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Gamma/Neutron detection and identification systems for tracking and inspection of radioactive sources

21 Jun 2022, 10:45
M Building (IAEA Headquarters)

M Building

IAEA Headquarters

ICP (Interactive Content Presentations) 12. Sustainability and effectiveness of safety and security systems and measures, including emerging technologies Interactive Content Presentations


Mr Alessandro Iovene (CAEN SpA)


The availability of monitoring and inspection tools is a critical asset for a distributed tracking, inspection, and control of radioactive sources. Since more than 10 years our group is actively involved in the development of innovative tools and techniques aimed at supporting on-field operators for preventing and detecting illicit trafficking of Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) and other radioactive sources. This activity has been carried out with different approaches in various EU funded projects, such as MODES_SNM and C-BORD, within FP7 and H2020 programs respectively. We will give an overview of what have been developed within these frameworks so far, deepening on the SNIPER-GN technology which is now the state-of-the-art for gamma/neutron sources detection and identification and which is the key technology for SNM detection in “SILENTBORDER”, a new H2020 project focused on non-intrusive inspection of cargos passing through European borders.

Country OR Intl. Organization Italy

Primary author

Mr Alessandro Iovene (CAEN SpA)


Mr Massimo Morichi (CAEN SpA) Mr Matteo Corbo (CAEN SpA) Mrs Erica Fanchini (CAEN SpA) Mr Ferdinando Giordano (CAEN SpA) Mr Giacomo Mangiagalli (CAEN SpA)

Presentation materials