These posters remain in display throughout the conference
David Hill
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
The DIII-D Research Program has made significant advances in the physics understanding of key ITER issues and operating regimes important for ITER and future steady-state fusion tokamaks. Edge localized mode (ELM) suppression with resonant magnetic perturbations (RMP) has been now been demonstrated in the ITER baseline scenario at q_95=3.1 by controlling the poloidal mode spectrum of n=3 RMP....
Osamu Motojima
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
Over the last 2 years, ITER has made the transition from building up the infrastructure (ITER Organisation (IO) staff, Domestic Agencies (DAs)) and completing the design to become a real project. A new management structure was introduced in 2010 and several new communication channels were established with the DAs. To date 69 Procurement Arrangements have been signed with the DAs, representing...
Francesco Romanelli
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Poster
The JET programme is strongly focussed on the consolidation of the ITER design choices and the preparation of ITER operation. To this aim, during the last two years the materials of the plasma facing components (PFCs) have been replaced with the same combination foreseen in ITER, namely a combination of Be for the main wall and W for the divertor. The installation of the ILW required more than...
Edward Moses
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
Since the completion of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) construction project in March 2009, a wide variety of experiments have been completed in support of NIF’s mission areas: national security, fundamental science, and fusion energy. NIF capabilities and infrastructure are in place with over 50 X-ray, optical and nuclear diagnostic systems and the ability to shoot cryogenic DT layered...
Osamu Kaneko
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
Progress in parameter improvement as well as physical understanding of three-dimensional net-current free plasmas in LHD is overviewed.
Efficient ion heating by the upgraded low energy NBI and improvement in ion transport have led to the central ion temperature of 7 keV at the density of 1.5x10^19 m^-3. The pre-wall conditioning by ICRF is effective to achieve high ion temperature. The volume...
Ulrich Stroth
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Poster
The medium size divertor tokamak ASDEX Upgrade possesses flexible shaping capability and versatile heating and current drive systems. Recently the technical capabilities were extended by increasing the ECRH power and by installing 2x8 internal magnetic perturbation coils. Using these coils, reliable suppression of large type I ELMs could be demonstrated in a wide operational window, which...
Martin Greenwald
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Poster
Recent research on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak has focused on a broad range of scientific issues with particular emphasis on ITER needs and on detailed comparisons between experimental measurements and predictive models. It was possible for the first time to demonstrate quantitative, simultaneous agreement between nonlinear gyrokinetic calculations (GYRO) of impurity transport fluxes and...
Jong-Gu Kwak
(Republic of Korea)
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
After the first H-mode discharge in 2010, the H-mode has been sustained longer and the operational regime of plasma parameters has been significantly extended. Due to the proper tuning of equilibrium configuration and plasma control, values of βN = 1.9 and Wtot = 340 kJ have been achieved with energy confinement time τE = 171 ms. Typical H-mode discharges were operated with the plasma current...
Baonian Wan
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
Significant experimental progress has been made since last IAEA FEC towards improved confinement and high plasma performance regimes under long pulse conditions. In particular, the following key results have been achieved with a combination of RF and LHCD under a very low recycling wall condition: 1MA plasma current, fully steady long pulse diverted plasma entirely driven by LHCD over 100 s,...
Steven Sabbagh
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
Research on the National Spherical Torus Experiment, NSTX, targets physics understanding needed for extrapolation to a steady-state ST Fusion Nuclear Science Facility, pilot plant, or DEMO. The unique ST operational space is leveraged to test physics theories for next-step tokamak operation, including ITER. Present research also examines implications for the coming device upgrade, NSTX-U....
Hendrik Meyer
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Poster
New diagnostic, modelling and plant capability on MAST have delivered important results in key areas for ITER/DEMO and the upgrade. Linear gyro-kinetic calculations highlight the interplay of kinetic ballooning and micro tearing modes in setting the pedestal width. Using the upgraded 18 coil ELM control array ELM mitigation by resonant magnetic perturbations (RMP) has now been demonstrated...
Xuru Duan
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
Since the last FEC, the experiments on HL-2A tokamak have been focused on the investigations on H-mode related physics including ELM mitigation, energetic particle physics, transport including nonlocality and edge impurities, MHD instabilities, turbulence and zonal flow physics, etc. In particular, it’s demonstrated for the first time that the supersonic molecular beam injection (SMBI) and...
Katsumi Ida
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
In this overview, recent progress on the experimental analysis and theoretical models for non-local transport (non-Fickian fluxes in real space) are overviewed. The non-locality in the heat and momentum transport observed in the plasma, the departures from linear flux-gradient proportionality and the spontaneously and externally triggered non-local transport phenomena will be described in both...
Yutaka Kamada
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
The shared procurement and construction of the JT-60SA device by Japan and EU is progressing well, including preparation of the plan for key research and development. The JT-60SA device has been designed in order to complement ITER in all areas of fusion plasma development necessary to decide DEMO construction. Detailed studies to predict plasma performance have confirmed these capabilities....
Hiroshi AZECHI
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
Controlled thermonuclear ignition and subsequent burn will be demonstrated in a couple of years on the central ignition scheme. Fast ignition has the high potential to ignite a fuel using only about one tenth of laser energy necessary to the central ignition. This compactness may largely accelerate inertial fusion energy development. One of the most advanced fast ignition programs is the Fast...
Sergei Sharapov
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
A remarkable progress was made in diagnosing energetic particle instabilities on present-day machines and in establishing a theoretical framework for describing them. This overview presents a point-by-point comparison between the much improved diagnostics of Alfvén Eigenmodes (AEs) and modelling tools developed world-wide, and outlines progress in interpreting the observed phenomena. A...
Stefano Coda
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
Through a diverse research program, TCV addresses physics issues and develops tools for ITER and for the longer-term goals of nuclear fusion, relying especially on its extreme plasma shaping and ECRH launching flexibility and preparing for an ECRH and NBI power upgrade. Localized edge heating was unexpectedly found to decrease the period and relative energy loss of ELMs. Successful ELM pacing...
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
Magnetic Fusion Energy has now entered its development era that steers the activities of traditional fusion laboratories. Recent achievements in fusion science and technology in support to both the ITER and the Broader Approach (BA) projects are reported here. On top of the direct contribution to ITER and JT-60SA procurement packages, many scientific activities, aiming at reducing risks in...
Enrique Ascasibar
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
Operation with Li coated wall is the basis for a significant improvement in the performance of TJ-II, and lies behind the findings in this overview, related to the role of flows in confinement improvement. Specific progress has been performed in the use of Li as alternative to solid plasma facing materials for future fusion devices. Recently a liquid lithium limiter (LLL) based on the...
John Sarff
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Poster
This overview of results from the MST program summarizes physics important for the advancement of the RFP as well as for improved understanding of toroidal magnetic confinement in general. Evidence for the classical confinement of ions in the RFP is provided by analysis of impurity ion transport. With inductive current profile control, the test-particle diffusivity for ions in a stochastic...
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Poster
With a program well-balanced among the goal of exploring the fusion potential of the reversed field pinch (RFP) and that of contributing to the solution of key science and technology problems in the roadmap to ITER, the European RFX-mod device has produced a set of high-quality results since the last 2010 Fusion Energy Conference. RFX-mod is a 2 MA RFP, which can also be operated as a tokamak...
Riccardo Betti
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
Recent advances in the theory of ignition and burn for inertial confinement fusion are presented and related to the experimental observables of the current indirect-drive ignition campaign on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) and the direct-drive implosion campaign on the OMEGA laser. The performance parameter currently used for the ignition campaign (the Experimental Ignition Threshold...
Steven Zinkle
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
Overview Poster
Sustained worldwide efforts on fusion energy research have led to substantial improvements in understanding of plasma physics and fusion technology issues. Several options with varying degrees of technological risk are being contemplated for the next major fusion energy device that will be constructed after ITER begins operation. These options include a variety of plasma confinement...
Paolo Buratti
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Poster
Since the 2010 IAEA-FEC Conference, FTU has exploited improvements in cleaning procedures and in the density control system to complete a systematic exploration of access to high-density conditions in a wide range of plasma currents and magnetic fields. The line-averaged densities at the disruptive limit increased more than linearly with the toroidal field, while no dependence on plasma...
Bruno Coppi
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Poster
The IGNIR collaboration between Italy and Russia is centered on the construction of the core of the Ignitor machine in Italy and its installation and operation within the Triniti site (Troitsk). The scientific goal of the experiment is to approach for the first time, the ignition conditions of a magnetically confined D-T plasma. A parallel initiative has developed that integrates this program,...
Patrick H. Diamond
(Republic of Korea)
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Poster
Intrinsic rotation is a critical physics issue for ITER, both for resistive wall mode mitigation and for confinement optimization. Rotation control requires predictive understanding of intrinsic rotation, and so this goal has stimulated a great deal of research on intrinsic torque, driven by the non-diffusive fluctuation-induced residual stress[1]. In this OV, we discuss recent theoretical,...
Noriyoshi Nakajima
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Poster
In order to contribute to ITER and to an early realization of the DEMO reactor, International Fusion Energy Research Centre (IFERC) started the activity from 2007/7/1 with 10 years period under the Broader Approach (BA) framework and now implements the three sub-projects; DEMO Design and R&D Coordination Centre (DDA & R&D), Computational Simulation Centre (CSC), and ITER Remote Experimentation...
Ge Zhuang
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Poster
The main results from the J-TEXT tokamak in the last two years, which emphasized the observation and analysis of MHD activity, are summarized and presented in this meeting.
Static resonant magnetic perturbations generated by saddle coil currents are applied to J-TEXT Ohmic plasmas in order to study their influence on MHD instabilities. With sufficiently large RMPs, the m/n=2/1 (m and n are...
Edward Kruglyakov
(Russian Federation)
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Poster
Studies of the magnetic mirrors have been started in 50s – 60s of the last century. Very soon it was found out that axially symmetric mirrors suffer from the curvature-driven instabilities which results in unacceptable plasma losses. Introduction of non-axisymmetric (quadrupole) configurations with min-B magnetic field improved plasma confinement significantly. Then, plasma losses associated...
Horácio João Fernandes
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Poster
The ISTTOK tokamak commissioning began in January 1990, after the establishment operating coincidently with the signing of the EURATOM association agreement established with Instituto Superior in 1990 on the field of controlled nuclear fusion. In 1991 the first article have been issue in the Portuguese journal “Gazeta de Física” and the firsts scientific reports were mentioned to the...