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Nonprofits Roles in Strengthening Radiological Security in Africa: Lessons and prospects

23 Jun 2022, 10:45
M Building (IAEA Headquarters)

M Building

IAEA Headquarters

ICP (Interactive Content Presentations) 24. Raising awareness of industry, civil society, international organizations and other stakeholders about the safety and security of radioactive sources, including sustainability and resilience in unplanned situations (e.g., pandemics and natural disasters) Interactive Content Presentations


Mr Hubert Foy (African Centre for Science and International Security)


Dear Evaluation Committee,

I would like to propose a presentation entitled "Nonprofit Roles in Strengthening Radiological Security in Africa: Lessons and prospects" for the "International Conference on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources – Accomplishments and Future Endeavours" planned for 20–24 June 2022, Vienna, Austria. I have attached the abstract for this presentation. I look forward to hearing from you regarding my proposal. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me at


Hubert Foy

Primary author

Mr Hubert Foy (African Centre for Science and International Security)


Ms Doline Kum (African Center for Science and International Security)

Presentation materials