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Oct 8 – 13, 2012
US/Pacific timezone

EX/5-3: Observation of GAM Induced by Energetic Electrons and NL Interactions among GAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes on the HL-2A Tokamak

Oct 11, 2012, 12:05 PM
Indigo Ball Room

Indigo Ball Room

Oral Presentation EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles Waves & Energetic Particles


Mr Wei Chen (China)


The very low-frequency (LF) Alfvénic and acoustic fluctuations, such as beta-induced Alfvén eigenmode (BAE), and geodesic acoustic mode (GAM), are presently of considerable interest in the present-day fusion and future burning plasmas. The low-frequency waves can significantly affect the plasma performance, and induce the particle losses and reduce the plasma self-heating. These LF instabilities can play a key role in turbulence and anomalous transport regulation, especially, while there is significant fraction of high energy particles in plasma. They can be used as energy channels to transfer the fusion-born-alpha-particle energy to the thermonuclear plasma, i.e. GAM/BAE channeling. The energetic-electron and magnetic-island induced BAEs had been observed and investigated on HL-2A in the previous works. In the present paper, we will present our further works about the LF Alfvénic and acoustic modes, and it is reported that the first experimental results are associated with the GAM induced by energetic-electrons (termed eEGAM) in HL-2A Ohmic plasma. The energetic-electrons are generated by parallel electric fields during magnetic reconnection associated with tearing mode (TM). The energy spectra, which detected by Cadmium-telluride (CdTe) scintillators, indicate that the energetic electrons redistribute during strong TM. The magnetic fluctuation spectrogram indicates that the eEGAM is always accompanied by TM and BAEs. The eEGAM is not observed in the absence of strong TM and BAEs, and its mode frequency always complies with f_GAM=f_BAE2-f_TM,f_GAM=f_BAE1+f_TM as well as f_GAM=(f_BAE1+f_BAE2)/2. The eEGAM localizes in the core plasma, i.e. in the vicinity of q=2 surface where the ion Landau damping gamma_i is larger than the edge due to gamma_i \propto exp(-q^2), and is very different from that excited by the drift-wave turbulence in the edge plasma. The analysis indicated that the eEGAM is provided with the magnetic components, whose intensities depend on the poloidal angles, and its mode numbers are |m/n|=2/0 which are consistent with the theoretical prediction. The new findings give a deep insight into the underlying physics mechanism for the excitation of the LF Alfvénic/acoustic fluctuation and zonal flows (ZFs).

Country or International Organization of Primary Author


Primary author

Mr Wei Chen (China)


Prof. Jiaqi Dong (Southwestern Institute of Physics) Dr Jun CHENG (Southwestern Institute of Physics) Dr Liming Yu (Southwestern Institute of Physics) Prof. Longwen Yan (Southwestern Institute of Physics) Dr Mitsutaka Isobe (National Institute for Fusion Science) Prof. Qingwei Yang (Southwestern Institute of Physics) Mr Shaoyong Chen (Sichuan University) Prof. Wei LI (Southwestern Institute of Physics) Prof. Xianming SONG (Southwestern Institute of Physics) Dr Xiaoquan Ji (Southwestern Institute of Physics) Prof. Xuantong Ding (Southwestern Institute of Physics) Prof. Xuru Duan (Southwestern Institute of Physics) Prof. Yan ZHOU (Southwestern Institute of Physics) Prof. Yi Liu (Southwestern Institute of Physics) Prof. Yuan HUANG (Southwestern Institute of Physics) Mr Zhiwei xia (Southwestern Institute of Physics) Dr Zhongbing SHI (Southwestern Institute of Physics)

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