In tokamaks, baking of vacuum vessel and first wall components is a prerequisite in order to obtain impurity free plasmas. Baking is performed to remove impurities viz. H2, H2O and Hydro-Carbon from the vessel and first wall components. ADITYA tokamak has been upgraded ADITYA-U tokamak to achieve shaped plasmas. The ADITYA-U is equipped with a comprehensive baking system for heating the SS...
Tungsten (W) will be used in ITER as a Plasma Facing Material (PFM) in divertor due to its capability to handle high heat flux while having a low Hydrogen (H) isotope affinity. However in presence of fusion neutrons and alpha particles, tungsten can accumulate radiation damage, which might significantly enhance its H retention property. In order to investigate the effects of radiation damage...
The Electromagnetic Particle Injector (EPI) has the potential for delivering the radiative payload to the plasma center on a 3-4 ms time scale, much faster, and deeper, than what can be achieved using present methods. Predicting and controlling disruptions is an important and urgent issue for ITER. While a primary focus is the early prediction and avoidance of conditions favorable to a...
In general, the operation of AC discharges in small tokamaks requires the control of a few external parameters such as vertical and horizontal fields, external heating (where available), chamber conditioning and gas puff. The dynamics and type of control used are mostly based on experimental empirical learning, with different combinations of actuators depending on the tokamak device....
Turbulence spreading is the transfer of free turbulent energy from strongly driven (i.e., unstable regions) to weakly driven locations [1]. The net effect of this phenomenon is the radial redistribution of turbulent energy, modifying local plasma features. It has been pointed out that spreading may be important in setting the Scrape-Off Layer (SOL) width. The peak heat load onto the divertor...
For a burning plasma device like ITER, radiative power removal by seeded impurities will be inevitable to avoid divertor damage. Increasing divertor radiation by injecting low-Z impurities such as nitrogen, to reduce scrape-off layer heat flux and to cool the divertor plasma to detachment, is put forward as the primary method to achieve this goal. Here, the possibility of increasing the...
In the ITER, an important aspect of qualifying the components to the mandatory regulatory requirements, the system developers have a challenge to first design the components fulfilling guidelines of the ITER recommended French nuclear code RCC-MR (2007) and later on demonstrate to the regulator. It is even more involving for systems that are extending primary vacuum to the interspace and...