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Oct 8 – 13, 2012
US/Pacific timezone

FTP/P7-22: Optimization of JT-60SA Plasma Operational Scenario with Capabilities of Installed Actuators

Oct 12, 2012, 8:30 AM
Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster FTP - Fusion Technology and Power Plant Design Poster: P7


Mr Shunsuke Ide (Japan)


Assessment of plasma operation scenarios and possible operation spaces in JT-60SA has been carried out with emphasis on controllability with actuators, including not only heating and current drive but also fueling and pumping system. The main target of this assessment is high normalized pressure (beta_N) steady-state scenario, which requires careful control. It is confirmed that the safety factor profile, which is believed to play an important role for confinement improvement, can be prepared appropriately at the plasma current (I_p) ramp-up phase in a wide extent within capability of the installed ECRF system. At the flat-top of a high normalized pressure and high bootstrap current plasma, it is also confirmed that the installed NB system can modify the safety factor profile and the confinement property within the planned capabilities. It is confirmed that impurity seeding in the SOL and the divertor region can maintain the heat flux within the divertor heat tolerance keeping the separatrix density level acceptable.

Country or International Organization of Primary Author


Primary author

Mr Shunsuke Ide (Japan)


Dr Clive Challis (CULHAM CENTRE FOR FUSION ENERGY) Dr Emmanuel Joffrin (FRENCH ALTERNATIVE ENERGIES AND ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION) Dr Gennichi Kurita (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Gerardo Giruzzi (FRENCH ALTERNATIVE ENERGIES AND ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION) Dr Go Matsunaga (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Hajime Urano (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Hisato Kawashima (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Junya Shiraishi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Katsuhiro Shimizu (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Kiyotaka Hamamatsu (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Manabu Takechi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Mitsuru Honda (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Nobuhiko Hayashi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Nobuyuki Aiba (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Takaaki Fujita (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Takahiro Suzuki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Tommaso Bolzonella (CONSORZIO RFX) Dr Tomohide Nakano (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Yoshiaki Miyata (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

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