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A smart underwater sensor for localizing radioactive sources

21 Jun 2022, 10:30
M Building (IAEA Headquarters)

M Building

IAEA Headquarters

ICP (Interactive Content Presentations) 12. Sustainability and effectiveness of safety and security systems and measures, including emerging technologies Interactive Content Presentations


Christos Tsamparis (Hellenic Center for Marine Research)


A medium resolution spectrometer is developed for smart operations in areas close to the coasts providing rapid radioactivity maps of key natural and artificial; radionuclides. The system operates using a CeBr3 crystal, appropriate electronics for saving the sequential spectra in special memories as well as a self power unit for long term measurements. The system integrates a mini GPS system for rapid mapping after the survey and site characterization. A tool is also developed to support (near) real-time applications in areas with high concentrated radioactive sources. The system offers activity concentrations of all detected gamma-ray emitters in absolute units by combining simulation code. Two experimental points were used for validating the theoretical estimation along with gamma-ray energy. The tool (system and method) is tested in a region where low level radioactive sources were buried at a depth of 5cm and a first estimation of true and false alarm is given.

Country OR Intl. Organization Greece

Primary author

Christos Tsamparis (Hellenic Center for Marine Research)


Mr Stylianos Alexakis (HCMR) Dr Effrossyni Androulakaki (HCMR) Dr Dionisis Patiris (HCMR)

Presentation materials