Overview: Magentic Fusion: OV/2
- Yong Liu (China)
Osamu Kaneko
10/8/12, 2:00 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Presentation
Progress in parameter improvement as well as physical understanding of three-dimensional net-current free plasmas in LHD is overviewed.
Efficient ion heating by the upgraded low energy NBI and improvement in ion transport have led to the central ion temperature of 7 keV at the density of 1.5x10^19 m^-3. The pre-wall conditioning by ICRF is effective to achieve high ion temperature. The volume...
Ulrich Stroth
10/8/12, 2:25 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Presentation
The medium size divertor tokamak ASDEX Upgrade possesses flexible shaping capability and versatile heating and current drive systems. Recently the technical capabilities were extended by increasing the ECRH power and by installing 2x8 internal magnetic perturbation coils. Using these coils, reliable suppression of large type I ELMs could be demonstrated in a wide operational window, which...
Martin Greenwald
10/8/12, 2:50 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Presentation
Recent research on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak has focused on a broad range of scientific issues with particular emphasis on ITER needs and on detailed comparisons between experimental measurements and predictive models. It was possible for the first time to demonstrate quantitative, simultaneous agreement between nonlinear gyrokinetic calculations (GYRO) of impurity transport fluxes and...
Jong-Gu Kwak
(Republic of Korea)
10/8/12, 3:15 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Presentation
After the first H-mode discharge in 2010, the H-mode has been sustained longer and the operational regime of plasma parameters has been significantly extended. Due to the proper tuning of equilibrium configuration and plasma control, values of βN = 1.9 and Wtot = 340 kJ have been achieved with energy confinement time τE = 171 ms. Typical H-mode discharges were operated with the plasma current...
Baonian Wan
10/8/12, 3:40 PM
OV - Overviews
Overview Presentation
Significant experimental progress has been made since last IAEA FEC towards improved confinement and high plasma performance regimes under long pulse conditions. In particular, the following key results have been achieved with a combination of RF and LHCD under a very low recycling wall condition: 1MA plasma current, fully steady long pulse diverted plasma entirely driven by LHCD over 100 s,...