Disruptions & Post-Deadline Papers: EX/9 & PD
- Abhijit Sen (India)
Michael Lehnen
10/12/12, 10:45 AM
EXS - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Stability
Oral Presentation
Disruptions are a critical issue for ITER because of the high thermal and magnetic energies that are released on short time scales, which results in extreme forces and heat loads. This contribution reports on disruption properties with the new ITER-like wall (ILW) in JET. It is shown that the material of the plasma-facing components (PFC) has significant impact on the disruption loads. The...
Eric M. Hollmann
10/12/12, 11:05 AM
EXS - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Stability
Oral Presentation
High-current (multi-MA) runaway electron (RE) beams could form in ITER during disruptions or rapid shutdowns. To avoid localized wall damage, it is crucial to understand how these RE beams are lost and how they can be controlled and dissipated. DIII-D dedicated experiments on rapid shutdown REs have improved understanding of the processes involved in RE formation, control, dissipation, and...
Stefan Gerhardt
10/12/12, 11:25 AM
EXS - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Stability
Oral Presentation
Disruptions in next-step tokamak devices, whether at conventional or low aspect ratio, must be rare, predictable, and have minimal consequences for the plant. This paper addresses these issues using data the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX). The disruptivity increases rapidly for q*<2.5, but does not show a strong dependence on βN; more complicated physics such as kinetic...
Egemen Kolemen
10/12/12, 11:45 AM
PD - Post Deadline
Oral Presentation
Real time steerable electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) has been demonstrated to reduce the power requirements and time needed to remove 3/2 and 2/1 neoclassical tearing modes (NTM) in the DIII-D tokamak. In a world first demonstration of the techniques required in ITER, the island formation onset is detected automatically, gyrotrons are turned on, and the real-time steerable ECCD launcher...
Steven Allen
10/12/12, 12:05 PM
PD - Post Deadline
Oral Presentation
Recent DIII-D results using the snowflake divertor configuration [1] show significantly reduced (a) inter-ELM peak heat flux (Fig. 1) and (b) energy loss per edge localized mode (ELM) without pedestal pressure reduction (Fig. 2). This supports the snowflake configuration as a promising technique for divertor heat load mitigation in present and future high-power magnetic confinement devices.