P5-06: Cooling Characteristics and Mitigation of He-Defected Tungsten with Nanostructure Formation
- Co-author in EX/P5-08: Impact of Arcing on Carbon and Tungsten: from the Observations in JT-60U, LHD, and NAGDIS-II
- Co-author in FTP/P1-11: Plasma Characteristics of the End-cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror for the Divertor Simulation Experiment
- Shinsuke Ohshima
- Shinsuke OHSHIMA
- Johan öijerholm
- Toshihiro Oikawa
- Tetsutarou Oishi
Michio Okabayashi
- Co-author in EX/1-5: Fully Noninductive Scenario Development in DIII-D Using New Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in EX/5-1: Dynamics of Energetic Particle Driven Modes and MHD Modes in Wall-stabilized High Beta Plasmas on JT-60U and DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P2-01: Access and Sustained High Performance in Advanced Inductive Discharges with ITER-Relevant Low Torque
- Co-author in EX/P4-09: Rotation Braking and Error Field Correction of the Test Blanket Module Induced Magnetic Field Error in ITER
- Co-author in EX/P4-27: Probing Resistive Wall Mode Stability Using Off-axis NBI
- Hiroyuki OKADA
- Hiroyuki OKADA
- Shigefumi Okada
- A. Okamoto
- Masaaki Okamoto
- Kensuke Oki
- Kensuke Oki
- Shin-ichiro Okihara
- Z. Oksiuta
Kenji Okuno
- Co-author in FTP/4-1: Hydrogen Isotope Trapping at Defects Created with Neutron- and Ion-Irradiation in Tungsten
- Co-author in FTP/P1-15: Effects of the Lithium Concentration on Tritium Release Behaviors from Advanced Tritium Breeding Material Li_2+xTiO_3
- Co-author in FTP/P7-14: Research on Tritium/Heat Transfer and Irradiation Synergism for First Wall and Blanket in the TITAN Project
- Yohei Okuyama
- Stella Oldenbürger
- Steve Oliva
- Concepcion Oliver
- Erik Olofsson
- Geoff Olynyk
- Shota Omi
- Martin OMulane
- T Onchi
- Grover Ondrej
- Josef Ongena
Masayuki Ono
- Author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P2-10:Non-inductive Plasma Start-up in NSTX Using Transient CHI
- Co-author in EX/P4-33: Observation of Edge Harmonic Oscillation in NSTX and Theoretical Study of its Active Control Using HHFW Antenna at Audio Frequencies
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in FTP/3-4: Progress on Developing the Spherical Tokamak for Fusion Applications
- Takehiko Ono
- Yasushi Ono
- Takuya Oosako
- François Orain
- Mariusz Orlikowski
Dmitry Orlov
- Co-author in EX/3-1: Advances in the Physics Understanding of ELM Suppression Using Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in DIII-D
- Co-author in ITR/1-2: Progress on the Application of ELM Control Schemes to ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-25: 3D Vacuum Magnetic Field Modeling of the ITER ELM Control Coils during Standard Operating Scenarios
- Co-author in TH/P3-17: The EPED Pedestal Model: Extensions, Application to ELM-Suppressed Regimes, and ITER Predictions
- Co-author in TH/P4-21: Edge Plasma Response to Non-Axisymmetric Fields in Tokamaks
Ilia Orlovskiy
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- F. Orsini
- francesco paolo orsitto
- Masaki Osakabe
- Thomas Osborne
Tom Osborne
- Co-author in EX/1-5: Fully Noninductive Scenario Development in DIII-D Using New Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/6-2: Experimental Demonstration of High Frequency ELM Pacing by Pellet Injection on DIII-D and Extrapolation to ITER
- Co-author in EX/P2-13: Validation of Off-axis Neutral Beam Current Drive Physics in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-02: Analysis of Temperature and Density Pedestal in a Multi-machine Database
- Co-author in EX/P4-04: The Evolution of the Edge Pedestal Structure and Turbulence Spatial Scale during the ELM Cycle on NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P4-08: Reactor-relevant Quiescent H-mode Operation Using Torque from Non-axisymmetric, Non-resonant Magnetic Fields
- Co-author in EX/P4-15: Pedestal Stability and Transport on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Experiments in Support of Developing Predictive Capability
- Co-author in EX/P5-16: Scaling of the Divertor Heat Flux Width in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P5-27: The Effects of Increasing Lithium Deposition on the Power Exhaust Channel in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P7-05: Relating the L-H Power Threshold Scaling to Edge Turbulence Dynamics
- Co-author in EX/P7-16: Edge Plasma Transport and Microstability Analysis with Lithium-coated Plasma-facing Components in NSTX
- Co-author in ITR/P1-22: Non-linear MHD Modelling of ELM Triggering by Pellet Injection in DIII-D and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in TH/P3-17: The EPED Pedestal Model: Extensions, Application to ELM-Suppressed Regimes, and ITER Predictions
- Shinsuke OSHIMA
- Maurizio Ottaviani
- Vladimir M. Ovchinnikov
- Larry Owen
- Yasuhisa Oya
Naoyuki Oyama
- Co-author in EX/2-4: Dependence of Heat Transport and Confinement on Isotopic Composition in Conventional H-mode Plasmas in JT-60U
- Co-author in EX/P4-09: Rotation Braking and Error Field Correction of the Test Blanket Module Induced Magnetic Field Error in ITER
- Co-author in TH/5-3: Reduction of ELM Energy Loss by Pellet Injection for ELM Pacing
- Eider Oyarzabal
- Hidetsugu Ozaki
- Tetsuo Ozaki
- Masahiro Ozeki
- N. Pablant
- N. A. Pablant
- Roberto Paccagnella
- Roberto Paccagnella
- D. Pace
- D. C. Pace
- Horst D. Pacher
- Guenther Pacher
- Lee Packer
- Steve Padalino
- Reny Paguio
- James Paley
- Yudong Pan
- Chuanjie Pan
- Yuan Pan
- Alexander Panasenkov
- Alexandr Panasenkov
- Alexander Panasenkov
- Stephanie panayotis
- Dobromir Panayotov
- Hitesh Pandya
- Radomir Panek
- Maaurizio Panella
Alexei Pankin
- Author in TH/P4-07: Integrated Approach to the H-mode Pedestal Dynamics: Effects of Bootstrap Current and Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on ELMs
- Co-author in TH/P2-08: Fusion Power Production in Baseline ITER H-Mode Discharges
- Co-author in TH/P2-13: Physics Basis and Validation of MMM7.1 Anomalous Transport Module
- Co-author in TH/P4-10: Integrated Fusion Simulations of Core-Edge-Wall Thermal and Particle Transport Using the FACETS Code
- Francesco Paolucci
- Gergely Papp
Vassili Parail
- Author in ITR/P1-10: Self-consistent Simulation of Plasma Scenarios for ITER Using a Combination of 1.5D Transport Codes and Free Boundary Equilibrium Codes
- Co-author in EX/6-1: The Effect of ELM Mitigation Methods on the Access to High H-mode Confinement (H_98~1) on JET
- Co-author in TH/P2-05: Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: from Present-day Experiments toward ITER
- Alejandro PAREDES
T Parekh
- Co-author in FTP/3-2: SST-1 Tokamak Integration & Commissioning
- Manoj Parihar
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P6-24: Recent Progress on Lower Hybrid Current Drive and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in EX/P8-11: Effects of RF-Heating Induced MHD Activities on the Toroidal Rotation in Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P8-13: Experiment for Stabilization of Tearing Mode in KSTAR
- Co-author in FTP/P1-21: Status and Plan of the Key Actuators for KSTAR Operation
- Co-author in FTP/P1-25: ECH-assisted Startup using ITER Prototype of 170 GHz Gyrotron in KSTAR
- Jin-Woo Park
- Hyun Tack Park
H.K. Park
- Author in EX/11-3: Visualization of ELM Dynamics and its Response from External Perturbations via 2D Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging in KSTAR
- Author in EX/11-3: Visualization of ELM Dynamics and its Response from External Perturbations via 2D Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging in KSTAR
- Author in ITR/P5-40: Overview of the ITPA R&D Activities for Optimizing ITER Diagnostic Performance
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P4-07: Characterization of Temperature Fluctuations during Type-I and Type-II Edge Localized Modes at ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/P6-03: Fast-ion Redistribution and Loss due to Edge Perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and KSTAR Tokamaks
- Co-author in FTP/P1-21: Status and Plan of the Key Actuators for KSTAR Operation
- Co-author in FTP/P1-25: ECH-assisted Startup using ITER Prototype of 170 GHz Gyrotron in KSTAR
- Co-author in ITR/P5-38: Analysis of Current Profile Measurement Capability on ITER
- Eun-Kyung Park
- B. H. Park
- Hyunjae Park
J.K. Park
- Author in EX/P4-33: Observation of Edge Harmonic Oscillation in NSTX and Theoretical Study of its Active Control Using HHFW Antenna at Audio Frequencies
- Co-author in EX/3-3: ELM Control in Application of Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P4-08: Reactor-relevant Quiescent H-mode Operation Using Torque from Non-axisymmetric, Non-resonant Magnetic Fields
- Co-author in EX/P4-09: Rotation Braking and Error Field Correction of the Test Blanket Module Induced Magnetic Field Error in ITER
- Co-author in EX/P4-31: Addressing New Challenges for Error Field Correction
- Co-author in EX/P7-21: Evolution of the Turbulence Radial Wavenumber Spectrum near the L-H Transition in NSTX Ohmic Discharges
- Co-author in ITR/P5-29: Error Fields Expected in ITER and their Correction
- Co-author in TH/P2-24: Drift-kinetic Simulation Studies on Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity in Tokamaks with Small Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in TH/P2-27: Study of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity in Tokamaks with a delta-f Particle Code and Resonant Nature of Magnetic Braking
- Young Min Park
- Sang-Joon Park
Young-Seok Park
- Author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P8-07: Global Mode Control and Stabilization for Disruption Avoidance in High-Beta NSTX Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P8-13: Experiment for Stabilization of Tearing Mode in KSTAR
- Min Park
- Young-gu PARK
- Jin Myung Park
G.Y Park
- Author in TH/P4-28: Self-consistent Kinetic Simulation of RMP-driven Transport: Collisionality and Rotation Effects on RMP Penetration and Transport
- Co-author in TH/5-2Rb: Theory and Gyro-fluid Simulations of Edge-Localized-Modes
- Co-author in TH/P4-07: Integrated Approach to the H-mode Pedestal Dynamics: Effects of Bootstrap Current and Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on ELMs
- S.I. Park
- Mikyung Park
Eli Parke
- Co-author in EX/P6-01: Direct Diagnosis and Parametric Dependence of 3D Helical Equilibrium in the MST RFP
- Co-author in ITR/P5-32: Electron Kinetic Effects on Interferometry, Polarimetry and Thomson Scattering in Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
R. Parker
- Co-author in EX/P2-16: Progress toward Steady-state Regimes in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in FTP/1-1: Evaluation of Optimized ICRF and LHRF Antennas in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in FTP/P1-21: Status and Plan of the Key Actuators for KSTAR Operation
- Co-author in FTP/P1-22: Advances in Lower Hybrid Current Drive Technology on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in ITR/P1-09: On the Use of Lower Hybrid Waves at ITER Relevant Density
- Co-author in TH/P6-11: Integrated Plasma Simulation of Lower Hybrid Current Profile Control in Tokamaks
- Scott Parker
Paul B. Parks
- Co-author in EX/6-2: Experimental Demonstration of High Frequency ELM Pacing by Pellet Injection on DIII-D and Extrapolation to ITER
- Co-author in EX/9-2: Control and Dissipation of Runaway Electron Beams Created during Rapid Shutdown Experiments in DIII-D
- Co-author in ITR/P5-23: Development and Testing of Plasma Disruption Mitigation Systems Applicable for ITER
- Co-author in TH/P3-13: Impurity Mixing in Massive-Gas-Injection Simulations of DIII-D
- Kirit Parmar
- Jean-Yves pascal
- Chantale Passeron
Alexander Pasternak
- Co-author in ITR/P5-39: ITER High Resolution Gamma Spectrometry
- Kaushal Patel
- Pravesh K. Patel
- Kunal Patel
- dipak patel
- Ashwin Patel
- Tarun Patel
H Patel
- Co-author in FTP/3-2: SST-1 Tokamak Integration & Commissioning
- Mikhail Patrov
- Alessandro Pau
S. F. Paul
- Co-author in EX/P5-21: Snowflake Divertor as Plasma-Material Interface for Future High Power Density Fusion Devices
- Co-author in EX/P5-27: The Effects of Increasing Lithium Deposition on the Power Exhaust Channel in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Gabriella Pautasso
- Yurij Pavlov
- Alan Peacock
- L. D. Pearlstein
- Jonathan Pearson
- Maria Angeles Pedrosa
- W. A. Peebles
Tony Peebles
- Co-author in EX/P6-02: Internal Amplitude, Structure and Identification of CAEs and GAEs in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P7-21: Evolution of the Turbulence Radial Wavenumber Spectrum near the L-H Transition in NSTX Ohmic Discharges
- Co-author in ITR/P5-33: ITPA Assessment of ITER Microwave Diagnostic Design Issues
- A.G. Peeters
Bernard pegourie
- Co-author in EX/P5-07: In Vessel Fuel Inventory Build-up in Tokamaks: Lessons Learnt from Tore Supra
- Co-author in EX/P5-09: Overview of the International Research on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning
- Co-author in ITR/P1-22: Non-linear MHD Modelling of ELM Triggering by Pellet Injection in DIII-D and Implications for ITER
- Ovidio Peña
- Benjamin Penaflor
- Martin Peng
- Qian Peng
- Tianji Peng
- Xiaodong Peng
- Claubia Pereira
- R.C. Pereira
- Piotr Perek
- Pavel Pereslavtsev
- Grigory Pereverzev
- Danny Perez
- Christian PEREZ VON THUN
- Vincenzo Pericoli-Ridolfini
- Rory Perkins
- John Perkins
- Jose Manuel Perlado
- Guillaume Perrollaz
- Simone Peruzzo
- Serguey Pestchanyi
- Sergei Pestchanyi
- Matej Peterka
- J. Luc Peterson
- B Peterson
- Per Petersson
- Patrick Petit
Rich Petrasso
- Co-author in IFE/1-1: Diagnosing Implosion Performance at the National Ignition Facility by Means of Advanced Neutron-Spectrometry and Neutron-Imaging Techniques
- Co-author in IFE/1-2: Progress toward Polar-Drive Ignition for the NIF
- Co-author in IFE/P6-10: Proton Imaging of Hohlraum Plasma Stagnation in Inertial Confinement Fusion Experiments
- Co-author in OV/5-3: Theory of Ignition, Burn and Hydro-equivalency for Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions
Tom W. Petrie
- Author in EX/P5-12: Effect of Changes in Separatrix Magnetic Geometry on Divertor Behavior in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/1-5: Fully Noninductive Scenario Development in DIII-D Using New Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in EX/P2-13: Validation of Off-axis Neutral Beam Current Drive Physics in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in ITR/P1-28: Multi-machine Comparisons of Divertor Heat Flux Mitigation by Radiative Cooling
- Yuriy Petrov
- Sergey Petrov
- Mikhail Petrov
- A.V. Petrov
- Yu. V. Petrov
- Vyacheslav Petrov
- Vladimir Petrov
C. Craig Petty
- Author in ITR/P1-30: ITER Implications of the Beta Scaling of Energy Confinement
- Co-author in EX/P2-01: Access and Sustained High Performance in Advanced Inductive Discharges with ITER-Relevant Low Torque
- Co-author in EX/P2-13: Validation of Off-axis Neutral Beam Current Drive Physics in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-18: Experimental Tests of Stiffness in the Electron and Ion Energy Transport in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-26: Particle Transport Results from Collisionality Scans and Perturbative Experiments on DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P7-09: Validation Studies of Gyrofluid and Gyrokinetic Predictions of Transport and Turbulence Stiffness Using the DIII-D Tokamak
- R. W. Petzoldt
Y. Peysson
- Author in TH/P6-05: Effect of Density Fluctuations on LHCD and ECCD and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in EX/P6-21: Investigations of LHW-plasma Coupling and Current Drive in H-mode Experiments in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P6-24: Recent Progress on Lower Hybrid Current Drive and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-09: On the Use of Lower Hybrid Waves at ITER Relevant Density
- David Pfefferle
V. Philipps
- Author in EX/P5-14: Development of Laser Based Techniques for In-situ Characterization of the First Wall in ITER and Future Fusion Devices
- Co-author in EX/4-1: Fuel Retention Studies with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-09: Overview of the International Research on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning
- Co-author in EX/P5-10: Efficiency of Fuel Removal: Overview of Techniques Tested on Plasma-Facing Components from the TEXTOR Tokamak
- Co-author in FTP/P1-05: Comparative Study of Chemical Methods for Fuel Removal
- Co-author in ITR/P5-42: First studies of ITER diagnostic mirrors in a tokamak with all-metal interior: results of first mirror test in ASDEX Upgrade
- Cynthia Phillips
- Perry Phillips
- S. Pierattini
- A. Yu. Pigarov
- Sergei Pikuz
- Simon Pinches
- Simon Pinches (ITER Organization)
- Yuan Ping
- Tonio Pinna
- P Piovesan
- Francesco Piras
- Alfredo Pironti
- Alfredo Pironti
- A. A. Pisarev
- Andrea Pisent
- Spencer Pitcher
Richard Pitts
- Co-author in EX/P5-09: Overview of the International Research on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning
- Co-author in EX/P5-37: Scrape-off Layer Properties of ITER-like Limiter Start-up Plasmas at JET
- Co-author in ITR/1-1: Scaling of the Tokamak near Scrape-off Layer H-mode Power Width and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/1-2: Progress on the Application of ELM Control Schemes to ITER
- Co-author in ITR/2-3: Technology R&D Activities for the ITER Full-tungsten Divertor
- Co-author in ITR/P1-14: Disruption Impacts and Their Mitigation Target Values
- Co-author in ITR/P1-27: Narrow Heat Flux Widths and Tungsten: SOLPS Studies of the Possible Impact on ITER Divertor Operation
- Co-author in ITR/P1-39: Modelling of Material Damage and High Energy Impacts on Tokamak PFCs during Transient Loads
- Co-author in ITR/P5-08: Effort on Design of a Full Tungsten Divertor for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-24: ITER Fuelling and Glow Discharge Cleaning System Overview
- Richard Pitts
- Paola Platania
- Vladislav V. Plyusnin
- Vladislav Plyusnin
- Antoine Pochelon
- Ivan Podadera
Mario Podesta
- Author in EX/P3-02: Measurements of Core Lithium Concentration in Diverted H-Mode Plasmas of NSTX
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P4-04: The Evolution of the Edge Pedestal Structure and Turbulence Spatial Scale during the ELM Cycle on NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-21: Snowflake Divertor as Plasma-Material Interface for Future High Power Density Fusion Devices
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P6-02: Internal Amplitude, Structure and Identification of CAEs and GAEs in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P6-05: Fast-ion Energy Loss during TAE Avalanches in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
- Co-author in EX/P8-07: Global Mode Control and Stabilization for Disruption Avoidance in High-Beta NSTX Plasmas
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- V. Podkovyrov
- Yuri Podpaly
- Yuri Podpaly
Yuri Podpaly
- Co-author in EX/P3-13: Turbulent Transport and Gyrokinetic Analysis in Alcator C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P3-23: Quantitative Comparison of Experimental and Gyrokinetic Simulated ICRH and I_p Dependent Impurity Transport
- Co-author in EX/P4-14: On the Formation and Stability of Impurity-generated ‘Snakes’ in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in ITR/P1-19: Tokamak Experiments to Study the Parametric Dependences of Momentum Transport
- Yuri Podpaly
- Yves Poitevin
- Gergo I. Pokol
- Alexei Polevoi
- Alexei Polevoi
- Emanuele Poli
- Francesca Poli
- Peter A. Politzer
- Peter A. Politzer
- S. V. Polosatkin
- Co-author in ITR/P1-02: Nuclear Analyses For ITER NB System
- N. Pomphrey
- Yuri Ponkratov
- Evgeni Popov
- Gabor Porempovics
- Maria Teresa Porfiri
Miklos Porkolab
- Author in EX/P3-13: Turbulent Transport and Gyrokinetic Analysis in Alcator C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/2-2: A Unified Explanation of Rotation Reversals, Confinement Saturation and Non-Diffusive Heat Transport in C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
- Laurie Porte
- Mikhail Potapenko
- Steffen Potzel
- alexandre poye
- Subrata Pradhan
- Stewart Prager
- U Prasad
- Ron Prater
- Italo Predebon
- Pawel Predki
- David Pretty
- Melanie Preynas
- Melanie Preynas
- Marc Prou
- Giuseppe Pruneri
- Gianluca Pucella
- Moritz Pueschel
- Moritz Pueschel
- Moritz Pueschel
- Thomas Puetterich
- thomas puetterich
Maria Ester Puiatti
- Author in EX/P5-01: Wall Conditioning and Density Control in the Reversed Field Pinch RFX-mod
- Co-author in EX/P6-01: Direct Diagnosis and Parametric Dependence of 3D Helical Equilibrium in the MST RFP
- Co-author in FTP/P1-07: “Snow Flakes” Divertor and 10 MA Scenarios in FAST
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- Co-author in OV/5-2Rb: Overview of the RFX Fusion Science Program
- Vladimir Pustovitov
- Istvan Pusztai
Thomas Pütterich
- Author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in EX/2-1: Connections Between Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation, Density Peaking and Plasma Turbulence Regimes in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/4-3: On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/P5-05: Characterization of Tungsten Sputtering in the JET Divertor
- Co-author in EX/P5-19: ICRF Operation with Improved Antennas in a Full W-wall ASDEX Upgrade, Status and Developments
Sergei Putvinski
- Co-author in EX/P8-06: Overview of Runaway Electrons Control and Mitigation Experiments on Tore Supra and Lessons Learned in View of ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-14: Disruption Impacts and Their Mitigation Target Values
- Co-author in ITR/P1-35: Effects of ELM Control Coil on Fast Ion Confinement in ITER H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in ITR/P1-38: Studying the Capabilities of Be Pellet Injection to Mitigate ITER Disruptions
- Co-author in ITR/P1-39: Modelling of Material Damage and High Energy Impacts on Tokamak PFCs during Transient Loads
- Co-author in ITR/P5-24: ITER Fuelling and Glow Discharge Cleaning System Overview
- Niansheng Qi
- Jinping Qian
- J.P Qian
- Bin Qiao
- C.M. Qin
- Hong Qin
- Xiaoming Qiu
- Daniel Raburn
- Micheal Rack
- P.B. Radha
- Rene Raffray
Tariq Rafiq
- Author in TH/P2-13: Physics Basis and Validation of MMM7.1 Anomalous Transport Module
- Co-author in TH/P2-08: Fusion Power Production in Baseline ITER H-Mode Discharges
- Co-author in TH/P4-07: Integrated Approach to the H-mode Pedestal Dynamics: Effects of Bootstrap Current and Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on ELMs
- Devesh Raj
- Abhay Ram
- Nilam Ramaiya
R. Raman
- Author in EX/P2-10:Non-inductive Plasma Start-up in NSTX Using Transient CHI
- Co-author in EX/9-3: Disruptions in the High-beta Spherical Torus NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-21: Snowflake Divertor as Plasma-Material Interface for Future High Power Density Fusion Devices
- Co-author in EX/P7-21: Evolution of the Turbulence Radial Wavenumber Spectrum near the L-H Transition in NSTX Ohmic Discharges
Roger Raman
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in FTP/3-4: Progress on Developing the Spherical Tokamak for Fusion Applications
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Jesus Manuel Ramirez
- Giuseppe Ramogida
- Jesus Ramos
- Gilles Rampal
- Gabriella Ramponi
- jun rao
- jun rao
- Juergen Rapp
- David Rasmussen
- Nikolaus Rath
- Silvia Rathgeber
- S.K. Rathgeber
- Ahmed Ratnani
D Raval
- Co-author in FTP/3-2: SST-1 Tokamak Integration & Commissioning
- Aleksey Razdobarin
- Dmitry Razumenko
- Jesse Read
- Aaron Redd
- Sean Regan
- Jose Regaña
- Roger Reichle
Holger Reimerdes
- Author in EX/P4-09: Rotation Braking and Error Field Correction of the Test Blanket Module Induced Magnetic Field Error in ITER
- Co-author in EX/P4-27: Probing Resistive Wall Mode Stability Using Off-axis NBI
- Co-author in EX/P4-32: Triggerless Onset and Effect of “Natural” Rotation on Neoclassical Tearing Modes in the TCV Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P5-22: Reduction of Peak Wall Power Loads in L- and H-mode Tokamak Plasmas in TCV with the Snowflake Divertor
- Co-author in TH/7-1: Bifurcated Helical Core Equilibrium States in Tokamaks
- Felix Reimold
- Felix Reimold
Matthew Reinke
- Author in EX/P3-01: Poloidal Variation of High-Z Impurity Density due to Hydrogen Minority ICRH on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/2-2: A Unified Explanation of Rotation Reversals, Confinement Saturation and Non-Diffusive Heat Transport in C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P2-02: ITER Demonstration Discharges on Alcator C-Mod in Support of ITER
- Co-author in EX/P3-23: Quantitative Comparison of Experimental and Gyrokinetic Simulated ICRH and I_p Dependent Impurity Transport
- Co-author in EX/P3-28: Production of Internal Transport Barriers by Intrinsic Flow Drive in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P4-14: On the Formation and Stability of Impurity-generated ‘Snakes’ in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P4-22: Characterization of Neo-classical Tearing Modes in High-performance I-Mode Plasmas with ICRF Mode Conversion Flow Drive on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P8-09: Disruption Mitigation Experiments with Two Gas Jets on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in FTP/1-1: Evaluation of Optimized ICRF and LHRF Antennas in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in ITR/P1-28: Multi-machine Comparisons of Divertor Heat Flux Mitigation by Radiative Cooling
- Matt Reinke
- Matthew Reinke
- Dirk Reiser
Detlev Reiter
- Co-author in ITR/P1-24: Three-dimensional Fluid Modeling of Plasma Edge Transport and Divertor Fluxes during RMP ELM Control at ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-27: Narrow Heat Flux Widths and Tungsten: SOLPS Studies of the Possible Impact on ITER Divertor Operation
- Co-author in TH/P4-22: Coarse Grained Transport Model for Neutrals in Turbulent SOL Plasmas
Yang Ren
- Author in EX/P7-02: Response of Electron-scale Turbulence and Thermal Transport to Continuous ExB Shear Ramping-up in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P7-16: Edge Plasma Transport and Microstability Analysis with Lithium-coated Plasma-facing Components in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P7-21: Evolution of the Turbulence Radial Wavenumber Spectrum near the L-H Transition in NSTX Ohmic Discharges
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Co-author in TH/6-1: Progress in Simulating Turbulent Electron Thermal Transport in NSTX
- Co-author in TH/P2-10: Microtearing Mode Fluctuations in Reversed Field Pinch Plasmas
Joshua Reusch
- Co-author in EX/P3-17: Measurement and Simulation of Electron Thermal Transport in the MST Reversed-Field Pinch
- Co-author in EX/P6-01: Direct Diagnosis and Parametric Dependence of 3D Helical Equilibrium in the MST RFP
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- C. Reux
Svyatoslav Reznik
- Co-author in TH/P6-01: Frequency Chirping during a Fishbone Burst
- team RFX-mod
T. Rhee
- Co-author in EX/2-3: ECRH Effects on Toroidal Rotation: KSTAR Experiments and Gyrokinetic Simulations of Intrinsic Torque at ITG - TEM Transitions
- Co-author in OV/P-03: On the Physics of Intrinsic Torque in Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/5-2Rb: Theory and Gyro-fluid Simulations of Edge-Localized-Modes
- T. Rhee
Terry L. Rhodes
- Co-author in EX/1-5: Fully Noninductive Scenario Development in DIII-D Using New Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in EX/P3-26: Particle Transport Results from Collisionality Scans and Perturbative Experiments on DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P7-06: Turbulence and Transport Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ELM-Suppressed Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P7-09: Validation Studies of Gyrofluid and Gyrokinetic Predictions of Transport and Turbulence Stiffness Using the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-17: The Role of Zonal Flows and Predator-Prey Oscillations in the Formation of Core and Edge Transport Barriers
- T. L. Rhodes
- Dov Rhodes
- Tiago Ribeiro
- Xavier Ribeyre
- Italo Ricapito
- Bruno Riccardi
Valeria Riccardo
- Co-author in EX/4-3: On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/9-1: Impact and Mitigation of Disruptions with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-24: Power Handling of the Tungsten Divertor in JET
- Co-author in FTP/2-1Rb: Be Tile Power Handling and Main Wall Protection
- Valeria Riccardo
- V. Riccardo
- Paolo Ricci
John Rice
- Author in EX/2-2: A Unified Explanation of Rotation Reversals, Confinement Saturation and Non-Diffusive Heat Transport in C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Author in EX/2-2: A Unified Explanation of Rotation Reversals, Confinement Saturation and Non-Diffusive Heat Transport in C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/1-3: Progress in Performance and Understanding of Steady ELM-free I-modes on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P3-01: Poloidal Variation of High-Z Impurity Density due to Hydrogen Minority ICRH on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P3-13: Turbulent Transport and Gyrokinetic Analysis in Alcator C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P3-28: Production of Internal Transport Barriers by Intrinsic Flow Drive in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P4-14: On the Formation and Stability of Impurity-generated ‘Snakes’ in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P4-22: Characterization of Neo-classical Tearing Modes in High-performance I-Mode Plasmas with ICRF Mode Conversion Flow Drive on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in ITR/P1-19: Tokamak Experiments to Study the Parametric Dependences of Momentum Transport
- Co-author in OV/3-4: Towards an Emerging Understanding of Nonlocal Transport
- Co-author in TH/1-1: Study of Toroidal Flow Generation by the ICRF Minority Heating in the Alcator C-Mod Plasma
- J. Rice
- Marianne RICHOU
- Silvia Richter
- Rudolf Riedl
Fernanda Rimini
- Co-author in EX/4-2: Comparison of Plasma Breakdown with a Carbon and ITER-like Wall
- Co-author in EX/4-3: On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/6-1: The Effect of ELM Mitigation Methods on the Access to High H-mode Confinement (H_98~1) on JET
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Fernanda Rimini
- Esther Rincon
- Hans Rinderknecht
- Antonio Rivera
- Gopalakrishnan R. K
- Colin Roach
- Colin Roach
- King Robert
- F. Robin
- Riccardo Roccella
- Riccardo Roccella
- Norman Roderick
- Barrett Rogers
T.D. Rognlien
- Co-author in EX/P5-22: Reduction of Peak Wall Power Loads in L- and H-mode Tokamak Plasmas in TCV with the Snowflake Divertor
- Co-author in TH/3-2: On Edge Plasma, First Wall, and Dust Issues in Fusion Devices
- Co-author in TH/P4-03: Numerical Modeling of Neoclassical Transport and Geodesic Acoustic Mode Relaxation in a Tokamak Edge
- Co-author in TH/P4-10: Integrated Fusion Simulations of Core-Edge-Wall Thermal and Particle Transport Using the FACETS Code
- T. D. Rognlien
T. D. Rognlien
- Co-author in TH/P4-06: Eulerian Simulations of Neoclassical Flows and Transport in the Tokamak Plasma Edge and Outer Core
- Co-author in TH/P4-07: Integrated Approach to the H-mode Pedestal Dynamics: Effects of Bootstrap Current and Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on ELMs
- Co-author in TH/P4-18: Theory and Simulations of ELM Control with a Snowflake Divertor
Volker Rohde
- Co-author in EX/P5-09: Overview of the International Research on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning
- Co-author in EX/P7-23: Far-reaching Impact of Intermittent Transport across the Scrape-off Layer: Latest Results from ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in ITR/P5-26: Status of R&D on In-Vessel Dust & Tritium Management in ITER
- Volker Rohde
- Francesco Romanelli
- Afra Romano
- Vladimir Romanov
- Jesús Antonio Romero
Lane Roquemore
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P5-33: Toroidal Asymmetry of Divertor Heat Deposition during the ELM and 3-D Field Application in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-40: Fast Wave Power Flow along SOL Field Lines in NSTX
- A. L.. Roquemore
- A. L. Roquemore
- Lane Roquemore
- Joel Rosato
- Mike Rosenberg
- Peter Rosenblad
- Guy Rosenzweig
- Jonathan Rossel
- Jon Chris Rost
- Joachim Roth
- Michael Rott
- Chandramouli Rotti
- Chandramouli Rotti
- Pascale Roubin
- William Rowan
- William Rowan
- Prabir Roy
- Igor Roy
- Vladimir Rozhansky
- Vladimir Rozhdestvensky
- Marek Rubel
- Marek Rubel
- Jiménez-Goméz Ruben
- Guglielmo Rubinacci
- G. Rubinacci
Dmitry L. Rudakov
- Author in EX/P5-11: Measurements of Net versus Gross Erosion of Molybdenum Divertor Surface in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/9-2: Control and Dissipation of Runaway Electron Beams Created during Rapid Shutdown Experiments in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P7-05: Relating the L-H Power Threshold Scaling to Edge Turbulence Dynamics
- Benjamin Ruf
- B Rus
- Cristian Ruset
David Russell
- Co-author in TH/P4-23: Edge Sheared Flows and Blob Dynamics
- Norbert Rust
- David Ruzic
- Phillip Ryan
- Ryan Rygg
- Dmitry Ryjakov
- A. Ryou
Francois Ryter
- Author in EX/P4-03: L-H Transition, Pedestal Development and I-mode Studies in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/1-4: Dominant ECR Heating of H-mode Plasmas on ASDEX Upgrade Using the Upgraded ECRH System and Comparison to Dominat NBI or ICR Heating
- Co-author in ITR/P1-30: ITER Implications of the Beta Scaling of Energy Confinement
- Co-author in ITR/P1-36: Assessment of the H-mode Power Threshold Requirements for ITER
- Francois Ryter
- Francois Ryter
- Chang Mo Ryu
Dimitri Ryutov
- Author in TH/P4-18: Theory and Simulations of ELM Control with a Snowflake Divertor
- Co-author in EX/P5-21: Snowflake Divertor as Plasma-Material Interface for Future High Power Density Fusion Devices
- Co-author in EX/P5-22: Reduction of Peak Wall Power Loads in L- and H-mode Tokamak Plasmas in TCV with the Snowflake Divertor
- Co-author in FTP/P7-02: A 14 MeV Fusion Neutron Source for Material and Blanket Development and Fission Fuel Production
Ivan Ryzhkov
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- Priya S
- Jeong-Woo Sa
Samuli Saarelma
- Author in TH/P3-10: Pedestal Modelling Based on Ideal MHD and Gyrokinetic Stability Analyses on JET And ITER Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/3-2: Understanding ELM Mitigation by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on MAST
- Co-author in EX/P4-23:Mitigation of Type-I ELMs with n =2 Fields on JET
- Co-author in EX/P7-01: Characterisation of Ion-scale Turbulence in MAST
- Co-author in EX/P7-20: L-H Power Threshold, Pedestal Stability and Confinement in JET with a Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/P7-22: Dynamics of the Plasma Edge during the L-H Transition and H-mode in MAST
- Co-author in TH/5-1: Gyrokinetic Instabilities in an Evolving Tokamak H-mode Pedestal
S.A. Sabbagh
- Author in OV/3-1: Overview of Physics Results from the National Spherical Torus Experiment
- Author in OV/3-1: Overview of Physics Results from the National Spherical Torus Experiment
- Co-author in EX/9-3: Disruptions in the High-beta Spherical Torus NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P5-40: Fast Wave Power Flow along SOL Field Lines in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P8-07: Global Mode Control and Stabilization for Disruption Avoidance in High-Beta NSTX Plasmas
- Co-author in FTP/3-4: Progress on Developing the Spherical Tokamak for Fusion Applications
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Co-author in TH/P4-04: Transport Theory for Error Fields and in the Pedestal Region for Tokamaks
- Steven Sabbagh
Roland Sabot
- Co-author in EX/P6-07: Electron Fishbones in LHCD Plasmas on FTU and Tore Supra
- Co-author in EX/P7-04: Turbulence Wave Number Spectra Reconstruction from Radial Correlation Reflectometry Data at Tore Supra and FT-2 Tokamaks
- Co-author in TH/P3-21: Interplay between MHD and Particle Transport during Sawteeth
- Sergey Sadakov
- Marek Sadowski
Akio Sagara
- Co-author in EX/P5-32: Control of Dust Flux in LHD and in a Divertor Simulator
- Co-author in FTP/P1-11: Plasma Characteristics of the End-cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror for the Divertor Simulation Experiment
- Co-author in FTP/P7-14: Research on Tritium/Heat Transfer and Irradiation Synergism for First Wall and Blanket in the TITAN Project
- Co-author in FTP/P7-34: Multifarious Physics Analyses of the Core Plasma Properties in a Helical DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in FTP/P7-36: Neutronics Design of Helical Type DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in FTP/P7-37: Divertor Heat Flux Reduction by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in the LHD-Type Helical DEMO Reactor
- Co-author in TH/P6-28: Numerical Simulations for Fusion Reactivity Enhancement in D-3He and D-T Plasmas due to 3He and T Minorities Heating
- Hacı Mehmet Sahin
Gabriella Saibene
- Co-author in EX/6-1: The Effect of ELM Mitigation Methods on the Access to High H-mode Confinement (H_98~1) on JET
- Co-author in ITR/1-2: Progress on the Application of ELM Control Schemes to ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-10: Self-consistent Simulation of Plasma Scenarios for ITER Using a Combination of 1.5D Transport Codes and Free Boundary Equilibrium Codes
- Co-author in ITR/P1-16: ITER Plasma Position Control System and Scenario Optimization
- Co-author in ITR/P1-24: Three-dimensional Fluid Modeling of Plasma Edge Transport and Divertor Fluxes during RMP ELM Control at ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-39: Modelling of Material Damage and High Energy Impacts on Tokamak PFCs during Transient Loads
- Gabriela Saibene
- Gabriella Saibene
Kenji Saito
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/P2-11: Non-inductive Plasma Initiation and Plasma Current Ramp-up on the TST-2 Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P2-12: Steady State Operation Using Improved ICH and ECH for High Performance Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P6-25: Recent Results from Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating Experiments in HT-7 and EAST Tokamak
- Masahiro SAITO
- Yu-ki Saito
- Haruhiko Saitoh
Hitoshi Sakagami
- Co-author in IFE/1-3: Fast Ignition Integrated Experiments with Gekko-XII and LFEX Lasers
- Co-author in IFE/P6-18: FIREX Foam Cryogenic Target Development: Attempt of Residual Voids Reduction with Solid Hydrogen Refractive Index Measurement
- Co-author in OV/4-2: Present Status of Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment and Inertial Fusion Energy Development
- Author in EX/P4-30: Response of MHD Stability to Resonant Magnetic Perturbation in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/8-1: 3D Plasma Response to Magnetic Field Structure in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P4-10: Mitigation of Large Amplitude Edge-Localized-Modes by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P7-03: Characteristics of Microturbulence in H-mode Plasma of LHD
- Co-author in TH/7-2: Non-Axisymmetric Equilibrium Reconstruction for Stellarators,Reversed Field Pinches and Tokamaks
- Co-author in TH/P3-14: Multi-Scale MHD Analysis of Heliotron Plasma in Change of Background Field
- Satoru Sakakibara
- Wataru Sakamoto
Keishi Sakamoto
- Co-author in FTP/1-2: Acceleration of 1 MeV H- Ion Beams at ITER NB-relevant High Current Density
- Co-author in FTP/1-3Rb: Progress on the Development of High Power Long Pulse Gyrotron and Related Technologies
- Co-author in FTP/P1-16: Progress in the Development of the ECRF System for JT-60SA
- Co-author in FTP/P1-20: Development of MW Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices by University of Tsukuba
- Co-author in FTP/P1-21: Status and Plan of the Key Actuators for KSTAR Operation
- Co-author in FTP/P1-25: ECH-assisted Startup using ITER Prototype of 170 GHz Gyrotron in KSTAR
- Co-author in ITR/P1-05: Development of ITER Equatorial EC Launcher
- Mizuki Sakamoto
- Yoshiteru Sakamoto
- Ryuichi Sakamoto
- Kinzo Sakamoto
- Ryuichi Sakamoto
- Takuya Sakamoto
- Hideo Sakasegawa
- Hiroyuki Sakaue
- Youichi Sakawa
- Nikolay Sakharov
- Ikko Sakuma
- Shinji Sakurai
- Sophie Salasca
- Jean François Salavy
- Mirko Salewski
- Antti Salmi
- Antti Salmi
- Antti Salmi
- Max Salvador
U. Samm
- Co-author in EX/4-1: Fuel Retention Studies with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in FTP/P1-05: Comparative Study of Chemical Methods for Fuel Removal
- Co-author in ITR/P5-42: First studies of ITER diagnostic mirrors in a tokamak with all-metal interior: results of first mirror test in ASDEX Upgrade
- Joaquin Sanchez
- C. Sánchez
- Siri Sangaroon
Craig Sangster
- Co-author in IFE/1-1: Diagnosing Implosion Performance at the National Ignition Facility by Means of Advanced Neutron-Spectrometry and Neutron-Imaging Techniques
- Co-author in IFE/1-2: Progress toward Polar-Drive Ignition for the NIF
- Co-author in OV/5-3: Theory of Ignition, Burn and Hydro-equivalency for Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions
- Samuele Sanna
- Giulio Sannazzaro
Fumimichi SANO
- Co-author in EX/5-2: Studies of Energetic-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas with Low Magnetic Shear
- Co-author in EX/P3-07: Study of Fueling Control for Confinement Experiments in Heliotron J
- Co-author in EX/P4-17: Edge Plasma Response to Beam-driven MHD Instability in Heliotron J
- Co-author in EX/P8-10: Stabilization of Energetic-Ion-Driven MHD Mode by ECCD in Heliotron J
- Akio Sanpei
- Akio Sanpei
- F. Santini
- Javier Sanz
- Yanick Sarazin
- Y. Sarazin
- Pierre Sardain
J.S. Sarff
- Author in OV/5-2Ra & OV/5-2Rb: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment; Overview of the RFX Fusion Science Program
- Author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- Co-author in EX/P3-08: Magnetic Fluctuation-Driven Intrinsic Flow in a Toroidal Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P3-16: Classical Confinement of Impurity Ions and NBI-born Fast Ions in the Reversed Field Pinch
- Co-author in EX/P6-01: Direct Diagnosis and Parametric Dependence of 3D Helical Equilibrium in the MST RFP
- Co-author in TH/P2-10: Microtearing Mode Fluctuations in Reversed Field Pinch Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P3-08: Coupling of Current and Flow Relaxation in Reversed-Field Pinches due to Two-Fluid Effects
- Dmitrii Sarichev
Roberta Sartori
- Co-author in EX/6-1: The Effect of ELM Mitigation Methods on the Access to High H-mode Confinement (H_98~1) on JET
- Co-author in ITR/P1-10: Self-consistent Simulation of Plasma Scenarios for ITER Using a Combination of 1.5D Transport Codes and Free Boundary Equilibrium Codes
- Co-author in ITR/P1-16: ITER Plasma Position Control System and Scenario Optimization
Nobuhiko Sarukura
- Co-author in IFE/1-3: Fast Ignition Integrated Experiments with Gekko-XII and LFEX Lasers
- Co-author in IFE/P6-11: Study on the Energy Transfer Efficiency in the Fast Ignition Experiment
- Co-author in OV/4-2: Present Status of Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment and Inertial Fusion Energy Development
- Shunichi Sasaki
- Mamiko Sasao
- M. Sassi
Shinsuke Satake
- Author in TH/P2-24: Drift-kinetic Simulation Studies on Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity in Tokamaks with Small Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/P3-27: Transition of Poloidal Viscosity by Electrode Biasing in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in FTP/P7-34: Multifarious Physics Analyses of the Core Plasma Properties in a Helical DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in TH/8-1: Turbulence Spectra, Transport, and ExB Flows in Helical Plasmas
- Satoshi SATO
- Yoshikatsu Sato
- Yu Sato
- Shuhei Sato
- Kuninori Sato
- Masahiko Sato
- Tatsunori Sato
- Kazuyoshi Sato
- Nakahiro Satoh
- Fabio Sattin
- Fabio Sattin
- Joshua Sauppe
- Olivier Sauter
Olivier Sauter
- Co-author in EX/1-2: Real time ELM, NTM and Sawtooth Control on TCV
- Co-author in EX/P3-05: Experimental Investigation of Plasma Confinement in Reactor Relevant Conditions in TCV Plasmas with Dominant Electron Heating
- Co-author in EX/P3-12: Real-time Model-based Reconstruction and Control of Tokamak Plasma Profiles
- Co-author in EX/P4-32: Triggerless Onset and Effect of “Natural” Rotation on Neoclassical Tearing Modes in the TCV Tokamak
- Co-author in FTP/3-3: On the Physics Guidelines for a Tokamak DEMO
- Co-author in TH/7-1: Bifurcated Helical Core Equilibrium States in Tokamaks
- Co-author in TH/P2-01: The European Transport Solver: an Integrated Approach for Transport Simulations in the Plasma Core
- Pierre Sauter
- Olivier Sauter
- Alexandr Saveliev
- Petr Savrukhin
- Hiroshi Sawada
- Masayuki Sawahata
- M. E. Sawan
- Royce Sayer
- Rory Scannell
- Andrea Scarabosio
- Jörg Schacht
- Michael Schaffer
Michael J. Schaffer
- Co-author in EX/P4-08: Reactor-relevant Quiescent H-mode Operation Using Torque from Non-axisymmetric, Non-resonant Magnetic Fields
- Co-author in EX/P4-09: Rotation Braking and Error Field Correction of the Test Blanket Module Induced Magnetic Field Error in ITER
- Co-author in EX/P4-31: Addressing New Challenges for Error Field Correction
- Co-author in ITR/P1-25: 3D Vacuum Magnetic Field Modeling of the ITER ELM Control Coils during Standard Operating Scenarios
- Co-author in ITR/P1-32: Observation of Localized Fast-Ion Induced Heat Loads in Test Blanket Module Simulation Experiments on DIII-D
- David Schaffner
- Giuseppe Schettini
- Loic Schiesko
- Tyge Schioler
- David Schlossberg
- J.C. Schmitt
- Andrew Schmitt
Oliver Schmitz
- Author in ITR/P1-24: Three-dimensional Fluid Modeling of Plasma Edge Transport and Divertor Fluxes during RMP ELM Control at ITER
- Co-author in EX/3-1: Advances in the Physics Understanding of ELM Suppression Using Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P7-06: Turbulence and Transport Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ELM-Suppressed Plasmas
- Co-author in ITR/1-2: Progress on the Application of ELM Control Schemes to ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-25: 3D Vacuum Magnetic Field Modeling of the ITER ELM Control Coils during Standard Operating Scenarios
- Co-author in TH/7-1: Bifurcated Helical Core Equilibrium States in Tokamaks
- Co-author in TH/P3-17: The EPED Pedestal Model: Extensions, Application to ELM-Suppressed Regimes, and ITER Predictions
- Co-author in TH/P4-27: Modelling of Plasma Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations and its Influence on Divertor Strike Points
- Lothar Schmitz
- Dalton Schnack
Mireille Schneider
- Co-author in TH/P2-01: The European Transport Solver: an Integrated Approach for Transport Simulations in the Plasma Core
- Co-author in TH/P2-03: Model Validation and Integrated Modelling Simulations for the JT-60SA Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/P2-05: Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: from Present-day Experiments toward ITER
- Philip A. Schneider
Klaus Schoepf
- Co-author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P2-15: Impact of Fusion Alpha Driven Current on the Magnetic Configuration of a Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/P4-11: Modelling of the Effect of Externally Applied Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on Alpha-particle Dynamics in Tokamak Plasmas
- Peter Schrafel
- Roman Schrittwieser
- Ralf Schroeder
- M Schubert
- H Schuetz
- C. Schulz
- Beatrix Schunke
- Guy Schurtz
- Eugenio Schuster
- Frederic SCHWANDER
- Bernd Schweer
- Josef Schweinzer
- Josef Schweinzer
- Bruce Scott
- Bruce Scott
- S. Scott
- Steve Scott
F. Scotti
- Author in EX/P3-34: Study of Carbon and Lithium Neoclassical Impurity Transport in ELM-Free H-Mode Discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P3-02: Measurements of Core Lithium Concentration in Diverted H-Mode Plasmas of NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-21: Snowflake Divertor as Plasma-Material Interface for Future High Power Density Fusion Devices
- Co-author in EX/P5-27: The Effects of Increasing Lithium Deposition on the Power Exhaust Channel in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P5-33: Toroidal Asymmetry of Divertor Heat Deposition during the ELM and 3-D Field Application in NSTX
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Jason Sears
- Alexander Sedov
Fredric Seguin
- Co-author in IFE/1-1: Diagnosing Implosion Performance at the National Ignition Facility by Means of Advanced Neutron-Spectrometry and Neutron-Imaging Techniques
- Co-author in IFE/1-2: Progress toward Polar-Drive Ignition for the NIF
- Co-author in IFE/P6-10: Proton Imaging of Hohlraum Plasma Stagnation in Inertial Confinement Fusion Experiments
- Frederick Seguin
- Peter Seidl
- Wolf Seka
Ryohsuke Seki
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/P3-14: Inter-Machine Validation Study of Neoclassical Transport Modelling in Medium- to High-Density Stellarator-Heliotron Plasmas
- Co-author in FTP/P7-34: Multifarious Physics Analyses of the Core Plasma Properties in a Helical DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
Tetsuo Seki
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/P2-11: Non-inductive Plasma Initiation and Plasma Current Ramp-up on the TST-2 Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P2-12: Steady State Operation Using Improved ICH and ECH for High Performance Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P6-25: Recent Results from Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating Experiments in HT-7 and EAST Tokamak
- Hiroshi Seki
- Norikazu Seki
Yohji Seki
- Author in ITR/P5-06: Progress of Manufacturing and Quality Testing of the ITER Divertor Outer Vertical Target in Japan
- Co-author in FTP/P7-20: Manufacturing and Development of JT-60SA Vacuum Vessel and Divertor
- Co-author in ITR/P5-35: Progress on Design and R&D for ITER Diagnostic Systems in Japan Domestic Agency
- Ryosuke Seki
- Takafumi Sekine
- Andrew Seltzman
- Vladimir Semenov
- Igor Semenov
Vladimir Semenov
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- Vladimir Semenov (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute)
- Abhijit Sen
- Amiya Sen
- Ilya Senichenkov
Yasuhiko Sentoku
- Co-author in IFE/P6-06: Study of Fast Electron Generation and Transport for Fast Ignition
- Co-author in IFE/P6-12: Fast Ignition Scheme Fusion Using High-Repetition-Rate Laser
- Co-author in IFE/P6-13: 10-J Green DPSSL-pumped Laser System HAMA for High-repetitive Counter Irradiation Fast Heating Fusion Demonstration
- Hyunwoong Seo
- JaeChun Seol
- Scott Sepke
- Dmitry Sergeev
- Dmitrij Sergeev
- G. Sergienko
- Antonis Sergis
- Arkady Serikov
- Victor Serlin
- Eric SERRE
- Damien SERRET
- Marco Sertoli
- Marco Sertoli
- Marco Sertoli
- Marco Sertoli
- John Sethian
- Goretti Sevillano
- Charles Seyler
- Sejal Shah
Kerchung C. Shaing
- Author in TH/P4-04: Transport Theory for Error Fields and in the Pedestal Region for Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P8-11: Effects of RF-Heating Induced MHD Activities on the Toroidal Rotation in Tokamaks
- Co-author in TH/P3-24: Intrinsic Plasma Rotation Determined by Neoclassical Toroidal Plasma Viscosity in Tokamaks
- J F Shan
- Mark Shannon
Linming Shao
- Co-author in EX/P4-05: Observation of Current Structures at Type-III ELM Onset on EAST
- Co-author in EX/P4-06: New Edge Localized Modes at Marginal Input Power with Dominant RF-heating and Lithium-wall Conditioning in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P5-13: Characterization of Particle and Power Loads on Divertor Targets for Type-I, Type-III, and Mossy ELMy H-modes in EAST Superconducting Tokamak
- Gennadi Shapovalov
Sergei Sharapov
- Author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
- Author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P2-15: Impact of Fusion Alpha Driven Current on the Magnetic Configuration of a Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/P3-34: Development of a Predictive Capability for Fast Ion Behaviour in MAST
- D. N Sharma
- A Sharma
- Pramod Sharma
- William Sharp
- Svetalana Shasharina
- Akshay Kumar Shaw
- Robert Shaw
- Oleg Shcherbinin
- Tatiana Shelkovenko
- Dmitrij Shelukhin
- Yong SHEN
- Huagang Shen
- Jie Shen
- Xuanyu Sheng
- Eugenii Shestakov
- Alexandr Shevelev
- Alexandr Shevelev
Zhongbin Shi
- Author in EX/P7-13: Correlations of the Turbulent Structures during Nonlocal Effect Caused by SMBI on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/6-3Rb: ELM Mitigation with SMBI & CJI Fuelling in HL-2A H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P3-09: Understanding the Dynamics of Cold Pulse Nonlocality Phenomena
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-21: Enhancement of Edge Impurity Transport with ECRH in HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-11: Study of the High-efficiency Fuelling Features of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-15: Coexistence of Alfvénic Modes Induced by Energetic Electrons with ECRH on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P7-08: Investigation of L-I-H Transitions Facilitated by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection and Pellet Fuelling on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in OV/3-4: Towards an Emerging Understanding of Nonlocal Transport
- Wenyu Shi
Yuejiang SHI
- Author in EX/2-3: ECRH Effects on Toroidal Rotation: KSTAR Experiments and Gyrokinetic Simulations of Intrinsic Torque at ITG - TEM Transitions
- Author in EX/2-3: ECRH Effects on Toroidal Rotation: KSTAR Experiments and Gyrokinetic Simulations of Intrinsic Torque at ITG - TEM Transitions
- Co-author in EX/P3-32: Toroidal Rotation Characteristics in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P6-19: Plasma Rotation Behavior under Lower Hybrid Current Drive and Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Heating on EAST
- Co-author in EX/P8-11: Effects of RF-Heating Induced MHD Activities on the Toroidal Rotation in Tokamaks
- Jie Shi
- E. Shi
- Yusuke Shibama
- Kiyoshi Shibanuma
- Hiroyuki Shidara
- Keisuke Shigemori
- Tatsuo Shikama
- Taiichi Shikama
- Taiichi Shikama
- Yoriko Shima
- Takahiko Shimada
- Masashi Shimada
- Michiya Shimada
- Toshihiko Shimizu
- Akihiro Shimizu
- Akihiro Shimizu
- Katsuhiro Shimizu
- Tatsuo Shimizu
- Alexander Shimkevich
- Mitsugu Shimono
- Takashi Shimozuma
- Takashi Shimozuma
- Takashi Shimozuma
- Ryota Shino
K. Shinohara
- Co-author in EX/5-1: Dynamics of Energetic Particle Driven Modes and MHD Modes in Wall-stabilized High Beta Plasmas on JT-60U and DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P6-03: Fast-ion Redistribution and Loss due to Edge Perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and KSTAR Tokamaks
- Co-author in ITR/P1-32: Observation of Localized Fast-Ion Induced Heat Loads in Test Blanket Module Simulation Experiments on DIII-D
- Co-author in ITR/P1-35: Effects of ELM Control Coil on Fast Ion Confinement in ITER H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P6-17: Nonlinear Simulation of Energetic Particle Modes in JT-60U
- Katsuhiro Shinto
- Takahiro Shinya
Hiroyuki Shiraga
- Author in IFE/1-3: Fast Ignition Integrated Experiments with Gekko-XII and LFEX Lasers
- Author in IFE/1-3: Fast Ignition Integrated Experiments with Gekko-XII and LFEX Lasers
- Co-author in IFE/P6-05: Computational Study of the Strong Magnetic Field Generation in Non-Spherical Cone-Guided Implosion
- Co-author in IFE/P6-11: Study on the Energy Transfer Efficiency in the Fast Ignition Experiment
- Co-author in IFE/P6-18: FIREX Foam Cryogenic Target Development: Attempt of Residual Voids Reduction with Solid Hydrogen Refractive Index Measurement
- Co-author in OV/4-2: Present Status of Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment and Inertial Fusion Energy Development
- Junya Shiraishi
S. Shiraiwa
- Author in EX/P2-16: Progress toward Steady-state Regimes in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in FTP/1-1: Evaluation of Optimized ICRF and LHRF Antennas in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in FTP/P1-22: Advances in Lower Hybrid Current Drive Technology on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in ITR/P1-09: On the Use of Lower Hybrid Waves at ITER Relevant Density
- Co-author in TH/P6-11: Integrated Plasma Simulation of Lower Hybrid Current Profile Control in Tokamaks
- Daisuke Shiraki
- Masaharu Shiratani
- Kyohei Shoda (University of Hyogo)
- Mamoru Shoji
- Mamoru Shoji
- Robert Short
- Milton Shoup
- Yury Shpansky
- Uri Shumlak
- Vladimir A. Shurygin
- Dov Shvarts
- Alex Shvydky
- Oleg Shyshkin
- Oleg Shyshkin
- Alex Shyvdky
- Tariq Siddique
- Gerhard Siegl
- Bernhard Sieglin
- Bernard Sieglin
- Bernhard Sieglin
Carlos Silva
- Co-author in EX/P3-22: Dynamical Coupling Between Gradients and Transport in Tokamaks and Stellarators
- Co-author in EX/P5-37: Scrape-off Layer Properties of ITER-like Limiter Start-up Plasmas at JET
- Co-author in OV/P-08: 20 Years of ISTTOK Tokamak Scientific Activity
- Co-author in TH/3-1: Impact of Carbon and Tungsten as Divertor Materials on the Scrape-off Layer Conditions in JET
Miguel Silva
- Co-author in EX/P3-05: Experimental Investigation of Plasma Confinement in Reactor Relevant Conditions in TCV Plasmas with Dominant Electron Heating
- Co-author in EX/P6-08: Development of Electron Cyclotron Wave Absorption Measurement for Real-Time Polarization Optimization and Studies of Quasilinear Effects
- Stanislav Simakov
- Hélène Simon
- Muriel Simon
- Thomas Simonen
- Alessandro Simonetto
- Stefan Simrock
R. Singh
- Co-author in OV/P-03: On the Physics of Intrinsic Torque in Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P4-15: Theory of Rapid Formation of Pedestal and Pedestal width due to Anomalous Particle Pinch in the Edge of H-mode Discharges
- Co-author in TH/P7-01: Particle Transport in Ion and Electron Scale Turbulence
- Co-author in TH/P7-04: High Frequency Geodesic Acoustic Modes in Electron Scale Turbulence
- Raghvendra Singh
- Mahendrajit Singh
- Mahendrajit Singh
- Amit Kumar Singh
- Narinder Pal Singh
- Ram Kumar Singh
- Seppo Sipilä
George sips
- Author in ITR/P1-11: Demonstrating the ITER Baseline Operation at q95=3
- Co-author in EX/1-1: Scenarios Development at JET with the New ITER-like Wall
- Co-author in EX/4-2: Comparison of Plasma Breakdown with a Carbon and ITER-like Wall
- Co-author in EX/P5-05: Characterization of Tungsten Sputtering in the JET Divertor
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Antoine Sirinelli
Alla Sitnikova
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- Alexander Sivak
- Polina Sivak
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Co-author in ITR/P5-40: Overview of the ITPA R&D Activities for Optimizing ITER Diagnostic Performance
- C. H. Skinner
- Elzbieta Skladnik-Sadowska
Olga Skorik
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- Yuri Skosyrev
- Stan Skupsky
- Andreas Skyman
- Ondrej Slezak
Aleksander Smirnov
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- R. D. Smirnov
- A. P. Smirnov
- Robert Smith
- David Smith
- Sterling P. Smith
- Roger Smith
- David Smith
- Sergey Smolentsev
- andrei smolyakov
- Lance L. Snead
- Antti Snicker
J. A. Snipes
- Co-author in EX/P4-09: Rotation Braking and Error Field Correction of the Test Blanket Module Induced Magnetic Field Error in ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P1-13: CORSICA Modelling of ITER Hybrid Mode Operation Scenarios
- Co-author in ITR/P1-14: Disruption Impacts and Their Mitigation Target Values
- Co-author in ITR/P1-15: Development of ITER Scenarios for Pre-DT Operations
- Co-author in ITR/P1-32: Observation of Localized Fast-Ion Induced Heat Loads in Test Blanket Module Simulation Experiments on DIII-D
- Co-author in ITR/P1-35: Effects of ELM Control Coil on Fast Ion Confinement in ITER H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in ITR/P5-37: Evolution of the ITER Diagnostic Set Specifications
- Co-author in ITR/P5-41: Exploring Measurement Capabilities of ITER ECE System
Philip Snyder
- Author in TH/P3-17: The EPED Pedestal Model: Extensions, Application to ELM-Suppressed Regimes, and ITER Predictions
- Co-author in EX/1-3: Progress in Performance and Understanding of Steady ELM-free I-modes on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/11-4: Improved Understanding of Physics Processes in Pedestal Structure, Leading to Improved Predictive Capability for ITER
- Co-author in EX/3-1: Advances in the Physics Understanding of ELM Suppression Using Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P3-18: Experimental Tests of Stiffness in the Electron and Ion Energy Transport in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-02: Analysis of Temperature and Density Pedestal in a Multi-machine Database
- Co-author in EX/P4-08: Reactor-relevant Quiescent H-mode Operation Using Torque from Non-axisymmetric, Non-resonant Magnetic Fields
- Co-author in EX/P4-15: Pedestal Stability and Transport on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Experiments in Support of Developing Predictive Capability
- Co-author in EX/P7-09: Validation Studies of Gyrofluid and Gyrokinetic Predictions of Transport and Turbulence Stiffness Using the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-20: L-H Power Threshold, Pedestal Stability and Confinement in JET with a Metallic Wall
- Co-author in FTP/P7-35: A Fast-Track Path to DEMO Enabled by ITER and FNSF-AT
- Co-author in TH/5-2Rb: Theory and Gyro-fluid Simulations of Edge-Localized-Modes
- Co-author in TH/P2-05: Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: from Present-day Experiments toward ITER
- Co-author in TH/P4-06: Eulerian Simulations of Neoclassical Flows and Transport in the Tokamak Plasma Edge and Outer Core
- Co-author in TH/P4-07: Integrated Approach to the H-mode Pedestal Dynamics: Effects of Bootstrap Current and Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on ELMs
- Co-author in TH/P4-21: Edge Plasma Response to Non-Axisymmetric Fields in Tokamaks
Mikhail Sokolov
- Co-author in FTP/4-1: Hydrogen Isotope Trapping at Defects Created with Neutron- and Ion-Irradiation in Tungsten
- Co-author in FTP/P7-14: Research on Tritium/Heat Transfer and Irradiation Synergism for First Wall and Blanket in the TITAN Project
- Co-author in FTP/P7-17: Research and Development Status of Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels Corresponding to DEMO Design Requirement
- Emilia R. Solano
Wayne Solomon
- Author in EX/P2-01: Access and Sustained High Performance in Advanced Inductive Discharges with ITER-Relevant Low Torque
- Co-author in EX/5-1: Dynamics of Energetic Particle Driven Modes and MHD Modes in Wall-stabilized High Beta Plasmas on JT-60U and DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P2-08: Long-pulse Stability Limits of ITER Baseline Scenario Plasmas in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P3-18: Experimental Tests of Stiffness in the Electron and Ion Energy Transport in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-19: Measurement of Deuterium Ion Toroidal Rotation and Comparison to Neoclassical Theory in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-08: Reactor-relevant Quiescent H-mode Operation Using Torque from Non-axisymmetric, Non-resonant Magnetic Fields
- Co-author in EX/P4-09: Rotation Braking and Error Field Correction of the Test Blanket Module Induced Magnetic Field Error in ITER
- Co-author in EX/P4-27: Probing Resistive Wall Mode Stability Using Off-axis NBI
- Co-author in EX/P7-17: The Role of Zonal Flows and Predator-Prey Oscillations in the Formation of Core and Edge Transport Barriers
- Co-author in ITR/P1-19: Tokamak Experiments to Study the Parametric Dependences of Momentum Transport
- Co-author in OV/P-03: On the Physics of Intrinsic Torque in Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/8-2: A New Paradigm for ExB Velocity Shear Suppression of`Gyro-kinetic Turbulence and the Momentum Pinch
Youji Someya
- Author in FTP/P7-33: A Feasible DEMO Blanket Concept Based on Water Cooled Solid Breeder
- Co-author in FTP/P7-17: Research and Development Status of Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels Corresponding to DEMO Design Requirement
- Co-author in FTP/P7-31: Critical Design Factors for Sector Transport Maintenance in DEMO
- Co-author in FTP/P7-32: Divertor Design and Physics Issues of Huge Power Handling for SlimCS Demo Reactor
- Wayne Sommars
- F Sommer
Piergiorgio Sonato
- Author in ITR/1-3: Design of the MITICA Neutral Beam Injector: From Physics Analysis to Engineering Design
- Author in ITR/1-3: Design of the MITICA Neutral Beam Injector: From Physics Analysis to Engineering Design
- Co-author in ITR/P1-04: EU Development of the ITER Neutral Beam Injector and Test Facility
- Masateru Sonehara
- J.I. Song
Xianmin Song
- Author in EX/P2-15: ECRH Pre-ionization and Assisted Startup in HL-2A Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P3-09: Understanding the Dynamics of Cold Pulse Nonlocality Phenomena
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-29: Perturbation Features of Intrinsic and Pellet Induced ELMs on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-15: Coexistence of Alfvénic Modes Induced by Energetic Electrons with ECRH on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P7-24: Time-resolved Evolution of Low Frequency Electrostatic Fluctuations during Slow L-H Transition at the Boundary Plasma of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P8-15: Study of Runaway Electron Generation in Synergetic ECRH & SMBI Plasma and during Major Disruptions in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Y.T Song
- Xianying Song
- Nak Hyung Song
- Xiao SONG
- A.C. Sontag
- Anna Sorokovikova
Vlad Soukhanovskii
- Author in EX/P5-21: Snowflake Divertor as Plasma-Material Interface for Future High Power Density Fusion Devices
- Co-author in EX/11-2: The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing Lithium Coatings in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/9-3: Disruptions in the High-beta Spherical Torus NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-27: The Effects of Increasing Lithium Deposition on the Power Exhaust Channel in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P5-33: Toroidal Asymmetry of Divertor Heat Deposition during the ELM and 3-D Field Application in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P7-16: Edge Plasma Transport and Microstability Analysis with Lithium-coated Plasma-facing Components in NSTX
- Co-author in FTP/3-4: Progress on Developing the Spherical Tokamak for Fusion Applications
- Co-author in FTP/P1-14: Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development
- Co-author in TH/P4-18: Theory and Simulations of ELM Control with a Snowflake Divertor
- John Soures
- John Soures
- Carl Sovinec
- Carl Sovinec
- Carl Sovinec (University of Wisconsin)
- Carlo Sozzi
- Philippe Spaetig
- Brian Spears
- Florin Spineanu
- Alexander Spitsyn
- Gianluca Spizzo
- M Spolaore
D. A. Spong
- Author in TH/P6-19: Application and Development of the Gyro-Landau Fluid Model for Energetic-particle Instabilities
- Co-author in EX/5-2: Studies of Energetic-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas with Low Magnetic Shear
- Co-author in EX/P3-16: Classical Confinement of Impurity Ions and NBI-born Fast Ions in the Reversed Field Pinch
- Co-author in ITR/P1-32: Observation of Localized Fast-Ion Induced Heat Loads in Test Blanket Module Simulation Experiments on DIII-D
- Co-author in ITR/P1-34: Benchmark of Gyrokinetic, Kinetic MHD and Gyrofluid Codes for the Linear Calculation of Fast Particle Driven TAE Dynamics
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- Paul Springer
- J. Squire
- YSS Srinivas
A Srivastav
- Co-author in FTP/3-2: SST-1 Tokamak Integration & Commissioning
Gary Staebler
- Author in TH/8-2: A New Paradigm for ExB Velocity Shear Suppression of`Gyro-kinetic Turbulence and the Momentum Pinch
- Author in TH/8-2: A New Paradigm for ExB Velocity Shear Suppression of`Gyro-kinetic Turbulence and the Momentum Pinch
- Co-author in EX/P3-13: Turbulent Transport and Gyrokinetic Analysis in Alcator C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P3-18: Experimental Tests of Stiffness in the Electron and Ion Energy Transport in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-26: Particle Transport Results from Collisionality Scans and Perturbative Experiments on DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P7-09: Validation Studies of Gyrofluid and Gyrokinetic Predictions of Transport and Turbulence Stiffness Using the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in ITR/P1-29: PTRANSP Tests of TGLF and Predictions for ITER
- Co-author in TH/6-1: Progress in Simulating Turbulent Electron Thermal Transport in NSTX
- Roland STAMM
- Roland Stamm
- Michael Stamp
Michael F Stamp
- Co-author in EX/4-1: Fuel Retention Studies with the ITER-like Wall in JET
- Co-author in EX/4-2: Comparison of Plasma Breakdown with a Carbon and ITER-like Wall
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-05: Characterization of Tungsten Sputtering in the JET Divertor
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Co-author in EX/P5-37: Scrape-off Layer Properties of ITER-like Limiter Start-up Plasmas at JET
- Co-author in TH/3-1: Impact of Carbon and Tungsten as Divertor Materials on the Scrape-off Layer Conditions in JET
Peter C. Stangeby
- Co-author in EX/P5-11: Measurements of Net versus Gross Erosion of Molybdenum Divertor Surface in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P5-12: Effect of Changes in Separatrix Magnetic Geometry on Divertor Behavior in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P5-16: Scaling of the Divertor Heat Flux Width in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in FTP/P7-35: A Fast-Track Path to DEMO Enabled by ITER and FNSF-AT
- Co-author in ITR/P1-39: Modelling of Material Damage and High Energy Impacts on Tokamak PFCs during Transient Loads
- Co-author in ITR/P5-08: Effort on Design of a Full Tungsten Divertor for ITER
- Roman Stankiewicz
- Ed Startsev
- Andreas Stegmeir
- Maarten Steinbuch
- Morten Stejner
- Eve Stenson
- Boris Stepanov
- Richard B. Stephens
- R. B. Stephens
- Hillary Stephens
- Hillary Stephens
- B.A. Stevenson
- Tim Stevenson
- H. E. St. John
- Christopher Stoafer
- Joerg Stober (IPP Garching)
- Jörg Stober
- Jan Stockel
Christian Stoeckl
- Co-author in IFE/1-1: Diagnosing Implosion Performance at the National Ignition Facility by Means of Advanced Neutron-Spectrometry and Neutron-Imaging Techniques
- Co-author in IFE/1-2: Progress toward Polar-Drive Ignition for the NIF
- Co-author in IFE/P6-06: Study of Fast Electron Generation and Transport for Fast Ignition
- Co-author in OV/5-3: Theory of Ignition, Burn and Hydro-equivalency for Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions
- Roger Stoller
- Roger E. Stoller
- Douglas Stone
- Alexandre Storelli
D. Stotler
- Co-author in EX/P5-31: Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas
- Co-author in ICC/P5-01: Results from LTX with Lithium-Coated Walls
- Co-author in TH/P7-13: Flux-driven Full-f Gyrokinetic Studies of the Influence of Edge Dynamics in Diverted Geometry on Tokamak Core Confinement
- Jim Strachan
Edward J. Strait
- Co-author in EX/5-1: Dynamics of Energetic Particle Driven Modes and MHD Modes in Wall-stabilized High Beta Plasmas on JT-60U and DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/6-2: Experimental Demonstration of High Frequency ELM Pacing by Pellet Injection on DIII-D and Extrapolation to ITER
- Co-author in EX/9-2: Control and Dissipation of Runaway Electron Beams Created during Rapid Shutdown Experiments in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P4-09: Rotation Braking and Error Field Correction of the Test Blanket Module Induced Magnetic Field Error in ITER
- Co-author in EX/P4-27: Probing Resistive Wall Mode Stability Using Off-axis NBI
- Co-author in EX/P4-31: Addressing New Challenges for Error Field Correction
- Co-author in EX/P8-08: Stabilization of Disruptive Locked Modes by Magnetic Perturbations and Electron Cyclotron Current Drive at DIII-D
Par Strand
- Co-author in TH/P2-01: The European Transport Solver: an Integrated Approach for Transport Simulations in the Plasma Core
- Co-author in TH/P2-25: The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling Effort: Achievements and First Physics Results
- Co-author in TH/P7-01: Particle Transport in Ion and Electron Scale Turbulence
- Henry Strauss
Ulrich Stroth
- Author in OV/2-2: Overview of ASDEX Upgrade Results
- Author in OV/2-2: Overview of ASDEX Upgrade Results
- Co-author in EX/P7-23: Far-reaching Impact of Intermittent Transport across the Scrape-off Layer: Latest Results from ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in OV/3-4: Towards an Emerging Understanding of Nonlocal Transport
- Ron Strykowsky
- N Stupishin
- N. Stupishin
- Raquel Suárez
- Stanislav Subbotin
- Georgij Subbotin
- Jean-Christophe Sublet
- Shigeru Sudo
- Keiichi Sueda
- Hideo Sugama
- Hideo Sugama
- Tatsuo Sugie
Masayoshi Sugihara
- Author in ITR/P1-14: Disruption Impacts and Their Mitigation Target Values
- Co-author in ITR/P1-12: Modelling of ITER Plasma Shutdown with Runaway Mitigation Using TSC
- Co-author in ITR/P5-03: Simulation of Eddy Current and Electromagnetic Loads in ITER Conducting Structures
- Co-author in ITR/P5-04: Transient Electromagnetic Analysis of the ITER Blanket System
- Co-author in ITR/P5-08: Effort on Design of a Full Tungsten Divertor for ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-24: ITER Fuelling and Glow Discharge Cleaning System Overview
- Masayoshi SUGIMOTO
- Kazuyoshi Sugiyama
- Linda Sugiyama
- Zhen Sun
- Author in EX/P3-09: Understanding the Dynamics of Cold Pulse Nonlocality Phenomena
- Co-author in EX/2-2: A Unified Explanation of Rotation Reversals, Confinement Saturation and Non-Diffusive Heat Transport in C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P7-13: Correlations of the Turbulent Structures during Nonlocal Effect Caused by SMBI on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in OV/3-4: Towards an Emerging Understanding of Nonlocal Transport
- Y. Sun
- Ping Sun
- zhengchao Sun
Atsushi Sunahara
- Co-author in IFE/1-3: Fast Ignition Integrated Experiments with Gekko-XII and LFEX Lasers
- Co-author in IFE/P6-05: Computational Study of the Strong Magnetic Field Generation in Non-Spherical Cone-Guided Implosion
- Co-author in IFE/P6-12: Fast Ignition Scheme Fusion Using High-Repetition-Rate Laser
- Co-author in IFE/P6-13: 10-J Green DPSSL-pumped Laser System HAMA for High-repetitive Counter Irradiation Fast Heating Fusion Demonstration
- Co-author in OV/4-2: Present Status of Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment and Inertial Fusion Energy Development
- Thomas Sunn Pedersen
- A.K. Suri
- Vijay Surla
- Elizabeth Surrey
- Aleksej Sushkov
Wolfgang Suttrop
- Author in EX/3-4: Mitigation of Edge Localised Modes with Small Non-axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Author in EX/3-4: Mitigation of Edge Localised Modes with Small Non-axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/P4-07: Characterization of Temperature Fluctuations during Type-I and Type-II Edge Localized Modes at ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/P6-03: Fast-ion Redistribution and Loss due to Edge Perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and KSTAR Tokamaks
Wolfgang Suttrop
- Co-author in EX/P4-01: Pellet Induced High Density Phases during ELM Suppression in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/P4-03: L-H Transition, Pedestal Development and I-mode Studies in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-23: Far-reaching Impact of Intermittent Transport across the Scrape-off Layer: Latest Results from ASDEX Upgrade
Satoshi Suzuki
- Co-author in FTP/P1-10: Simulation Experiments of ELM-like Transient Heat and Particle Loads using a Magnetized Coaxial Plasma Gun
- Co-author in ITR/2-3: Technology R&D Activities for the ITER Full-tungsten Divertor
- Co-author in ITR/P5-06: Progress of Manufacturing and Quality Testing of the ITER Divertor Outer Vertical Target in Japan
- Co-author in ITR/P5-35: Progress on Design and R&D for ITER Diagnostic Systems in Japan Domestic Agency
- Yasuhiro Suzuki
Yasuhiro Suzuki
- Author in EX/8-1: 3D Plasma Response to Magnetic Field Structure in the Large Helical Device
- Author in EX/8-1: 3D Plasma Response to Magnetic Field Structure in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P3-27: Transition of Poloidal Viscosity by Electrode Biasing in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P4-10: Mitigation of Large Amplitude Edge-Localized-Modes by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P4-30: Response of MHD Stability to Resonant Magnetic Perturbation in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P7-03: Characteristics of Microturbulence in H-mode Plasma of LHD
- Co-author in FTP/P7-34: Multifarious Physics Analyses of the Core Plasma Properties in a Helical DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in TH/P3-25: Characteristics of MHD Stability of High Beta Plasmas in LHD
- Chihiro Suzuki
- Sadaaki Suzuki
- Hiromitsu Suzuki
- Chihiro Suzuki
- Takahiro Suzuki
- Chihiro Suzuki
- Chihiro Suzuki
- Lennart Svensson
- Jakob Svensson
- Vojtech Svoboda
- Hajari Lal Swami
- Sergei Sychevsky
- Alan Sykes
- Madeleine Sylvain
- Sergey Sytchevsky
- Dai-Kai Sze
- Tamas Szepesi
- P. Tabares
- Francisco Tabares
- Jo Tachibana
- David Tafalla
- Tomohisa Taguchi
- Toshihiro Taguchi
- Ikuji Takagi
- Koji Takahashi
Hiromi Takahashi
- Author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/P3-27: Transition of Poloidal Viscosity by Electrode Biasing in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in FTP/P1-20: Development of MW Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices by University of Tsukuba
- Hiromi Takahashi
- Hiroki Takahashi
- Shuichi Takamura
- Katsutoshi Takano
- Yuichi Takase
- Masakazu Takayama
- Manabu Takechi
- Hisato Takeda
- Sogo Takehiro
- Jumpei Takemoto
- Yuki Takemura
- Yuki Takemura
- Koichiro Takemura
- Yasuhiko Takeri
Tomonori Takizuka
- Co-author in EX/2-4: Dependence of Heat Transport and Confinement on Isotopic Composition in Conventional H-mode Plasmas in JT-60U
- Co-author in FTP/P7-32: Divertor Design and Physics Issues of Huge Power Handling for SlimCS Demo Reactor
- Co-author in TH/5-3: Reduction of ELM Energy Loss by Pellet Injection for ELM Pacing
- Co-author in TH/P2-14: Predictive Transport Simulations Consistent with Rotation and Radial Electric Field Using TOPICS with OFMC
- Balazs Tal
Tuomas Tala
- Author in ITR/P1-19: Tokamak Experiments to Study the Parametric Dependences of Momentum Transport
- Co-author in EX/P3-31: Scalings of Spontaneous Rotation in the JET Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-09: Rotation Braking and Error Field Correction of the Test Blanket Module Induced Magnetic Field Error in ITER
- Co-author in TH/P2-17: Non-diffusive Momentum Transport in JET H-mode Regimes: Modeling and Experiment
- Co-author in TH/P2-18: New Technique for the Calculation of Transport Profiles in Modulation Experiments
- J. N. Talmadge
- Patrick TAMAIN
- Naoki Tamura
- Naoki Tamura
- Hitoshi Tamura
- Yi Tan
- Hiroshi Tanabe
- Minoru Tanabe
- Kazuo Tanaka
Kenji Tanaka
- Author in EX/P7-03: Characteristics of Microturbulence in H-mode Plasma of LHD
- Co-author in EX/10-1: Is Turbulence Determined by Local Temperature Gradient?
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/P3-14: Inter-Machine Validation Study of Neoclassical Transport Modelling in Medium- to High-Density Stellarator-Heliotron Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P3-25: Survey of Density Modulation Experiments on the HT-7 Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-13: Influence of the Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on Particle Transport in LHD
- Co-author in EX/P4-30: Response of MHD Stability to Resonant Magnetic Perturbation in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P5-29: First Results of Closed Helical Divertor Experiment in LHD
- Co-author in TH/8-1: Turbulence Spectra, Transport, and ExB Flows in Helical Plasmas
- Kenji Tanaka
- Kenji Tanaka
- Teruya Tanaka
Masanobu TANAKA
- Co-author in ITR/P1-02: Nuclear Analyses For ITER NB System
- Hirohiko Tanaka
- Kenji Tanaka
- Hitoshi Tanaka
- Victor Tanchuk
- W. Tang
- Xian-Zhu Tang
- Keiji Tani
- Hisashi Tanigawa
Hiroyasu Tanigawa
- Author in FTP/P7-17: Research and Development Status of Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels Corresponding to DEMO Design Requirement
- Co-author in FTP/P7-33: A Feasible DEMO Blanket Concept Based on Water Cooled Solid Breeder
- Co-author in OV/5-4: Multimodal Options for Materials Research to Advance the Basis for Fusion Energy in the ITER Era
- Masaki Taniguchi
J Tank
- Co-author in FTP/3-2: SST-1 Tokamak Integration & Commissioning
V Tanna
- Co-author in FTP/3-2: SST-1 Tokamak Integration & Commissioning
- Rakesh Tanna
- Antonio Eduardo Tapia
Giovanni Tardini
- Co-author in EX/P4-01: Pellet Induced High Density Phases during ELM Suppression in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in FTP/3-3: On the Physics Guidelines for a Tokamak DEMO
- Co-author in ITR/P1-19: Tokamak Experiments to Study the Parametric Dependences of Momentum Transport
- Co-author in TH/6-4: Global Gyrokinetic Simulations of High-performance Discharges in View of ITER
- Co-author in TH/P2-30: Tomography of 2D Velocity-space Distributions from Combined Synthetic Fast-ion Diagnostics at ASDEX Upgrade
- Giovanni Tardini
- Saya Tashima
- M. Tavani
- Gary Taylor
- C.N. Taylor
- T. S. Taylor
- Chase Taylor
- Irina Tazhibayeva (Institute of Atomic Energy, National Nuclear Center RK)
- Takayuki Terai
- Masayuki Terakado
D. Terranova
- Co-author in EX/P6-01: Direct Diagnosis and Parametric Dependence of 3D Helical Equilibrium in the MST RFP
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- Co-author in TH/7-2: Non-Axisymmetric Equilibrium Reconstruction for Stellarators,Reversed Field Pinches and Tokamaks
- Matt Terry
Paul Terry
- Author in TH/P7-08: Interaction of Stable Modes and Zonal Flows in ITG Turbulence
- Co-author in EX/P6-01: Direct Diagnosis and Parametric Dependence of 3D Helical Equilibrium in the MST RFP
- Co-author in OV/5-2Ra: Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment
- Co-author in TH/6-4: Global Gyrokinetic Simulations of High-performance Discharges in View of ITER
- Co-author in TH/P2-10: Microtearing Mode Fluctuations in Reversed Field Pinch Plasmas
- David Terry
James Terry
- Author in EX/P5-39: The Fine-scale Structure of the Radial Electric Field in the Scrape-Off-Layer during ICRF Heating in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/1-3: Progress in Performance and Understanding of Steady ELM-free I-modes on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/2-2: A Unified Explanation of Rotation Reversals, Confinement Saturation and Non-Diffusive Heat Transport in C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P2-04: Study of H-mode Access in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Density, Toroidal Field and Divertor Geometry Dependence
- Co-author in EX/P5-03: Assessment of Tungsten Nano-tendril Growth in the Alcator C-Mod Divertor
- Co-author in FTP/1-1: Evaluation of Optimized ICRF and LHRF Antennas in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in ITR/1-1: Scaling of the Tokamak near Scrape-off Layer H-mode Power Width and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in TH/P4-23: Edge Sheared Flows and Blob Dynamics
Laurent Terzolo
- Co-author in EX/2-3: ECRH Effects on Toroidal Rotation: KSTAR Experiments and Gyrokinetic Simulations of Intrinsic Torque at ITG - TEM Transitions
- Co-author in EX/P3-32: Toroidal Rotation Characteristics in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P6-27: Analysis of High Energy Neutral Particles Measured by CNPA and Comparison with Synthesized Fast Neutral Spectrum Based on TRANSP/FIDA for the NB Heated Plasmas in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P8-11: Effects of RF-Heating Induced MHD Activities on the Toroidal Rotation in Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P8-13: Experiment for Stabilization of Tearing Mode in KSTAR
- Co-author in ITR/P1-17: Integrated Modelling of ITER Hybrid Scenarios Including Momentum Transport, NTMs, and ELMs in Preparation for Active Control
- C. Testani
- Saikat Thakur
- Nandika Thapar
- Juergen Theile
- Christian Theiler
- Christophe Thellier
- T. T. Hellsten
- Wolfgang Theobald
- Hyunsoo THO
- C. E. Thomas
- Mark Thomas
- Kathreen Thome
- Vaughan Thompson
- John R. Thompson
Andrew Thornton
- Co-author in EX/3-2: Understanding ELM Mitigation by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on MAST
- Co-author in EX/P5-17: MAST Contributions to the Exhaust Challenge, Including Testing of Super-X
- Co-author in ITR/1-1: Scaling of the Tokamak near Scrape-off Layer H-mode Power Width and Implications for ITER
- Co-author in TH/P4-27: Modelling of Plasma Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations and its Influence on Divertor Strike Points
- Derek Thuecks
- Manfred thumm
- Paul Tigwell
- Benedetto Tilia
- Gennady Tilinin
- Natalia Timchenko
- Joseph Tipton
- Peter Titus
- James Titus
- Hiroyuki Tobari
- Benjamin Tobias
- Kenji Tobita
Kenji Tobita
- Co-author in FTP/P7-17: Research and Development Status of Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels Corresponding to DEMO Design Requirement
- Co-author in FTP/P7-29: Benchmarking Reactor Systems Studies by Comparison of EU and Japanese System Code Results for Different DEMO Concepts
- Co-author in FTP/P7-31: Critical Design Factors for Sector Transport Maintenance in DEMO
- Co-author in FTP/P7-33: A Feasible DEMO Blanket Concept Based on Water Cooled Solid Breeder
- Kensuke Toda
- Shinichiro Toda
- Tom T Todd
Yasushi Todo
- Co-author in ITR/P1-34: Benchmark of Gyrokinetic, Kinetic MHD and Gyrofluid Codes for the Linear Calculation of Fast Particle Driven TAE Dynamics
- Co-author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P3-25: Characteristics of MHD Stability of High Beta Plasmas in LHD
- Co-author in TH/P6-17: Nonlinear Simulation of Energetic Particle Modes in JT-60U
- Co-author in TH/P6-20: Linear Properties and Nonlinear Frequency Chirping of Energetic Particle Driven Geodesic Acoustic Mode in LHD
- Yasushi Todo
Kazuo Toi
- Author in EX/P4-10: Mitigation of Large Amplitude Edge-Localized-Modes by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P6-09: Analysis of Alfvén Wave Activity in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P7-03: Characteristics of Microturbulence in H-mode Plasma of LHD
- Co-author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
- Vanni Toigo
- Masayuki Tokitani
- Masayuki Tokitani
- S. Tokunaga
- S. Tokunaga
- Tokihiko Tokuzawa
- Tokihiko Tokuzawa
- Tokihiko Tokuzawa
- Daniel Told
- Sergey Tolstyakov
- Mitsunori Toma
- Florent Tomi
- Akira Tonegawa
- Richard Town
- Minh Quang Tran
- Trach-Minh Tran
- Jean-Marcel TRAVERE
- Joseph Triana
K. Tritz
- Co-author in EX/P4-33: Observation of Edge Harmonic Oscillation in NSTX and Theoretical Study of its Active Control Using HHFW Antenna at Audio Frequencies
- Co-author in EX/P6-02: Internal Amplitude, Structure and Identification of CAEs and GAEs in NSTX
- Co-author in ICC/P5-01: Results from LTX with Lithium-Coated Walls
- Vladimir Tronza
- Vladimir Trukhin
- Vladimir Trukhin
- Elena Trukhina
- Emmanuelle Tsitrone
- David Tskhakaya
- Koji Tsubakimoto
- Kazuki Tsuchida
- Hayato Tsuchiya
- Cedric Tsui
- Naoto Tsujii
- Katsuyoshi Tsumori
Angelo A. Tuccillo
- Author in ITR/P1-09: On the Use of Lower Hybrid Waves at ITER Relevant Density
- Co-author in EX/P4-20: Control of Sawteeth Periods by Pulsed ECH and ECCD in FTU Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-07: Electron Fishbones in LHCD Plasmas on FTU and Tore Supra
- Co-author in EX/P6-29: Spectral Broadening and Lower Hybrid Current Drive in High Density Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P8-03: Density Limit Experiments on FTU
- Onofrio Tudisco
- Onofrio Tudisco
- Alexander Tukachinsky
- A. Tumino
Francesca Turco
- Co-author in EX/1-5: Fully Noninductive Scenario Development in DIII-D Using New Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in EX/P2-01: Access and Sustained High Performance in Advanced Inductive Discharges with ITER-Relevant Low Torque
- Co-author in EX/P2-08: Long-pulse Stability Limits of ITER Baseline Scenario Plasmas in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P4-27: Probing Resistive Wall Mode Stability Using Off-axis NBI
- Co-author in ITR/P1-20: Integrated Magnetic and Kinetic Control of Advanced Tokamak Scenarios Based on Data-Driven Models
- Yuri Turkin
- Yurij Turkin
- A. D. Turnbull
- Mikhail Turnyanskiy
- Beata Tyburska-Pueschel
- Michael Tyldsley
George R. Tynan
- Author in EX/10-3: Zonal Flows as the Trigger Event for the L-H Transition
- Author in EX/10-3: Zonal Flows as the Trigger Event for the L-H Transition
- Co-author in EX/11-1: Evidence of Zonal-Flow-Driven Limit-Cycle Oscillations during L-H Transition and at H-mode Pedestal of a New Small-ELM Regime in EAST
- Co-author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P7-07: Generation of Large Scale Coherent Structures by Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A Tokamak
- Alexander Tyumentsev
- Blas Uberuaga
- Giichiro Uchida
- Masaki Uchida
- Hiromichi Uchimura (Radioscience Research Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University)
Victor Udintsev
- Author in ITR/P5-41: Exploring Measurement Capabilities of ITER ECE System
- Co-author in ITR/P5-25: Scientific Computing for Real Time Data Processing and Archiving for ITER Operation
- Co-author in ITR/P5-33: ITPA Assessment of ITER Microwave Diagnostic Design Issues
- Co-author in ITR/P5-35: Progress on Design and R&D for ITER Diagnostic Systems in Japan Domestic Agency
- Co-author in ITR/P5-37: Evolution of the ITER Diagnostic Set Specifications
Yoshio Ueda
- Co-author in EX/P5-08: Impact of Arcing on Carbon and Tungsten: from the Observations in JT-60U, LHD, and NAGDIS-II
- Co-author in FTP/P1-10: Simulation Experiments of ELM-like Transient Heat and Particle Loads using a Magnetized Coaxial Plasma Gun
- Co-author in FTP/P1-11: Plasma Characteristics of the End-cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror for the Divertor Simulation Experiment
- Co-author in FTP/P7-10: Performances of Helium, Neon and Argon Glow Discharges for Reduction of Fuel Hydrogen Retention in Tungsten, Stainless Steel and Graphite
- Co-author in FTP/P7-14: Research on Tritium/Heat Transfer and Irradiation Synergism for First Wall and Blanket in the TITAN Project
- Hideaki Ueda
- Yumeto Ugajin
- Mike Ulrickson
- M. V. Umansky
- M Umansky
- Naotaka Umeda
- Toshiyuki Umezawa
Paulina Unifantowicz
- Author in FTP/4-5Ra & FTP/4-5Rb: Optimisation of a Nanostructured ODS Ferritic Steel Fabrication towards Improvement of its Plasticity; Low Activation Vanadium Alloys for Fusion Power Reactors - the RF Results
- Author in FTP/4-5Ra: Optimisation of a Nanostructured ODS Ferritic Steel Fabrication towards Improvement of its Plasticity
- Ezekial A. Unterberg
- ASDEX Upgrade
Hajime Urano
- Author in EX/2-4: Dependence of Heat Transport and Confinement on Isotopic Composition in Conventional H-mode Plasmas in JT-60U
- Author in EX/2-4: Dependence of Heat Transport and Confinement on Isotopic Composition in Conventional H-mode Plasmas in JT-60U
- Co-author in FTP/P7-22: Optimization of JT-60SA Plasma Operational Scenario with Capabilities of Installed Actuators
- Co-author in TH/P2-03: Model Validation and Integrated Modelling Simulations for the JT-60SA Tokamak
- Hajime Urano
- Jacub Urban
- Marc Urbani
- Eugenijus Uspuras (Lithuanian Energy Institute)
- Katsutomi Usui
- Y. Utin
Hiroyasu Utoh
- Author in FTP/P7-31: Critical Design Factors for Sector Transport Maintenance in DEMO
- Co-author in FTP/P7-17: Research and Development Status of Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels Corresponding to DEMO Design Requirement
- Co-author in FTP/P7-32: Divertor Design and Physics Issues of Huge Power Handling for SlimCS Demo Reactor
- Co-author in FTP/P7-33: A Feasible DEMO Blanket Concept Based on Water Cooled Solid Breeder
P. Valanju
- Co-author in FTP/3-4: Progress on Developing the Spherical Tokamak for Fusion Applications
- Co-author in FTP/P7-08: Deterministically Safe Highly Sub-Critical Fission-Fusion Hybrid Reactors
- Co-author in TH/P3-23: Behavior of Magnetohydrodynamics Modes of Infernal Type at H-mode Pedestal with Plasma Rotation
- Marco Valisa
- Marco Valisa
- Gonzalo Vallés
- J-C. Vallet
- E. I. Valmianski
- E. I. Valmianski (General Atomics)
- Martin Valovic
- James Van Dam
- Dirk Vandeplassche
- Henni van der Meiden
- Dirk Van Eester
- Boudewijn van Milligen
- Guido Van Oost
Gerard J van Rooij
- Author in EX/P5-05: Characterization of Tungsten Sputtering in the JET Divertor
- Co-author in EX/4-3: On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-04: Longterm Evolution of the Impurity Composition and Transient Impurity Events with the ITER-like Wall at JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-24: Power Handling of the Tungsten Divertor in JET
- Co-author in EX/P5-30: Nitrogen Seeding for Heat Load Control in JET ELMy H-mode Plasmas and its Compatibility with ILW Materials
- Co-author in TH/3-1: Impact of Carbon and Tungsten as Divertor Materials on the Scrape-off Layer Conditions in JET
- Gerard van Rooij
- Gerhard Van Rooij
- Michael Van Schoor
Michael VanZeeland
- Co-author in EX/9-2: Control and Dissipation of Runaway Electron Beams Created during Rapid Shutdown Experiments in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P2-13: Validation of Off-axis Neutral Beam Current Drive Physics in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-03: Fast-ion Redistribution and Loss due to Edge Perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and KSTAR Tokamaks
- Co-author in ITR/P1-32: Observation of Localized Fast-Ion Induced Heat Loads in Test Blanket Module Simulation Experiments on DIII-D
- Co-author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/4-1: Energetic Particle Long Range Frequency Sweeping and Quasilinear Relaxation
- Co-author in TH/7-1: Bifurcated Helical Core Equilibrium States in Tokamaks
A Varadarajalu
- Co-author in FTP/3-2: SST-1 Tokamak Integration & Commissioning
- Carlos A F Varandas
- Paulo Varela
- Vladimir Varfolomeev
- Atul Varia
- pankaj varmora
- Stephane Vartagnian
- Parameswaran Vasu
George Vayakis
- Author in ITR/P5-37: Evolution of the ITER Diagnostic Set Specifications
- Co-author in ITR/P5-25: Scientific Computing for Real Time Data Processing and Archiving for ITER Operation
- Co-author in ITR/P5-33: ITPA Assessment of ITER Microwave Diagnostic Design Issues
- Co-author in ITR/P5-35: Progress on Design and R&D for ITER Diagnostic Systems in Japan Domestic Agency
- Co-author in ITR/P5-38: Analysis of Current Profile Measurement Capability on ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-41: Exploring Measurement Capabilities of ITER ECE System
- Co-author in ITR/P5-42: First studies of ITER diagnostic mirrors in a tokamak with all-metal interior: results of first mirror test in ASDEX Upgrade
- G. Vayakis
- George Vayakis
- Victor Vdovin
- Jesus Vega
- Marta Velarde
- Jose Luis Velasco
- Carlos Eduardo Velasquez
- Lyubomira Veleva
- Alexander Velikovich
- Maria Auxiliadora F. Veloso
- Marco Veranda
- Geert Verdoolaege
- Laure Vermare
- Laure Vermare
- Christophe Vermare
- Vladimir Vershkov
- Aleksey Vertkov
- Aleksey Vertkov
- Michel VERVIER
- Evgeny Veshchev
- C. Veth
- Nicola Vianello
- Jose Vicente
- Brian Victor
- Max Victoria
- Rui Vieira
- Thomas Vierle
Eleonora Viezzer
- Co-author in EX/2-1: Connections Between Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation, Density Peaking and Plasma Turbulence Regimes in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/3-4: Mitigation of Edge Localised Modes with Small Non-axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/P4-03: L-H Transition, Pedestal Development and I-mode Studies in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak
- E Viezzer
- Wouter Vijvers
- Maxim Vildjunas
- Laurent Villard
- Rosaria Villari
- Fabio Villone
- F. Villone
- Fabio Villone
- Vincenzo Vitale
Gregorio Vlad
- Author in TH/P6-03: Electron Fishbone Simulations in FTU-like Equilibria Using XHMGC
- Co-author in FTP/P1-07: “Snow Flakes” Divertor and 10 MA Scenarios in FAST
- Co-author in ITR/P1-34: Benchmark of Gyrokinetic, Kinetic MHD and Gyrofluid Codes for the Linear Calculation of Fast Particle Driven TAE Dynamics
- Co-author in ITR/P5-31: System-Level Optimization of ITER Magnetic Diagnostics: Preliminary Results
- Co-author in TH/P2-25: The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling Effort: Achievements and First Physics Results
- Co-author in TH/P6-21: Simulation of EPM Dynamics in FAST Plasmas Heated by ICRH and NNBI
- Madalina Olimpia Vlad
Irina Voitsekhovitch
- Co-author in ITR/P1-15: Development of ITER Scenarios for Pre-DT Operations
- Co-author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P2-01: The European Transport Solver: an Integrated Approach for Transport Simulations in the Plasma Core
- Co-author in TH/P2-05: Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: from Present-day Experiments toward ITER
- Co-author in TH/P2-13: Physics Basis and Validation of MMM7.1 Anomalous Transport Module
- Co-author in TH/P2-25: The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling Effort: Achievements and First Physics Results
- Volodymir Voitsenya
Vladimir Voitsenya
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- Andreas Volk
- Francesco A. Volpe
- Manfred Von Hellermann
- Robbert Voorhoeve
- Alexandr Voronin
- Garry Voss
- Arthur Voter
- Konstantin Vukolov
- Dmitry K. Vukolov
- Leonid Vyacheslavov
- Kenji Wada
Mickey R. Wade
- Author in EX/3-1: Advances in the Physics Understanding of ELM Suppression Using Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in DIII-D
- Author in EX/3-1: Advances in the Physics Understanding of ELM Suppression Using Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P2-08: Long-pulse Stability Limits of ITER Baseline Scenario Plasmas in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P7-06: Turbulence and Transport Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ELM-Suppressed Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P3-17: The EPED Pedestal Model: Extensions, Application to ELM-Suppressed Regimes, and ITER Predictions
- Co-author in TH/P4-21: Edge Plasma Response to Non-Axisymmetric Fields in Tokamaks
- francois waelbroeck
- William Waganaar
- Lester Waganer
- Fritz Wagner
- D Wagner
- David Wagner
- Julien Wagrez
- Eiichi Wakai
- Takuma Wakatsuki
- J. Waksman
- William Waldron
- J.R. Walk
Michael Walker
- Co-author in EX/P2-09: First-Principles Model-based Closed-loop Control of the Current Profile Dynamic Evolution on DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P4-28: Vertical Stability of NSTX and NSTX-U
- Co-author in ITR/P1-20: Integrated Magnetic and Kinetic Control of Advanced Tokamak Scenarios Based on Data-Driven Models
- Chris Walker
- G. Wallace
- G. M. Wallace
- Anders Wallander
Michael Walsh
- Co-author in ITR/P5-25: Scientific Computing for Real Time Data Processing and Archiving for ITER Operation
- Co-author in ITR/P5-26: Status of R&D on In-Vessel Dust & Tritium Management in ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-27: Challenges of Integrating a Typical Diagnostics Port Plug in ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-35: Progress on Design and R&D for ITER Diagnostic Systems in Japan Domestic Agency
- Co-author in ITR/P5-37: Evolution of the ITER Diagnostic Set Specifications
- Co-author in ITR/P5-38: Analysis of Current Profile Measurement Capability on ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-41: Exploring Measurement Capabilities of ITER ECE System
Ron E. Waltz
- Co-author in EX/P3-13: Turbulent Transport and Gyrokinetic Analysis in Alcator C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P7-09: Validation Studies of Gyrofluid and Gyrokinetic Predictions of Transport and Turbulence Stiffness Using the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/8-2: A New Paradigm for ExB Velocity Shear Suppression of`Gyro-kinetic Turbulence and the Momentum Pinch
- Co-author in TH/P6-06: Fully Gyrokinetic Modeling of Beam-driven Alfvén Eigenmodes in DIII-D Using GYRO
- W. R. Wampler
B. N. Wan
- Author in OV/2-5: Progress of Long Pulse and H-mode Experiments on EAST
- Author in OV/2-5: Progress of Long Pulse and H-mode Experiments on EAST
- Co-author in EX/10-3: Zonal Flows as the Trigger Event for the L-H Transition
- Co-author in EX/11-1: Evidence of Zonal-Flow-Driven Limit-Cycle Oscillations during L-H Transition and at H-mode Pedestal of a New Small-ELM Regime in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P3-24: Observation of Electron Energy Pinch in HT-7 ICRF Heated Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P4-05: Observation of Current Structures at Type-III ELM Onset on EAST
- Co-author in EX/P4-06: New Edge Localized Modes at Marginal Input Power with Dominant RF-heating and Lithium-wall Conditioning in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P5-13: Characterization of Particle and Power Loads on Divertor Targets for Type-I, Type-III, and Mossy ELMy H-modes in EAST Superconducting Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P5-15: Approaches towards Steady-State Advanced Divertor Operations on EAST by Active Control of Plasma-Wall Interactions
- Co-author in EX/P6-19: Plasma Rotation Behavior under Lower Hybrid Current Drive and Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Heating on EAST
- Co-author in EX/P6-21: Investigations of LHW-plasma Coupling and Current Drive in H-mode Experiments in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P6-25: Recent Results from Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating Experiments in HT-7 and EAST Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-14: The Observation of Dual-peak Geodesic Acoustic Modes in the Edge Plasma on Tokamaks
- Co-author in ITR/P1-09: On the Use of Lower Hybrid Waves at ITER Relevant Density
- Co-author in TH/P4-08: Rotation Breaking Induced by ELMs on EAST
- W. Wan
- Pinghuai Wang
- Fudi Wang
- Zhengx Wang
Sun-Jung Wang
- Co-author in EX/P5-09: Overview of the International Research on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning
- Co-author in EX/P6-27: Analysis of High Energy Neutral Particles Measured by CNPA and Comparison with Synthesized Fast Neutral Spectrum Based on TRANSP/FIDA for the NB Heated Plasmas in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P8-11: Effects of RF-Heating Induced MHD Activities on the Toroidal Rotation in Tokamaks
- Co-author in FTP/P1-21: Status and Plan of the Key Actuators for KSTAR Operation
- Erhui Wang
- Zhijiang Wang
- Guiding Wang
- Xian-Qu WANG
- Fen Wang
- L. Wang
- Qijie Wang
- M Wang
- Wenhao Wang
- W. Wang
- Quanming Wang
- Meng Wang
Huiqian Wang
- Author in EX/P4-06: New Edge Localized Modes at Marginal Input Power with Dominant RF-heating and Lithium-wall Conditioning in EAST
- Co-author in EX/10-3: Zonal Flows as the Trigger Event for the L-H Transition
- Co-author in EX/11-1: Evidence of Zonal-Flow-Driven Limit-Cycle Oscillations during L-H Transition and at H-mode Pedestal of a New Small-ELM Regime in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P4-05: Observation of Current Structures at Type-III ELM Onset on EAST
- Co-author in EX/P5-13: Characterization of Particle and Power Loads on Divertor Targets for Type-I, Type-III, and Mossy ELMy H-modes in EAST Superconducting Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-25: Recent Results from Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating Experiments in HT-7 and EAST Tokamak
- Mingxu Wang
Liang Wang
- Author in EX/P5-13: Characterization of Particle and Power Loads on Divertor Targets for Type-I, Type-III, and Mossy ELMy H-modes in EAST Superconducting Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-05: Observation of Current Structures at Type-III ELM Onset on EAST
- Co-author in EX/P4-06: New Edge Localized Modes at Marginal Input Power with Dominant RF-heating and Lithium-wall Conditioning in EAST
- Long Wang
- Xin Wang
- Lu Wang
- Zhanhui Wang
- Aike Wang
- Zhirui Wang
- Hao WANG
Fudi Wang
- Co-author in TH/P4-08: Rotation Breaking Induced by ELMs on EAST
- Dongsheng Wang
- Fumin Wang
- Ge Wang
- David Ward
- David Ward (Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
- kazuhiro Watanabe
- Takenori Watanabe
- Osamu Watanabe
- Kiyomasa Watanabe
T.-H. Watanabe
- Author in TH/8-1: Turbulence Spectra, Transport, and ExB Flows in Helical Plasmas
- Author in TH/8-1: Turbulence Spectra, Transport, and ExB Flows in Helical Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P2-23: Turbulent Transport due to Kinetic Ballooning Modes in High-Beta Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P7-06: Electrostatic Gyrokinetic Absolute Equilibria: Calculation, Simulation and Physics Relevant to Fusion Plasmas Turbulence
Fumitake Watanabe
- Co-author in EX/P4-10: Mitigation of Large Amplitude Edge-Localized-Modes by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P6-18: Noninductive Formation of Spherical Tokamak at 7 Times the Plasma Cutoff Density by Electron Bernstein Wave Heating and Current Drive on LATE
- Takeshi Watari
- J. G. Watkins
Christopher Watts
- Co-author in ITR/P5-35: Progress on Design and R&D for ITER Diagnostic Systems in Japan Domestic Agency
- Co-author in ITR/P5-37: Evolution of the ITER Diagnostic Set Specifications
- Co-author in ITR/P5-38: Analysis of Current Profile Measurement Capability on ITER
- Co-author in ITR/P5-41: Exploring Measurement Capabilities of ITER ECE System
- T. Wauters
- James Weaver
- William Wehner
- W Wei
- Li Wei
- Mingsheng Wei
- Lai Wei
- G. M. Weir
- Henri Weisen (JET EFDA)
Anders Welander
- Co-author in EX/P2-01: Access and Sustained High Performance in Advanced Inductive Discharges with ITER-Relevant Low Torque
- Co-author in EX/P4-28: Vertical Stability of NSTX and NSTX-U
- Co-author in EX/P8-08: Stabilization of Disruptive Locked Modes by Magnetic Perturbations and Electron Cyclotron Current Drive at DIII-D
- Mark Wendel
- Andreas Werner
- Rainer Wesche
- John C. Wesley
- Boris Weyssow
Anne White
- Co-author in EX/1-3: Progress in Performance and Understanding of Steady ELM-free I-modes on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P3-18: Experimental Tests of Stiffness in the Electron and Ion Energy Transport in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-09: Validation Studies of Gyrofluid and Gyrokinetic Predictions of Transport and Turbulence Stiffness Using the DIII-D Tokamak
- William White
- Anne White
- R. White
Dennis Whyte
- Co-author in EX/1-3: Progress in Performance and Understanding of Steady ELM-free I-modes on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P4-15: Pedestal Stability and Transport on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Experiments in Support of Developing Predictive Capability
- Co-author in EX/P5-03: Assessment of Tungsten Nano-tendril Growth in the Alcator C-Mod Divertor
- Co-author in EX/P5-39: The Fine-scale Structure of the Radial Electric Field in the Scrape-Off-Layer during ICRF Heating in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P8-09: Disruption Mitigation Experiments with Two Gas Jets on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in FTP/1-1: Evaluation of Optimized ICRF and LHRF Antennas in Alcator C-Mod
- Peter Wienhold
Sven Wiesen
- Co-author in EX/P3-15: Tungsten Screening and Impurity Control in JET
- Co-author in ITR/P1-24: Three-dimensional Fluid Modeling of Plasma Edge Transport and Divertor Fluxes during RMP ELM Control at ITER
- Co-author in TH/3-1: Impact of Carbon and Tungsten as Divertor Materials on the Scrape-off Layer Conditions in JET
- Sven Wiesen
- Stefan Wikman
- Scott Wilks
- M. Willensdorfer
- Matthias Willensdorfer
Howard Wilson
- Co-author in TH/5-1: Gyrokinetic Instabilities in an Evolving Tokamak H-mode Pedestal
- Co-author in TH/P3-10: Pedestal Modelling Based on Ideal MHD and Gyrokinetic Stability Analyses on JET And ITER Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P3-17: The EPED Pedestal Model: Extensions, Application to ELM-Suppressed Regimes, and ITER Predictions
Randy Wilson
- Co-author in EX/P2-16: Progress toward Steady-state Regimes in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P5-40: Fast Wave Power Flow along SOL Field Lines in NSTX
- Co-author in FTP/1-1: Evaluation of Optimized ICRF and LHRF Antennas in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in FTP/P1-22: Advances in Lower Hybrid Current Drive Technology on Alcator C-Mod
- R. Wilson
- David Wilson
- Douglas Wilson
- David Wilson
- Christian Wimmer
- Andreas Wingen
- Anders Wingen
- Konstantin Winkler
- Axel Winter
- Gregory Winz
- Marco Wischmeier
- Iwona Wodniak
- Robert Wolf
- Robert Wolf
Stephen Wolfe
- Co-author in EX/2-2: A Unified Explanation of Rotation Reversals, Confinement Saturation and Non-Diffusive Heat Transport in C-Mod Ohmic Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P2-02: ITER Demonstration Discharges on Alcator C-Mod in Support of ITER
- Co-author in EX/P4-14: On the Formation and Stability of Impurity-generated ‘Snakes’ in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P4-15: Pedestal Stability and Transport on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Experiments in Support of Developing Predictive Capability
- Co-author in EX/P4-22: Characterization of Neo-classical Tearing Modes in High-performance I-Mode Plasmas with ICRF Mode Conversion Flow Drive on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in ITR/P1-11: Demonstrating the ITER Baseline Operation at q95=3
- Co-author in ITR/P1-28: Multi-machine Comparisons of Divertor Heat Flux Mitigation by Radiative Cooling
- Matthew Wolford
- Elisabeth Wolfrum
Elisabeth Wolfrum
- Co-author in EX/3-4: Mitigation of Edge Localised Modes with Small Non-axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in EX/P6-03: Fast-ion Redistribution and Loss due to Edge Perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and KSTAR Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P7-23: Far-reaching Impact of Intermittent Transport across the Scrape-off Layer: Latest Results from ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in TH/6-4: Global Gyrokinetic Simulations of High-performance Discharges in View of ITER
- E. Wolfrum
- Clement P.C. Wong
- Graham Wright
- J. C. Wright
- Wen Wu
- Zhenwei Wu
- Yican Wu
- Shuqin Wu
- Yu Wu
- Dirk Wuenderlich
Steven Wukitch
- Author in FTP/1-1: Evaluation of Optimized ICRF and LHRF Antennas in Alcator C-Mod
- Author in FTP/1-1: Evaluation of Optimized ICRF and LHRF Antennas in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/1-3: Progress in Performance and Understanding of Steady ELM-free I-modes on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P2-02: ITER Demonstration Discharges on Alcator C-Mod in Support of ITER
- Co-author in EX/P3-01: Poloidal Variation of High-Z Impurity Density due to Hydrogen Minority ICRH on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P4-14: On the Formation and Stability of Impurity-generated ‘Snakes’ in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P4-22: Characterization of Neo-classical Tearing Modes in High-performance I-Mode Plasmas with ICRF Mode Conversion Flow Drive on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P5-39: The Fine-scale Structure of the Radial Electric Field in the Scrape-Off-Layer during ICRF Heating in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P6-25: Recent Results from Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating Experiments in HT-7 and EAST Tokamak
- Glen Wurden
- P. Xanthopoulos
- Pengwei Xi
T.Y. Xia
- Author in TH/5-2Ra & TH/5-2Rb: Five-field Peeling-Ballooning Modes Simulation with BOUT++; Theory and Gyro-fluid Simulations of Edge-Localized-Modes
- Author in TH/5-2Ra: Five-field Peeling-Ballooning Modes Simulation with BOUT++
- Co-author in TH/5-2Rb: Theory and Gyro-fluid Simulations of Edge-Localized-Modes
- ZHIWEI xia
- fan xia
- Nong Xiang
- Bin Xiang
- weiwen xiao
Weiwen Xiao
- Author in EX/6-3Ra & EX/6-3Rb: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory; ELM Mitigation with SMBI & CJI Fuelling in HL-2A H-mode Plasmas
- Author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/11-3: Visualization of ELM Dynamics and its Response from External Perturbations via 2D Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging in KSTAR
- Sicong Xiao
- Chijin Xiao
- Lifeng Xie
- Huiqiao Xie
Hao Xiong
- Author in TH/P4-08: Rotation Breaking Induced by ELMs on EAST
- Co-author in EX/P4-05: Observation of Current Structures at Type-III ELM Onset on EAST
- Co-author in EX/P4-06: New Edge Localized Modes at Marginal Input Power with Dominant RF-heating and Lithium-wall Conditioning in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P5-13: Characterization of Particle and Power Loads on Divertor Targets for Type-I, Type-III, and Mossy ELMy H-modes in EAST Superconducting Tokamak
Guosheng Xu
- Author in EX/11-1: Evidence of Zonal-Flow-Driven Limit-Cycle Oscillations during L-H Transition and at H-mode Pedestal of a New Small-ELM Regime in EAST
- Author in EX/11-1: Evidence of Zonal-Flow-Driven Limit-Cycle Oscillations during L-H Transition and at H-mode Pedestal of a New Small-ELM Regime in EAST
- Co-author in EX/10-3: Zonal Flows as the Trigger Event for the L-H Transition
- Co-author in EX/P4-05: Observation of Current Structures at Type-III ELM Onset on EAST
- Co-author in EX/P4-06: New Edge Localized Modes at Marginal Input Power with Dominant RF-heating and Lithium-wall Conditioning in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P5-02: Effect of Lithium Coating on Edge Particle Recycling in EAST H-mode Discharge
- Co-author in EX/P5-13: Characterization of Particle and Power Loads on Divertor Targets for Type-I, Type-III, and Mossy ELMy H-modes in EAST Superconducting Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P5-15: Approaches towards Steady-State Advanced Divertor Operations on EAST by Active Control of Plasma-Wall Interactions
- Co-author in EX/P6-19: Plasma Rotation Behavior under Lower Hybrid Current Drive and Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Heating on EAST
- Co-author in EX/P6-21: Investigations of LHW-plasma Coupling and Current Drive in H-mode Experiments in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P7-14: The Observation of Dual-peak Geodesic Acoustic Modes in the Edge Plasma on Tokamaks
- Co-author in OV/2-5: Progress of Long Pulse and H-mode Experiments on EAST
- Co-author in TH/P4-02: Spatio-Temporal Evolution of the L-H and H-L Transitions
- Co-author in TH/P4-08: Rotation Breaking Induced by ELMs on EAST
Min Xu
- Author in EX/7-2Ra & EX/7-2Rb: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A; Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/10-3: Zonal Flows as the Trigger Event for the L-H Transition
- Co-author in EX/11-1: Evidence of Zonal-Flow-Driven Limit-Cycle Oscillations during L-H Transition and at H-mode Pedestal of a New Small-ELM Regime in EAST
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P7-07: Generation of Large Scale Coherent Structures by Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-14: The Observation of Dual-peak Geodesic Acoustic Modes in the Edge Plasma on Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P7-24: Time-resolved Evolution of Low Frequency Electrostatic Fluctuations during Slow L-H Transition at the Boundary Plasma of HL-2A Tokamak
X. Q. Xu
- Author in TH/5-2Ra & TH/5-2Rb: Five-field Peeling-Ballooning Modes Simulation with BOUT++; Theory and Gyro-fluid Simulations of Edge-Localized-Modes
- Author in TH/5-2Rb: Theory and Gyro-fluid Simulations of Edge-Localized-Modes
- Co-author in EX/11-4: Improved Understanding of Physics Processes in Pedestal Structure, Leading to Improved Predictive Capability for ITER
- Co-author in EX/P7-11: Study of ELMy H-mode Plasmas and BOUT++ Simulation on EAST
Xueqiao Xu
- Co-author in EX/P4-15: Pedestal Stability and Transport on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Experiments in Support of Developing Predictive Capability
- Co-author in TH/5-2Ra: Five-field Peeling-Ballooning Modes Simulation with BOUT++
- Co-author in TH/P4-18: Theory and Simulations of ELM Control with a Snowflake Divertor
- H D Xu
- Hongbing XU
- Yuan Xu
Zengyu Xu
- Author in FTP/P1-06: Analysis of Establishment and MHD Stability of a Free Curve-Surface Flow for Liquid Metal PFCs
- Co-author in FTP/P1-12: Progress of High Heat Flux Component Manufacture and Heat Load Experiments in China
- Co-author in FTP/P7-16: Research of Low Activation Structural Material for Fusion Reactor in SWIP
- Y. Xu
- Wenyu Xu
- Zhao Xuan
- D.Y Xue
- Barukh Yaakobi
- Brijesh Yadav
- Dimitriy Yadikin
Masatoshi Yagi
- Co-author in TH/P3-09: Nonlinear Acceleration Mechanism of Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
- Co-author in TH/P3-19: Stabilization of Resistive Wall Modes by Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibrium Change Induced by Plasma Toroidal Rotation
- Co-author in TH/P6-17: Nonlinear Simulation of Energetic Particle Modes in JT-60U
- Ichihiro Yamada
- Hiroshi Yamada
- Ichihiro Yamada
Hiroshi Yamada
- Co-author in EX/10-1: Is Turbulence Determined by Local Temperature Gradient?
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/8-1: 3D Plasma Response to Magnetic Field Structure in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P3-14: Inter-Machine Validation Study of Neoclassical Transport Modelling in Medium- to High-Density Stellarator-Heliotron Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P4-10: Mitigation of Large Amplitude Edge-Localized-Modes by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P4-30: Response of MHD Stability to Resonant Magnetic Perturbation in the Large Helical Device
- Hiroshi Yamada
- Hiroshi Yamada (National Institute for Fusion Science)
- Hiroshi Yamada
- Ichihiro Yamada
Ichihiro Yamada
- Co-author in EX/4-4: Control of 3D Edge Radiation Structure with Resonant Magnetic Perturbation Fields Applied to Stochastic Layer and Stabilization of Radiative Divertor Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in FTP/P7-34: Multifarious Physics Analyses of the Core Plasma Properties in a Helical DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
- Takuma Yamada
- Takashi Yamaguchi
- Naohiro Yamaguchi
- Norimasa Yamamoto
- Author in EX/5-2: Studies of Energetic-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas with Low Magnetic Shear
- Author in EX/5-2: Studies of Energetic-ion-driven MHD Instabilities in Helical Plasmas with Low Magnetic Shear
- Co-author in EX/P3-07: Study of Fueling Control for Confinement Experiments in Heliotron J
- Co-author in EX/P4-17: Edge Plasma Response to Beam-driven MHD Instability in Heliotron J
- Co-author in EX/P8-10: Stabilization of Energetic-Ion-Driven MHD Mode by ECCD in Heliotron J
- Tsuyoshi Yamamoto
- Takuya Yamamoto
- Hajimu Yamana
- Haruhiko Yamanaka
- Yasushi Yamanou
- Nobuo Yamaoka
- Kotaro Yamasaki
- Daisuke Yamashita
- Yuji Yamauchi
- Kanji Yamaura
- Kozo Yamazaki
Zheng Yan
- Author in EX/P7-05: Relating the L-H Power Threshold Scaling to Edge Turbulence Dynamics
- Co-author in EX/P3-18: Experimental Tests of Stiffness in the Electron and Ion Energy Transport in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-06: Turbulence and Transport Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ELM-Suppressed Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P7-09: Validation Studies of Gyrofluid and Gyrokinetic Predictions of Transport and Turbulence Stiffness Using the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/10-3: Zonal Flows as the Trigger Event for the L-H Transition
- Co-author in EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-21: Enhancement of Edge Impurity Transport with ECRH in HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-11: Study of the High-efficiency Fuelling Features of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-29: Perturbation Features of Intrinsic and Pellet Induced ELMs on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-15: Coexistence of Alfvénic Modes Induced by Energetic Electrons with ECRH on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P7-07: Generation of Large Scale Coherent Structures by Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-08: Investigation of L-I-H Transitions Facilitated by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection and Pellet Fuelling on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-14: The Observation of Dual-peak Geodesic Acoustic Modes in the Edge Plasma on Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P7-24: Time-resolved Evolution of Low Frequency Electrostatic Fluctuations during Slow L-H Transition at the Boundary Plasma of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in OV/3-3: Overview of HL-2A Recent Experiments
- Co-author in TH/P4-24: Effects of Collisionality on the Nonlinear Characteristics of Boundary Turbulence and Blob/hole Transport in Tokamak Plasmas
- Ning Yan
- Longwen Yan
Ning Yan
- Co-author in EX/P4-06: New Edge Localized Modes at Marginal Input Power with Dominant RF-heating and Lithium-wall Conditioning in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P5-13: Characterization of Particle and Power Loads on Divertor Targets for Type-I, Type-III, and Mossy ELMy H-modes in EAST Superconducting Tokamak
- Co-author in TH/P4-08: Rotation Breaking Induced by ELMs on EAST
- Qingzhi Yan
Nagato Yanagi
- Author in FTP/P7-37: Divertor Heat Flux Reduction by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in the LHD-Type Helical DEMO Reactor
- Co-author in FTP/P7-36: Neutronics Design of Helical Type DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in TH/P6-28: Numerical Simulations for Fusion Reactivity Enhancement in D-3He and D-T Plasmas due to 3He and T Minorities Heating
- Y Yang
- Yao Yang
- Co-author in EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/6-3Rb: ELM Mitigation with SMBI & CJI Fuelling in HL-2A H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-21: Enhancement of Edge Impurity Transport with ECRH in HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-11: Study of the High-efficiency Fuelling Features of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-25: Triggering of Neoclassical Tearing Modes by Mode Coupling in HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P4-29: Perturbation Features of Intrinsic and Pellet Induced ELMs on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-15: Coexistence of Alfvénic Modes Induced by Energetic Electrons with ECRH on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P7-13: Correlations of the Turbulent Structures during Nonlocal Effect Caused by SMBI on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-24: Time-resolved Evolution of Low Frequency Electrostatic Fluctuations during Slow L-H Transition at the Boundary Plasma of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P8-15: Study of Runaway Electron Generation in Synergetic ECRH & SMBI Plasma and during Major Disruptions in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in ITR/P5-25: Scientific Computing for Real Time Data Processing and Archiving for ITER Operation
- Yu Yang
- Zhoujun Yang
- Qingwei Yang
- Hyung Yeol Yang
- Yongwei Yang
- Jinwei Yang
- Yao Yang
- Xiaoling Yang
- Xuanzong Yang
- Yoshihisa Yano
Lianghua Yao
- Co-author in EX/6-3Rb: ELM Mitigation with SMBI & CJI Fuelling in HL-2A H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P3-09: Understanding the Dynamics of Cold Pulse Nonlocality Phenomena
- Co-author in EX/P4-11: Study of the High-efficiency Fuelling Features of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-08: Investigation of L-I-H Transitions Facilitated by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection and Pellet Fuelling on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P8-15: Study of Runaway Electron Generation in Synergetic ECRH & SMBI Plasma and during Major Disruptions in the HL-2A Tokamak
- L.H. Yao
- Ke Yao
- Cuma Yarim
- Alexandr Yashin
- Kishimoto Yasuaki
- Keisuke Yasuda
- Ryo Yasuhara
- Ryou Yasuhara
- Hirakawa Yasushi
- Eiichi Yatsuka
Victor Yavorskij
- Author in TH/P2-15: Impact of Fusion Alpha Driven Current on the Magnetic Configuration of a Tokamak
- Co-author in OV/4-3: Energetic Particle Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P4-11: Modelling of the Effect of Externally Applied Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on Alpha-particle Dynamics in Tokamak Plasmas
- Xingfu Ye
S. Yi
- Author in PD/P8-19: A New Animal in the Mesoscale Zoo: Implications of Non-Resonant Convective Cells for Turbulence Intensity Profile, Shear Flow, and Transport
- Co-author in EX/2-3: ECRH Effects on Toroidal Rotation: KSTAR Experiments and Gyrokinetic Simulations of Intrinsic Torque at ITG - TEM Transitions
- Co-author in OV/P-03: On the Physics of Intrinsic Torque in Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/P7-09: Towards Turbulence Control via EGAM Excitation & Vorticity Injection
- Kenji Yokokura
- Takehiko YOKOMINE
Masayuki Yokoyama
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/P3-14: Inter-Machine Validation Study of Neoclassical Transport Modelling in Medium- to High-Density Stellarator-Heliotron Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P3-27: Transition of Poloidal Viscosity by Electrode Biasing in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P7-03: Characteristics of Microturbulence in H-mode Plasma of LHD
- Takuro Yokoyama
- Masayuki Yokoyama
- Kenji Yokoyama
- Izuru Yonekawa
J. W. Yoo
- Co-author in EX/P3-32: Toroidal Rotation Characteristics in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P6-27: Analysis of High Energy Neutral Particles Measured by CNPA and Comparison with Synthesized Fast Neutral Spectrum Based on TRANSP/FIDA for the NB Heated Plasmas in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P8-11: Effects of RF-Heating Induced MHD Activities on the Toroidal Rotation in Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P8-14: The Effect of Toroidal Plasma Rotation on Sawtooth Activity in KSTAR
- Min-Gu Yoo
S.W. Yoon
- Co-author in EX/11-3: Visualization of ELM Dynamics and its Response from External Perturbations via 2D Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/2-3: ECRH Effects on Toroidal Rotation: KSTAR Experiments and Gyrokinetic Simulations of Intrinsic Torque at ITG - TEM Transitions
- Co-author in EX/3-3: ELM Control in Application of Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P3-09: Understanding the Dynamics of Cold Pulse Nonlocality Phenomena
- Co-author in EX/P4-12: ELM and Pedestal Structure Studies in KSTAR H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P7-19: L to H-mode Power Threshold and Confinement Characteristics of H-modes in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P8-14: The Effect of Toroidal Plasma Rotation on Sawtooth Activity in KSTAR
- Maiko Yoshida
- Takahide YOSHIDA
- Maiko Yoshida
- Naoaki Yoshida
- Zensho Yoshida
Masayuki Yoshikawa
- Author in EX/P3-03: Potential Fluctuation Study from the Core Plasma to End Region in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in EX/P6-20: Coupling of ICRF Waves and Axial Transport of High-Energy Ions Owing to Spontaneously Excited Waves in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in FTP/P1-11: Plasma Characteristics of the End-cell of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror for the Divertor Simulation Experiment
- Yasuo Yoshimura
Yasuo Yoshimura
- Author in EX/P6-16: Electron Bernstein Wave Heating and Electron Cyclotron Current Drive by Use of Upgraded ECH System in LHD
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/P8-10: Stabilization of Energetic-Ion-Driven MHD Mode by ECCD in Heliotron J
- Co-author in FTP/P1-20: Development of MW Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices by University of Tsukuba
- Ryuji Yoshino
- Mikirou Yoshinuma
Mikirou Yoshinuma
- Co-author in EX/2-5: Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and the Dynamic-Transport Characteristics in the LHD
- Co-author in EX/8-1: 3D Plasma Response to Magnetic Field Structure in the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in EX/P3-14: Inter-Machine Validation Study of Neoclassical Transport Modelling in Medium- to High-Density Stellarator-Heliotron Plasmas
- Mikirou Yoshinuma
K.-I. You
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P8-11: Effects of RF-Heating Induced MHD Activities on the Toroidal Rotation in Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P8-14: The Effect of Toroidal Plasma Rotation on Sawtooth Activity in KSTAR
- Mahmoud Youssef
- Jonathan H. Yu
- Author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-13: Nonlinear features of the Alfvénic wave-particle interaction in auxiliary heated HL-2A plasma
- Co-author in EX/P6-15: Coexistence of Alfvénic Modes Induced by Energetic Electrons with ECRH on HL-2A
deliang yu
- Author in EX/P4-11: Study of the High-efficiency Fuelling Features of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-29: Perturbation Features of Intrinsic and Pellet Induced ELMs on HL-2A
- Deliang YU
- Yaowei Yu
- Changxuan Yu
- Guoliang Yuan
- Xingqiu Yuan
- S. Yuan
Howard Yuh
- Co-author in EX/9-3: Disruptions in the High-beta Spherical Torus NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P6-02: Internal Amplitude, Structure and Identification of CAEs and GAEs in NSTX
- Co-author in EX/P6-05: Fast-ion Energy Loss during TAE Avalanches in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
- Co-author in EX/P8-07: Global Mode Control and Stabilization for Disruption Avoidance in High-Beta NSTX Plasmas
- Co-author in TH/6-1: Progress in Simulating Turbulent Electron Thermal Transport in NSTX
G.S. Yun
- Co-author in EX/11-3: Visualization of ELM Dynamics and its Response from External Perturbations via 2D Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/3-3: ELM Control in Application of Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/P2-07: Investigation of Plasma Rotation Alteration and MHD Stability in the Expanded H-mode Operation of KSTAR
- Co-author in EX/P8-11: Effects of RF-Heating Induced MHD Activities on the Toroidal Rotation in Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P8-13: Experiment for Stabilization of Tearing Mode in KSTAR
- Luca Zabeo
- Pierluigi Zaccaria
Francesco Zacchia
- Co-author in ITR/2-6: The ITER Blanket System Design Challenge
- Oliver Zacharias
- Klemen Zagar
- Roman Zagorski
- Roman Zagorski
- Leonid Zakharov
- L. Zakharov
Alexander Zakharov
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
Rinad Zalavutdinov
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics
- Steven Zalesak
- P Zanca
- Linge ZANG
- Michael Zarnstorff
- david Zarzoso
- Klaus-Dieter Zastrow
Lei Zeng
- Co-author in EX/1-5: Fully Noninductive Scenario Development in DIII-D Using New Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection
- Co-author in EX/3-1: Advances in the Physics Understanding of ELM Suppression Using Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P3-18: Experimental Tests of Stiffness in the Electron and Ion Energy Transport in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-26: Particle Transport Results from Collisionality Scans and Perturbative Experiments on DIII-D
- Co-author in EX/P7-09: Validation Studies of Gyrofluid and Gyrokinetic Predictions of Transport and Turbulence Stiffness Using the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-17: The Role of Zonal Flows and Predator-Prey Oscillations in the Formation of Core and Edge Transport Barriers
- Long Zeng
- Long Zeng
- Friedbert Zeus
- K. Zhai
- Yaoli Zhang
Fu Zhang
- Co-author in ITR/2-6: The ITER Blanket System Design Challenge
- Jinghua ZHANG
- Xiujie Zhang
Wei Zhang
- Co-author in EX/P4-05: Observation of Current Structures at Type-III ELM Onset on EAST
- Co-author in EX/P4-06: New Edge Localized Modes at Marginal Input Power with Dominant RF-heating and Lithium-wall Conditioning in EAST
- Co-author in EX/P5-13: Characterization of Particle and Power Loads on Divertor Targets for Type-I, Type-III, and Mossy ELMy H-modes in EAST Superconducting Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-14: The Observation of Dual-peak Geodesic Acoustic Modes in the Edge Plasma on Tokamaks
yipo zhang
- Author in EX/P8-15: Study of Runaway Electron Generation in Synergetic ECRH & SMBI Plasma and during Major Disruptions in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-13: Nonlinear features of the Alfvénic wave-particle interaction in auxiliary heated HL-2A plasma
- Zhe Zhang
- bo Zhang
- Xiaoqing Zhang
- Guoshu Zhang
- Ling Zhang
- Mingchun Zhang
- Xinjun Zhang
- L Zhang
- Long Zhang
- Ming Zhang
- Y P Zhao
- Zhou Zhao
Kaijun Zhao
- Author in EX/7-2Ra & EX/7-2Rb: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A; Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Author in EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/10-3: Zonal Flows as the Trigger Event for the L-H Transition
- Co-author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P7-07: Generation of Large Scale Coherent Structures by Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-24: Time-resolved Evolution of Low Frequency Electrostatic Fluctuations during Slow L-H Transition at the Boundary Plasma of HL-2A Tokamak
- L M Zhao
- Fengchao Zhao
- Lei Zhao
- Haolin Zhao
- Aihui Zhao
- Shanliang Zheng
- Linjin Zheng
- Eugeniy Zhilin
- Alexey Zhirkin
- A. Zhitlukhin
- Victor Zhogolev
wulu zhong
- Author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
- Co-author in EX/6-3Rb: ELM Mitigation with SMBI & CJI Fuelling in HL-2A H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
- Co-author in EX/P4-11: Study of the High-efficiency Fuelling Features of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-08: Investigation of L-I-H Transitions Facilitated by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection and Pellet Fuelling on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-13: Correlations of the Turbulent Structures during Nonlocal Effect Caused by SMBI on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Yuan Zhong
Yan Zhou
- Co-author in EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/6-3Rb: ELM Mitigation with SMBI & CJI Fuelling in HL-2A H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in EX/P3-09: Understanding the Dynamics of Cold Pulse Nonlocality Phenomena
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-11: Study of the High-efficiency Fuelling Features of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-15: Coexistence of Alfvénic Modes Induced by Energetic Electrons with ECRH on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P7-08: Investigation of L-I-H Transitions Facilitated by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection and Pellet Fuelling on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P7-13: Correlations of the Turbulent Structures during Nonlocal Effect Caused by SMBI on the HL-2A Tokamak
Jun Zhou
- Co-author in EX/P2-15: ECRH Pre-ionization and Assisted Startup in HL-2A Tokamaks
- Co-author in EX/P3-09: Understanding the Dynamics of Cold Pulse Nonlocality Phenomena
- Co-author in EX/P3-20: Observation of ELM-Free H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-11: Study of the High-efficiency Fuelling Features of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P4-29: Perturbation Features of Intrinsic and Pellet Induced ELMs on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P6-12: Investigation of the Role of Energetic Particle in the Driving of Long-lived Saturated Internal Mode on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-14: Frequency Jump Phenomena of e-Fishbone during High Power ECRH on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P6-15: Coexistence of Alfvénic Modes Induced by Energetic Electrons with ECRH on HL-2A
- Co-author in EX/P7-13: Correlations of the Turbulent Structures during Nonlocal Effect Caused by SMBI on the HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in EX/P8-15: Study of Runaway Electron Generation in Synergetic ECRH & SMBI Plasma and during Major Disruptions in the HL-2A Tokamak
- Hangyu Zhou
- Tianchun Zhou
- Zhiwei Zhou
- Lihua Zhou
- Ping Zhu
- Yubao Zhu
- Jian-Zhou Zhu
- Genliang Zhu
- Ge Zhuang
- Nickolay Zhubr
- Jakub Zielinski
Steven Zinkle
- Author in OV/5-4: Multimodal Options for Materials Research to Advance the Basis for Fusion Energy in the ITER Era
- Author in OV/5-4: Multimodal Options for Materials Research to Advance the Basis for Fusion Energy in the ITER Era
- Co-author in FTP/P7-17: Research and Development Status of Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels Corresponding to DEMO Design Requirement
- Miroslaw Zlobinski
Hartmut Zohm
- Author in FTP/3-3: On the Physics Guidelines for a Tokamak DEMO
- Author in FTP/3-3: On the Physics Guidelines for a Tokamak DEMO
- Co-author in EX/1-4: Dominant ECR Heating of H-mode Plasmas on ASDEX Upgrade Using the Upgraded ECRH System and Comparison to Dominat NBI or ICR Heating
- Co-author in EX/P4-02: Analysis of Temperature and Density Pedestal in a Multi-machine Database
- Co-author in EX/P5-19: ICRF Operation with Improved Antennas in a Full W-wall ASDEX Upgrade, Status and Developments
- Hartmut Zohm (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
- Hartmut Zohm
- Sandor Zoletnik
- Ali Zolfaghari
Fulvio Zonca
- Author in TH/4-2: Nonlinear Excitations of Zonal Structures by Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmodes
- Author in TH/4-2: Nonlinear Excitations of Zonal Structures by Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmodes
- Co-author in EX/P6-07: Electron Fishbones in LHCD Plasmas on FTU and Tore Supra
- Co-author in TH/P6-03: Electron Fishbone Simulations in FTU-like Equilibria Using XHMGC
- Co-author in TH/P6-21: Simulation of EPM Dynamics in FAST Plasmas Heated by ICRH and NNBI
- xiaolan zou
- X.L. Zou
- Jonathon Zuegel
Matteo Zuin
- Co-author in EX/P8-03: Density Limit Experiments on FTU
Hideki Zushi
- Author in EX/P2-14: Non-inductive Current Start-up and Plasma Equilibrium with an Inboard Poloidal Field Null by Means of Electron Cyclotron Waves in QUEST
- Co-author in EX/P6-17: Electron Bernstein Wave Heating and Current Drive Effects in QUEST
- Co-author in FTP/P1-20: Development of MW Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices by University of Tsukuba
- Co-author in ICC/P3-01: Stability and Confinement Improvement of Oblate Field-Reversed Configuration by Neutral Beam Injection
Stewart Zweben
- Co-author in EX/P2-04: Study of H-mode Access in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Density, Toroidal Field and Divertor Geometry Dependence
- Co-author in EX/P5-39: The Fine-scale Structure of the Radial Electric Field in the Scrape-Off-Layer during ICRF Heating in Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in EX/P7-21: Evolution of the Turbulence Radial Wavenumber Spectrum near the L-H Transition in NSTX Ohmic Discharges
- Co-author in TH/P4-23: Edge Sheared Flows and Blob Dynamics
- Wolfgang Zwingmann
- Alex Zylstra
Igor Аrkhipov
- Co-author in ITR/P5-34: Mirrors for ITER Optical Diagnostics