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Oct 8 – 13, 2012
US/Pacific timezone

IFE/1-2: Progress toward Polar-Drive Ignition for the NIF

Oct 11, 2012, 8:50 AM
Indigo Ball Room

Indigo Ball Room

Oral Presentation IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory


Mr Robert L. McCrory (Laboratory for Laser Energetics)


The Omega Laser Facility at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) is used to study direct-drive inertial confinement fusion (ICF) ignition concepts. The baseline ignition target design for this research, using symmetric irradiation, consists of a 1.5-MJ multiple-picket laser pulse that generates four shock waves [similar to the National Ignition Facility (NIF) baseline indirect-drive design] and produces a 1-D gain of 48. Re optimized for polar-drive (PD) illumination (with beams in the x-ray drive configuration), the predicted 2-D gain for this design is ~32, including all known sources of nonuniformities. Verification of the physics base of these simulations is a major thrust of implosion experiments on both OMEGA and the NIF. Many physics issues can be examined with symmetric beam irradiation. OMEGA cryogenic-DT target experiments with symmetric irradiation have produced areal densities of ~0.3 g/cm^2. Physics issues unique to PD are being examined on OMEGA by turning off the equatorial beams and closely approximating the polar-illumination geometry on the NIF. Initial PD “exploding-pusher” experiments on the NIF, designed and tested on OMEGA, have produced neutron yields up to 6 x 10^{14} and are a critical facet in the testing of diagnostics required for the ignition campaign on the NIF. This talk describes progress in direct-drive central hot-spot ICF in both symmetric and PD configurations. The current research program is comprised of three segments: (1) validation of direct-drive, symmetric, cryogenic target performance on the OMEGA Laser System; (2) demonstration of a viable polar-drive–ignition platform using experiments on the OMEGA Laser System; and (3) definition and execution of a polar-drive–ignition campaign on the NIF. Each of these segments has seen significant progress since the 2010 IAEA FEC, enhancing our confidence in achieving polar-drive ignition on the NIF. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Inertial Confinement Fusion under Cooperative Agreement No DE-FC52-08NA28302, the University of Rochester, and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. The support of DOE does not constitute an endorsement by DOE of the views expressed in this article.

Country or International Organization of Primary Author


Primary author

Mr Robert L. McCrory (Laboratory for Laser Energetics)


Dr Alex Shvydky (Laboratory for Laser Energetics`) Dr Barukh Yaakobi (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Chikang Li (MIT) Dr Christian Stoeckl (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Craig Sangster (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Dan Casey (MIT) Dr Dana Egdell (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr David Harding (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr David Meyerhofer (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Dustin Froula (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Fred Marshall (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Fredric Seguin (MIT) Dr Igor Igumenshchev (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Jacques Delettrez (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Jason Myatt (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Jim Knauer (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Johann Frenje (MIT) Dr John Marozas (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr John Soures (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Jonathon Zuegel (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Maria Gatu-Johnson (MIT) Dr Mattias Hohenberger (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr P.B. Radha (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Pat McKenty (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Philip Nilson (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Reuben Epstein (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Prof. Riccardo Betti (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Rich Petrasso (MIT) Dr Robert Short (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Sean Regan (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Stan Skupsky (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Steve Craxton (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Prof. Steve Padalino (SUNY-Geneseo) Dr Suxing Hu (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Terry Kessler (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Tim Collins (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Tom Boehly (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Ms Tomline Michel (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Valeri Goncharov (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Vladimir Gelbov (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Wolf Seka (Laboratory for Laser Energetics) Dr Wolfgang Theobald (Laboratory for Laser Energetics)

Presentation materials