Since 18 of December 2019 uses Nucleus credentials. Visit our help pages for information on how to Register and Sign-in using Nucleus.

Jun 20 – 24, 2022
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria
Europe/Vienna timezone

Guidelines for Submission of Biographical Data Information

Guidelines for Submission of Biographical Information

*Please submit your biographical information by 15 June 2022*

All conference presenters are requested to provide biographical information. This will be used by session facilitators to introduce each speaker and will be uploaded to the conference app.

If you do not submit this information to us by 15 June 2022 we will not be able to introduce you before your presentation. We cannot accept the submission of this information during the conference.

Each presenter should submit biographical information only once. We also request that a photo is provided for each speaker; this will be included in the conference iOS and Android application.

Biographical information is submitted by completing the form in this LINK or by selecting 'Biographical Information' from the menu to the left.