Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering has been realizing education and training of specialists for nuclear industry since establishing in 1950s. Educational programs are developed for nuclear power plants as well as for research and development institutions of Russian Federation and abroad. Due to close connections with scientific Institute of Physics and Power Engineering named A.I. Leipunsky and other organizations of the Rosatom State Corporation a lot of professors and researchers in Obninsk branch of MEPhI university have experience in operation and research in fast nuclear reactors such as BN-350, BN-600, BN-800 and others.
The paper describes experience in teaching, preserving and transferring knowledge in fast reactor technologies for more than 60 years. Nowadays the specific of fast reactors can be taught in separate sections of courses (for example, fast reactor physics as a part of general Nuclear Reactor Physics course), separate courses (like Liquid metal coolants) and finally in specially tailored master’s program like Physics and technologies of fast reactors. The different ways of preserving and transferring knowledge are considered such as inviting famous specialists as professors, joint publications, providing laboratory practice and practical training (including preparing graduation thesis) for students on the base of Rosatom’s companies. The modern distant learning technologies (video courses, online lectures, using VR and AR technologies, etc.) are discussed as well.
Country/Int. organization | Russian Federation |