Technical Meeting on the Safety Approach for Liquid Metal Cooled Fast Reactors and the Analysis and Modelling of Severe Accidents




IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria


The objective of the event is to provide a platform for Member States to exchange information on the design of liquid metal cooled fast reactors, with regard to the general approach to design safety and the consideration of severe accidents in the design and safety assessment of sodium cooled and lead cooled innovative reactors, with an emphasis on analysis and modelling of severe accidents.

The event will discuss experiences and technological challenges related to the safety approaches used in the design and safety assessment of LMFRs, including consideration of the relevant severe accident phenomena, models and tools used for the design and safety analyses of LMFRs, as well as regulatory and licensing aspects.

The IAEA intends to develop a new publication (TECDOC) to compile the outcomes of the meeting and address the analysis and modelling of severe accidents for Liquid Metal Cooled Fast Reactors. In addition, the meeting will contribute to the ongoing development of a TECDOC on considerations on the safety of Liquid Metal Cooled Fast Reactors.