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19–22 Apr 2022
Vienna, Austria
Europe/Vienna timezone
FR22 starts in Vienna 19 - 22 April 2022 Online Stream:

New ASTRID SFR - Intermediate Heat Exchanger (IHX) and internal vessel interface system: qualification tests onto a scale 1 representative mock-up

20 Apr 2022, 12:04
Vienna, Austria

Vienna, Austria

ORAL Track 4. Fast Reactor Materials (Coolants, Structures) and Components 4.2 Structural, Novel, and Large Components Materials


Mr Antony WOAYE HUNE (Framatome)Mr Alejandro MOURGUES (Framatome)Mr Remi MORITZ (Framatome)Mr Alexandre Villedieu (Framatome)Mrs Marie-Sophie Cheneau (French Commission for Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy)
Country/Int. organization France

Primary author

Mr Antony WOAYE HUNE (Framatome)


Mr Alejandro MOURGUES (Framatome) Mr Remi MORITZ (Framatome) Mr Alexandre Villedieu (Framatome) Mrs Marie-Sophie Cheneau (French Commission for Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy)

Presentation materials

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