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19–22 Apr 2022
Vienna, Austria
Europe/Vienna timezone
FR22 starts in Vienna 19 - 22 April 2022 Online Stream:

Selection, testing and development of qualification procedure for ALLEGRO gas-cooled fast reactor fuel

21 Apr 2022, 10:52
Vienna, Austria

Vienna, Austria

ORAL Track 3. Fuels, Fuel Cycles and Waste Management 3.2 Development of innovative fuels: design and properties irradiation


Mr Zoltán Hózer (Centre for Energy Research)


On the basis of detailed review, the fuel types were proposed for the new design of the ALLEGRO gas-cooled fast reactor. The first core will be built with MOX or UOX fuel in 15-15Ti stainless steel cladding. These fuel types have been widely used in different sodium-cooled fast reactors. The second core of ALLEGRO will use refractory fuel. The primary candidate is carbide fuel – (UPu)C or UC – in SiC cladding.
15-15Ti and SiCf/SiC type claddings were tested in high temperature helium atmosphere with different impurities in order to investigate the effect of high temperature treatment and impurities on the mechanical load bearing capabilities of these cladding materials. Ballooning tests were performed with 15-15Ti cladding tubes and it was shown that they can keep their integrity at high temperature. The failure pressure of samples tested at 960-1000 °C was above 18 MPa.
Qualification procedures have been proposed for the start-up and refractory ALLEGRO fuel. The technology readiness level approach was applied and the basic step of qualification procedure were identified. Using the currently available information the further needs were specified, which include experimental activities, design work, development of numerical models, technology developments, establishment of fuel fabrication capabilities, irradiation in research reactors and post-irradiation examination of fuel.

Country/Int. organization Hungary

Primary authors

Mr Zoltán Hózer (Centre for Energy Research) Mr Levente Illés (Centre for Energy Research) Daejong Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Mr Weon-Ju Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Mr Márton Király (Centre for Energy Research) Mr Tamás Novotny (Centre for Energy Research) Mrs Erzsébet Perez-Feró Mrs Anna Pintér-Csordás (Centre for Energy Research) Mr Marc Schyns (SCK∙CEN Belgian Nuclear Research Centre) Mrs Emese Slonszki (Centre for Energy Research) Mr Péter Szabó (Centre for Energy Research) Mr Rémi Delville (SCK∙CEN Belgian Nuclear Research Centre)

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