8:30 AM
TH/6-3: Multi-Scale Drift Turbulence Dynamics in Ohmic Discharge as Measured at the FT-2 Tokamak and Modeled by Full-f Gyrokinetic ELMFIRE-code
Evgeniy Gusakov
(Russian Federation)
8:30 AM
TH/5-1: Gyrokinetic Instabilities in an Evolving Tokamak H-mode Pedestal
Colin Roach
8:30 AM
TH/6-1: Progress in Simulating Turbulent Electron Thermal Transport in NSTX
Walter Guttenfelder
8:30 AM
TH/6-2: Role of External Torque and Toroidal Momentum Transport in the Dynamics of Heat Transport in Internal Transport Barriers
Hogun Jhang
(Republic of Korea)
8:30 AM
EX/P7-06: Turbulence and Transport Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ELM-Suppressed Plasmas
George R. McKee
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-08: Deterministically Safe Highly Sub-Critical Fission-Fusion Hybrid Reactors
Mike Kotschenreuther
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-37: Divertor Heat Flux Reduction by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in the LHD-Type Helical DEMO Reactor
Nagato Yanagi
8:30 AM
TH/P7-13: Flux-driven Full-f Gyrokinetic Studies of the Influence of Edge Dynamics in Diverted Geometry on Tokamak Core Confinement
Seung-Hoe Ku
8:30 AM
TH/P7-04: High Frequency Geodesic Acoustic Modes in Electron Scale Turbulence
Johan Anderson
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-21: Radiological Dose Rate Mapping of D-D/D-T Neutron Generator Facilities
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-25: Neutronic Evaluation of a Power Plant Conceptual Study considering Different Modelings
Carlos Eduardo Velasquez
8:30 AM
TH/P7-08: Interaction of Stable Modes and Zonal Flows in ITG Turbulence
Paul Terry
8:30 AM
SEE/P7-02: Economic, CO2 Emission and Energy Assessments of Fusion Reactors
Kozo Yamazaki
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-19: KIT Fusion Neutronics R&D Activities and Related Design Applications
Ulrich Fischer
8:30 AM
EX/P7-23: Far-reaching Impact of Intermittent Transport across the Scrape-off Layer: Latest Results from ASDEX Upgrade
Martin Kocan
8:30 AM
EX/P7-22: Dynamics of the Plasma Edge during the L-H Transition and H-mode in MAST
Rory Scannell
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-27: Analysis of Consequences in the Loss-Of-Coolant Accident in Wendelstein 7-X Experimental Nuclear Fusion Facility
Eugenijus Uspuras
8:30 AM
TH/P7-03: Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation of Microturbulence in Tokamak Plasmas
Ihor Holod
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-07: Conceptual Design Requirements and Solutions for MW-Range Fusion Neutron Source FNS-ST
Boris Kuteev
(Russian Federation)
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-16: Research of Low Activation Structural Material for Fusion Reactor in SWIP
Jiming Chen
8:30 AM
TH/P7-11: Advective Flux in Turbulent Plasmas Due to Noise
Chang-Bae Kim
(Republic of Korea)
8:30 AM
EX/P7-19: L to H-mode Power Threshold and Confinement Characteristics of H-modes in KSTAR
Yong-Su Na
(Republic of Korea)
8:30 AM
SEE/P7-01: The Long-term Impact of the Fukushima on the Prospect of the Fusion Power in Korea: TIMES Model Approach for the Electricity Sector
Hansoo CHANG
(Republic of Korea)
8:30 AM
TH/P7-14: Turbulence Generated Non-inductive Current and Flow Shear Driven Turbulent Transport in Tokamaks
Wei Xing Wang
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-10: Performances of Helium, Neon and Argon Glow Discharges for Reduction of Fuel Hydrogen Retention in Tungsten, Stainless Steel and Graphite
Tomoaki Hino
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-29: Benchmarking Reactor Systems Studies by Comparison of EU and Japanese System Code Results for Different DEMO Concepts
Richard Kemp
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-02: A 14 MeV Fusion Neutron Source for Material and Blanket Development and Fission Fuel Production
Thomas Simonen
8:30 AM
EX/6-3Ra: ELM Mitigation by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection: KSTAR and HL-2A Experiments and Theory
Weiwen Xiao
8:30 AM
EX/7-1: The Dependence of H-mode Energy Confinement and Transport on Collisionality in NSTX
Stanley Kaye
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-05: Neutronic Calculation of Radiation Damage in First Wall of a Fusion-Fission Reactor
Hacı Şahin
8:30 AM
EX/P7-09: Validation Studies of Gyrofluid and Gyrokinetic Predictions of Transport and Turbulence Stiffness Using the DIII-D Tokamak
Christopher Holland
8:30 AM
FTP/3-1: Technical Challenges in the Construction of the Steady-State Stellarator Wendelsetin 7-X
Hans-Stephan Bosch
8:30 AM
FTP/4-6: Development of Magnetic Fusion Neutron Sources and Fusion-Fission Hybrid Systems in Russia
Englen Azizov
(Russian Federation)
8:30 AM
FTP/3-2: SST-1 Tokamak Integration & Commissioning
Subrata Pradhan
8:30 AM
FTP/4-1: Hydrogen Isotope Trapping at Defects Created with Neutron- and Ion-Irradiation in Tungsten
Yuji Hatano
8:30 AM
FTP/3-4: Progress on Developing the Spherical Tokamak for Fusion Applications
Jonathan Menard
8:30 AM
TH/P7-07: Plasma Size and Collisionality Scaling of Ion Temperature Gradient Driven Turbulent transport
Motoki Nakata
8:30 AM
EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
Kaijun Zhao
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-17: Research and Development Status of Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels Corresponding to DEMO Design Requirement
Hiroyasu Tanigawa
8:30 AM
EX/P7-20: L-H Power Threshold, Pedestal Stability and Confinement in JET with a Metallic Wall
Marc Beurskens
8:30 AM
TH/P7-05: Gyrokinetic Total Distribution Simulations of Drift-wave Turbulence and Neo-classical Dynamics in Tokamaks with Elmfire
J. Salomon Janhunen
(Aalto University School of Science)
8:30 AM
EX/7-2Rb: Turbulent Eddy-mediated Particle, Momentum, and Vorticity Transport in the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak Plasma
Min Xu
8:30 AM
TH/P7-09: Towards Turbulence Control via EGAM Excitation & Vorticity Injection
8:30 AM
TH/P7-15: Steady State Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Microturbulence in Tokamaks
Rajaraman Ganesh
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-18: Simulation of Defects in Fusion Materials Containing Hydrogen and Helium
Troyo Troev
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-33: A Feasible DEMO Blanket Concept Based on Water Cooled Solid Breeder
Youji Someya
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-01: Feasibility of a Fusion Hybrid Reactor Based on the Gasdynamic Mirror
Terry Kammash
8:30 AM
TH/P7-06: Electrostatic Gyrokinetic Absolute Equilibria: Calculation, Simulation and Physics Relevant to Fusion Plasmas Turbulence
Jian-Zhou Zhu
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-15: Development of Small Specimen Test Techniques for the IFMIF Test Cell
Eiichi Wakai
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-12: Self-healing of Radiation Damage by Coupled Motion of Grain Boundaries in Tungsten Divertor Plates under Reactor Conditions
Valery Borovikov
8:30 AM
TH/P7-02: Progress on Theoretical Issues in Modelling Turbulent Transport
Yusuke Kosuga
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-30: Steady State versus Pulsed Tokamak DEMO
Francesco Paolo Orsitto
8:30 AM
SEE/1-1: International Perspectives on a Path to MFE DEMO
George Neilson
8:30 AM
FTP/3-5: Lithium-Metal Infused Trenches (LiMIT): A New Way to Remove Divertor Heat Flux
David Ruzic
8:30 AM
FTP/4-2: Integrated Computational study of Material Lifetime in a Fusion Reactor Environment
Mark Gilbert
8:30 AM
FTP/3-3: On the Physics Guidelines for a Tokamak DEMO
Hartmut Zohm
8:30 AM
FTP/4-3: Initial Results of the Large Liquid Lithium Test Loop for the IFMIF Target
Hiroo Kondo
8:30 AM
TH/P7-10: Theory of External Geodesic Acoustic Mode Excitation
Klaus Hallatschek
8:30 AM
EX/P7-17: The Role of Zonal Flows and Predator-Prey Oscillations in the Formation of Core and Edge Transport Barriers
Lothar Schmitz
8:30 AM
EX/P7-18: Parametric Dependencies of Low-k Turbulence in NSTX H-mode Pedestals
David Smith
8:30 AM
EX/P7-01: Characterisation of Ion-scale Turbulence in MAST
Anthony Field
8:30 AM
EX/P7-03: Characteristics of Microturbulence in H-mode Plasma of LHD
Kenji Tanaka
8:30 AM
EX/P7-24: Time-resolved Evolution of Low Frequency Electrostatic Fluctuations during Slow L-H Transition at the Boundary Plasma of HL-2A Tokamak
Jun Cheng
8:30 AM
EX/P7-12: Plasma Diffusion and Turbulence Studies in T-10 Tokamak
Vladimir Vershkov
(Russian Federation)
8:30 AM
EX/P7-08: Investigation of L-I-H Transitions Facilitated by Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection and Pellet Fuelling on the HL-2A Tokamak
Yuan Huang
8:30 AM
EX/P7-07: Generation of Large Scale Coherent Structures by Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A Tokamak
Jiaqi Dong
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-04: A Feasibility Study on a Clean Power Fusion Fission Hybrid Reactor
Myung Hyun Kim
(Republic of Korea)
8:30 AM
EX/P7-10: Studies of Turbulence, Transport and Flow in the Large Plasma Device
Troy Carter
8:30 AM
EX/P7-11: Study of ELMy H-mode Plasmas and BOUT++ Simulation on EAST
Zixi Liu
8:30 AM
TH/5-2Ra: Five-field Peeling-Ballooning Modes Simulation with BOUT++
Tianyang Xia
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-11: Development of W Based Materials for Fusion Power Reactors
Minh Quang Tran
8:30 AM
FTP/4-4Rc: Current Progress of Chinese Solid Breeder TBM
Kaiming Feng
8:30 AM
EX/6-3Rb: ELM Mitigation with SMBI & CJI Fuelling in HL-2A H-mode Plasmas
Chengyuan Chen
8:30 AM
FTP/4-5Rb: Low Activation Vanadium Alloys for Fusion Power Reactors - the RF Results
Viacheslav Chernov
(Russian Federation)
8:30 AM
TH/P7-01: Particle Transport in Ion and Electron Scale Turbulence
Par Strand
8:30 AM
TH/5-2Rb: Theory and Gyro-fluid Simulations of Edge-Localized-Modes
Xueqiao Xu
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
8:30 AM
EX/P7-05: Relating the L-H Power Threshold Scaling to Edge Turbulence Dynamics
Zheng Yan
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-35: A Fast-Track Path to DEMO Enabled by ITER and FNSF-AT
Andrea M. Garofalo
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-06: Neutronic Analysis of a Thorium-uranium Fueled Fusion-fission Hybrid Energy System
Zhiwei Zhou
8:30 AM
FTP/4-4Ra: Status of LLCB TBM R&D Activities in India
Ellappan Rajendrakumar
8:30 AM
FTP/4-4Rb: Activities on the Helium Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket Module for ITER
Giacomo Aiello
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-31: Critical Design Factors for Sector Transport Maintenance in DEMO
Hiroyasu Utoh
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-32: Divertor Design and Physics Issues of Huge Power Handling for SlimCS Demo Reactor
Nobuyuki Asakura
8:30 AM
EX/P7-02: Response of Electron-scale Turbulence and Thermal Transport to Continuous ExB Shear Ramping-up in NSTX
Yang Ren
8:30 AM
EX/6-1: The Effect of ELM Mitigation Methods on the Access to High H-mode Confinement (H_98~1) on JET
Elena de la Luna
8:30 AM
FTP/4-5Ra: Optimisation of a Nanostructured ODS Ferritic Steel Fabrication towards Improvement of its Plasticity
Jan Fikar
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-14: Research on Tritium/Heat Transfer and Irradiation Synergism for First Wall and Blanket in the TITAN Project
Takeo Muroga
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-23: SST-1 Magnet System Progress Towards Device Assembly
Aashoo Sharma
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-20: Manufacturing and Development of JT-60SA Vacuum Vessel and Divertor
8:30 AM
EX/P7-16: Edge Plasma Transport and Microstability Analysis with Lithium-coated Plasma-facing Components in NSTX
John Canik
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-26: First Results from Tests of High Temperature Superconductor Magnets on Tokamak
Mikhail Gryaznevich
8:30 AM
EX/6-2: Experimental Demonstration of High Frequency ELM Pacing by Pellet Injection on DIII-D and Extrapolation to ITER
Larry R. Baylor
8:30 AM
EX/P7-04: Turbulence Wave Number Spectra Reconstruction from Radial Correlation Reflectometry Data at Tore Supra and FT-2 Tokamaks
Natalia Kosolapova
8:30 AM
TH/P7-12: ExB Shear Suppression of Turbulence in Diverted H-mode Plasmas; Role of Edge Magnetic Shear
Taik Soo Hahm
(Republic of Korea)
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-22: Optimization of JT-60SA Plasma Operational Scenario with Capabilities of Installed Actuators
Shunsuke Ide
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-34: Multifarious Physics Analyses of the Core Plasma Properties in a Helical DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
Junichi Miyazawa
8:30 AM
TH/6-4: Global Gyrokinetic Simulations of High-performance Discharges in View of ITER
Frank Jenko
8:30 AM
TH/5-3: Reduction of ELM Energy Loss by Pellet Injection for ELM Pacing
Nobuhiko Hayashi
8:30 AM
EX/P7-21: Evolution of the Turbulence Radial Wavenumber Spectrum near the L-H Transition in NSTX Ohmic Discharges
Shigeyuki Kubota
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-28: Progress in Developing a High-Availability Advanced Tokamak Pilot Plant
Thomas Brown
8:30 AM
EX/P7-14: The Observation of Dual-peak Geodesic Acoustic Modes in the Edge Plasma on Tokamaks
Baonian Wan
(Institute of Plasma Physics)
8:30 AM
FTP/P7-36: Neutronics Design of Helical Type DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
Teruya Tanaka
8:30 AM
EX/P7-13: Correlations of the Turbulent Structures during Nonlocal Effect Caused by SMBI on the HL-2A Tokamak
Zhongbing Shi