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Oct 8 – 13, 2012
US/Pacific timezone

EX/P5-10: Efficiency of Fuel Removal: Overview of Techniques Tested on Plasma-Facing Components from the TEXTOR Tokamak

Oct 11, 2012, 8:30 AM
Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL) Poster: P5


Mr Volker Philipps (Germany)


Curtailing of long-term fuel inventory in plasma-facing components (PFC) is one of the most critical and challenging issues to be resolved in order to ensure safe and economically viable operation of a reactor, especially if the use of carbon target plates is considered. This paper provides an overview of results obtained with thermal, photonic, oxidative and plasma-assisted fuel removal processes studied on PFC and probes from the TEXTOR tokamak: graphite and metal (steel or tungsten) substrates. Comparative experiments were also carried out in laboratory devices. Three aspects have been taken into account in the assessment of each approach: efficiency of removal of fuel and co-deposits, effect on the surface condition of the PFC and dust formation caused by destruction and disintegration of co-deposits. To control the gas phase and surface morphology during subsequent stages of treatment a set of analysis techniques was used: e.g. thermal desorption spectrometry, optical and X-ray spectroscopy, ion beam analysis and microscopy. The main results are: (a) Oxidative methods remove fuel and carbon but the rate strongly depends on the overall film composition; the presence of non-volatile impurities (B, Si, metals) slows the process. (b) Nitrogen-assisted discharges do not lead to a noticeable fuel removal. (c) Desorption at 623 K, i.e. at the maximum baking temperature of the ITER divertor, removes only 15% of hydrogenic species. Effective fuel release requires heating above 850-900 K, but baking at such conditions results in cracking and peeling-off of co-deposits thus leading to the dust formation. The same is observed under oxidation at that temperature level. (d) Laser-induced ablation generates large amount of dust which may still contain substantial amount of fuel. The irradiation may result in substrate damage. (e) Efficient local fuel release from C layers occurs with low-power laser-induced desorption. The ongoing study shows that no single method alone would provide solution to efficient fuel removal especially from shadowed regions in a reactor. The whole activity indicates that hybrid scenario, involving mechanical methods and hovering of dust, would be needed to reduce fuel inventory. Fuel re-absorption by depleted layers is also now examined.

Country or International Organization of Primary Author


Primary author

Dr Marek Rubel (KTH, Royal Institute of Technology)


Dr Alexander Huber (Forschungszentrum Juelich, Association Euratom - FZJ, Germany) Dr Bernd Schweer (Forschungszentrum Juelich, Association Euratom - FZJ, Germany) Mrs Darya Ivanova (Royal Institute of Technology, Association Euratom - VR, Sweden) Mr Miroslaw Zlobinski (Forschungszentrum Juelich, Association Euratom - FZJ, Germany) Dr Per Petersson (Royal Institute of Technology, Association Euratom - VR, Sweden) Mr Volker Philipps (Germany)

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