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Apr 19 – 22, 2022
Vienna, Austria
Europe/Vienna timezone
FR22 starts in Vienna 19 - 22 April 2022 Online Stream:

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

How to submit abstract

The abstract needs to be submitted online in English and it should not exceed 400 words.

  1. First fill the title of the abstract

  2. The abstract itself should be filled in the Content field – please use just PLAIN TEXT

  3. Next in the “Contribution type“ field please choose between ORAL or POSTER for the preferred contribution type.

  4. Further please add all authors – First try to search and select an author from IAEA internal database. Only if you cannot find the person then enter her/his name manually.

  5. In the next field comments can be added if necessary.

  6. Please in the field “Track” choose one of following thematic tracks. Visit Thematic Tracks for an overview of which topics belong in each track.

  7. Please select “Speaker’s title“, “Speaker’s email address“, “Country/Intl. organization“ and “Affiliation/Organization“.

  8. Submit.

  9. After submitting your abstract in INDICO you must register for the conference electronically through inTouch+


We also prepared a video guide on how to submit abstract, you can look at it below.