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Oct 8 – 13, 2012
US/Pacific timezone

FTP/P1-18: Progress in the Development of Long Pulse Neutral Beam Injectors for JT-60SA

Oct 9, 2012, 8:30 AM
Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster FTP - Fusion Technology and Power Plant Design Poster: P1


Mr Masaya Hanada (Japan)


To realize a 100 s injection of neutral beams for JT-60 Super Advanced (JT-60SA), the feasibility of the long-pulse production of the ion beams is investigated. Using the JT-60 positive ion source, the long-pulse production of the positive ion beams is confirmed to be feasible for JT-60SA by analyzing the results obtained in the productions of full power D+ ion beams of 85 keV, 27.5 A for 30 s and a half power H+ ion beams of 60 keV, 18A for 200 s. This shows that the JT-60 positive ion source is expected to be reused in JT-60SA without modifications. To realize a stable acceleration of the high current D- ion beams of 500 keV for 100 s without interruptions due to breakdowns, vacuum voltage holding capability of the multi-aperture grid designed for JT-60 SA is firstly clarified in the world. Based on results, the gap length of the accelerator was tuned for the grid area and number of the apertures for JT-60SA. As the result, high voltage holding during 100 s without breakdowns was attained at 200 kV for one acceleration gap at an optimum gap length for sufficient suppressions of the beam losses. This suggests that stable long-pulse acceleration to 500 keV could be expected for three acceleration stages in JT-60SA.

Country or International Organization of Primary Author


Primary author

Mr Masaya Hanada (Japan)


Dr Atsushi Kojima (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr B.H. Oh (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Dr D.H. Chang (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Mr Hiroshi Seki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Hiroyuki Tobari (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr K.W. Lee (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Mr Katsutomi Usui (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Mr Kazuhiko Mogaki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Kazumi Oasa (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Larry Grisham (Princeton Plasama Physics Laboratory) Mr Masahiro Ozeki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Masaki Taniguchi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Mr Masao Komata (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Mieko Kashiwagi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Mr Minoru Kazawa (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Mr Noboru Akino (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Mr Norikazu Seki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr S.H. Jeong (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Prof. Shinichi Kobayashi (Saitama University) Mr Shunichi Sasaki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Mr Syuji Nemoto (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Mr Tatsuo Shimizu (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Mr Yasuei Endo (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Yasushi Yamanou (Saitama University) Dr kazuhiro Watanabe (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr takashi Inoue (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

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