ITER Physics, Scenarios and Heating & Current Drive Technology: ITR/1 & FTP/1
- Masahiro Mori (Japan)
Thomas Eich
10/8/12, 4:40 PM
ITR - ITER Activities
Oral Presentation
The presence of a steep edge pedestal gradient in H-mode divertor plasmas implies that strong gradients should also exist across the separatrix, forcing most of the PSOL~ 100 MW of power arriving in the SOL at QDT = 10 in ITER to flow inside a narrow channel on open field lines connecting to the divertor target plates. Recent results (coordinated in part through ITPA DivSOL group) indicate...
Alberto Loarte
10/8/12, 5:00 PM
ITR - ITER Activities
Oral Presentation
High fusion performance DT operation in ITER is based on the achievement of the H-mode confinement regime with H98 ≥ 1 and an edge transport barrier that is expected to lead to the quasi-periodic triggering of ELMs. Operation of ITER with H-mode plasmas is also foreseen during the non-active (H & He) and DD operation allowing the development of ELM control schemes before DT operation.
Stephen Wukitch
10/8/12, 5:20 PM
FTP - Fusion Technology and Power Plant Design
Oral Presentation
Ion cyclotron range of frequency heating (ICRF) and lower hybrid range of frequency current drive (LHCD) are expected to be key heating and current drive actuators for future fusion reactors and devices. However, impurity contamination associated with ICRF antenna operation remains a major challenge, particularly in devices with metallic plasma facing components. For LHCD, maximizing coupled...
Piergiorgio Sonato
10/8/12, 5:40 PM
ITR - ITER Activities
Oral Presentation
For ITER heating and current drive, two neutral beam injectors (NBIs) are planned, delivering a total of 33 MW in stationary conditions up to one hour; each injector will accelerate a 40 A negative deuterium ion current up to 1 MV. Such requirements have never been achieved simultaneously. Hence the PRIMA (Padova Research on ITER Megavolt Accelerator) facility is under construction at...
Takashi Inoue
10/8/12, 6:00 PM
FTP - Fusion Technology and Power Plant Design
Oral Presentation
ITER neutral beam (NB) system requires deuterium negative ion beams of 1 MeV, 40 A at the current density of 200 A/m^2 from a single large negative ion source and an accelerator. This paper summarizes progress in R&D with a reduced size accelerator, so-called “the MeV accelerator” at Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). In the last Fusion Energy Conference, we reported achievement of 1 MV...
Alexander Litvak
(Russian Federation)
10/8/12, 6:20 PM
ITR - ITER Activities
Oral Presentation
ITR/1-4Ra: Development in Russia of Megawatt Power Gyrotrons for Fusion
During last years several new gyrotrons were designed and tested in Russia. Main efforts were spent for development 170GHz/1MW/50%/CW gyrotron for ITER and multifrequency gyrotrons. Additionally other new gyrotrons were shipped and installed at running plasma installations. The industrial production prototypes of the ITER...