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Oct 8 – 13, 2012
US/Pacific timezone

EX/P2-17: Resonant and Non-resonant type Pre-ionization and Current Ramp-up Experiments on Tokamak ADITYA in the Ion Cyclotron Frequency Range

Oct 9, 2012, 2:00 PM
4h 45m
Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles Poster: P2


Mr Sanjay Kulkarni (India)


Here we report the pre-ionization experiments carried out in ICRF range using poloidal type fast wave antenna, and 200 kW RF system at 24.8 MHz frequency which corresponds to the second harmonic resonance layer at the center of the vacuum vessel of tokamak ADITYA at 0.825 T. The experiments are carried out in different phases like only RF plasma, RF plasma in presence of toroidal magnetic field, RF pre-ionization with higher loop voltages and then at lower loop voltages by decreasing current and then at lower loop voltages with constant volts-seconds. In last phase the current ramp-up is carried out at lower loop voltages as well as with slow rise time to simulate the requirements of steady state tokamaks like SST-1. The toroidal magnetic field is varied from 0.825 T to 0.075 T, pressure is varied from 3 x 10^-5 torr to 8.0 x 10^-4 torr and RF power is varied from 20 kW to 120 kW. The diagnostics used are Langmuir probes, visible camera, spectroscopy, soft and hard X-ray detection techniques, diamagnetic loop and microwave diagnostics like interferometer and reflectometer. After plasma production at different magnetic fields, the pre-ionization experiments are carried out at different loop voltages to ramp up the current and we could ramp up current at all available loop voltages starting from 22 volts to 8 volts of the ohmic loop voltage to get normal plasma discharge of 90 kA and 90 ms duration. There exists a minimum value of the toroidal magnetic field (0.09T) below which no plasma spread is observed and also below 20 kW RF power we did not observe pre-ionization. It is observed that at lower loop voltages the current ramp-up is possible only in presence of pre-ionization.

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Primary author


Mr Atul Varia (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr B R Kadia (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr C N Gupta (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr H M Jadav (Institute for Plasma Research) Dr Joydeep Ghosh (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Kirit Parmar (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Kishore Mishra (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Manoj Parihar (Institute for Plasma Research) Dr Manoj kumar Gupta (Institute for Plasma Research) Ms Nilam Ramaiya (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Pravin Atrey (Institute for Plasma Research) Prof. Predhiman K Kaw (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Rakesh Tanna (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Ramesh Joshi (Institute for Plasma Research) Prof. Ratneshwar Jha (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr S B Bhatt (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Shankar Joisa (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Sunil Kumar (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr YSS Srinivas (Institute for Plasma Research)

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