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Oct 8 – 13, 2012
US/Pacific timezone

TH/P4-09: Penetration of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Turbulent Edge Plasmas with Transport Barrier

Oct 10, 2012, 2:00 PM
4h 45m
Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster THS - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Stability Poster: P4


Mr Guillaume Fuhr (France)


In the context of edge localized mode (ELM) control by resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs), the impact of micro-turbulence on the RMP penetration process and effectiveness is an important issue. Indeed, on the one hand, theoretical investigations as well as quasi-linear and non-linear MHD modeling reveal that the magnetic perturbation is strongly screened by plasma rotation. On the other hand, micro turbulence that is unavoidably present at the plasma edge, governs transport processes and strongly interacts with sheared plasma rotation. In this work, we study the penetration of RMPs by means of numerical simulations with different turbulence models and geometries. First, using a simplified reduced MHD model in the EMEDGE3D code, the plasma response to RMPs is studied in three-dimensional tokamak geometry with flux driven micro turbulence and a transport barrier induced by sheared plasma rotation. Second, the magnetic field penetration is studied in the framework of a two-dimensional two-fluid model including diamagnetic effects. In both models, a helical magnetic perturbation is induced at the plasma boundary and necessary numerical techniques have been developped to avoid generation of artificial courant at the boundary. In a third part of this work, we study in the frame of a two fluid model the interaction between an pre existing magnetic island and small scale turbulence propagating towards this island.

Country or International Organization of Primary Author


Primary author

Mr Guillaume Fuhr (France)


Prof. Abhijit Sen (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Alberto marcus (International Institute for Fusion Science/PIIM/ Aix-Marseille University) Mr Alexandre poye (International Institute for Fusion Science/PIIM/ Aix-Marseille University) Mr Andrei smolyakov (Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, University of Saskatchewan) Mr Arnaud monnier (International Institute for Fusion Science/PIIM/ Aix-Marseille University) Mr Francois waelbroeck (Institute for Fusion Studies, University of Texas) Mrs Magali muraglia (LABORATOIRE LISA, AIX–MARSEILLE UNIVERSITE) Mr Matteo faganello (International Institute for Fusion Science/PIIM/ Aix-Marseille University) Mr Olivier agullo (International Institute for Fusion Science/PIIM/ Aix-Marseille University) Mr Peter beyer (IInternational Institute for Fusion Science/PIIM/ Aix-Marseille University) Mr Sadruddin Benkadda (International Institute for Fusion Science/PIIM/ Aix-Marseille University) Prof. Wendell horton (Institute for Fusion Studies, University of Texas) Mr Xavier garbet (Association Euratom-CEA, CEA/DSM/IRFM)

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