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Oct 8 – 13, 2012
US/Pacific timezone

EX/P2-04: Study of H-mode Access in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak: Density, Toroidal Field and Divertor Geometry Dependence

Oct 9, 2012, 2:00 PM
4h 45m
Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster EXC - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Confinement Poster: P2


Mr Yunxing Ma (MIT PSFC)


Knowing the conditions for H-mode access is important for ITER high performance plasma operation. The experimental study carried out on Alcator C-Mod in support of this research primarily focused on (1) determining optimum global and local plasma conditions for promoting H-mode access, (2) characterizing plasma behaviors before L-H transition at low density, and (3) demonstrating a strong (>50%) reduction in H-mode threshold power (P_th)with modified divertor geometry. It is known that “hidden” variables other than those indicated by the multi-machine scaling law can also have a great impact on P_th. In C-Mod, we observed a strong reduction in P_th at medium and high densities with slot divertor operation. A minimum P_th of 0.7MW appears at 1.5x10^20m^-3 in this configuration, which is only 40% of the scaling law prediction. Interestingly, the edge T_e and n_e profiles prior to L-H transition are not apparently affected by divertor geometry. This result is promising and of particular interest for H-mode access at reduced power. H-mode access at low density is a potential concern for ITER H-mode operation. This issue has been studied in dedicated C-Mod experiments operated at two different B_T (5.4T and 3.5T). At 5.4T, both P_th and T_e,95 (T_e at psi=0.95) preceding L-H transition rise considerably for density below 1.0x10^20m^-3. The ion and electron temperature near the pedestal top remain well equilibrated in the low-density regime, which contrasts the AUG result. The few plasmas with very low density (<0.8x10^20m^-3) show an edge T_e pedestal formed well before L-H transition, however, no clear edge n_e or T_i pedestal emerged until after L-H transition. Another significant finding is that the low density limit for H-mode access moves to lower values of density when B_T is reduced. Scaling of P_th and local plasma edge conditions for H-mode access was examined over a wide range of plasma parameters in C-Mod divertor plasmas with ion grad-B drift in the favorable direction for H-mode access. The obtained local conditions were employed to test the L-H transition models based on the suppression of resistive-ballooning mode and drift-Alfven wave turbulence. A new model developed recently to predict H-mode access power was also tested

Country or International Organization of Primary Author


Primary author

Mr Yunxing Ma (MIT PSFC)


A.E. Hubbard (MIT PSFC) B. LaBombard (MIT PSFC) E.S. Marmar (MIT PSFC) J. Terry (MIT PSFC) J.W. Hughes (MIT PSFC) R.M. Churchill (MIT PSFC) S. Zweben (PPPL)

Presentation materials