Transport and Turbulence: EX/7 & TH/6
- Carlos Hidalgo (Spain)
Stanley Kaye
10/11/12, 4:40 PM
EXC - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Confinement
Oral Presentation
Understanding the dependence of confinement on collisionality in tokamaks is important
for the design of next-step devices, which will operate at collisionalities at least one order of magnitude lower than in present generation. A wide range of collisionality has been obtained in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) by employing two different wall conditioning techniques one with...
Walter Guttenfelder
10/11/12, 5:00 PM
THC - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Confinement
Oral Presentation
Nonlinear simulations have progressed for multiple NSTX discharge scenarios to (i) validate with experimental turbulence and transport data, (ii) help differentiate unique instability mechanisms, and (iii) improve confidence in predictive modeling for future low aspect ratio fusion devices. First nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations of microtearing turbulence in a high-beta NSTX H-mode discharge...
Hogun Jhang
(Republic of Korea)
10/11/12, 5:20 PM
THC - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Confinement
Oral Presentation
We study the coupling of intrinsic rotation and toroidal momentum transport to the dynamics of internal transport barriers (ITB). In particular, we (1) elucidate the role of external torque in ITB formation and ion temperature de-stiffening, (2) analyze the interplay between intrinsic rotation and ITB dynamics, and (3) characterize the heat transport in steady state ITB plasmas. First, we find...
Evgeniy Gusakov
(Russian Federation)
10/11/12, 5:40 PM
THC - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Confinement
Oral Presentation
The complex interaction between large-scale mean flows, meso-scale zonal flows and fine-scale micro-turbulence excited due to specific profiles of plasma parameters and leading to anomalous transport is an important area of experimental and theoretical research in magnetically confined plasmas. Recent progress in massively parallelized simulations of the electron and ion gyrokinetic particle...
Frank Jenko
10/11/12, 6:00 PM
THC - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Confinement
Oral Presentation
One of the key challenges for plasma theory and simulation in view of ITER is to enhance the understanding and predictive capability concerning high-performance discharges. The goal of this contribution is to shed light on central open issues by means of physically comprehensive ab initio simulations with the global gyrokinetic code GENE (including electromagnetic effects, collisions, and real...
Kaijun Zhao
10/11/12, 6:20 PM
EXC - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Confinement
Oral Presentation
EX/7-2Ra: New Meso-scale Electric Fluctuations Interacting with Magnetic Islands and Turbulence in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A
New meso-scale electric fluctuations (MSEFs), having two components of n=0 and m/n=6/2 potential fluctuations, are first identified in the edge plasmas of a tokamak. The MSEFs coexist and interact with the magnetic fluctuations with two components of n=0 and m/n=6/2...