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Oct 8 – 13, 2012
US/Pacific timezone

O/4: Keynote Presentation: Fusion Energy: For Now, and Forever

Oct 8, 2012, 9:30 AM
Indigo Ball Room

Indigo Ball Room

Overview Presentation Opening and Keynote Presentation


Mr Francis F. Chen (USA)


Fusion is, of course, mankind’s energy source forever, starting as soon as 2050. For now, our main problem is to get the truth about fusion out to the general public. Without grass-roots support for fusion, governments’ commitments to ITER may be eroded, and budget increases to cover rising costs may be impossible. This is a plea for fusion scientists to help spread the word, countering the extensive press coverage of wind and solar power. Arguments in favor of fusion will be given, as well as news about climate change and the state of renewable energies. The talk will start with reminiscences of the 1958 Geneva and the 1968 Novosibirsk conferences, with photographs.

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Presentation materials