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Oct 8 – 13, 2012
US/Pacific timezone

EX/8-3: From Globus-M Results Toward Compact Spherical Tokamak with Enhanced Parameters, Globus-M2

Oct 12, 2012, 9:50 AM
Indigo Ball Room

Indigo Ball Room

Oral Presentation EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles 3D Equilibrium & High Beta Physics


Mr Vasily Gusev (Russian Federation)


The spherical tokamak Globus-M has largely reached its projected parameters. Some of the deficiencies, which do not allow to cross the present operational range have been identified. The experimental basis and the recognition of the reasons for limitations form the basis for the parameter definition of the next step, Globus M2. In this paper we report on the major findings on Globus-M including recent results and we present the design parameters of Globus-M2. The summary of the main results obtained on Globus-M with neutral beam auxiliary heating and ion cyclotron heating is presented. The transport analysis of both L and H-mode and ITB discharges together with investigation of fast ion behavior in Globus-M created the basement for predictive numerical simulations in the conditions of magnetic field and plasma current increasing to 1T and 0.5 MA correspondingly. The plasma column dimensions remain unchanged in the new machine named Globus-M2. The results show that at the density of ~10^20 m^-3 plasma in Globus-M2 is heated up to the temperature of over 1 keV range and the energy stored in plasma is 3-5 times over the achieved level. The prospects on RF plasma heating and quasistationary noninductive current drive by means of ion cyclotron range waves and lower hybrid waves as well as the data of numerical simulations are discussed.

Country or International Organization of Primary Author

Russian Federation

Primary author

Mr Vasily Gusev (Russian Federation)


Mr Alexandr Novokhatsky (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Dr Alexandr Panasenkov (NFI RRC “Kurchatov Institute”) Dr Alexandr Saveliev (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Mr Alexandr Shevelev (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Dr Alexandr Voronin (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Mr Alexandr Yashin (Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University) Dr Anatoliy Mineev (D.V.Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus) Mr Andrey MELNIK (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Mr Eugeniy Zhilin (Ioffe Fusion Technology Ltd.) Dr Fedor Chernyshev (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Prof. Fritz Wagner (Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University) Mr Gleb Kurskiev (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Dr Igor Chugunov (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Dr Igor Miroshnikov (Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University) Dr Ilya Senichenkov (Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University) Dr Maxim Mironov (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Dr Mikhail Irzak (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Mr Mikhail Patrov (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Prof. Mikhail Petrov (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Dr Nikolay Khromov (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Dr Nikolay Sakharov (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Dr Oleg Shcherbinin (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Mr Sergey Khitrov (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Dr Sergey Tolstyakov (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Dr Valeriy Dyachenko (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Dr Victor Bulanin (Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University) Dr Vladimir Minaev (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Prof. Vladimir Rozhansky (Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University) Dr Vladimir Varfolomeev (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute) Dr Yuriy Petrov (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute)

Presentation materials