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22 Jun 2022, 16:00
M 01( first floor M Building) (IAEA Headquarters)

M 01( first floor M Building)

IAEA Headquarters

Poster 25. Human resources development, knowledge management and networks, education and training Poster Session 2


Eduardo Medina Gironzini (IPEN)


Social networks have become a useful tool for exchanging experience and resolve technical consultations on various issues in very short times average.
Today Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other options are used to view and share videos, presentations and photos that help the specialist to upgrade, improve their work and deepen their knowledge. In addition, social networks also allow personal and professional relationships increase.
Social networks are part of our reality, are forms of social interaction with dynamic exchange between people and institutions that allow the participation of groups that are identified with the same needs and problems and that are organized to leverage their resources.
A good example is the use of interest groups in Facebook as in the case of the "Radiation Protection" ( with 21700 members who are mostly from medical field and from several countries , mostly Spanish speaking. Here, almost every day of the year information on topics of the specialty and related spreads, announcements of technical events is made, rules and technical documents are distributed, the activities of various national and international organizations are broadcast, it mentions links Interest on videos, presentations, photos and publications.
Special attention is paid to the news that routinely appear on the Internet and deserve to be disseminated for information and comments from stakeholders.
Subscribers working in medical institutions, regulatory agencies, universities, radioactive and nuclear facilities, and in general, both national and international public and private entities in different countries.
Through the group it has been achieved that people interested in courses are trained, receive updated information on radiological protection in medicine, participate in videoconferences and webinar, have access to publications without cost, review articles of interest, etc.
The network is util also to disseminate information on safety and security of radioactive sources
This group was created on July 8, 2013 and since that time is contributing to improve the conditions of radiological protection by updating the knowledge of its members.

Country OR Intl. Organization Peru

Primary author

Eduardo Medina Gironzini (IPEN)

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