14th Technical Meeting on Control Systems, Data Acquisition, Data Management and Remote Participation in Fusion Research

Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo

Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo

Rua do Matão, 1371 - Butantã CEP05508-090 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil


15 April 2024 Deadline for submission of abstracts through IAEA-INDICO for regular contributions

30 April 2024 Deadline for submission of Participation Form (Form A), and Grant Application Form (Form C) (if applicable) through the official channels

30 April 2024 Notification of acceptance of abstracts and of assigned awards


The event aims to provide a forum to discuss new developments in the areas of plasma control systems, data management including data acquisition and analysis, and remote experiments in fusion research.

Target Audience

The event aims to bring together junior and senior scientific fusion project leaders, plasma physicists, including theoreticians and experimentalists, and experts in the field of plasma control systems, data management including data acquisition and analysis, and remote experiments in fusion research.

Paper Template