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Oct 8 – 13, 2012
US/Pacific timezone

EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A

Oct 12, 2012, 8:30 AM
Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster EXC - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Confinement Poster: P7


Mr Kaijun Zhao (China)


New meso-scale electric fluctuations (MSEFs), having two components of n=0 and m/n=6/2 potential fluctuations, are first identified in the edge plasmas of a tokamak. The MSEFs coexist and interact with the magnetic fluctuations with two components of n=0 and m/n=6/2 (magnetic islands). The MSEFs also coexist and interplay with turbulence and low frequency zonal flow. The MSEFs mainly modulate the turbulence of frequencies higher than 100kHz and lower than 200kHz.

Country or International Organization of Primary Author


Primary author

Mr Kaijun Zhao (China)


Prof. Akihide Fujisawa (RIAM) Prof. Jiaqi Dong (SWIP) Dr Jun Cheng (RIAM) Prof. Kimitaka Itoh (NIFS) Dr Lai Wei (DUT) Dr Longwen Yan (SWIP) Dr Min Xu (CMTFO) Prof. Patrick.H Diamond (CMTFO, WCI) Dr Qiang Li (SWIP) Dr Qw Yang (SWIP) Dr S Inagaki (RIAM) Prof. S-I Itoh (RIAM, KU) Prof. Tynan George (CMTFO) Dr Wenyu Hong (SWIP) Dr Xiaoquan Ji (SWIP) Prof. Xr Duan (SWIP) Prof. Xuantong Ding (SWIP) Dr Y Nagashima (RIAM) Dr Yi Liu (SWIP) Dr Yuan Huang (SWIP) Dr Zhengx Wang (DUT) Dr Zhihui Huang (SWIP)

Presentation materials