Sebastijan Brezinsek
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
JET underwent a transformation from a full carbon-dominated device with all Plasma-Facing Components (PFCs) made of Carbon-Fibre Composites (CFC) to a full metallic device with Be PFCs in the main chamber, bulk W at the outer target plate, and W-coated CFC elsewhere in the divertor. The ITER-Like Wall (ILW) experiment at JET provides an ideal test bed for the ITER material choice in the DT...
Peter de Vries
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
The standard method to initiate plasma in a tokamak is, to ionize pre-filled gas by applying a toroidal electric field via transformer action from poloidal coils. For ITER the available electric field will be limited to low values of 0.33V/m, raising considerable interest to understand and optimise the plasma breakdown process.
At JET un-assisted breakdown has previously been achieved at...
Marie-Line Mayoral
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
In this contribution, the major aspects linked to the use of the JET heating systems: NBI, ICRF and LHCD, in an ITER-like wall will be presented. We will show that although each system had its own issues, efficient and safe plasma heating was obtained with still room on each system for higher power. For the NBI up to 21 MW was safely coupled, issues that had to be tacked were for example the...
Masahiro Kobayashi
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
It is found that resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) fields has stabilizing effect on radiating edge plasma, realizing stable sustainment of radiative divertor (RD) operation in the Large Helical Device (LHD). Without RMP, otherwise, thermal instability leads to radiative collapse. Divertor power load is reduced by a factor of 3~10 during the RMP assisted RD phase. RMP has m/n=1/1 mode, which...
Maria Ester Puiatti
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXC - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Confinement
In the Reversed Field Pinch RFX-mod at the highest plasma current of 2MA, when error fields are not effectively feedback controlled, localized thermal loads up to tenths of MW/m2 can be produced. To withstand such high power loads, the first wall is covered by graphite tiles. As a drawback, due to the high H retention of the graphite, the density control is extremely difficult. Consequently,...
Ling Zhang
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXC - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Confinement
During the last EAST campaign, the lithium coating on the graphite plasma facing components (PFC) became a routine wall conditioning technique, which was applied by evaporation assisted by helium or deuterium glow-discharge cleaning (GDC) or ion cyclotron radio frequency (ICRF), and real-time lithium powder injection. Two ovens were used to thermally evaporate nearly 1 kg of lithium in EAST...
Graham Wright
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
The conditions for the growth of tungsten (W) or molybdenum (Mo) nano-tendrils have been well defined in linear plasma devices (helium plasma, Tsurface > 1000 K, E_He+> 20 eV). We have exploited the high power density in Alcator C-Mod to successfully grow W nano-tendrils on a Langmuir probe (ramped approximately 11 degrees into the parallel plasma flux) in the lower divertor during a single...
Jan Willem Coenen
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
In ITER a beryllium (Be) first-wall and a tungsten (W) divertor withstanding high heat-flux area are planned to be used.
This contribution focuses on the evolution of impurities during the recent campaigns in JET with the ITER-like wall (ILW) their sources as well as material migration and possible implication for plasma operation due to spurious impurity events. The evolution of Be, W and...
Gerard van Rooij
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
The current design of ITER projects tungsten (W) as plasma-facing components (PFCs) in the divertor for its active phase. The physical sputtering of W by impurities is an important issue, in particular when extrinsic impurities are seeded. It may compromise the life time of the PFCs as well as cause deterioration of the fusion performance by radiation due to unduly high W concentrations in the...
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
The surface cooling mechanisms (mainly, decrease in secondary electron emission (SEE) and increase in radiation emissivity) of nanostructured tungsten (W) are summarized comprehensively. Recovery of He-defected W towards flat surface is demonstrated as well as the suppression of nanostructure formation by covering the surface with carbon thin film. The key factor for physical mechanism of...
Emmanuelle Tsitrone
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
For next step fusion devices, fuel retention by the vessel walls is a crucial issue, as the tritium inventory will be limited for safety reasons. The rate at which the in vessel fuel inventory builds up will have a strong impact on the device operation, as it determines the number of discharges allowed before reaching the tritium safety limit and the frequency of shutdowns eventually needed...
Shin Kajita
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
Arcing is a long standing plasma-surface interaction issue, and the issue is being revived recently. This paper gives warning on the impact of arcing in fusion devices based on the observations in JT-60U, LHD, and the linear divertor simulator NAGDIS-II. From the analysis of arc trails on carbon baffle plate of JT-60U using a laser scanning microscope, it was found that eroded depth was...
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
This paper gives an overview of the experimental and modeling activity on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning (ICWC), which is currently coordinated by the ITPA Scrape-Off-Layer & Divertor Topical Group, in order to assess the applicability of this technique for ITER for recovery from disruptions, vent or air leak, recycling control and mitigation of the tritium inventory build-up. Experimental...
Volker Philipps
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
Curtailing of long-term fuel inventory in plasma-facing components (PFC) is one of the most critical and challenging issues to be resolved in order to ensure safe and economically viable operation of a reactor, especially if the use of carbon target plates is considered. This paper provides an overview of results obtained with thermal, photonic, oxidative and plasma-assisted fuel removal...
Dimitry L. Rudakov
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
We report the first measurements of post-exposure net erosion and in-situ gross erosion of molybdenum under controlled, well-diagnosed plasma conditions in a tokamak divertor. Net erosion rate of 0.40±0.04 nm/s was measured on a molybdenum sample exposed to the divertor plasma in the DIII-D tokamak using the Divertor Material Evaluation System (DiMES). A silicon disk 1 cm in diameter coated...
Thomas W. Petrie
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
We report results and interpretation of recent experiments on DIII-D designed to evaluate divertor geometries favorable for radiative heat dispersal. Two approaches studied involved lengthening the parallel connection in the scrape-off layer (SOL), L_||, and increasing the radius of outer divertor target, R_TAR, with the goal of reducing target temperature, T_TAR, and increasing n_TAR. Based...
Liang Wang
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
The ELM-resolved particle and power loads on divertor targets were studied in a wide range of discharge conditions in the EAST superconducting tokamak, mainly using divertor triple Langmuir probe (DTLP) arrays embedded in the target plates, along with infrared (IR) camera and other key divertor diagnostics. The target particle and power loads for type-I, type-III and mossy ELMy H-mode plasmas...
Volker Philipps
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
In situ methods to measure the fuel retention and characterize the material deposition on the wall are highly important for ITER and future fusion devices. Laser-based methods are the most promising candidates (for non-invasive applications) and are being investigated in a cooperative undertaking in various European associations under EFDA coordination.
The work concentrates on laser...
Houyang Guo
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
EAST will be one of the world’s first magnetic confinement devices that must address Plasma–Wall Interaction (PWI) issues facing high power steady-state operations. EAST has recently significantly augmented its RF heating capabilities up to 10 MW, including LHCD and ICRH. It has also undertaken an extensive upgrade during the recent shutdown to replace the carbon tiles on the main chamber wall...
Michael A. Makowski
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
DIII-D measurements indicate a systematic narrowing of the divertor heat flux width lambda_q with plasma current in H-mode plasmas and significantly weaker dependence on other parameters. Comparisons of lambda_q with upstream SOL profiles indicate a similar variation, consistent with expectations from flux-limited transport. The inverse dependence of lambda_q on plasma current suggests that...
Geoff Fishpool
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
Developing an effective technical solution for handling plasma exhaust is a key part of designing DEMO. Over the last two years, the exhaust has been actively studied in MAST experiments, and in the analysis and design work for the upgrade project. This paper reports on recent experiments, and on the design of the upgraded divertor; with its capability of exploring the Super-X...
Shigeru Morita
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
Experiments of Large Helical Device (LHD) have been successfully conducted during past 14 years, based on the first wall fully covered with rectangular protection plates made of stainless steel, basically having no serious impurity problem. The impurity behavior of iron has been quantitatively studied with a spectroscopic system newly developed for measuring two-dimensional distribution of...
Volodymyr Bobkov
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
Operation of ICRF (Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies) antennas in many magnetic fusion experiments is often accompanied by enhanced plasma-wall interactions. These become more problematic in high-Z machines, such as the full tungsten (W) ASDEX Upgrade (AUG), where the W released from the wall during the ICRF operation contributes to radiation losses from the plasma. A significant part of the...
Vsevolod Soukhanovskii
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
Recent NSTX results demonstrate that the snowflake divertor (SFD) configuration may provide a promising solution for mitigating steady-state and transient divertor heat loads and target plate erosion, and project favorably to future fusion devices. In NSTX, a medium-size spherical tokamak with high divertor heat flux (q_peak ≤ 15 MW/m^2, q_|| ≤ 200 MW/m^2), steady-state SFD configurations...
Wouter Vijvers
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
This paper presents experimental evidence, obtained on the TCV tokamak, for the feasibility of using the snowflake (SF) divertor for lowering the steady-state and transient heat fluxes to the plasma facing components in both L- and H-mode tokamak plasmas. The SF, characterized by a second-order poloidal field null, features a hexagonal magnetic field structure in the null-region and hence four...
Mohammed KOUBITI
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
In magnetic fusion devices, pellet injection is seen as a major technique for deep fuelling and plasma control by mitigating edge instabilities like ELMs or triggering ITBs. Owing to its high efficiency in burning plasmas compared to gas fuelling, pellet injection will be the primary core fuelling system for ITER. Usually H/D pellets are used to extend the operational regimes to higher...
Philippe MERTENS
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
With incident power densities of 5-10MW/m^2 or locally even higher, divertor target plates of large tokamaks are driven close to the material limits. The power handling performance is essential to their characterisation. The thermal performance of tungsten is critical to the decision as to whether to start ITER with an all tungsten divertor. In the new ITER-like Wall in JET, the divertor tiles...
Sergey Mirnov
(Russian Federation)
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
The main subject of T-11M tokamak lithium research is solution of the technological problems, connected with creation of the plasma facing components (PFC) of a steady-state tokamak reactor, which can be used as a fusion neutron source (FNS). The idea of liquid lithium as material of steady-state limiter was tested in early T-11M experiments by using of the lithium capillary porous system...
Pascale Monier-Garbet
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
This paper reports on the experimental programme run on Tore Supra, taking advantage of its limiter plasma edge, to gain more confidence in the prediction of the power flux to the start-up limiter in ITER. A scaling law for the value of parallel power flux q// at the last closed flux surface, and its e-folding length lambda_q in the scrape-off layer is proposed in limiter configuration. It...
Travis Gray
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
Previous measurements on the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) demonstrated peak, perpendicular heat fluxes, qdep, pk ≤ 15 MW/m2 with an inter-ELM integral heat flux width, λq, int ~ 3—7 mm during high performance, high power operation (plasma current, Ip = 1.2 MA and injected neutral beam power, PNBI = 6 MW) when magnetically mapped to the outer midplane. Analysis indicates that λq,...
Devon Battaglia
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
The L-H power threshold (P_LH) on the National Spherical Torus Experiment decreases with larger X-point radius (R_x) and the amount of lithium evaporated on the divertor surfaces. The edge T_e (where T_e ~ T_i in the L-mode edge) at the L-H transition decreases 30 – 40% with larger R_x, but is fairly independent of the edge density, neutral fueling rate and lithium conditioning. These...
Tomohiro Morisaki
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
The edge plasma control with divertor is a crucial issue for fusion research. Especially in reactors, excess neutrals including helium ash and impurities have to be pumped out efficiently to sustain the edge pedestal and burning plasma in steady-state. In addition, sufficient cooling for plasma before reaching target plates is strongly required from the engineering point of view. Thus it is...
Carine Giroud
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
The challenge of achieving a scenario with sufficient energy confinement (H98(y,2)~1), at high density (fGDL~0.85) and compatible with the material selection of the DT phase of ITER is being addressed at JET with bulk beryllium (Be) main-chamber limiters and a full tungsten (W) divertor. This contribution investigates three aspects: reduction of inter-ELM power load to the divertor without...
Michael Jaworski
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
ITER and future fusion experiments are hampered by erosion and degradation of plasma-facing components, forcing regular replacement. The conventional approach has been the use of high-Z walls (e.g. W) which can undergo permanent modification due to erosion and melting. One novel approach to solving these issues in the tokamak edge is the usage of liquid metal plasma facing components.
Kazunori Koga
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
Much attention has recently directed to the study of dust in fusion devices mainly because dust can pose safety issues related to its chemical activity, tritium retention and radioactive content [1]. Therefore, it is important to invent a dust removal method. Effects of a local bias potential on the flux of dust particles have been studied by dust collections in a divertor simu-lator [2]. The...
Joon-Wook Ahn
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
Non-axisymmetric divertor heat and particle depositions often occur in tokamaks either for steady imposed perturbations or from transient events. Such asymmetries will make divertor heat flux management more challenging in ITER and next step devices because the tile design and cooling requirement are usually based on a 2-D axisymmetric calculation. In NSTX, 2-D heat flux data calculated by a...
Marco Wischmeier
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
Large burning plasma fusion devices such as ITER and DEMO require divertor detachment to not exceed the tolerable power load densities (<5MW/m^2) for long pulse operation. The understanding of the processes leading to divertor detachment is currently incomplete and a reliable prediction for future large scale devices out of reach. In ASDEX Upgrade divertor detachment has been studied for Ohmic...
June-Woo Juhn
(Republic of Korea)
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
Based on successful experiments of open- and closed-loop density control in 300kA circular Ohmic discharges in KSTAR 2011, a 0-D global particle model has been developed. Starting from the Maddison’s multi-reservoir model with the parameters for KSTAR, an outgassing-like term was added into the wall inventory equation so that the particular behaviors of KSTAR plasmas can be reproduced. The...
Francisco Tabares
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
In the present work, three different experiments concerning the specific features of plasma –lithium interactions will be addressed.
First, a solid bar of lithium with biasing and displacement capabilities has been exposed to the plasma edge in TJ-II under lithiated wall conditions. Heating powers up to 0.8 MW (ECRH and NBI) were injected into the plasma, leading to unmitigated power...
Gilles Arnoux
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXD - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Plasma–material interactions; divertors; limiters; scrape-off layer (SOL)
The scrape-off layer (SOL) power decay length, lambda_q, in the limiter phase of ITER as well as the overall power balance are critical parameters for optimization of the wall geometry and thereby determining the power handling limits of the beryllium clad wall modules in ITER. Historically, an L-mode divertor SOL scaling has been used to estimate the ITER width, but recent measurement in...
Lionello Marrelli
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXS - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Stability
In the last two years many efforts have been dedicated to develop and implement new MHD control approaches in RFX-mod, to optimize the existing schemes based on refined physical models and to design an upgrade of the real-time control system.
In particular the study of the transition to a helical state with m=1, n=-7 helicity has been extended to high plasma currents up to 2MA. These...
James Terry
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
By observing the radial structure in the poloidal dynamics of the SOL turbulence during the application of ICRF power (P_RF>0.3 MW), we find a fine-scale radial structure in the poloidal phase velocities (V_pol) of the broadband turbulence. The radial profiles are very different from typical profiles in Ohmic plasmas. Since V_pol(r) in the SOL is dominated by V_ExB, this structure implies that...
Rory Perkins
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
The efficiency of fast wave (FW) heating and current drive can be reduced by a
myriad of edge RF power loss processes in the vicinity of the antenna and in the scrape off layer (SOL), prior to the RF power reaching the core plasma inside the last closed flux surface (LCFS). These processes include sheath dissipation by near fields on and in the vicinity of the antenna, propagation of power on...
Isabel Ferreira Nunes
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
FTP - Fusion Technology and Power Plant Design
In this paper we describe the design methodologies applied to JET's ITER-like Wall, many of which have been adopted by ITER, and the experimental evaluation of their effectiveness. Avoiding exposed edges over 40mm effective height and using rigorous methods to ensure true implementation good power handling, within the expected design values has been achieved. Compromises had to be made in the...
Richard Majeski
(Princeton Plasma Physics Lab)
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ICC - Innovative Confinement Concepts
The Lithium Tokamak eXperiment (LTX) is a low aspect ratio tokamak with R=0.4 m, a=0.26 m, and kappa=1.5. Typical discharge parameters are now: Toroidal field of 2.1 kG, plasma current less than 100 kA, and discharge duration less than 25 msec. LTX is fitted with a conformal 1 cm thick heated copper liner or shell. The plasma-facing surface of the shell is clad with stainless steel, and is...
David Johnson
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
Diagnostics play a vital role in controlling the plasma and optimizing its behavior. The higher temperatures and densities of the burning plasma drive the need for advances in diagnostic technology. Discussion of such needs is part of a conceptual design review activity in progress at ITER, and supported by experts from the ITER parties. The front-ends of most of these diagnostics will be...
Jean-Marcel TRAVERE
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
The ITER actively cooled tokamak is the next-generation fusion device which will allow studying the burning plasma during hundreds of seconds. ITER plasma facing components (PFCs) real-time protection will be mandatory to minimize operational risks as critical heat flux leading to degradation of PFCs and eventually to water leak. Thanks to Tore Supra expertise in actively cooled tokamak and...
Patrick Lorenzetto
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
The current ITER Baseline foresees the use of carbon fibre composite (CFC) as armour material in the high heat flux strike point regions and tungsten (W) elsewhere in the divertor for the initial non-active phase of operation with hydrogen and helium plasmas. This divertor would then be replaced with a full-W divertor for the nuclear phase with deuterium and deuterium-tritium plasmas. To...
Hideo Nakajima
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
The ITER requires superconducting magnet systems, which consist of 18 Toroidal Field (TF) coils, one Central Solenoid (CS), and 6 Poloidal Field (PF) coils, 18 (9 pairs) Correction Coils (CC), and additional components such as feeders, current leads, and instrumentation feedthroughs, and so on. Six Domestic Agencies (DAs), EURATOM (EU), China (CN), Japan (JA), Korea (KO), Russia Federation...
Pierluigi Bruzzone
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
Starting March 2007, over 60 ITER cable-in-conduit conductors (CICC) have been tested in the SULTAN test facility in Villigen, Switzerland, including TF, CS, PF and busbars samples. The conductors are supplied by the ITER Domestic Agencies (DAs) and assembled into SULTAN samples at CRPP. The test reproduces the actual operating conditions in the ITER coils, except for the hoop load and the CS...
A. Rene Raffray
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
The blanket system is one of the most technically challenging components of the ITER machine, having to accommodate high heat fluxes from the plasma, large electromagnetic loads during off-normal events and demanding interfaces with many key components (in particular the vacuum vessel and in-vessel coils) and the plasma. Plasma scenarios impose demanding requirements on the blanket in terms...
Jeong-Woo Sa
(Republic of Korea)
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
Korea is responsible for procuring all port components at the equatorial and lower level including the VV (vacuum vessel) supports, NB (neutral beam) duct liners, and sealing flanges. Since procurement arrangement in late 2008, the contract for the main port components was signed in early 2010 and activities are going on in preparation of product fabrication. Major activities for main port are...
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
The quench of one of the ITER magnet systems is an irreversible transition of the conductor from superconducting to normal resistive state. The normal zone propagates along the cable in conduit conductor, dissipating a large power. The detection has to be fast enough (2 - 3 s) to initiate the dumping of the magnetic energy and avoid irreversible damage of the systems.
The experience of CEA is...
Valery Belyakov
(Russian Federation)
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
A modelling technique has been developed to efficiently predict EM loads in conducting structures. A set of models that integrally covers the structures has been developed in the course of activities requested and supervised by the IO ITER. Reasoning from the simulation efficiency, a local model based either on the 3D solid body or shell approximation is applied. Detailed models were built for...
Michael Ulrickson
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
The design of the ITER Blanket System is controlled by three main considerations. Two of these considerations, plasma heat flux to the surface and nuclear heating, determine the cooling requirements and coolant distribution to control thermal stress in the modules. Electromagnetic forces due to off-normal events like disruptions must be controlled to be within the strength of the supports on...
Kunihiro Matsui
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is responsible for the procurement of 9 Toroidal Field (TF) coils as Japanese Domestic Agency. The TF coil consists of 7 double-pancakes (DPs), a DP consists of radial plates (RPs) which are mechanical structure supporting large electromagnetic force, and a TF conductor using Nb3Sn cable-in-conduit superconductor. In manufacturing the TF coil, heat-treated TF...
Yohji Seki
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
Japan Domestic Agency (JADA) has started to manufacture 11 plasma facing units of an outer vertical target full-scale prototype which is just the same as those of a half cassette of ITER divertor. At the beginning of this activity, a joint technology and quality control for an interface between a plasma-facing material and a heat-sink material became key issues in the manufacturing process of...
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
On the road toward fusion energy, a significant threshold to step over is giving up the use of carbon (CFC) for plasma-facing components (PFC) armour. Since years, laboratories and industries have carried out studies and experiments to make possible the use of tungsten as main PFC armour in the near future. This is now mainly driven by the use of W for the ITER divertor and can be divided in...
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
This paper will report on the results of the design efforts which have been launched at the IO following a recent decision to develop the option to start with W Divertor targets.
According to the current ITER physics Research Plan, the first divertor installed will be exposed to two helium/hydrogen campaigns, a single deuterium campaign and one full DT campaign, at the end of which the first...
Igor Kupriyanov
(Russian Federation)
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
Beryllium will be used as a plasma facing material in the next generation of tokamaks such as ITER. During plasma operation in ITER,, the plasma facing materials and components will be suffered by different kinds of loading which may affect their surface or their joint to the heat sink. In addition to quasi-stationary loadings which are caused by the normal cycling operation, the plasma facing...
Pengyuan Li
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
Magnet supports is designed as class A quality components, because these components should sustain all the dead weight of magnet coils, thermal load, electromagnetic forces, and seismic loads if occur. China will supply all the supports for ITER construction. First of all, selection the suitable technical road for the finial high quality components is important. It is estimated that several...
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
After the submission of Preliminary Safety Report (PSR) in March 2010 by the ITER Organization, the safety French authorities started an intensive and detailed examination led by its technical support IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire). Sixteen months later, in December 2011, the standing group (composed by expert members in different field of nuclear safety) concluded...
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
The basic ITER machine has around 1 million parts which must be successfully integrated and assembled. This complex and challenging task requires robust planning, processes, heavy lifting, welding and precise alignment and tolerance control.
The ITER Organization (IO) is responsible for the assembly of the ITER Tokamak machine from components delivered in-kind from each of the Domestic...
Chandan Danani
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
India has proposed a test blanket module (TBM) to be placed in ITER equatorial port for testing Lead-Lithium cooled Ceramic Breeder (LLCB) concept. The LLCB blanket concept consists of lithium titanate as ceramic breeder (CB) material in the form of packed pebble beds and Pb-Li eutectic as multiplier, breeder, and coolant for the CB zones. The blanket module structure will be cooled by...
Sarada Sree Atchutuni
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
Liquid Lead-Lithium (Pb-Li) eutectic is considered as one of the promising candidates of tritium breeder materials for fusion reactors. Several experiments have been conducted to study the corrosion of different structural materials with Lead Lithium eutectic Pb-Li [1-3]. Series of experiments on compatibility of candidate structural materials such as P-91 (9Cr,1Mo Ferritic Steel) and Indian...
Dobromir Panayotov
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy ('Fusion for Energy'- F4E) provides the European contributions to the ITER international fusion energy research project. Among others it includes also the development, design, technological demonstration and implementation of the European Test Blanket Systems (TBS) in ITER. An overview of the ITER TBS program has been...
Zhiwei Zhou
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
The Chinese helium-cooled solid breeder (CH-HCSB) test blanket module (TBM) is designed to be tested in ITER, aiming to validate the feasibility of a DEMO fusion reactor with helium-cooled solid tritium breeders. Safety analysis is part of the TBM design process ensuring that the TBM does not adversely affect the safety of ITER. Transient thermal-hydraulic analysis was performed to testify...
Jonas Eskhult
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
The ITER Vacuum Vessel materials that are exposed to the coolant water consist of mechanically strained structural materials, joints and bolts along with non-loaded parts. The complex geometries result in high amount of crevices. Therefore, it is important to map the formation of corrosion products (impurities) susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking and surface effects such as pitting to...
Stephen Combs
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
Disruptions on large tokamaks present challenges to handle the intense heat flux, the large forces from halo currents, and the potential first wall damage from multi-MeV runaway electrons. Injecting large quantities of material into the plasma during the disruption can reduce the plasma energy and increase its resistivity and electron density to mitigate these effects. Developing the...
So Maruyama
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
The ITER Fuelling and Wall Conditioning System plays a key role in plasma operation. It consists of 4 major sub-systems: the Gas Injection System (GIS), Pellet Injection System (PIS), Disruption Mitigation System (DMS) and Glow Discharge Cleaning System (GDC). This paper describes the design status of these four systems and the challenges associated with each.
The ITER fuelling system is...
Stefan Simrock
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
The operation of the ITER tokamak imposes significant demands on the instrumentation and control (I&C) section of its 170 plant systems in terms of data acquisition, data processing and data transport via networks. The plant I&C systems must support the operational needs for machine protection, plasma operation and physics exploitation. The most stringent requirements are found in the more...
Frederic Le Guern
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
In a tokamak, plasma-surface interactions can produce dust. During operation, tritium present in the Vacuum Vessel (VV) can be trapped in VV materials and particularly in dust and co-deposited layers accumulating in the divertor area.
In event of an accident involving ingress of steam into the VV, hydrogen could be produced by chemical reaction with hot metal and dust, particularly...
André Grosman
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
Diagnostics in ITER are mandatory to characterize the parameters of plasma and study its interactions with plasma-facing components. They thus play a crucial role for both the tokamak operation and protection.
Diagnostics components closest to the plasma are supported by big metallic structures called port plugs, located within the vacuum vessel. At the tokamak mid-plane, these components are...
Russell Feder
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
ITER diagnostic systems will operate in a harsh nuclear environment. Component protection and nuclear shielding is realized by housing diagnostics inside massive steel port plug structures. The diagnostic port plugs must be optimized to provide adequate diagnostic throughput while minimizing the flux of escaping nuclear radiation and staying under a total dry weight of 45 metric tons. Most...
Yury Gribov
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
This paper summarises the present status in the study of error fields expected in ITER (n = 1 modes) and their correction. Two approaches were used in the study of ITER error fields: analysis of the “3-mode” error fields and analysis of the “overlap” error fields. Since the earliest phase of the ITER design activity, the “3-mode” error field criterion on the weighted averaged amplitude of the...
Evgenii Mukhin
(Russian Federation)
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
Detailed measurements of electron parameters in the ITER divertor will be an important part of the experimental program and will be used to study the divertor’s ability to adequately deal with plasma position during disturbances and adequately screen impurities released by intense plasma-surface interaction. The divertor Thomson scattering (TS) system is well suited for this purpose. Although...
Shakeib Arshad
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
The present accuracy requirements on ITER parameters to be obtained primarily from magnetic measurements are demanding and, in many situations, they might be not achieved. As a consequence, in specifying the diagnostic, either the requirements should be qualified or the overall process for the estimation of each parameter should be modified.
Although previous work in this area has been...
Vladimir Mirnov
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
Several major optical diagnostics are under development for plasma parameters, magnetic field and current control in ITER: Thomson scattering (TS), toroidal interferometer/polarimeter (TIP) and poloidal polarimeter (PP). Since these diagnostics are needed for basic machine operation as well as physics studies, accurate measurements are required to meet the ITER goals. Each of these...
Garrard Conway
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
The microwave-based diagnostic suite proposed for ITER includes Electron Cyclotron Emission, Reflectometry, Collective Thomson Scattering and Refractometry. Their common feature is the use of simple in-vessel metallic antennas and waveguide transmission lines (front-end components) which are relatively insensitive to radiation damage. However, once installed they will be difficult to replace...
Alexey Razdobarin
(Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
The large distance between ITER vacuum windows and the plasma boundary necessitates the use of in-vessel optical diagnostic components. High particle fluxes, temperature and radiation level expected inside ITER imposes considerable limitations on mirrors design. The choice of FM (First Mirrors) structure and material depends on the mirror location and on the diagnostic needs.
Yasunori Kawano
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
Japan Domestic Agency (JADA) has been conducting the design and R&D for six ITER diagnostic systems that JADA is responsible for. In summary: For the Microfission Chambers, the prototyping of the vacuum tight triaxial connector has indicated that it could be used in the ITER environment, and a neutron transport analysis has shown that the cooling water pipe in the blanket module should be...
Alexander Shevelev
(Russian Federation)
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
Vertical Gamma-Ray Camera (VGC) system of ITER is being designed in Ioffe Institute. Using gamma-ray spectrometers allows solving one of the most important issues for the safe tokamak operations - the runaway electrons diagnostics. Monte-Carlo model calculations of bremsstrahlung fluxes in the place of the VGC detectors installation were carried out for different ITER plasmas and plasma...
Michael Walsh
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
The ITER diagnostic set [1] and proposed specifications, developed jointly with the ITPA [2], were formally reviewed together in 2007. Key results of this process were presented in ref. [3]. Since then, ITER diagnostic designs have progressed [4] and been taken through their conceptual design reviews (CDRs), a process that is about 2/3rds complete. In the process of arriving at a diagnostic...
Ryota Imazawa
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
In this study, the CUPID (Current Profile Identification) code is applied for the first time to assess (1) the accuracy of q profile measurement utilizing both the poloidal polarimeter and motional Stark effect (MSE) diagnostic, (2) influence of the tilted heating neutral beam (HNB) for the q profile measurement, and (3) the accuracy of q profile measurement during the start-up phase. CUPID...
Dmitry Gin
(Russian Federation)
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
Gamma- ray spectrometric systems on tokamaks provide means for fast ions and runaway electrons diagnostics. High resolution of HPGe detectors allows registering shapes of gamma lines. Analysis of Doppler broadened lineshapes (LS) can be used for obtaining parameters of fast ions distribution functions (DF) as it was proved in JET experiments [1, 2]. Recent progress in ITER diagnostics...
Hyeon Keo PARK
(Republic of Korea)
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
The research and development activity of the International Tokamak Physics Activity Topical Group (ITPA TG) on Diagnostics is focused on identification and solutions for diagnostic techniques, which are critical for ITER scientific goals. While majority of diagnostic systems has been developed and integrated with the main body, several issues related to ITER environment are still outstanding...
Max Austin
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
The Electron Cyclotron Emission diagnostic provides essential information for plasma operation and for establishing performance characteristics in ITER [1].
The ECE diagnostic design has to address the specifications in the ITER project measurement requirements. The different requirements are specified with different spatial, temporal and spectral resolutions and accuracy.
The relativistic...
Andrey Litnovsky
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
In ITER, mirrors will be used as plasma-viewing elements in all optical and laser diagnostics. In the harsh environment mirror performance will degrade hampering the operation of respective diagnostics. The most adverse effect on mirrors is caused by the deposition of impurities and it is expected that the most challenging situation will occur in the divertor. With envisaged changes to...
Arun Kumar Chakraborty
(ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research)
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
Amongst the two Neutral Beam systems for ITER, the Diagnostic Neutral Beam (DNB) system has a special operational mandate to provide a 100 keV, ~ 20 A beam to ITER, with a modulation frequency of 5 Hz having duty cycle of 3s ON – 20s OFF for 3600 S. The modulation of beam is realised by the application of modulating acceleration and extraction voltage levels; thereby leading to a modulation of...
Alexander B. Kukushkin
(Russian Federation)
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
ITR - ITER Activities
A survey of theoretical issues of high resolution H-alpha spectroscopy measurements in ITER, which have been under consideration at the stage of the H-alpha (and Visible Light) Spectroscopy Diagnostic Conceptual Design Review, is given. These include: (i) comparative analysis of predictive numerical modeling of 2D spatial distributions of plasma parameters (densities and temperatures) in the...
Matthias Groth
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
In detached divertor conditions, a five-fold stronger reduction of the ion current to the low-field side target plate and a 30% increase in the density limit were observed in neutral-beam heated, low-confinement mode plasmas with the ITER-like Wall compared to the previous carbon wall. These significant differences occurred at higher core densities despite the fact that nearly identical...
Sergei Krasheninnikov
10/11/12, 8:30 AM
The processes in the edge plasma and first wall play crucial role in both performance and design of any fusion reactor. Here we address some major issues related to the physics of the edge plasma, first wall, and dust in fusion devices: We present the results of 3D modeling of mesoscale-structures (blobs and ELM filaments) with BOUT++ code. We show that the onset of resistive drift wave...