Christian Grisolia
25/10/2018, 14:00
SEE - Safety, Environmental and Economic Aspects of Fusion
During the ITER operation, plasma interacts with the machine plasma facing components (PFCs) through various physical processes and gives birth to particles from nanometer to tens of micron sizes that are called dusts in the fusion community. Depending on the plasma wall interaction, different types of dust will be created from almost spherical particles induced by high heat flux interaction...
Jiming Chen
(Southwestern Institute of Physics)
25/10/2018, 14:20
FIP - Fusion Engineering, Integration and Power Plant Design
The ITER enhanced heat flux (EHF) FW panel utilizes a Be/CuCrZr/316L(N) joint structure with hypervapotron (HVT) cooling channel in the CuCrZr heat sink to withstand cyclic surface heat flux up to 4.7 MW/m2. For Chinese CFETR and DEMO, the heat load will be much lower and a simple W/RAFM steel joint with cooling channels in the steel will be used. For all of them, reliable material bonding...
Thomas R. Barrett
25/10/2018, 14:40
FIP - Fusion Engineering, Integration and Power Plant Design
The plasma-facing wall of the main chamber in DEMO will be unlike any current tokamak. The blanket first wall (FW) is to be actively-cooled reduced-activation steel (Eurofer) under a thin plasma-facing tungsten armour. To help control cost, modest misalignment of this wall must be tolerable at least with respect to a relatively quiescent divertor plasma flat-top equilibrium. However, with...
Robert Lunsford
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
25/10/2018, 15:00
FIP - Fusion Engineering, Integration and Power Plant Design
The injection of boron (B) and boron nitride (BN) powders into ASDEX-Upgrade (AUG) H-mode discharges have shown the ability to effectively control tungsten influx in low density/collisionality operational regimes, similar to conventional boronization methods. A newly designed impurity powder dropper was installed onto AUG with 5m diameter BN powder, and 50 m B powder (99%+ purity) loaded...
Daniel Iglesias
(UK Atomic Energy Authority)
25/10/2018, 15:20
FIP - Fusion Engineering, Integration and Power Plant Design
The JET targets are the in-vessel components which receive the largest sustained thermal load. Operating instructions limit the energy and maximum surface temperature allowed for each shot, while IR cameras are used for protection during each discharge.
Surface delamination and radial cracks have been observed in the outboard tungsten-coated CFC tiles, while bulk tungsten special lamellas...
Arkadi Kreter
(Forschungszentrum Juelich)
25/10/2018, 15:40
MPT - Materials Physics and Technology
The first wall in ITER will be subjected to mixed species fluxes containing hydrogenic isotopes, helium produced in D-T reactions and radiator gases such as argon, neon or nitrogen. It is necessary to test how plasma-facing materials perform with respect to hydrogen retention under the mixed species plasma conditions. In this study, the influence of helium, argon, neon and nitrogen as plasma...