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Oct 8 – 13, 2012
US/Pacific timezone

ITR/P5-37: Evolution of the ITER Diagnostic Set Specifications

Oct 11, 2012, 8:30 AM
Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster ITR - ITER Activities Poster: P5


Mr Michael Walsh (ITER)


The ITER diagnostic set [1] and proposed specifications, developed jointly with the ITPA [2], were formally reviewed together in 2007. Key results of this process were presented in ref. [3]. Since then, ITER diagnostic designs have progressed [4] and been taken through their conceptual design reviews (CDRs), a process that is about 2/3rds complete. In the process of arriving at a diagnostic specification for each CDR, the ability of a diagnostic to meet its contribution to the project measurement requirements (PR, [5]) is also reviewed. In turn, this allows a review of the justification of these requirements. To ensure consistency, and to ensure that the integrated diagnostic set performance meets ITER needs and, in particular, the needs for plasma control, a parallel process of recording the rationale behind the measurement parameter specifications, expanding the specification to deal with specific conditions and justifying the diagnostic roles is underway. Parameters that have already undergone extensive review include most the density-related parameters and all of the parameters with a primary contribution from magnetic diagnostics as well as the current profile. A complete update will be included in the contributed paper, together with key implications for the ITER diagnostic set. References: [1] A. Costley et al, (IT/1-5) The design and implementation of diagnostic systems on ITER, Proc. 21st IAEA FEC, Chengdu (2006), IAEA-CN-149 [2] A.J.H Donné et al, Chapter 7: Diagnostics, Nucl. Fusion 47 (2007) S 337 ff. [3] A. Costley et al, (IT/P6-21) Measurement Requirements and the Diagnostic System on ITER: Modifications Following the Design Review, Proc. 22nd IAEA FEC, Geneva (2008), IAEA-CN-165 [4] M.J Walsh et al, (ITR/P1-07) Overview of high priority ITER Diagnostic systems status, Proc. 23rd IAEA FEC, Daejon (2010), IAEA-CN-180 [5] ITER Organization, Project Requirements version 4.6 (2010), internal document [6] V. Parail et al 2009 Nucl. Fusion 49 075030 [7] M. van Zeeland, Private communication

Country or International Organization of Primary Author

ITER Organization

Primary author


Dr Christopher Watts (ITER Organization) Dr Evegeny Veshchev (ITER Orginization) Dr Joseph Snipes (ITER Organization) Dr Luciano Bertalot (ITER Organization) Mr Michael Walsh (ITER) Dr Philip Andrew (ITER Organization) Mrs Radija Bouhamou (ITER Orgamization) Dr Robin Barnsley (ITER Organization) Dr Roger Reichle (ITER Organization) Dr Spencer Pitcher (ITER Organization) Dr Victor Udintsev (ITER Organization)

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