Go Matsunaga
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
In the wall-stabilized high-beta plasmas in JT-60U and DIII-D, interesting interactions of energetic particle (EP) driven modes and MHD modes have been observed. First, EP-driven modes trigger resistive wall modes (RWMs) and edge localized modes (ELMs).
In both devices, EP-driven modes have been observed in the high-beta plasmas above the no-wall beta limit; these modes are called `Energetic...
Satoshi Yamamoto
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
We discuss the features of energetic-ion-driven MHD instabilities such as Alfvén eigenmodes (AEs) in three-dimensional magnetic configuration with low magnetic shear and low toroidal field period number (Np) that are characteristic of advanced helical plasmas. Comparison of experimental and numerical studies in Heliotron J with those in TJ-II indicates that the most unstable AE is global AE...
Wei Chen
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
The very low-frequency (LF) Alfvénic and acoustic fluctuations, such as beta-induced Alfvén eigenmode (BAE), and geodesic acoustic mode (GAM), are presently of considerable interest in the present-day fusion and future burning plasmas. The low-frequency waves can significantly affect the plasma performance, and induce the particle losses and reduce the plasma self-heating. These LF...
Brett Chapman
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXS - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Stability
Helical (stellarator-like) equilibria can occur in the core of nominally axisymmetric tokamak and RFP plasmas, including the "snake" in JET [1], planned hybrid-scenario plasmas in ITER [2], and the "single-helical-axis" (SHAx) state in RFX-mod [3]. Here we report for the first time the emergence of the SHAx state in MST, and we report the first direct measurement of the internal magnetic field...
Neal Crocker
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Fast-ions (e.g. fusion alphas and neutral beam ions) will excite a wide range of instabilities in ITER or a Fusion Nuclear Science Facility device. Among the possible instabilities are high frequency Alfvén eigenmodes (AE) excited through Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonance with beam ions [1]. High frequency AEs cause fast-ion transport [2,3,4], correlate with electron thermal transport [5]...
Manuel Garcia-Munoz
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
The impact of Edge Localized Modes (ELMs) and externally applied resonant and non-resonant Magnetic Perturbations (MPs) on fast-ion confinement / transport has been investigated in the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and KSTAR tokamaks. These studies were enabled by coordinated multi-machine experiments and new diagnostic capabilities that provide detailed experimental results of the interaction between...
Carlo Sozzi
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Time-controlled injection of powerful Electron Cyclotron (EC) waves is an effective way to reduce the tearing instabilities that can develop close to low rational m/n (poloidal/toroidal mode numbers) magnetic surfaces in tokamak operations at high beta (plasma/magnetic pressure). A Real Time Control (RTC) system including fast data acquisition/elaboration and actuator's control is being...
Eric Fredrickson
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Strong TAE avalanches on the National Spherical Torus Experiment are typically correlated with drops in the neutron rate in the range of 5% - 15%. In previous studies of avalanches in L-mode plasmas, these neutron drops were shown to be consistent with modeled losses of fast ions due to the strong, multi-mode TAE bursts. In this study, TAE avalanches in an NSTX H-mode plasma were studied. ...
Mikhail Turnyanskiy
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
A key tool to control the q-profile and provide heating and non inductive current drive is Neutral Beam Injection (NBI), which relies on good Fast Ion (FI) confinement. Driving current by Neutral Beam Current Drive (NBCD) scheme is particularly important in STs due to the limited applicability of other non-inductive current drive schemes and because of the limited space available for neutron...
Nicolas Dubuit
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Usually, Electron driven fishbone modes are observed in Electron Cyclotron Resonant Heating (ECRH) plasmas[1,2]. The fast electrons produced by Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) systems often help destabilizing these modes when using a combination of ECRH and LHCD[2], but in most machines LHCD alone is unable to destabilize e fishbones[1,2]. However, in FTU and Tore Supra e-fishbones were...
Timothy Goodman
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) and current drive (ECCD) is in widespread use in today’s tokamaks and is planned for ITER, from plasma breakdown through the current ramp-down. The ITER control system must avoid coupling to the first-harmonic X mode (X1) at full field since any polarization mismatch of O1 at the plasma surface will be immediately reflected from the X-cutoff, which...
Matthew John Hole
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
We report on evidence of neutral beam driven wave activity in KSTAR plasmas. In 2010 and 2011 campaigns KSTAR plasmas included 1MW of neutral beam heating, which provided drive for Alfvenic wave activity modes. Data from the 2010 campaign, which was fully analysed during 2011, identifies the 40kHz magnetic fluctuations as a beta-induced Alfven eignemode resonant with the q=1 surface. Evidence...
Tuong Hoang
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
The ITER ion-cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) heating system, required to couple 20MW of power to the plasmas in continuous wave (CW), have provide robust coupling for a variety of plasma scenarios with edge localized modes. To support the design of this system and to mitigate risks of operation in ITER, CEA has initiated some R&D programs accompanied by experiments together with modeling...
Sergei Lebedev
(Russian Federation)
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Confinement of NBI produced fast ions (FI) in the TUMAN-3M tokamak was studied using neutron flux detectors (NFD) and neutral particle analyzer. Two NFDs measured flux of 2.45 MeV DD neutrons. They are calibrated to account for total radiated neutron flux In. Since ion temperature in the device is below 0.5 keV neutrons are produced by beam-plasma reactions and thus their flux is very...
Yi Liu
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Long-lived saturated internal mode (LLM) in HL-2A tokamak, observed during neutral beam injection (NBI) with weakly reversed or broad low magnetic shear, is considered as a pressure-gradient driven MHD mode triggered by energetic particles. When the LLM occurs, a reduction in the electron density and the plasma stored energy, and fast ion losses are usually observed. The observed LLM appears...
Yi Liu
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
The physics of Alfvénic gap modes and their interaction with energetic particles is of interest in both magnetic fusion and nonlinear physics. Alfvénic gap modes may eject energetic particles from the plasma and impair reactor performance. Alfvénic modes can also provide a paradigm-testing case for nonlinear wave-particle interaction physics. Phenomena related to wave-particle interaction are...
Liming Yu
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
It is important to carry out the experimental studies for the fishbone instabilities, which are relevant for understanding alpha particle dynamics in burning plasmas. The e-fishbone frequency jump related to the redistribution of the energetic electrons has been observed on Tore Supra with LHCD, which is important for the energetic particle losses. In this paper, the e-fishbone frequency jump...
Xuantong Ding
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
The MHD instabilities driven by energetic-particle are of particular importance for future burning plasma devices, where energetic particles will be produced by high power heating and fusion reaction. The energetic electron behaviors in present devices can provide a contribution for burning plasma research, because their effect on low-frequency MHD modes in the former has the analogous effect...
Yasuo Yoshimura
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
In LHD, electron Bernstein wave (EBW) heating was successfully demonstrated by two ways of mode conversion to EBWs from injected EC-waves, by so-called slow-XB and OXB techniques. To realize the excitation of EBWs by the slow-XB technique, EC-waves in X-mode polarization should be injected to plasmas from high magnetic field side (HFS). In LHD, newly installed inner-vessel mirror close to a...
Hiroshi Idei
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Electron Bernstein Wave Heating and Current Drive (EBWH/CD) effects have been first observed in over dense plasmas using the developed phased-array antenna system in QUEST. Good focusing and steering properties tested in the low power facilities were confirmed with a high power level in the QUEST device. The new operational window to sustain the plasma current was observed in the RF-sustained...
Masaki Uchida
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
We report on an experiment of spherical tokamak formation by electron Bernstein (EB) waves in the Low Aspect ratio Torus Experiment device, in which the current reaches 10 kA and the density reaches 7 times the plasma cutoff density. Thus an extremely overdense torus plasma has been for the first time produced and maintained solely by EB waves. In the LATE device it was shown that EB waves can...
Bo Lu
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Radio frequency (RF) wave driven plasma rotation has been considered to a potential method to provide the sufficient rotation for the steady operations of ITER or future reactor-scale devices. While substantial rotations have been observed on many devices with various auxiliary RF heating schemes, the variation among the observations requires more experimental studies. Experimental rotation...
Makoto Ichimura
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) waves have been used for plasma production, heating and sustaining MHD stability in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror. Maximum ion temperature has reached 10 keV and the temperature anisotropy (which is defined as the temperature ratio of perpendicular to parallel to the magnetic field line) becomes more than 10. In such high performance plasmas with the...
EX/P6-21: Investigations of LHW-plasma Coupling and Current Drive in H-mode Experiments in EAST
Bojiang Ding
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Aimed at high confinement (H-mode) plasma in EAST, the LHW-plasma coupling and current drive experiments were continued since last IAEA conference, by optimizing the plasma configuration and the distance between plasma and LHW antenna. A local gas puffing pipe near LHW antenna is installed to improve LHW-plasma coupling so as to sustain H-mode plasma. In the H-mode experiment without gas...
William W. Heidbrink
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Off-axis injection of neutral beams into DIII-D has provided new insights into fast-ion instabilities that may impact alpha-particle and neutral-beam confinement in ITER. Off-axis injection alters the stability of reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes (RSAE). The enhanced stability for off-axis injection is attributed to flattening of the fast-ion gradient that drives the modes unstable. Beam...
Boyd Blackwell
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
The H-1 flexible heliac with its wide range of magnetic configurations is an ideal device for studying instabilities in the low to mid Alfvenic range – low to hundreds of kHz, in H/He RF produced plasma around 0.5T. More than 80 magnetic probes in three arrays, and several optical imaging diagnostics provide data on poloidal, helical and radial mode structures. In addition to spontaneously...
Julien Hillairet
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
The demonstration that a sustainable production of energy is achievable from nuclear fusion in a tokamak requires controlling non-inductive current drive plasmas in steady state conditions. Following the ITER Science and Technology Advisory Committee recommendation, LHCD is now considered for a future upgrade of its heating and current drive (H&CD) capability. Preparing the ITER steady state...
Cheng Ming Qin
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Recent ICRF heating experiment in HT-7 and EAST tokamak devices is given. Experimental results in HT-7 show efficient ion and electron heating have been achieved. In the mode conversion case, direct ion heating by the mode converted ion Bernstein waves (MC IBW) was observed. Experimental evidence and numerical simulation show that the interaction between the MC IBW and 7...
Zhe Gao
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Alfven wave is one of the waves that can overcome the density limit and reach the interior of spherical tokamak (ST) plasmas. Therefore, it may be possible to drive plasma current by low frequency waves through Alfven resonance in STs. This method has been tested in the SUNIST spherical tokamak (R/a: 0.3 m/0.23 m; B_T0: 0.15 T; I_P: 30~50 kA; n_e: ~1E19 m^-3; pulse length: 4~25 ms). Four pairs...
Sun-Ho Kim
(Republic of Korea)
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
It is important to measure the fast ions accurately in tokamak plasmas since it represents the ion heating by NB/ICRF and it is a basis for the evaluation of the fast ion induced instabilities, transport, and neutron generation. A CNPA (Compact Neutral Particle Analyzer) based on Si-diode is an effective way to infer the fast ion distribution function by comparing with synthetic diagnostic...
Ambrogio Fasoli
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Progress in basic understanding of turbulence, from unstable electrostatic modes to the formation of blobs, and its influence on the transport both of the plasma bulk and of suprathermal components, is achieved in the TORPEX simple magnetized torus (SMT). This configuration combines a microwave plasma production scheme with a quasi-equilibrium generated by a toroidal magnetic field, onto which...
Roberto Cesario
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
To control the plasma current profile represents one of the most important problems of the research of nuclear fusion energy based on the tokamak concept, as its solution would allow satisfying the necessary conditions of stability and confinement of plasma column. This problem can be solved by using the lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) effect, which was demonstrated to occur also at reactor...
Erol Kurt
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
ICC - Innovative Confinement Concepts
A new inertial electrostatic confinement (IEC) fusion unit was designed via finite element analysis (FEA) in a 3D electrostatic frame. Finite element method (FEM) was applied to the unit in order to identify the potential and electrical fields inside the spherical reaction chamber. Different material types and cathode geometries were tested, theoretically and the electrostatic responses of the...
James Degnan
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
ICC - Innovative Confinement Concepts
Magneto-Inertial Fusion (MIF) approaches take advantage of embedded magnetic field to improve plasma energy confinement by reducing thermal conduction relative to conventional inertial confinement fusion (ICF). MIF reduces required precision in the implosion and the convergence ratio. Since 2008, AFRL and LANL have developed one version of MIF. We have (1) reliably formed, translated, and...
Johan Frenje
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
Proper assembly of capsule mass, as manifested through the evolution of fuel areal density, is essential for achieving hot-spot ignition planned at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). Experimental information about areal density and areal-density asymmetries, hot-spot ion temperature (Ti) and yield (Yn) are therefore critical for understanding the assembly of the fuel. To obtain this...
Robert L. McCrory
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
The Omega Laser Facility at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) is used to study direct-drive inertial confinement fusion (ICF) ignition concepts. The baseline ignition target design for this research, using symmetric irradiation, consists of a 1.5-MJ multiple-picket laser pulse that generates four shock waves [similar to the National Ignition Facility (NIF) baseline indirect-drive...
Hiroyuki Shiraga
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
Implosion and heating experiments of Fast Ignition (FI) targets for FIREX-1 project have been performed with Gekko-XII and LFEX lasers at the Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University. The goal of the project is to achieve fast heating of the imploded fuel plasma up to 5 keV by injection of the heating laser beam. After the first integrated experiments of Fast Ignition with LFEX laser...
John Sethian
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
We are developing the science and technologies needed for a practical fusion energy source using direct drive targets driven by electron beam pumped krypton fluoride (KrF) lasers. The direct drive approach: 1) allows higher target energy gain, 2) simplifies target fabrication, and 3) reduces the complexity of target material recycling.
The advantages of KrF include: A) very uniform target...
Jose Manuel Perlado
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
Different proposals of Laser Fusion Energy have been envisioned in the last years. Those concepts cover Engineering Facility at large scale in Energy, to Power Prototyping and final DEMO Reactors. HiPER (Europe), extended two years as ESFRI Project, LIFE in USA and LIF_T in Japan, and other initiatives, are entering a new phase where is critical the integration of systems (lasers, target...
Richard M. MORE
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
A new molecular dynamics (MD) particle simulation code has been developed to study inertial fusion ignition physics including effects of a non-Maxwellian ion velocity distribution. 10,000 DT ions at density 100 g/cc and temperatures of several keV are followed for 10 to 20 psec. The simulation includes ion-ion collisions, electron-ion coupling and emission and absorption of radiation. Fusion...
Heinrich Hora
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
Sauerbrey’s measurement [1] of ultrahigh acceleration of plasma blocks by 10^{20} cm/s^2 with ps laser pulses at very high intensity – confirmed by Földes et al. [2] – are 10,000 times higher than any acceleration with ns laser pulses. At ns, thermal pressure with losses and delays dominates the interaction, while the ps case is dominated by the instantly acting nonlinear (ponderomotive)...
Hideo Nagatomo
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
The magnetic field in non-spherical cone-guided implosion is simulated using temporal evolution equations of the magnetic field coupled with simulated result of 2-D radiation hydrodynamic simulation for Fast Ignition as the first attempt. We have found that the magnetic field is generated by grad(Te)xgrad(Ne)term, and it is compressed by the implosion. In the result, it reaches 5 MG at maximum...
Mingsheng Wei
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
In cone-guided fast ignition (FI), a high intensity short pulse laser interacts with the cone tip to generate relativistic electrons that travel through the cone tip and deposit their energy in a preassembled high density fuel outside the tip to initiate the fusion spark. Energy coupling to the fuel depends on laser-plasma-interaction (LPI) produced electron source characteristics...
Bin Qiao
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
The demonstration of the efficient energy conversion from laser to electrons then to protons via the Target Normal Sheath Acceleration (TNSA) mechanism on the Nova PW laser experiments [1] has opened a door to new regimes of high energy density sciences with the laser produced high energy proton beams either as heating sources or probes. One of the most important potential applications is to...
Farhat Beg
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
The Fast Ignition (FI) concept [1] has the potential for higher gains and smaller energy requirements as compared to conventional central hot spot (CHS) IFE. A hollow cone inserted in the side of the compressed fuel may be used to maintain a clear path for an ultra-short-pulse ignition laser to generate energetic particles that travel into and ignite the dense fuel. In the proton/ion FI...
Rajabbay Khaydarov
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
Increased effort has been given in the past to improve the parameters of laser-source of ions [1], which can be done either by changing the parameters of the laser itself (intensity, frequency, laser pulse duration) or by modifying the target (target composition, structure, density) [2,3]. We have shown that [3] the intensity of the ions can be increased by varying the concentration of the...
Chikang Li
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
We report the first time-gated proton radiography of the spatial structure and temporal evolution of how the fill gas compresses the wall blow-off, inhibits plasma jet formation, and impedes plasma stagnation in the hohlraum interior. Interpenetration of the two materials occurs due to the classical Rayleigh-Taylor instability as the lighter, decelerating ionized fill gas pushes against the...
Yasunobu Arikawa
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
Accuracy of the energy transfer efficiency evaluation for fast ignition laser fusion at GEKKO XII and LFEX facility was improved to a great extent by newly developed x-ray spectrometer, time-resolving x-ray imager, and a fast-response gated neutron detector. Energy transfer efficiency from heating laser to hot electrons through an Au cone attached on a CD shell target was diagnosed from...
Yoneyoshi Kitagawa
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
Using a high-repetition-rate laser for the first time, we have performed a compact fast ignition experiment to initiate a fusion reaction and to clarify its dynamics.
A 4J/0.4-ns output of an LD-pumped high-rep. laser HAMA is divided into the imploding and heating beams, which are illuminated on double deuterated polystyrene foils separated by 100 μm. The heating pulses heat the imploded...
Yoshitaka Mori
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
The achievement of controlled fusion burn and gain with single-shot mega-joule-class laser such as National Ignition Facility (NIF) is scheduled within a few years. Following this scientific proof of ignition, inertial fusion energy (IFE) needs to start engineering development based on repetitive mode experiment. In this engineering phase, development of IFE driver has the first priority...
Hong Jin Kong
(Republic of Korea)
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
In these days, the energy problem is serious in the world. It is necessary to develop a new source of the sustainable energy. In these sustainable energy sources, fusion energy is the most promised energy source. Especially, the laser inertial fusion energy is easy to maintain and easy to increase its scale. However, there are 3 hot problems to achieve the laser inertial fusion energy. To...
Milan Kalal
(Czech Republic)
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
The current status will be reviewed of a recently proposed novel approach to inertial fusion energy (IFE) technology, where phase conjugating mirrors (PCM) generated by stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) are employed in combination with a special target displacement compensation system to implement an automatic self-navigation of every individual laser beam onto injected IFE pellets. This...
Joe Kwan
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
Construction of the Neutralized Drift Compression eXperiment (NDCX-II), a new high-current, moderate-kinetic-energy accelerator facility at LBNL, is being completed in the spring of 2012. The machine will produce a nanosecond Li+ ion beam bunch at ~2 MeV energy for volumetric heating of thin foils. Extensive simulations using the Warp code led to a physics design with specialized...
Pierre-Alexandre Gourdain
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
The MagLIF concept proposes to reach fusion parameters by imploding a cylindrical liner onto fusion fuel on the 27 MA Z machine at Sandia National Laboratories. The concept relies on plasma preheating using a laser and magnetic confinement with an axial magnetic field. The success of this scheme depends upon the compression of the magnetic field by the plasma to limit electron losses to the...
Akifumi Iwamoto
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
To develop a Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment (FIREX) target, we have two strategies: a foam shell method and a cone guide heating technique for a Polystyrene (PS) shell. In this paper, the former method is focused. A target consists of a 500 micron foam shell with a ~20 micron foam layer, a gold cone guide and a glass fill tube. A Resorcinol/Formalin (RF) material is utilized to create...
Neil B. Alexander
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
IFE - Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
The ability to economically fabricate large quantities of targets is a key feasibility issue for inertial fusion energy. There exist numerous targets designs in support of various concepts for inertial fusion energy power plants. Common to all is the need to fabricate numerous targets to supply the plant. Most (but not all) plants also require targets to be injected rather than placed into a...
Herbert Berk
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
Investigating the relaxation of energetic particles (EP) with MHD modes is an area where ideal and kinetic theories need to be investigated to enable credible planning for future self-sustained burning plasmas. These theories need to be tested with predictions of present day experiments. Here we discuss two aspects to the relaxation. A. The effect of frequently observed long-range frequency...
Fulvio Zonca
(Associazione EURATOM-ENEA sulla Fusione)
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
Zonal flows and, more generally, zonal structures are known to play important self-regulatory roles in the dynamics of microscopic drift-wave type turbulences. Since Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmode (TAE) plays crucial roles in the Alfvén wave instabilities in burning fusion plasmas, it is, thus, important to understand and assess the possible roles of zonal flow/structures on the nonlinear dynamics...
Victor Marchenko
(Institute for Nuclear Research, Kyiv, Ukraine)
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
It is shown that gradual (more than a factor of two, in some cases - down to zero in the lab frame) reduction of the mode frequency (the so called frequency chirping) can be attributed to the reactive torque exerted on the plasma during the fishbone instability burst, which slows down the plasma rotation inside the q=1 surface and reduces the mode frequency in the lab frame, while frequency...
Yuri Petrov
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
The CQL3D Fokker-Planck equation solver is being upgraded to allow for the Finite-Orbit-Width (FOW) capabilities, which will provide an accurate description for a neoclassical transport, losses to the walls, and transfer of particles, momentum, and heat to the scrape-off layer. Two different options are discussed for implementing the FOW capabilities. In one option, the Fokker-Planck equation...
Gregorio Vlad
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Internal kink instabilities exhibiting fishbone like frequency chirp down have been observed in a variety of experiments where a high energy electron population was present. The relevance of the electron fishbones is primarily related to the fact that suprathermal electrons are characterized by relatively small orbit width, when compared with those of fast ions, similarly to the case of alpha...
Ricardo Farengo
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
The dynamics of alpha particles will be extremely important in ITER and future fusion reactors. Sawteeth can redistribute the alpha particles, thus modifying the power deposition profile and increasing alpha particle losses and wall loading. It is also hopped that they will help removing the helium ash. We study the effect of sawteeth on alpha particle confinement by following the trajectories...
Yves Peysson
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
The role played by electron density fluctuations near the plasma edge on rf current drive in tokamaks is assessed quantitatively. For this purpose, a general framework for incorporating density fluctuations in existing modelling tools has been developed. It is valid when rf power absorption takes place far from the fluctuating region of the plasma. The ray-tracing formalism is modified in...
Eric M. Bass
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Linear properties of a spectrum of Alfvén eigenmodes (AEs) have been investigated in a benchmark DIII-D shear-reversed discharge using the gyrokinetic code GYRO [1]. GYRO’s gyrokinetic global eigenvalue solver tracks a linearly interacting spectrum of two toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs) and a reverse-shear Alfvén eigenmode (RSAE), all at n=3, as they evolve over a short time slice of the...
Robert W. Harvey
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
This work reports on some differences between ICRF quasi-linear (QL) diffusion theory and diffusion coefficients obtained with an exact orbit calculation using the DC (Diffusion Coefficient) code. The calculations model NPA experimental results for an Ion Cyclotron Resonant Heating (ICRH) C-Mod minority heating experiment. The DC results indicate a shorter rampup time for NPA fluxes than...
Paul T. Bonoli
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Lower hybrid (LH) waves have the attractive property that they damp efficiently via Landau resonance at relatively low electron temperature on "tail electrons" at parallel phase speeds that are approximately 2.5 - 3.0 times the electron thermal speed. As a consequence they can be used to drive current in the outer half of tokamak plasmas in order to broaden the current profile and access and...
Victor Vdovin
(Russian Federation)
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Recent JET ICRF experiments in ITER-like new Be chamber [1] demonstrated strongly larger Tungsten content in plasma core compared with the NBI case thus evidencing remarkable waves interaction with a boundary plasma and wall. Also it was reported the remarkable Antennae loading resistance decrease for four Antennae A2 used when compared with previous datas for Carbon wall.
We have performed...
Atsushi Fukuyama
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
In order to self-consistently describe the behavior of burning plasmas in the presence of energetic particles, we have been developing a kinetic integrated tokamak modeling code TASK3G.This modeling is based on the behavior of the momentum distribution function of each particlespecies. The time evolution of the momentum distribution function is described by an advancedFokker-Planck component...
Maxime Lesur
(Republic of Korea)
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Coherent phase-space structures are an important feature of plasma turbulence. They can drive nonlinear instabilities, intermittency in drift-wave turbulence, and cause transport that departs from quasilinear predictions. Our theoretical and numerical efforts are directed toward a comprehensive understanding of turbulence, not merely as an ensemble of waves, but as a mixture of coupled waves...
TH/P6-16: Numerical Simulations of NBI-driven GAE modes in L-mode and H-mode Discharges in NSTX
Elena Belova
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Hybrid 3D code HYM has been used to investigate properties of beam ion driven GAE modes in NSTX. The HYM code is a nonlinear, global stability code in toroidal geometry, which includes fully kinetic ion description. Excitation of GAE modes have been studied for L-mode and H-mode NSTX discharges. Equilibrium profiles and plasma parameters have been chosen to match several of the NSTX discharge...
Andreas Bierwage
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Global nonlinear simulations of intermittent large-amplitude events (ALE) observed in neutral-beam-driven JT-60U plasmas are performed. For the first time, simulations of these relaxation events are performed with realistic flux surface geometry and bulk plasma pressure. Comparisons with earlier results obtained with a circular plasma model and zero bulk pressure are made. It is found that...
Donald Spong
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Reduced dimensionality models for energetic particle (EP) instabilities [1,2] provide good computational efficiency in simulation of EP-destabilized shear Alfvén modes through the use of Landau-fluid closure methods. This allows rapid testing of profiles and parameter variations and can facilitate understanding experimental results when not all quantities are precisely measured. The recent...
Yasushi TODO
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Linear properties and nonlinear evolution of energetic particle driven geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) have been investigated for the Large Helical Device (LHD) plasmas with a hybrid simulation code for energetic particles and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). Good agreement was found for the frequency and the spatial location of GAM between the experiment and the simulation. Frequency chirping up of...
Claudio Di Troia
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
The Fusion Advanced Studies Torus (FAST) has been proposed as a possible European ITER Satellite facility, aimed at preparing ITER operation scenarios and experimentally studying burning plasma physics issues in deuterium plasmas.
The external heatings in the extreme H-mode scenario of FAST are supplied by NNBI (Negative Neutral Beam Injection) and ICRH (Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating)....
Nong Xiang
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
PIC simulations have been conducted to study the nonlinear interactions of plasmas and radio frequency wave in the ion cyclotron frequency range. It is found that in the presence of the mode conversion from an electromagnetic wave into an electrostatic wave (ion Bernstein wave), the ions near the lower hybrid resonance can be heated by nonlinear Landau damping via the parametric decay. As a...
Pavel Minashin
(NRC "Kurchatov Institute")
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Potential importance of electron cyclotron (EC) wave emission in the local electron power balance in the steady-state regimes of ITER operation with high temperatures and in DEMO reactor suggested accurate calculations of the local net radiated power density, PEC(rho). When central electron temperature increases to ~30 keV the local EC power loss can become a substantial part of heating from...
Zhe Gao
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
The quasi-linear diffusion theory catches the most important process in plasma-wave interaction, that is, the resonance. Besides basic assumptions on small amplitude and sufficient phase mixing, the quasi-linear theory also requires the damping or growth should be small compared to the real frequency or the wavelength. In practice, the slowly-varying is considered but the space-variation of...
Aihui Zhao
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
In order to explain the density threshold problem in lower hybrid current drive (LHCD), the parametric instability (PI) of LH waves is considered especially in the scrape-off plasma layer. Many previous works are performed on this topic and some methods are proposed to diminish the PI thus enable the penetration of the coupled LH power in the core of high density plasmas. However, the...
Anton Moskvitin
(V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University)
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
One of the possible techniques to decrease neutron load on plasma facing components and superconducting coils in fusion reactor is to use fuel cycle based on D–3He as alternative to D–T [1]. Taking into account that the thermal reactivity of D–3He is much lower than that of D–T, the approach such as ICRF catalyzed fusion should be developed. The main idea of this technique is to modify reagent...
Abhay Ram
10/11/12, 2:00 PM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
The density fluctuations and blobs present in the edge region of magnetic fusion devices can scatter radio frequency (RF) waves through refraction, reflection, and diffraction. This paper is on two complementary theories that study the effect of fluctuations and blobs on the propagation of RF waves. The first study is on refractive scattering using geometric optics description of wave...