For power production and 233U breeding from thorium, a preliminary neutronic design of an Accelerator-Driven Sub-critical System (ADS) is presented. The ADS reactor core design with “HEU–Thorium Oxide fuel” was coupled with proton accelerator and spallation target. The neutron source (ADS system) feasibility of HEU burning and isotopes production was evaluated. The multiplication factor Keff, the production of 233U and depletion of 235U were computed using the MCNPX 2.7.0 code. The results indicated that the introduction of thorium fuel with HEU into the ADS core gives an efficient method to produce 233U isotopes and to burn 235U isotopes more efficiently. Additionally, less minor actinides (MA) production and generation of energy can be achieved.
Country/Int. organization | Egypt |