Good confinement of the fusion-born alpha particles is essential to ensure adequate burning plasma performance in next-step fusion devices. Among the processes determining this confinement, instabilities triggered by energetic particles (EPs) may play a major role, and are currently being studied in various tokamaks using auxiliary power sources to sustain EP populations. Instabilities...
Recent experiments in the DIII-D tokamak have shown that a broadened fast-ion pressure profile enables better control of Alfvén Eigenmodes (AEs), improves fast-ion confinement, and allows access to new regimes. New discharges reach 15% higher normalized plasma beta ($\beta_N$) than previously achieved in steady-state scenarios with negative central shear and $q_{min}>2$ at high field...
The transport of energetic particles induced by the toroidal Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) excited by multiple super-Alfvénic particles was for the first time in stellarator/helical devices studied using comprehensive neutron and energetic particle diagnostics in Large Helical Device (LHD). It was clearly shown that both super-Alfvénic hydrogen and deuterium beam ions are transported to the outer...
As the world fusion program forges into the burning plasma era, it is clear that the successful operation of
a burning plasma will require conditions that simultaneously balance the needs of the power exhaust
challenge with a high performance pedestal and minimal core impurity accumulation. The interconnected
nature of impurity transport demands a robust, integrated understanding of...
Shipping of ITER Vacuum Vessel (VV) Sector #6 was successfully carried out on 26 June 2020 at MIPO
port in Korea. Shipping completion means manufacturing completion of the 1st ITER VV Sector for the
last 10 years. The interim manufacturing progress was presented via several papers since 2010 [1~5].
Each step of the manufacturing process has been challenging as a First-of-a-Kind (FOAK)....