For the past ten years, cumulative average growth rate for electricity generation in India has been close to 6%. During the year 2016-17, total electricity generation was about than 1430 billion kW-hour or TW-hour. It will be more than 1500 TW-hour in 2017-18. Considering rate of economic growth, linkage between economic growth and electricity requirements, increasing urbanisation and current...
Recognizing the limitations of currently available resources, India’s quest for new energy sources is common for all nations, which are in a state of rapid growth and aspire to seek a respectable place on the global canvas of peaceful and sustainable co-existence. Lack of adequate energy denies opportunity to lead a developed and precludes realization of human potential into what it could have...
Research and Innovation contributes to several of the ten priorities of the European Commission for 2015-19. The EU's energy research policy contributes, in particular, to provide its citizens and businesses with secure and affordable energy, while also addressing the causes of climate change.
The next Research and Innovation Programme, covering the period 2021-2027, will build on the success...
The time and cost of further increasing the overall readiness level of fusion energy, which requires testing materials under extreme environment, data collection, analysis and new designs, can be significantly reduced with the advent of the fourth industrial revolution. The fourth industrial revolution is on its way. Known as Industry 4.0, it represents the current trend to use automation and...