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Oct 8 – 13, 2012
US/Pacific timezone

IFE/1-1: Diagnosing Implosion Performance at the National Ignition Facility by Means of Advanced Neutron-Spectrometry and Neutron-Imaging Techniques

Oct 11, 2012, 8:30 AM
Indigo Ball Room

Indigo Ball Room

Oral Presentation IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory


Mr Johan Frenje (USA)


Proper assembly of capsule mass, as manifested through the evolution of fuel areal density, is essential for achieving hot-spot ignition planned at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). Experimental information about areal density and areal-density asymmetries, hot-spot ion temperature (Ti) and yield (Yn) are therefore critical for understanding the assembly of the fuel. To obtain this information, a suite of neutron Time-of-Flight (nTOF) spectrometers and a Magnetic Recoil Spectrometer (MRS) has been commissioned and extensively used on the NIF for measurements of the neutron spectrum in the energy range from 1.5 to 20 MeV. This range covers all essential details of the neutron spectrum, allowing for the determination of areal density, Yn, and Ti. The spectrometers are fielded at different locations around the implosion for directional measurements of the neutron spectrum, also allowing for determination of areal-density asymmetries and possible kinetic effects. The data obtained from these diagnostics have been essential to the progress of the National Ignition Campaign (NIC), indicating that the implosion performance, characterized by the Experimental Ignition Threshold Factor (ITFx), has improved about two orders of magnitude since the first cryogenic shot taken in September 2010. Areal-density values greater than 1 g/cm2 are now readily achieved. By combining the areal-density data with information about the spatial extent of the high-density region obtained from Neutron Imaging System (NIS), it has been demonstrated that densities above 500 g/cc and pressure-time (Ptau) products in excess of 10atm s have been achieved, which are according to HYDRA simulations about a factor of three from ignition conditions.

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Dr Andy Mackinnon (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Mr Arthur Carpenter (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Brian Spears (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Charles Cerjan (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Chikang Li (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dr Christian Stoeckl (University of Rochester) Dr Daniel Casey (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dr David Fittinghoff (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr David Munro (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Douglas Wilson (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Dr Erik Loomis (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Dr Essex Bond (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Frank Merrill (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Dr Fredrick Séguin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dr Gary Grim (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Dr George Morgan (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Dr James Knauer (University of Rochester) Dr James McNaney (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Mr Jason Magoon (University of Rochester) Dr Joeseph Kilkenny (General Atomics) Dr John Edwards (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Joseph Caggiano (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Maria Gatu Johnson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dr Mark Eckart (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Mr Mark Mckernan (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Michael Moran (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Mike Farrell (General Atomics) Mr Milton Shoup (University of Rochester) Dr Nezvat Guler (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Dr Odgen Jones (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Otto Landen (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Paul Springer (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Ramon Leeper (Sandia National Laboratory) Mr Reny Paguio (General Atomics) Mr Richard Ashabranner (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Richard Bionta (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Richard Lerche (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Richard Petrasso (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dr Robert Hatarik (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Ryan Rygg (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Scott Sepke (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Sebastien Le Pape (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Siegfried Glenzer (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Stephan Friedrich (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Steve Haan (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Steve Hatchett (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Thomas Murphy (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Dr Thomas Sangster (University of Rochester) Dr Todd Clancy (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Vladimir Glebov (University of Rochester) Dr Wilde Carl (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

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